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T-Zone 2007

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I'm gonna try one more thing... if it doesn't work I'm clean out of ideas. I'm going to go through every single WWE contract and set starting momentum. I already set Gimmick Ratings and it actually made things worse... so I'm gonna set all the Momentums up and see what it does.
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[QUOTE=The-gamE;189518]when will we see the mod ?? i think that you should release the files regardless of the game bugs.. first release the files then let adam fix what he needs to fix... we paid for the game let's start to enjoy it (including you... especially you).[/QUOTE] Umm, I think your a little confused. The people that are working on this mod are no different then you or me. They are doing it for FREE. The only MOD that Adam can do anything about really, is the default database, with the Cornelverse in it. If the MOD is not playable, you really shouldn't ask for it. Let them get it right, so they don't have to worry about other's going "This mod is BS!! It Sucks!!" etc.. YOU might not do that, but trust me, There will be 12 people that have not read any of this thread that do say exactly that. Adam cannot "fix" our mods. We have to do it ourselves. He can only "fix" error's with the games programming, and the default data, AI and what not. So just try to be a little more patient, it really looks like there is going to be alot of mods out pretty soon:-)
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i meant for adam to fix the bugs [B][SIZE="5"]in the game[/SIZE][/B] an update or something like that... i know that the mods are not what i paid for... if the game have bugs than the bugs should be fixed ! and if a real world mod can't be created because of bugs than something should be fixed very very soon (by the programmers of the game).
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[QUOTE=The-gamE;189564]i meant for adam to fix the bugs [B][SIZE="5"]in the game[/SIZE][/B] an update or something like that... i know that the mods are not what i paid for... if the game have bugs than the bugs should be fixed ! and if a real world mod can't be created because of bugs than something should be fixed very very soon (by the programmers of the game).[/QUOTE] Who said the bugs are in the GAME....... if its working fine with the Cornellverse data, which is the data thats built around the game mechanics, then surely its not the games fault it wont work with a mod that the game wasnt, in theory, built for..... Maybe, just maybe, Forlan and his crew just havent got that perfect balance yet.... Not a knock on them as I know they do a bloody good job, but you cant get everything right first time, and thats what all the testings for
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Also, as BobInc suggested, it could be to do with the size of the game world... that the games trying to balance it out abit Then again, this may be wrong as Im sure Adam said it was capable of holding tens of thousands of workers.... So I would imagine its also capable of holding ALOT of promotions
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[QUOTE=darthsiddus2;189547]Forlan's right. if you can't have a playable mod don't release it. you have to realize that these mods take a great deal of time. if you just purchased the game JUST for a "Real world" mod then that IS a wast of money. enjoy the Cornell verse and the "Montreal Aftermath" mod for the time being.[/QUOTE] How is it a waste of money if you bought the game just for a real world mod? If someone purchased it only for a real world mod, then played it for hours and hours, I highly think that's a waste of money. Maybe it's a waste of money for you, but speak for yourself. I can't get into the cornellverse this year for some reason, I'm waiting for a real world mod, and I don't think I wasted money.
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i think the answer to the qustion "is the cornellverse mode playable ??" is yes, but " is it better then a real world mod ??" hellllll no !! kip in mind that the original game was a real world mod (before we paid for it) i am not saying that it's not worth the many i am just saying that this is the main reason for 80% of the people to buy the game the abilety to change mods is a feature of the game (a feature we paid for).
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[QUOTE=Ransik;189510]I mean it's not a knock on the person who made the Montreal Aftermath data, but it's why the companies stay in the Global limelight. Hulk Hogan has 95-100% in everything related to entertainment skills, a 90% in Basics and a 98% in Psychology.QUOTE] No offense taken :) I modded MA for playability and fun not realism (although with the stats as is the AI seems to keep WWF Global), also I knew everyone was chomping at the bit to have something "Real World". The tweaking and experimenting was 24/7 for nearly two weeks :( Forlan I seriously feel for you brother, all I can suggest is everyone try something different with the data like Forlan said and hope you find the working formula. Fenoli - If you're on, get on msn your highness :p
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[QUOTE=The-gamE;189608]if only adam himself would answer us... i mean if he knows that the problem is in the game he can fix it.. and if he knows that the problem is in the mod how about a few pointers ??[/QUOTE] Going on history Adam has read the complaints and is looking into it (if in fact it's a tew problem). Trust me Ryland is an error fixing patch releasing machine he'll be all over it.......if there's a problem :)
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[QUOTE=The-gamE;189564]iif the game have bugs than the bugs should be fixed ! and if a real world mod can't be created because of bugs than something should be fixed very very soon (by the programmers of the game).[/QUOTE] All I have to say in response to this (which is definately my favourite quote from the past... ages) is: The Cornellverse works fine. DOTT, according to the guys behind it, works fine. The glaring evidence therefore, is that if T-Zone doesn't, it's not the game's fault. Not critising Forlan or anyone involved with making of the mod (although it does somewhat make me chuckle that Finaly's 0% Selling has only just been discovered after all this "extensive" testing that Ransik has apparently been doing recently), because making a mod of this scale is something I'd never have the time or patience to do. But blaming the game for the fact that the mod (which, unless I'm missing something, is still in it's infancy) is "unplayable" (your words, guys, not mine), is slightly immature, in my humble opinion. Nothing is going to be perfect the first time around. Certain things will need to be tweaked to accomodate the game (just because Spike in reality are a 'Huge" TV network or whatever, doesn't mean TEW will consider them to be "huge". Things like that). So basically I'm saying don't give up just because it doesn't work first time. And don't take the easy way out and blame the game engine and expect Adam to "fix" the issues nobody else is having.
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[QUOTE=CarlitoCoool;189647]Going on history Adam has read the complaints and is looking into it (if in fact it's a tew problem). Trust me Ryland is an error fixing patch releasing machine he'll be all over it.......if there's a problem :)[/QUOTE] Ehh I wouldn't say all that. He's certinally dilegent about fixing errors, but I don't percieve this as so much of a normal error as much as it is a an overall error in the gameplay, and I wouldn't says he's flexable in those areas. I mean sure it's his game and all, but I'm just speculating.
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;189667]All I have to say in response to this (which is definately my favourite quote from the past... ages) is: The Cornellverse works fine. DOTT, according to the guys behind it, works fine. The glaring evidence therefore, is that if T-Zone doesn't, it's not the game's fault. Not critising Forlan or anyone involved with making of the mod (although it does somewhat make me chuckle that Finaly's 0% Selling has only just been discovered after all this "extensive" testing that Ransik has apparently been doing recently), because making a mod of this scale is something I'd never have the time or patience to do. But blaming the game for the fact that the mod (which, unless I'm missing something, is still in it's infancy) is "unplayable" (your words, guys, not mine), is slightly immature, in my humble opinion. Nothing is going to be perfect the first time around. Certain things will need to be tweaked to accomodate the game (just because Spike in reality are a 'Huge" TV network or whatever, doesn't mean TEW will consider them to be "huge". Things like that). So basically I'm saying don't give up just because it doesn't work first time. And don't take the easy way out and blame the game engine and expect Adam to "fix" the issues nobody else is having.[/QUOTE] I hate to aggree with you, but I know that your right, so I have to concure... However, we are talking much smaller promotions, and that might have something to do with it as well.... So I'm not going to rule that there is nothing wrong at all... Remember, the WWF in DOTT is much smaller then the WWE of today. However, I keep hearing things about bloated stats and such... and I can't help but wonder. If WWE's roster is being gave crappy skills? If they are, then that's the whole problem there... I'm not saying you have to inflate them, but certainly almost everyone on WWE's roster is going to have pretty good, and some of them down right awesome Entertainment skills. Most the skills lacking in WWE are only the Technical skills, which in reality is a very small part of the stats... Like three of them. Entertainment skills and looks make up a whole heck of alot more of it, and WWE shines in those area's, even if you don't like what they do, they do it well, lol. Hardcore, Brawling, all the other stats that aren't Technical skills, the WWE has an abundance of in ace's... Victoria is stiffer then half of TNA's roster for example, and she's a GIRL, lol. However, TNA has alot of technical skilled individuals ((although haven't seen alot of lately, they still exist))> and that brings to another point... Just because they fight a certain way NOW doesn't mean they still can't do it. I would definatly be thinking of what they are capable of moreso then what they are doing at the moment. The AI Will still make them wrestle like WWE wants them too, so it's not going to make it unrealistic. Just my two cents there... I know there is alot of talent out there, but I'd be a fool to believe that WWE has worse wrestler's overall then any other promotion in competition with them. They are going to get the one's they feel are best for their company. Bassically, I'm just saying what I've said before, you have to make the worker's high in the stats the company is looking for in them.. The audience isn't going to like a bunch of technical wrestling in WWE, they come for some Entertainment based wrestling. Those skills need to be high. [QUOTE]I mean it's not a knock on the person who made the Montreal Aftermath data, but it's why the companies stay in the Global limelight. Hulk Hogan has 95-100% in everything related to entertainment skills, a 90% in Basics and a 98% in Psychology.[/QUOTE] The thing that gets me about this post, is that's probably alot more correct then what you have in mind for someone like Hulk Hogan, who.. Made Hulkamania run wild and was a big reason why Wrestlemania even exists today. Someone like that should be your base, then work your way down... Now I know his technical was never good, but he knew how to get a crowd going... I went to wrestlemania 1, and 3... Not live, but had to go to a theatre to watch it live.. and the energy was something you just would have to be there to believe. The only thing I can compare that too, is probably the Led Zepplyn bit for "We Are The World". You knew you were watching something that wasn't going to be ever repeated again. Hulk Hogan with bad entertainment skills is like saying Peanut Butter and Jelly taste horrible together.
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The problem is the fact is the data is so big, people have so many different views on things, tweaking one thing in-game can cause another thing to play up. It's nobody's fault, developers actually release video games full of bugs, only to fix and tweak them later on.TEW Zone has always been a good update for me, they're testing things over and over to try make it a realistic experience as possible for you guys.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;189551]The only MOD that Adam can do anything about really, is the default database, with the Cornelverse in it.[/QUOTE] Not entirely true - I cannot work on real-life databases, but I can offer feedback and constructive criticism on how to get them to interact with the game engine better (as I've offered to do with this one), and I can make tweaks to code if it think it'd be beneficial. That's why posts like the one kevel33 made earlier, about how I'm apparently "not flexible in those areas" drive me up the wall - it's a completely baseless accusation, and flat out untrue. I've given feedback that has helped improve plenty of mods over the years, and a lot of changes made in patches have been directly to help out specific mod makers who were smart enough to ask for my advice on things. That's been the case since the EW days!
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;189711]Not entirely true - I cannot work on real-life databases, but I can offer feedback and constructive criticism on how to get them to interact with the game engine better (as I've offered to do with this one), and I can make tweaks to code if it think it'd be beneficial. That's why posts like the one kevel33 made earlier, about how I'm apparently "not flexible in those areas" drive me up the wall - it's a completely baseless accusation, and flat out untrue. I've given feedback that has helped improve plenty of mods over the years, and a lot of changes made in patches have been directly to help out specific mod makers who were smart enough to ask for my advice on things. That's been the case since the EW days![/QUOTE] My deductive reasoning would lead me to believe that no one's asked for help with this mod then... I'm SURE Adam would be a great help for the TZone crew. He helped CarlitoCool recently with his Montreal Aftermath mod. Good luck to everyone involved.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;189711]That's why posts like the one kevel33 made earlier, about how I'm apparently "not flexible in those areas" drive me up the wall - it's a completely baseless accusation, and flat out untrue. [/QUOTE] Don't mind him Adam he is XPac to the GDS boards, we just no-sell him now and hope he'll go away :D
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Don't forget people, Adam himself might play these mods as he might enjoy real-world mods as much as the next guy. Don't forget the original games all had real-world data, so that confirms he has even the slightest interest in it. Just because he can't legally make one himself doesn't mean he's against it or anything. Anyway, keep up the good work with the mod, I'm still on '05 and will make the transition over to '07 when the real-world mod is out, can't wait! Good job guys!
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