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T-Zone 2007

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[QUOTE=Ransik;190833]Sucking up will get you nowhere... we all know what you've been saying. Insulting our work integrity both in the mod and real life, begging for the file, insulting us because we won't release it to you. You have a serious ego problem in believing nothing you say or do is wrong in any sense. If there were any way possible to release T-Zone so you couldn't download it, it would serve you right for the attitude you've displayed for everyone.[/QUOTE] Look, I've been polite so far, but one more post like this and the person doing it gets an official warning. The situation has been resolved, posting stuff like that just so you can have the last word just starts the whole cycle back up. The argument has ended, let it lie.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;190821]Unless anyone has any disagreements, please can both sides implement it from this post onwards.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;190826]Have fun[/QUOTE] Thank God that's over. If anyone's interested in talking about T-Zone, playtesting (my job) is going well with the latest version of data
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Right....someone once said they were making BCW, whoeveer you are sorry for forgetting who you are but did you ever/do you ever plan on doing it. Also i sent an arenas list to ubernoob when he offered to help and he said he was nearly done but now has dissapeared for earth :s Also with the angles/storylines being directly over from 05 they are still just a mishmash of different ones thrown together but i'd like someone to totally revamp angles and storylines. Latenitescw is having a look but he doesn't have "that" much time so any offeres appreciated.
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[QUOTE=forlan;190870]Right....someone once said they were making BCW, whoeveer you are sorry for forgetting who you are but did you ever/do you ever plan on doing it.[/QUOTE] That would be me sir, i've done the product and stuff for BCW but not the roster, i can do it at the weekend, i think flamebrain was going to give me a hand, i'll pm him so we dont cross wires and do the same thing twice.
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This must be the most eagerly anticipated mod going. I've been following the posts since forlan announced he was making it. Due to the amount of 'debates' and what not, it seems as if forlan's mods are extremely good. I myself can't wait but have to realise that I'm just going to have to be patient. I'd rather it was close to perfection than full of holes. Image Adam released tew 2007 before it was ready even though he may have had a deadline to meet everybody who purchased it would be pretty pissed off. This has been mentioned before but it's his mod and we're not paying for it so he can do what he likes and put in as many promotions as he wants. Good luck Forlan and keep up the good work!
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Well WWE don't drop nearly as many people.. Their shows still kinda suck, but they seem to be managing a lot better. I was curious to see how WWE would manage on their own, so I set several TNA guys like AJ, Team 3D, VKM, Christian and Sting to be loyal so they could continue to work elsewhere but not get snapped up by WWE. Guys who've been working in TNA forever like Christopher Daniels and Chris Sabin (who haven't been there since day 1.. but you know what I mean) I left as normal since they may one day sign to WWE for the big money. So far they haven't been signed though which is niiice Although there are always big firings, the main talent seems to stay in each fed (aside from Super Dragon who always becomes unemployed! :eek: ) and although I haven't got far into my current play-test game, promotions seem to be coping, but Ransik can tell you more about that side
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