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21CW low-key diary

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Oh no, not GD? 😮 He'll be missing a key year in his development too! I lost Freddy Huggins for 11 months - I have a way to bring him back in mind though, and he's already 'fully grown' in his skills etc. so Grave Digger feels worse! That said, he's probably never going to be a highly graded main Eventer, and you have a lot of great talents!

How are you getting on with the Creative Energy stuff? It's helping me a lot!

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Yeah the Digger injury absolutely sucks.  

I'm trying to see the positives.  I can team Blackheart and Ruin together.  They're both highlighted as being full of potential so that might work.

And when Digger comes back he can start a strong solo career.  I think he can be a top ME.  But he does need a lot of work to get there.

Creative Energy is great.  It really sorted out my momentum issues.  But I've got quite a stockpile of dodgy ideas for a load of top guys who dont really need them now.  I think I'll start investing more into Creative Finishes.  Ive had good results with them

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Best of British Wrestling
March 17th [Week 3] 2022

Opening Segment – Jeff Introduces the Show

Grade: 72

[Scene]: The lights in the arena flare up as Best of British Wrestling kicks off with a bang. The crowd is buzzing as Jeff, the silver-tongued owner of 21CW, stands in the centre of the ring, microphone in hand. His sharp suit gleams under the lights, and his charismatic grin wins the crowd over instantly.

Jeff: "Welcome to Best of British Wrestling! We've got a stacked card tonight, but let’s not waste any time—let's talk about that colossal main event! The reigning 21CW World Champion, Wade Orson, will face off against the unstoppable Russian brute, Yuri Iliakov! You’re not going to want to miss this one."

As Jeff hypes the rest of the night’s matches, The House of Business theme blares, cutting him off. Edward Cornell, Conan Kruger, and Landon Mallory strut down the ramp with an air of arrogance, dressed in slick business attire like they've just closed a million-pound deal. Edward has the mic first, but his tone is all business.

Edward Cornell: "Jeff, you can take a seat. The real headliners are here. And let’s get one thing straight—last week, we, the House of Business, were disrespected by one Roly Muckletruck! That Scottish lunatic doesn’t know the first thing about respect or profit. And in this world, if you're not making money, you're wasting time."

Landon Mallory: [smugly adjusting his tie] "That’s right, Edward. We don’t do free rides in the House of Business. We want a piece of Roly Muckletruck tonight—let’s see if he’s got the brains to match that... primal energy."

Suddenly, the sound of bagpipes cuts through the arena. Roly Muckletruck storms onto the stage, bare-chested, wearing his kilt with defiance in his eyes. The crowd roars as the massive Scotsman raises a mic.

Roly Muckletruck: [grinning] "Brains? Naw, I’ve got plenty of those, but tonight I’m comin’ to bash in a few of yours! And I’m not comin’ alone. I’ve got a partner, and his name is Sebastian Koller!"

The crowd erupts as Koller walks out, giving a quick nod to the fans before Roly throws the mic down. The match is set.

Match: Edward Cornell & Landon Mallory vs. Roly Muckletruck & Sebastian Koller

Grade: 65

This tag match kicks off with Roly starting things off for his team, bringing raw power as he locks up with Edward Cornell. Roly’s overwhelming strength sends Edward stumbling backward, but the ever-calculating Cornell uses his brains to get out of sticky situations. Tagging in Landon Mallory, who’s just as crafty, they double-team Roly until Koller gets the hot tag and cleans house.

Midway through the match, Conan Kruger tries to interfere, but Roly’s no-nonsense style levels him with a shoulder charge that sends the Belgian crashing into the barricade. Things eventually descend into chaos as all four men start brawling inside and outside the ring. The referee loses control as punches fly everywhere, and the match breaks down into a wild melee that ends with no clear winner.

The crowd loves it, especially seeing Conan Kruger get taken down hard!

Backstage Segment: Tommy Cornell Haunted by Lust

Grade: 67

In the darkened backstage area, Tommy Cornell is walking down a corridor, visibly frustrated. He seems on edge, constantly glancing over his shoulder like he feels someone watching him. As he passes a mirror, he sees what looks like a fleeting reflection of a beautiful woman dressed in seductive attire—but when he turns around, she’s gone.

The faint scent of perfume lingers in the air, and soft, sensual music seems to play from nowhere. Tommy’s face tightens, shaking his head like he’s trying to shake off some invisible force.

Tommy Cornell: [to himself] "What the hell is going on? This isn’t real…"

The camera lingers as Tommy continues down the corridor, the seductive aura growing stronger, haunting his every step.

Training Montage: The Red Devils Prepare for Battle

Grade: 70

A video package plays showing The Red Devils—Viktor Beskov and Yuri Iliakov—in their element. The huge, hulking Russians are seen lifting impossibly heavy weights in a gritty gym, their chiseled muscles gleaming with sweat. The backdrop is classic Russian grandeur, with stirring orchestral music, including Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture.

Yuri and Viktor practice brutal slams, hammering each other into the mats with primal strength. The camera zooms in on their steely eyes, radiating power and discipline. The montage is a perfect reminder of the brutal force Wade Orson is up against tonight.

Match: Doomsday vs. Michael X

Grade: 50

Doomsday enters with his intimidating presence, a towering Scotsman ready to crush his opponent. Michael X, small but wiry, counters every attempt Doomsday makes to grab him. The match is a classic David vs. Goliath, with Michael X dodging and slipping out of Doomsday’s grasp until, in a flash, Michael hits a lightning-quick XDT that stuns the big man.

Michael X: [as he rolls out of the ring] "Big doesn’t always win, mate!" [smirking]

Hellbound Backstage Promo

Grade: 57

In a room draped with gothic black curtains and eerie lighting, Hellbound—Jonathan Faust, Grave Digger, Blackheart, and Lust—are gathered. Lust lounges seductively in the background, her tight red leather catsuit gleaming. Faust stands in front, eyes glowing with dark intent.

Jonathan Faust: "Tommy Cornell thinks he can resist… Lust? He thinks he can fight the inevitable? The seven deadly sins are not a choice, they are a prison. Tonight, Hellbound will introduce Tommy to the real meaning of desire."

Grave Digger: [grinning wickedly] "He won’t be able to resist."

Blackheart: [in his deep, gravelly, Irish accent] "And when his guard is down, we’ll bury him."

Faust reveals that tonight, Hellbound will face Tommy and anyone foolish enough to team with him.



The Northern Lights Cut a Gritty Promo

Grade: 62

The camera opens backstage on The Northern Lights, “The Bad Man” Alton Vicious and “Unstoppable” Riddick Jordan. They stand against a rough brick wall, bathed in a gritty, low light. Both men look rugged, wearing battered leather jackets, oozing a rough and ready demeanor.

Alton Vicious: [gritting his teeth] “You look at us, you don’t see pretty boys. We ain’t models, we ain’t actors, and we definitely ain’t pampered athletes. We’re streetfighters, born and bred on the hard streets. We clawed our way up from nothin’. No handouts. No fancy managers. We fought for every inch of ring space in 21CW.”

Riddick Jordan: [snarling, cracking his knuckles] “And now we’re here. We’re in this fight for life, and we’re not givin’ it up. Every hit we take, every blow we land, that’s survival. The Stunners? They can play their little games with their butlers and their shiny boots—but in that ring, it’s all about who’s left standin’, and tonight, that’s gonna be us.”

Alton Vicious: [grinning coldly] “The Northern Lights ain't just gonna shine—we're gonna BURN."

Match: The Northern Lights vs. The Stunners

Grade: 62

The Stunners make their entrance first. Kris Knightly, the pretty-boy model, struts to the ring with cocky confidence, followed by Phil Harmonic, the self-proclaimed “sophisticated showman.” Harmonic is accompanied by his ever-loyal butler, Hargreaves, a well-dressed man with a permanent sneer, who holds the ropes for Phil and polishes his sunglasses with a crisp handkerchief. The crowd is amused by Harmonic’s over-the-top arrogance.

The Northern Lights come out to a huge cheer, their no-nonsense demeanor instantly gaining respect from the audience. Alton Vicious wastes no time getting into the ring, already eyeing his opponents like a predator.

As the bell rings, it’s clear the Stunners aren’t taking the match too seriously. Knightly and Harmonic try to use slapstick comedy to distract the Lights, with Hargreaves tripping over the ropes and Harmonic pretending to be disgusted by his opponents’ rough appearances. However, Alton Vicious and Riddick Jordan aren’t playing. They unleash a brutal combination of brawling and hard-hitting moves, with Jordan nailing a thunderous spinebuster that sends Knightly crashing to the mat.

The turning point comes when Phil Harmonic attempts to use his butler as a human shield. The crowd laughs as Hargreaves gets flung into the chaos. But Riddick Jordan sees an opening, levels Knightly with a vicious clothesline, and finishes him off with a Running Powerslam.

1… 2… 3!

The Northern Lights stand victorious as the crowd cheers their gritty determination.

Backstage Promo: Leigh Burton’s Fiery Rant

Grade: 73

Backstage, Leigh Burton paces furiously, eyes wild with anger. He’s clearly on edge, and the camera can barely keep up with him. He turns to face the camera, scowling with the intensity of a man who’s had enough of everything.

Leigh Burton: [seething] "You think I’m angry? You're damn right I’m angry! This whole place, this whole damn roster—they don’t get it! They don't get ME! I've been fightin’ all my life, scratchin’, clawin’, just to get a shot at the top, and what do I get in return? NOTHING! No respect, no recognition! Well, at Head to Head, that changes! I don’t care who they put in front of me. They’re gonna feel every bit of rage I’ve got stored up inside, and believe me, there’s plenty!"

As Burton rants, Mr. Sunshine strolls in with a bright smile, accompanied by Vikki Company, the beautiful yet business-minded manager. Sunshine’s forced grin contrasts hilariously with his otherwise dour personality.

Mr. Sunshine: [in his bland, monotone voice] "Leigh, Leigh, my friend… why so serious? Life’s a bright, happy place if you just look for the sunshine."

Leigh Burton: [spitting his words] "Sunshine? You’re a bloody misery in a suit! Don’t talk to me about sunshine when all I see is a storm on the horizon!"

Vikki Company chuckles, stepping in smoothly.

Vikki Company: "Gentlemen, calm down. I have a better idea. Why not settle this like men… in the ring? Head to Head. What do you say, Leigh?"

Leigh pauses, eyes narrowing before he growls.

Leigh Burton: "You’ve got yourself a fight. Now get outta my sight before I break something!"

In-Ring Promo: Cliff King and War Machine

Grade: 69

The arena darkens as Cliff King strides to the ring with War Machine in tow. Cliff grabs a microphone, pacing the ring like an East End gangster making his mark. War Machine stands behind him, a silent mountain of muscle, scowling menacingly as the crowd watches with baited breath.

Cliff King: [growling with a thick London accent] "I came from the East End. Grew up on streets where you didn’t survive unless you had fists like hammers and a will harder than steel. That's what makes me and War Machine unstoppable. We ain’t here for the glamour, we’re here to make a name, and we’ll do whatever it takes to do that."

War Machine flexes his muscles, grunting in approval.

Cliff King: "Tonight, War Machine's takin' on that gobshite Dangermouth. And when he's done, we’ll be one step closer to takin' over this bloody company."

Match: War Machine vs. Dangermouth

Grade: 63

Dangermouth enters with his usual cocky swagger, a young talent eager to prove himself. But as soon as War Machine steps into the ring, the dynamic shifts. The massive War Machine towers over Dangermouth, radiating an aura of raw power.

Despite War Machine's size, Dangermouth surprises everyone with his agility. He ducks and weaves, landing quick strikes and even managing a dropkick that staggers the giant. The crowd starts to rally behind Dangermouth as he uses every ounce of speed to stay out of War Machine's grasp.

However, it doesn’t take long for War Machine to assert his dominance. After a hard-fought battle, Cliff King distracts the referee just long enough for War Machine to deliver a bone-crushing superplex that shakes the ring.

1… 2… 3!

War Machine stands victorious, staring down at Dangermouth with a look of cold satisfaction.

Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu Taunt War Machine

Grade: 73

As War Machine celebrates, the familiar sound of martial arts music fills the arena. Ricky Storm and his silent mentor, Sifu, walk out onto the stage. Ricky has a confident smirk plastered across his face as he grabs a mic.

Ricky Storm: "War Machine! You really think that was impressive? Dangermouth? He was just a warm-up. At Head to Head, you’re going to face a whole new kind of challenge—me. And trust me, I won’t be going down that easy."

Sifu stands stoically, his arms crossed, his expression unreadable.

Ricky Storm: "You’ll be facing the fastest hands in 21CW, and my Sifu here… well, let’s just say he’s taught me moves that’ll make you wish you stayed at home."

War Machine roars in anger, charging toward the ramp, but Ricky and Sifu are already gone, disappearing into the crowd like shadows. The mind games have begun.

Backstage: Tommy Cornell Struggles with Lust’s Influence

Grade: 73

Backstage again, Tommy Cornell is walking through a hallway, visibly agitated. As before, soft, sultry music fills the air, and seductive whispers seem to echo from the shadows. Tommy stops, wiping sweat from his brow, clearly unnerved. He glances over his shoulder—was that a shadow moving? The faint scent of perfume lingers in the air.

Tommy Cornell: [muttering] "This isn’t real… It can’t be."

As Tommy turns a corner, he nearly runs into Beau Boulder and Darin Flynn, the 21CW Tag Team Champions, accompanied by their manager, Kathleen Lee, the rock chick with a snarky attitude.

Beau Boulder: [grinning] "Oi, Tommy, you look like you’ve seen a ghost, mate. What’s wrong?"

Tommy Cornell: [shaking his head] "Something’s… off. It’s that damn Faust. I can feel him pulling the strings, playing with my mind. But you know what? I’m done playing. We’re sorting this out in the ring. Now."

Kathleen smirks.

Kathleen Lee: "Well, alright then. Let’s cause some chaos."

Match: Tommy Cornell, Beau Boulder, and Darin Flynn vs. Hellbound

Grade: 59

The bell rings, and the action explodes as Tommy Cornell, Beau Boulder, and Darin Flynn clash with Hellbound—Jonathan Faust, Grave Digger, and Blackheart. The match is chaotic from the start, with fast-paced exchanges and brutal brawls.

Cornell takes control early, showcasing his in-ring brilliance with sharp technical moves and high-impact offense. Flynn works like a well-oiled machine, outmaneuvering Faust at every turn. Meanwhile, the monstrous Grave Digger and Blackheart use raw power to overwhelm Boulder, delivering bone-jarring slams that shake the ring.

As the match reaches its climax, Lust appears at ringside, distracting Tommy. Her mere presence sends Tommy spiralling, allowing Grave Digger to capitalize. He rolls over onto Darin Flynn just as Lust smiles wickedly from the corner of the ring.

1… 2… 3!

Hellbound steals the victory, leaving Tommy Cornell frustrated as Lust’s seductive influence continues to wreak havoc on his mind. However, Grave Digger’s post-match condition is worrying—he’s clearly injured, clutching his knee in pain.

Bedlam’s Deranged Asylum Promo

Grade: 78

The screen flickers to life, showing Bedlam in a dark, eerie room that looks like an old asylum cell. His eyes gleam with madness as he leans into the camera, whispering and giggling to himself.

Bedlam: "Matravers... Oh, Adam… you think you can escape the chaos, the madness? No, no, no… It’s coming for you, at Head to Head. I’ve got plans, twisted, beautiful plans… and you’re going to be my masterpiece."

He tilts his head back and laughs maniacally as the scene fades to black, the sound of rattling chains echoing through the room.

Wade Orson Calls Out the Red Devils

Grade: 78

As the Red Devils enter the ring to a chorus of boos, the unmistakable sound of Yorkshire rock music blares through the arena. Wade Orson marches to the ring with a beer in hand, raising it to the crowd as they cheer for the homegrown hero.

Wade Orson: [thick Yorkshire accent] "Look at these shameless Russians! Beskov, Iliakov, you think you can just walk into my country and run roughshod over everything? Well, lads, you’ve picked the wrong fight. This ain’t just my battle anymore—it’s Britain’s. And if no one else is standin’ up to you, then I will. Because in Yorkshire, we don’t take kindly to bullies.  So… let’s have a proper scrap shall we?"

The crowd roars as Wade raises his fist in defiance, his patriotism riling up the audience. The Red Devils sneer at Wade, unimpressed by his challenge.

Main Event: Wade Orson vs. Yuri Iliakov

Grade: 73

The match is hard-hitting from the get-go, with Wade’s brawling style clashing against Iliakov’s technical prowess. Despite Wade’s best efforts, the Red Devils’ ruthlessness shows through when Beskov interferes. The crowd boos as the Russians take full advantage, beating Wade down.

In the end, Wade wins by disqualification when the referee catches Beskov in the act. But it’s a hollow victory, as the Red Devils unleash their fury, beating Wade senseless as the crowd jeers. Wade may have won the battle, but the war is far from over.

Post-Match Beatdown

Grade: 68

The Red Devils continue their assault, driving home their dominance over Wade as boos rain down from the audience. Wade is left lying in the center of the ring, bruised and battered, as the Red Devils stand tall, their Russian flag held high.

Overall Grade: 71


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Disappointing grade there with just a 71 overall.

Wade vs Yuri was just a 73.  I felt quite confident it would be high 70s.  It's a shame because the Devils have been good so far.  They can do promos in the 70s and do well in the ring.  After Viktor vs Wade I might give them a title feud against the tag champs.

And the Tommy/Boulder& Flynn vs Hellbound match was a very disappointing 59. 

Yuk!  The crowd actually preferred The Northern Lights vs Kris Knightly and Phil Harmonic to Tommy Cornell and Jonathan Faust in the ring together.  Idiot fans.

Next week on BoBW I'm just going to throw 4 main eventers into a match to ensure I can score a good grade.

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Best of British Wrestling

Thursday 24th March 2022


Jeff Nova Intros the Show

The crowd erupts as J3ff strides confidently into the ring, his grin wide. "Welcome to Best of British Wrestling! Now, I know you lot came for a fight, and I’ve got just the pair to kick things off!" His voice turns cold. "Red Devils! Get your Russian arses out here!"

Viktor Beskov and Yuri Iliakov storm out, draped in their Russian flags. Viktor, chain in hand, circles the ring like a predator.

"Russia dominates the world. We dominate 21CW. Wade Orson? A small, insignificant insect we’ll crush beneath Russian steel!" Viktor snarls, shaking his chain.

Suddenly, Wade Orson’s theme blasts through the speakers, and he swaggers onto the stage, beer in hand. "A chain match, Viktor? That’s your best idea? Alright, mate. I’ll fight ya with your own bloody chain at Head to Head!"

J3ff, grinning wide, steps in. "Well, boys, you can warm up with a tag match tonight. Wade and Tommy Cornell versus Viktor and Yuri!"

The fans erupt as Tommy Cornell’s music hits. He stands tall beside Wade, staring daggers at the Russians.

Grade: 75

Roly Muckletruck Promo

Backstage, Roly Muckletruck paces in front of the camera, his broad shoulders heaving with frustration. "The House of Business? They’re nothing but corporate stooges in fancy suits! Wrestling ain’t about marketing or stock prices, it’s about what happens in that ring. And I’m sick of their boardroom bull!" He clenches his fists. "I want Edward Cornell at Head to Head!"

Suddenly, The House of Business interrupts, led by Edward Cornell, who’s as smug as ever. He adjusts his tie and sneers. "You want me? You want the man with all the power? Fine. But first, Roly... you’ve gotta earn it. Beat Conan Kruger, right now. Then we’ll talk."

Roly’s eyes blaze. "Conan? You’re on!"

Grade: 79

Match: Conan Kruger vs Roly Muckletruck

The bell rings, and Roly Muckletruck charges in like a runaway freight train, blasting Conan Kruger into the corner with shoulder blocks that shake the ring. Conan, ever the athlete, tries to dodge and counter with quick jabs, but Roly’s raw power keeps him on the defensive. The crowd is on its feet as Roly scoops Conan up for a massive slam, but Kruger wiggles free, landing a slick dropkick.

Conan bounces off the ropes for a flying forearm, but Roly catches him mid-air, planting him with a Full Nelson Slam that echoes through the arena. 1-2-3!

Roly stands victorious, glaring at Edward Cornell who watches from ringside, his face twisted in disgust.

"You’re next, Cornell!" Roly growls, his eyes never leaving Edward.

Grade: 68

Cool Cool Cool vs The Flames

In a fast-paced tag team match, Cool Cool Cool and The Flames square off. Firefly starts the match with some high-flying offense, springboarding off the ropes with agility that leaves the crowd impressed. Welsh Dragon charges in, attempting to take down Phillip Cooper with a spinning heel kick, but Cooper ducks and responds with a sneaky thumb to the eye, leaving Dragon vulnerable.

Luke Cool tags in, flashing a cocky grin. He delivers a few stiff forearms to Dragon’s jaw before hitting a neckbreaker. As the ref’s back is turned, Luke pulls a fistful of Dragon’s tights and rolls him up. 1-2-3!

The crowd boos, but Cool Cool Cool laughs it off. Luke raises his arm. "Told ya, too easy!"

Grade: 52

Backstage: Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu Interview

The camera cuts to the dojo set backstage, where Ricky Storm sits cross-legged on the floor, candles flickering around him. "Wrestling is about more than brute strength," Ricky begins, his voice calm and centered. "It’s about honor, discipline, and the spirit of the warrior. At Head to Head, War Machine will learn that."

Sifu stands silently behind him, arms folded, exuding an aura of calm confidence. Suddenly, without warning, the dojo set explodes in chaos as War Machine barrels through, smashing tables and throwing candles everywhere. Ricky is hurled into the wall.

Grade: 74

Apollo Prince Promo

Apollo Prince struts into the ring, decked out in a glittering purple robe, tossing handfuls of gold confetti into the air. The fans boo, but Apollo beams as if they’re cheering his name. "Look at me!" he shouts, spinning with arms wide open. "I’m the Crown Jewel of 21CW, the King of Glam, and the future of wrestling! At Head to Head, I demand a match that’s worthy of my greatness!"

He pauses, adjusting his hair with a dramatic flourish. "Ricky Storm's got War Machine, so that leaves... Sifu." He grins. "Sifu, you and me. Let’s see if all that wisdom can stand up to pure, unadulterated glam!"

Grade: 84

Match: Apollo Prince vs Brett Heartbreak

The bell rings, and both men circle each other, the tension thick. Heartbreak throws the first punch, but Apollo Prince dodges gracefully, countering with a crisp dropkick that sends Heartbreak stumbling into the ropes. Apollo seizes the opportunity, flipping over the top rope with a smooth slingshot elbow that lands flush on Heartbreak’s chest.

Brett recovers, hitting a snap suplex, but Apollo is too quick, bouncing back to his feet and catching Heartbreak with his signature move, the Apollogy – a twisting neckbreaker. 1-2-3!

Prince stands over Heartbreak, tossing more glitter into the air. "The future is now, baby!"

Grade: 62

Tommy Cornell Backstage

Tommy Cornell storms through the backstage area, visibly agitated. His eyes dart around the dimly lit hallway, searching for something – or someone. In the distance, he spots a flicker of red, a flash of leather, and his heart pounds. He takes off after it, his breath heavy, but when he turns the corner... nothing. Only shadows.

He mutters to himself, wiping sweat from his forehead. "Lust… she’s in my head. Gotta shake this. Focus, Tommy, focus."

As he moves on, we see a faint silhouette in the distance, watching.

Grade: 60

Bedlam’s Entrance

The arena lights flicker and dim as Bedlam’s music screeches through the speakers – metallic stabs and eerie whispers that chill the crowd. Flashing lights strobe erratically as Bedlam stalks to the ring, his eyes wild, his head covered with sweat. He grabs a mic, snarling through gritted teeth. "Adam Matravers... you’re a ghost. A relic of the past. But me? I’m the future. At Head to Head, I’m gonna tear you apart, and maybe then... the voices will finally stop."

The crowd boos, but Bedlam stands there, unblinking, unfazed, twitching slightly.

Grade: 81

Match: Bedlam vs Aurelian Bradley

Bedlam tears into Aurelian Bradley like a beast unleashed, driving him into the turnbuckles with brutal shoulder thrusts. Bradley tries to fight back, landing a couple of right hands, but Bedlam brushes them off with a maniacal grin. He pulls Bradley up into a devastating powerbomb – the Bedlam Bomb – and slams him to the mat with authority. 1-2-3.

Bedlam stands over Bradley, twitching and muttering, before throwing his arms out and screaming at the ceiling.

Grade: 66


Adam Matravers Taunts Bedlam

As Bedlam's victory celebration is interrupted, Adam Matravers hobbles out onto the stage, leaning heavily on crutches from the previous attack. But despite his injuries, a smug grin spreads across his face. "Bedlam! You think you’ve got me beat, don’t you?" Adam mocks, shaking his head. "You’ve got power, sure, but you’ll never have what I have… respect."

The crowd cheers as Adam takes a swig from his signature energy drink. "At Head to Head, I’m gonna show the world that even broken, I’m better than you ever could be." Bedlam glares, his fury building, but Adam just laughs, hobbling offstage as Bedlam paces like a caged animal, seething with rage.

Grade: 66

Leigh Burton Promo in the Ring

Leigh Burton storms into the ring, his scowl locked in place as he grabs a mic. "Everyone in this damn company has been pissing me off!" he snarls, pacing back and forth. "I’m sick of being overlooked. I’m sick of being disrespected. And now I’ve gotta face... Mr. Sunshine at Head to Head?! What a bloody joke!"

The crowd boos as Leigh continues his rant. "You think I’m just gonna roll over for some grinning idiot? No! I’ll break him in half, and then I’ll break anyone else who tries to get in my way!"

Leigh’s intensity is palpable, his fury practically vibrating off him as he throws the mic down and storms out of the ring.

Grade: 86

Match: Joe Simpson vs Leigh Burton

The match begins, and there’s clear tension between Joe Simpson and Leigh Burton. These two have a long history dating back to their days as NSW graduates, and it shows in every move. Leigh dominates early with stiff strikes and power moves, throwing Joe around like a ragdoll. But Joe knows Leigh inside and out and uses his smarts to frustrate the bigger man, slipping out of holds and ducking under clotheslines.

Leigh finally catches Joe with a massive belly-to-belly suplex, sending him crashing into the turnbuckles. 1-2-3! Leigh stands over Joe, breathing hard, his anger still boiling as he exits the ring, his eyes filled with rage.

Grade: 76

Backstage: The Demolishers Attack Kathleen Lee

In the catering area backstage, Kathleen Lee is helping herself to some food, chatting with the staff as she loads up her plate. Suddenly, a loud crash! The Demolishers – Compton Valance and Langton Herring – burst into the room like wild animals.

Kathleen barely has time to react as they grab her. They bundle her up and drag her away, knocking over tables and sending plates flying. It’s absolute chaos as the two hulking brutes carry her off, making it clear they’ll stop at nothing to get the tag titles back from Beau and Flynn.

Grade: 63

Red Devils Entrance and Promo

The lights dim as ominous Russian military music plays, and the arena fills with boos. The Red Devils – Viktor Beskov and Yuri Iliakov – march to the ring, their expressions cold and unflinching. Viktor, wearing a chain around his neck, stands center ring and raises a fist, as Yuri looks menacingly at the crowd.

"Tonight," Viktor begins, his thick Russian accent carrying through the arena, "you will witness the power of Russia. Wade Orson and Tommy Cornell? They are just obstacles. Nothing can stop the might of the Red Devils!"

Before Viktor can continue, Wade Orson’s music blasts, and the crowd erupts! Wade walks down, handing out beers and high-fiving fans, with Tommy Cornell by his side, looking intense as ever. Wade grabs a mic. "Run us over? Mate, we’ll bulldoze ya!" Tommy cracks his knuckles, the message clear.

Grade: 78

Main Event: The Red Devils vs Wade Orson & Tommy Cornell

The bell rings, and it’s on! Viktor and Yuri start with brutal, unrelenting power, battering Wade with clubbing blows and double team moves. They isolate Wade in their corner, stomping him down. Every time Wade tries to fight back, Viktor cuts him off with vicious strikes, while Yuri chokes him with the ring ropes.

But Wade rallies! The crowd roars as he fights back with stiff elbows, breaking free and lunging to make the hot tag to Tommy Cornell! Tommy bursts in, a house of fire, taking Viktor down with a series of running clotheslines, then planting Yuri with a spinebuster. The Red Devils try to regroup, but Tommy’s too quick, hitting his signature moves with flawless precision.

Just as the Devils regain control, setting Wade up for a double-team, Tommy comes from behind and nails Yuri with the Guilt Trip! 1-2-3! The crowd explodes as Wade and Tommy stand tall, celebrating their victory while the Red Devils seethe outside the ring.

Grade: 70

Overall Show Grade: 76


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Well, the 76 was acceptable I guess.

Obviously not our TV broadcaster though.

They think a 76-77 is wildly different. Idiots.

The main event was ever so slightly disappointing.  Wade and Tommy had bad chemistry as partners.  Oh well.  Now I know.

Leigh vs Joe getting a 76 was more surprising.

The fans are all "World Champ Wade and Tommy Cornell teaming up to take on the Russian menace?  Nah, their timing is off.  Give us more Joe Simpson please".

Interesting to see Apollo grade his promo in the 80s.  Im very hopeful about young Apollo...

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1 hour ago, Boltinho said:

The fans are all "World Champ Wade and Tommy Cornell teaming up to take on the Russian menace?  Nah, their timing is off.  Give us more Joe Simpson please".


I had Apollo as World Champ for a bit in my 21CW diary on TEW2020. Great talent, didn't let me down, and super young still! He had a very nice feud with Phillip Cooper - which was probably my favourite to write in the whole thing ;)  His one weakness, is Star Quality in the late 60s. If that was 80s, he'd be your top guy in no time! Could ask him to bulk up, that might shift him into the 70s. But other than that, he is fantastic

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7 minutes ago, The Lloyd said:


I had Apollo as World Champ for a bit in my 21CW diary on TEW2020. Great talent, didn't let me down, and super young still! He had a very nice feud with Phillip Cooper - which was probably my favourite to write in the whole thing ;)  His one weakness, is Star Quality in the late 60s. If that was 80s, he'd be your top guy in no time! Could ask him to bulk up, that might shift him into the 70s. But other than that, he is fantastic

I'm reading through your whole diary at the mo.

Loads of fun. I'm like Apollo and Phil arguing about shirts and hats.

I agree on Apollo.  He's not the same level as the real top guys.

But I will always have a use for a flashy dude who can crank out top promos.


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Saturday, March 26th, 2022

Jeff Nova introduces the show.
Nova strides out to the middle of the ring, microphone in hand, as the crowd roars. His thick Scottish accent booms through the arena, filled with energy and confidence.

"Welcome, tae the biggest night in British wrestling! Welcome… to HEAD TO HEAD!" The audience erupts in cheers. "T'night, ye'll see the most dangerous, most intense, and most personal matches o' the year! We've got grudges tae settle, championships tae defend, an’ o’ course… blood tae be spilled!"
He touches on tonight’s matches:

·         Adam Matravers vs. Bedlam in an asylum match.

·         Blackheart against Tommy Cornell.

·         Apollo Prince vs Sifu.

·         Leigh Burton vs Mr Sunshine.

·         Ricky Storm chasing the UK Title from War Machine.

·         Edward Cornell vs Roly Muckletruck

·         Wade Orson defending his World Title in a brutal Russian Chain match.

Jeff’s energy is infectious as he shouts: "Let’s get right tae it!"

Grade: 68


Video package: Adam Matravers vs. Bedlam - The Asylum Feud
A gritty, eerie video plays on the screens, detailing the intense and unsettling feud between Adam Matravers and Bedlam.

Black-and-white clips show Bedlam’s psychotic attacks on Adam, with flashes of Adam being beaten and battered, his leg in a brace after a vicious assault. We hear Adam's voice:

"This isn't about respect... it's about fear." Then, clips of Bedlam, laughing maniacally, the asylum walls closing in around him as he declares, "I'll break you, I'll break your mind."
The camera cuts to the two men arriving at Bedlam's infamous asylum, the rotten, decrepit building that feels more like a haunted house than a wrestling venue. The match is about to begin...

Grade: 67


Match: Adam Matravers vs. Bedlam - Asylum Match
The asylum is dark and eerie, lit by flickering lights that only add to the tension. Bedlam is more monstrous than ever, throwing Adam into walls and choking him with discarded straps.

Adam, despite his injuries, moves like a man possessed. He climbs onto broken pieces of furniture, leaping down with precision, but the environment favors Bedlam. He drags Adam across filthy tiles, targeting his bad leg with sadistic glee.
Adam fights valiantly, using his technical prowess and agility to stay in the match. At one point, he hits a jaw-dropping moonsault off a ledge!

But Bedlam is relentless. He locks in the Mind Strangler, squeezing the last breath out of Matravers, who fights but can’t break free. Bedlam laughs maniacally as Adam's body goes limp, claiming victory by submission.

Grade: 73


Hellbound enters for Blackheart vs. Tommy Cornell
The arena darkens as the Hellbound faction makes their eerie entrance. Blackheart, with his tattooed face and torn denim, looks every bit the psychopath he claims to be. Jonathan Faust, draped in white robes, leads the charge, while Ruin looms menacingly behind. The arena is a swirl of dark energy, with Blackheart rolling his shoulders like a predator ready to pounce.
Then, the sound of AC/DC blares through the speakers. Tommy Cornell strides down the ramp, jaw set, eyes focused, all business. No gimmicks, no theatrics—just a man ready for war.

He grabs a mic, staring down Hellbound. "I’ve had enough of your twisted games. Grave Digger’s down, and you’re next, Blackheart. This ends tonight."

Grade: 45


Match: Blackheart vs. Tommy Cornell
Blackheart starts off strong, using his size to dominate Tommy, but Cornell quickly shows why he’s a legend. The two trade blows, with Tommy delivering crisp, precise offense while Blackheart relies on his brawling.

It’s a back-and-forth struggle, with neither man willing to give an inch. Blackheart’s sheer size makes him a dangerous opponent, but Tommy’s technical skills keep him on top.
The match heats up when Lust, draped in red leather and moving through a fog of pink smoke, appears ringside, trying to cloud Tommy’s mind. The crowd watches as Tommy battles his inner demons, visibly shaken by Lust’s presence. But he fights through it, his experience shining through as he connects with a perfect Guilt Trip for the pinfall victory.

Grade: 64


Sifu enters for his match with Apollo Prince
Sifu enters to a respectful, disciplined beat, moving with calm precision as he performs a series of martial arts katas. His silence speaks volumes; every movement deliberate, every expression controlled.

Then, in contrast, Apollo Prince bursts onto the stage, draped in gold and purple, throwing glitter like confetti. His entrance is all showmanship, a glamorous, raunchy Prince song playing as Apollo sways his hips, indulging in the crowd's cheers and jeers.
Apollo grabs a mic.

"Sifu, you've held your own in the past, sure. But let’s be real, you’ve been riding Ricky’s coattails this whole time! Tonight, you’re gonna find out what a real star looks like—me!" The crowd boos as Apollo strikes a pose, glitter still falling.

Grade: 79


Match: Apollo Prince vs. Sifu
From the start, both men are fast and fluid, their athleticism shining. Apollo is as arrogant as he is talented, taunting Sifu at every opportunity.

Sifu stays focused, his movements sharp and efficient. Apollo controls much of the match, dazzling the crowd with flips and cocky poses. But just as he’s about to secure victory, he makes the mistake of turning his back to the silent warrior to work the crowd.
Sifu, with lightning speed, connects with a devastating Roaring Backfist, flooring Apollo mid-showboat. The crowd explodes as Sifu gets the pin, proving once again that humility and focus triumph over arrogance.

Grade: 73


Leigh Burton vs. Mr. Sunshine buildup
Mr. Sunshine makes his entrance to the ironically cheery tune of My Guy, but his expression is as dour as ever. Accompanied by Vicki Company, Sunshine trudges to the ring, visibly annoyed by the very song that's meant to define him. The crowd is starting to catch on, but the subtlety of his gimmick still baffles many.
Leigh Burton’s music hits next—hard rock, full of anger. Leigh storms down the ramp, his face a mask of rage. He snatches a mic, glaring out at the crowd.

"This company disrespects me every single week! I should be in the main event, not wasting my time with this joke!" His voice drips with venom as he points at Sunshine. The audience boos, but Leigh doesn’t care. He’s here to prove he belongs at the top.

Grade: 62


Match: Leigh Burton vs. Mr. Sunshine
The match starts with Sunshine’s cold, emotionless style frustrating the hot-headed Burton. Leigh charges, full of fury, while Sunshine remains calm and technical.

Burton’s aggression works against him early on, as Sunshine counters with smooth technical wrestling, nearly catching Leigh in several submission holds.
But Burton’s strength eventually shines through. He begins to wear down Sunshine, targeting his ribs with nasty knees and elbows. The final moments are a series of counters, with the audience on the edge of their seats as each reversal grows more frantic.

Leigh finally locks in a sleeper hold, his face twisted in fury as Sunshine slowly fades, and the referee calls for the bell. Leigh releases the hold with a snarl, basking in his victory.

Grade: 74



Ricky Storm vs. War Machine build-up
Ricky Storm’s music hits, a mix of martial arts-inspired themes with pounding beats, as he comes out fired up, bouncing on the spot. He raises his arms to the crowd, who respond with a deafening cheer. The lights flash in time with his steps, matching his energy perfectly.

He shouts at the camera, "Tonight, I’m taking what’s mine!" His focus is sharp, his movements quick as he shadowboxes on his way down the ramp, pumping the crowd up even further.

Then comes War Machine, accompanied by his manager Cliff King. The grime music blares, raw and aggressive, as clips of War Machine smashing through opponents play on the screen.

His sheer size is intimidating—double Ricky’s weight, standing like a colossus. Cliff King takes the mic, with a smarmy smirk, "You think you’re fast enough to dance around the Machine? Think again, boy. Tonight, you’re just another body he’s going to leave broken."

Grade: 71



Match: War Machine (c) vs. Ricky Storm for the 21CW UK Title
From the opening bell, it’s the classic David vs. Goliath story. Ricky uses every ounce of his speed and agility to avoid War Machine’s monstrous power, dodging big slams and thunderous punches.

War Machine catches Ricky early on, tossing him halfway across the ring with a massive belly-to-belly suplex that rattles the ropes. But Ricky doesn’t stay down, rolling out of the ring to catch his breath.

The turning point comes when Cliff King tries to interfere, pulling something from his pocket—an old-school heel move, a handful of powder aimed for Ricky’s eyes. But Ricky ducks at the last second, and the powder hits War Machine instead!

The giant stumbles, blinded, and Ricky takes full advantage, springboarding off the ropes to hit a missile dropkick, sending War Machine crashing to the mat.

In a flash, Ricky rolls him up for the three-count! The crowd explodes as Ricky Storm becomes the new UK Champion, leaping into the arms of his ecstatic fans.

Grade: 64


Roly Muckletruck vs. Edward Cornell build-up
The massive Roly Muckletruck stomps to the ring, kilt swishing with each step. His chest is bare, his muscles rippling under the lights as he roars to the crowd. The audience cheers him on. The soundtrack blares with Idlewild’s Scottish rock anthems, sending the energy through the roof. He points to the entrance, calling out Edward Cornell with a guttural roar, "Come out here and take yer beating, ya snake!"

The House of Business responds with style. Edward Cornell appears with his entourage—Conan Kruger and Landon Mallory—dressed in flashy suits littered with corporate logos. It’s all about the brand.

Edward takes the mic, his voice smug and dripping with disdain. "Roly, you had a chance to make big money! But you’re a barbarian—you don’t understand business!" He talks about marketing, sponsorships, but the crowd only boos.

Edward shrugs, waving off their disapproval. "Fine. I’ll make an example out of you instead."

Grade: 78


Match: Edward Cornell vs. Roly Muckletruck
This one spills out of the ring almost immediately. Roly, furious after Edward’s disrespectful taunts, hurls him into the barricades. The two men brawl around the ring, slamming each other into the steel steps and barricades.

Roly, using his immense strength, gorilla presses Edward over his head and drops him face-first onto the announcer’s table, sending papers flying everywhere. Edward, though smaller, uses his cunning. He rams Roly into the ring post and then hits a vicious DDT onto the announcer's desk, the crack of Roly's skull echoing through the arena.

The chaos only escalates when Conan Kruger sneaks up and trips Roly just as he’s about to hit his finishing move. The referee misses it, and the distraction allows Edward to hit his Black Lightning Bomb for the win.

Roly, furious, pounds the mat as Edward celebrates with his cronies. The boos rain down, but Edward just smirks, shaking hands with his fellow House of Business members.

Grade: 80


Wade Orson vs. Viktor Beskov build-up
The Red Devils march to the ring with grim determination. Viktor Beskov and Yuri Iliakov move in sync, the Russian anthem blasting as propaganda images flash on the screens behind them. The massive duo flexes in unison, their faces stoic, their muscles bulging. The crowd boos, but the Russians show no emotion. Beskov eyes the chain hanging above the ring, waiting for his moment.

Suddenly, Land of Hope and Glory plays, and the crowd comes alive as Wade Orson, the World Champion, emerges. With a Union Jack draped over his shoulders, Wade slaps hands with the fans, even pausing to take a swig from a fan’s pint of bitter. His entrance is pure patriotism, and he plays up the vibe perfectly, kissing babies and waving the flag.

Wade grabs the mic: "Tonight, it’s not just about this title, it’s about standing up for what’s right. Viktor, I’m taking you down—for Britain!"

Grade: 78


Match: Wade Orson (c) vs. Viktor Beskov for the 21CW World Title - Russian Chain Match
This is a brutal war from the start. The heavy chain binds the two men together, and every time one tries to escape, the other yanks them back in. Viktor uses his raw power to whip Wade around, slamming him into the corners, but Wade’s resilience shines through. He wraps the chain around his fist, delivering sickening punches that rock Beskov’s jaw. Both men are bloodied early on, with Wade’s nose gushing and Viktor’s chest welted from the chain strikes.

The tension builds as both men touch three corners each, the crowd counting with them as the pyros explode—red for Viktor, blue for Wade.

With the match at its climax, both men push for the final corner, but Wade outsmarts the Russian brute. As Viktor lunges forward, Wade wraps the chain around his legs, causing Viktor to stumble and collapse. With a final burst of energy, Wade leaps, slapping the fourth corner post just milliseconds before Viktor can reach it.

The arena explodes in cheers as Wade retains his title. The pyros go off, blue and white lighting up the sky in celebration.

Grade: 89


Post-match: Wade Orson celebrates his victory
Wade stands victorious in the middle of the ring, the World Championship draped over his shoulder as he raises his fists in triumph. The crowd showers him with adoration, chanting his name as he climbs the turnbuckle and salutes his fans. Union Jacks are waved throughout the arena as Wade soaks in the moment, grinning ear to ear. He walks through the fans, sharing hugs and posing for selfies, savouring every second of his triumph. "This one’s for you!" he shouts, raising the belt once more as the night draws to a close on a high.

Grade: 75


Overall Show Grade: 82


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82 overall [best show of the year] fueled by an 89 Main Event [best match of the year by a distance].

Basically I'm really happy after a couple of dud TV shows this month.

But!  I sort of feel a little hard done by.

That gap between ME grade and overall 82 seems quite big.  [Considering the next best match was an 80, and we had a 74 and two 73s as well]. 

I guess it was the lack of angles in the 80s.  In my head PPVs are much simpler in angle terms.  Basically just entrances and in-ring promos.  But I might have to expand that a bit going forwards.  

Either way - cracking show and I'm really happy I went with the Wade vs Viktor feud.  It's been a cracker for the most part.  The Russian Chain match was turbocharged by a successful Creative Finish.  I am going to focus more on making sure I always have a couple of them ready to boost any ME up if I can.


Going forward is a slightly odd planning phase.

I'm running the Cornell Cup next month [default PPV dates are a bit off] which has led me to a few things:

  • I'm worried about the guys in the late rounds of it working too much at the PPV.  So I'm only going to hold SFs and the F at the PPV.
  • Because of the new realistic calendar we've actually got 5 BoBWs before that PPV.  31st March, then 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th April.
  • If I do a 16-team Cornell Cup tournament, then there's 12 pre-SF matches.  Assuming a straight knock-out format.  Across 5 TV shows that's certainly doable.
  • BUT I'm an ambitious dude that likes planning.  So I'm going to try and run it as a 32-team knockout format!
  • Which means that there are 16 R1 matches, 8 R2 matches and 4 QFs.  So 28 matches to get done on BoBW. 
  • Which is basically 6+6+6+5+5
  • I've been running 6 matches on each BoBW, so that's doable.  But it basically takes over our whole schedule for the month.
  • Let's give it a crack shall we?

I've built a nice little planner [with the help of the Booking Tracker tool] for the tournament, but I'm slightly caught between two evils:

  1. Plan it super carefully so the right teams are in the right part of the bracket and every BoBW gets a brilliant main event.
  2. Just whack the 32 teams in my sheet in order and see how it plays out

Not 100% decided yet.  I'm going to see how my [disgustingly busy and pressurised] work week goes. 😃

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OK slight change of plan.  That structure [6+6+6+5+5] works nicely for number of total matches.

BUT it mixes up R2 & R2, and R2 & QF matches on the same show.

So I think I need to do it this way:


That creates other issues of course. 

On the first 2 BoBWs I need to fit in 8 matches on each show!  Maybe I can make the TV show a little longer to make that work.  

And also it'll create pressure on grades.

Because the ME of each show will be a good team [or at least 2 good individuals] against a pair of bottom-feeders.  


In reality I'd be fine with that.  We're basically turning the whole month into the Cornell Cup and the fans know that means a bit more interest in not-headliners up against the big boys.  Just like the FA Cup 3rd round.

But in game terms, 100% my broadcaster will moan about it.

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20 hours ago, The Lloyd said:

Or move the PPV back a week?

Yeah could do!

2 issues with that:

1 - I didnt think of it

2 - it would move the PPV out of the month.  And I just like having them all at the end of each month.

No biggie.  I quite like this setup 

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6 minutes ago, Boltinho said:

Yeah could do!

2 issues with that:

1 - I didnt think of it

2 - it would move the PPV out of the month.  And I just like having them all at the end of each month.

No biggie.  I quite like this setup 

:D Haha! Yeah I'm the same to be fair. In TCW that makes a 5 week lead up to Total Mayhem which makes (total) sense. However Psycho Circus falls on the 18th of December (or Christmas Day if it's a week later)

When I start a new game I map it all out on a spreadsheet (because I'm so cool) and see how many TVs between each event - I make little tweaks to give longer build ups to bigger shows etc.

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Best of British Wrestling
Thursday, March 31st, 2022

Promo: The Cornell Cup Launch

As the lights pulse and the crowd roars in anticipation, the unmistakable theme of Jeff Nova hits, the legendary voice of BoBW. He strides into the ring, clad in a sharp three-piece suit, his charisma radiating across the arena. The massive BoBW video wall flickers to life, showing highlights of past Cornell Cup tournaments—wild dives, brutal slams, and unforgettable moments.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!" Jeff bellows, mic raised high, his voice cutting through the noise. "The moment you've all been waiting for is here! It's Cornell Cup season, baby!" The crowd pops as Jeff grins wide, feeding off their energy. "This ain't just any ol' tournament, no. This is where LEGENDS are made. Sixteen teams. Thirty-two of the best wrestlers in the world. But only ONE team walks out as champions!"

Jeff explains that over the next five weeks, they’ll see the first round spread across TV, leading to the Quarterfinals, Semis, and Finals at the April PPV. "Strap in," he adds with a wink, "because this is gonna be one hell of a ride!"

Grade: 93

In-Ring Promo: Bedlam’s Monster Revealed

The arena darkens, smoke swirling up from the ramp. Bedlam’s eerie, grinding theme hits as the hulking, tattooed beast steps through the fog. The towering brute is still feeling the high after his brutal win over Mr. Sunshine at Head to Head, and tonight, he’s here to make a statement. With the mic gripped in his giant fist, Bedlam growls, "The Cornell Cup... will be stained with blood... OUR blood!  Let me introduce you to my partner in destruction… Beast Bantom!”

The lights pulse red as Beast Bantom, a savage force of nature stomps down the ramp. Covered in scars and flexing his massive arms, he joins Bedlam in the ring, their monstrous presence enough to make the entire arena feel a little more dangerous.

"Together, we are B&B, and we're taking the Cornell Cup... by force!" Bedlam roars, slamming the mic down as their theme blares and the arena shakes with anticipation.

Grade: 80

Match 1: B&B (Bedlam & Beast Bantom) vs. Grime & Punishment (Dangermouth & Edison Silva)

Right from the bell, it’s a savage beatdown. Bedlam and Bantom bring the full weight of their size and brutality, pummeling Dangermouth and Silva into the mat with sickening ease. The ring shudders as Beast Bantom flattens Dangermouth with a Savage Pounce that practically sends the poor man out of his boots. Silva tries to fight back, but he’s caught by Bedlam’s monstrous Powerbomb, folding him in half for the 1-2-3.

Post-match, Bedlam and Bantom stand over their fallen opponents, sending a clear message to the rest of the Cornell Cup participants—no one is safe.

Winners: B&B
Grade: 66

Backstage Segment: Leigh Burton Unleashed

The camera cuts to the backstage area where Leigh Burton is fuming, his fists clenched, pacing like a caged animal. His face, freshly bruised from his war with Mr. Sunshine, reflects pure frustration. Dressed in a black leather jacket, his British flag emblazoned on the back, Burton runs a hand through his sweaty hair, muttering to himself. "Mr. Sunshine? That’s what they think I’m worth?  I deserve better."

Suddenly, the camera swings around to reveal The House of BusinessEdward Cornell, Conan Kruger, and Landon Mallory—all dressed in their pristine business suits, looking like they’ve just stepped out of a high-powered boardroom. Edward, always the suave talker, smirks and steps forward, his tone patronizing. “Leigh, Leigh, Leigh... you’ve got fire, mate. But what you need is direction. A brand. You need to think bigger than that nonsense with Mr. Sunshine.”

Leigh narrows his eyes, stepping chest-to-chest with Edward. “And I suppose you think you’re the man to teach me, eh? You can shove your ‘brand,’ mate. I’m here to fight.” Edward laughs, adjusting his cufflinks. “Fight all you want, but we’re winning the Cornell Cup. You? Well, maybe you’ll finally learn your place.” The tension crackles as Leigh stares daggers into Edward’s smug face before storming off, clearly ready to explode.

Grade: 76

Match 2: Hellbound (Jonathan Faust & Ruin) vs. The Sparklehearts (Bret Heartbreak & JB Sparkle)

As the creepy, slow-tempo entrance music of Hellbound fills the arena, the lights flicker to an ominous red. Jonathan Faust and Ruin emerge, their presence cold and calculating, draped in black leather coats with the audience in near silence.

In stark contrast, the Sparklehearts enter with a vibrant burst of colour, glitter confetti raining down from the rafters. Bret Heartbreak and JB Sparkle strike poses for the crowd, but the fun comes to a screeching halt the moment Ruin steps in.

The match itself is a formality. Ruin decimates Sparkle with a vicious Fold-up Powerbomb, while Faust, ever the puppetmaster, orchestrates the destruction with a sinister grin.

Winners: Hellbound
Grade: 50

Backstage: The Assassin’s Guild Confronts The Underdogs

Cut to backstage where Stefan Raynor and Louis Peyton, the cold, calculated pair known as The Assassin’s Guild, are discussing their comeback. Raynor, dressed in black tactical gear, speaks in a low, methodical tone. "This time, no distractions. No mistakes." Louise, her voice icy, adds, "This time, we finish the job." But their grim plans are interrupted by the arrival of The UnderdogsJoe Simpson and Michael X.

Simpson, decked out in neon green tracksuit pants and a wild leopard print jacket, leans in with a cocky grin. "Oi, we’ve heard it all before, mate! But you lot... you’re history. Us? We’re the future!"

Michael X, always more serious, throws a quick smirk. "So how about we show you how it’s done... in the ring?" The tension crackles as the two teams stare each other down, ready for their inevitable clash.

Grade: 55

Match 3: The Assassin’s Guild vs. The Underdogs

Despite the Guild’s careful planning and years of experience, the Underdogs bring an energy and unpredictability that the Guild just can’t keep up with.

Joe Simpson, full of bravado, hits a high-risk dive over the top rope, taking out both members of the Guild. Michael X capitalizes, and after a flurry of near-falls, Simpson nails Louis Peyton with a Double Dog Down, securing a huge upset.

Winners: The Underdogs
Grade: 60

Promo Package: Men of Steel

A pre-recorded vignette plays, showcasing the Men of Steel in their natural habitat—the wilderness. Mark Adonis and Mass Hulk, looking like action movie heroes, pump iron in a rocky mountain setting.

Adonis, ever the narcissist, flexes his biceps with dramatic close-ups, while Mass Hulk, silent and stoic, deadlifts a boulder with ease. The segment ends with Adonis looking directly into the camera: “Strength is steel. Steel is forever.”

Grade: 54

The Little Colonel Hypes Up the Happy Monkeys

The self-proclaimed aristocrat of wrestling, "The Little Colonel" Emmett Askey, struts down to the ring in his overly extravagant white suit and golden cane. His presence drips with snobbish entitlement, and the crowd instantly showers him with boos. He waves them off with a dismissive hand, bringing the mic to his lips with a smirk.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you peasants are in for a treat! Tonight, my prized protégés, the elite of tag team wrestling, will leave their mark in the Cornell Cup!"

He gestures toward the entrance, and out come the Happy Monkeys. Gorilla Lee, all 6'7" and 408 pounds of him, is an absolute spectacle. His wild, untamed hair and beastly physique make him look like he stepped right out of the jungle. He capers around the ring, beating his chest like a true gorilla. Smiling John Smithie, in contrast, is much smaller, and his dour expression is the polar opposite of his cheerful name. Dressed in professional wrestling gear, his permanent frown is almost as entertaining as Gorilla Lee’s antics.

The contrast between the two makes for an odd visual, but the team is a crowd-pleaser despite the boos aimed at their obnoxious manager.

Grade: 56

Match 4: Absolutely Flawless vs. The Happy Monkeys

As Absolutely Flawless—the ever-professional Lance and Kelly Martin, looking sharp in matching white and gold gear—enter the ring, they ooze technical proficiency and confidence.

The match begins, and Kelly tries to lock up with the massive Gorilla Lee, but it’s like trying to wrestle a mountain. Lee easily shrugs off their holds, sending Kelly flying across the ring with raw strength. The crowd pops for the sight of Lee tossing his opponents like ragdolls, but it quickly becomes apparent that his stamina is limited.

As Lee tires, Smiling John Smithie tags in and takes over, doing his best to keep pace with the well-oiled machine that is Absolutely Flawless. Despite Smithie's valiant efforts, he’s outmatched by the technical precision of the Martin twins. Kelly seizes the opportunity and pins Smithie after a picture-perfect technical sequence.

The match ends with Gorilla Lee raging at the result, smashing his fists into the mat in frustration as Askey tries to calm him down, promising victory another day.

Winners: Absolutely Flawless
Grade: 57

Surprise Entrance: The Mile High Rockers

The lights dim, and a raucous rock tune hits the speakers. The crowd looks confused, but then out come two familiar faces—Adam Matravers and Sebastian Koller—who introduce themselves as The Mile High Rockers. Adam, chugging an energy drink, is all fired up, bouncing on his toes as he heads down the ramp. Beside him, Sebastian Koller struts in his leather jacket, sunglasses on, playing an imaginary guitar to the music, living up to his rockstar persona.

They take the ring and grab mics. Adam roars, "We’re here to take this tournament to new heights, and believe me, we’ll be rockin' all the way to the top!" Koller adds with a smirk, "We’re gonna blow the roof off this place!"

Their energy is infectious, and the crowd cheers as they prepare for their match.

Grade: 56

Match 5: The Mile High Rockers vs. Evan Alpass & Lewis Duckworth

Despite their electric entrance, it becomes clear that Adam and Sebastian don’t quite gel as a team. Their chemistry is off, with some mistimed tags and miscommunication throughout the match. But their individual talent still shines through.

Evan Alpass puts up a decent fight, showing flashes of promise, while Lewis Duckworth, in his debut, looks a bit nervous but solid in the basics. Unfortunately, they’re just no match for the raw talent of Matravers and Koller.

In the end, Adam takes control, climbing the ropes and executing a breathtaking Mile High Moonsault, sealing the victory for the Mile High Rockers. Despite the win, it’s clear the team has some work to do if they’re going to progress further in the tournament.

Winners: The Mile High Rockers
Grade: 50

Tommy Cornell Stalks Backstage

The camera cuts backstage to a dark, brooding corridor. Tommy Cornell, dressed in his signature black leather jacket and jeans, is pacing like a predator on the hunt. His face is twisted in frustration as he mutters to himself, clearly still consumed by his obsession with taking down Hellbound and the embodiment of Lust.

As Tommy moves through the arena, his mood darkens. He snaps at staff, nearly smacking a couple of dinner ladies out of pure frustration, but holds back at the last moment. His rage is simmering just beneath the surface. He pauses for a moment, glancing at the camera.

"I’m not done yet. I’ve got a partner for the Cornell Cup... and we’re taking that trophy. I won it with that snake of a cousin, Edward, and this time... I’m going to win it again."

The intensity in his voice leaves no doubt that Tommy is ready for war.

Grade: 90

Cliff King Accompanies The Demolishers

Accompanied by his signature self-satisfied smirk, Cliff King leads his clients, The Demolishers—the burly Geordie brawlers Compton Valance and Langton Herring—to the ring. King, as smug as ever, addresses the crowd, dropping hints about their recent misdeeds.

"Shame that the Tag Champs, Boulder and Flynn, don’t have their precious little manager, Kathleen Lee, around to help them out, huh?" he says with a sinister smile, never directly mentioning her kidnapping but making sure the implication is clear. He taunts the absent champs while his monstrous clients stand behind him, cracking their knuckles and grinning menacingly.

Grade: 70

Match 6: The Demolishers vs. The Flames

The Flames, made up of Amazing Firefly and Welsh Dragon, burst into the arena with high-energy, masked luchador-inspired style. Their flashy moves and high-flying acrobatics make for a thrilling contrast to the brute strength and brawling style of The Demolishers.

Despite the Flames’ best efforts, using speed and agility to outmanoeuvre the bigger men, the Demolishers eventually overpower them. With Cliff King providing constant interference, distracting the referee at key moments, the Flames are unable to sustain their offense.

In the end, the Demolishers hit a devastating double Chokeslam on Welsh Dragon, and Valance pins him for the victory. Cliff King grins smugly at ringside, clearly proud of his team’s dominant performance.

Winners: The Demolishers
Grade: 56

The House of Business Promises Victory

With the house lights dimmed, an extravagant fanfare plays as golden spotlights swirl across the entrance ramp. The crowd is on edge as The House of BusinessEdward Cornell, Conan Kruger, and their third member, the always-dapper Landon Mallory—make their grand entrance. Dressed in slick, custom-tailored suits that scream wealth and power, the trio saunters down to the ring with an air of superiority. Edward, sporting a gold tie that matches his golden briefcase, exudes cold confidence, while Conan, the muscle of the group, cracks his knuckles menacingly. Landon, looking every bit the “South African Superman” with his dazzling smile, struts behind them.

Once inside the ring, Edward takes the mic, pausing for the crowd to simmer down as the chorus of boos escalates. With a smug grin, he begins, “Ladies and gentlemen, what you’re looking at is the pinnacle of professional wrestling. The House of Business is here not just to compete, but to dominate. And why? Because business is booming, and tonight, we’re going to maximize profits... at the expense of every other team in this tournament.”

Conan flexes his imposing frame, sneering at the fans as Edward continues, “We’ve already proven we’re the best. The Cornell Cup? It’s ours. Just like everything else. Because when the stakes are high... the House of Business always comes out on top.”

Landon nods approvingly, flashing a million-dollar smile, while Conan silently glares down at the camera. The House of Business poses together, the perfect picture of power and arrogance

Grade:     69

Match 7: House of Business vs. The United (Union Jack & The Red, White & Blue Kid)

Finally, the main event of the evening sees Edward Cornell lead his House of Business down to the ring, dressed impeccably in sharp suits, the essence of class. Kruger and Mallory step into the ring, cracking their knuckles, while Union Jack and Red, White & Blue Kid—BoBW’s resident masked patriots—make their way down to a respectful cheer from the crowd.

Despite the underdogs' best efforts, The House of Business outclass them with tactical, clean strikes and a ruthless efficiency. After an Evolutioniser and interference from Cornell, it’s all over.

Winners: The House of Business
Grade: 67

Antithesis & Giggles Entrance

The atmosphere suddenly shifts. The arena lights flicker with unsettling red and black hues as Antithesis, the masked anarchist, makes his entrance. His theme is dark, a mix of creepy soundscapes and eerie propaganda speeches. As he stalks down to the ring, his movements calculated and deliberate, the crowd is left unnerved. And then, his partner is revealed: the debuting Giggles.

A 6’4”, 280-pound monster of a man, Giggles is a twisted figure—an evil clown with matted hair, wild eyes, and a maniacal laugh that echoes through the arena. His twisted grin never leaves his face as he moves erratically, his bursts of laughter sending shivers through the crowd. Together, they’re a disturbing visual.

But their opponents are about to turn the mood around. The arena explodes in cheers as Wade Orson’s music hits, followed by the booming entrance of Roly Muckletruck. The two massive fan-favourites stand together at the top of the ramp, each holding a mic. Wade, always in peak condition, oozes confidence in his signature blue and white gear, while Roly, at a towering 6’7”, brings his raw power to the mix in his red and black singlet.

"Look at this, mate!" Wade grins, gesturing to the crowd. "We got the best fans in the world here, and tonight, we’re winnin’ this Cornell Cup for them!" The crowd erupts in approval.

Roly, ever the powerhouse, lifts his mic, "There’s no team big enough, bad enough, or strong enough to stop us!" The fans are loving every second of it as they head to the ring, playing to the crowd with high-fives and posing together in the corners.

Grade: 78

Match 8: Wade Orson & Roly Muckletruck vs. Antithesis & Giggles

From the start, it’s clear this match is going to be electric. The eerie presence of Antithesis and Giggles is offset by the sheer size and charisma of Wade and Roly. Despite Giggles being the wild card in the match, he holds his own surprisingly well, using his massive frame to dish out heavy blows, even though his skill set is raw.

Antithesis, however, shows his veteran cunning. He’s versatile, sneaky, and dangerous, using every trick in the book to isolate Wade and keep him off balance. There’s a particularly tense moment when Antithesis locks Wade in a submission, taunting the crowd as the World Champ struggles to escape.

But the tide turns when Roly gets the hot tag. He barrels into the ring like a freight train, mowing down both Giggles and Antithesis with huge clotheslines. The crowd is on fire as he scoops up Giggles—all 280 pounds of him—and delivers a jaw-dropping Powerbomb. The ring shakes, and the crowd audibly gasps as Giggles is flattened.

Wade and Roly pose for the crowd post-match, standing tall as their music plays. The victory is sweet, and the fans are left buzzing.

Winners: Wade Orson & Roly Muckletruck
Grade: 72

Jeff Nova Recaps the Cornell Cup

As the dust settles from the main event, Jeff Nova returns to the ring, the veteran commentator still brimming with energy after such an intense night of action. He stands centre stage with a big smile, mic in hand.

“WHAT A NIGHT!” he shouts to the roaring crowd. He proceeds to recap the results of the evening’s action, reminding everyone that tonight’s eight winning teams will advance to the next round. "But don’t worry," he adds with a grin, "this is just HALF the draw! Next week, we’ll see the other eight teams fight for their spot in the Quarterfinals. And trust me, folks, you won’t wanna miss it!"

The camera pans over the cheering crowd, anticipation already building for the rest of the tournament.

Grade: 77



Edited by Boltinho
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Aaaaaaaand that was a pretty decent show!

I threw a raw grad into the main event of our show and the match graded out at 72.  Not too shabby at all.

Of course I could have changed my 'draw' to have a better heel team lose in the first round to Wade and Roly but.... i think the fans would enjoy this way a bit more.  3rd round of the FA Cup and all that as I mentioned before.

Obviously the broadcaster disagreed 😆  And they've finally taken me off the air.  No probs.  I just shifted over from not-BBC to not-ITV.  Which was surprisingly painless after it was a major problem in the last edition of the game.

OK it's not quite as big, and my slot is a bit less prestigious but I'm OK with that.  Right now my British Isles pop is still ~79 which Im ahppy with.

Losing a prime TV slot and taking a slightly lesser one?  Fine.

Dropping down a size because you don't have the workers to stay at Big?  A lot less fun.


So it's better than 21CW in the last edition, but I still just don't think it's well set up I'm afraid.  A massive struggle to stay at current size IF you get lucky with the economy and IF you get lucky with the wrestling biz and IF the right contracts come up so you can shed dead wood but not lose your big stars and IF you can deploy Creative Ideas and Finishes in the right spots....  

I get that a bit of jeopardy for one of the bigger companies in the CVerse is a good thing.  But for it to be in the UK where there's really only one choice [unless you want to be tiny, work for a douchebag or start your own with no available talent] is just a poor choice.

Just my 2p worth.

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On the show itself though:

I really enjoyed cramming all 8 matches in there.  And I learned some things about how some of my better guys worked with bottom-of-the-barrel talent.

Bedlam and Beast getting a 66 with Grime and Pun was pretty good.

As above, Wade and Roly getting to 72 with a non-name lump on his debut was great. If they can do that... I wish they'd put up 82s with half-decent opponents.

Edward & Conan 'only' managed a 60 against their bums.  Meh.  Edward is starting to show his age at just 38.

Adam and Seb having bad chemistry sucks.  Even with that, those 2 just getting a 50?  Yuk.  

The Happy Monkeys with Emmett Askey are just fun. I like them a lot.


Oh and angles.

Jeff's intro got a 93!  Woo.  More of that please Jeff.  The same slot at H2H was just a 67.

Tommy's long promo got a 90 too.  I just need to wrap up his 7 sins storyline [which has turned mushy recently] and give him something better.  More on that when his partner gets announced next week on BoBW...


Oh and that's a quarter of the year done.  I'll do a roundup at some point of that.

Big winners for the quarter:

Bedlam and Roly.  Both are smashing it

Landon has done well too. 

And Boulder + Flynn.

And Ricky.

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