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The Future is here... and It Rocks!

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First off let me say that my brief disappearance from these boards has nothing to do with any involvement in TEW 2007. In fact I find it hugely ironic that for the first time in about 6 months I don't check the board religously and BAM. Adam drops the bombshell. Let me next say thank you to Adam for not leaving the TEW franchise for a whole new game, and I'm glad to here that the conversion process will be easier than the previous game. My final point is this. I will be maknig an up-to-date version of FORC (Will probably rename it) and End of the Golden Era (Thank you so much for the setting of wrestler debut dates, will increase playability 100% imo). You guys may have until demo time for me to begin work, but with my trusted team behind me, I think we can get it done double quick. Thank you again Adam for stealing any spare time I had as I will now be following (Like many) with baited breath for any and all updates. Thank you.
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[QUOTE=weirdo_man;134614]TCP, by the time you get to release your data, I should have my in ring persona created and maybe even be wrestling already, and I can be edited into the real world data :p[/QUOTE] Excellent my friend. Well keep me posted.
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I'm already looking forward to the update version of End Of The Golden Era. That was the first mod I got for TEW and I absolutly loved (And stil love) it.
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[QUOTE=.SVA;134711]I'm already looking forward to the update version of End Of The Golden Era. That was the first mod I got for TEW and I absolutly loved (And stil love) it.[/QUOTE] I'm actually considering doing this one first as the idea of debut dates for workers has to be the greatest thing ever!
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I'll bear that in mind buddy, but EotGE was a much more solo project than FORC. You could consider it my baby as I learnt my stats range and style from it and it should benefit hugely from a going over and the new features in TEW2007. Perhaps if Adam was feeling particularly generous he might allow me a copy a little early so that I can get to work on it quicker? :)
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EOTGE and DOTT were the best mods I've played for TEW. I prefer EOTGE a bit more though as I was about 11 in 1993 and so was really into "wrestling" by that time and playing the data brought back memoreis of when I knew nothing except WWF and WCW and just thought the "wrestlcrap" was funny and entertaining. I pushed Mr Perfect, Crush and Adam Bomb to the moon on that one! All Hail King Crush!
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[QUOTE=TCP1;134719]Perhaps if Adam was feeling particularly generous he might allow me a copy a little early so that I can get to work on it quicker? :)[/QUOTE] PLease let that happen! :D
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OK, I've decided to concentrate on End of the Golden Era first, purely for the debut part of it, plus deep down it was my first baby and needs a going over. So if people do want to help, then I'm recutting all the pics onto background number 5 (The black and white illuminated ring background) and I could do with some help due to there being 1100 pics. So everyone start looking for good quality 1993 pics and cut them if you can, if not then post them and I'll cut them.
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I'm really glad that we'll get the scenarios on TEW 07, I honestly didn't play much of yours (I believe it was the 93 one, yes?) this year as I had trouble getting into the games for the most part (not just from your scenario) Lately though I've been getting into it well and may just go back and toss your data in and try and work some magic. I'm glad we're getting some features that will really help the playability of old school scenarios. Thanks for your time creating enjoyment for us.
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hmmm...... if you were using the blue, cage background then i probably woulda' helped out a bit. But im not a fan of the grey coloured backgrounds, too mundane for my tastes. Just a thought it may be worth holding fire on the picture cuttin on the off chance Adam takes my worker pics suggestion into consideration.
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[QUOTE=.SVA;135317]I think that background fits to a scenario taking place around that time. Not to flashy.[/QUOTE] That's exactly the reason I like it for 1993. Overall I prefer the blue, but for a scenario I think this one rocks! In fact I could have all older workers on that background, with all newly debuting stars on the other. Just to add to the visuals a bit. Any thoughts?
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