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T-Zone 2007

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He personally doesn't like the gimmick, the character or the style... who the hell cares? Let him have his opinion and get over it already.
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[QUOTE=SageFury268;182831]I wouldn't take MrKain here all too seriously, he probably went to an ROH show and got cursed out by Homicide for being a redneck or a honky like everyone does, and just doesn't get it.[/QUOTE] LOL. It would be funny if that were the case. I'm Puerto Rican, though, so I wouldn't have gotten that treatment. Nah... I just don't like the gimmick. I'm not a big fan of the "hip hop" or "gangsta" culture. Music is fine, but everyone dressing like their clothes don't fit, and three bandannas under a baseball cap and a platinum grill... no thanks. I also don't like ignorant speech. Slang has never gone over well with me, and mispronouncing words just because your favorite musician does, and turning that mispronounciation into an actual "word" to top it off... that just irks me to no end. So I've never been a fan of his gimmick, since day one. And the fact that he started to dumb down his moveset to fit the gimmick more, drives me up a wall. That's why I don't like him. I think he's very talented, but I just don't like him.
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[QUOTE=MrKain;182652]Did you ever read my post? I've seen him in many different types of matches, but the fact that he dumbs down his moveset most of the time to be a brawler is what bothers me about him. It's what bothered me about Stone Cold, and it's what bothers me about John Cena. They'd rather let their gimmick talk for them. I KNOW Homicide has a wide variety of moves, as I said I've seen who he has taught, and they had to learn from somewhere. But he mainly dumbs his character down to brawling, and I hate his gimmick. Why can't I dislike someone EVER without people getting upset with me because it's like "not allowed"? It's like I have to like everyone that's good, just because they're good. "Thou shalt not like bad people, thou shalt only like good people, if thou not liketh whateveryone else liketh, thou shalt be lambasted." Want to hear a couple of other people I don't like? Hulk Hogan. Bret Hart. Stone Cold Steve Austin. Doug Williams. Want to lambaste me for those, too? I don't like Homicide. I don't like his gimmick. I don't like him as champ. You have a problem with it, two words. **** you. Cool? Cool. Sheesh. I never stated that I think he should die, and I never complained about you liking him. And now I'm being "fact"-ed to death because of it.[/QUOTE] Wow, I'm sorry I didn't "read" your post and I'm ever so sorry that I have no comprehension of your wrestling knowledge I don't have a problem with your OPINION, I was just stating that I disagree I am not a huge fan of Homicide as a wrestler, but to say he's not deserving as a champ is just silly think of that what you will...if you don't like that...**** yourself
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complaints? You're joking right? Someone actually went out of their way to complain that the posts were off topic... and it should ONLY EVER be about the mod... which for anyone with eyes... can read 'IT'S ON HOLD WHILE HE DOES HIS UNI WORK' Holy crap... what a boring useless life they must have!
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To be fair, it seems the inclusion of obscure UK indy promotions is the major factor in any release of T-Zone. It would be more practical to release something rather than bells and whistles of UK indy promotions. Because if you're going to add all these UK indy promotions, to be authentic, you should add every mexican, japanese, italian, and even german indy feds. I just don't see the point in taking time to add promotions and workers that the majority of the mod's users will never use.
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Damnd cheek, considering the amount of zero use US feds that go in all because someone says "add XXX, they got 200 at their last show and are kinda sorta well known in the street the venue is on" Plus, Forlan is actually from the UK. You'll notice every US based current time data maker got sick of all the bs!
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Hey, I'm from the US, and I'm all for him adding as many fed as he deems necessary. Hell, if he delved into German touring groups and Australian/Chinese federations... I'd be thrilled just to be able to look the feds over and see how much more people study the business than I do. :)
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;183225]To be fair, it seems the inclusion of obscure UK indy promotions is the major factor in any release of T-Zone. It would be more practical to release something rather than bells and whistles of UK indy promotions. Because if you're going to add all these UK indy promotions, to be authentic, you should add every mexican, japanese, italian, and even german indy feds. I just don't see the point in taking time to add promotions and workers that the majority of the mod's users will never use.[/QUOTE] If we were going by that general opinion, then I'd be all for exluding almost 50% of the independant promotions from the United States and Canada, since in my opinion, they are useless. I'll be one of the people that will use the UK data more often than not, and if it's only a small percentage of people that will use the UK data, it's still worth having it in there. You cannot had a double standard. If Forlan was taking his time in adding as many American indy promotions, would you still be frustrated? There are plenty of American promotions in the game, and perhaps Forlan feels it's time to strecth the game into other areas more. Just be patient, and if you can't, then try your hand at making your own mod. That way you can make it just as you want it. RayW.
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[QUOTE=PoisonedSuperman;183396]Hey Forlan, I was wondering if wrestling society X is going to be involved in this? I seen the commercial on MTV today.[/QUOTE] Man WSX is building a big buzz! Every board I go to people are talking about it, even on the AllHipHop.com boards. the ECWwrestlingNews.com boards, everywhere! Only down side I see to it? 30 minute shows.... MTV Bands playing through the show... and the model/actor, hand picked crowds...
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[QUOTE=RayW;183418]If we were going by that general opinion, then I'd be all for exluding almost 50% of the independant promotions from the United States and Canada, since in my opinion, they are useless. I'll be one of the people that will use the UK data more often than not, and if it's only a small percentage of people that will use the UK data, it's still worth having it in there. You cannot had a double standard. If Forlan was taking his time in adding as many American indy promotions, would you still be frustrated? There are plenty of American promotions in the game, and perhaps Forlan feels it's time to strecth the game into other areas more. Just be patient, and if you can't, then try your hand at making your own mod. That way you can make it just as you want it. RayW.[/QUOTE] I understand it would seem there would be a double standard. In fact, I wouldn't want any obscure american indy feds either. I'm of the opinion that for a first release, it should contain what the majority of users find important. I think that if a user wants numerous indy promotions it should be up to them to add them. After all, who is going to know more about a local indy promotion than someone who lives in that region to begin with?
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