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Male/Female Trainers in Intergender Wrestling Promotions?

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Hey, so I've got a suggestion: In promotions that have intergender wrestling, there's no need to separate the men's and women's trainers, is there? So, why not, for those promotions alone, merge them into one just called "trainer"?

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Shouldn't the need for trainers depend on the size of the roster more than anything?

If you have a roster of 30 men and 30 women it still makes sense to have 2 trainers even if you do intergender matches. On the other hand if you have 30 men and 4 women, or 30 women and 4 men, even if there's no intergender wrestling it seems silly to have 1 trainer for a group of 10 trainees and 1 trainer for 1 trainee.

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1 hour ago, MisterSocko said:

Shouldn't the need for trainers depend on the size of the roster more than anything?

If you have a roster of 30 men and 30 women it still makes sense to have 2 trainers even if you do intergender matches. On the other hand if you have 30 men and 4 women, or 30 women and 4 men, even if there's no intergender wrestling it seems silly to have 1 trainer for a group of 10 trainees and 1 trainer for 1 trainee.

Yeah, I can see that. Wrestling companies do still do that, even in today's more lenient society, so I can see an intergender roster still being separated into men and women like it's a high school dance. That's wrestling for you. It's realistic to the real thing, and that's what this game does best. 😛 

I do fully agree that a company with almost none of a particular gender should just have a single trainer for everyone, since singling them out would be silly. Maybe also just like, companies that are really small. Like, I can't see a Tiny or Insignificant company having two separate trainers. Hell, most of them I can't even see having *one*. I guess you could just not set them, but having tiny or insignificant-sized companies having only one trainer slot, and maybe fewer Inner Circle slots in general, would make more sense. Because otherwise, if the AI fills those up completely, their entire roster might fit on that one screen if the company's small enough.

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I definitely agree that the Trainers part of the Inner Circle could be reworked.

Basing the need for trainers on the size of the roster and the experience of the talent seems to make more sense than basing it purely on the size of the company though. Developmental companies are small in terms of popularity but it makes sense for them to have more than 1 trainer (I mean, unless they have a really tiny roster).

And if you run an all-female developmental company and you have 60 girls on your roster it doesn't make sense to have a trainer for your non-existent men's division and only one for all the women. So in a case like that, the slots should just be "Trainer 1" and "Trainer 2".

Maybe things could be changed so that the trainees are divided based on the new editable divisions? Maybe not 1 trainer for every single division, still a maximum of 2 trainers, but you could choose, like for an all-male Japanese company it doesn't seem illogical to be able to have 1 trainer for the heavyweights and 1 trainer for the juniors but you wouldn't need a trainer for a women's division that you don't have.

Edited by MisterSocko
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