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Dominic De Sousa vs Ricky DeColt (C)


Generation Z (C) vs Killer Karson & Mustafa The Executioner vs Johnny Yates & Steelheart vs The New Predators


Blockbuster vs Harvey Robbinfield (C) 

Edd Stone vs Whippy The Clown 

Adrian Cote vs Skip Beau 

Dan DaLay vs The Alexithymia Eunuch 

Alistair Shufflebottom & Brett Fraser vs Chucky Dorrance & Kolkata Jai 

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Dominic De Sousa vs Ricky DeColt (C)

Generation Z (C) vs Killer Karson & Mustafa The Executioner vs Johnny Yates & Steelheart vs The New Predators

Blockbuster vs Harvey Robbinfield (C) I think that's our title change for the night

Edd Stone vs Whippy The Clown 

Adrian Cote vs Skip Beau 

Dan DaLay vs The Alexithymia Eunuch 

Alistair Shufflebottom & Brett Fraser vs Chucky Dorrance & Kolkata Jai 

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Dominic De Sousa vs Ricky DeColt (C)


Generation Z (C) vs Killer Karson & Mustafa The Executioner vs Johnny Yates & Steelheart vs The New Predators


Blockbuster vs Harvey Robbinfield (C) 

Edd Stone vs Whippy The Clown 

Adrian Cote vs Skip Beau 

Dan DaLay vs The Alexithymia Eunuch 

Alistair Shufflebottom & Brett Fraser vs Chucky Dorrance & Kolkata Jai 

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Held At: Abbotsford Recreation Complex 

CA: 1343

PPV Buys: 11708



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We open the show with a nice little thrown together tag. The Chucky/Jai act hasn't been doing badly but there just aren't credible tag teams to beat. Brett Fraser is slowly heading towards retirement (mostly because he can't muster enough speed with his movement to go any faster) and Alistair has already gotten his gold-watch reign with the Canadian belt. Chucky is perfecting his strategy calls (when he'll say "destroy him!" instead of "club him!" to Jai), Jai is trying to work out his stamina issues though he doesn't have much success with it contrary to another star combatant we'll get to later, and ultimately after a Cobra Clutch Slam by Jai, Chucky tagged in and got the pin on Shufflebottom. 



DanDaLayKingBison.jpg.be4b202514656fa63d2c3f286dda112e.jpg  VS  TheAlexithymiaEunuch.jpg.7d727ae14d5065b8f46518685016a409.jpg

The Eunuch's logical approach meant a complete change in strategy than usual- even his ripped physique and combat build can't compare with the legend of Dan DaLay in raw strength. He went for virtually no throws and focused on the joint based offense to chop down the big man, but DaLay has seen it all and still got a ton of offense in. Effortless and brutal, there were a lot of injury close calls from one handed wedgie slams and careless facebusters- whatever would stop the relentless, merciless assault on his knees. Dan hit a huge lariat that got him the separation he needed to call for the DaLay Down (Tombstone Piledriver) only for his knee to give out! The Eunuch starts spamming headbutts before a vicious chop block gets him to apply a figure four leg lock that he ingeniously transitions into a pinning predicament! Dan has seen every trick but not this one that's out of this world! By the time he realizes he shouldn't try to break the submission but gets the shoulder up, ref Garcia has counted three!!!! The shock is evident in his face- the Eunuch has not gone for a flash pinfall before in his career.



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After his first hiatus (out of kayfabe: unjust firing) from CGC, Whippy The Clown managed to become world champ again, but it seems like the arrival of guys like Edd Stone, Ricky DeColt and Dominic DeSousa alongside his irreversible aging means that he can't hang like he could in 2018. Edd Stone has been hangover since losing the world title at Wrestlefestival- the "24 hour party animal" declared the CGC World Title his "drug and obsession" when he was holding it and he's been moody and unfocused ever since Ricky DeColt beat his ass. This plays out in this match very visibly where whenever Edd does his usual schtick he is sloppy and makes mistakes and he needs to really lock in to get advantages against a very motivated if over the hill Whippy. Whippy tries to make Edd even more miserable by breaking out some of the ol' midcarder tricks like the water from the flower and the buzzer handshake that somehow doesn't end in a DQ but that was the shock that was needed to awaken the Stone in him. Dropkick! Gutbuster! Party's Over! 1-2-3. 



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Usually matches this short are more merciful. Cote is a firey, scrappy brawler not afraid to get down and dirty but Skip had no interest in this being a mutual exercise. After Cote got a few strikes in, Skip kicked him in the gut, grabbed him by the hair, threw him on the mat then put him in a ground and pound for as long as possible without getting disqualified. Then he got off the mount just long enough to reset the count and went again. He powerbombed Adrian three times, threw him out of the ring, then followed after the 9 count to reset the count and hit a Flow Down on top of the stairs before getting him in the ring and pinning him with one arm.



Skip grabs the mic after the match and completely berates the latest graduate of the DeColt Powerhouse. Ignoring the fact he has over 10 years of experience, standing reach and 50+ pounds on him, he completely mocks him for not being able to put on a good fight and being just another example of why CGC sucks and why Skip himself hasn't been allowed to shine surrounded by this generation. He claims he'll need to keep beating the potential into these kids, and hopes Cote can show he learnt something whenever he gets out of the hospital.



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"Post-Hardcore" Blockbuster had a lot to prove against the Omega Man, whose no-selling antics have helped him beat Skip Beau and Dan DaLay and showcase incredible resilience as he just keeps coming back for more in his matches. Buster was looking very familiar early on with his clubbing blows and attempts to get Harvey to take some nasty bumps that are almost always teases. The Omega Man seems to be cruising to another successful title defense doing his kip ups and landing or his feet or popping back up from offense, until Blockbuster debuts a new, devastating maneuver: After Harvey gets back up, he just squashes him with a crossbody, keeping him down. Spamming that move can get even the Omega Man tired out, but for good measure he would also spam illegal elbow strikes that are concealed from the referee's view. As a result when Harvey went for his usual comeback sequence he was too rocked to hit everything with full effect and his attempt to copy Mimic's counter to the Busterbomb got him thrown to the outside of the ring (insane to trust anyone to take that bump but he managed it with his 94 athleticism), and a second Busterbomb crowned a NEW Canadian champion.



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First fall wins in this insane match. Yates is a world class tag worker in his prime and his and Steelheart's quiet heartthrobs schtick is pretty good for a thrown-together team. Karson and Mustafa have shown a lot of improvement together (Mustafa's stamina has gone from comical to workable) and Destiny has good chemistry with them as a manager despite not having cut promos together yet. The New Predators have neutral chemistry and therefore will get better with experience, and Generation Z are actually like the 7th and 8th best in ring workers on the roster right now? Though that says more about the rest of the roster itself. So yeah, this was better than it looked on paper even with the convoluted stip and lack of appropriate build. The Predators mostly stayed away from the champs, with Johnny getting a lot of exposure to keep things flowing and this serving as a bit of a death rattle to the Gen Z vs Mustafa and Karson feud. Flip Simkins hit the 450 degree Splash on Steelheart after a classic sequence where everyone ignores tag team match rules and gets in the ring to get "eliminated" by a finisher, and the champs retained their belts. 



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In some ways, this is a mirror matchup. Same height, almost same weight, both are very complete wrestlers who you wouldn't call brawlers or technicians or high flyers. But Ricky DeColt is god damn decorated and DeSousa is purely hungry. DeSousa took every single shortcut he could on his way to really dominating the first third of the match until Ricky managed to throw him over the top rope and a huge springboard moonsault to the cheers of the adoring crowd. Ricky channeled some DeColt classics to really get the fans hot and into this match as it shifted into third gear, but Dom with a huge jawbreaker begun all the head blows to set up the Widow Maker. An oddity in this match is that really after the beginning we didn't get many control segments, instead playing into the mirror matchup aspects with constant counters and changes in fortunes. After DeSousa missed his first attempt at the Curb Stomp, DeColt instantly got into his groove. Clothesline, forearms, Spinebuster, Standing Moonsault, DeColt4- blocked with an eye poke! DeSousa locked in a quick sleeper to disorient his opponent and as soon as he felt the resistances going down he hit a DeColt 45 of his own on the champ! 1-2-2.9! He can't help but bring out the shocked face but he still goes for the Widow Maker- Ricky dodges! Frankenesteiner! DeColt 45! 1-2-Kick Out! 


Ricky asks the crowd to give him their energy and goes for the Iron Claw but DeSousa will never not protect his beautiful face. He goes down on his knees and puts both hands up, but as Ricky tries to run the ropes, roll up with a handful of tights! 1-2-barely kicks out! DeSousa wants to get a widow maker in before Ricky gets up but he just runs into an Iron Claw! The DeColt force is so big he gets DeSousa backtracking before he kneels, but unluckily for him, Dom grabs the middle rope. As referee Garcia tries to inform Ricky he should release the hold, DeSousa gets the perfect opportunity to hit a low blow! Widow Maker! 1-2-3KICKOUT! DeSousa is fuming and just wants to hit a second curb stomp. The crowd is desperate, shouting and warning Ricky DeColt who seems knocked out. He slowly and slowly stirs but the stomp is inevitab- Spinebuster! He catches him right in the middle of the jump! Incredible scenes as both men are down! "Mr. July" gets up first, ready to fulfill his dream month. Knife edge chop to Ricky DeColt who responds with a huge forearm! Chop-Forearm exchange continues until DeSousa goes for a clothesline that DeColt dodges! Kick to the midsection, Curb Stomp attempt that DeSousa dodges! As he's behind DeColt he goes for a second DeColt 45-Ricky lands on his feet! Backslide, 1-2-kickout! Standing Curb Stomp by Ricky! DeColt 45! 1....2....3!!!! DeColts Rule at the main event of Ultimate Showdown! 



Ricky DeColt gets his belt, gets a microphone, and addresses the adoring crowd. This was a reminder to everyone that CGC is finally back. That this is DeColt country, and it will always be. No one wants it more in this locker room. No one knows what it means more in this locker room. On any given day, any competitor can be better than someone else, but in the long run who rules? DECOLTS RULE! 


That's when a familiar theme plays, and a familiar figure appears in a jean jacket, white tanktop and grey pants with slacks. 


SHOOTER SEAN DEELEY! The CGC and NOTBPW legend is back! He slowly approaches a shocked Ricky DeColt, who lifts his world title belt over his head and welcomes him with a fairly confident and sarcastic smile. Sean leans his head in an agreeing manner, and extends a hand. DeColt takes it and Deeley lifts the arm of the champ as the crowd goes crazy...before an Olympic Slam into a Seated Stretch Armbar leaves us in familiar territory. A sea of security guards and an enraged R.K. Hayes come out to break things up as we go off air, our allocated time over.



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I loved how much Eunuch's character fed into their strategy against DaLay: the fact they could adopt a completely different style and still achieve one of the biggest wins of their career.

Interesting first appearance for Edd Stone with having his title loss affect his focus (which also gives context into why he hasn't been doing much on TV) and almost cost him again. I loved the extra detail that the buzzer handshake turned out to be legal.

A squash full of personality for Skip Beau, who I sense could be the breakout star of this dynasty. Interesting post-match promo too in justifying his actions, and beating the potential into the kids is a great line.

I had a feeling Blockbuster would go over after a recent line about booking him stronger this time and it felt like the right call to immediately legitimise him. And a significant achievement with what you mentioned about Robbinfield defeating Beau and DaLay during his reign.

I'm envious that you've seen a stamina improvement from Mustafa as I never made that breakthrough with him. It made sense to keep the titles on Generation Z while they're such standard bearers, and the nature of this match makes it easy to move them onto a one-on-one match with one of these teams or Chucky's team.

I found myself rooting for DeSouza a bit in the main event, but I liked the direction you went with even more. Of course it makes sense to have a DeColt as champion while trying to bring back lapsed fans and recruit new ones, and the post-match reveal gives us something even more familiar and exciting to look forward to. As the caption says, we're so back.

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