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CZCW Unification Match: [B]Josh Jones[/B] vs Angel de Mexico Gauntlet Match:[B] Rod Remus[/B] vs Extreme Deluxe, Daredevil Aero, and Fearless Blue Six-Man Tag: [B]Antonio, Dolphino, & Ultimo[/B] vs Too Hot, Simon Ice, & Cal Sanders Harry Wilson vs [B]Marc Speed[/B] Handicap Match: [B]Alicia Strong & Raku Makuda[/B] vs El Beastia Purpura, Soul Taker, & Crusher Ichihara
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Welcome to CZCW Wave of Fury! August 2013, week 2, Thursday Gorski Ballroom, Southwest USA Opening Match Alicia Strong & Raku Makuda vs El Beastia Purpura, Soul Taker, & Crusher Ichihara in fifteen minutes when the girls simply persevered to the point where Alicia took out Crusher and Taker with a plancha, leading to Raku getting the pin on Purpura (C-) Josh Jones hypes the title unification match (C) Filler Match Marc Speed def. Harry Wilson in thirteen minutes via DQ when Wilson goes low one too many times and Javier catches him. (D) -Real- Filler Match Cal Sanders, Too Hot, & Simon Ice def. Antonio, Dolphino, & Ultimo Soetsu in ten minutes when Too Hot pins Dolphino with a rolling cradle thingie (E+) Angel de Mexico reminds us that he's the one who took Jones' Xtreme Title away, and now, he'll take the CZC Title away as well (B) The XDW Gauntlet Rod Remus def. Extreme Deluxe in five minutes (D+), Daredevil Aero in six minutes (C), and Fearless Blue in ten minutes (C+). Holy crap, Blue just almsot joined the B-Club. Hype for the title unification match (B-) Title Unification Match Josh Jones draws Angel de Mexico in twenty-nine minutes when Rod Remus runs in and attacks both of them (B-). Remus then continues the beatdown afterwards, everyone still too tired form the show to do anything about it until he gives up and leaves... with both titles (B-) Show rating: C. On the next Coastal Zone: Okay, so the card was predictable... but the ending wasn't. So what're we going to do about it?
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;302404] On the next Coastal Zone: Okay, so the card was predictable... but the ending wasn't. So what're we going to do about it?[/QUOTE] I wouldn't say predictable. Let's just say great minds think alike? Or I'm a good guesser? ;) Anyway, great card. Wow Fearless Blue close to being B-club eligible huh? Cool.
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Where we don't just dabble in the cliche... we revel in it. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Okay, so, yeah. The whole 'steal the title' thing has been done before. But this time we had someone steal -two- titles. So that's different... right? The important thing to remember was that we didn't have another big show until All Hallow's Zone at the end of October... roughly ten weeks, give or take, until the next big show. So were we going to drag things out, or not? August 2013, week 3, Thursday CZCW Puerto Rican Tour Puerto Rican Power's Gym (SOLD OUT) We open with Javier Brook calling Rod Remus out to the ring. Remus brings with him the two CZCW titles. Javier tells Remus that he should be fired for theft... but Remus has talent, he's entertaining, so Javier's willing to cut him a deal. There is going to be... a tournament! Tonight, four men will battle in singles matches, the winners will face off for the CZCW Championship in two weeks. The week after that, four men will face off, with the winners meeting for the CZCW Xtreme Title two weeks later. And after that, if the titles still belong to any combination of former champions, they'll have the unification match. And if Rod gives back the titles... he'll be allowed to compete tonight. If not... he's fired, and Javier will take the cost of new titles out of his last check. Remus thinks about it... and drops the titles at Javier's feet. (D-) Tournament Match #1 Josh Jones def. Amazing FireFly in nineteen minutes as Jones continues to show why he got the title in the first place (C) Matches announced and hyped for the rest of the tournament: Raku Makuda vs Angel de Mexico (E) and Alicia Strong vs Fearless Blue (E) Tournament Match #2 Main Event Rod Remus def. Soul Taker in twenty-two minutes of not quite as good as it should have been action (C-) Show rating: C- Yeah, we're stacking the deck a bit, but what the heck... it might work. And it gave us a plan for the next four weeks... would take us halfway through to All Hallow's Eve, at least. And it also means we're posting two shows per post since they'll go fast. August 2013, week 4, Thursday CZCW Puerto Rican Tour Puerto Rican Power's Gym Opening Tidal Tag Title Match Backyarders(c) def. Dolphino & El Beastia Purpura in twelve minutes (D-) We hype the two matches for the Xtreme side of the tournament (E) Random Match Amazing FireFly def. Too Hot in fourteen minutes (D) We hype Josh Jones vs Rod Remus next week (C-) Main Event Filler Match Soul Taker def. Marc Speed in thirteen minutes with some cheating (C-) Show rating: D On the next Coastal Zone: Jones vs Remus for the CZCW Title, and in a special tournament preview, Alicia & Raku vs Angel & Blue... Live on Los Desportes Hoy!
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Where history repeats itse... wait, did we use that one already? Okay, let's try again. Where history repeats repeating itself... Welcome to the Coastal Zone! So, yeap, we got our TV show back. We figured we'd saved up enough money to last for a while... and we kinda missed checking the ratings for the show each week. September 2013, week 1, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA We open with dueling promos, first from Josh Jones (saying he still considers himself champ; tonight, he's not fighting to win the title, he's fighting to defend it)(C-) and then from Rod Remus, saying that titles go to those who get the oppertunity to win them. He's made this oppertunity, and now it's his time to win (B-). Warm-Up Tag Match Alicia Strong & Raku Makuda def. Angel de Mexico and Fearless Blue in seventeen minutes when Blue refuses to tag in, yelling about how he hasn't forgotten the Revolution screwing over his Backyarder 'brothers'. This lets Raku drop Angel on his head with a suplex and pin him (C-) Hype the matches for next week: Alicia vs Blue (C-) and Raku vs Angel (C-) CZCW Title Match Josh Jones def. Rod Remus in twenty-four minutes to regain his CZCW Title (B-) Show rating: C+, 0.34 TV. And now, a special segment: [b]CZCW Originals: Where are they now?[/b] Citizen X: Currently works for SWF, DAVE, and 4C. He is currently the DAVE Unified Champion and one half of the DAVE Tag Team Champions with Jay Darkness. He is also a former two-time 4C Champion and SWF North American Champion. Plague: Black Eagle is currently on a written contract with OLLIE. He has held gold in six promotions: CZCW, DAVE, MPWF, MHW, BHOTWG, and WLW. Donnie J: Part of the NYCW midcard. Jimmy P: Unemployed. His last match outside of American Independant cards was CZCW Year In Review 2007. Currently hates William Peers due to punishment for not showing up on time. Flyin' Jimmy Foxx: Unemployed. Hasn't worked for a major promotion since the Coastal Tour in July 2010. Frankie Perez: Works for MAW, NYCW, and SWF. Current NYCW Empire Champion. Turned out a B+ match in a title shot against SWF Champion Eric Eisen this week. Fox Mask: TCW Midcarder. Three-time TCW All Action Champion. Has had one match below a C+ all year, and that involved Giant Tana, so you can hardly blame him. Insane Machine: Works for MPWF in between INSPIRE tours. Current MPWF Tag Champ with Arthur Dexter Bradley. Matt Sparrow: TCW Midcarder. Currently on his ninth All Action Title reign. Pee-Wee Germain: Unemployed. Remmy Skye: Recently jumped from DAVE to 4C. Snap Dragon: Works for MPWF and NYCW. Current MPWF Champeon de Lucha. Ultimate Phoenix: SOTBPW midcarder. Has been in the Top 100 for three years now... falling each year. On the next Coastal Zone: The CZCW Xtreme Tournament begins, and will Rod Remus take this lying down?
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Where life is a constant struggle to stay fresh... especially with a limited pool of people to talk to. Welcome to the Coastal Zone... provided you have B- basics and C resilience, that is... Yeah, still trying to find people who a) meet our criteria and b) don't hate us. Let's just say we're making sure we re-sign people... well, except Burning EXILE. Waste of money... September 2013, week 2, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from Puerto Rican Power's Gym in Puerto Rico (SOLD OUT) We start backstage, with Ref/kayfabe owner Javier Brook having an aruement with commentator/real owner Cliff Anderson. Apparently there's some discussion about the future of the Zone (E+). Xtreme Tournament Match #1 Angel de Mexico def. Raku Makuda in nineteen minutes by nearly pantsing Raku during a rollup (C-) Backstage, Fearless Blue talks about what an honor it is to be in the ring facing Alicia and competing for the Xtreme Title (D-) Filler Match Marc Speed pretty much squashes Cal Sanders with a Speedball in five minutes (D) Alicia talks about the match tonight, basic saying "Hey... it's freakin' Fearless Blue. It'll be fun... but not challenging." (D-) Xtreme Tournament Match #2 Fearless Blue def. Alicia Strong in eighteen minutes when Angel de Mexico and Crusher Ichihara run in... and hit Blue, giving him the disqualification win. The two taunt Alicia on the way out of the arena. (D+) Show rating: D, 0.31 TV. Well, that was a .... letdown. So maybe Blue's C+ match earlier was a fluke? It's a pity we can't call an audible during a match based on how well it's going... On the next Coastal Zone: Maybe we need to shake things up a bit...
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Yeah, sometimes, we get burned on new ideas... but that doesn't keep us away from fire. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Before our show, let's do a quick look at the power players in the world of wrestling right now. There are currently two Global promotions and four National promotions. Of the National promotions, three (BHOTWG, INSPIRE, and PGHW) are Japanese and don't worry us too much. The other, however, is SOTBPW, and they've caused problems for us in Mexico... mainly due to stealing Ultimate Pheonix away onto a written contract. They also have most of the high-value luchadores including Axxis Jr, Gino Montero, Champagne Lover, an Tijuana Vampire. The two global promotions can also cause problems for us. NOTBPW, as usual, is headed up by the Stone Family. They also control most of the technical workers in North America, and a number of excellent fliers, including Jacob Jett, Lee Rivera, and Angry Gilmore. TCW is a more well-rounded promotion, but they have The Bumpfholes and American Elemental on their roster, as well as several former Zoners, including Fox Mask, Matt Sparrow, and Hugh de Aske. Dumb written contracts, keeping us from having really good people on the roster... September 2013, week 3, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from Puerto Rican Power's Gym, Puerto Rico (SOLD OUT) Apparently, last week's power struggle has resulted in some changes. On the commentary spot for tonight is Javier Brook, and in the ref spot... Pee-Wee Germaine. Opening Match Donnie J def. Harry Wilson in ten minutes in his return match (D). Afterwards, Donnie tells us he's been away too long, and issues an open challenge to anyone who things they can take on a Zone Original (D) Tidal Tag Titles Amazing FireFly & El Beastia Purpura def. The Backyarders in thirteen minutes (E+). Gah, what a stinker... Angel de Mexico talks up the main event. Tonight, the New Mexican Revolution has regained the Tidal Tag Titles they were cheated out of, and now, he'll take back the Xtreme Title that was stolen from them (D-) Xtreme Title Ladder Match Fearless Blue def. Angel de Mexico in nineteen minutes to become the new CZCW Xtreme Champion after a great effort, but it turns out these two don't click at all... and I had a feeling we knew that already... (D) Show rating: D, 0.30 TV As soon as we switched to TV, we started losing some of the quality of our matches. And ratings kept going down. As much as we wanted to try and make Cult, this wasn't the way to do it... we needed to decide on a new plan, and quickly. Oh, and Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods gets a new head booker... Haruki Kudo. That could be interesting. On the next Coastal Zone: Will TV kill us?
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Nobody expects the Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Fear and Unexpectedness are our two weapons! Fear, unexpectedness, and random jobbers are our two... three, our three weapons. Fear, unexpectedness, random jobbers, and overpushing are our three... four.. among, among our weapons are... right, I'll just leave and come back then... No big news update today. September 2013, week 4, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Like from the Gorski Ballroom, Southwest USA (3,488) We open with a replay of Donnie J's open challenge, and tonight, Too Hot accepts that challenge (E+) Opening Match Donnie J def. Too Hot in seven minutes in a bit of a squash (D+) Soul Taker comes out... wait for it... okay, he's in the ring... wait... okay, the entry ceremony is over. He wants Fearless Blue in a lucha match tonight to reclaim the Xtreme Title for the revolution. Blue says he's up for it. (D-) Filler Match Marc Speed def. Raku Makuda in fourteen minutes in an okay match, despite not clicking (C-) After the match, Donnie J offers Marc a handshake, and the two discuss the old days... and how they're both former Tidal Tag Champs. They both want singles careers... but maybe one more tag reign for both of them would be nice... (D) Main Event Xtreme Lucha Match Fearless Blue def. Soul Taker in eighteen minutes via a fluke win after a roll-up (C-) Show rating: D+, 0.31 TV Maybe we should consider going back to using our expensive talent again... constantly... Canadian announcer Roger Rodgers has died from a drug overdose. You never see an announcer's death coming... also dying this week, Torajiro Sekozawa, former SAISHO worker who had been unemployed for over a year. They are the first deaths for the wrestling industry since this dynasty began. October 2013, week 1, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from Puerto Rican Power's Gym, Puerto Rico (SOLD OUT) Opening Match The Backyarders (Aero, Sonic, & Deluxe) def. Antonio, Dolphino, & Ultimo in six minutes of snores (E+) Rod Remus comes out, and he feels cheated... he wants another shot at Josh Jones. Josh comes out and accepts, saying "How many times can I beat you? At least one more." (D+) Tidal Booking Marc Speed def. El Beastia Purpura in nine minutes of meh (D) Tidal Booking Donnie J def. Amazing FireFly usingg the ropes for leverage at the eleven-minute mark (D+) We announce The Originals vs The New Mexican Revolution for All Hallow's Zone (E+) CZCW Title Match Josh Jones(c) def. Rod Remus via DQ as Remus ignores Pee-Wee's demands he stop using illegal holds at the twelve-minute mark. (C) The two continue to brawl afterwards, leaving Javier to get off his duff and tell them they'll meet at All Hallow's Zone with a gimmick to be determined... but the loser gets no more shots at the winner as long as they hold the title (D) Show rating: D+, 0.26 TV???? On the next Coastal Zone: Did we figure out why our ratings are tanking?
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Okay, wow, television really doesn't like us... we're not even broadcast in the same areas as th eonly other wrestling show on Thursdays, so what the heck's going on? Anyway, Aero retracted his index finger in that six-man match... it shouldn't be too bad. Let's face it, you can't tell when he's being crappier than usual anyway. He'd heal before the next show, so no harm down. October 2013, week 2, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from Peurto Rican Power's Gym, Puerto Rico (SOLD OUT) We open with one-half of the Tidal Tag Champs, Amazing FireFly, challenging Josh Jones as we continue the 'New Mexican Revolution want the title' storyline. Jones, of course, accepts (D-) Random(?) Tag Match Alicia Strong & Rod Remus def. Angel de Mexico & Soul Taker in twenty-seven minutes when Remus forces Angel to submit to the Remus Stretch(C) We announce the reason for that last match: At All Hallow's Zone, it'll be Strong, Angel, and Taker... in a four-way match with Fearless Blue for the Xtreme Title (E+) Main Event Championship Match Josh Jones def. Amazing FireFly in nineteen minutes despite El Beastia Purpura trying to trip him up every few minutes (C-) Show rating: C-, 0.28. Oh, come on now... October 2013, week 3, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone (Go-Home show for All Hallow's Zone, next Wednesday) Live from Puerto Rican Power's Gym, Puerto Rico () Opening Warmup Match Alicia Strong def. Raku Makuda in fifteen minutes of goodd action (C-) Hype for the Tidal Tag Title match (E+), followed by Josh Jones cutting a promo on Rod Remus (D+) Midcard Warmup Match Rod Remus def. Harry Wilson in eight minutes of domination (C) Hype for the four-way match (E+) and a promo by Rod Remus on Josh Jones (C) Customary Champion-vs-Champion Non-Title Match Josh Jones def. Fearless Blue in thirteen minutes of yeap, Blue's C+ was a fluke action (D+) Show rating: C-, 0.26?????? C'mon, we're turning out good shows here, people... Well, that's not very... oh, right, now I remember. [quote]From CZCW.COM: We regret that All Hallow's Zone will be the last CZCW event available for free online for the forseeable future.[/quote] Next time, on the Coastal Zone: All Hallow's Zone! CZCW Championship: Josh Jones vs Rod Remus, gimmick to be named at the show Xtreme Ladder Match: Fearless Blue, Alicia Strong, Angel de Mexico, Soul Taker Tidal Tag Titles: Amazing Firefly & El Beastia Purpura vs Marc Speed & Donnie J Raku Makuda vs Harry Wilson The Backyarders vs Simon Ice & Too Hot
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Bonus Quiz time! Can you name the participants of the three title matches that will occur at Year In Review? The CZCW Championship and Xtreme Title will both be 1 vs 1, and the Tidal Tag Titles will be 2 vs 2... if someone can name all the participants successfully, they'll get... some kind of prize...
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CZCW All Hallow's Zone October 2013, week 4, Wednesday Live from the Gorski Ballroom, Southwest USA (3,112) Opening Tag Match The Backyarders def. Simon Ice & Too Hot in six minutes (D) Quick hype video for the Xtreme match (C) Filler Match Harry Wilson def. Raku Makuda in twelve minutes in an attempt to get him over (D+) Rod Remus cuts a promo on Josh Jones, saying he's found out what the gimmick for the main event is... and that gives him the advantage to prepare for it (B-) Tidal Tag Title Lucha Match Donnie J & Marc Speed def. The New Mexican Revolution(c) in seventeen minutes of match that we had so hoped would be better than that (D). Josh hypes the main event, saying it doesn't matter what the gimmick is -- he's going to win tonight, and Remus' title shots are going down the tubes (C+) Four-Way Xtreme Title Ladder Match Soul Taker def. Fearless Blue(c), Alicia Strong, & Angel de Mexico in twenty-four minutes as Blue spent a majority of hte match on the floor or otherwise occupied, unable to even attempt to climb the ladder (C+) Hype video for the main event (B) CZCW Championship House Of Fun Match Josh Jones(c) def. Rod Remus in twenty-nine minutes to retain his title and dash Remus' hopes of any future title shots, amazingly managing to beat the ladder match as Match of the Night (B) Show Rating: C+ On the next Coastal Zone: Our main event is... who against who?
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Tidal Tag Titles: The Originals vs. The Backyarders Xtreme Title: Soul Taker vs. Fearless Blue CZCW Championship: Josh Jones vs. Angel de Mexico (who never did get a rematch when Remus ruined their title match the first time and stole the belt). Although part of me wants Angel to be replaced by El Beastia de Purpura, just because The Purple One is pretty much the only member of NMR to not have a title shot yet.
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Now that's what we call a show! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! October 2013, week 4, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the National Arena, Tijuana, Mexico (SOLD OUT) We open with a Classic Zone Moment, as Rod Remus comes out to the ring, full of attitude and anger, and says that he can't challenge for the CZCW Title anymore... so tonight, he wants the Xtreme Title. He demands Soul Taker come out, and out comes... Simon Ice? Whoopsie. That doesn't go over well with the Mexican crowd, and Rod tries to play it straight... unfortunately, Simon's mic skills aren't up to the task of standing up to him (E+) Opening Match Raku Makuda def. Fearless Blue in thirteen minutes (D) We announce next week's main event: Alicia Strong vs Angel de Mexico, with the winner getting a title shot (B-) Xtreme Title Ladder Match Rod Remus def. Soul Taker(c) in twenty-five minutes of excellent Zone action (C+) Show rating: C, 0.33 TV. Looks like taking our footage off the 'net got us a .07 rating increase. Let's see if we can get that up any more... we miss being .54... In the hopes of getting around Cliff's idea of only hiring resiliant, well-trained workers, we tried to start a working relationship with some overseas promotions. We got one with Hinote Dojo... but most of their workers were under development contracts, so that didn't work out so well for us. SHOCK HEADLINE: Warlord Pain has passed away at the age of 52. He was most recently a color commentator for Hinote Dojo. Medical reports cite the usage of drugs -- the second drug-related death in wrestling in recent months. Amazingly, this was the first month in recent memory when we held TV shows instead of weekly events and still managed to turn a profit. Sure, only three hundred bucks, but we still turned a profit this month, even with the TV show. November 2013, week 1, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Puerto Rican Power's Gym, Puerto Rico (SOLD OUT) Opening Match Amazing FireFly def. Donnie J in eleven minutes of unexpectedly good action (C) Dueling interviews from Alicia and Angel about their contendership match tonight (D, D) #1 Contendership Match Angel de Mexico def. Alicia Strong in nineteen minutes when Crusher Ichihara runs in with some unknown Japanese wrestler for the distraction. (D+) Crusher reveals that her wrestler is Hinote's Masakazu Kaima. She's brought him in because the Revolution just weren't getting her revenge against Alicia and Raku like she wanted them t-- Interruption! (F) Impromptu Match Kaima def. Raku Makuda in fifteen minutes of "Why the heck are these guys main eventing?" debacle (E+). Kaima stands tall over both women, Crusher at his side. Show rating: D, 0.25 TV Argh. That sucked. On the next Coastal Zone: I need a broom, and a rug big enough to sweep this under...
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Where mistakes occasionally work in our favor... but usually, we get stuff like the last couple weeks. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Okay, so it looks like our overseas venture isn't going to yield fruit. Guess Hinote doesn't put their footage on the Internet. Our champion, Josh Jones, got an offer from RCAW. They were small enough to not be a threat, so we decided to let Jones decide for himself if he should add some more commitments to his schedule. November 2013, week 2, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from Puerto Rican Power's Gym, Puerto Rico (SOLD OUT) Opening Match Soul Taker def. Harry Wilson in eleven minutes (D+) Backstage, Kaida is walking... when Rod Remus stops him. "If you want a hand taking out those broads? I'm more than up for helpin' you." (E+) Tidal Booking Match Marc Speed def. El Beastia Purpura in nine minutes via Speedball Lock (D) The Girls cut an promo against Kaida and Remus (E+) We announce the main event for CZCW YEar In Review 2013: Josh Jones defends against Angel de Mexico (D). Main Event Kaida & Remus (w/Ichihara) def. Strong & Makuda in seventeen minutes with Kaida kicking Raku's head nearly off her body -- on replays, the angle of her neck looks amazingly painful (D+) Show rating: D, 0.26. Yipes. 0.26. D shows just weren't cutting it... yet they were slowly helping us get over in Puerto Rico, which was pretty much what we wanted... but they weren't helping us in Mexico or the Southwest, so... hrm... November 2013, week 3, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone -- Thanksgiving Live from. Tiujana, Mexico (SOLD OUT) We open the show with Josh Jones making an open challenge for the night... this time, Simon Ice's music hits... and out comes Soul Taker, and we all laugh at the little inside joke. Taker wants a title shot, Jones asks how many times he needs to beat him, and Taker says "Last time was the last time." (D) Sweep-it-under-the-rug Match Alicia Strong def. Masakazu Kaida in nine minutes (D) Tidal Tag Title Match The Originals (Donnie J & Marc Speed)(c) def. The New Mexican Revolution (Amazing FireFly & El Beastia Purpura) in sixteen minutes in one of the best Tidal Tag Matches in Zone history (C-) The Originals then do a quick promo, calling for challengers. Nobody can stand against their skills and experience (D) Main Event Championship Match Josh Jones(c) def. Soul Taker in seventeen minutes in better-than-expected action, but leading once again to Taker not getting the job done (C+) Show rating: C-, 0.27 TV On the next Coastal Zone: Our first severe injury of the dynasty. Who's out, and for how long?
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Accident-free for the last 1 day! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Injury Report: Soul Taker, Reverberating Bicep. Out for a month. D'oh. Still, that's our worst injury in, what, seven years? Not a bad track record. Plus, we'd been working him hard lately -- this'll give him a chance to relax. RCAW was aiming high, offering Rod Remus a contract. Interesting... We re-signed the XDW crew and Josh Jones. For the cost, Josh was a great investment... but some of the XDW guys were starting to become a little expensive for what they did. We either had to push them and find a way to get good matches otu of them, or cut them loose and find a whole new lower-midcard. November 2013, week 4, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from Puerto Rican Power's Gym, Puerto Rico (SOLD OUT) Opening Tag Match Too Hot & Simon Ice def. Ultimo Soetsu & Antonio in twelve minutes (E+) Rod Remus tells us he wants a serious challenger to his title tonight. Out comes Amazing FireFly, saying he's been screwing around the Tidal Tag Titles for too long now, it's time to get back into the thick of things with nobody to hold him back (D+) Filler Match Angel de Mexico def Fearless Blue in thirteen minutes (D). Afterwards, Angel hypes his title shot at Year In Review (D). Main Event Xtreme Lucha Match Rod Remus(c) def. Amazing FireFly in seventeen minutes, cheating to win (C) Show rating: D+, 0.26. Man, things keep getting worse... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Some of our competition? Isn't competition anymore...
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Didn't we do this once already? Welcome to the Coastal Zone! OLLIE has hit National. I'm fairly sure I said that once already... Yeap, back in April. Then they fell to Cult again in May. Which means if they can get past January, they should be doing okay. December 2013, week 1, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Merida Resort in Souther Mexico (644) Opening Lucha Match Amazing FireFly def. Fearless Blue in eighteen minutes of decent action (D+) Josh Jones hypes his match with Angel at Year In Review. (C) Handicap Match Rod Remus def. The Backyarders in six minutes and does the amazing... pulls the Backyarders to a good match (C-) Remus then restates an open challenge for Year In Review. Is there anyone manly enough to face him? Doesn't look like it... (C-) Main Event Championship Match Josh Jones(c) def. Raku Makuda in seventeen minutes of good action to retain his title... let's face it, does anyone think he's losing it before YiR? (C) Show rating: C, 0.26 TV, and yeah... we're not renewing the TV deal after this. BSC, for some reason, has a show called 'King of Kings'. Yeah, we don't get it either. December 2013, week 2, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from Puerto Rican Power's Gym (SOLD OUT) Opening 10-Man Battle Royale El Beastia Purpura def... a whole bunch of the undercard guys in fourteen minutes (D-) We announce that Amazing FireFly has officially accepted Rod Remus' open challenge for Year In Review and will begin training vigorously for the match (C-). We also announce that Alicia Strong & Raku Makuda have challenged Donnie J and Marc Speed to the Tidal Tag Titles (E). HUGE 8-MAN MAIN EVENT The Champions (Jones, Remus, J and Speed) def. The Challengers (Angel, FireFly, Strong & Makuda) in twenty-eight minutes when Strong tapped out to the Remus Clutch (C-) Show rating: D+, 0.25 TV. Screw TV. TV never got anyone anywhere. Yeah, that was expensive. Felt fun tho. On the next Coastal Zone: Two weeks left before Year In Review... what're we going to do?
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Celebrating seven years of this crap -- Welcome to the Coastal Zone! .... oh, wow, we know the outcome to one of the matches at YiR already... and not in a good way. December 2013, week 3, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from Puerto Rican Power's Gym, Puerto Rico (SOLD OUT) Opening Match Cal Sanders def. Extreme Deluxe in six minutes of a better-than-expected match (D) We hype Remus vs FireFly at YiR (D+) Three-Team Tag Match Hot & Cold (Too Hot & SImon Ice) def. The Backyarders & The New Mexican Revolution (Purpura & Dolphino) in twelve minutes as we try to debut a couple new teams for later (E+) Hype video for the Tidal Tag Match at YiR (E+) Tidal Preview Match Donnie J def. Raku Makuda in seven minutes when Raku hits a pair of low blows in a row, and Pee-Wee DQs her for it (D+) Angel cuts a promo on Josh Jones (D-) Random Main Event Angel de Mexico def. Fearless Blue in twelve minutes via Mexican Death (D+) Show rating: D, 0.24, a level not seen in a long, long time... And with one week left, we've got quite a few things we need to throw around and/or balance out... it's time to start making plans for 2014. (Yes, we're just starting now... what do you expect?) Unfortunately, Frankie Perez once more turned us down for being too small. We were having that problem a lot... December 2013, week 4, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone -- YiR Go-Home Show Live from Puerto Rican Power's Gym, Puerto Rico (SOLD OUT) Opening Match Simon Ice def. Cal Sanders in nine minutes (D-) Dueling interviews with Amazing FireFly and Rod Remus (C-, D+) Tidal Preview Alicia Strong def. Marc Speed in thirteen minutes (C-) Dueling interviews with Josh Jones and Angel de Mexico (D-, D+) Traditional Champs vs Challengers Tag Main Event FireFly & Angel def Jones & Remus when Remus fakes a tag and clocks Jones in the face, letting Angel pin him with a Mexican Death at the eighteen minute mark (C-) Show rating: C-, 0.26 TV. Well, ratings are up... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Year In Review 2013! Current card: CZCW Championship: Josh Jones vs Angel de Mexico Xtreme Champtionship: Rod Remus vs Amazing FireFly Tidal Tag Titles: The Originals vs The Girls Returning to Action: Soul Taker! And a few surprises...
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Welcome to CZCW Year In Review 2013! Live from the Gorski Ballroom, Southwest USA (2,670) We open with The Girls cutting a promo on The Originals (D+) Tidal Tag Titles The Originals(c) def. The Girls in seventeen minutes when SNAP DRAGON runs in to hit The Dragon's Breath on Alicia, preventing her from breaking up a double-team that put Raku on the mat (C) After the match, Alicia gets into a shoving match with Snap Dragon, demanding to know what's going on. Dragon simply says he's an Original, and it's nothing personal. Alicia stares holes in the back of his head as he leaves (C+) Dueling Interviews from Josh Jones and Angel de Mexico (C+, B-) Six-Man Elimination Winner-Picks-A-Title-Shot Match Soul Taker def. Snap Dragon, Fearless Blue, Harry Wilson, El Beastia Purpura, and... ARTHUR DEXTER BRADLEY??? in seventeen minutes (C-) Dueling interviews with FireFly and Remus (C, C) Xtreme Ladder Match Amazing FireFly def. Rod Remus(c) in twenty-seven minutes of excellent all-out action (B-) Hype video for Jones vs Angel (B-) CZCW Championship Match Josh Jones(c) def. Angel de Mexico just before the time limit with the Canadian Backdrop (B) Show rating: C+. Hrm. Attendance was low, but we blame that on working Puerto Rico for so long. Well, once we hit Cult, we'll go back to working the Southwest more often. And now, the end-of-year awards! Show of the Year: TCW Progression, November Match of the Year: Matt Gauge def. Tommy Cornell, TCW Progression, November Most Improved Promotion: SWF Promotion of the Year: NOTBPW Female of the Year: Wanda Fish???? Veteran of the Year: Masutaro Kataoka Youngster of the Year: El Heroe Mexicano Wrestler of the Year: Akima Brave, TCW. Zoners on the Top 100: None. Former Zoners on the Top 100: Hugh de Aske (58), FOX MASK (66). Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Will 2014 be the year we hit Cult? Well... we've asked that for the last few years, so...
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Other than the slightly low 6 man schmozz I don't see how any of these ratings are anything but encouraging. I do wish you'd find some great chemistry with some mid carders to flesh out the roster and really drive CZCW to that seemingly just out of reach Cult level. And this year you make cult! I'll stake my (non-existent) reputation on it. How close are you to Cult by the way? Doesn't matter, the thought of Peers' problems magnified to the cult level are too delicious to ignore. [b]And now,[/b] some of[b] the end-of-year awards![/b] Match of the Year: Matt Gauge def. Tommy Cornell, TCW Progression [i]- Matt Gauge and Tommy Cornell in the match of the year. I think the dynasty stat for Matty might be set to 'beyond max.' And the CVerse begat the GaugeVerse?[/i] Female of the Year: Wanda Fish???? [i]- Wanda Fish is amazing, the fact that she can still top the charts 7 years into the game is great. I'd have given it to Alicia Strong except for her slumming in CZCW. ;) :D[/i] Wrestler of the Year: Akima Brave, TCW. [i]- this surprises and delights me to see Akima here.[/i] Former Zoners on the Top 100: Hugh de Aske (58), FOX MASK (66). [i]- it just wouldn't be an infinity dynasty without Fox Mask doing what he does best[/i]
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Where sometimes, you just gotta follow tradition. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! January 2014, week 1, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from Puerto Rican Power's Gym (SOLD OUT) We begin with an opening segment where Rod Remus comes out and gets in Javier Brook's face about how it's not fair he lost his championship. He's a champion in far better promotions than this, after all. Javier takes offense at this, and tells Remus his job's on the line tonight... and it's not wins or losses, it's performances and sportsmanship that will be the deciding factor (D-) Rod Remus's Last Stand Loss to Arthur Dexter Bradley in fifteen minutes (D+) Loss to El Beastia Purpura in eleven minutes as he's getting tired (C-) Loss to Harry Wilson in eight minutes, getting really worn down (D+) Loss to Simon Freakin' Ice in five minutes in a complete burial (E+) Javier Brook enters the ring and Remus starts ranting about him, badmouthing the Zone until Javier tells him he's fired (E+) Show rating: D-, 0.23 TV On the next Coastal Zone: Does this mean.... wait, really? It's not just kayfabe?
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