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Adam, I enjoy your programs very much purchasing most of them. I’m excited about your new project and can’t wait for its release. A few observations I’ve made about the game you can take or leave. The problem I have with the game is for some reason it’s hard to advance with interest. I can’t put my finger on why or pin point one issue and maybe its my short attention span that’s the fault but I can’t play a federation more then a couple of months before I’m done with it. Then I return to the game a month later and start a new fed or new mods with the same results. Like I said its a great game and I recommend it to everybody who asks. I think budget is a problem with this game as it’s emphised in many area’s yet its hard to get a firm grasp of what you’re spending, and what your taking in especially in the smaller federations that work PPA contracts. I think it would be a huge help if before you ran a show you got a estimation on the nights income, and a summery of experience for the night. Part of wrestling is the gate and not knowing how well you are going to do and I understand that. But you should have more of a grasp on what you are spending. Also as somebody who enjoys posting my shows in the Dynasties fourm I wish their was an easier way to export game news and other federations rosters. I don’t mind keeping tabs and typing out my federations happenings and shows. Once you set a temple it becomes fairly easy but keeping track of the rest of the world and showing what’s happening around me become over bearing. Not sure if their would be an easy way to export some of that information to word or what not. My last suggestion may be way off base and perhaps a totally different game altogether. But I don’t think it is. One of my biggest problem with the game is it’s so in depth it takes to long, and to much effort, to progress in a reasonable time. Which to be honest, I’d rather see depth then lack of depth in a game. I just wish I had more short cuts. I hate handling any federation that is massive in size and has two rosters, or more then one show. I tend to run smaller feds where I only have to run one show a week. The problem is the smaller the fed obviously the less talent you have to work with. But to run a major federation is just to much to keep track of. I just want to assume the role of a owner or a head booker where I over see the roster more then micro manage. For example I’d rather handle budget, roster, and card placement then booking every single segment and show. Now obviously that is a big part of the game and the option to do all that is what makes the game great but I wish I could step back and hire writers and bookers to handle the shows while I over see the direction of the federation. Maybe handling out comes of PPV’s and such. Look over story’s and kill arch’s that I feel arn’t working. Set who I want to build the show around while the writers execute it. Sort of an auto book option that really takes into who and what I want to push. I really am looking forward to the new owner restrictions you are adding that’s exactly the kind of thing I’m looking for. I know I’m all over the place but thanks for reading this and keep up the great job I enjoy the update diary you are doing and look foreword to all those features. DW =w=
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Great post, and not in a kinda way flaming, just nice suggestions and all the explanations why it is that you've said. I really feel almost the same way; in TEW2005, when I got my MAW to International (or was it Global? :/ ) I just lost interest. Also, I neved had any problems with finance, I'll always gain profit (Second month with MAW, I was in +30.000 or so etc.) But hmm. Especially with Entertainment promotions, there could be an autofiller, all those hype videos, and promos. The game was sometimes repetitive. Also, that hiring of booker etc.. Interesting idea. But, I doubt will see it in 07. Or ever. Maybe in the next game, which could focus on the things you've said. Don't know. But what I do know, is that I'll love '07, when it comes available. And play it for months, years maybe.
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Great post, and not in a kinda way flaming, just nice suggestions and all the explanations why it is that you've said. I really feel almost the same way; in TEW2005, when I got my MAW to International (or was it Global? :/ ) I just lost interest. Also, I neved had any problems with finance, I'll always gain profit (Second month with MAW, I was in +30.000 or so etc.) But hmm. Especially with Entertainment promotions, there could be an autofiller, all those hype videos, and promos. The game was sometimes repetitive. Also, that hiring of booker etc.. Interesting idea. But, I doubt will see it in 07. Or ever. Maybe in the next game, which could focus on the things you've said. Don't know. But what I do know, is that I'll love '07, when it comes available. And play it for months, years maybe.
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A surprisingly good post considering we're in GDS. But I have to disagree completely. I started a 1995 game in real world with the WWF in April, I guess. I'm in 2001 now and I'm still excited about it and play it pretty much on a daily basis. It's setting goals to yourself that makes the difference. Like in 1996 I had to start elevating Austin in order to make him a title contender in mid-1997. Also I already have a dream card made up for WrestleMania XX and I can't wait until I get there. And I think TEW 2k5 doesn't have enough depth and having more depth is the one thing I'm looking forward to in 2k7. [QUOTE]My last suggestion may be way off base and perhaps a totally different game altogether. But I don’t think it is. One of my biggest problem with the game is it’s so in depth it takes to long, and to much effort, to progress in a reasonable time. Which to be honest, I’d rather see depth then lack of depth in a game. I just wish I had more short cuts. I hate handling any federation that is massive in size and has two rosters, or more then one show.[/QUOTE] I've got three words for ya: E, W and R.
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A surprisingly good post considering we're in GDS. But I have to disagree completely. I started a 1995 game in real world with the WWF in April, I guess. I'm in 2001 now and I'm still excited about it and play it pretty much on a daily basis. It's setting goals to yourself that makes the difference. Like in 1996 I had to start elevating Austin in order to make him a title contender in mid-1997. Also I already have a dream card made up for WrestleMania XX and I can't wait until I get there. And I think TEW 2k5 doesn't have enough depth and having more depth is the one thing I'm looking forward to in 2k7. [QUOTE]My last suggestion may be way off base and perhaps a totally different game altogether. But I don’t think it is. One of my biggest problem with the game is it’s so in depth it takes to long, and to much effort, to progress in a reasonable time. Which to be honest, I’d rather see depth then lack of depth in a game. I just wish I had more short cuts. I hate handling any federation that is massive in size and has two rosters, or more then one show.[/QUOTE] I've got three words for ya: E, W and R.
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LOL! This is eerie! I have a few friends who play TEW and they say the exact same thing BossHoss did. I mean, almost word for word. "Why do I have to keep track of all this crap? I just wanna set storylines and say who wins and stuff!". As a result, by the time they get to global level (IF they get to global level), they're completely burned out from all the information they have to process and the things they have to do on a given day. This is the reason I kinda had to back off my desire to make the game even more complex (or "challenging" was the word I used in discussions with friends). I'm guessing there are probably more players like BossHoss than there are players like me (who love intricate, complex games that force you to deal with information overload). Nice to see the various playstyles represented though.
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LOL! This is eerie! I have a few friends who play TEW and they say the exact same thing BossHoss did. I mean, almost word for word. "Why do I have to keep track of all this crap? I just wanna set storylines and say who wins and stuff!". As a result, by the time they get to global level (IF they get to global level), they're completely burned out from all the information they have to process and the things they have to do on a given day. This is the reason I kinda had to back off my desire to make the game even more complex (or "challenging" was the word I used in discussions with friends). I'm guessing there are probably more players like BossHoss than there are players like me (who love intricate, complex games that force you to deal with information overload). Nice to see the various playstyles represented though.
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Yeah of course, everyone plays their games differently; Someone wants to play entertainment, the other loves Hybrid promotions etc., one hires wrestlers that are they favourite, other hires wrestlers who have high skills, or are very popular. And all the other things, that differ from game to game. That's what makes these games different, and better than other games. I for one, have never played an entertainment promotion more than a couple of weeks, because of the micromanaging or so, I became frustrated booking shows. That's why I love Hybrid / Cutting Edge, it's easy to book, but also fancy Hardcore, and Trational, because of the variety of the shows.. So the new product thing really makes the gaming experience more unique than ever before, and we all are going to invent different kinds of promotion styles of our own. I'm not sure how the saying goes in English, but.. One likes daughters, other likes mothers :D I guess there's a better version of that. But that sums up the topic here.
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Yeah of course, everyone plays their games differently; Someone wants to play entertainment, the other loves Hybrid promotions etc., one hires wrestlers that are they favourite, other hires wrestlers who have high skills, or are very popular. And all the other things, that differ from game to game. That's what makes these games different, and better than other games. I for one, have never played an entertainment promotion more than a couple of weeks, because of the micromanaging or so, I became frustrated booking shows. That's why I love Hybrid / Cutting Edge, it's easy to book, but also fancy Hardcore, and Trational, because of the variety of the shows.. So the new product thing really makes the gaming experience more unique than ever before, and we all are going to invent different kinds of promotion styles of our own. I'm not sure how the saying goes in English, but.. One likes daughters, other likes mothers :D I guess there's a better version of that. But that sums up the topic here.
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What would rule is if when it came to storylines and booking a card...one could have a box for storylines and then tick boxes to which angles would be used on that card...THEN depending who is in the storyline there would be an autobook button that would put the talent in the proper position. Making micromanagement a tad bit easier and myself more likely to play a Sports Entertainment promotion. I fancy Hybrid and Cutting Edge. I like booking matches and interviews. I'm not a fan of a ton of angles. I try to stay away from having more than a few storylines 'cause they can be a pain to work out. Then again when ADD kicks in...I don't get very far in a game. TEW 07 is looking to have everything I could want in a TEW game. Which means more procrastination when it comes to doing school work and I'll be more likely to play TEW. It'll be interesting to see the final product. I'll pay the money and I'll just hope I can get into a good game this time around.
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What would rule is if when it came to storylines and booking a card...one could have a box for storylines and then tick boxes to which angles would be used on that card...THEN depending who is in the storyline there would be an autobook button that would put the talent in the proper position. Making micromanagement a tad bit easier and myself more likely to play a Sports Entertainment promotion. I fancy Hybrid and Cutting Edge. I like booking matches and interviews. I'm not a fan of a ton of angles. I try to stay away from having more than a few storylines 'cause they can be a pain to work out. Then again when ADD kicks in...I don't get very far in a game. TEW 07 is looking to have everything I could want in a TEW game. Which means more procrastination when it comes to doing school work and I'll be more likely to play TEW. It'll be interesting to see the final product. I'll pay the money and I'll just hope I can get into a good game this time around.
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I was recently playing TEW (after a long hiatus) and Boss Hoss's post came to mind. In terms of micro-management, things that make this feel more like work than play: Workers who E-mail complaining about their position on the card. If I set someone as a "Main Eventer" int he game, I think of it more as a means of sorting my roster. It's not like I'm going up to a guy and holding a name tag that says "Micarder" on it and making him wear it on his shirt. So why are guy's constantly bitching about this? And the way around this is SOOOOO meaningless. Just give him what he wants. Make the the guy a main eventer and he's happy. IT has nothing to do with how I use him afterall. It's just a bit of constant micro-management that slows down the flow of play and adds nothing. Now if workers actually complained about how they were being used, and you either ignored their complaints or changed your booking, THAT would be ok, because it's dynamic, and doesn't require a "drop down menu" solution. And reallythis shouldn't be nearly as commonas it is in TEW. Aside from a few famous cases workers do as they're told while they are getting paid. if they AREN'T getting paid or they get a better offer, then how a worker has been used may come into play more. Other thigns, like how pedantic the storyline advancement is (an auto advance option will definitely help this because I hate having to triple check to make sure that I am following the "recipe" exactly. How about when I book a champion in a title match. i would like the option of the title defaulting to being defended. Every once in a while I forget to set it as a title match, because in my mind I've already booked the champion, so OFCOURSE it's a title match. I tend to go with what I've seen from wrestlign all my life... non-title matches are the exception, not the rule. Something like a setting that says "Default Title defense On/Off" would be nice. When someone accepts a contract offer, can I get access to set his alignment, card position and gimmick straight away, rather then have to navigate over to the booking screen? What about Road Agents. Why is it that if I set my worker as a road agent in the staff section he isn't shortlisted when I book a match. Why do I *have* to actually push a worker as a road agent? Because of this I actually keep my list of road agents in Notepad to have an easy reference. In general I find myself playing around too much with navigating menus, and setting drop down boxes, then actually making booking and personel calls. Basically it's not that the game needs to be "less complex". what it needs is a great deal more elegance in it's design. None of these are "game stoppers", but they do wear at you, and wear at you until the fun of playing the game and making the calls is overshadowed by the resistance the mechanics of making those calls give you.
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I was recently playing TEW (after a long hiatus) and Boss Hoss's post came to mind. In terms of micro-management, things that make this feel more like work than play: Workers who E-mail complaining about their position on the card. If I set someone as a "Main Eventer" int he game, I think of it more as a means of sorting my roster. It's not like I'm going up to a guy and holding a name tag that says "Micarder" on it and making him wear it on his shirt. So why are guy's constantly bitching about this? And the way around this is SOOOOO meaningless. Just give him what he wants. Make the the guy a main eventer and he's happy. IT has nothing to do with how I use him afterall. It's just a bit of constant micro-management that slows down the flow of play and adds nothing. Now if workers actually complained about how they were being used, and you either ignored their complaints or changed your booking, THAT would be ok, because it's dynamic, and doesn't require a "drop down menu" solution. And reallythis shouldn't be nearly as commonas it is in TEW. Aside from a few famous cases workers do as they're told while they are getting paid. if they AREN'T getting paid or they get a better offer, then how a worker has been used may come into play more. Other thigns, like how pedantic the storyline advancement is (an auto advance option will definitely help this because I hate having to triple check to make sure that I am following the "recipe" exactly. How about when I book a champion in a title match. i would like the option of the title defaulting to being defended. Every once in a while I forget to set it as a title match, because in my mind I've already booked the champion, so OFCOURSE it's a title match. I tend to go with what I've seen from wrestlign all my life... non-title matches are the exception, not the rule. Something like a setting that says "Default Title defense On/Off" would be nice. When someone accepts a contract offer, can I get access to set his alignment, card position and gimmick straight away, rather then have to navigate over to the booking screen? What about Road Agents. Why is it that if I set my worker as a road agent in the staff section he isn't shortlisted when I book a match. Why do I *have* to actually push a worker as a road agent? Because of this I actually keep my list of road agents in Notepad to have an easy reference. In general I find myself playing around too much with navigating menus, and setting drop down boxes, then actually making booking and personel calls. Basically it's not that the game needs to be "less complex". what it needs is a great deal more elegance in it's design. None of these are "game stoppers", but they do wear at you, and wear at you until the fun of playing the game and making the calls is overshadowed by the resistance the mechanics of making those calls give you.
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Personally, I think the depth and micromanagement are the strengths of the game. I LOVE management games, and the fact that I can control every single aspect of my company, from the shows to the finances, is what I find so enthralling about TEW 2005. Granted, I can understand some how some people may be turned off by the management; I've shown the game to countless people, who in turn respond "That looks like work!". But to me, that's what makes the game so unique-- if you want a straight "set up matches and decide outcomes", there's always the PS2 WWE games and their management option. It's nowhere near as deep as TEW, but it does do a good job of just straight up booking...
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Personally, I think the depth and micromanagement are the strengths of the game. I LOVE management games, and the fact that I can control every single aspect of my company, from the shows to the finances, is what I find so enthralling about TEW 2005. Granted, I can understand some how some people may be turned off by the management; I've shown the game to countless people, who in turn respond "That looks like work!". But to me, that's what makes the game so unique-- if you want a straight "set up matches and decide outcomes", there's always the PS2 WWE games and their management option. It's nowhere near as deep as TEW, but it does do a good job of just straight up booking...
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[QUOTE=Jay Lethal;151126]Agree with everything you said. I really think with should have a "economist" who told us up the incomings of the show(DVD seeling included) would be, and that when finishing booking the show has the information of how much we're are spending in talent[/QUOTE] At the very least, some sort of info on advance ticket sales ... that could be used with the advance booking option ... you set the match, when it will take place, and where it will take place, and the AI determines how many of the potential people that would come to your show in that area, to that venue, had already purchased tickets ... promoters always have pre-sale numbers to work with ...
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[QUOTE=Jay Lethal;151126]Agree with everything you said. I really think with should have a "economist" who told us up the incomings of the show(DVD seeling included) would be, and that when finishing booking the show has the information of how much we're are spending in talent[/QUOTE] At the very least, some sort of info on advance ticket sales ... that could be used with the advance booking option ... you set the match, when it will take place, and where it will take place, and the AI determines how many of the potential people that would come to your show in that area, to that venue, had already purchased tickets ... promoters always have pre-sale numbers to work with ...
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[QUOTE=Dolfanar;151294]I was recently playing TEW (after a long hiatus) and Boss Hoss's post came to mind. In terms of micro-management, things that make this feel more like work than play: Workers who E-mail complaining about their position on the card. If I set someone as a "Main Eventer" int he game, I think of it more as a means of sorting my roster. It's not like I'm going up to a guy and holding a name tag that says "Micarder" on it and making him wear it on his shirt. So why are guy's constantly bitching about this? And the way around this is SOOOOO meaningless. Just give him what he wants. Make the the guy a main eventer and he's happy. IT has nothing to do with how I use him afterall. It's just a bit of constant micro-management that slows down the flow of play and adds nothing. Now if workers actually complained about how they were being used, and you either ignored their complaints or changed your booking, THAT would be ok, because it's dynamic, and doesn't require a "drop down menu" solution. And reallythis shouldn't be nearly as commonas it is in TEW. Aside from a few famous cases workers do as they're told while they are getting paid. if they AREN'T getting paid or they get a better offer, then how a worker has been used may come into play more. Other thigns, like how pedantic the storyline advancement is (an auto advance option will definitely help this because I hate having to triple check to make sure that I am following the "recipe" exactly. How about when I book a champion in a title match. i would like the option of the title defaulting to being defended. Every once in a while I forget to set it as a title match, because in my mind I've already booked the champion, so OFCOURSE it's a title match. I tend to go with what I've seen from wrestlign all my life... non-title matches are the exception, not the rule. Something like a setting that says "Default Title defense On/Off" would be nice. When someone accepts a contract offer, can I get access to set his alignment, card position and gimmick straight away, rather then have to navigate over to the booking screen? What about Road Agents. Why is it that if I set my worker as a road agent in the staff section he isn't shortlisted when I book a match. Why do I *have* to actually push a worker as a road agent? Because of this I actually keep my list of road agents in Notepad to have an easy reference. In general I find myself playing around too much with navigating menus, and setting drop down boxes, then actually making booking and personel calls. Basically it's not that the game needs to be "less complex". what it needs is a great deal more elegance in it's design. None of these are "game stoppers", but they do wear at you, and wear at you until the fun of playing the game and making the calls is overshadowed by the resistance the mechanics of making those calls give you.[/QUOTE] agree with this definitely. I wonder if it would be possible to have those e-mails more linked to personality traits and then tied to the overness of the workers they have matches, storylines, or angles with; more of a perceived push than just labelling them midcarder. And if this is possible than it should be possible to give promises of a push as a contract incentive similar to the title win thing that was announced.
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[QUOTE=Dolfanar;151294]I was recently playing TEW (after a long hiatus) and Boss Hoss's post came to mind. In terms of micro-management, things that make this feel more like work than play: Workers who E-mail complaining about their position on the card. If I set someone as a "Main Eventer" int he game, I think of it more as a means of sorting my roster. It's not like I'm going up to a guy and holding a name tag that says "Micarder" on it and making him wear it on his shirt. So why are guy's constantly bitching about this? And the way around this is SOOOOO meaningless. Just give him what he wants. Make the the guy a main eventer and he's happy. IT has nothing to do with how I use him afterall. It's just a bit of constant micro-management that slows down the flow of play and adds nothing. Now if workers actually complained about how they were being used, and you either ignored their complaints or changed your booking, THAT would be ok, because it's dynamic, and doesn't require a "drop down menu" solution. And reallythis shouldn't be nearly as commonas it is in TEW. Aside from a few famous cases workers do as they're told while they are getting paid. if they AREN'T getting paid or they get a better offer, then how a worker has been used may come into play more. Other thigns, like how pedantic the storyline advancement is (an auto advance option will definitely help this because I hate having to triple check to make sure that I am following the "recipe" exactly. How about when I book a champion in a title match. i would like the option of the title defaulting to being defended. Every once in a while I forget to set it as a title match, because in my mind I've already booked the champion, so OFCOURSE it's a title match. I tend to go with what I've seen from wrestlign all my life... non-title matches are the exception, not the rule. Something like a setting that says "Default Title defense On/Off" would be nice. When someone accepts a contract offer, can I get access to set his alignment, card position and gimmick straight away, rather then have to navigate over to the booking screen? What about Road Agents. Why is it that if I set my worker as a road agent in the staff section he isn't shortlisted when I book a match. Why do I *have* to actually push a worker as a road agent? Because of this I actually keep my list of road agents in Notepad to have an easy reference. In general I find myself playing around too much with navigating menus, and setting drop down boxes, then actually making booking and personel calls. Basically it's not that the game needs to be "less complex". what it needs is a great deal more elegance in it's design. None of these are "game stoppers", but they do wear at you, and wear at you until the fun of playing the game and making the calls is overshadowed by the resistance the mechanics of making those calls give you.[/QUOTE] agree with this definitely. I wonder if it would be possible to have those e-mails more linked to personality traits and then tied to the overness of the workers they have matches, storylines, or angles with; more of a perceived push than just labelling them midcarder. And if this is possible than it should be possible to give promises of a push as a contract incentive similar to the title win thing that was announced.
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