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T-Zone 2007

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Why is there always talk of Release dates and people bugging Forlan every time i read this thread? Ok, So i rarely post but i read it every day. He don’t need everyone bugging him about this mod just because they are frustrated. How he hasn’t thrown his hands up and quit is totally beyond me! I know 90% of us would have! The ONLY dates that would be feasible is a cut off date where nothing there after will be added but of course it would result in people moaning should something big change in the wrestling world. Think about all the time Forlan has wasted answering the same questions time and time again. Now think about the time (Not just answering but needing a break after answering) has been WASTED because of this. Stop breaking his balls and WAIT! Keep up the good work Forlan, 3490 workers.... DAMN!
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[QUOTE=praguepride;212444]On a note completely unrelated to WWEBone trolling & flaming[/QUOTE] Again, I wasn't trolling and/or flaming. For the record, I appreciate the work being done, I was just stating that an ETA would be helpful and can be altered when necessary. And for the record, keep Pete around. His posts entertain me.
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Yes, but the ETA is much more likely to be pushed back a bit because of RL stuff than it is to be kept, and dozens of people will come in here complaining if it gets pushed back. And if he accounts for that and sets a release date that's very far away but much more realisitic (even if other stuff comes up), people will complain that it's too long to wait. Forlan can't win here.
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Guest Ransik
Bleh, sorry I haven't been around a whole lot to help out. I've had a hell of a lot to deal with, with work among other things. Trying to get back into drawing and I'm having a very hard time with it because I seem to have forgotten some things. Anyway, if I can ever fix this RAM issue I'll get back to running tests. Right now my RAM is being eaten up again and I'm running dozens of scans to try and pick out what's causing it this time around. Also.. since a lot of you guys are posting in this thread... does anyone know why Corp-X was deleted?
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hey ransik, this is b-unit. Corp-x went down for a couple of reasons. Heres what i got from iggy ''- Old site went down without explanation, no explanation from David why the site went down, I assume he lost his hosting. - Old site went down quite a lot. - I couldn't access the old site, therefore not being able to actively admin. - The old site required money to keep going, it was kept going by donators, but reached a point where I needed to pay more money and at the moment I have very little money.''
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CCFC1927 - At the moment no Corey Vandal - I might possibly be interested in adding one or two midlands promotions, pm me regarding who you think might be good to add and how you think you could help. Ransik - Hope you sort out your problems with your computer soon bud TheEdgeofReason - 52 and yes
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[quote]52 and yes[/quote] Holy Hell, that's a lot of promotions! Any in the Northwest US (other than ECCW, which isn't really a Northwest running promotion, unless you consider running a show maybe once a year in northern Washington state a Northwest promotion :p). Also, if you need any help with promotions/wrestlers in this area, I might be able to help.
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[QUOTE=Consrvtve;213179]Fine, then tick them for drug use instead of steroids.[/QUOTE] I'm not certain about Helms... but for Edge, the reasons were purely medical, and therefore, would be no different than someone taking a tylenol for a headache. If Edge gets a check under drug usage, then almost everyone does.
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It's just a checked box in a mod so I don't won't to debate this, but let's not be totally naive. Edge was looking pretty bulked up on SD, came back to Raw looking even bigger, and then slimmed down noticeably post Wellness Policy. Not sure why it's so believable that the other guys on the list were using HGH but not Edge.
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[QUOTE=PeterHilton;213200]It's just a checked box in a mod so I don't won't to debate this, but let's not be totally naive. Edge was looking pretty bulked up on SD, came back to Raw looking even bigger, and then slimmed down noticeably post Wellness Policy. Not sure why it's so believable that the other guys on the list were using HGH but not Edge.[/QUOTE] It's already been stated that Edge was using HGH, but as far as I'm aware, he was using it on the advice of a medical physician... so, do we then tick off the drugs box for everyone who's taken a steroid or painkiller or other such drug on the advice of their doctor?
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The reason this investigation was a big deal was because the prescriptions were basically phony. And many of these guys were not really "injured." I seriously doubt Edge needed to be taking HGH. I seriously doubt ANY of the athletes on that list needed to be taking HGH. It was a cover for guys who were trying to cheat. If you're asking me, Edge was takiing HGH long past when he actually needed it - if he ever did. He bulked up to help prepare him for his main event push. I would definitely check the box.
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