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T-Zone 2007

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As far as new workers go, here's a couple second generation ideas. [B]Dallas Hart[/B] (son of Brett, training with Lance Storm) [B]Windham Rotunda [/B](son of Mike Rotundo...I think he won state championship in HS) [B]Reid Flair [/B](Ric's son, played on WCW Nitro, when he was like 11 was a solid HS wrestler) [B]Ricky Blood [/B](Rick Steamboats kid, solid HS wrestler/football player...I think he got into auto racing) [B]Leati "Joe" Anoai [/B](son of Sika, brother of Rosey, currentlya 6-3 280lb DT for Georgia Tech) [B]James Laureneitas [/B](son of Road Warrior Animal, standout LB at Ohio State, a future 1st round NFL pick, I think he won some defensive player of the year award) [B]Jesse Allen White[/B] (Vader's son, I believe is playing DT at Oklahoma) I think you should also consider some amateur wrestlers like: [B]Karam Garber [/B](Egyptian Gold Medalist, who I believe was recruited by WWE) [B]Cael Sanderson[/B] [B]Mohammed Lawal[/B] [B]Daniel Cormier[/B] or perhaps some end of the line NFL'ers [B]Kyle Turley[/B] comes to mind
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good to see this happening. one of the things that kept me from purchasing TEW 2005 was a frustration in watching the sloooooooow development of real world mods for it. this will probably make me buy 2007 sooner, rather than later. if you need help with any info regarding ROH, let me know. there probably aren't a lot of people who have been to more Ring of Honor shows than me, so i can definitely offer some insight.
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Well my only ROH dilemma is the booker since same person cant book two feds For example i had ROH (Silkin owner and Cornette Booker), FIP (Sal Thingybob owner and Gabe booker) but now Cornette has left ROH thats not feasible so i was thiking ROH - Owner Cary Silkin, Head booker - Gabe Sapolsky FIP - Owner Sal Hamaoui, Head booker Dave Prazak SHIMMER - Owner Dave Prazak, Head Booker Alliison Danger (Since she helps with the booking anyhoo) So that seems fine although Prazak owning one and booking another i don't like, it really can't be helped unless anyone has a bright idea.
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[QUOTE=forlan;168054]Well my only ROH dilemma is the booker since same person cant book two feds For example i had ROH (Silkin owner and Cornette Booker), FIP (Sal Thingybob owner and Gabe booker) but now Cornette has left ROH thats not feasible so i was thiking ROH - Owner Cary Silkin, Head booker - Gabe Sapolsky FIP - Owner Sal Hamaoui, Head booker Dave Prazak SHIMMER - Owner Dave Prazak, Head Booker Alliison Danger (Since she helps with the booking anyhoo) So that seems fine although Prazak owning one and booking another i don't like, it really can't be helped unless anyone has a bright idea.[/QUOTE] odd that the game doesn't allow for the same booker in two different promotions. maybe we oughta get Adam to fix that... if that's not possibly, the above looks pretty solid.
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[QUOTE=forlan;167388]Damn you building my hopes up, thinking i got an actual opinion on the products :S[/QUOTE] I see. OK, I think the one problem with the T-Zone data is the overness of workers. Now don't get me wrong, I know there were lots of issues with my harsh marking of most stats (I love a super-tough game myself), however I think that certain of your workers had far too high overness, when they really didn't deserve it. Obviously I can't think of exact examples, but I seem to remember the old WCW stars being hugely over, which led to it being too easy to get an A rated match and cards. Also, there were so many workers included originally that it took ages to load and involved loads of promotions that never got used (by me personally). HOWEVER. You data was the most detailed at the time and was superior to RaveX. Also with the new bits and bobs in the game engine, your data will no doubt be fantastic (with the unemployed workers getting monthly events to work at etc). Also your knowledge of indy feds is second-to-none (thanks for the CHIKARA events, awesome fun) and your stats for them are very accurate. Hope that's opinion enough for ya. Good luck! :)
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Seems i have another dilemma which i've seen coming since the last game really when tweeners were randomly removed. I think Adam said that eveyrone was always either face or heel and tweeners didnt exist (not his exact words but someting like that). The dilemma is one man Jimmy Jacobs. Anyone familiar with the most emo wrestler in the business will know he months and months back trashed the IWA world title on Danny Daniels' AAW show. Well then they had the whole punishment thing with Bull Pain that was actualyl storyline. Since Ian Rotten is much more forgiving than Jim Fannin in real life, Ian seemed to see that as somewhat of an end to it, but during the match Fannin at ringside began wailing away on Jacobs, not wrestling strikes but real strikes including with a barbed wire bat. Well then Jacobs was basically told to never come back to IWA until recently he helped Josh Abercrombie send Tyler Black out of IWA and then got beaten down for his troubles by Fannin and co and thus everyone felt it was once again over. However this past weekend IAn Rottens mystery partner (supposed to be Axl) couldnt attend and thus Jimmy Jacobs randomly came in and asked Ian for his job back and Ian said no. Jacobs said he was so desperate that he would work for free to show his loyalty, anyways there was an altercation with Fannin and allsorts but herein lies the dilemma. Its dificult to know how much is work and how much is shoot as when Fannin dislikes somebody he certainly dislikes them [see reference: Raven] so its like half shoot half work, anyways i seem to be randomly rambling so the dilemma. Jacobs helped Ian (whether he wanted the help or not) showing somewhat face tendencies, however since most of the crowd still hates him and Ian still doesnt let him "officially" work for him hes sitll very much thought of as a heel. Then you have him "feuding" with Fannin and the Bad Mother ****ers who are heels so he's against the heels and the faces, basically against everyone, ie he is a tweener but since the game don't allow it, looks like i'm going to have to choose heel but would be nice if tweener had been kept in. Thoughts..
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[QUOTE=forlan;168233]Yeah, i think this system should work just fine as long as i give Danger good booking skills, not as good as her brother though, thats for sure :p. Shame on you TCP actually hiring ex WCW stars lol :p[/QUOTE] Who can resist a teaming of Karagias and Reno? :cool:
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i think it depends largely on the citeria you use, if your basing your disposition on fan reactions (IE wether they cheer or boo) in which case heel seem's most appropriate from your description, but that route is open for ambiguity, if you apply that to every case then you could make a legitimate case for Cena being a heel! So i personally think if you want your disposition selection to be standardised you really have to go with how they are being booked - which in this case is a face(ish) i think when it comes down to it you have to align each worker on there merits, its lucky most alignments are pretty straight forward! Perhaps a work-around would be to make him a face(as thats how he's being pushed) and make his face rating really low to simulate the fact he's not getting over as a face.
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[QUOTE=forlan;168236]Seems i have another dilemma which i've seen coming since the last game really when tweeners were randomly removed. I think Adam said that eveyrone was always either face or heel and tweeners didnt exist (not his exact words but someting like that). The dilemma is one man Jimmy Jacobs. Anyone familiar with the most emo wrestler in the business will know he months and months back trashed the IWA world title on Danny Daniels' AAW show. Well then they had the whole punishment thing with Bull Pain that was actualyl storyline. Since Ian Rotten is much more forgiving than Jim Fannin in real life, Ian seemed to see that as somewhat of an end to it, but during the match Fannin at ringside began wailing away on Jacobs, not wrestling strikes but real strikes including with a barbed wire bat. Well then Jacobs was basically told to never come back to IWA until recently he helped Josh Abercrombie send Tyler Black out of IWA and then got beaten down for his troubles by Fannin and co and thus everyone felt it was once again over. However this past weekend IAn Rottens mystery partner (supposed to be Axl) couldnt attend and thus Jimmy Jacobs randomly came in and asked Ian for his job back and Ian said no. Jacobs said he was so desperate that he would work for free to show his loyalty, anyways there was an altercation with Fannin and allsorts but herein lies the dilemma. Its dificult to know how much is work and how much is shoot as when Fannin dislikes somebody he certainly dislikes them [see reference: Raven] so its like half shoot half work, anyways i seem to be randomly rambling so the dilemma. Jacobs helped Ian (whether he wanted the help or not) showing somewhat face tendencies, however since most of the crowd still hates him and Ian still doesnt let him "officially" work for him hes sitll very much thought of as a heel. Then you have him "feuding" with Fannin and the Bad Mother ****ers who are heels so he's against the heels and the faces, basically against everyone, ie he is a tweener but since the game don't allow it, looks like i'm going to have to choose heel but would be nice if tweener had been kept in. Thoughts..[/QUOTE] weird - Tweener was taken out? in today's wrestling, that's the most obvious designation, as many guys straddle the line. for a long time Homicide was a heel in ROH - but the fans cheered him as a face. in the above IWAMS/AAW scenario, i really have to put Jacobs as a face in IWAMS. he helped Abercrombie get rid of Black (man, i was at TPI when Jacobs came running in, and it was insane!), and seemed for a moment to be alligned with Fannin and the BMFers. but as soon as Fannin and his boys attacked Jacobs, that's a face turn for him. he didn't turn face, but the storyline turned him face. i don't think you can make him a heel just because the crowd treats him like a heel. i mean, Trik Davis is a face, but gets booed. The Kings Of Wrestling are heels, but often get cheered like faces. wrestling crowds are often too smart for their own good, and it sometimes ruins the story being told. to me, Jacobs is a face because he is battling the heels, and he is trying to join up with the owner of the company, who is a face as well.
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I see where both of you are coming from but Rotten is a face and he is just as against Jacobs despite him saving him this weekend. Biggz: To set it at none would be a bit weird as IWA does usually have clear face and heel distinction, especially the BMF's etc
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Ah, Tree you said any ROH help i needed well, i have no idea who the refs are these days, last i've noticed on DVD's has been Jason Harding and sometimes Brian Gorie down in the Midwest, along with todd Sinclair. And posibly Kehner and maybe Turner up in the Tri-State/New England area. Just wouldnt mind a clarification on the refs and also the current status of the following as i aint seen them mentioned in a while but sometimes forget Jay Lethal - He came back but is he gone again? Jerrelle Clark? Jason Blade? Kid Mikaze? Sal Rinauro - Since Rave is now "alone" Flash Flanagan - He was hyped more than the ROHBot arm then faded Also it seems so but is Lenny Leonard gone now, and any inside scoop or anything on why. Gabes stroy was stupid, cant remember it exactly but wasnt it "broke his legs playing softball" or some ****? Anyhoo, thanks for the help
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[QUOTE=forlan;168265]Ah, Tree you said any ROH help i needed well, i have no idea who the refs are these days, last i've noticed on DVD's has been Jason Harding and sometimes Brian Gorie down in the Midwest, along with todd Sinclair. And posibly Kehner and maybe Turner up in the Tri-State/New England area. Just wouldnt mind a clarification on the refs and also the current status of the following as i aint seen them mentioned in a while but sometimes forget Jay Lethal - He came back but is he gone again? Jerrelle Clark? Jason Blade? Kid Mikaze? Sal Rinauro - Since Rave is now "alone" Flash Flanagan - He was hyped more than the ROHBot arm then faded Also it seems so but is Lenny Leonard gone now, and any inside scoop or anything on why. Gabes stroy was stupid, cant remember it exactly but wasnt it "broke his legs playing softball" or some ****? Anyhoo, thanks for the help[/QUOTE] Gorie, Sinclair, Harding, Bruce Gray rejoined them at the last Dayton show I attended. Lethal is still with them, and I haven't seen Clark in awhile.
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