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T-Zone 2007

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[QUOTE=Ransik;190649]The only thing I think is weird about the AI booking and maybe something Adam could elaborate on is why the opening match of shows will feature Main Eventers... but the Main Event will feature a top guy and a complete jobber. All I'm seeing in WWE Shows are mixes of Rated RKO vs DX opening the shows and Cena or Batista fighting jobbers in the Main Event. TNA isn't so bad when it comes to that but it definitely keeps the companies from maintaining popularity.[/QUOTE] That's weird... Not related to TZone at all, but while messing with the 1RC data that me and carlito where working on, I never seen that problem. Could it have something to do with Vince's business prefrence and product?
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That is weird Ransik. I know there is something about grabbing the attention right away, then ending with a bang, while having filler in other area's, but still... You would think maybe Cena and some jobber would be first, then the DX vs. RKO Thing for the main event. I guess it would depend on the overness as well... RKO isn't all Main event material, and I don't know what you have DX as, but they probably should be, if they aren't. Cena or Batista is definately ME, so I know why they are booked at the end, but still, they shouldn't be with a jobber. Are they rating alot worse then the opener?
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If anything it's the AI being smart, what it sounds like (I stress sounds like, I haven't seen the data in question) is apart from main eventers no one esle is capable of an above average match. It's important to put on at least a good opener so what the AI is doing is finding a good opening match, it may be that the only good opener it can get is out of two main eventers. Still you'll often see upper card workers in opening matches, like in reality they are usually a squash though. For example.... Edge def. Eugene
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if forlan released a beta version to all of us we could find or/and suggest a solution i mean we keap on reading the posts but we can only guess... dont take this the wrong way... i know that we need to be patient... and i am not trying to get the data and run i just think that a few more (of the loyal readers of the thread) can help out or another offer: forlan should continue the work on whats left... while the rest of the testers search for the solution (just a time saver !!!) not a jerk just a thinker
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[QUOTE=Ransik;190649]The only thing I think is weird about the AI booking and maybe something Adam could elaborate on is why the opening match of shows will feature Main Eventers... but the Main Event will feature a top guy and a complete jobber. All I'm seeing in WWE Shows are mixes of Rated RKO vs DX opening the shows and Cena or Batista fighting jobbers in the Main Event. TNA isn't so bad when it comes to that but it definitely keeps the companies from maintaining popularity.[/QUOTE] The opening will have main eventers in it if that's the only people left who they can book. As for your comment about Batista fighting "jobbers", in your other post you used the example of Viscera - well, he was an Upper Midcarder by the end of week 1 in the last set of data I was sent, so you need to check whether your "jobber" is in your head, or in the game. If I can make a suggestion to improve your testing, you don't seem to actually check people's pushes - if you had, you would have spotted the problem with the WWE's overcrowded main event and TNA's popularity disparity before I ever needed to be involved - which is a huge mistake.
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[QUOTE=The-gamE;190704]if forlan released a beta version to all of us we could find or/and suggest a solution i mean we keap on reading the posts but we can only guess... dont take this the wrong way... i know that we need to be patient... and i am not trying to get the data and run i just think that a few more (of the loyal readers of the thread) can help out or another offer: forlan should continue the work on whats left... while the rest of the testers search for the solution (just a time saver !!!) not a jerk just a thinker[/QUOTE] Your first point makes perfect sense but it's been brought up before and rejected for no good reason. A public beta would allow for more input and opinions so we could've avoided Adam pointing out the obvious flaws (unnecessary tag teams, unnecessary relationships, under/overrating workers based on personal bias, etc) You're not a jerk either. Thinking and cooperation is just not acceptable with this unfortunately. What I suggest to you is to download a conversion Mod from bobinc.net and go from there.
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SWEET! A NAME CAME OUT! Forlan, you're my hero. Why? Cause now I can go on a tirade! ------------------ Intro: So, there's this guy who is being ridiculously kind enough to make a mod in his spare time. For free. It's a modification for this wrestling game I play, and in reality will make it better for me to play. So I personally think the guy rules. Recently he's gotten to the point of testing it, and being that I'm a fairly new poster at the forums, I figured I didn't deserve to be a part of the beta test, and didn't apply. So now I'm a little sad because I'm still sitting on the game waiting to play. But that's ok. Body: So now they're talking about the testing in the forum, and we're having the time of our lives ruining the topic each day and turning the test forum into our own personal playground. And it's fun. But there's this douchebag that has been annoying the guy who is making the mod. I fear that the dude will never finish it because the douchebag keeps annoying him. I hope that douchebag isn't me. END: Oh, wait. It isn't. It's HugeRockStar760. A guy who couldn't even win his name outright and got the "760" version as a consolation prize. Congratulations, you're a loser!
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[QUOTE=forlan;190802]no one has ever mentioned under/over rating on personal bias, your just sitll bitter like in the pm's you send begging to get the data[/QUOTE] Considering I have the PM's saved, I'd gladly post them. No begging, just wanting to contribute to a project that obviously needs someone that knows what they are doing. Enough of the arrogance. As has been proven, you have no room to be anymore. The ratings were on personal bias. That is obvious. Just because someone thinks Test is awful and is on steroids doesn't mean his overness shouldn't be at a level to reflect where is truly ranked in ECW currently. The tag teams and personal relationships were obviously never glanced over because it appears to be nothing more than a conversion from the past mods that had the same problem of numerous, unimportant relationships and tag teams that never should've been added.
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Seriously how is this bitching and moaning helping anyone, even if HRS is trying to help hes got to realise its just doing the opposite. Whether thats his intentions or not i dont know but cant we all just realise...were on a forum, stop whining (Everyone) and let the mod get done. Its getting back on track again now thanks to the help from Adam the last thing anyone who wants to play the mod wants is for it to get sidetracked all over again.
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[QUOTE=Goldenskillz;190812]Seriously how is this bitching and moaning helping anyone, even if HRS is trying to help hes got to realise its just doing the opposite. Whether thats his intentions or not i dont know but cant we all just realise...were on a forum, stop whining (Everyone) and let the mod get done. Its getting back on track again now thanks to the help from Adam the last thing anyone who wants to play the mod wants is for it to get sidetracked all over again.[/QUOTE] Took the words right out of my mouth.
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I see Adam, dunno if forlan wants to change the overness of those guys or not, but I see what you mean. Rockstar... all you've done all week is complain about how it's not a public beta test. Just please stop already, it's not going to be a public beta test no matter how much you try to make it sound like forlan is being a jerk for not releasing it to everyone because its not finished. We've already explained why it's not a public beta test.
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[QUOTE=Goldenskillz;190812]Seriously how is this bitching and moaning helping anyone, even if HRS is trying to help hes got to realise its just doing the opposite. Wether thats his intentions or not i dont know but cant we all just realise...were on a forum, stop whining (Everyone) and let the mod get done. Its getting back on track again now thanks to the help from Adam the last thing anyone who wants to play the mod wants is for it to get sidetracked all over again.[/QUOTE] It's not whining. I wonder if anyone even has a real job. Constructive criticism is apart of working. So is teamwork. From the start, this has been a closedminded process. I've never seen a group of people who take things so harshly when someone politely asks them to help, or when you offer valid opinions. I'm perfectly fine with re-doing a conversion mod I downloaded from bobinc.net. So to say I'm "begging" isn't reality. There's other options than T-Zone.
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You are whinnig and insulting us, it's a wonder no one has warned you for anything yet. forlan has stated numerous times the reason the data isn't done yet is because he had exams which are much more important than T-Zone. I work... just because my hours are slashed by 66% doesn't mean I don't have a job. You are not being polite... you asked forlan to release it to the public and when he refused you asked that he send it to you... and when he refused you started coming in the thread several times a day to insult the work we're all doing because you're not part of it. If there are more options than T-Zone... find them and play them. If you want to make your own mod, stop sayin you're going to do it and do it.
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HugeRockStar760, as you've established in your post that the T-Zone team do not want your help, for whatever reason, I would suggest that both parties would be happier if you were to no longer contribute to this thread. It benefits T-Zone as they don't want your input, and it benefits you as you'll not be wasting your time giving opinions that are not wanted. As a neutral party, that sounds like a fair plan to me. Unless anyone has any disagreements, please can both sides implement it from this post onwards.
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;190817]It's not whining. I wonder if anyone even has a real job. Constructive criticism is apart of working. So is teamwork. From the start, this has been a closedminded process. I've never seen a group of people who take things so harshly when someone politely asks them to help, or when you offer valid opinions. I'm perfectly fine with re-doing a conversion mod I downloaded from bobinc.net. So to say I'm "begging" isn't reality. There's other options than T-Zone.[/QUOTE] I have a real job, im a sales manager for a small distribution company. And i take Forlans side in this completely, he has his team the same as i have my sales team, he has his customers (forum users) as well as my sales team has our customers. Now my sales team always have new projects to take on, as does Forlan (T-Zone) if my customers phoned me up asking to know details of my projects before they are ready then I would tell them where to go. Your point is not a valid one as you are nothing but a customer, you dont have any creative input to his project what so ever you are just a consumer. You have your right to express feedback, but it is forlans project and he is responsible for all aspects, including his team and release dates.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;190821]HugeRockStar760, as you've established in your post that the T-Zone team do not want your help, for whatever reason, I would suggest that both parties would be happier if you were to no longer contribute to this thread. It benefits T-Zone as they don't want your input, and it benefits you as you'll not be wasting your time giving opinions that are not wanted. As a neutral party, that sounds like a fair plan to me. Unless anyone has any disagreements, please can both sides implement it from this post onwards.[/QUOTE] It's fine with me Adam. But please note, despite what the previous poster said, I've never used insults. I've never called anyone a "retard" like a certain someone said to another poster for no good reason. Just keep that in perspective people. Have fun. I'll be continuing to revise a real world mod that will soon be opened to the public and free of frivilous promotions and other fringe concepts.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;190821] As a neutral party, that sounds like a fair plan to me. Unless anyone has any disagreements, please can both sides implement it from this post onwards.[/QUOTE] Awww. Fun ruined. But it's good for the community. So I guess Adam has the right idea. Darn him and those good ideas. Wait. Then we wouldn't have TEW. Hmmmmm....
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;190826]It's fine with me Adam. But please note, despite what the previous poster said, I've never used insults. I've never called anyone a "retard" like a certain someone said to another poster for no good reason. Just keep that in perspective people. Have fun. I'll be continuing to revise a real world mod that will soon be opened to the public and free of frivilous promotions and other fringe concepts.[/QUOTE] Sucking up will get you nowhere... we all know what you've been saying. Insulting our work integrity both in the mod and real life, begging for the file, insulting us because we won't release it to you. You have a serious ego problem in believing nothing you say or do is wrong in any sense. If there were any way possible to release T-Zone so you couldn't download it, it would serve you right for the attitude you've displayed for everyone.
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