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21CW low-key diary

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We're back on track with BoBW!  TV back up to the high 70s which is where we need to be.

- The CSHS/Adam vs 3MA match was awesome!  A 75 for them was ace.  

- The only 'issue' is that CSHS have clearly won this feud now.  Theyve won in singles, doubles and trios.  i need to end it and find better things for them all to do.

- Tommy vs Mark M was good too with 77.  Two proper pros there.  Mark is so valuable, he just needs his momentum keeping up.

- Edward is obvs going to sack BW and Doomsday after their loss.  I really like him going back to basics and recruiting a new HoB.  A better one...

- Kathleen reinventing Boulder and FLynn in her own image excites me.  They are a good team.  She can make it all work.

- Landon's promo was 67.  And his match was a 61.  He's coming on.

- Seb's match only a 49.  OK it was over Kris K who is super raw.  But... 49?  Yuk.

- And the Hellbound promo only got a 61!  Ugh.  Disgusting.  Grave Digger can be  superstar, and we'll get there.  But there's a lot left to do.

Oh... who do you think WRATH is going to be?  Im really excited about him

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Incidentally I've got DJ Reason as my morale officer.  Which seems pretty obvious.  An actual DJ with a lively personality who happes to be a senior figure and company legend.

The only issue is that a lot of guys with Prickly/Loner/etc personalities get wound up by him doing his job.

Whatever.  Reason is great

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I think at World War I haventngot enough options for the UK vs Other I'd like to do.

Might still do that in 2023.

But this year we'll go for the classic Battle Royale.

Winner gets any match they want with any stipulation, against any opponent, any referee, location, etc...

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Best of British Wrestling - Week 2, February 2022


Seg 1:
Jeff Nova kicks off the show from the ring, hyping up the crowd before calling out 21CW World Champion Wade Orson.

The champion enters to a warm reception, shaking hands with fans and posing for pictures. Jeff and Wade discuss what it means to be a fighting champion, with Wade proudly declaring that he’s ready to defend his title against anyone, anytime.

Jeff then announces that tonight’s challenger will be none other than Apollo Prince.

Apollo makes a grand entrance, dressed in his usual flamboyant attire, and confidently takes the mic. He boasts that he’ll bring something new to the table that Wade has never seen before. The segment wraps up with Wade’s signature line, “Let’s have a proper scrap, shall we?” as the tension builds for their upcoming match.
Grade: 75


Seg 2:
Match: Conan Kruger vs. Michael X
The match begins with Michael X trying to outpace Conan Kruger, but it quickly becomes evident that Kruger is on another level. His combination of speed, strength, and technical prowess is unmatched, and the crowd is captivated by his performance.

Michael X puts up a valiant effort, showcasing his resilience and heart, but he’s ultimately outclassed. Kruger takes control with a series of powerful strikes and suplexes, leading to a jaw-dropping display of athleticism as he hits the Evolutioniser for the win.

Grade: 62


Seg 3:
The fans are in for a surprise as former 21CW star Kevin Jones makes a special appearance. Jones, who was a fan favorite during his time in the promotion, receives a warm welcome as he steps into the ring. He takes a moment to reminisce about his past achievements in 21CW, sharing stories of his glory days and thanking the fans for their continued support.

Just as the nostalgia sets in, the atmosphere changes dramatically—Bedlam’s chaotic theme music blares, and the unhinged wrestler storms the ring. Without warning, Bedlam attacks Jones, overpowering him with brutal force. The crowd watches in shock as Bedlam hoists Jones over his shoulder and carries him off, leaving everyone stunned and concerned for the former star’s safety.
Grade: 63


Seg 4:
Kathleen Lee makes her way to the ring, flanked by her newly rebranded clients, Beau Boulder and Darin Flynn, who are now decked out in stylish rock ‘n’ roll gear.

The trio exudes confidence as Kathleen grabs a mic and addresses the crowd. She boasts that her boys are on the rise and ready to take over 21CW. Kathleen peppers her promo with musical references, comparing Boulder and Flynn to rock legends who are about to hit the big time.

She announces that Boulder has a match tonight where he’ll prove that he’s a force to be reckoned with. The segment ends with Kathleen and her clients striking poses, the crowd’s anticipation building for the upcoming match.
Grade: 57


Seg 5:
Match: Beau Boulder vs. Forrest Charmer
The match kicks off with Beau Boulder immediately overpowering the young and inexperienced Forrest Charmer.

Despite Charmer’s best efforts, it’s clear that he’s not yet ready to compete at Boulder’s level. Boulder dominates the match, showcasing his strength and ruthlessness as he throws Charmer around the ring with ease.

The crowd watches as Boulder methodically dismantles his opponent, not giving Charmer any room to mount a comeback. After a few minutes of punishment, Boulder finishes the match with a devastating power move, pinning Charmer for the win. It’s a one-sided affair, but it solidifies Boulder’s place as a rising star under Kathleen Lee’s management.
Grade: 47


Seg 6:
Backstage in the luxurious House of Business boardroom, Edward Cornell sits at the head of a long, polished table. The room is filled with expensive furniture, charts displayed on a screen, and bottles of mineral water neatly arranged. Edward’s expression is cold and calculating as BW Eddie and Doomsday are summoned into the room.

Both men look nervous as they face their boss. Edward wastes no time in expressing his disappointment with their recent failures. His tone is sharp, filled with business jargon as he chastises them for not delivering the results expected of House of Business members.

Edward reminds them of the ultimatum he set last week: they had one last chance to prove their worth in tonight’s match. They lost, so they’re out—no second chances. The tension in the room is palpable as Edward dismisses them. 
Grade: 86


Seg 7:
The arena darkens, and an eerie mist fills the stage as Hellbound makes their entrance for an in-ring promo. The group is surrounded by an unsettling atmosphere, with dry ice swirling around their feet and ominous music playing in the background.

 Jonathan Faust steps forward, his voice low and menacing, as he talks about Tommy Cornell’s ongoing struggle with his inner rage. Faust and his cohorts tease that Tommy is on the brink of giving in to his darkest impulses, thanks to the embodiment of WRATH they’ve summoned.

They promise that tonight, they will continue to demonstrate their power as Faust and Ruin take on Grime and Punishment. The segment ends with a chilling warning that the worst is yet to come.
Grade: 56


Seg 8:
Match: Jonathan Faust & Ruin vs. Grime and Punishment
The match begins with a clash of styles—Ruin, raw and powerful, bulldozes his way through the competition, while Faust, though seasoned and slightly worn, uses his experience and cunning to outmanoeuvre his younger opponents.

Grime and Punishment, represented by MC Dangermouth and Edison Silva, show flashes of brilliance but lack the cohesion needed to take down the veteran duo.

The match features a creative finish, with Faust distracting the referee while Ruin uses his brute strength to neutralize his opponents. A key moment involves MC Dangermouth trying to throw dirt [that Grave Digger scattered on the ring] in Ruin’s face, only for it to backfire spectacularly. Faust capitalizes on the chaos, delivering a perfectly timed Devil’s Drop to seal the victory.
Grade: 56


Seg 9:
Backstage, Tommy Cornell is seen working out intensely with Sifu and Ricky Storm. The scene feels like an 80s montage, with Tommy lifting heavy weights, sparring, and pushing himself to the limit.

However, something is off—Tommy’s temper flares over a minor issue, causing him to flip out in a fit of rage. Sifu and Ricky exchange worried glances as they try to calm him down.

It’s clear that the embodiment of WRATH, teased earlier by Hellbound, is starting to take hold of Tommy, making him more unpredictable and dangerous.
Grade: 65


Seg 10:
The camera cuts to the backstage area, where Bedlam has Kevin Jones tied up in a dimly lit, grimy room. Bedlam, in full-on maniac mode, rants and raves incoherently, terrifying Jones with his wild eyes and erratic behavior.

Just when it seems like things couldn’t get any crazier, Roly Muckletruck bursts into the scene, ready to save the day. Roly’s sheer power is on display as he tosses Bedlam aside and frees Jones in an over-the-top, action-movie-style rescue. Bedlam is furious but outmatched, and Roly stands tall, showing off his incredible strength.
Grade: 80


Seg 11:
Match: Sebastian Koller vs. Luke Cool
The match is a solid display of athleticism, with Sebastian Koller showing why he’s one of the most promising talents in 21CW.

Luke Cool, the veteran, puts up a good fight and uses his experience to try and outsmart Koller. However, Koller’s youth, speed, and technique are too much for Cool to handle. After some back-and-forth action, Koller hits his signature move, the Hamburg Rock City, to secure the victory.

Grade: 67


Seg 12:
After his victory, Sebastian Koller grabs a mic and addresses the crowd in his thick German accent.

He calls out War Machine, stating that he’s ready to take on the monstrous champion for the 21CW UK Title. Koller’s challenge is met with an immediate response as War Machine’s music hits, and the intimidating champion appears on the stage.

The two men stare each other down, with War Machine exuding a menacing presence as Koller refuses to back down. The tension between them is palpable, setting the stage for a future clash.
Grade: 72


Seg 13:
Edward Cornell and Leigh Burton make their entrances, heading to the ring to cut a joint promo.

Edward, always the businessman, speaks first, explaining that he has streamlined the House of Business down to people he trusts can deliver both revenue and performance—namely, himself. However, he hints that he’s looking at a few new recruits to expand his empire.

Leigh Burton then takes the mic, his cold demeanour sending chills through the audience. He talks about his loss to Wade Orson at SCC, making it clear that he doesn’t consider it a real defeat since Wade never pinned him. Leigh announces that he’s cashing in his rematch clause for World War, and this time there wont be a soft ending.

Grade: 78


Segment 14:
Match: Edward Cornell & Leigh Burton vs. The Northern Lights
Edward Cornell and Leigh Burton take on The Northern Lights in a highly competitive match.

Edward and Leigh both showcase their signature moves, with Edward’s power and Leigh’s technical prowess on full display.

The Northern Lights demonstrate their excellent teamwork, executing several well-coordinated double-team manoeuvres.

However, Leigh ultimately secures the victory for his team, locking in a sleeper hold that forces the submission.
Grade: 79


Segment 15:
Apollo Prince makes a grand entrance, draped in extravagant, glamorous attire that dazzles the crowd with its intricate patterns and bright colors. The lights and music enhance his flamboyant persona as he confidently grabs a mic, promising to show Wade Orson something he’s never seen before.

Wade enters, engaging with fans by shaking hands, taking pictures, and even sipping someone’s beer.

As Wade steps into the ring, hidden glitter bombs explode, covering him in sparkly purple and gold glitter, leaving him visibly shocked and angry.
Grade: 79


Segment 16:
Match: Wade Orson vs. Apollo Prince for the 21CW World Title
Wade Orson defends his 21CW World Title against Apollo Prince in a match filled with action and drama.

The ring is shimmering with glitter as Wade brawls aggressively, while Apollo Prince proves he’s more than just a flashy performer, showing impressive skill and resilience.

The two exchange near-falls and big moves, but Wade ultimately connects with his Bounceback finisher, securing the victory and retaining his title.
Grade: 74


Segment 17:
After his hard-fought victory, Wade Orson takes a moment to celebrate in the ring, still covered in sparkly glitter.

With the 21CW World Title in hand, he strikes poses for the cheering crowd, making the most of the unique situation. The fans love the sight of their champion shining—literally—in the spotlight, as Wade enjoys the moment with a smile on his face.
Grade: 75


Overall show grade: 77


Edited by Boltinho
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Another good show.

Anything that doesn't lose me pop in the UK is a good show in my mind.

Match of the night was Leigh/Edward vs the northern lights.  [Just ahead of Wade vs Apollo in the glitterfest].

Angle of the night was Bedlam and Roly. Ever since I expressed dissatisfaction with Roly he's been tearing it up.

It was great to see Apollo do so well. I'm a big fan of his.  OK he needs more character and motivation than glitter to go much further, but that's great for where he is right now. He deserves a feud with someone I think.

The House of Business is down to just Edward now. I'll add the two new members either next week or the week after. Both are already on the roster and I think are great fits. That should revitalise a key stable.

If only we could revitalise the Hellbound!  I love them, and the storyline with Tommy. And because Grave Digger, Ruin and Blackheart are all NBTs or Hot Prospects for me, it makes sense to give them spotlight. But I'd like them to be doing better.  Oh well. It's early days.  And I'm convinced Grave Digger can become 21CWs Undertaker.

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Best of British Wrestling
Thursday, 17th February 2022


Segment 1: Jeff kicks off with major announcements.
The lights dim, and the crowd roars as 21CW owner Jeff Nova steps into the ring, mic in hand. With a smile, he welcomes everyone to another explosive night of Best of British Wrestling.

Jeff wastes no time hyping the blockbuster main event—Tommy Cornell and Adam Matravers teaming up to battle the unhinged Bedlam and the towering menace, Grave Digger. The anticipation is palpable.

He then shifts gears, revealing that Boulder and Flynn have earned their shot at the Tag Team Titles, facing The Demolishers at World War.

As the fans cheer, Jeff drops the bombshell: the World War battle royale is back, and the stakes have never been higher. The winner gets the Ultimate Ticket—a golden opportunity to book any match they desire, against any opponent, with any stipulation. Grade: 82


Segment 2: Edward Cornell’s House of Business trials.
The scene shifts to Edward Cornell, who stands in a lavishly decorated boardroom-like set, complete with sleek furniture and a digital screen displaying corporate charts.

With the swagger of a CEO, Edward announces that he’s holding trials to recruit new members to the House of Business—only those who can deliver both in the ring and in the revenue columns. His speech is dripping with business jargon, talking about “synergy” and “market penetration.”

He then unveils the first trial: Andrew Lee vs. Landon Mallory, declaring that the House only accepts winners.
Grade: 72


Segment 3: Andrew Lee vs. Landon Mallory.
As the bell rings, Landon Mallory and Andrew Lee collide in the center of the ring, each man desperate to prove his worth.

The match is a gritty brawl, with both competitors trading stiff shots and hard-hitting slams. Mallory, known for his unrelenting drive, eventually gains the upper hand, delivering his Springbok Ram finisher with a devastating impact that shakes the ring. The crowd gives a mixed reaction, sensing the raw potential despite the match’s rough edges.
Grade: 50


Segment 4: Landon Mallory joins the House of Business.
Edward Cornell struts down the ramp with a satisfied grin as Landon Mallory basks in the afterglow of his victory. Edward steps into the ring and gives Mallory a firm handshake, sealing the deal.

The crowd watches as Mallory, now a member of the prestigious House of Business, grabs the mic and drops his catchphrase with all the confidence in the world. The fans may not like it, but they can’t deny the momentum behind him.
Grade: 75


Segment 5: Aurelian Bradley vs. Phillip Cooper.
The lights dim as Aurelian Bradley makes his entrance, his new “Bon Viveur Badass” persona on full display. The young Frenchman oozes charisma, but his inexperience shows as he faces off against the cagey veteran, Phillip Cooper.

 Cooper, ever the opportunist, takes advantage of every misstep, finally stealing the win with a sneaky handful of tights.

Bradley protests to the ref, but Cooper’s smirk says it all—welcome to 21CW, kid.
Grade: 46


Segment 6: Emmett Askey and Gorilla Lee flaunt their wealth and power.
The air fills with the scent of cigar smoke as Emmett Askey, the obnoxiously wealthy manager, leads his client, Crusher Gorilla Lee, to the ring. Askey is decked out in a tailored suit, while Gorilla Lee, a mass of muscle, hair and menace, flexes his enormous biceps.

Askey grabs the mic and sings Gorilla Lee’s praises, calling him a “living, breathing wonder of the world.” Gorilla grins and gurns, basking in the attention as Askey promises that no one can stand up to his powerhouse.
Grade: 44


Segment 7: Gorilla Lee vs. Sebastien Koller.
The match begins, and it’s clear from the start that Sebastien Koller has his work cut out for him.

Gorilla Lee is a hulking beast, and every time he gets his hands on Koller, it looks like the German might get snapped in half. But Koller is smart—he uses his speed and technical prowess to stay one step ahead, dodging and weaving as Askey shouts instructions from ringside.

Despite Gorilla’s immense strength, Koller sees his moment, ducks a massive clothesline, and hits the Hamburg Rock City out of nowhere for the victory. The crowd erupts as Koller raises his arms in triumph, having overcome the odds.
Grade: 56


Segment 8: War Machine sends a message.
As Koller celebrates, his joy is short-lived. The menacing War Machine storms the ring, flanked by his manager, Cliff King, and his bruisers, The Demolishers.

Before Koller can react, War Machine lays him out with a brutal powerbomb, leaving him sprawled on the canvas.

Cliff King sneers as he stands over the fallen German, making it clear that War Machine isn’t planning on losing his UK Title without a fight. The Demolishers stand guard, daring anyone to interfere.
Grade: 65


Segment 9: The Demolishers vs. Ryan Goodluck and Union Jack.
The Demolishers, still riding high from their assault on Seb Koller, don’t waste any time as they face the young duo of Ryan Goodluck and Union Jack.

The match is a textbook display of brute force as The Demolishers dominate from start to finish. The crowd watches in awe as the champs effortlessly toss their opponents around the ring, finishing them off with a devastating double chokeslam that leaves no doubt as to why they hold the belts.
Grade: 45


Segment 10: Roly Muckletruck’s revenge.
Backstage, Roly Muckletruck begins to cut a promo, but before he can get far, Bedlam charges in, a blur of fists and fury.

However, Roly was ready—he pulls out a steel pipe and cracks it across Bedlam’s skull. Bedlam stumbles, dazed, but Roly isn’t done. He pummels the Welsh madman, delivering a savage beating that leaves Bedlam crumpled on the floor. The crowd gasps as Bedlam takes a massive stunt bump, proving that Roly is not a man to be trifled with.
Grade: 75


Segment 11: Daniel Black Francis returns to 21CW.
The arena lights flash as ska music blares, signalling the return of Daniel Black Francis. The crowd erupts in cheers as DBF, the beloved Brixtonian-Jamaican, dances his way to the ring, high-fiving fans and flashing that trademark grin.

Once in the ring, he grabs the mic and, in his thick South London accent, thanks the crowd for the warm welcome. He’s thrilled to be back in 21CW and promises to bring the fight to anyone who steps in his way.
Grade: 60


Segment 12: Daniel Black Francis vs. Yuri Iliakov.
DBF’s return match is no easy task—Yuri Iliakov is a powerhouse with a mean streak.

The two clash in a thrilling bout, with DBF using his speed and agility to counter Iliakov’s raw strength. The crowd is on the edge of their seats as the match swings back and forth.

Just when it seems like Iliakov might overpower him, DBF pulls out a crafty, creative finish, securing the win in his comeback match. The fans cheer as DBF celebrates, showing that he’s still got what it takes.
Grade: 65


Segment 13: Leigh Burton’s psychological attack on Wade Orson.
The screen flickers to life, showing Leigh Burton in a gritty Yorkshire pub, surrounded by a few rough-looking blokes.

With a smirk, Leigh starts digging into Wade Orson’s past, questioning his dedication. The men in the pub claim Wade used to skip training to drink with them, casting doubt on his commitment.

The scene shifts to a dilapidated playground, where Leigh finds Wade’s old coach. The coach, a grizzled man with a bitter edge, accuses Wade of using steroids to compensate for a lack of talent.

It’s clear Leigh is trying to rattle Wade, but the unconvincing testimonies, and one of the lads asking for his promised cash, hint at the desperation behind this smear campaign. Leigh ends the video by calling Wade a fraud and vowing to expose him as the soon-to-be ex-champion at World War.
Grade: 75


Segment 14: Antithesis promo.
The lights dim, and eerie music plays as Antithesis, the enigmatic anarchist, makes his way to the ring. Dressed in his usual dark, tattered attire, he cuts a chilling promo, speaking in cryptic riddles about tearing down the old order and embracing chaos. He talks of a new future where rules don’t exist, and only the strongest will survive. The crowd is captivated by his ominous presence, though not entirely sure what to make of his disturbing vision.
Grade: 65


Segment 15: Antithesis vs. Sifu
The arena is electric as Antithesis, the masked anarchist, and Sifu, the silent martial artist, square off in a match that promises to be a technical masterpiece.

Antithesis moves like a shadow, his high-flying manoeuvres keeping the crowd on their feet. But Sifu remains calm and focused, his every move a calculated strike. The two exchange a series of rapid counters, each showcasing their unique skill sets—Antithesis with his unorthodox, unpredictable style, and Sifu with his precise, disciplined martial arts techniques.

The crowd is hooked, witnessing a clash of styles that elevates the match to an art form. In the end, Sifu capitalizes on a slight misstep by Antithesis, delivering a perfectly timed Roaring Back Fist that echoes through the arena.

Antithesis crumples to the mat, and Sifu stands victorious, his hand raised as the crowd shows their appreciation for the technical brilliance on display.
Grade: 70


Segment 16: Three Man Army’s brutal backstage attack on Ricky Storm
Just as Sifu begins to celebrate his hard-fought victory, the arena lights dim, and the big screen flickers to life.

The crowd’s cheers turn to boos as footage plays of a brutal backstage assault. Ricky Storm, beloved by fans for his heart and determination, is being mercilessly beaten down by the Three Man Army—Beast Bantom, Mark Adonis, and Mass Hulk.

The camera captures every vicious stomp, punch, and kick as the trio decimates Storm in an unforgiving assault. Storm tries to fight back, but the numbers are too great. The attack is relentless, with Mass Hulk delivering a final, devastating powerbomb onto a metal crate.

The Three Man Army stands over Storm’s battered body, their message clear: no one is safe from their wrath.

Grade: 54


Segment 17: Entrances for the main event
The arena buzzes with anticipation as the main event approaches. First, Adam Matravers makes his entrance, his new trademark energy drink in hand. He takes a swig, flashing a confident grin as he makes his way to the ring, exuding the swagger of a man on top of his game.

The lights dim, and a chilling, ominous melody fills the arena as Grave Digger emerges. He moves slowly, methodically, his massive frame casting a shadow over the ramp. The crowd watches in awe as he performs his signature ritual, throwing handfuls of grave dirt into the air. The dust swirls around him like a ghostly cloud, accentuating his eerie, almost supernatural presence.

The tension escalates as Bedlam’s chaotic music hits, accompanied by strobe lights that flicker erratically. Bedlam stumbles out, a bandage wrapped around his head from the earlier pipe attack by Roly Muckletruck. Despite the injury, he’s as wild and unpredictable as ever, gibbering incoherently and lashing out at invisible foes as he staggers toward the ring.

Finally, the crowd erupts as Tommy Cornell’s music hits—“Rough Justice” is all business, his eyes locked on the ring. He knows how to work the crowd, and they respond in kind, roaring with approval as he makes his way down the ramp, exuding the confidence of a seasoned veteran ready for battle.
Grade: 68


Segment 18: Main Event - Adam Matravers & Tommy Cornell vs. Bedlam & Grave Digger
The crowd is on the edge of their seats as the bell rings, signalling the start of the main event.

Adam Matravers and Tommy Cornell team up against the chaotic duo of Bedlam and the towering Grave Digger.

From the get-go, the match is a showcase of contrasting styles. Adam impresses with a blend of technical prowess and high-flying manoeuvres, moving with the agility and precision of a seasoned athlete. Bedlam, in contrast, is a wild card—his unpredictable offense keeping Adam on his toes. On the other side, Tommy Cornell, ever the all-around star, takes on the monstrous Grave Digger. Digger’s sheer power is on full display as he executes his devastating power moves, each one shaking the ring and sending shockwaves through the arena.

Despite the formidable opposition, Tommy and Adam work well together, using quick tags and strategic teamwork to keep Bedlam and Digger off balance.

As the match progresses, the tension rises. Tommy finds himself in the clutches of Grave Digger, who hoists him up with ease. Ignoring the referee’s warnings, Digger viciously slams Tommy into the steel ring post, the impact echoing through the arena.

The ref warns him, but Grave Digger blatantly repeats the feat.  The ref has no choice but to call for the disqualification, awarding the match to Tommy and Adam. But Digger’s display of raw power leaves a lasting impression, showing he’s a force to be reckoned with despite the loss.
Grade: 78


Segment 19: Tommy Cornell’s Rage & Hellbound’s Dark Warning
As the dust settles and the bell rings out the disqualification, Tommy Cornell manages to free himself from Grave Digger’s iron grip. But instead of retreating, Tommy’s eyes burn with fury.

He lunges at Digger, fists flying with unrelenting rage. Each punch drives the giant back a step, the crowd roaring in support as Tommy channels his anger into a ferocious assault. Grave Digger, taken aback by the sudden onslaught, stumbles under the barrage of blows. But just as Tommy seems ready to drop the colossal man, the arena lights dim, and the haunting music of Hellbound fills the air.

Jonathan Faust, flanked by the sinister Blackheart and the menacing Ruin, appears at the top of the ramp, his presence casting a dark shadow over the ring.

Faust begins to speak, his voice dripping with malice. He taunts Tommy, claiming that the rage consuming him is exactly what Hellbound desires. Faust hints that at World War, Tommy will finally succumb to his wrath and face the embodiment of that very sin—Wrath himself.

Grade: 68


Overall Show Grade: 76



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You may have notice that show felt longer than normal.  I extended it from 2 to 2 and a half hours as I wanted to get some more talent onto TV.  I'm happy I did it. 

I've been able to feature most of my big names as well as ticking off most of the storylines each show, but there wasn't much space for anyone else.  With the extra 30 minutes I could give people like Emmett Askey + Gorilla Lee, and Antithesis a little bit of time.

I really like the idea that characters whoa re not being featured or pushed still get the chance to remind the crowd they've got unique and interesting characters.  I'm hoping to have some of those each show.


Match of the night:

The main event.

Adam and Tommy vs Bedlam was pretty safe.  But I was worried about having Grave Digger in there too.  he was the weak link in terms of in-ring work, but the 78 overall was perfectly OK.

One of my key aims of this save has become turning Grave Digger into the star he can be.


Honourable mention:

Antithesis vs Sifu managed a 70.  Impressive!

Sifu has a lot of potential and he's a really good worker.

I've got plans for him...



Angle of the night:

Jeff's intro.

He's such a stud.  And I'd say that even if he wasn't my boss.

The key bit of info was announcing the World War Battle Royale.  Which I want to build up into A Thing.


Honourable mentions:

Roly and Bedlam continue to produce.  A 75 this week.

Edward welcoming Landon Mallory into the House of Business also got a 75.  Great stuff for the South African.  I LOVE him in that stable.



Disappointing match:

Several options.  But The Demolishers only managed a 45 beating a couple of jobbers.

45!  I expect my tag champs to be able to do much better than that wrestling inflatable dummies.


Disappointing angle:

Three Man Army beating up Ricky was only a 54.  

I've been really disappointed by 3MA.  To the point that I might just disband the group.

Mark Adonis can talk all right.  But Mass Hulk holds him back, and Beast Bantom is not really meshing with either of them.


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A 76 is perfectly OK for me.

And we continue to grow [slowly] in all non-British Isles regions we're on TV in.

But naturally the broadcaster complained.  "Oh you only got a 76.  We expect a 77 or more!"  Whichever pencil-pushing nerd is checking BARB ratings and running our socials through a crappy engagement algo needs to be given 5 minutes in the ring with War Machine.

How about you wait until we get to the biggest show of the year in 2 weeks Mr Media Nerd?  And then we can talk.  

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Best of British Wrestling

Thursday, 24th February 2022

Segment 1: Jeff Kicks Off the Show
Jeff Nova opens the show with his usual charisma, standing in the middle of the ring. He calls out 21CW World Champion Wade Orson, and the crowd erupts.

Wade joins Jeff, visibly seething, as Jeff asks him about the upcoming World War rematch against Leigh Burton. Wade’s fury is evident as he rips into Leigh for paying off old friends to badmouth him.

Just then, Leigh appears on the apron, smugly reminding Wade that he never really beat him. Leigh raises the stakes, announcing their rematch will be a Submission Match—he wants to choke Wade out once and for all.

Grade: 81

Segment 2: The Russian Giant Arrives
Viktor Beskov makes his entrance, towering over the audience with his intimidating presence.

The massive Russian looks even more menacing as he proudly waves a Russian flag. Given the recent geopolitical tensions [Russia invaded Ukraine 2 days ago], Viktor’s arrival is as timely as it is controversial, and the audience's reaction is a mix of boos and shock.

Grade: 62

Match 1: Kelly Martin vs Viktor Beskov
Kelly Martin, a tag specialist, faces a formidable challenge in the form of Viktor Beskov.

The Russian brute dominates the match with sheer power, overwhelming Kelly with relentless brawling and powerful strikes.

Despite Kelly’s resilience, Viktor locks in the Red Devil and forces a submission victory, establishing himself as a dangerous contender.

Grade: 56

Segment 3: Seb Koller’s Interview
Backstage, Des Greeves catches up with Seb Koller. The German rocker cuts a passionate promo, vowing to bring the fight to the monstrous War Machine at World War.

With his thick German accent and plenty of rock ‘n’ roll references, Seb oozes confidence, promising that War Machine will feel the full force of Hamburg’s hardest hitter.

Grade: 49

Segment 4: House of Business Plans
In the sleek, corporate setting of the House of Business boardroom, Edward Cornell and Landon Mallory discuss their latest recruit.

They focus on Conan Kruger, a powerhouse with incredible potential. They speak in business jargon, assessing Conan’s "market value" and "brand potential," as they prepare to bring him into their fold.

Grade: 62

Match 2: Conan Kruger vs Lance Martin
Lance Martin, trying to fare better than his twin brother, faces the impressive Conan Kruger.

The match showcases Conan’s astonishing blend of speed and power. Lance puts up a valiant fight, but Conan’s ruthless streak and athleticism are too much. He finishes Lance off with the Evolutioniser, proving that he’s a force to be reckoned with.

Grade: 65

Segment 5: House of Business Welcomes Conan
Edward Cornell and Landon Mallory make their way to the ring, to join the newly victorious Conan Kruger.

They officially welcome Conan into the House of Business, solidifying the group as a serious threat in 21CW.

Grade: 65

Segment 6: Mark Misery’s Tongue-in-Cheek Promo
Vicki Company accompanies Mark Misery to the ring, and cuts a [tongue-in-cheek] promo.

Vicki wonders aloud why Mark isn’t more popular, clearly playing to the audience’s awareness that Mark is a dour, unexciting figure. The crowd starts to catch on, responding with a mix of boos and laughter. The segment blends humour with Mark’s bleak persona, setting the tone for his upcoming match.

Grade: 48

Match 3: Mark Misery vs Quill Pierce
Mark Misery steps into the ring against Quill Pierce, and it’s clear from the outset that Mark is the superior wrestler.

He methodically dominates the match, showcasing his technical prowess and experience. Mark ends it decisively with his Painkiller finisher—a devastating right hook followed by a pinfall.

Grade: 40

Segment 7: Roly Muckletruck’s Promo and Bedlam’s Asylum Challenge
Roly Muckletruck comes out to address the crowd, looking somber. He talks about how he heard Bedlam is in the hospital after Roly’s brutal pipe attack last week. Roly shows genuine remorse, despite Bedlam's relentless pursuit of him.

Suddenly, the screen flickers on, revealing Bedlam strapped into a straitjacket, ranting and raving from what appears to be a dingy asylum room.

Bedlam promises to be 100% fit for World War and challenges Roly to an Asylum Match!

Grade: 69

Segment 8: Jeff Hypes the World War Battle Royale
Jeff Nova returns to the ring, hyping up the World War Battle Royale. He announces that the ten-man match will feature staggered entries, and the only way to be eliminated is by being thrown over the top rope.

Jeff reiterates that the winner will claim the Ultimate Ticket, granting them any match, any stipulation, any opponent, any referee, at any time.

The crowd buzzes as Jeff lists some of the participants: Adam Matravers, Antithesis, Apollo Prince, Joe Simpson, Viktor Beskov, Yuri Iliakov, and more.

Grade: 90

Match 4: The Northern Lights vs Gorilla Lee & Evan Alpass
The Northern Lights take on Gorilla Lee and Evan Alpass in tag team action.

Gorilla Lee, accompanied by Emmett Askey, is a physical specimen, but at only 21, he lacks the experience of his opponents.

The Northern Lights demonstrate their superior teamwork and chemistry, gradually wearing down the youthful powerhouse. They seal the victory with a well-executed Lights Out, proving that experience often trumps raw power.

Grade: 62

Segment 9: The Northern Lights and DBF Challenge House of Business
After their win, The Northern Lights are joined in the ring by Daniel Black Francis.

They take shots at Edward Cornell and his “corporate nonsense”. They emphasize their belief in wrestling as a pure sport and the importance of having fun with friends.

DBF, with his infectious energy, proposes a 3 vs. 3 match at World War, challenging the House of Business to step up.

Grade: 65

Segment 10: Dangermouth vs. Leigh Burton—Verbal Duel
Dangermouth heads to the ring, hyping himself up with a bit of freestyle rapping, getting the crowd pumped for his match against Leigh Burton.

Leigh, never one to back down, interrupts with his mean-spirited routine, grabbing the mic and promising to choke Dangermouth out—just as he plans to do to Wade Orson at World War. The tension builds as the crowd anticipates the clash.

Grade: 70

Match 5: Dangermouth vs Leigh Burton
In a solid match, Dangermouth faces off against Leigh Burton.

Despite Dangermouth’s best efforts and impressive resilience, Leigh’s superior athleticism and skill shine through. Leigh methodically wears down his opponent before locking in a Sleeper Hold, living up to his earlier promise by choking out Dangermouth for the win.

Grade: 71

Segment 11: Tommy Cornell Calls Out Hellbound
Tommy Cornell storms to the ring with a mic in hand, venting his frustrations over his recent struggles with anger. He’s seething, barely containing his fury as he talks about wanting to rip Jonathan Faust and Hellbound apart.

The arena goes dark as Hellbound’s eerie music hits, dry ice filling the stage. Jonathan Faust appears with the hulking Ruin and the menacing Blackheart by his side.

Faust taunts Tommy, suggesting he’s ready to give in to his rage. He reveals that at World War, Tommy will face the embodiment of wrath itself… Angry Gilmore!

Grade: 75

Segment 12: Wade Orson Fires Back
21CW World Champion Wade Orson enters the arena to a hero’s welcome, high-fiving fans, posing for selfies, and handing out his T-shirt to a lucky kid in the front row.

Once in the ring, Wade grabs the mic and unloads on Leigh Burton. He reminds the crowd—and Leigh—that he’s already beaten him for the title and in a steel cage. Wade then accepts the submission match stipulation, vowing to beat Leigh once and for all at World War.

Grade: 85

Main Event: Wade Orson vs Smiling John Smithie
In the main event, Wade Orson takes on the dour Scottish youth, Smiling John Smithie.

The match is a technical showcase, with Smithie putting up an impressive fight against the champion. The bout is filled with reversals, grappling exchanges, and a wide variety of moves, including armbars, suplexes, and high-flying spots.

Despite Smithie’s efforts, Wade’s experience and skill prove too much. After 20 minutes of intense action, Wade secures the victory with a bounce-back finisher, capping off a hard-fought battle.

Grade: 77

Overall Show Rating: 77


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Really fun show that I loved putting together.  I've always struggled a bit with go-home shows, but this one felt mostly good.

Another 77 grade is fine for now.  My angles are starting to score better, and we're seeing slightly more 70+ matches through the card so we're definitely getting somewhere even if it isnt showing up in overall grades so far.

My Feb TV shows have graded:





So we're consistent at least!


Match of the night:

The main event of Wade vs Smiling John Smithie.  I wanted to see SJS in a serious match as hes a good pro, but lacks top-row stats or pop.  

A 77 was very encouraging.  Wade vs Leigh at Steel Cage Challenge for the title was only a 79.

Not sure if that's bad on Leigh or good on Smiling John.


Angle of the night:

Jeff talking about the World War Battle Royale.

A surprising 90 here.  Wow.


Disappointing match of the night:

Viktor vs Kelly Martin.  56

It's OK.  But I'd have liked low 60s at least.


Disappointing angle of the night:

Conan being welcomed into the House of Business by Edward and Landon.  65

I guess this is OK too.  But this is the way I want this stable setup, and Im hoping they can go onto great things.

The only way is up!



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So matches we've got lined up for World War:


Wade Orson (C) vs Leigh Burton for the 21CW World Title in a Submission match


World War Battle Royal

Adam Matravers, Antithesis, Apollo Prince, Joe Simpson, Michael X, Viktor Beskov, Yuri Iliakov [and three other dudes who are free on the night!]

Winner wins the 21CW Ultimate Ticket.


Roly Muckletruck vs Bedlam in an Asylum match


Tommy Cornell vs the embodiment of Wrath; Angry Gilmore [with Jonathan Faust and Hellbound]


War Machine (C) vs Sebastien Koller for the 21CW UK title


The Demolishers (C) vs Boulder+Flynn for the 21CW Tag Titles


The House of Business [Edward Cornell, Landon Mallory, Conan Kruger] vs The Northern Lights and Daniel Black Francis

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21CW Presents: World War

Date: Saturday, 26th February 2022



Opening Segment: Cliff King Hyping War Machine
The show kicks off with Cliff King striding to the ring, leading his unstoppable force of a client, the 21CW UK Champion, War Machine. The arena reverberates with anticipation as King grabs the mic, his voice dripping with confidence.

"Ladies and gentlemen, feast your eyes on the most dominant force in professional wrestling today—the man who puts the ‘war’ in War Machine!" King gestures to the monstrous figure beside him, as War Machine flexes his colossal arms, a menacing scowl etched on his face. "Sebastien Koller may be stepping into the ring tonight, but make no mistake—he’s stepping into a world of pain! War Machine doesn’t just win; he destroys! And tonight, this beast is going to show Koller what true dominance looks like!"

As King hypes up the crowd, War Machine silently stares down the camera, his intensity palpable. The crowd can feel the impending devastation about to unfold.

Grade: 65



Match 1: War Machine (c) vs. Sebastien Koller - 21CW UK Title Match
The match begins with War Machine charging at Koller like a freight train, immediately driving him into the corner with a barrage of powerful shoulder thrusts. Koller, despite being overpowered, refuses to back down. He slips out of War Machine’s grasp and fires back with a flurry of forearms, each strike landing with precision. But War Machine barely flinches, his body seemingly impervious to pain.

Koller attempts to build momentum, bouncing off the ropes and launching a missile dropkick at War Machine. The big man staggers but stays on his feet. Koller tries to capitalize, running the ropes again, but War Machine catches him mid-air with a devastating spinebuster that shakes the ring.

With Koller gasping for breath, War Machine drags him up and tosses him like a ragdoll with a massive overhead belly-to-belly suplex. The crowd winces as Koller crashes to the mat. Sensing the end, War Machine hoists Koller up for his signature move, the War Hammer—a brutal sit-out powerbomb. He slams Koller down with authority, and the referee counts the inevitable three.

As War Machine stands victorious, Cliff King joins him in the ring, raising the champion’s hand high, while Koller lays motionless on the canvas.

  • Winner: War Machine via pinfall
  • Grade: 63



Video Segment: Hellbound’s Ritual of Wrath
In a dark, moonlit forest, Hellbound gathers for a sinister ritual. Faust stands at the center, chanting incantations in an ancient, guttural language, his eyes glowing with malevolent intent. Surrounding him are Ruin, Grave Digger, Blackheart, and the newest addition, WRATH—better known to some as Angry Gilmore.

The camera pans to each member of Hellbound, capturing their menacing glares and unsettling presence. The atmosphere is thick with dread as Faust concludes his ritual. WRATH steps forward, his face twisted in a mask of pure fury.

"Tommy Cornell!" WRATH bellows, his voice echoing through the trees. "You think you can control your anger? You think you can contain the beast within? Tonight, you’ll face the embodiment of wrath itself, and I will unlock the true rage that lies dormant inside you! There’s no escape, Cornell. Only suffering awaits!"

The segment ends with the group raising their hands to the sky, as flames erupt around them, symbolizing the uncontrollable fury they intend to unleash.

Grade: 38



Segment: Tag Team Feud Hype Video and Promo
The screen lights up with a high-octane video package showcasing the intense rivalry between the reigning 21CW Tag Team Champions, The Demolishers, and their challengers, Boulder & Flynn. The video highlights the contrasting styles—the raw, brute strength of The Demolishers versus the smooth, athletic prowess of Boulder & Flynn. The package also emphasizes the involvement of their respective managers, Cliff King for The Demolishers and Kathleen Lee for Boulder & Flynn, both masterminds behind their teams’ strategies.

As the video ends, the arena erupts as both teams make their way to the ring. Cliff King is first on the mic, his voice dripping with arrogance. "Boulder, Flynn, you’re stepping into the ring with the most destructive force in tag team wrestling! My Demolishers are a wrecking ball, and tonight, they’re going to bulldoze their way through you!"

Kathleen Lee, never one to back down, grabs the mic. "Cliff, you can talk all you want, but tonight, my boys are going to outsmart, outmaneuver, and outclass your Demolishers. Boulder & Flynn aren’t just a tag team—they’re a well-oiled machine, and they’re taking those titles back where they belong!"

The tension in the ring is palpable as the teams face off, ready to go to war.

Grade: 59



Match 2: The Demolishers (c) vs. Boulder & Flynn - 21CW Tag Team Title Match
The bell rings, and the match kicks off with Boulder squaring off against Compton Valance. The size difference is evident, but Boulder uses his agility to dodge the heavy strikes and counter with sharp kicks to the legs. Valance roars in frustration, swinging wildly, but Boulder expertly evades, tagging in Flynn.

Flynn enters with a burst of energy, leaping over the ropes and hitting a springboard crossbody on Valance. The crowd pops as Flynn follows up with a series of dropkicks, sending the big man reeling. Sensing the tide turning, Langton Herring rushes in, but Boulder intercepts him with a powerful clothesline that sends him crashing to the mat.

The match turns into a chaotic brawl, with all four men trading blows. The Demolishers use their brute strength to regain control, isolating Flynn in their corner and punishing him with double-team moves. But Flynn refuses to stay down, fighting back with heart and determination. He finally manages to slip out of a double suplex attempt, rolling under the legs of Herring and tagging in Boulder.

Boulder storms the ring, taking out both Demolishers with a combination of clotheslines and shoulder blocks. With the crowd firmly behind them, Boulder & Flynn set up their finisher. Flynn climbs to the top rope with Valance in the centre of the ring. With perfect timing, Flynn launches himself into the air, delivering a breathtaking Swandive Headbutt that lands flush. The referee counts the three, and the arena erupts as Boulder & Flynn are crowned the new 21CW Tag Team Champions!

  • Winners: Boulder & Flynn via Swandive Headbutt
  • Grade: 59



Promo: House of Business
The House of Business—Edward Cornell, Landon Mallory, and Conan Kruger—makes a grand entrance, dressed to the nines in sharp suits adorned with sponsor logos. The trio exudes confidence as they step into the ring, clearly reveling in their newfound momentum.

Edward Cornell takes the mic, his voice smooth yet authoritative. "Ladies and gentlemen, what you see before you is the future of professional wrestling. The House of Business isn’t just a faction—we’re a brand. We’re a dynasty. And tonight, we’re going to show the world what true excellence looks like."

Landon Mallory steps forward, his athletic build radiating confidence. "You’re looking at the most dominant force in 21CW. Edward’s experience, my athleticism, and Conan’s sheer power—there’s no stopping us!"

Conan Kruger, the silent but deadly member, simply cracks his knuckles, his gaze never leaving the camera. The crowd knows that when Conan gets in the ring, it’s all business.

"Tonight," Edward concludes, "we’re sending a message. The House of Business is here to dominate, and there’s nothing—absolutely nothing—anyone can do to stop us."

Grade: 62



Match 3: House of Business vs. The Northern Lights & Daniel Black Francis
The match starts with Edward Cornell and Alton Vicious locking up in a classic collar-and-elbow tie-up. Edward quickly takes control, showcasing his technical prowess with a series of chain wrestling maneuvers, smoothly transitioning from a headlock to a wrist lock, then into a hammerlock. But Alton reverses the hold, flipping Edward to the mat with a textbook arm drag.

The pace quickens as Landon Mallory tags in, immediately showcasing his athleticism with a running dropkick that sends Alton crashing into his corner. Daniel Black Francis tags in, and the two men engage in a fast-paced exchange of counters and reversals, with DBF eventually gaining the upper hand with a high-angle dropkick that floors Landon.

Conan Kruger then enters the match, and the dynamic shifts dramatically. His sheer power is overwhelming as he tosses DBF around the ring like a ragdoll. Conan delivers a series of crushing power moves—spinebusters, powerslams, and a devastating big boot that nearly decapitates DBF.

Despite the beating, The Northern Lights rally together, using their exceptional teamwork to isolate Landon and wear him down with quick tags and double-team maneuvers. They nearly score a pinfall after hitting their signature double suplex, but Edward breaks up the count just in time.

The match reaches its climax as all six men brawl in the ring, with the referee struggling to maintain control. In the chaos, Edward Cornell sees his opportunity. As DBF sets up for a high-flying move, Edward cuts him off with a vicious enzuigiri. He then signals for the end, lifting DBF for the Black Lightning Bomb, a devastating sit-out powerbomb that drives DBF into the mat with authority. The referee counts the three, and The House of Business stands tall, their dominance unquestioned.

  • Winners: House of Business via Black Lightning Bomb
  • Grade: 75



Promo: Tommy Cornell’s Controlled Rage
Tommy Cornell’s entrance music blares through the arena as "Rough Justice" makes his way to the ring. The crowd gives him a mixed reaction, recognizing the legend but also sensing the barely controlled rage simmering beneath his stoic exterior. Tommy’s expression is a mask of intensity as he grabs a microphone.

"WRATH… Faust… you think you can control me? You think you can manipulate my anger and use it against me?" Tommy’s voice is low, almost a growl, as he paces the ring. "Let me tell you something—no one controls Tommy Cornell. I’ve built my career on channeling my rage, turning it into the fuel that drives me to be the best. But you… you think you can push me over the edge, make me lose control?"

Tommy pauses, his eyes narrowing as he looks directly into the camera. "Tonight, WRATH, you’re going to find out what happens when you poke the beast. I’m going to take every ounce of anger you’ve tried to stir up, and I’m going to shove it right back down your throat. You want a war? You’ve got one. But make no mistake—when the dust settles, Tommy Cornell will be the one standing tall."

The crowd is buzzing with anticipation, sensing the storm about to erupt.

Grade: 75



Match 4: Tommy Cornell vs. WRATH (Angry Gilmore)
As the bell rings, the tension in the air is palpable. Tommy Cornell and WRATH circle each other, their eyes locked in a fiery stare-down. WRATH is the first to strike, charging at Tommy with a series of wild punches. But Tommy’s years of experience shine through as he expertly dodges each blow, countering with stiff forearms that stagger WRATH.

The match is a back-and-forth battle of wills, with both men trying to assert dominance. WRATH, driven by his unleashed fury, tries to overpower Tommy with brute force, but Tommy counters with technical precision, using every hold and maneuver to wear WRATH down. At one point, WRATH traps Tommy in a vicious bear hug, squeezing the life out of him. The crowd watches in suspense as Tommy struggles, his face contorted in pain.

But Tommy refuses to be broken. He drives his elbows into WRATH’s head, finally breaking free. He then capitalizes with a snap DDT that plants WRATH head-first into the mat. Tommy quickly transitions into a submission hold, locking in the Crossface, wrenching back on WRATH’s neck. WRATH howls in pain but refuses to tap, eventually powering out of the hold with sheer determination.

The crowd is split, with some cheering for Tommy’s resilience and others rallying behind WRATH’s unrelenting rage. The match reaches its crescendo when WRATH attempts to hit his finisher, the Fury Driver, a deadly spinning powerbomb. But Tommy manages to slip out of WRATH’s grasp at the last moment, reversing the move into a surprise Rough Ride—his patented cutter. The crowd erupts as Tommy covers WRATH, securing the three-count and the victory.

Exhausted but victorious, Tommy stands tall in the ring, his chest heaving with exertion. He knows he’s won the battle, but the war with his own inner demons is far from over.

  • Winner: Tommy Cornell via Rough Ride
  • Grade: 56



Video Package: Bedlam vs. Roly Muckletruck Feud
A haunting video package plays, taking the audience through the chaotic history between Bedlam and Roly Muckletruck. The video is a montage of brutal encounters culminating in the announcement of their Asylum Match. The screen shows the two competitors arriving at a dilapidated, abandoned asylum—a setting straight out of a horror movie. The camera lingers on the eerie corridors, flickering lights, and rusted chains hanging from the ceiling, creating a sense of impending doom.

The match itself is a brutal spectacle, with both men using the environment to their advantage. Bedlam, despite nursing a real-life injury [he broke his toe in the match], fights with the ferocity of a cornered animal. He slams Muckletruck into walls, drags him through shattered glass, and bashes him with metal trays. Muckletruck, equally unhinged, responds in kind, trapping Bedlam in a straitjacket and delivering vicious strikes while he’s restrained.

At one point, Bedlam manages to free himself and retaliates by choking Muckletruck with a length of chain, the sickening crunch of metal against flesh echoing through the asylum. The match is filled with high-risk spots, including a moment where Muckletruck powerbombs Bedlam through a rusted metal table. The crowd cringes at the sight, but Bedlam refuses to stay down, rising like a man possessed.

The climax of the match comes when Bedlam, bloodied and battered, hoists Muckletruck onto his shoulders and delivers his finisher, the Bedlam Bomb, from the top of a pile of old medical equipment. The impact is thunderous, and Bedlam collapses onto Muckletruck for the three-count. The match is over, but both men are left lying in the wreckage, a testament to the brutality of their feud.

  • Winner: Bedlam via Bedlam Bomb
  • Grade: 66



Segment: Jeff Nova Hypes the World War Battle Royale
The crowd roars as Jeff Nova, the charismatic owner, steps into the ring. His energy is infectious, and the fans can’t wait for the main event.

"Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready for history?!" Nova’s voice booms through the arena, igniting a frenzy of cheers. "Tonight, we witness the first-ever 21CW World War Battle Royale! The stakes? The Ultimate Ticket—a golden opportunity to challenge anyone, any time, any place, with any stipulation! The power is in the hands of the victor!"

Nova continues, listing off the participants: "We’ve got Adam Matravers, the high-flying daredevil! Apollo Prince, the master extrovert! Antithesis, the amoral anarchist! Beast Bantom, the wildman! And so many more! Who will outlast, outsmart, and outfight the competition to claim the Ultimate Ticket? There’s only one way to find out—let the battle begin!"

The crowd is hyped, buzzing with excitement as they eagerly anticipate the chaotic, unpredictable nature of a battle royale.

Grade: 83



Match 5: World War Battle Royale
The World War Battle Royale gets underway. The action is fast and furious from the start, with every competitor looking to make an early impact as one enters every 2 minutes. Bodies fly over the top rope as the weaker contestants are quickly eliminated, leaving only the most determined and resilient in the ring.

Adam Matravers showcases his high-flying skills, leaping from the top rope to deliver a hurricanrana that sends one opponent crashing out of the ring. Apollo Prince, always the strategist, bides his time, using the chaos to his advantage as he avoids direct confrontations and focuses on eliminating opponents with sneaky tactics.

Beast Bantom lives up to his reputation as the wildcard, causing havoc with his unpredictable style. He sends one competitor tumbling over the top rope with a wild clothesline, then turns his attention to another with a headbutt that nearly knocks them out cold.

As the match progresses, the numbers dwindle, leaving the final four: Ricky Storm, Viktor Beskov, Adam Matravers, and Apollo Prince. The tension is at an all-time high as the four men face off, each sizing up the others, knowing that one mistake could cost them everything.

Viktor Beskov, the Russian powerhouse, goes on a rampage, hurling Matravers over the top rope with a thunderous belly-to-belly suplex. But as he turns around, Ricky Storm catches him with a superkick that sends him stumbling backward. Apollo Prince seizes the opportunity, lifting Beskov and dumping him over the top rope, eliminating the big man.

Now it’s down to Ricky Storm and Apollo Prince. The two men lock eyes, and the crowd is on the edge of their seats. Apollo tries to outmaneuver Ricky, using his technical prowess to gain the upper hand. But Ricky’s determination and resilience shine through as he blocks Apollo’s attempts and fights back with a flurry of strikes.

The final moments are nail-biting as Apollo tries to eliminate Ricky with a back body drop over the ropes. But Ricky holds on, skins the cat, and flips back into the ring. As Apollo turns around, Ricky nails him with a spinning heel kick that sends Apollo tumbling over the top rope. The crowd erupts as Ricky Storm stands victorious, the Ultimate Ticket firmly in his grasp.

  • Winner: Ricky Storm by eliminating Apollo Prince
  • Grade: 56



Segment: Ricky Storm Celebrates
The arena is electric as Ricky Storm stands in the ring, holding the Ultimate Ticket high above his head. The crowd is on their feet, chanting his name, as Jeff Nova joins him in the ring for the official presentation.

"Ricky Storm, you did it! You outlasted them all, and now you hold the Ultimate Ticket!" Nova proclaims, his excitement matching that of the fans.

Ricky, breathing heavily from the grueling match, takes the mic, a wide grin on his face. "This… this right here," he says, holding up the Ultimate Ticket, "is the key to my destiny! With this, I can challenge for any title, anytime, anywhere! And believe me, I’m going to make it count! Whoever the hell I go after when I cash this in—you better be ready! Because I'm coming for you.  A storm is coming!"

The crowd roars in approval as Ricky climbs the turnbuckle, raising the Ultimate Ticket high once again. The show ends with fireworks going off above the ring, signaling the dawn of a new era in 21CW.

Grade: 85



Segment: Wade Orson vs. Leigh Burton - Entrances and Promos
The tension is palpable as the stage is set for the 21CW World Title match. The first to make his entrance is Leigh Burton. The lights dim, and a haunting, ominous theme plays as Leigh strides down the aisle with a menacing glare. He sneers at the fans, yanking signs out of their hands, and even snatches a pair of sunglasses from a fan’s face, throwing them to the ground with disdain. Leigh exudes arrogance and anger as he approaches the ring, his presence commanding attention. He grabs a microphone and cuts a scathing promo.

"Wade Orson, you’ve been prancing around with my title for far too long," Leigh growls, his voice dripping with malice. "But tonight, I’m taking back what’s mine. I’m going to choke you out and leave you gasping for breath, just like you’ve left me gasping for a chance at my rightful spot at the top. This isn’t just a match, Orson—it’s a reckoning."

As Leigh finishes, the atmosphere in the arena shifts. The crowd’s mood lightens as Wade Orson’s entrance theme hits. Wade emerges with his usual swagger, wearing the 21CW World Title proudly around his waist. The fans erupt in cheers as Wade makes his way to the ring, stopping to take selfies with kids, high-fiving fans, and even handing out a few pieces of his merch. True to his persona, Wade takes a long, exaggerated gulp of beer from a fan’s cup before stepping into the ring.

Wade grabs the microphone, a confident smirk on his face. "Leigh, you’ve been talking a lot about taking back what’s yours. But the thing is, this title—it was never yours to begin with. And you crossed a line when you made this personal and went to trick my old friends in Yorkshire into badmouthing me. So tonight, I’m not just going to beat you—I’m going to embarrass you. I’m going to show everyone why Wade Orson is the true champion, and you? You’re just another guy who couldn’t cut it."

The crowd roars in approval as Wade tosses the mic aside, ready to get down to business.

Grade: 82



Match: Wade Orson (c) vs. Leigh Burton for the 21CW World Title - Submission Match
The bell rings, and the atmosphere inside the arena is electric. This is a match that fans have been eagerly anticipating, and neither competitor disappoints. Wade Orson and Leigh Burton lock up in the center of the ring, their bodies straining as they test each other’s strength and skill. Wade, with his extra height and mass, looks to overpower Leigh, while Leigh, with his mean streak, aims to lock in painful moves and holds.

The match is a masterclass in submission wrestling. Wade expertly transitions from hold to hold, attempting to wear Leigh down with a series of armbars, leglocks, and neck cranks. Leigh counters with his own brand of viciousness, targeting Wade’s limbs with painful joint manipulation and grinding submissions. The crowd is on the edge of their seats, roaring with every reversal and counter-reversal.

As the match progresses, both men become more desperate to secure the victory. Leigh manages to lock Wade in a devastating Dragon Sleeper, wrenching back on Wade’s neck in an attempt to force a submission. The crowd holds its breath as Wade struggles, his face turning red from the pressure. But Wade shows incredible resilience, twisting his body to reach the ropes and break the hold.

Leigh, frustrated, pulls Wade to the center of the ring and goes for another submission attempt—a brutal crossface. But Wade, with lightning-quick reflexes, rolls through the hold, reversing it into an ankle lock. Leigh writhes in pain, trying to reach the ropes himself. The crowd is deafening as Leigh inches closer, finally grabbing the bottom rope to force a break.

Both men are exhausted, but the end is near. Leigh, sensing an opening, charges at Wade with a running knee strike, but Wade ducks at the last second, causing Leigh to crash into the turnbuckle. Wade seizes the moment, grabbing Leigh from behind and locking in a Dragon Sleeper of his own. Leigh struggles, thrashing wildly, but Wade tightens his grip, wrenching back with all his might.

Leigh is fading fast, his movements becoming sluggish as the hold takes its toll. Just when it seems like Leigh is about to tap out, he summons one last burst of energy and rolls through, reversing the Dragon Sleeper into a Fujiwara armbar. The crowd is in a frenzy as Wade is now the one trapped, his arm twisted at a painful angle.

But Wade Orson is a champion for a reason. With sheer determination, he manages to roll Leigh onto his back, reversing the armbar into a pinning predicament. Leigh kicks out, but Wade transitions seamlessly into his finishing move—a modified Crossface that targets both the neck and shoulder. Leigh has nowhere to go, the pain evident on his face as Wade applies maximum pressure.

The crowd is chanting Wade’s name as Leigh, with no other option, taps out furiously. The referee calls for the bell, and the arena erupts in cheers as Wade Orson releases the hold, his hand raised in victory.

  • Winner: Wade Orson via submission
  • Grade: 82



Overall Show Grade: 79


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Well that was a bit of an epic wasn't it?

Three full hours of 21CW there.

One title changed hands, and plenty of feuds came to their natural end.

I'm pretty happy with the overall 79 grade.  Obviously the goal is to start scoring 80 and above, but I like that we're moving slowly and surely in the right direction.  Id much rather consistently score 77-79 right now than some 80s mixed with some 75s.

With two months gone, [I'm committing to a full year of this format!] we're at 79 pop in the UK, and growing slowly around the world, and a little faster in Europe.  

We made money again this month [quite a bit this time] and our workers are developing nicely.  I've got a good idea of who can put up good numbers for us, and the roster is getting towards where I want it to be [only a couple of momentum's that I'd like to improve].

All in all, Im having a blast.

But now we've got a slightly odd time.

A lot of storylines will be ending here [Roly/Bedlam, Wade/Leigh, 'Machine/Seb] and will be replaced with fairly simple feuds as we move towards our March PPV; Head to Head which is all 1v1 matches.

I'm going to put some shorter feuds in with some longer ones, but in April we've got the Cornell Cup, which certainly impacts planning.  Should be fun.

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A very basic summary of the top of the roster:


Major stars

Edward Cornell

Leigh Burton

Roly Muckletruck

Tommy Cornell

Wade Orson

Jeff Nova [non wrestler]

So Roly has forced his way up into this group, despite losing twice at PPVs.  Interesting...



Adam Matravers


Ricky Storm


War Machine

So Ricky and Sifu have pushed up to this point.

Ricky just won a major title for me and has the Money In The Bank Ultimate Ticket to use whenever he likes.  Is Sifu jealous or supportive?  How can you tell when he doesn't speak?  We'll find out.


Other risers

Apollo Prince

Conan Kruger

Landon Mallory

Boulder + Flynn

Viktor Beskov

Grave Digger

All these guys have shown me they've got talent and just need a bit more time and spotlight.

Arguably Dangermouth too and maybe even a few others.


Mark Misery.

Yeah he's a thing.

It's a challenge and he's on the booking team so I want to make it work.

Also I think I've got a pretty cool idea for his character. So watch this space...



Nah.  Just not really getting it done for the most part.  

I'm going to try and tighten this up and get Blackheart, Ruin and Digger in the ring with Tommy more often.


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Roly just won the title in my current save! And in my last 21CW diary he had a great year and improved loads. Would have probably won the title for me if I'd carried it on ;) 

Great show overall. I had Tommy do a couple of matches like the one you had with Gilmore, that just bombed. Mad that Wade and Smiling John can blow Tommy/Gilmore's rating out of the water!

Edited by The Lloyd
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10 hours ago, The Lloyd said:

Roly just won the title in my current save! And in my last 21CW diary he had a great year and improved loads. Would have probably won the title for me if I'd carried it on ;) 

Great show overall. I had Tommy do a couple of matches like the one you had with Gilmore, that just bombed. Mad that Wade and Smiling John can blow Tommy/Gilmore's rating out of the water!

Thanks very much sir!

Good to hear how strong Roly has been for you.  He's a really interesting worker and Im actually quite excited to see where he goes.  

I've been a bit frustrated with Tommy's match grades. But keep reminding myself that's not his job. The next phase of that story is to get him in the ring with Grave Digger, Blackheart and Ruin more I think.  


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8 hours ago, Boltinho said:

Thanks very much sir!

Good to hear how strong Roly has been for you.  He's a really interesting worker and Im actually quite excited to see where he goes.  

I've been a bit frustrated with Tommy's match grades. But keep reminding myself that's not his job. The next phase of that story is to get him in the ring with Grave Digger, Blackheart and Ruin more I think.  


I did a House of Business / Hellbound merger - kind of like the Corporate Ministry. My next big feud was set to be Grave Digger versus Edward Cornell, so I'm here for a Tommy vs Digger match or story!! Always enjoy seeing your work.

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Best of British Wrestling
Week 1 - March 2022

Segment 1: Jeff Nova and Wade Orson's Interview Interrupted

The show kicks off with the ever-charismatic Jeff Nova standing in the ring, microphone in hand, as he welcomes the 21CW World Champion, Wade Orson. The crowd erupts in cheers as Wade makes his way to the ring, proudly displaying the championship belt around his waist. Once in the ring, Jeff congratulates Wade on his recent victory over Leigh Burton, noting how he finally put his long-time rival in his place.

Wade, ever the fan-favorite, soaks in the adulation before speaking. "It’s been a long road, Jeff. But finally, Leigh Burton is where he belongs—behind me! I’m proud to stand here, representing the UK as the 21CW World Champion. This title isn’t just a belt; it’s a symbol of everything I’ve fought for, and everything we’ve all fought for. This is for every single one of you!"

Before Wade can continue, the arena's atmosphere darkens as a menacing new theme blares through the speakers. The massive figure of Viktor Beskov emerges, draped in the Russian flag, his eyes cold and calculating. The timing of Viktor's debut is no coincidence, with global tensions at a high, and the UK fans immediately rain down boos upon him.

Viktor steps into the ring, towering over Jeff and Wade, and raises the microphone to his lips, speaking in deliberately broken English. "Wade Orson... you call yourself champion, but you are weak. This UK... weak. No true warriors here. Russia... strong! Russia will dominate in all arenas, and I will take that title from you. You are not a champion; you are... nothing."

The crowd is in an uproar, but Wade, ever the fighter, doesn’t back down. He steps forward, getting right in Viktor's face. "You think you can walk in here and disrespect me, disrespect this title, disrespect my country? You’ve got another thing coming. You want a fight? You’ve got it. But I promise you this: by the end of it, you’ll wish you never set foot in the UK."

Before things can escalate, Jeff Nova interjects, trying to keep the peace. "Alright, gentlemen, save it for the ring! Viktor, you want to prove you’re worthy of a shot at Wade? Let’s see how you do tonight... against someone who knows how to win big in 21CW—Daniel Black Francis!"

Grade: 90



Match 1: Viktor Beskov vs. Daniel Black Francis

The bell rings, and Viktor wastes no time in showcasing his brutal style. He immediately goes on the offensive, using his overwhelming power and size to batter Daniel Black Francis. DBF, a seasoned brawler in his own right, tries to fight back, but Viktor's raw strength is too much.

DBF attempts a flurry of strikes, but Viktor shrugs them off, catching him with a thunderous spinebuster that shakes the ring. The crowd winces as Viktor methodically picks apart his opponent, clearly enjoying the punishment he's dishing out. Finally, Viktor locks in the Red Devil Lock, a devastating submission hold that has DBF screaming in agony. With no escape in sight, DBF is forced to tap out.

Viktor keeps the hold locked in for a few extra seconds, relishing the pain he’s causing, before finally releasing DBF and standing tall in the ring. The crowd may hate him, but they can’t deny his dominance.

Winner: Viktor Beskov via submission
Grade: 67



Segment 2: Tommy Cornell Confronts Hellbound's Greed

Back in the ring, the legendary Tommy Cornell addresses the crowd. He’s been through hell with Hellbound, both physically and mentally, and tonight he looks like a man who’s been pushed to his limits. "Hellbound… you’ve thrown everything at me, and I’m still standing. But I know... I know there’s more to come. I know Faust isn’t done with me yet."

Before Tommy can continue, Hellbound's eerie music fills the arena. The lights dim, and Faust appears on the stage, flanked by the monstrous Ruin. Faust raises his arms, and the crowd falls silent as he begins to speak. "Tommy… your trials are far from over. Tonight, you face the embodiment of Greed—Ruin! He wants it all, Tommy. Fame, money, titles, women… everything you hold dear. He will take it all from you, just like he’ll take the fight from you tonight."

Ruin steps forward, his eyes locked on Tommy, who stands resolute despite the overwhelming odds. The veteran looks weary, but determined. "Ruin, you want what’s mine? You’ll have to pry it from my cold, dead hands."

Grade: 85



Match 2: Absolutely Flawless vs. The Men of Steel

The next match sees Absolutely Flawless (Lance Martin & Kelly Martin) taking on The Men of Steel (Mark Adonis & Mass Hulk). It’s a decent contest with both teams showcasing their signature moves. Absolutely Flawless, known for their high-flying and technical prowess, start off strong, isolating Mark Adonis and working him over with quick tags and double-team maneuvers.

However, The Men of Steel’s power game soon comes into play, with Mass Hulk using his size and strength to turn the tide. The match goes back and forth, but after about ten minutes, it descends into chaos as the newly-dethroned tag champs, The Demolishers, storm the ring! Compton Valence and Langford Herring, flanked by their manager Cliff King, lay waste to both teams, causing the referee to call for the bell.

The Demolishers, seething with anger over losing their titles, unleash a furious assault, clotheslining everyone in sight. The ring is a warzone, and the referee has no choice but to declare the match a no contest.

Grade: 58



Segment 3: The Demolishers Send a Message

As the brawl continues, Cliff King grabs a microphone, standing amidst the chaos. "You think you can take what’s ours and get away with it?! My clients were cheated out of their titles, and we want them back! This... is far from over!"

The Demolishers stand tall in the ring, their eyes burning with fury as they stare down the wreckage they’ve caused. The message is clear: they’re coming for their titles, and nothing will stand in their way.

Grade: 64



Segment 4: The Underdogs Rally Before Joe's Match

Next up, The Underdogs (Joe Simpson and Michael X) take the stage for a heartfelt promo. Joe, holding the mic, speaks with passion. "All our lives, people have been telling us we’re not good enough. That we’re not big enough, not strong enough. But what they don’t see is the heart, the fight, the will to prove everyone wrong."

Michael X chimes in, "We may be the underdogs, but we’ve got something they don’t—guts. And tonight, Joe’s gonna show everyone what we’re made of!"

Grade: 56



Match 3: Joe Simpson vs. Doomsday

The match begins with Doomsday, the hulking Scot, making his return to 21CW after being ousted from the House of Business. He’s back to his old ways, with his face painted in the ragged St. Andrew’s cross. Joe Simpson, the underdog, uses his speed and agility to stay one step ahead of the lumbering Doomsday, but it’s clear that Doomsday is out to make a statement.

The chemistry between the two is evident as Joe ducks and weaves, avoiding Doomsday’s powerful strikes and countering with quick hits of his own. The crowd gets behind Joe as he tells a classic underdog story, using every trick in the book to chop down the giant.

In the end, it’s Joe’s heart that wins out. He manages to avoid a massive lariat from Doomsday, rebounds off the ropes, and catches him with a Slingshot Sunset Flip for the pinfall victory!

Winner: Joe Simpson via pinfall
Grade: 52



Segment 5: Bedlam's Unhinged Warning

A video plays, showing Bedlam in a decrepit, creepy asylum, the setting fitting his unhinged persona perfectly. He paces around the dark, damp hallways, a twisted smile on his face as he speaks to the camera.

"Roly Muckletruck thought he could break me. He thought he could prove himself the better man. But look at him now... broken, battered, and beaten. I’m not just a man, I’m a force of nature, and now… I’m coming for someone bigger. Someone who’s achieved more than most can dream of in 21CW. But none of them have seen anything like me."

The video ends with Bedlam laughing maniacally, leaving the viewers with a sense of dread about who his next target could be.

Grade: 74



The arena buzzes with anticipation as Ricky Storm and his mentor, the enigmatic Sifu, make their way to the ring. Ricky holds aloft his golden Ultimate Ticket, a prize he won in the brutal World War match. The ticket, encased in a small, ornate frame reminiscent of a Willy Wonka golden ticket, symbolizes a shot at greatness.

Ricky’s voice resonates with passion as he talks about the years of dedication and relentless training that have brought him to the brink of the pinnacle in 21CW. Now, with the Ultimate Ticket in hand, he's got his sights set on another major title.

Before Ricky can declare his target, the ominous theme of the House of Business hits. Edward Cornell, accompanied by the towering Landon Mallory and the menacing Conan Kruger, struts out with confidence. Edward, always the businessman, dismisses Ricky’s achievements as nothing more than beginner’s luck. He sneers, "You're not even in the game, Storm, until you've held world titles, made millions, and built an empire around your name."

Ricky, fired up by Edward's arrogance, challenges him on the spot. The two trade verbal blows, escalating the tension until they agree to settle it in the ring—tonight.

Grade: 72



Match: Mark Misery vs. Rhys Pendragon

The dour and brooding Mark Misery steps into the ring, his usual scowl firmly in place. But something’s different tonight—there’s a hint of resolve in his demeanor as he refuses to take shortcuts, despite having opportunities to cheat. Even Vicki Company, usually as devious as they come, stays by the book.

In the end, Misery’s raw talent shines through as he finishes Rhys with a devastating Painkiller—a brutal right hook that leaves no doubt about his skill.

Grade: 47



After the match, Vicki grabs a mic. With a sly smile, she announces that Mark Misery knows he’ll never get the respect he deserves in 21CW, no matter how good he is. So, they're rebranding him. Gone is the dark and brooding persona—Mark Misery is no more.

From now on, the world will know him as Mark Sunshine. Misery forces a big, cheesy smile, embracing his new identity as a classic good guy.  it sits weird on his face.  But the smarks in the crowd [who know exactly how good Misery is, even if he lacks charisma] enjoy the bit.

Grade: 43



In-Ring Segment: Tommy Cornell and Ruin

Tommy Cornell—a man who has faced it all in the squared circle—hits the ring again, but this time there’s a weariness in his eyes. He addresses the unrelenting assault from Hellbound, acknowledging that the monstrous Ruin might just want it more than the veteran who has already conquered the wrestling world.

As the lights dim, Ruin’s eerie and spine-chilling entrance fills the arena. The two men lock eyes, and the tension is palpable. Ruin is here to claim another piece of Cornell’s soul.

Grade: 72



Match 2: Tommy Cornell vs. Greed (Ruin)

The clash between Tommy Cornell and Ruin is as intense as it is personal. Tommy’s experience and technical prowess shine as he counters Ruin’s raw power and freakish athleticism. The veteran digs deep into his bag of tricks, showcasing why he’s still one of the best in the business.

Despite Ruin’s best efforts, Tommy’s experience prevails as he plants Ruin with the Guilt Trip. Tommy Cornell has overcome the embodiment of Greed.

Grade: 66



After the match, Tommy grabs the mic once more. He acknowledges the brutal gauntlet he’s been forced to endure, and for the first time, admits that he might be reaching his limit.

Next week, Tommy vows to stay out of the ring—but the question lingers: is Tommy Cornell finally facing an opponent he can’t conquer? And where are Jonathan Faust and Grave Digger tonight?

Grade: 76




The crowd erupts as Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu make their grand entrance, donning their martial arts training gear with an air of mystique.

In stark contrast, the House of Business arrives in style, their fancy suit jackets adorned with sponsor badges and prominent logos—a symbol of their corporate dominance.

Grade: 70



Main Event: Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu vs. The House of Business

The match is a masterpiece of contrasting styles. Ricky Storm is a whirlwind of fists and fury, while Sifu’s fluid martial arts precision complements his partner perfectly. On the other side, Edward Cornell’s underappreciated technical ability pairs with the incredible athleticism of Landon Mallory, who impresses in his first-ever 21CW main event.

The match builds to a dramatic crescendo, with both teams pulling out all the stops. Just when it seems like Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu might pull off the victory, the House of Business turns the tide.

In a brilliantly creative finish, Edward Cornell capitalizes on the chaos, delivering a devastating Black Lightning Bomb to Sifu for the win.

Grade: 81



Overall Show Grade: 79

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Im really happy with that show!

I was a bit worried about not having enough hot storylines with the rollover after World War, so i went quite hard on a couple of them.

Still - that 81 for the Main Event was the best match so far [because of course a random tag match with one Major Star and a midcarder outscores a red hot feud for the title in a blow-off Submission match at our biggest PPV of the year].  So that was cool.

And of course Tommy Cornell vs Ruin grades far better than Tommy Cornell vs Angry Gilmore.  Even though SWF are huge in the UK.

I really enjoyed the Mark Misery/Sunshine bit.  I think the smart marks would get that and lean into it a bit.  Now Mark Sunshine just needs a good feud or two.  I will make it work with him!

Viktor did well too as we kick off his feud with Wade.  The opening angle [90!] showed that he can at least hang with the big stars outside the ring.  And a 67 match vs DBF was perfectly fine.

If he and Wade do well in the ring I might extend the feud, but right now it's just a one-month one.  I think with where we are, Wade doing good numbers and us solidifying, moving from ~77 grades to ~80 grades is still the goal.  And having Wade fight all comers helps us do that.  

Although obviously not as much as random tag matches.

Random thought on that: given tag matches seem to just do better than Big singles matches [presumably because of bonuses or something] I wonder if I could evolve 21CW so that the tag belts and teams are the real Major Stars, and singles are seen as secondary?  Interesting thought.


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Best of British Wrestling: March 10th, 2022

Opening Segment:

The lights flash as the familiar bagpipes hit, and Jeff, the ever-enthusiastic Scottish GM of 21CW, makes his way to the ring. His thick Scottish brogue fills the arena as he welcomes the crowd with his usual fiery passion. “Och aye, lads and lassies, welcome to the best bloody wrestling show in the UK! Tonight, we’ve got a line-up that’ll knock yer socks off!” His natural charisma shines through, making every word feel like a promise.

But before he can dive into tonight’s action, the unmistakable beat of Ricky Storm’s entrance music interrupts. Ricky, wearing his trademark leather jacket with “Storm’s Coming” emblazoned on the back, storms down the ramp with a determined look on his face. Sifu, his enigmatic and silent partner, follows closely behind, moving with the grace of a seasoned warrior.

Ricky grabs the mic, his voice laced with frustration and determination. “Jeff, we got screwed last week! Edward Cornell and that muscle-headed oaf, Conan Kruger, stuck their noses where they don’t belong. But don’t you worry, we’re not done yet. I’ve got this…” Ricky holds up the Golden Ticket, a small frame gleaming like a beacon of opportunity. “I’m not cashing it in just yet, but when I do, it’ll be on my terms.”

Sifu stands silently beside him, his presence almost otherworldly. Though he says nothing, his intense gaze and subtle gestures speak volumes—this is a man who communicates through action, not words.

Just as Ricky’s declaration hangs in the air, the smooth, arrogant voice of Cliff King cuts through the tension. Cliff and his client, the monstrous War Machine, make their way to the ring. War Machine, holding his UK belt like a trophy, towers over everyone, his presence alone enough to send a shiver down the spine. Cliff’s mouth moves a mile a minute, dripping with condescension. “Oh, Ricky, Ricky, Ricky… still crying about last week, are we? You and your mute buddy here can whine all you want, but the Kingsmen are the future of 21CW. You’re looking at the most dominant force in British wrestling—War Machine!”

War Machine doesn’t need to say anything—his cold, calculating stare says it all. He’s here to destroy, to conquer, and nothing less will satisfy him.

Jeff, ever the peacemaker but also loving the drama, steps between them. “Alright, enough of the jawin’. Tonight, it’s gonna be Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu versus the Kingsmen—War Machine and Langton Herring! Let’s see if you can back up all that talk in the ring!”

Grade: 73

Introducing: The Flames

With the tension still thick in the air, Jeff regains his composure and pivots to a more upbeat announcement. “Now, before we get into the heavy-hitters, I’ve got a treat for ye! A brand-new tag team is here to set the ring on fire—literally! Ladies and gents, I give ye… The Flames!”

The arena lights dim as a fiery theme blares through the speakers. Welsh Dragon, a flyer with a fiery temper and even hotter moves, makes his entrance first, whipping the crowd into a frenzy. He’s followed by the dynamic, masked newcomer, Amazing Firefly—a Mexican superstar whose mask, covered in rippling flames, dazzles under the arena lights. Firefly exudes a mix of mystery and athleticism, every movement precise and calculated, promising a thrilling spectacle.

Jeff, clearly enjoying the energy, continues hyping them up. “The Flames are here to bring the heat, folks! You’ve never seen speed and agility like this—these lads are somethin’ else!”

But their opponents, The Red Devils, are no slouches. The massive, stoic Viktor Beskov and the equally imposing Yuri Iliakov march down the ramp with military precision. Their red-and-gold gear gleams under the lights, and their expressions are as cold as the Siberian winter. They stand as symbols of Russian power, and they’re here to crush any opposition.

Grade: 48

Match 1: The Flames vs. The Red Devils

The bell rings, and the action explodes! The Flames start the match with a flurry of high-flying maneuvers and rapid tags. Welsh Dragon uses his veteran savvy to orchestrate a series of dazzling double-team moves, while Amazing Firefly soars through the air with jaw-dropping flips and dives, his mask a blur of flames.

The crowd, still getting to know this new team, watches in awe as The Flames try to overcome the sheer power of The Red Devils. But Viktor Beskov is in a league of his own—his every move is methodical, powerful, and devastating. He counters Firefly’s aerial assault with a brutal spinebuster that shakes the ring.

Yuri Iliakov tags in, and the Devils begin their systematic dismantling of The Flames. They isolate Firefly, cutting the ring in half, and use their size advantage to wear him down. Despite a valiant effort and some close near-falls, Firefly finds himself trapped in Beskov’s Red Devil Lock—a submission hold that looks as painful as it sounds. The crowd watches in tense silence as Firefly taps out, giving the Red Devils the victory.

Grade: 63

Viktor Beskov doesn’t just take the win—he makes a statement. He stands tall, glaring at the crowd, before grabbing a mic. In his thick, broken English, he declares, “Russian strength is unmatched. No one can defeat us. Wade Orson, I want you at Head to Head. You will fall like the rest.”

The crowd, a mix of boos and awe, watches as The Red Devils exit, their message loud and clear.

Grade: 67

Backstage Segment: Kathleen Lee and the Tag Champs

The scene shifts backstage, where Kathleen Lee—the rock ‘n’ roll manager with attitude—stands with her clients, the newly crowned tag champs Boulder & Flynn. Kathleen, dressed in her usual leather jacket adorned with band patches, leans casually against a wall, but her eyes are all business.

“I’ve had it up to here with those clowns,” she snaps, her voice dripping with disdain. “The Demolishers think they can run wild, but they ain’t got the guts to take these titles from us fair and square.”

Boulder, a man with a shaved head, amoustache and an intensity that matches his name, crosses his massive arms. “We ain’t scared of no one, especially not those punks.”

Flynn, his wiry yet tough-as-nails partner, nods in agreement. “They want another shot? Fine. But they’ve gotta earn it. Three straight tag matches, no cheating—let’s see if they’ve got the stones.”

Kathleen smirks, her confidence shining through. “You heard ’em, boys. If the Demolishers think they’re so tough, they better start proving it. Otherwise, they can kiss their title dreams goodbye.”

Grade: 62

Promo: Beast Bantom Goes Solo

In the ring, the beastly Beast Bantom paces like a caged animal. His wild mane of hair and primal demeanor make him look like something out of a nightmare. He grabs the mic, his voice a low growl that reverberates through the arena.

“I’ve had enough of relying on others,” he snarls, his eyes burning with a savage intensity. “From now on, I’m doing things my way. No partners, no allies—just me, ripping through anyone who dares step in my path.”

He tosses the mic aside, his statement made clear. Bantom is done playing nice—he’s embracing his inner beast, and heaven help anyone who gets in his way.

Grade: 63

Match 2: Beast Bantom vs. The Red, White, and Blue Kid

The bell barely finishes ringing before Beast Bantom charges across the ring, his eyes locked on the unfortunate Red, White, and Blue Kid. The Kid, decked out in a cheesy, overly patriotic outfit that screams “enhancement talent,” barely has time to react before Bantom is on him like a rabid animal.

Bantom tosses the Kid around the ring like a ragdoll, each move more brutal than the last. The crowd winces with every slam, every strike, as Bantom dismantles his opponent with terrifying efficiency. The Red, White, and Blue Kid doesn’t stand a chance—this is pure domination.

Bantom ends it with a vicious powerbomb, the impact echoing through the arena. He doesn’t even bother with a pin—he simply stands over the fallen Kid, snarling at the crowd, daring anyone else to step up.

Grade: 29

Forrest ‘The Yankee Poodle’ Charmer Promo:

The crowd buzzes with anticipation as the obnoxiously upbeat entrance music of Forrest Charmer hits the speakers. The self-proclaimed “Yankee Poodle” struts out, his ridiculous frosted hair and too-white teeth gleaming obnoxiously under the arena lights. Charmer, a young and cocky upstart with a smallish build, looks like he stepped out of a cheesy Hollywood movie—the kind where the villain never realizes he’s the joke.

He grabs a mic and flashes his blindingly bright smile to the crowd, who respond with a chorus of boos. Undeterred, Charmer begins to speak in his thick, exaggerated American accent. “Well, well, well… look what we’ve got here! The hottest thing this side of the Atlantic, and no, I’m not talking about your fish and chips, folks! I’m talking about ME, Forrest ‘The Yankee Poodle’ Charmer!”

He pauses, soaking in the boos with a self-satisfied grin. “I gotta say, it’s a real culture shock coming over here. The teeth? Woof! You Brits ever heard of a dentist? And don’t get me started on the plumbing—how do you guys even shower with that water pressure?” The crowd’s disdain grows as Charmer continues his tirade, clearly enjoying every second of it. “But don’t worry, I’m here to give you all a little treat. That’s right, 21CW fans, you get to witness greatness! And no, I’m not talking about your so-called legends, I’m talking about me! The one and only, Forrest Charmer, the man who’s going to put this place on the map!”

He drops the mic with a cocky flourish, arms outstretched as if expecting applause. The crowd gives him none, but Charmer simply smirks, unfazed. He’s the kind of guy who believes his own hype, and nothing the crowd says will change that.

Grade: 51

The House of Business Interview Roly Muckletruck:

The scene shifts to a sleek, modern boardroom. The camera takes on a POV perspective, as if we’re seeing through the eyes of the interviewee. The House of Business—Edward Cornell, the calculating mastermind, and Landon Mallory, the South African Superman—are seated at the long, polished table, both dressed impeccably in expensive suits. Conan Kruger, the silent but intimidating Belgian powerhouse, stands behind them, arms crossed, his gaze hard and unyielding.

Edward, ever the smooth operator, begins the interview. “Thank you for joining us today. We’re always on the lookout for… lucrative opportunities, and we believe you might fit the bill.”

Landon jumps in, his tone a mix of confidence and condescension. “You’ve got potential, no doubt about it. With the right guidance, we could make you a star—someone who can generate serious revenue.”

The camera pans out, revealing the interviewee to be none other than Roly Muckletruck, the enormous, bare-chested Scotsman clad in a kilt. Roly, with his wild hair and imposing stature, looks hilariously out of place in the corporate setting.

As Edward and Landon continue to throw corporate jargon at him, it becomes clear that they’re trying to recruit Roly into their fold, seeing him as a potential moneymaker. But Roly’s eyes narrow as he realizes what’s happening. He’s not interested in being a pawn in anyone’s game.

Suddenly, Roly explodes in a fit of rage. “Ye think ye can buy me, aye?!” He flips the table with a roar, sending papers and fancy bottled water flying. Landon and Edward recoil in shock, while Conan remains stone-faced, his eyes narrowing.

Roly continues his rampage, smashing everything in sight—computers, chairs, anything within reach—before grabbing Landon by the collar and slamming him into the wall. The impact sends a shudder through the room, and for a moment, it looks like Roly might take things even further.

But then, he throws Landon to the floor, glaring at the stunned House of Business. “I’m nae for sale!” he bellows, before storming out of the room, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. Edward and Landon exchange looks, their usual composure shaken as they assess the damage.

Grade: 67

Match: Andrew “The Neanderthal” Lee vs. Doomsday

The crowd buzzes with anticipation as Andrew “The Neanderthal” Lee and Doomsday make their entrances. Lee, a man of significant size and impressive agility, uses the ropes to his advantage, bouncing off them with surprising speed for a man of his stature. In contrast, Doomsday is a hulking behemoth, every muscle rippling as he strides to the ring, his eyes locked on Lee with a cold, predatory gaze.

The bell rings, and the match begins with a classic clash of styles. Lee uses his agility and ring awareness to dodge Doomsday’s powerful strikes, utilizing the ropes for springboard attacks and quick evasions. The crowd gets behind Lee as he outmaneuvers Doomsday, who relies on his brute strength and methodical, power-based offense.

But despite Lee’s best efforts, Doomsday’s power begins to take its toll. A massive clothesline nearly decapitates Lee, and the crowd gasps as Doomsday follows up with a series of bone-crushing slams. However, Lee’s resilience shines through as he fights back, using his quickness to create openings.

In the end, Lee manages to catch Doomsday off-guard with a high-flying move from the top rope, securing the victory in a hard-fought match. It’s not a classic by any means, but the crowd appreciates the effort from both men.

Grade: 46

Leigh Burton Backstage Promo:

The screen cuts to a pre-recorded video, shot on a rooftop overlooking the city. Leigh Burton stands at the edge, the wind whipping through his hair as he stares down at the camera with a sneer. Leigh’s eyes burn with intensity as he begins his promo, tearing into everyone in 21CW who has crossed him.

“Wade Orson, you thief! You stole my title, and I’m coming for you. You better watch your back because there’s no place high enough for you to run!” Leigh’s voice drips with venom as he continues, his anger palpable.

“And Jeff, you’re running this promotion into the ground! This place is a joke, and it’s all on you! You let people like Roly Muckletruck run wild, but he’s just a walking stereotype—too Scottish for his own good!” He smirks at his own insult, but the anger in his eyes never fades.

“The House of Business? Too corporate, too clean, too predictable. You’re all a bunch of suits playing at being wrestlers. Apollo Prince, Mr. Sunshine—don’t even get me started. Flashy, phony, and way out of their league. And Adam Matravers, you goody two-shoes, always trying to do the right thing—how’s that working out for you?”

Finally, Leigh’s expression darkens as he mentions his final target. “And Viktor Beskov… how the hell did you get a title shot? None of you belong here, and I’m going to prove it.”

The promo ends with Leigh standing on the rooftop, his cold stare cutting through the screen as the camera fades to black.

Grade: 73

Antithesis Promo:

The arena is plunged into darkness as the lights flicker out, replaced by the eerie glow of glitching screens. The unsettling image of Antithesis, the masked anarchist, takes over the TitanTron. His appearance is accompanied by a distorted, digital revolution of sorts, as if the very fabric of 21CW is being hacked and taken over.

Antithesis, his mask a symbol of chaos and defiance, speaks in a low, almost haunting tone. “The hierarchy… it’s a lie, a structure built on falsehoods and control. But I’m here to tear it down. I’m here to start again, to burn it all to the ground and rebuild from the ashes.”

The screens continue to glitch, showing flashes of rebellion, anarchy, and destruction. Antithesis doesn’t give specifics, but the vague threats he makes send a chill through the audience. He’s not just here to win matches—he’s here to change the game entirely.

As the promo ends, the screens flicker back to normal, but the unsettling feeling lingers. The audience knows that Antithesis is a force to be reckoned with, and whatever he’s planning, it’s going to be big.

Grade: 69

Match: Antithesis vs. Brett Heartbreak

. Antithesis is a veteran, and tonight, he’s facing Brett Heartbreak, a rising star with undeniable talent. Brett, standing at 240 lbs, is the epitome of athleticism and good looks—his confidence radiates as he makes his way down the ramp, the crowd cheering him on.

Once the bell rings, the contrast between the two wrestlers is stark. Brett uses his athleticism and skill to keep Antithesis on his toes, displaying a mix of high-flying moves and technical prowess. The crowd is on the edge of their seats as Brett pulls off an impressive series of manoeuvres, but Antithesis remains unfazed, his cold, calculating nature evident with every move.

Antithesis isn’t here to dazzle—he’s here to dismantle. He counters Brett’s offense with precise strikes and ruthless submissions, his experience shining through. Brett tries to rally, but Antithesis cuts him off with a brutal knee to the midsection, followed by a wicked clothesline that nearly takes Brett’s head off.

The match is fast-paced and modern, with both men pushing each other to the limit. But as the match progresses, it’s clear that Antithesis’s veteran instincts are too much for Brett. In the end, Antithesis delivers his devastating finisher, the Full Metal Jacket—a vicious, spinning back elbow to the jaw that drops Brett like a stone. Antithesis covers for the three-count, his victory decisive.

Antithesis rises to his feet, his expression hidden behind his mask, but his body language radiates dominance. Brett Heartbreak lies motionless on the mat, his dreams of victory shattered. The crowd, split between admiration and fear, watches as Antithesis exits the ring, leaving destruction in his wake.

Grade: 55

Video Segment: Hellbound Summons Lust

The screen transitions to a pre-recorded segment in a dense, foggy forest. The atmosphere is eerie, with shadows dancing across the trees as if the woods themselves are alive. Hellbound, the dark and twisted leader of the faction, stands in the centre of a clearing, his presence commanding and malevolent. Beside him, Jonathan Faust and Grave Digger stand solemnly, their expressions masked by the flickering torchlight.

Hellbound raises his arms, chanting in a low, ancient tongue, summoning something—or someone—into their midst. The tension builds as the sky above them darkens, and the flames around the clearing flare up. Suddenly, a burst of pyro explodes in the center of the clearing, and from the flames emerges Lust—a stunningly beautiful woman, her appearance ethereal and almost otherworldly.

For a brief moment, the camera captures a glimpse of her barely-there attire, but just as quickly, the image blurs—this is, after all, a family show. Her beauty is mesmerizing, but there’s an edge to it, a danger lurking beneath the surface. Jonathan Faust and Grave Digger exchange looks of stunned surprise, clearly not expecting the sheer power and allure of Lust.

As Lust steps forward, the flames die down, and Hellbound’s voice rings out, filled with dark purpose. “The sins are gathering… and soon, we will consume all.” The camera lingers on Lust’s enigmatic smile before the screen fades to black, leaving the audience with a sense of foreboding.

Grade: 31

Promo: Cliff and The Kingsmen

The arena erupts in boos as Cliff and The Kingsmen make their way to the ring. The group is led by Cliff, a fast-talking motormouth with a smarmy grin that instantly gets under the skin of everyone in attendance. War Machine, the brawler from East London, follows close behind, his demeanour serious as he surveys the crowd. He’s a man who’s fought for everything he has, and his presence radiates intensity.

Rounding out the group are Langton Herring and Compton Valance, two hulking Geordie bruisers who flank Cliff. They’re big, they’re bad, and they’re here to make a statement.

Once in the ring, Cliff grabs a mic and begins his promo, his words slick and oozing with arrogance. “You lot should be grateful we even bothered to show up in this dump!” he sneers, earning a wave of boos from the audience. “We’re not here for you; we’re here to take over. The Kingsmen are the future of 21CW, and there’s not a damn thing anyone can do about it!”

War Machine steps forward, his voice rough and no-nonsense. “East London, mate. It’s where I learned that success ain’t handed to you on a silver platter. You’ve gotta take it—by force if you have to. And that’s exactly what we’re gonna do.”

As the crowd continues to jeer, Langton and Compton flex their massive frames, glaring down anyone who dares to challenge them. Cliff smirks, soaking in the reaction, before concluding with a final taunt. “Remember this night, because it’s the start of something glorious… for us.”

With that, The Kingsmen exit the ring, their message clear: they’re here to dominate, and they won’t let anyone stand in their way.

Grade: 61

Match: Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu vs. The Kingsmen (War Machine & Langton Herring)

The match begins with high expectations as Crouching Storm, Hidden SifuRicky Storm and Sifu—square off against The Kingsmen’s War Machine and Langton Herring. The crowd is eager to see how the experienced team of Ricky and Sifu will fare against the raw power and aggression of The Kingsmen.

From the start, it’s clear that War Machine is the standout performer. He’s a powerhouse, throwing his opponents around with ease and dominating the ring whenever he’s tagged in. The crowd is impressed by his sheer strength and determination, but Ricky and Sifu’s experience and chemistry keep them in the game.

The match itself is entertaining but falls short of being exceptional. Ricky and Sifu, veterans of the ring, use their experience to avoid taking too much damage from War Machine, employing quick tags and smart strategies to outmanoeuvre their opponents. Despite The Kingsmen’s best efforts, they struggle to maintain control against the wily duo.

In the end, it’s Ricky who secures the victory for his team, pinning Langton Herring after delivering Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu’s signature finisher, the Double Back Fist. The crowd cheers, appreciating the skill and teamwork displayed by Ricky and Sifu, but there’s a sense that the match could have been more.

Grade: 66

Entrances: Adam Matravers and Leigh Burton

As the main event draws near, the crowd eagerly awaits the entrances of Adam Matravers and Leigh Burton. First up is Adam, who makes his way down the ramp with a confident stride, shaking hands with fans as he goes. He pauses midway to take a swig from his patented energy drink, Mile High Juice, flashing a smile to the camera. The fans cheer for Adam, a fan favourite who exudes a wholesome, positive energy that resonates with the crowd.

In stark contrast, Leigh Burton storms out next, his expression a mix of disdain and fury. Leigh doesn’t care about the fans—he’s here to make a statement. As he makes his way to the ring, he snatches drinks and popcorn from fans, tossing them to the ground with a sneer. One unlucky fan even sees their soda explode in a mess of fizz and foam, much to the crowd’s displeasure. Leigh doesn’t flinch, his cold, hard stare never wavering as he climbs into the ring, ready to tear his opponent apart.

Grade: 65

Main Event: Adam Matravers vs. Leigh Burton

The main event is set, and the tension is palpable as Adam Matravers squares off against the rough and relentless Leigh Burton. Matravers, known for his technical mastery and aerial prowess, steps into the ring with confidence, while Burton, with his no-nonsense brawling style, looks ready to break bones.

From the moment the bell rings, it’s clear this match will be a clash of styles. Matravers quickly showcases his agility, bouncing off the ropes and delivering crisp, technical manoeuvres. His precision is undeniable as he executes perfectly timed dropkicks and seamless chain wrestling, keeping Leigh on the back foot.

But Leigh is no stranger to gritty, hard-hitting brawls. He answers Adam’s finesse with raw power, throwing heavy punches and locking in punishing submission holds. Leigh’s strategy is simple—wear Adam down, break his spirit, and grind out a win. Every time Matravers tries to gain momentum, Leigh drags him back into the mud, locking in brutal submission moves that stretch Adam’s limbs to their limits.

The match sees several near falls, with both men refusing to stay down. The crowd is invested, their cheers echoing through the arena as the two warriors push each other to their limits. Matravers gets the upper hand with a series of high-flying moves, including a spectacular springboard crossbody that sends Leigh crashing to the mat. But Leigh, with his bulldog mentality, refuses to be outdone. He counters with a vicious spinebuster, nearly folding Adam in half.

The match is close—so close that it feels like either man could win at any moment. But then, chaos strikes. Bedlam, the wild Welsh maniac, storms the ring, his eyes filled with madness. He blindsides Adam with a thunderous clothesline, sending him sprawling to the mat. The referee is momentarily distracted, trying to restore order, but Bedlam isn’t done. He drags Adam out of the ring and with a deranged grin, hoists him up and drives him through the announcer’s table with a devastating powerbomb. The table explodes in a shower of splinters as the crowd gasps in shock.

Leigh, ever the opportunist, watches with a sinister smile. He slides back into the ring, ordering the referee to start the count. Adam is barely conscious, lying in the wreckage of the table, unable to respond. The ref counts to ten, and Leigh Burton is declared the winner by countout.

Grade: 72

Post-Match: Chaos and Carnage

The bell rings, but Bedlam isn’t finished. He storms the ring again, dragging Adam back inside and continuing the assault. The crowd’s boos grow louder as Bedlam unleashes a brutal beatdown, stomping on Adam’s already battered body with reckless abandon. Every stomp, every punch, feels like it’s meant to break Adam’s spirit, not just his body.

But before Bedlam can do any more damage, Wade, Ricky Storm, and Mr. Sunshine rush down the ramp, the cavalry coming to save the day. Wade, the epitome of power, charges into the ring first, hitting Bedlam with a thunderous clothesline that finally knocks the maniac off his feet. Ricky and Mr. Sunshine follow, laying into Bedlam with a series of kicks and punches, driving him out of the ring.

Bedlam stumbles back, clutching his ribs, but his wild grin never fades. He may have been forced to retreat, but the damage is done. Adam Matravers lies in the ring, barely conscious, bruised and beaten. Wade, Ricky, and Mr. Sunshine check on him, concern etched on their faces as the medical team rushes in.

The show ends with Bedlam retreating up the ramp, his eyes locked on the ring, promising that this isn’t over. Adam is stretchered out of the ring, the crowd giving him a round of applause for his valiant effort, but the night belongs to Bedlam and Leigh Burton—two men who have shown that they’ll do whatever it takes to make their mark.

Grade: 73

Overall Show Grade: 70



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A goddam 70?!

Bah.  Im not happy with that at all.

OK the main event was just a 72 and thats a 2nd-best match in modern 21CW.  Not a main event.  But 70 still seems harsh.  

I think it was the lack of really great angles.  We had a few low 70s, but we really need one or two up in the 80s at least.  I think I just went a bit low on the star power.  Should've had had more Wade and Edward.  And I couldnt use Tommy as he was fulfilling my talent trade with SWF [Tommy for Angry Gilmore for a couple of shows].

And last week's 81 match fuelled by CSHS just got me a bit overconfident.

 Oh well consider me told.

We'll pile on some star presence as we get the H2H matches set up and hot over the next 2 weeks.



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