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just one question.


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ok i have a question for everybody so be honest my death of paul heyman thing is under because of the roster i made changes in my room before i start changeing everything roster 1 will be cut for roster 2 3 and 4 but i have an idea that i think would be cool i want to start a thread with people that are on here well what i mean is that you create a proflie so i can put on the roster if people can help me with this i would be happy and any type of titles you want an the promotion than tell me there will be a roster for each band in the promotion and instead of me doing this by myself you can start a storyline and angle oh yeah this is kinda a roleplay one just diffent if anybody has questions p.m. me.
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[QUOTE=jerlito]ok i have a question for everybody so be honest my death of paul heyman thing is under because of the roster i made changes in my room before i start changeing everything roster 1 will be cut for roster 2 3 and 4 but i have an idea that i think would be cool i want to start a thread with people that are on here well what i mean is that you create a proflie so i can put on the roster if people can help me with this i would be happy and any type of titles you want an the promotion than tell me there will be a roster for each band in the promotion and instead of me doing this by myself you can start a storyline and angle oh yeah this is kinda a roleplay one just diffent if anybody has questions p.m. me.[/QUOTE] oh if any logos or names for the fed would be cool if you can tell me.
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[QUOTE=jerlito][COLOR="Red"]O[/COLOR]k [COLOR="Red"]I[/COLOR] have a question for everybody[COLOR="Red"][B].[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="#ff0000"]S[/COLOR]o [COLOR="Red"]to[/COLOR] be honest my death of paul heyman thing is under because of the roster[COLOR="#ff0000"][B].[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="#ff0000"]B[/COLOR]efore [COLOR="#ff0000"]I[/COLOR] start changing everything[COLOR="#ff0000"][B],[/B][/COLOR] roster 1 will be cut for roster 2 3 and 4 but [COLOR="Red"]I[/COLOR] have an idea that [COLOR="#ff0000"]I[/COLOR] think would be cool[COLOR="#ff0000"][B].[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="#ff0000"]I[/COLOR] want to start a thread with people that are on here[COLOR="#ff0000"][B],[/B][/COLOR] well what [COLOR="Red"]I[/COLOR] mean is that you create a proflie so [COLOR="#ff0000"]I[/COLOR] can put [COLOR="#ff0000"]you[/COLOR] on the roster[COLOR="#ff0000"][B].[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="#ff0000"]I[/COLOR]f people can help me with this [COLOR="Red"]I[/COLOR] would be happy[COLOR="#ff0000"][B],[/B][/COLOR] any type of titles you want [COLOR="#ff0000"]i[/COLOR]n the promotion th[COLOR="#ff0000"]e[/COLOR]n tell me[COLOR="#ff0000"][B].[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="#ff0000"]T[/COLOR]here will be a roster for each b[COLOR="#ff0000"]r[/COLOR]and in the promotion[COLOR="#ff0000"][B],[/B][/COLOR] instead of me doing this by myself you can start a storyline and angle[COLOR="#ff0000"][B].[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="#ff0000"]O[/COLOR]h yeah this is kinda a roleplay one[COLOR="#ff0000"][B],[/B][/COLOR] just diffe[COLOR="#ff0000"]re[/COLOR]nt[COLOR="#ff0000"][B].[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="#ff0000"]I[/COLOR]f anybody has questions p.m. me.[/QUOTE] I've read that some people have criticised your grammar but simply telling someone to improve is unrealistic and not very helpful. If you look in the quote above i've put in what I think is the correct punctuation for your message, hopefully this will give you a good indication of how the message should flow correctly. (i've highlighted what i've added/changed in red) I understand that English isn't your first language so one tip I can give you on punctuation is simply to read out loud what you've written. When you want to pause for breath, put in a comma in if it's going to be a continuation of the sentence. If instead it's going to be a new sentence then use a full stop instead. As for putting us forum members in your roster, a lot of use have already put up profiles in this thread: [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=16316[/url] Hope this helps! :)
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[QUOTE=hurricanendp]no disrespect, but you havent actually been given permission by any of us that have offered our profiles to the TEWF thread to use them![/QUOTE] i was asking everybody thats all may wait because i joined the tewf thing as a play by play guy.
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