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T-Zone 2007

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I like a lot of the guys who are in the independants now... but in 2001, they were unexperienced and not well known. So I'm correct. Now... as for "bitching and moaning for months" this is actually only the second time in this thread that I've made something that's been close to complaining. And really, it's only because it was turned into a joke that we didn't have it. Oddly enough, you're complaining more about my minor complaint than I complained about it not being out yet. lol Anyway... yep. Still waiting. I've edited War's End to all hell, but now it just feels like I cheated like mad.
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[QUOTE=MrKain;198218]I like a lot of the guys who are in the independants now... but in 2001, they were unexperienced and not well known. So I'm correct.[/QUOTE] So why play a 2001 mod? More importantly, why download and install a 2001 mod, then whinge that it's a 2001 mod? Why not just... not say anything?
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Not meaning to offend. Yes, I was trying to bide my time. I'm not saying that yours was a bad mod, Tomlin. The stats were very close to what they should be for that time period, and in fact I played it for a while, but it wasn't exactly what I wanted. I'll probably play that mod again as the WWE, as it's more geared towards that. I'll have to wait for this one to play as an independant company that works the way I really wanted it to be.
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Now, I'll admit that I only read this thread off and on, but as far as I'm aware there has never been a hard and fast promised date for this mod. Therefore it is impossible for it to be late or delayed. I'm a detail guy, so I appreciate every bit of effort being made, even on the seemingly little things. I'm glad forlan is this much of a stickler for details in the mod, it sure beats the heck out of the alternative. I'm not one who usually quotes movies, but to paraphrase Gandalf, this mod will "never be late, nor will it ever be early. It will arrive precisely when forlan & the testers mean it to."
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i know this mod will come out soon. I can wait because i enjoy TEW07 just with the default mod. I didnt care for the CV in last year's game. I know forlan will release this soon and you have to keep in mind to that he goes to college so you guys should be happy that someone is even doing a mod that is current and is this huge.
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[QUOTE=vocalorigami;198258]i know this mod will come out soon. I can wait because i enjoy TEW07 just with the default mod. I didnt care for the CV in last year's game. I know forlan will release this soon and you have to keep in mind to that he goes to college so you guys should be happy that someone is even doing a mod that is current and is this huge.[/QUOTE] I believe the argument is not, "Forlan isn't working on this damn mod enough!", I think it's that people believe the mod is complete enough to be released and has been for some time now. I don't know either way but that's what I saw the arguement as. I certinally liked being able to work at my own pace in helping make the 2001 Wars End mod.
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what people have to remember is that Forlanis studying hard to try and build a future for himself. A-Levels are not easy and they sure as hell take priority over a mod for a game! Plus, i don't know what his situation is, but he probably has some form of part-time job so he has money coming in and lets face it you do need time to relax and have a good time as well, take all that time away from a week and you dont get many hours left for making a mod! I have the most recent version of the data and to be honest he could feesibly release it tommorow if he wanted (thats the beauty of being able to import) but then he would get a 101 posts telling him how poor the data is, he is under a lot of pressure to produce a high quality mod here and people don't make it any easier for him! So just wait patiently people, dont spam up the thread with requests for more info on release dates. Forlan will give you info as and when he feels appropriate!
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[QUOTE=panix04;198276]I have the most recent version of the data and to be honest he could feesibly release it tommorow if he wanted (thats the beauty of being able to import) but then he would get a 101 posts telling him how poor the data is, [/QUOTE] As opposed to 101 posts asking where the data is :p [QUOTE=panix04;198276]he is under a lot of pressure to produce a high quality mod here and people don't make it any easier for him![/QUOTE] :confused: What pressure? It's a very difficult task, no doubt but I don't see the pressure. Worst case scenario some people don't like it and criticise it, big deal?
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[QUOTE]:confused: What pressure? It's a very difficult task, no doubt but I don't see the pressure. Worst case scenario some people don't like it and criticise it, big deal?[/QUOTE] Having worked on your own mod i really thought you of all people would understand how difficult it is to have people criticise negatively something you have spent a lot of time on. Not only that, but Forlan has to endure the extra pressure of having one of the two most highly anticipated mods for the TEW series. Sure, i dont feel any pressure on the mod i am making, but then i dont have a thread with bucketloads of people asking when its going to be ready do i? I really felt a hell of a lot more pressure making a modern day mod then i ever did making fictional database's just my opinion though, i guess different people feel pressure under different circumstance's.
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I know what you mean Panix and I honestly didn't care when people bagged my mod. Most hadn't even played it or were just flame whores (The same kind who for the most part have been bagging Forlan in this endless thread). Who cares what they think or post? Forlan has been around long enough to know no matter what it's going to get criticised and in most times unfairly.... It's criticism on a game simming message board, I really don't mean for this to sound ignorant but big deal? [I]That did sound a bit ignorant[/I]:( :p
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[QUOTE=CarlitoCoool;198286]I know what you mean Panix and I honestly didn't care when people bagged my mod. Most hadn't even played it or were just flame whores (The same kind who for the most part have been bagging Forlan in this endless thread). Who cares what they think or post? Forlan has been around long enough to know no matter what it's going to get criticised and in most times unfairly.... It's criticism on a game simming message board, I really don't mean for this to sound ignorant but big deal? [I]That did sound a bit ignorant[/I]:( :p[/QUOTE] perhaps i am just getting sentimental in my old age! But i tend to take criticism to heart, i guess its hard for me to close off to disparaging remarks, even on a message board!
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Don't get me wrong, if D-Lyrium, yourself, Adam and countless others were to say my work was crap it would be hard not to take it a little to heart but long time members and valued contributors of these forums know how much time and effort go into these things which is why you'll never see negative feedback from them. They are happy the work is being done in the first place and are usually nothing but helpful, myself included :)
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[QUOTE=MrKain;198193]I'm waiting very impatiently. I wasn't a fan of the joke played on us newbs before, though... I was at 97 posts when you said that, so I spammed some threads, which I never do. Now I'm guilty of spamming, and all for nothing. I still don't have a mod I can really get into. War's End is ok, but 2/3's of the guys I like have ****ty stats in that mod, just because the time it happens they weren't that good yet. *sigh* I really REALLY would like for this to come out already. Maybe I SHOULD have PMed when the testing was going out. Then maybe I'd have some fun with my game. Right now, it's collecting dust. And I never knew that kbs could collect dust.[/QUOTE] then go play EWR then. You're the fool for spending $35 on a game on data you don't even like to play data that isn't even out yet. Seriously. Do you know how silly many of you sound? Only buying Adam's game so you can play "the real world data".. That really shows how thankful that you are you were even given EWR in the first place.
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Huh? It's his money... he can do what he wants with it. If he wants to support Adam and purchase the game, and then wait for a real world data mod (everyone, even people under rocks know eventually SOME KIND of real world data mod will be out) then that's his choice. Who cares if someone doesnt like the cornellverse... its like your saying that Adam CHOSE NOT to make a real world data game as the default data...and if we dont like the cornell then we're ungratefull? I bought this game for the real world data.... im waiting for this mod to be released as well as others are. but im playing the Wars End data in the meantime which is a really good fun mod. I'm not the type to act like i love the cornell data in the hope that next year Adam will pick me to test his beta games or stand up for the data in any 'i cant get into the default data' topics. Last year i had a good game with the cornell stuff... but when real world comes around it tempts me away. Now if decided this year to buy the game... and then wait for real world data... then im a fool? How the heck does that work? -- Oh but [I]"but 2/3's of the guys I like have ****ty stats in that mod, just because the time it happens they weren't that good yet."[/I] That's a really really dumb reason not to play a mod. Go into the editor if you want and edit the stats... or try and sign the guys and make them better superstars! You shouldn't be against a mod because it accuratly reflects the workers stats at the time
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;198259]I think it's that people believe the mod is complete enough to be released and has been for some time now. I don't know either way but that's what I saw the arguement as. [/QUOTE] And there is only one person that knows whether the mod is "complete enough", and that is Forlan. From what I've seen, Forlan is trying to make the absolute best current-day mod possible, and that is bound to take time - so why can't we give it to him without the hassle. It's great that there's so much buzz about the forthcoming release of this mod - I know that I'm really looking forward to it myself, but I know that I have the patience to wait for a top-notch addition to an already excellent game. And if anyone doesn't have the patience, then that is their problem, and not Forlan's!
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Thank you for backing me up on my actual purchasing the program, as I do want to support Adam Ryland, as I've bought almost all of the current ones, just to pay him back for downloading so many of his older ones for nothing. EWR and earlier, I had downloaded and was woondering why he hadn't made one to buy, as it was good enough to buy (then I remembered he can't have real people in the game). [QUOTE=KRadiation;198321]Oh but [I]"but 2/3's of the guys I like have ****ty stats in that mod, just because the time it happens they weren't that good yet."[/I] That's a really really dumb reason not to play a mod. Go into the editor if you want and edit the stats... or try and sign the guys and make them better superstars! You shouldn't be against a mod because it accuratly reflects the workers stats at the time[/QUOTE] For your knowledge, I did edit a few of their stats, but it just made me feel like a cheater in the end... because I knew that he was fair with the original stats. They were just inexperienced at that point and weren't as good as they are now. So editing the stats just made me feel like I was cheating. Sue me on that one, I don't like cheating.
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[QUOTE=Sepulchasm;198322]And there is only one person that knows whether the mod is "complete enough", and that is Forlan. From what I've seen, Forlan is trying to make the absolute best current-day mod possible, and that is bound to take time - so why can't we give it to him without the hassle. It's great that there's so much buzz about the forthcoming release of this mod - I know that I'm really looking forward to it myself, but I know that I have the patience to wait for a top-notch addition to an already excellent game. And if anyone doesn't have the patience, then that is their problem, and not Forlan's![/QUOTE] He could tweak the mod for the next year trying to get it perfect but the reality of the situation is someone will still find something wrong and complain about it i.e. OMG! You rated CM Punk 85 in brawling, he should be a 95 cause he is teh aWesome!!!!
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doc's got a point there actually. no matter how 100% accurate he gets it, someone will find something wrong with it, simply because they are such an oober mark for someone that they will think that they should have unrealistic stats and be good at everything. from what i've seen forlan is merely trying to make a mod where the rosters are 100% up to date, the feds are booking the way they should be booking, and the right people are getting pushed the way they should be. if people aren't happy with certain people's stats then realistically that's their problem. that's why these games are able to be edited, so you can make the game the way you see fit.
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Right, had a quick look again and have a page and a half of A5 notes...even went through the bloody UK TV Channels. Really couldn't be bothered with the 8 zillion European ones. Cannae believe ye missed oot the Kelvin Hall like, pure mental man! Oh and you so need to import or "create" the Modern TV argument angles. Decided to have a wee go with TNA also and got a B- with my first show, so may actually play that for a bit and see what crops up.
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1) I don't see why people are getting on my back, i never gave a definate release date and as mentioned it takes a backseat to said studies. 2) #How dare you Panix lol, A-Levels pfft, im at uni, and thanks to putting T-Zone away for a few days and doing some revision i achieved a first (77%) in my History of Broadcasting Exam (got the results today) 3) Anyone who knows me would know i won't give up and whenever and however, this mod will eb released (For proof see countless rela world mods for TEW04 and TEW05 from myself)
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I find it hilarious how people feel entitled to mods and get all pissy when the people doing all the hard work of creating them aren't "working fast enough" for their liking. I feel lucky that there are people out there willing to give up huge portions of their time to create mods to share with everyone else. Kudos to the mod makers! And to the guys pissing their pants and throwing temper tantrums because mods don't appear overnight, you could have and still can just convert a TEW05 mod, spend a week or so editing it to your liking, and play that until T-Zone is done. I did that a month ago. Or you can just sit back and keep complaining while others do all the work for you...
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