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Tag Teams prestige

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I hope the New TEW will have a Tag Team prestige feature. For example: Worker A and Worker B are put together in a tag team. They become a very popular team in your promotion. They win the Tag titles several times and their team prestige or experience reaches a high level. Here is my new suggestion. High experienced tag teams' workers can be linked to each other.(ie. Dudleys) and leave your promotion together, as well as join another promotion together and use their already established Team name.
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You are missing the point weirdo. Or I am. :) Consider a trio such as The Road Warriors and Precious Paul Ellering. Those three traveled the world together throughout the vast majority of their careers. TEW does not allow the three to stay linked up. You'll often see 'Road Warrior Hawk' in one promotion and 'Road Warrior Animal' in another. In CV terms, imagine breaking up the Lords of War. It just should never happen. :) I think it is a fantastic idea. It would add some personality to the gameworld. If you wanted to hire the Roadies, for example, they would demand that you hire Ellering.
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let me be clear on the auto name... I would like the A.I. to come up with a name for 2 people who have good chemisrty and you form them as a team, example... you put Chad Collyer and Nigel McGuiness together(I actually have these 2 tag teaming) and if you have a hard time coming up with a name to call them, that's when you can auto name and get something like "Technically Perfect" instead of just their two names Collyer/McGuiness...
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[QUOTE=wooodaddy;139329]let me be clear on the auto name... I would like the A.I. to come up with a name for 2 people who have good chemisrty and you form them as a team, example... you put Chad Collyer and Nigel McGuiness together(I actually have these 2 tag teaming) and if you have a hard time coming up with a name to call them, that's when you can auto name and get something like "Technically Perfect" instead of just their two names Collyer/McGuiness...[/QUOTE] Ummm, so essentially what you want is for the game to do for you what it already does for AI run promotions? i.e. two workers are put together for a tag match and happen to win the tag titles. The game automatically assigns a name for that team ("The Amazing Wrestlers", "Forces of Nature", etc). That would be cool by me but then you run the risk of people complaining about "cheesy names". Plus, I dunno if there's a limited number of names available or not. Good idea though and one I'd probably use more often than not. The tag team thing would be cool too IMO. That is, assuming it's available via the editor when making a DB, like tag team data is now.
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However, there's very few teams who've worked together exclusively for the whole of their careers. Animal missed a big chunk of the nineties, for example, and had his own singles run later on, while the Steiners, Hardys, E&C and the New Age Outlaws have all had singles runs that in many cases outlasted their tag runs. About the closest I'd say to a career tag team (at least nowadays) would be the Dudleys, and even they have had singles runs in ECW and WWE. AMW are similar, I think, but I don't know how long they've been together. Modern-day tag teams aren't viewed as a fixed entity - they're generally temporary alliances, with little or nothing in common. When established tag teams split, it's often the case that one members sinks (Haas, Jannetty, Neidhart, Kidman, Bart Gunn) while another thrives. Even in the old days, you'd often see fluid partnerships where individuals team up for a time to take tag team gold before going their separate ways - sometimes with one or both going on to further tag gold with different partners. Likewise, singles workers used to often have tag team runs as an alternative for them when they'd run out of singles opponents - Ricky Steamboat and Ric Flair, for example, both had multiple tag reigns with various wrestlers, as well as being main event singles wrestlers. You could add Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit to that list, while Rey Mysterio had tag reigns with RVD (who also held gold with Kane and Sabu), Eddie (who was also a champion with Chavo and Tajiri), Edge (who won titles with Christian, Chris Benoit and Hulk Hogan) and Billy Kidman (a champion with Paul London, who's the current WWE champ with Brian Kendrick...). While I like the idea of linking tag teams more strongly, I suspect it'd be hard to implement when you have two workers come available at the same time, with long teaming experience, but who have since taken different paths. What if Shawn Michaels [I]had[/I] signed for WCW in 1997? Would they have signed Marty Jannetty and reunited the Rockers? (Actually, WCW...). I guess what it ultimately needs is a 'lock as tag team' option - but as we know, there's no such thing as an unbreakable partnership...
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[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I like this idea too, but also agree that teams shouldn't be permanently 'locked'. How about if teams were only locked if they; [/FONT] [LIST] [*][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Have B or higher experience as a tag team.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Have a positive relationship.[/FONT] [/LIST] [FONT="Comic Sans MS"]We all know how dynamic relationships are in TEW, so that would open up the possibility of partners going their seperate ways eventually. Of course, this would all depend on whether it was possible to code, but it's certainly something that I'd welcome to the sim. :) As far as managers also being linked. That would be tremendous, but I'd imagine that this would be even tougher to code in. The only way I can imagine it happening is if stables had an experience rating, and they too fell into the requirements listed above.[/FONT]
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