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CZCW Spring Break Bash CZCW [B]Title: Plague(c)[/B] vs Roderick Remus [I]Remus doens't hold a candle to Plauge or Black Eagle or whoever he wants to call himself this week.[/I] Xtreme Title Ladder Match: Masked Man(c) vs Masked Cougar vs Angel De Mexico vs [B]???[/B] [I]The Masked Man is great but he needs to break out seeing as he's a main eventer now and I'm gonna go with the msytery opponent clause to determine the win.[/I] Tidal Tag Titles: [B]X-Factor(c)[/B] vs Controlled Substances [I]No reason[/I] [B]Fox Mask[/B] vs Ultimate Phoenix [I]Damn this a tough one but I think you want to get Fox back up to the big show[/I] Rumored Undercard (Meaning, we haven't decided yet) Six-Man Lucha Action: [B]DeCipher[/B], Matravers, and Sanders vs The Backyarders [I]At least he's Mexican although he's nto a Luchadore[/I] OR Air Force One vs [B]Backyarders (Sonic & Aero)[/B] for Tidal Contendership [I]I'd like to see them out of the Backyard[/I]
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Where we lose valuable TEW time looking for a free graphics program that will DO WHAT I WANT... Welcome to the Coastal Zone! And no, it's not for this dynasty... it's for something completely unrelated. During the downtime, we took advantage of recent lettings-go to make a couple of quick signings... well, the ones that'd talk to us... March, 2008. Week 4, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live From the Snake Pit --Insane Machine def. Snap Dragon (D+) Machine then rips into Masked Man on the mic, saying Masked is scared of him, that's why he didn't get a qualifying match (E+) --CZCW Title: Kid Toma def. Plague(c) by DQ (C-) Show rating: D+ Yeap, we'd brought in Kid Toma. He was cheaper than James Prudence, and would provide us a little more variety. March 2008, Week 4, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: TV Live from the sold-out Bar Juarez, Northern Mexico We open with Masked Man stating that Insane Machine is not here tonight, but someone passed along a message from Tuesday... and Masked Man is retroactively making Tuesday's Machine/Dragon match an Xtreme Title Qualifier (E) --Andre Gorman def. the other new addition to the roster, Zeshin Makioka, in nine minutes (D-) Kid Toma hype video (F) --Kid Toma def. Ultimate Phoenix by pulling the tights in sixteen minutes (C-) Hype video for the main event: Non-Title Champion vs Champion (E) --Plague draws Masked Man in a twenty-minute time-limit draw (D+) Show rating: D+. Good, good. TV rating: 0.03. But that was going to change soon, we could feel it! March ended. The Stomper retired. GCG and WLW went out of business. Sam Keith got kicked out of SWF's booker position. INSPIRE ended their tour just in time for us to have everyone we needed for the big show. It was one of those months. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Spring Break Bash!
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I love the Samoans! I always try to assemble them. Given my hatred for cruisers, I usually leave Toma out tho. Here I see Toma is out performing your Main Event in just two appearances. Very interesting. Of course, Toma is ex-SWF right. How does his Pop compare to your to your most over performer if you don't mind me asking? I haven't followed this thing from the jump but I will be on board for the remainder. I hate CZCW actually but I was told you are the authority on it and that I should check this out since I'm playing a game (experimenting) with them myself. Honestly, I'm glad I did. Nothing fancy here, no bells and whistles just a straight to the point report. Again, I'm going to continue to read this. Probably gonna go back and read it from the jump as well. Saw a front page that read: "Coastal Zone for Dummies"...:rolleyes: ...:D Yeah, in this case, I'm a dummy.
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Welcome to CZCW Spring Break Bash! And right away, tragedy as we forgot to check if two very vital people would be available... April, 2008, Week 1, Monday Live from the Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA We open backstage, with... Cliff and Peers? There's some bad news... Masked Man's car broke down, and nobody'll give him a ride because he wears a mask. Peers reluctantly strips the Xtreme Title from Masked Man, throws Snap Dragon into his place in the ladder match (because he didn't realize he was in a qualifier), and takes a few Advil (E-). In comes Marc Speed, looking for help... Citizen X is being carted away (off-screen) in an ambulance! With the Controlled Substances unable to wrestle as a team tonight, Peers gives the Tidal shot to the Backyarders (Air Force One unavailable with Dragon in the Xtreme match) and shifts Speed into the six-man lucha match. Peers swallows more Advil and rubs his head as we head to the ring (E+) --Opening Match: Cal Sanders def. Flying Jimmy Foxx in six minutes. (D) Kid Toma hypes his match against Donnie J (D-) --Kid Toma def. Donnie J in thirteen minutes (D, lack of chemistry) Plague tells Roderick Remus that he may be the best young wrestler in the Zone... but Plague's the best of any age group (D) --Six-Man Lucha Match: Marc Speed, Zeshin Makioka, and Fearless Blue def. DeCipher, Andre Gorman and Randy Matravers in nine minutes, Speed pins DeCipher (E+) Roderick Remus tells Plague he's right... age doesn't matter. But skill does, and tonight, Remus shows the Zone that he's the best there is. (D+) --Xtreme Ladder Match: Insane Machine def. Snap Dragon, Masked Cougar, and Angel De Mexico in thirteen minutes (D+) Machine celebrates afterwards (E+) --Tidal Tag Titles: X-Factor(c) def. The Backyarders in eight minutes and then get rushed out before they can drag the show down any more (E+). Hype video: Fox Mask vs Ultimate Phoenix. Phoenix wins, Fox gives him the first title match he's eligible for. Otherwise, Phoenix gets no title shots until after the August show (E) --Fox Mask def. Ultimate Phoenix in eleven minutes (D+). Afterwards, the two shake hands (E+) --CZCW Championship: Roderick Remus def Plague(c) in seventeen minutes (C-) Show rating: D+ We're very dissapointed. We figured Fox/Phoenix and Toma/Donnie were both good for C-s at least...
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Two no shows and two new champions.....don't worry about them being already booked.......I had worked up a hot fued with three of my workers from my small hardcore fed and built up a huge match at the big event only to have one die the night before of a drug overdose then another worked somewhere else and the third, who is not good at anything refuse to do the job to ANYBODY on my roster. I did have 89 people there for the event so I made money :D
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Where we get through half a post and then lose the whole thing: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! For the record, Apupunchau had predicted our original plans for Spring Break Bash. The no-shows made us change a few things, tho. Tuesday's event takes place in Bar Juarez, 'cause we didn't want to wear out the Southwest crowds. We only get half the crowd the TV shows get there, but ticket prices are almost three times as much, so... Show quick results: Controlled Substances get their Tidal Tag Titles from X-Factor, and Masked Man calls out and defeats Kid Toma. April, 2008. Week 1, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: TV San Louis Potosi Hall, West-Central Mexico --Fearless Blue def Cal Sanders in six minutes (E+) Roderick Remus comes out with the CZCW Title, stating that, while Plague made people jump through hoops to get a shot, he's giving anyone a shot. Out comes Donnie J to keep him honest, and we've got a main event. (D-) --Tidal Tag Title Match: Controlled Substances(c) def. The Backyarders in six minutes (D-, a new highpoint for the backyard punks). --Insane Machine & Plague def. Ultimate Phoenix & Angel De Mexico in fifteen minutes (D+). Machine spends some time beating Angel down afterwards (E-) --CZCW Title: Roderick Remus(c) def Donnie J in sixteen minutes (D+) Show rating: D TV rating: 0.03. Maybe it was the midnight time slot killing us there. On the next Coastal Zone: Some promotions just need a woman's touch...
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Amazingly enough, TEW now gives you even more story to work with. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! "Here, kid. Your newest signing." "... bwah, Cliff?" "Look, I owe Farrah a favor, and she trained this girl, so... look, just give her a role, okay?" April 2008, Week 2, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live From the Snake Pit, Southwest USA --new signee Ashley Grover def. Zeshin Makioka (no, has nothing to do with his being late to the last show... E+). Angel calls out Machine about the beating last week, and wants a title shot. (E) --Xtreme Title Match: Angel De Mexico def. Insane Machine(c) by DQ (D+) Show rating: D Dangit. Patch 1.3 took away our ability to have the girls throw down with the guys, it looks like. Good thing we didn't waste our money on Alicia Strong again... MPWF gave up... not going bankrupt, but tossing their head booker. Marcos Flores out... and Peers briefly considered the job, but decided he was doing okay with the Zone. Still, let's try to front-load our next show with talent and see what happens... April 2008, Week 2, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: TV Live from the Guiterrez Community Center, Southeast Mexico --Kid Toma def. Andre Gorman in fourteen minutes (D+) Plague calls out Remus about his 'accept all challengers' policy, and wants his rematch tonight. Roderick decides he's okay with that. (D-) --Masked Cougar def. Fox Mask in fifteen minutes with a fluke roll-up. (C-) Fox offers a handshake afterwards, but Cougar blows him off (F+) --CZCW Title Match: Roderick Remus(c) def. Plague in eighteen minutes (C) Show rating: C-! TV rating: 0.03 Remus and Plague had some good chemistry going... we might have to keep up some sort of feud between them just for the match ratings. And of course, we had some patented Coastal Zone Booking Mistakes, as Fox was supposed to beat Cougar... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Is it too early to begin building to Surf Slam?
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For the first time in a long time, I've got a couple weeks simmed ahead! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Okay, so, the fans didn't buy women wrestling the guys anymore. Ashley would have to be a manager for now... who needs a manager? Take a guess... April 2008, Week 3, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live From the Snake Pit, Southwest USA --Snap Dragon def. Marc Speed (D+) Hype for TV main event: Roderick Remus vs. Citizen X for the CZCW Title! (D+) --Kid Toma def. Flyin' Jimmy Foxx (D-) Show rating: D. Toma and Foxx have bad chemistry. Another reason why Foxx just ticks me off. Also this week, SWF lost their final TV show. They're still selling out 10,000 events and getting PPV ratings in the 6s, but apparently TV ratings in the 8s just weren't enough. April 2008, Week 3, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: TV San Louis Potosi Hall, West Central Mexico Ashley comes out with her new clients, the Backyarders, challenging X-Factor to a match (E) --Backyarders def. X-Factor in eight minutes due to manager interference (E+) Citizen X hypes his title match (E-) --Xtreme Title Match: Insane Machine def. Masked Cougar and Andre Gorman in twelve minutes (D+) --Plague def. Fearless Blue in six minutes, (D-) Remus cuts a promo on X (D) --CZCW Title: Citizen X def. Rod Remus by DQ due to X-Factor run-in, beating him down and demanding a title shot (D) Show rating: D TV rating: 0.03 After the show, Plague apparently ate at a hole in the wall resteraunt, as he got food sickness for a couple days. On the next Coastal Zone: Someone fails a steroid test. You'll never guess who. And X gets a rematch against Remus.
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;188803]On the next Coastal Zone: Someone fails a steroid test. You'll never guess who.[/QUOTE] Masked Man! Masked Man! It's clearly the only possible explaination for his meteoric rise to fame. Clearly. Either that, or Cliff. That'd be ironic ¬_¬
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Where some things are just as simple as letting your kid watch Robin Hood... and then telling him he's already watched a movie today, so you get the TV now. Welcome to the Coastal Zone, where we've got money on the Pats! We re-upped Snap Dragon's contract, with an extra $75 a week. The guy was reliable, he was worth it. And the shock steroid test failer was... The Big Bad, a giant European wrestler. What's shocking isn't that he failed... what's shocking is that nobody knows how gave him the test, as he's been unemployed for months. April 2008, week 4, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live from the Snake Pit, southwest USA --Angel De Mexico def. Cal Sanders (D) --Fox Mask def. Zenshin (D-) Controlled Substances hype the main event, saying that if X-Factor wanted to beat people in the ring, then they could damn well do it during a match and not afterwards (E) --Tidal Tag Titles: Controlled Substances draw X-Factor when the Backyarders begin chairing both teams (D) Show rating: D Yes, we're putting the Backyarders in a program. We must be nuts. April 2008, Week 4, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: TV Live from San Louis Potosi Hall, West-Central Mexico --Fearless Blue def. DeCipher due to manager interference in seven minutes (E) Ashley then complains about how the Tag Champs gave the X-Factor a title match, when the Backyarders beat them. They promise not to stop until they get a title shot, too. (E) --Xtreme Title Match: Insane Machine de. Snap Dragon in thirteen minutes (D+) Machine then says he wants some real competition for the Xtreme Title... and calls out Fox Mask for a match at Surf Slam! (E) --CZCW Title Match: Rod Remus def. Citizen X in a horribly overbooked match that saw the X-Factor go after Citizen X, Marc Speed go after Remus, and then the Backyarders go after the Substances and X-Factor... and ending with Remus shrugging his shoulders and rolling up X at twenty-four minutes (D) Show rating: D- TV rating: 0.03 We were at the point where we could put crap matches on the air and pull a 0.03... and we were slowly reaching an E-rating across Mexico. On the next Coastal Zone: Citizen X wants to prove he's as good as Remus. Will he use the greatest weapon of all -- continuity?
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Well, I'm glad I didn't -really- have money on the Pats. Welcome to the Coastal Zone. I apologize to all New England fans. I jinxed us. At halftime I turned to the wife and said, "I hope Indianapolis shows up, or this'll be a boring game." D'oh! Slow news week this week, just show results... May 2008, week 1, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live From the Snake Pit, Southwest USA --Kid Toma def. Ultimate Phoenix (C) TV main event hype: Roderick Remus & Insane Machine vs Fox Mask & Citizen X (D) --Masked Man de. Donnie J (D) Show rating: D+ We were hoping Masked and Donnie would do better than that, honestly. May 2008, week 1, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: TV San Louis Potosi Hall, West Central Mexico Citizen X opens the show, telling us he knows he's better than Rod Remus, and he'll prove it. He wants Remus as Surf Slam in a no-interference match. But wait... there's more. Last year, Citizen X lost the Tidal Tag Titles when his partner was egotistical enough to think he could wrestle three matches in one night without getting tired. That partner... Roderick Remus. So Citizen X says not only will he beat Remus, he'll do what Remus failed at... retain two titles in one night, as the Controlled Substances will also be in action at Surf Slam (E) --Andre Gorman def. Donnie J in twelve minutes (D... no, we weren't de-pushing Donnie... honestly...) Backstage, Marc Speed gets upset at X, saying they should focus on keeping the Tidal Titles. Citizen X responds by saying, "Who do we have to worry about? X-Factor? The Backyarders? AF1? It'll be cake." (E) --Plague def. Flying Jimmy Foxx in eleven minutes (C-). Afterwards, Plague cuts a short promo on how unfair it is he doesn't have a match at Surf Slam (D-) --Fox Mask & Citizen X def. Roderick Remus & Insane Machine in twenty minutes when Fox pins Machine (D+) Show rating: D+ TV rating: 0.03 Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Surf Slam is begining to shape up... but who will the Controlled Substances be facing?
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Where server maintenance on other games means more time for Welcome to the Coastal Zone! We decided to set our sights on OLLIE. They were pulling off C/C+ shows on a regular basis. That would have to be our next goal... and we were hoping Surf Slam could pull it off. We had three major matches so far... time to load the card. May, 2008. Week 2, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal zone: Live Live, from the Snake Pit --Plague def Zenshin Makioka (C-) Afterwards, Masked Man comes out with sarcastic clapping, and tells Plague if he wants a match at Surf Slam... he's got one (D) --Masked Man def Masked Cougar (D+) Show rating: D+. Always nice to find chemistry between a jobber and main eventer. We'd have to put that to good use later on. Between shows, Fox Mask and Jimmy Foxx re-upped their contracts, and we got another two seasons of TV time out of the show. Which, y'know, gave us time to think about what we were doing. Ultimate Phoenix wanted to re-sign, but kept wanting more money... we'd have to consider that. May 2008, Week 2, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: TV Live from Bar Juarez --Angel De Mexico def. Fearless Blue in seven minutes (E+) Citizen X and Remmington Remus bicker at ringside over if X can beat Roderick (E+) --Xtreme Title: Ultimate Phoenix def. Insane Machine by DQ, illegal use of scissors in a mask-cutting attempt (D) Afterwards, Machine hypes Surf Slam (E-) --Fox Mask def. Randy Matravers in six minutes (E+) and then hypes Surf Slam (E-) --Tidal Tag Condendership Ladder Match: Air Force One def. X-Factor and the Backyarders in fourteen minutes (D-) AF1 vs Controlled Substances is announced for Surf Slam (E-) Show rating: D-. We had the two middle matches both suffer from bad chemistry, so really, we could only blame ourselves. TV rating: 0.03 Machine and Phoenix re-upped their contracts as well. Now all that was left was to give Kid Toma something to do... waitasec... CZCW.COM NEWSFLASH This just in: Insane Machine saw looked at by medical personel last night after complaining of numbness in his arms. He has been diagnosed with neck-nerve damage. While he will attempt to work through it, this could put plans for the high-flying Insane Machine/Fox Mask match in jeopardy. On the next Coastal Zone: Four matches for a two-hour show? Nah. We'll need to add more.
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Sometimes, love means having to say Welcome to the Coastal Zone! The Zone was doing good. We were up to a D in the Southwest, and a solid E across Mexico. Oh, and an F+ across the rest of the world, thanks to the Internet. And an E- in the Northwest. We weren't sure why. But we were thinking that, after Surf Slam, we'd start holding TV shows from the Southwest and start the Tuesday show as a touring show across the USA. We'd see if it was financially viable... as this month's numbers weren't looking very good, due to an over-reliance on main eventers on shows. May 2008, Week 3, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live From the Snake Pit, Southwest USA --Kid Toma def. Fearless Blue in three minutes (D+). Out come the Backyarders, looking angry... and as they slide into the ring, Toma motions for the bell? (E-) --Kid Toma def. The Backyarders in six minutes (D) Speed comes out for his match, but first he and X have words over X's two-title-match plan for Surf Slam. X says not to worry, but Speed says he wants some reassurances (D-) --Marc Speed def. Donnie J in ten minutes (D+) Show rating: D+. Amazingly enough, Toma just proved his worth to the roster by pulling D/D+ matches with all the Backyarders in one night. .... Hrm... are you thinking what I'm thinking, Pinky? *goes off, signs a couple contracts, comes back* Now, where was I... May 2008, Week 3, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: TV From the Guitierrez Community Center We open with the Controlled Substances in the ring, calling out The X-Factor. X says that, reluctantly, he's decided to put his partner above his own ego, and instead of Surf Slam, they'll give the X-Factor their title match tonight (E) --Tidal Tag Titles: Controlled Substances(c) def. The X-Factor in twelve minutes (E+) Afterwards, the X-Factor... laughs at X, and tells him they already signed away their title shot to someone else. He'll still be defending at Surf Slam (E) Hype video for Plague v Masked Man as Surf Slam (E) --CZCW Title: Rod Remus(c) def. Cal Sanders in nine minutes (D+) Afterwards, Rod taunts X, saying not only does he know who the X-Factor signed their shots to... he brought them into the Zone. (D-) It's... JAVA AND THE TRIBAL WARRIOR? (F+) --Plague & Fox Mask def. Insane Machine & Masked Man in twenty minutes (D) Show rating: D TV rating: 0.03 Bit of a letdown. We forgot to protect Machine and his injury. We'd have to let him rest next week... we would have to watch out for that... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Java and Tribal Savage are coming. And the Zone may never be the same.
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Getting high-priced outsiders to come in and then firing them when they won't accept short-term contracts? Does that sound like Welcome to the Coastal Zone? May, 2008. Week 4, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live From the Snake Pit --Snap Dragon def. Masked Cougar (C-) Hype for TV main event: Marc Speed vs Tribal Warrior (E) Hype for match at Surf Slam: Kid Toma taking on Air Force One (D) --Ultimate Phoenix def. Andre Gorman (D+) Show rating: D+ We had a bad habit of putting our good matches on first on the live shows. May, 2008. Week 4, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: TV From... Club X, Northwest USA? Eh, why not... --Non-Title Match: Fox Mask def Roderick Remus by DQ in eighteen minutes when Insane Machine hit him with a chair (D+). Roderick went to help, but got waylaid by Citizen X and Marc Speed as two beatdowns occur at once (E-). --Plague draws Masked Man in a ten-minute time limit match designed to let them scout each other out (D+) Air Force One hypes their match with Kid Toma at Surf Slam (E) --Tribal Warrior def. Marc Speed in nine minutes (E+) Show rating: D TV rating: 0.03 Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Surf Slam! CZCW Surf Slam CZCW Title: Roderick Remus(c) vs Citizen X Xtreme Title Ladder Match: Insane Machine(c) vs Fox Mask Tidal Tag Title Match: Controlled Substances(c) vs The Savages Plague vs Masked Man Kid Toma vs Air Force One Rumored undercard matches: Ultimate Phoenix vs Angel De Mexico, Lucha Libre Rules Backyarders vs X-Factor Random Singles Match
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CZCW Surf Slam CZCW Title: [B]Roderick Remus(c)[/B] vs Citizen X [I]Dear almighty, if Citizen X is your champ I may have to boycott until he isn't.[/I] Xtreme Title Ladder Match: [B]Insane Machine(c)[/B] vs Fox Mask [I]Gets it done, injury and all.[/I] Tidal Tag Title Match: [B]Controlled Substances(c)[/B] vs The Savages [B]Plague[/B] vs Masked Man [I]Until I know who he is, I will predict (and hope) that he loses all matches.[/I] [B]Kid Toma[/B] vs Air Force One Rumored undercard matches: [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] vs Angel De Mexico, Lucha Libre Rules Backyarders vs [B]X-Factor[/B] [B]Random Singles Match[/B] - [I]Random singles match victor. (you read it here first)[/I]
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;190205]Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Surf Slam! CZCW Surf Slam CZCW Title: [B]Roderick Remus[/B](c) vs Citizen X Xtreme Title Ladder Match: [B]Insane Machine(c)[/B] vs Fox Mask Tidal Tag Title Match: Controlled Substances(c) vs [B]The Savages[/B] [B]Plague[/B] vs Masked Man [B]Kid Toma [/B]vs Air Force One Rumored undercard matches: Ultimate Phoenix vs [B]Angel De Mexico[/B], Lucha Libre Rules Backyarders vs [B]X-Factor[/B] Random Singles Match[/QUOTE] I can't see none of the titles changing hands and atleast one major upset.
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Welcome to CZCW Surf Slam! June 2008, Week 1, Monday Live from the Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA Handicap Match: Kid Toma vs Air Force One. Decent opener, ending after nine minutes. Winner: Kid Toma (D+) The Controlled Substances cut a promo on the Savages to hype the tag match later tonight (D-) Random Match: Donnie J vs Angel De Mexico. As Donnie J tries to resist his move down the card, Angel gets a chance to move up it. The match goes twelve minutes. Winner: Angel De Mexico (D+) Backstage, Plague and Masked Man get in each other's faces, throwing insults. It takes half the locker room to keep them apart (D-) Tidal Tag Title Match: Controlled Substances(c) vs The Savages. Brutal match (both in terms of violence and watchability) with Citizen X getting busted open halfway through. Speed tries to carry his team, but he's obviously outclassed. X gets the hot tag and tries to clean house, but a Greetings From The Islands opens his wound further, and Pee-Wee calls the match at twenty minutes. Winners and NEW Tidal Tag Titles: The Savages (D-) As X is walked to the back, we go to Rod Remus' locker room, where he's warming up... and appears concerned when he's told of X's condition (D+) Challenge Match: Plague vs Masked Man. We're hoping for these two to turn in a good performance, possibly steal the match of the night, and they go a good eighteen minutes before the pinfall. Winner: Masked Man (C-) Video package plays for Fox Mask vs Insane Machine (D-) Xtreme Title Ladder Match: Insane Machine(c) vs Fox Mask. This would be tricky, a ladder match where one man is working injured and needs to be protected. And if you thought the injury would have anything to do with the ending of the match... well, you've seen me book. Winner, and NEW Xtreme Champion: Fox Mask (D) Backstage, the local physician is about to sign the papers saying Citizen X is not cleared to wrestle his next match, but X stops him and tears up the papers, his face still dribbling slightly. (D) Main Event CZCW Championship Match: Roderick Remus(c) vs Citizen X. Remus appears to be holding back somewhat, and X appears to be giving his all but is obviously hurting. Eventually, X pushes Roderick's buttons and he cuts loose, ending the match in just a few minutes by going after X's face. Winner and STILL champion: Roderick Remus (D+) Final rating: D+
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Trying to make up for lost time (and money): Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Our current balance: $372,000 Needed balance: $450,000 Difference: $78,000 Time to make it: 7 months Profit needed: $11,000/month Current monthly average: $3,000/month This was going to be very difficult. It was time to go into hardcore money-saving mode. June, 2008. Week 1, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live From the Snake Pit --Randy Matravers def. Cal Sanders (E+) --Fearless Blue def. Zenshin Makioka (E) Masked Man issued a challenge for Roderick Remus' CZCW Title at Bash at the Beach. (D) --Masked Man def. Masked Cougar (D) Show rating: D Damn. AAA Babe Blast put on a better show with more people attending. We've... sunk. CZCW.COM NEWSFLASH The Savages came, they pillaged, and now they're leaving with their treasure. Java and the Tribal Warrior have left CZCW and taken the Tidal Tag Titles with them! They also apparently convinced Zoner Donnie J to join them as they pillage the world. Well, that was three gone. Unfortunately, to keep Plague, we had to offer him more money... we didn't know how long we'd be able to keep people happy without much pay. At least we weren't as screwed as NYCW, who were ditching their booker again. June 2008, Week 1, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: TV Live from the Sold Out Snake Pit --Ben Williams def. Andre Gorman in ten minutes (E+) Tribute Video for Insane Machine, who has been taken off the road while he's injured (E+) --Super Sonic def. DeCipher in six minutes (E) --Flying Jimmy Foxx def. Daredevil Areo in seven minutes (D-) Tribute Video for Citizen X, who has been forced to stay at home until the doctors clear him (E+) --Xtreme Title Ladder Match: Fox Mask(c) def. Ultimate Phoenix in eighteen minutes (C-) Show rating: D, saved by a decent main event. TV rating: 0.03 We figured that, even with the low ticket prices for TV events, the Snake Pit would still be better financially than the hole-in-the-wall places we had to play in Mexico. We were just worried about burning the place out on our new 'several bad matches and one good match' booking plan. On the next Coastal Zone: How do you build to a title feud when you're trying to cut down on costs? Heck, how do you build to a show with three weeks and only one match so far... and that's just a challenge?
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Where the dollar is king... and I guess that makes me it's queen, 'cause I'm it's Welcome to the Coastal Zone! We made a new hire in the quest to find cheaper people who weren't over yet that we could abuse for a little while. June, 2008. Week 2, Tuesday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Live Live from the Snake Pit --Nathaniel Casino def. Marc Speed (D) Plague makes a challenge for Fox's Xtreme Title at Bash at the Beach (E+) --Plague def. DeCipher (D+) Show rating: D. And that was with Casino and Speed not clicking. Put him with someone else, and we might do much better. OLLIE decided we might be trouble, and made an offer to Masked Cougar. We didn't think it'd be written... but we had to plan for it. June 2008, Week 2, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: TV Live from the Sold Out Snake Pit We open with Rod Remus in the ring, saying that someone challenged him to a title match, and he's ready to accept... but out comes Kid Toma, who says that the other person is a coward. The other person wants a shot at Bash at the Beach. Toma wants a shot tonight (D) --Snap Dragon def. Zeshin Makioka in eight minutes (D) Fox Mask accepts Plague's challenge for Bash At The Beach (D) --Xtreme Title match: Fox Mask(c) def. Fearless Blue by DQ when Insane Machine runs down with a chair, shouting about how it should be his title (D-) --Nathaniel Casino def. Mark Smart in ten minutes (D+) Rod Remus announces that if he wins here tonight, then he'll accept Masked Man's challenge at Bash at the Beach (D) --CZCW Title: Roderick Remus(c) def. Kid Toma in nineteen minutes (C-) Show rating: D+ TV rating: 0.03 Lesse. Casino gets a D without chemistry, D+ with... hrm... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Fox v Plague and Remus v Masked Man... you'd think the titles would be reversed, but the fans are fickle. So what else can we do at Bash at the Beach? And can we think of something in only two weeks?
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