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Welcome... to the Coastal Zone!

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Man, between X-Box Live Arcade and Space Empires 5, it's a wonder I get in any time to Welcome you to the Coastal Zone! Side note: Working on a minor project that every fan of Welcome to the Coastal Zone should enjoy. Just need to find the spare time to do it in. I'll tell more later. March 2012, week 3, sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit on Los Desportes Hoy Dark match: Blue Shift def. Backyarders II (Reckless/Deluxe) in ten minutes (D-) We open with Rod Remus in the ring, ranting reprehensibly in regards to recent revelations. (Sorry, won't happen again.) He says he's ready to put his name on the line for a title shot at SBB, and if anyone wants to stop him, now's the time to do it. Out comes... Angel de Mexico. "Dude, you want to stop me? When's the last time you won a match?" "I'm not saying I deserve a title shot. But you, with your attitude? You don't, either." (C-) Opening Match Rod Remus def. Angel de Mexico in fourteen minutes via Remus Clutch (C) "Now that that's over with... Alicia, I'll be wanting my title ba--" Out comes... the injured Amazing FireFly? "I don't think so, Rod. See, I may not be at 100%... but I still did better against Alicia than, well, you ever have. I get another show before you do." "... oh, it's on now, cripple-boy." (C-) Midcard Match Rod Remus def. Amazing FireFly in ten minutes via Remus Clutch.... duh, it targets the back. (D+) "Now, as I was say... FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, NOW WHAT???" It's... Phoenix! "Boy, you talk tough. You wrestle well. But look around... the Zone's become the new heart and soul of Lucha Libre. When that title goes off Strong's waist? It'll be one of us who takes it." (C-) Main Event Rod Remus def. Phoenix I in twelve minutes via chairshot when Pee-Wee wasn't looking (C) Remus says, "Now, I know nobody else is back there... 'cause we're out of time. Alicia? See you in a week and a half." (C) Show rating: C-, 0.26 TV Sadly, one of NOTBPW's greaest superstars, and argueably best technical wrestler in the Americas, Owen Love, overdosed last night. No word on his recovery chances as of yet. In other, better news, FireFly's back cleared up -- he was going to be able to go full-tilt at SBB. Now, to find a match for him... March 2012, week 4, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit on Los Desportes Hoy Dark match: Double-Double def. Los Lunas in ten minutes (E) It's the big hype show, so we start with pre-taped interviews from Masked Cougar and Angel de Mexico hyping the Xtreme Lucha Ladder match at SBB (C, C) Opening Match Masked Cougar def. Angel de Mexico in seventeen minutes with I Am Cougar, Hear Me Roar. (C+) More pretaped hype interviews! Mayan Idol, Phoenix, Remus and Strong (C+, C, B, B+) Main Event, Customary Champs vs Challengers... sort of Rod Remus & Phoenix def. Alicia Strong and Mayan Idol in twenty-five minutes when Remus forces Idol to tap to the Remus Clutch while staring at Alicia. (C) Show rating: C, 0.26 TV Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Spring Break Bash 2012! And we only have two matches for it. Hrm.
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[QUOTE=Nightshadeex;242518]Wow, Rod sure has turned into a bad ass. I'm so loopy as to the face and heel alignments. Going away for a couple weeks has not helped my Zone viewing.[/QUOTE] There's no face/heel split in the Zone; it really only applies in general terms, and can be seen more as a "Nice/jerk" mentality... Alicia's first title run was as a fine, upstanding face; her second was as a bitter, not-nice heel. But quite often we've had faces and heels on the same side, for various reasons (the Mexican Revolution has rudos and technicos vs heels and faces, for example) And yeah, Rod's turned badarse... he's definately one of our most solid main eventers. But then, we knew that years ago when we hired him and gave him a big push. Never woulda thought he'd do better for us than Ash Campbell... but then, that primadonna left for more money and more fame...
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I love the fact the zone seems to be operating closer to the black these days. but how much of this is due to the economy and state of wrestling? no offense meant, i am just wondering if you are riding the wave, or bucking the current of the cycle right now?
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[QUOTE=mistaken;242568]I love the fact the zone seems to be operating closer to the black these days. but how much of this is due to the economy and state of wrestling? no offense meant, i am just wondering if you are riding the wave, or bucking the current of the cycle right now?[/QUOTE] Well... it's a combination of both. America's economy and industry had both peaked into the A range, and are currently in the mid-low D and still falling. Meanwhile, Mexico's had both sunk into the E/F range, and have just recently climbed up to the mid-low D and are still climbing. We're managing to balance out the two of them since we're cross-border. And we're not really working in the black... we're still losing money each month, but not a whole lot. Except on the odd month where there's no big event. That's part of why we did Lucha Libre Live in February, to make a little money so we have more wiggle room.
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Welcome to CZCW Spring Break Bash! April 2012, week 1, Wednesday Live from the sold-out Grissom Auditorium Dark match: Backyarders def. Blue Shift to retain the Tidal Tag Titles (D) We open with backstage interviews with Rod Remus and Alicia Strong (B-, B+) Opening Match Amazing FireFly def. Spanish Superfly in twenty minutes, getting a little tired along the way but showing he's back from his injury. Afterwards, Superfly just sorta smiles at FireFly and shakes his hand (C) Hype video for the Xtreme match (C) Xtreme Lucha Ladder Match Phoenix I def. Mayan Idol(c), Masked Cougar, and Angel de Mexico in twenty-five minutes of action (B-) Hype video for the main event (B) Main Event Championship Match Alicia Strong(c) def. Rod Remus in twenty-eight minutes of a somewhat-of-a-letdown match (C). Wait... we're not done! As Alicia's leaving with the title... out comes Amazing FireFly, in her face. "You picked a fight with me when I was hurt, and I told you I never back down from a title shot. Well, guess what... I'm healed up, and now? I'm challenging you." "I just had a match." "So? I had one earlier, too. Or are you just afraid of some punk-ass kid from the barrio gettin' your good name dirty?" "... Get down here so I can make you eat those words." (B) Bonus Main Event Championship Match Amazing FireFly def. Alicia Strong in seventeen minutes to become your NEW CZCW Champion! (C+) Show rating: C+ On the next Coastal Zone: Nope, not Cult yet...
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That's possibly the fastest rookie-to-champion saga since... well, since Rod Remus. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! We obviously had a lot of faith in FireFly... and why not? He put on fantastic Xtreme matches, and was still working cheap... for now. Hey, now we don't feel so bad about Insane Machine leaving us... he just told DAVE to take a flying leap, too. Wow, had he skyrocketted up the charts lately. April 2012, week 1, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live on Los Desportes Hoy from the Snake Pit We open with Amazing FireFly in the ring with the CZCW Title, soaking in the cheers. He claims he's just shocked the world of wrestling, and now, he's going to do it again... the CZCW Title is now the CZCW Lucharan Title, and nobody else gets a shot until every luchadore on the roster gets one! Masked Cougar comes out to ask who gets the first shot... and FireFly says, "Well, why not you?" (B-) Opening Pro/Am Tag Match Snap Dragon & Zenshin Makioka def. Nathan Casino & Extreme Deluxe in ten minutes when Casino taps out to Zenshin's STF... wait, is that right? (D) Alicia Strong is in the ring, upset that yet again she's lost her title, and the person who took it from her quickly made a decision that she wouldn't get a rematch. Well, that's bunk. Out comes Angel de Mexico to tell Alicia to stop whining. The champ can make these choices, just like Alicia did when she was champ. Alicia decides that if she wants her shot, then she'll have to take out all the luchadores in the Zone... starting with Angel (C+) Midcard Match Alicia Strong def. Angel de Mexico in thirteen minutes in a "Why the heck do these two wrestle, they have zero chemistry" match (D+) Main Event Championship Match FireFly(c) def. Masked Cougar in eighteen minutes via Burning FlyHammer (C+) Show rating: C, 0.33 TV, a new record! Well, that was a nice rating to get... we're slowly but surely moving up the ladder there. So we take the unusual step of announcing next week's TV main event... a four-way contendership match between Mayan Idol, Spanish Superfly, Phoenix I, and... the Redneck Luchadore, Super Sonic??? Well... why not? Angel de Mexico went on to win the OLLIE title the day after jobbing to Alicia. We wondered what their booker was thinking. Just as Insane Machine dumped us and then dumped DAVE, Plague had dumped us and now dumped MHW. April 2012, week 2, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit on Los Desportes Hoy Dark match: Los Lunas def. Backyarders II in eight minutes (E-) We open with pretaped interviews from Phoenix and Super Sonic hypeing the main event (C-, C-) Opening Match Masked Cougar def. Nathan Casino in twelve minutes with I Am Cougar, Hear Me Roar (D+... WTF?) Superfly hypes the main event (D+) Filler Match Rod Remus def. Snap Dragon in thirteen minutes via Remus Clutch (C+) Mayan Idol hypes the main event (C-) Main Event Contendership Match Mayan Idol def. Phoenix, Spanish Superfly, and Super Sonic in sixteen minutes by pinning Phoenix I. Super Sonic obviously didn't belong out there, but the boy's trying. (C-) Show rating: C-, 0.31 TV On the next Coastal Zone: One word. Four letters. Which show will put us over the edge... or should we ask, which show will send us sliding back?
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Where sometimes, less is more. As in, a less-good show means we have more work to do to make up for it. Welcome to the Coastal Zone... we'll try harder! Honestly! New name? Check. Boffo match set up for the next show? Check. Budget dropping? Check. Right... let's do this. April 2012, week 3, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit on Los Desportes Hoy Dark match: Phoenix I def. Simon Ice to retain the Xtreme Title (D) Mayan Idol hypes his title match (B) Opening Match Alicia Strong draws Spanish Superfly in another 20-minute time limit match (C) The lights go dark, and we get a video of Alicia's greatest hits."She's lost her title... she's lost her way... next week... she'll lose... HER SOUL." Soul Taker is coming to the Zone to face Alicia next week! (C) FireFly hypes the main event (C+) Main Event Championship Match Amazing FireFly(c) def. Mayan Idol in nineteen minutes via pinfall after a huricanrana (B-) Show rating: C+, 0.33 TV Niiiiice. Idol was turning out to be the Mexican version of Insane Machine (and pardon us while we shiver at the prospect of that match in the future), and FireFly was running with the ball. With Soul Taker coming in, we should have enough talent to keep us going for a while. April 2012, week 4, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Palacio de Lucha on Los Despotes Hoy Dark Match: Blue Shift def. Double-Double and the Backyarders to win the Tidal Tag Titles in twelve minutes (D-) Alicia cuts a long promo on Soul Taker and lucha in general (C+) Xtreme Ladder Match Phoenix I(c) def. Snap Dragon in seventeen minutes (C) Soul Taker makes his trademark long, elaborate entry into the Zone (D+) Main Event Soul Taker def. Alicia Strong in nineteen minutes via submission to the Life Force Drain for a huge first match victory (C+) Show rating: C, 0.30 TV C'mon, don't you people like Soul Taker? Next time, on the Coastal Zone: The build-up to Surf Slam begins! Who goes for the gold? Soul Taker? Spanish Superfly? Heck... the entire Zone?
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;242402]It was about this time we decided that having Remmington work as announcer and road agent wasn't working out for us... we needed someone who had more than a year's experience in the ring putting together out matches. So, we found someone recently retired to fill the position for us. A woman by the name of Crusher Ikagawa. Maybe you've heard of her?[/QUOTE] Nope, can't say I have. Is she related to Crusher Ichihara? :p I always figured Remmington would get pinched a lot sooner.
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Ichihara, Ikagawa, whatever. We're far more luha-styled than puro-styles at the moment anyway. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! May 2012, week 1, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Palacio de Lucha on Los Desportes Hoy We open with Spanish Superfly in the ring... calling out Soul Taker? "That was impressive, what you did last week. But if you want to get a title shot, you got to get in line." "I am here for the CZCW Title. You are in my way." The two decide to a match later on (C+) Xtreme Title Match Phoenix I (c) def. Angel de Mexico in nineteen minutes via pinfall (C-) Soul Taker's trademark entry (B) Main Event Contendership Match Soul Taker draws Spanish Superfly in twenty minutes (C+) Show rating: C+, 0.33 TV Man, Angel just had trouble when he needed to have a good match... which meant FireFly is probably glad we cut him loose from that tag team. May 2012, week 2, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Palacio de Lucha, on Los Despotes Hoy Dark Match: Backyarders II def Los Lunas in eight minutes (E-) In the ring, Spanish Superfly is declaring that since Soul Taker couldn't beat him, he gets the next title shot. Out comes Soul Taker to disagree... and out comes Alicia Strong to... agree with Superfly? Of course, she says that since Superfly couldn't beat her, it's -her- title shot. Out comes Rod Remus to complain that hey, nobody's paying attention to him, dammit. We wind up with a tag match for the main event, luchas vs gringos. (C) Xtreme Title Match Phoenix I(c) def. Masked Cougar in twelve minutes (C) Main Event Tag Strong & Remus draw Taker & Superfly in a thirty-minute time limit with tons of actions (C+) Show rating: C, 0.30 TV On the next Coastal Zone: Wrestling goes through a severe downturn. We couldn't grow when wrestling was popular; what makes us think we can do it now?
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Two Straight Main Event Draws? Who's the peer who's booking this? Oh... right. Never mind. :P Seriously, I think CZCW should *thrive* while everything else flounders. And continue to push Mayan Idol. He *is* the next Huge Zoner. Him paired with Soul Taker = Huger Again!
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[QUOTE=Beeker;243066]And continue to push Mayan Idol. He *is* the next Huge Zoner.[/QUOTE] *looks at the current game* *looks down quietly* *lip trembles* *Welcome to the Coastal Zone* Well, that last show took a chunk out of our budget. Let's not do that again unless we were holding a big show. CZCW.COM reports that, due to last week's draw, Amazing FireFly has stated he'll face all four challengers at Surf Slam. May 2012, week 3, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live on Los Desported Lucha, on the Palacio del Hoy... waitaminute... We open with Remus and Alicia backstage, trying to make plans to deal with the luchas, but it breaks down into insults. (C+) Opening Match Masked Cougar def. Rod Remus in seventeen minutes when Alicia interferes and hits a Strong Takedown on Rod (D+) We announce Phoenix I vs Mayan Idol for Surf Slam (B-) Main Event Alicia Strong def. Mayan Idol in eighteen minutes (C+). Afterwards, Rod Remus runs down, clobbers her with a chair, and puts her in the Remus Clutch while shouting at her (D+) Show rating: C, 0.31 TV Interesting note: Pro Wrestling SAISHO's champion? Randomly generated in 2009. Bitter, selfish, and B-level in brawling and mat wrestling. Not a flier, and doesn't have a visa to work in the US. Oh, well. Alicia re-signed her contract. She was now our highest-paid worker on the roster (#2: Spanish Superfly. #3: Phoenix. #4: FireFly, Masked Cougar, and Rod Remus). May 2012, week 4, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Palacio de... WHAT DO YOU MEAN, DAVE HAS A FREAKIN' SHOW TONIGHT???? Cougar, Casino, and both Remuses, all out. This... would suck. Oh, Cliff... we need you to announce like you've never announced before... We open with a pre-taped interview with Alicia Strong, hyping Surf Slam (B) And another from Mayan Idol, same reason (C+) Opening Match Alicia Stong def. Mayan Idol in nineteen minutes in a surprise BEST ZONE MATCH EVER (B+) Phoenix hypes Surf Slam (C+) Main Event Non-Title Champ vs Champ Match Amazing FireFly draws Phoenix I when Idol attacks Phoenix and Strong attacks FireFly at seventeen minutes (B-) Show rating: B-, 0.33 TV. Best. Zone. Show. Ever. Take that, DAVE. On the next Coastal Zone: CZCW Surf Slam!
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Welcome to CZCW Surf Slam! June 2012, week 1, Wednesday At the sold-out National Arena in Tijuana Opening Match Nathan Casino def. Angel de Mexico in ten minutes after a One-Armed Bandit and pulling the tights (C) Hype for the main event, focusing on Alicia and Rod Remus (B-) Filler Match Masked Cougar def. Snap Dragon in seventeen minutes with the Cougar Pounce (C-) Dueling backstage interviews from Mayan Idol and Phoenix I (B-, C) Xtreme Ladder Match Phoenix I(c) def. Mayan Idol in twenty-four minutes in a very good, hectic match (B-) Hype for the main event, focusing on the luchadores (B-) Main Event Five-Way Championship Match Amazing FireFly(c) def. Alicia Strong, Rod Remus, Soul Taker, and Spanish Superfly in thirty-six minutes in a solid, but underwheming, match that saw Remus get pulled off of several pins by Soul Taker, and FireFly spending much of the match re-injured off to the side while the others did the majority of the work (C) Show rating: C+ On the next Coastal Zone: We start planning ahead... and have a good show and a bad show... since when is a D+ bad for us?
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Live, from New York, it's... wait, wrestling? And opening with WCW-like technical difficulties in my neck of the woods, too. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Well, despite the sub-par main event (And since when did C-level matches become sub-par for us? What a difference a year makes...), that was still a good event. And we got a bonus main-event-level feud out of it, too. June 2012, week 1, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Palacio de Lucha on Los Desportes Hoy We open with Rod Remus calling out Soul Taker (Partway through the entry he proclaims, "C'mon, I haven't got all night.") and yells at him about costing him his title at Surf Slam. Soul Taker asks, "So... why am I here?" "Simple. You apologize to me." "... you're joking, right?" Things devolve from there, and it turns out... yeap, they're the main event tonight (C-) Ten-Man Battle Royal, last two men move on to an Xtreme Contendership Match Zenshin Makioka and Marc Speed def. Ben Williams, Dharma Gregg, Extreme Deluxe, Los Lunas, Simon Ice, William Crash, and Xavier Reckless in ten minutes (D-) Xtreme Contendership Match Marc Speed def. Zenshin Makioka in seven minutes (D) Hype for the main event (C) Main Event Soul Taker def. Rod Remus in eighteen minutes by DQ after Remus wraps a chair around Soul Taker's head... three times (C-) Show rating: D+, 0.29 TV .... okay, that sucked, but we really expected it to... well, we expected the first part to be worse and the second part to be better, so... Yoshimi Mushashibo, one of PGHW's greatest workers, known world-wide as a technical master, has retired due to injuries that he has been unable to fully recover from. He is only 36. June 2012, week 2, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Palacio de Lucha on Los Desportes Hoy Dark match: Blue Shift(c) def The Backyarders in ten minutes (D-) We open with Alicia Strong in the ring calling out Spanish Superfly. "You and me... well, I don't like you. You probably don't like me. But nobody... nobody's taken me to the time limit, over the time limit, before. So you, you've got my respect. But you and I both know... as soon as either of us can beat the other inside twenty minutes? That person's ready to take over the Zone. So tonight, let's find out if one of us is ready." (B-) Opening Match Mayan Idol def. Nathan Casino in nineteen minutes via Huge Stone Headbutt (C) We hype the Xtreme Title Match that we'll be seeing next week (D+) Main Event Alicia Strong draws Spanish Superfly due to twenty minute time limit (B) Afterward, Spanish Superfly tells Alicia that anytime she's up for another try, he's ready.. and he'll be watching her. (B) Show rating: C+, 0.33 TV Next time on the Coastal Zone: DAVE tries to mess with our schedule again, and we resort to the lamest booking tactic of all... the HUGE MAIN EVENT TAG MATCH!
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Where we don't believe you should ever hit a woman... until the fifth time she cracks you in the face. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Christopher Titus. Never has dysfunctional relationships been so funny. June 2012, week 3, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Palacio de Lucha on Los Desportes Hoy We open with Marc Speed and Phoenix in the ring setting up the latter, ragging on each other goodnaturedly and hyping up the title match (D+) Xtreme Ladder Match Phoenix I(c) def. Marc Speed in fourteen minutes in a far better match than we were expecting (C+) Amazing FireFly comes out to announce who he wants to face next... before he can, Snap Dragon and Mayan Idol are both out to argue they should get the shot, so FireFly shakes his head and tells them it's a triple threat tonight (C+) Main Event Championship Match Amazing FireFly(c) def. Mayan Idol and Snap Dragon in twenty-four minutes when Dragon and FireFly team up to drop Idol, and FireFly sneaks in a roll-up on Dragon (C-???) Show rating: C-, 0.30 TV ... Okay, Idol was a bit off his game, but that match should've turned out better than that... and c'mon, Marc Speed delivered a C+, how can that show only get a C-? We'd just have to try and do better next week... June 2012, week 4, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Palacio de Lucha on Los Desportes Hoy .... dammit, DAVE. What's with this last-sunday-of-the-month thing? Once again, no Remuses, Cougar, or Casino. Hooboy. We open by announcing and hyping tonight's main event: a teamup of Amazing FireFly and Alicia Strong to face Spanish Superfly and Mayan Idol (B) Hi-Lo Card Teamup Match Snap Dragon & Marc Speed def. Angel de Mexico & Super Sonic in thirteen minutes, Speedball pins Sonic (C) Dueling intervies from FireFly and Mayan Idol -- apparently, the match as been made for Battle at the Beach (B-, C+) Main Event Tag Superfly & Idol def. FireFly & Strong in twenty-seven minutes when Strong turns on FireFly, letting Idol take him out for the pin (B-) Show rating: B-, 0.32 TV On the next Coastal Zone: Battle at the Beach! A new team is born? Titles change hands? And a surprise announcement rocks the Zone... and not in a prom-night "wanna get out of here and rock your world" way, more like a "Hey, I think this ship hit something, it's rocking" way.
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Welcome to CZCW Battle at the Beach! July 2012, week 1, Wednesday From the sold-out Grissom Auditorium We open backstage with Daredevil Aero and Super Sonic arguing with each other while the rest of XDW looks on. Apparently, Super Sonic's decided to no longer team with Daredevil. Aero thinks that means he's leaving XDW, and Sonic says Fearless never left, even though he teams with Speedball. The two storm out, leaving the rest of XDW looking confused (E) Xtreme Ladder Match Phoenix I(c) def. Daredevil Aero in thirteen minutes in a better-than-expected match (D+) Amazing FireFly hypes the main event (C) Backstage, Super Sonic and Angel de Mexico talk about the arguement. "You gonna have any trouble facing Blue tonight?" "Nah, man, it's all good. He teamed with Speedball to beat us; I can team with you to beat him." (D-) Tidal Tag Titles Border Crossing (Angel & Super Sonic) def. Blue Shift(c) in fifteen minutes when Sonic pins Blue to become the NEW Tidal Tag Champions (D+) Hype video for the semi-main tag match: Alicia & Remus vs Superfly & Soul Taker (C+) HUGE Tag Match Remus & Strong def. Taker & Superfly in forty-one minutes after an illegal-man Strong clocks Superfly on the back of the head, dropping him into position for a Remus Clutch (C+) Mayan Idol hypes hte main event (B-) Main Event Championship Lucha Libre Rules Match Mayan Idol def. Amazing FireFly(c) in twenty-one minutes with a Big Stone Headbutt to become the NEW CZCW Champion. Idol then says that he's held gold in SOTBPW, he's held gold in MPWF, and now, he's held gold in CZCW... and that's plenty good enough for him. At the end of the month... he's going to retire. (C) Show rating: C Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Fallout.
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Noooooooooooooooooo! Not Idol! It's just wrong! Curse you patch 1.4... Mayan was a Stone Headbutt away from ruling the Zone for the foreseeable future. No selling Strong Arm Tactics. Shruging off Remus Clutches. Squashing Fireflies. Swatting Superflies. The list goes on and on... but no longer. No! Worst. CZCW Update. Ever.
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Y'know, at least we have a chance of getting Insane Machine back sometime. This... this kinda hurts. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! So... we had one month left of Mayan Idol. Hopefully, we could pull off some great matches and then have him pass the torch to... well, someone. We hadn't thought that far ahead yet. We did, however, know it wasn't going to be Nathan Casino. The boy wanted nearly two grand for his services, which would make him the highest-paid guy on the roster... and frankly, he wasn't worth it. (To say we chuckled softly when we saw his contract demands would be like saying Tommy Cornell has a nice little wrestling promotion.) He was only getting $800 a show now, and he wanted to more than double it? Pfft. So, after that one-two punch, we received the uppercut that put us down on the mat... Masked Cougar decided we were too small for him. Christ, but the game was about to get sucky. July 2012, week 1, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit on Los Desportes Hoy Dark matches: Casino & Cougar job to Blue Shift(C) and Deluxe & Reckless (D) We open with Phoenix and Idol in the ring, yadda yadda, non-title singles match tonight (C) Opening Job Daredevil Aero def. Nathan Casino in ten minutes (D-) Second Job Snap Dragon def. Masked Casino in eleven minutes (C) Hype for the main event (C) Main Event Non-Title Match Mayan Idol def. Phoenix I in eighteen minutes with the Aztec Lariat (C+) Show rating: C-, 0.31 TV Hrm. So our attempts to ave Mayan Idol have a good retirement month could be thwarted by jobbing Casino and Cougar to everyone. Decisions, decisions... We spent the week resigning most of our undercard... XDW and Los Lunas. Very shortly we may have to bump some of them up the card. July 2012, week 2, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Palacio de Lucha on Los Desportes Hoy Dark Matches: New signee Josh Jones gets a very nice opening rub as Casino and Cougar job to him in seperate matches (D+, C-... and that's as an unknown!) We open with Mayan Idol and Angel de Mexico, yadda yadda, respect, yadda yadda, pass the torch, yadda yadda, match tonight, yadda yadda, no chance, I'm leaving on top. (C+) Opening Handicap Match Amazing FireFly def. Cougar & Casino in twenty-one minutes via Moonsault on Cougar (C) Hype video for Josh Jones, thrown together with footage from the dark matches (E-) Hype video for the main event (B-) Main Event Championship Match Mayan Idol (c) def. Angel de Mexico in eighteen minutes (C+) Show rating: C+, 0.36 TV, new record! Next time, on the Coastal Zone: So, we've grabbed a new rookie... who else will we find to replace the three main eventers who're leaving?
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Where evolution exists in two forms: Slow and gradual, like reality... and forced at extreme rates, like in X-Men. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! So, yeah... Cougar, Casino, and Idol leaving... replaced with Josh Jones... and... hrm. We wanted decent fliers, possibly with decent tech skills, preferably who weren't working anywhere, and Cliff still wanted real athletes. That narrows the field a bit... hey! Half this list is retired! Anyway.... from Canada, Josh Jones. From Italy, Antonio. And from Mexico, El Bestia Purpura. So... our roster, minus those who are leaving... Undercard: Josh Jones, Simon Ice, Los Lunas, XDW (all five + Gregg), Speedball, Antonio, Purpura, Williams, Crash, Zenshin. Uppercard: Phoenix I, Snap Dragon, Soul Taker, Angel de Mexico Main Event: Alicia Strong, Rod Remus, Spanish Superfly, Amazing FireFly Most likely to make Upper-Midcard: Blue, Aero, Sonic And of course, my first choice for 'personal pet project': Josh Jones. This is annoying and irritating to do with a missing 'R' key on the laptop. July 2012, week 3, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit on Los Desportes Hoy Dark Matches: Cougar and Casino do the job to Los Lunas (D+) and then to Josh Jones in a handicap match (D) We open with Phoenix issuing an open challenge for his Xtreme Title, and receiving an answer from... El Beastia Purpura! The purple one wants to make an impact on his debut, and what better way than beating a legend (D) Hype video for Josh Jones (F) Xtreme Ladder Match El Beastia Purpura def. Pheonix I(c) in nineteen minutes via using a more 'modern' offense than Phoenix is used to facing (C-) Hype for Wave of Fury: Strong v Superfly in an Iron Man Match (B+) Hype for WoF: Soul Taker v Rod Remus (C-) Mayan Idol comes out to tell us that he had planned on defeating Rod Remus tonight... but he's been found unconcious backstage. Out comes Soul Taker to claim his match (C-) Main Event Championship Match Soul Taker draws Mayan Idol due to a 20 minute time limit (B-) Show rating: C, 0.36 TV Frankie Perez finally got called up from RIPW to SWF. That... wasn't as huge a step up as it had been when he left us five years ago to join RIPW. Instead of Small to National, it was Regional to Cult. Tho, granted, SWF was still bigger than us. ... whoa. Somewhere, we had resigned Rod Remus to a Zone-record, just-under-two-grand contract. Apparently, he wanted a longer one... his contract expired in... 17 months???? Well... okay. Glad to have you around! July 2012, week 4, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Palacio de Lucha on Los Desportes Hoy Dark match: Cougar does what may be his final job to Josh Jones in a "How's he do in a long match" test (D-) Mayan Idol is in the ring, ready to give his retirement speech, when out comes Alicia Strong, refusing to let him go without one last match (B-) Opening Match Fearless Blue def. Masked Cougar in ten minutes (D-) as Cougar decides to stink up the joint. Midcard Match Rod Remus def. Spanish Superfly in nineteen minutes when Alicia Strong interferes (C) Hype for the main event (B) Hype for Josh Jones (E-) Main Event Championship Match Alicia Strong def. Mayan Idol(c) in ten minutes when Spanish Superfly runs in to attack her, missed, and hits Idol instead... but doesn't look too sad about it... hey, he's now got a title match Wednesday... (B-) Show rating: C+, 0.37 TV, new record! On the next Coastal Zone: Three main eventers gone. Will the boss (IE, me) go overboard with a stupid plan to overcompensate? C'mon... this is the Zone! It's the final show before CZCW Wave of Fury and the aftermath!
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You know you're getting old when you throw out your back opening a freakin' door. Welcome to the Coastal Zone... mebe I should be retiring, too. So, we were at an impase. Money was getting tight... we were paying as much, or more, for the same shows... well, slightly less show than we had been getting. We were seriously considering dropping the TV show for a season in hopes of a better time slot or something. Switching to regular weekly events would a) get us more money and b) let us try to fix our popularity problem. We -should- be at Cult level by now... but we think our cross-boarder status was causing problems with that. So... would we dump our show? Give ourselves time to retool? August 2012, week 1, Wednesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit on Los Desportes Hoy Dark match: Double-Double def Los Lunas in eight (E) We open with Angel de Mexico calling out Alicia, saying she knew what she was doing when she got Superfly to interfere last week... and he hates seeing his fellow Luchadores taken advantage of like that. Alicia comes out, calls Angel a whiner, and asks what he's going to do about. He's going to take her title, and keep Superfly from getting his chance to take it... tonight (C+) Opening Match Antonio def. Marc Speed in ten minutes using the ropes for leverage (D+). Good introduction for one of our new guys. Hype for the next match, a ProAm match... tag team rules, teams are an uppercarder and a lowercarder. (D+) ProAm Match FireFly & Josh Jones def. Dragon & Purpura in eleven minutes when Jones pins Purpura after a Canadian Backdrop (C-) Main Event Championship Match Alicia Strong(c) def. Angel de Mexico in nineteen minutes after a Strong Takedown (C-) Show rating: C-, 0.37 TV... we're told it's a higher 0.37 than last week, so it's another new record. We decided we weren't going to cancel the TV show... yet. Instead... we were going to SPEND MORE MONEY! What, we didn't have any? Pffft. Details. We'll discuss that later. CZCW Wave of Fury! August 2012, week 2, Wednesday From the... Gorski Ballroom? Opening Xtreme Ladder Match El Beastia Purpura(c) def. Fearless Blue in eight minutes (D+) Backstage, Aero and Sonic are fighting again. Aero is still mad about the whole Tidal Tag Title thing, and Sonic thinks he's just being petty. Aero wants a match tonight, and if he wins, you can be damn sure he's invoking Tidal Booking (E+) Grudge Match Daredevil Aero def. Super Sonic in nine minutes of a waste of time (D-) Hype for Remus v Soul Taker (C) Sub-Main Match Rod Remus def. Soul Taker in seventeen minutes (C) Hype for the main event (B-) Main Event Championship Iron Man Match Alicia Strong (c) def. Spanish Superfly (3-2) in a full sixty minutes, final fall coming when Strong hits Superfly with his own Superfly Splash (B-) Show rating: C+, Zone-record 2,955 tickets sold Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Welcome... to the return of the Coastal Tour.
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Where conjunctivitis is a pain in the... eye. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Seriously. No relation to the game, but I've had a clogged tear duct for a couple days and now my eyelid's swelling. Fun. Hrm. Over 11,000 views. I must be doing something right. Anyway, we had decided that we needed more money, but didn't want to cancel our TV show... so, the revival of the Coastal Tour. And we planned on aiming at one specific area until we burned it out... CULT OR BANKRUPTCY, BABY! August 2012, Thursday, week 2 Coastal Tour From the Gymnasium Aguada, Puerto Rico We open with Alicia says she's insulted to have to be in Puerto Rico. Phoenix comes out to teach her some manners, and we get a match for later tonight (D) Opening Match Josh Jones def. Zenshin Makioka in twelve minutes via Canadian Backdrop (E+) Hype interview with Alicia (D) Tidal Booking Match Angel de Mexico over Marc Speed in fourteen minutes with the Mexican Death (D) Phoenix hypes the main event (D-) Main Event Championship Match Alicia Strong (c) def. Phoenix I in eighteen minutes with the Strong Takedown (C) Show rating: D+, 509 people... we were expecting 800 or so... hrm. Well, not the slam-dunk we were expecting... but it didn't need to be. We now had a way to get more money and to give the people we didn't want to use on TV a way to improve. Now it was all about balancing our talent... ... oh, and now we can go back to a week a post, while still doing two shows a post. :) Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Shift into overdrive!
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Where we've managed to make the game go slower by doing more during a week... if only that trick worked in real life. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! August 2012, week 2, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Palacio de Lucha on Los Desportes Hoy We open with Rod Remus and Spanish Superfly arguing over who should get the next title match. Rod claims it's his turn; Superfly says he got the first pin in the Iron Man Match and would be champ if not for the stipulation. Out come Soul Taker and Snap Dragon, and they both want shots, too. They decide to tag up tonight, winning team fights later to decide who gets a shot (C+) Xtreme Ladder Match El Beastia Purpura(c) def. Extreme Deluxe in six minutes of surprising non-suckage (D) Hype video for the new kids: Purpura, Antonio, and Josh (E) Main Event Tag Remus & Superfly def. Soul Taker & Snap Dragon in thirty-two minutes when Dragon submits to the Remus Clutch (B-) Show rating: C+, 0.37 TV August 2012, Thursday, week 3 Coastal Tour Gymnasium Aguada Josh Jones is out to talk about his recent winning streak, and how he's glad to be in Puerto Rico... out comes Soul Taker to tell him the streak ends tonight (E) Opening Tag Double-Double def. Los Lunas in nine minutes via... who cares. (F+) Backstage, Dharma Gregg invites Josh to join XDW. After all, if he wants to move up the card... they own the midcard. Josh refuses. (F) Tidal Booking Match Fearless Blue def. Super Sonic in twelve minutes via obscure Mexican submission (E) Main Event Soul Taker def Josh Jones in nineteen minutes and is forced to use the ropes to do so (D) Gregg and Blue hit the ring and beat down Josh to end the show (F-) Show rating: E+, 531 people. Well... that may have been a mistake. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: How long until we can turn out two shows good enough to raise our popularity?
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The calm before the coming storm: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! August 2012, week 3, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit on Los Despotes Hoy We open with Remus and Superfly in the ring, discussing how they decide which of them gets the title shot. "If you beat me, you can have it." "No way, man. I've seen you wrestle Alicia. You know how to stall until the bell rings. So we're going to no time limit... if we run out of time, we'll air the rest of the match next week." "... deal." (C+) Hype for the Tidal Tag Title match, using some footage from Puerto Rice (D-) Tidal Tag Titles Border Crossing (Angel & Sonic) (c) def. Blue Shift (Speedball & Blue) in sixteen minutes and Speedball taps to Sonic in a surprisingly watchable match (C-) Main Event Contendership Match Rod Remus def. Spanish Superfly in twenty-five minutes with the Remus Clutch (B-... and that's without clicking!) Show rating: C+, 0.38 TV -- New Record! August 2012, week 4, Thursday Coastal Tour Same place as the last ones. We open with El Beastia Purpura asking if anyone wants to challenge for his Xtreme Title... out comes Josh Jones to accept (E-) Antonio def. Luna Ligera in twelve (E) Zenishin Makioka def. William Crash in ten (E+) Simon Ice def. Luna Obscura in nine (F+) Main Event Xtreme Ladder Match: Josh Jones def. El Beastia Purpura in thirteen (D-) Show rating: E, 521 people Yes, that sucked... but we have a reason for it. CZCW.COM would like to announce the following talent will no longer be appearing at our events: Dharma Gregg, Xavier Reckless, Ben Williams, Los Lunas. We also invite people to tune in over the coming months to see who else may be leaving... and who is coming in... and who is coming back. And to give you some idea... here's our current roster, minus the new guys... Enhancement Talent: ??, ?? Openers: Simon Ice, Zenshin Makioka, ?? Lower Midcard: William Crash, Extreme Deluxe, Josh Jones, ?? Midcard: Soul Taker, Antonio, Speedball, Aero, Blue, Sonic, ??, ?? Upper Midcard: Purpura, Dragon, Angel, Phoenix, ?? Main: Alicia, Superfly, Remus, ?? Yeap... it's a near-total makeover... On the next Coastal Zone: so, who are those ??s, anyway?
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Where we've managed to run through our simmed buffer. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Sorry. Got addicted to other games. Anyway, yes, we'd hired a whole bunch of new people. And now, the fun begins. How bad is this show gonna be? It's the 'introduce the new people' show. Well, all but one. Which means we're going to take a hit as most of these guys aren't over in Mexico or the Southwest. August 2012, week 4, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit on Los Desportes Hoy We open with Soul Taker in the ring, saying he's heard someone in the new class wants to challenge him. Out comes his challenger... Harry Wilson, acting egotistical, refusing to take on Taker now... because he deserves the main event tonight, so that what it'll be (D-) ProNotSoProAm Six-Man Match The team of Snap Dragon, Geoff 'Air' Borne, and Antonio def. the team of PHoenix I, El Bestia Purpura, and Dolphino in eleven minutes when Dragon hits a Dragon's Breath on Purpura (D+) We get a hype video. Returning to the Zone, with his eyes set square on the Xtreme Title... next week, Josh Jones will have to face... Jeremiah Moose (E) Tidal Tag Titles match Border Crossing (Angel & Sonic) (c) def. Blue Shift (Blue & Speed) in twelve minutes when Sonic gets the pin on Speedball (C-). But as the champs celebrate... [SIZE="1"]boom boom clap[/SIZE][SIZE="2"]boom boom clap[/SIZE][SIZE="3"]boom boom clap[/SIZE][SIZE="4"]boom boom clap[/SIZE][SIZE="5"]boom boom clap[/SIZE] They made themselves famous as one of the greatest tag teams in CGC's recent memory, but now... they've come home to the Zone. At All Hallow's Zone, the Tidal Tag Titles will return to the waists of... The Gilbert Brothers (D-) Main Event Harry Wilson def. Soul Taker in fourteen minutes while using the ropes for leverage (D+). Show rating: D+, 0.34 TV For the record: Dolphino, enhancement talent, a randomly-generated luchadore. Geoff 'Air' Borne, lowercarder, American cruiser who found fame in Europe. Antonio, midcarder, Italian former protege of Rip Chord Jeremiah Moose, midcarder, former Zoner and Stoner. Harry Wilson, uppercarder, brother of Cliff 'Dark Angel' Wilson Joe & Jesse Gilbert, Canadian tag team. They left the Zone as jobbers, they return as uppercard/main eventers due to their skyrocket to popularity in CGC... who no longer wants them. That leaves us with two people yet to be revealed, on the low end of the card, so... September 2012, week 1, Thursday Coastal Tour Some gym in Puerto Rico Opening ProAm Match William Crash & Cal Sanders def. Zenshin Makioka & Ultimo Soetsu in seven minutes when Crash pins 'the ultimate ninja'. (E+) In a surprise appearance, Alicia Strong shows up, and talks about how she's not defending her title tonight. Out comes Amazing FireFly, saying she will. Alicia says the only way she'd ever give FireFly a title match now is if he could beat her... and he's willing to accept that challenge (D+) Main Event(?) Amazing FireFly def. Alicia Strong via DQ just before the time limit expired by taunting Alicia into a low blow in front of Pee-Wee (C-) Afterwards, Alicia is leaving in disgust when FireFly gets the mic. "Hey, Alicia... I won. That title match? I want it... -now-." (D+) Main Championship Match Event Alicia Strong(c) def. Amazing FireFly in seventeen minutes by faking out FireFly and almost going for another low blow, only to turn it into a double-leg takedown into a Strong Sharpshooter (C) Show rating: D+ Well, that was fun. Unfortunately, our PR shows weren't bringing in money, and we were closer to broke than we'd ever been. We would have to consider doing a show here or there someplace we were already over, just to bring in the money. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Okay, someone made a huge booking boo-boo. Who leaves the company before our next show?
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