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T-Zone 2007

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Only if you have them memorized (birthdays and such). If your just throwing something together, yeah, no problem. However, if your trying to at least get some of it kind of accurate, you will take more then 20 seconds a person (over time). Just clicking from one screen to the other, or hitting enter is a couple of seconds. SO lets say you have 50 new workers you want in, I say that would probably take an hour or so, IF you have all the information you need in front of you. However, when you have stuff like, "Such and such is 3, the other is 5, but the first one is oldest (I don't know his age)." Then you have to do the research part of it, which can take up to 30 minutes sometimes per person... So now if only 10 out of the 50 are something you need to research, your time has increased up to another 8 hours or more. Other things can complicate it as well. Most the people making real mods, really do want to get things as accurate as possible, so asking them to just "quick add" a real person, even one that's not grown up yet, is hard for them to do. They want to know, is their birthday in april, or june? Etc. I'm not knocking the addition of future worker's or not, but I think sometimes people in haste and excitement sometime's forget the hard work (and how close they make it to real life) that is done for any part of this type of mod. Just try doing one fed you think you really know (if you never done a mod before). All the backstage hands, "Doink the clown" type things going on that you NEVER see unless you been to a show live. Not just the Commentator's and wrestlers, but the actual booker's, the road agents, the writers, etc.
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Guest Ransik
I had changed it to AJ Storm, as AJ are my initials and Storm was more or less a tribute to Lance Storm who is my favorite technical wrestler of all time. I found out a few weeks later though that "AJ Storm" was/is used by a guy in New Hampshire so I just changed it to "AJ Starr."
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I hated hearing months ago that FWA Academy was closing ive got some of their DVD's and love their action, much better than FWA proper too, thatll be closing too soon enough. And as for 1PW Gauntley had it coming for a long time, low life sleaze.
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Personally I could care less about future workers unless its someone that we know for sure (100%) has a strong interest in becoming a wrestler. A kid that's 3 or 5 or 8 might say they want to be a wrestler because Mom or Dad is but they may end up not putting in the work to do so. Or maybe they become teenagers and decide that wrestling isn't cool but acting or music or football is. Or maybe they decide they want to be a doctor or lawyer. I'm going to erase all of the new workers anyway. I would imagine that adding new workers is probably going to take 1 to 5 days to put it all together. If someone debuts in the wrestling world next week in the indy scene then just create them, import and add relationships. If you get 20 years in the game and decide that you think Chris Benoit's sun should be a wrestler then create him and make him a wrestler. Oh well, that's just my take on it. Just trying to save time on something that doesn't seem important or realistic but if its done then thanks anyway and I appriciate the work.
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If you need a new English fed to add to replace any removed ones, here's a brilliant one: [url]http://www.futurewrestling.co.uk/[/url] They've used Jonny Storm in the past and have Doug Williams appearing soon. They're on the same level as K-Star wrestling, they used to use a few of the same wrestlers if I remember. Spud used to be a regular fixture (I walked past him outside the venue once, he was so short, it's the smoking that stunts your growth apparently. ;)) but he left to goto FWA, he's quite an egomaniac I've heard.
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[QUOTE=fusionfreak;179057]Personally I could care less about future workers unless its someone that we know for sure (100%) has a strong interest in becoming a wrestler. A kid that's 3 or 5 or 8 might say they want to be a wrestler because Mom or Dad is but they may end up not putting in the work to do so. Or maybe they become teenagers and decide that wrestling isn't cool but acting or music or football is. Or maybe they decide they want to be a doctor or lawyer. I'm going to erase all of the new workers anyway. I would imagine that adding new workers is probably going to take 1 to 5 days to put it all together. If someone debuts in the wrestling world next week in the indy scene then just create them, import and add relationships. If you get 20 years in the game and decide that you think Chris Benoit's sun should be a wrestler then create him and make him a wrestler. Oh well, that's just my take on it. Just trying to save time on something that doesn't seem important or realistic but if its done then thanks anyway and I appriciate the work.[/QUOTE] Well, the way I've been doing mine, is randomly choosing wrestlers kids (or making them up) and then randomly deciding if they're good enough. Then I've also randomly chose people from other professions, like Demeco Ryans from the Houston Texans of teh NFL, or Justin Kordsmeier who was a center on the Washington st. Basketball team, but wasnt very good... Then I've also been creating some totally fake guys, and randomly choosing if they will be good as well. All, pretty much random, like real life.... Sorry to hear it didnt work for ya Forlan. If you want, I could finish it up, then right before the release I could go through using the TZone worker's data and make the relationships.... Got time to do stuff like this, screen mods, etc, since 1RC is now on hold for a long while...
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[QUOTE=Johnny Fenoli;179075]Well, the way I've been doing mine, is randomly choosing wrestlers kids (or making them up) and then randomly deciding if they're good enough. Then I've also randomly chose people from other professions, like Demeco Ryans from the Houston Texans of teh NFL, or Justin Kordsmeier who was a center on the Washington st. Basketball team, but wasnt very good... Then I've also been creating some totally fake guys, and randomly choosing if they will be good as well. All, pretty much random, like real life.... Sorry to hear it didnt work for ya Forlan. If you want, I could finish it up, then right before the release I could go through using the TZone worker's data and make the relationships.... Got time to do stuff like this, screen mods, etc, since 1RC is now on hold for a long while...[/QUOTE] Yeah thatd be good :)
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[QUOTE=forlan;179143]I think i already adressed this question, its synched up to kyky, previous packs from me and many of the newer workers will have pictures released with the data yes[/QUOTE] lol, oh sorry.... I was just asking cause I was cutting pics of the new workers, complete with generics for the people we have NO IDEA what they would look like...
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