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T-Zone 2007

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[QUOTE=Ransik;191422]The AI just never books the top guys against each other often enough to get better matches.[/QUOTE] There are 15 main event spots in the data that was provided, of which only about 5 are filled with people capable of good matches. Simple percentages tell you that the chances of it being two good workers against each other is slim, simply because there's more poor main eventers than good main eventers. I'd also, once again, question your definition of "never". Hyperbole seems to be a recurring theme in your testing reports, and it's making it very difficult to give you accurate feedback.
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I think he said Viscera was being put against Cena early in the show. Cena being a Main Eventer (I think), he was saying that Viscera shouldn't be able to have a title match with Cena, or main event a show. I don't think he was actually the last card though. I don't think they want to change the stats personally. WWE strives on Brawling, all entertainment stats, and so forth. They probably have them down as all unentertaining (or low), and for someone like Cena for example, that's his biggest strength, and the only reason he is "the Champ". Cena will probably lose the belt in a matter of a month if his stats all suck. The funny part about it is, well, he has improved lately, although a bit is all.. My son pointed that one out to me (I am known to chant "Cena Sucks", soon as his music plays, and therefore tick off my son, lol). I do remember Forlan saying something about some stats needed tweaking though, perhaps that's one of them he was talking about. [QUOTE]IF Shawn Michaels was in TNA would his stats be the same OR if Somoa Joe was in the WWE would his stats be the same? [/QUOTE] All relevant posts I have read in here would put Shawn Michaels as a midcard or upper midcard in TNA and Samoa Joe would be top Main Eventer for WWE, without competition... I'm curious as to what you guys have the brawling stats of people like Undertaker and Kane as? Kane is being used as an enhanced Talent right now, but he is surely capable of more (I believe this is his own doing, he wants to help put some younger people over or something like that), more as in how jbergy was saying... Just because someone that works 5 or 6 days a week isn't as energetic as someone who does it once a week, doesn't mean they are incapable of it, when they are set up for it (HBK vs. Edge street fight).
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;191430]I think he said Viscera was being put against Cena early in the show. Cena being a Main Eventer (I think), he was saying that Viscera shouldn't be able to have a title match with Cena, or main event a show.[/QUOTE] His exact quote was: [QUOTE]and in the Main Event Batista beating Viscera.[/QUOTE] I haven't been able to find anything like this happening. What I am referring to is that the testers, Ransik in particular, are being really loose in the terms they are using, and it's making it virtually impossible for me to really offer much help. Phrases like "top guys" are useless - is that someone the tester thinks is a top guy in reality, someone who is in the Main Event in the database, etc, etc? There's been no information given on what Viscera's actual push was at the time of the match, and that's the important piece of information - it doesn't matter where he is in real life, if he's since gone into the Upper Midcard in the game then there's no problem, it's a perfectly acceptable piece of booking. It's the same with the uses of the words like "never"; I've already seen at least one time where that's been used when what was meant was "very rarely". That's a BIG difference when it comes to checking errors.
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Can I just clarify, the only people with the T-Zone data in any form are Myself Webby Ransik Cyberkitten The Stallion Tsumirren Latenitescw Panix TCP1 Legendkiller Adam Ryland I don't think i've missed anyone there, anyone else reporting any "findings" or saying anything "happened" is most likely using some hybrid conversion of their own and shouldn't really be talking about it in this thread. As for the stats, yeah some do need work still as i told the testers as i'm currently going through the promotions sorting that sort of stuff and have just finished FIP in that respect. Hope that clears some things up
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[IMG]http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v98/ransik/?action=view¤t=capture-1.jpg[/IMG] This is from the test I've been running the last couple days. The 4th show into the game and the AI put together Eugene vs. Cena in the Main Event. Cena with 89% Overness and Eugene with 71%. Dunno if that's a big enough gap but that's the only thing I could find with the short time I have left before work. Anyway, I'll be back around 4pm EST.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;191437]His exact quote was: I haven't been able to find anything like this happening. What I am referring to is that the testers, Ransik in particular, are being really loose in the terms they are using, and it's making it virtually impossible for me to really offer much help. Phrases like "top guys" are useless - is that someone the tester thinks is a top guy in reality, someone who is in the Main Event in the database, etc, etc? There's been no information given on what Viscera's actual push was at the time of the match, and that's the important piece of information - it doesn't matter where he is in real life, if he's since gone into the Upper Midcard in the game then there's no problem, it's a perfectly acceptable piece of booking. It's the same with the uses of the words like "never"; I've already seen at least one time where that's been used when what was meant was "very rarely". That's a BIG difference when it comes to checking errors.[/QUOTE] I understand where your coming from I think. It's hard to make adjustments, or even reasonable conclusions without accurate data on what's going on. I got interested in this mod after seeing alot of trouble (almost radical to an extent "If it won't play right, it's not coming out!"), and the intent was to help out if possible. I even sent a PM to the person specifically working on WWE, to make sure it was ok, and was told it's nice to have suggestions. I would like to point out, I seen people ask about the stats, and the answer was about not wanting to inflate people's stats as they are or have been in other mods. Ever since that post, I believed that stats is their main problem, period. Then you made your suggestions, and I thought, you know... that might work, since their stats seem to be way down for a promotion that size... possibly taking them to a lower position might work... To be honest... I can't say one way or another, but you can because you have the data. Here is what I believe though... WWE's roster is made with stats you would see in a regional promotion, not a Global, International, Cult or even National promotion. That's what I believe, but I cannot verify... I would check that first though.
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[QUOTE=Ransik;191450] Cena with 89% Overness and Eugene with 71%. Dunno if that's a big enough gap but that's the only thing I could find with the short time I have left before work.[/QUOTE] You're looking at the wrong stats. Their actual overness doesn't matter, what matters is their current pushes - that was shown in the very first data set, where Benoit was one of the most over people in the company, but was only an Upper Midcarder. I think you'll find that Eugene was an Upper Midcarder when that match took place, as anything lower than that and he wouldn't have received a title shot in the main event. So, in short, while that might look like a weird match for real life, the stats given mean that it's a perfectly acceptable match.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;191430] All relevant posts I have read in here would put Shawn Michaels as a midcard or upper midcard in TNA and Samoa Joe would be top Main Eventer for WWE, without competition... .[/QUOTE] I seriously hope you dont really believe this. He would be right there with angle as the most over wrestler on the roster. Kurt Angle went right over to TNA and got involved with Somoa Joe(whom TNA's consider their own and is obviously very popular) and the fans are mixed about who to even cheer for in this match yet they tried to make Angle the heel. TNA is a great up and coming promotion but if this mod will ever work like most people want it(realistically) we need to be fair to the WWE. By saying HBK is a main eventer in the WWE and would be a midcarder/upper midcarder in TNA is not being unbias. He is one of the WWE's biggest stars that puts on some of the best matches. As for Somoa Joe, that is also incorrect. He could never just go over to the WWE and be there top Main Eventer, he could maybe be built into that roll but he does not have even close to the World Overness to be considered as even a main eventer in the WWE at this point. We all know Somoa Joe and think hes a great talent because we are huge wrestling fans, sadly I would bet that we make up less then 20% of wrestling fans out there and I am sure the majority of the other 80% have no idea who Somoa Joe is unfortunately. Maybe we need to have an internet wrestling fan mod.....
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See what i mean, this has no relevance discussion wise to the data as the person making the comment doesn't have the data and is basing it on pure speculation so there is no need for jbergey to even reply to such fabrications. This sin't a nasty comment its just some of the less intelligent people who may just skim the thread might read that as truth when its opinion that is not even based on fact.
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[QUOTE=Megaman0;191490]I think what djthefunkchris meant is that the way people talk in this thread is that HBK would be an inferiour wrestler in TNA that and that Samoa Joe would get pushed to the main event...[/QUOTE] So in other words we are in agreement:o ooops, sorry!!! I missed what he was getting at, sorry djthefunkchris
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Guest Stevie F'n Swing
One more storyline has been completed. "Wrestling Machine vs. Submission Machine." Obviously based on Kurt vs. Joe. Check it out... [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v653/marchhaire/tzonepreview2.jpg[/IMG]
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So general consensus is now, Forlan knows what's needed now to keep WWE afloat, and the data isn't finished. Therefore when the data [i]is[/i] finished, it should all work. He's working through them in alphabetical order and the last mention of how far he'd gotten was FIP. That makes WWE and TNA close to last, so we'll see how it all works out when the data is finished. I don't think it would be unreasonable to expect a release at the end of February at the earliest. So time to start crying about how you haven't got your money's worth and the Cornellverse is rubbish :rolleyes: I never used to play the Cornellverse, but with such a long wait for T-Zone I've got well into it now. WreSpi helped get me into it too
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If the data wasn't to be finished until the end of February (at the earliest), what is the point of sending the data out for tests now? Considering that overness and wrestling stats were no where near completed, would it not be more reasonable to use the completed data and then if things didn't work use Adam's suggestions? Not having a go like, just don't understand to be honest.
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[QUOTE=forlan;191603]Because a lot of the testers are testing various aspects of the data that are finished. It's not like they need it totally finished to have a nice big game or something[/QUOTE] No, but I mean the complaining that the AI can't book matches correctly and that Viscera is in the main event etc, if the data was a month of being completed (Viscera as an upper midcarder etc) was this not to be expected?
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