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More Languages and Regions

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So was playing WMMA5 and find, they have regions like Africa, Poland, Caribbean & China are in so was wondering could TEW IX get it patched in, I am hopeful now but odd that it's in WMMA5. But not TEW IX hopefully now I have seen it in WMMA5 can try and get it into TEW IX

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Would love to see more languages in the game as got Korean & Chinese, workers that can't speak their native language. Also Russian and Swedish and more European languages being in would be nice.


And Africa, China, South Korea, Caribbean  and Saudi regions would be cool too, understand if regions cannot be added but more languages would be cool and would soften the blow if no regions don't get added.

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It's weird that we can have 'Middle Eastern' workers, but they can't speak Arabic. Or that Asians can be non-Japanese and non-Indian, but not speak any Asian language.

From a gimmick/promo perspective, other languages would be an asset and give authenticity to nationality-based gimmicks. See The Mountie/Quebecers speaking French a lot, the amazing entrance theme of the Fabulous Rougeaus (which is also the best theme anyone ever had); long story short: various 'evil foreigner' gimmicks in general.

It would be great if we could somehow reflect a native language that isn't in the options, even if it's just a catch all 'Asian' and 'Middle Eastern' option.

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It's a pretty damn shame that South America isn't in the game, either. I know we have virtually zero pro-wrestling nowadays, but there used to actually be a scene in the 60s and 70s, so it'd help making historical mods more realistic, at the very least. 

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35 minutes ago, cesspool said:

It's a pretty damn shame that South America isn't in the game, either. I know we have virtually zero pro-wrestling nowadays, but there used to actually be a scene in the 60s and 70s, so it'd help making historical mods more realistic, at the very least. 

yep agreed buddy I am hopeful it could get added in, and as you say historical or even fictional we have it in as a choice buddy.

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I care a lot more about game quality of life than "absolute realism". I don't want hundreds of languages. For one, it's just more data in the database and the more data the game comes packed with, the less we can add before it's full. There are limits on what it can handle and I don't think those limits should be invested into redundancies - there are plenty of languages. Languages are also a rabbit hole where everyone will want this/that one added, but adding a million wouldn't really give the game more content or make it more fun.

I do like the idea of using the Editor to Add/Remove/Edit Languages. Name the language, pick the Regions/Areas that speak it, and what percentage of people in each area speak which languages.

This gives everyone their way - You can make the whole world speak only one language (Klingon, of course) or give each region of the world 5 languages. Dealer's choice.


Edited by thadian
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1 minute ago, thadian said:

I care a lot more about game quality of life than "absolute realism". I don't want hundreds of languages. For one, it's just more data in the database and the more data the game comes packed with, the less we can add before it's full. There are limits on what it can handle and I don't think those limits should be invested into redundancies - there are plenty of languages. Languages are also a rabbit hole where everyone will want this/that one added, but adding a million wouldn't really give the game more content or make it more fun.

I do like the idea of using the Editor to Add/Remove Languages. Name the language, pick the Regions/Areas that speak it, and what percentage of people in each area speak which languages.

This gives everyone their way - You can make the whole world speak only one language (Klingon, of course) or give each region of the world 5 languages. Dealer's choice.


Yes I like this idea to be honest, I understand its hard but let us put it in, I know regions are probably a no go but I can hope at least buddy. But like the idea of adding and removing be cool if can do that for regions.

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Ideally, do what PWS did - give us "Continents" such as North America, Europe, Africa, Asia, etc. Beneath that, are Region/Subregions. One person might go North America > United States > Great Lakes as normal. Another might create the database to go North America > US Great Lakes > Michigan. For each region, click the languages it speaks right there with the products it likes/dislikes and whether its economy/industry is strong/weak.

This would give us the best experience.

Even if we cannot add new areas, just being able to change existing ones could be a game changer. Some mods might convert all western countries to Asia/Southeast Asia countries. Another might change India to South America. Another might "swap" UK and US so they have a very detailed regional UK and a very simple US.

Someone might even create historical or continental centric mods.

I understand why TEW doesn't just give us hardcoded continents with customizable regions/subregions. I sure wish it did.

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1 minute ago, thadian said:

Ideally, do what PWS did - give us "Continents" such as North America, Europe, Africa, Asia, etc. Beneath that, are Region/Subregions. One person might go North America > United States > Great Lakes as normal. Another might create the database to go North America > US Great Lakes > Michigan. For each region, click the languages it speaks right there with the products it likes/dislikes and whether its economy/industry is strong/weak.

This would give us the best experience.

Even if we cannot add new areas, just being able to change existing ones could be a game changer. Some mods might convert all western countries to Asia/Southeast Asia countries. Another might change India to South America. Another might "swap" UK and US so they have a very detailed regional UK and a very simple US.

Someone might even create historical or continental centric mods.

I understand why TEW doesn't just give us hardcoded continents with customizable regions/subregions. I sure wish it did.

Yep this sounds so cool buddy, be super cool and hopeful something gets added in as I have African and South Korean networks, that are no use at the moment buddy. I love your idea though!

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50 minutes ago, thadian said:

I do like the idea of using the Editor to Add/Remove/Edit Languages. Name the language, pick the Regions/Areas that speak it, and what percentage of people in each area speak which languages.

This gives everyone their way - You can make the whole world speak only one language (Klingon, of course) or give each region of the world 5 languages. Dealer's choice.


This would be the ideal solution. The geo tags show that the game can handle and connect keywords entered by users and wouldn't need a hard-coded list of options. I also don't see much potential for conflicts in mods because in most cases, languages are pretty simple and would use the same terms. Sure, someone might come along and tag all English-speaking regions with 'Anglophone' instead of 'English', but that's their choice then.

Just remove the Languages dropdown and instead put freeform boxes there - Native Language + Also Speaks, problem solved.

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3 minutes ago, GrindhouseArts said:

This would be the ideal solution. The geo tags show that the game can handle and connect keywords entered by users and wouldn't need a hard-coded list of options. I also don't see much potential for conflicts in mods because in most cases, languages are pretty simple and would use the same terms. Sure, someone might come along and tag all English-speaking regions with 'Anglophone' instead of 'English', but that's their choice then.

Just remove the Languages dropdown and instead put freeform boxes there - Native Language + Also Speaks, problem solved.

Yep agreed buddy.

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On 8/19/2024 at 11:34 AM, Spoons said:

It would be a very big change, so I doubt it, but never say never. I'd love to see brand new regions in the game!

Yes even if it it was we can add our own in.

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