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Suggestions, Tweener?

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Maybe we could have a whole spectrum of alignments? "Face", "Tweener, Leaning Face", "Tweener", "Tweener, Leaning Heel", "Heel". Maybe even more than that. I just think it would be nice to have a bit more customizability with this kind of thing.

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I (and I think others did too) suggested this before Tew 2020. I can only imagine Adam doesn't feel ins necessary or its really too much too implement.


It would be good if you had a heel/face crown reaction for each worker. eg a 0% face and 0% heel reaction would be xpac heat. but you could have a heel who is getting 70% face reaction and you know its time to turn them. 

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I think people complained so much about the penalties for Face vs Face or Heel vs Heel matches that they have been turned way down already, so having "tweeners" doesn't seem that useful.

In real life, you're only a "tweener" when you're in the middle of a turn that takes place over the course of several segments or several shows, and then you're clearly face or heel.

Otherwise you can be a face or heel whose actions occasionally seem to contradict their alignment but that doesn't really make you a tweener, you're still clearly face or heel in the sense that the fans know whether they're supposed to cheer or boo you. If they don't you're kind of failing at your job.

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