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Antitrust - The End of a Monopoly

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[COLOR=Black][U][B][SIZE=4][IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/ww-1.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/U][B][SIZE=4] [U]Breaking News: TCW Sues SWF! Details Inside! (Monday, Week 2, November 2006)[/U][/SIZE][/B][U][B][SIZE=4] [/SIZE][/B][/U][/COLOR] The decade-long war that has been waged in wrestling rings all across the nation is about to hit the courtroom. According to credible sources within both Total Championship Wrestling and the Supreme Wrestling Federation, Tommy Cornell and his executive board have filed an antitrust lawsuit against Richard Eisen and the SWF, alleging that he has used “monopolistic control of the professional wrestling market to limit the growth of his competitors and to unfairly undermine the efforts of other companies in an effort to eliminate competitive balance in the marketplace”. Some declared the “Tuesday Night Wars” dead when [I]TCW Presents Total Wrestling[/I] was unceremoniously cancelled by GNN Total Sports two weeks ago. But TCW is alleging that SWF masterminded the cancellation by blackballing any advertiser that sponsored the show, and by recently announcing that they would pull their “SWF Video Vault” video-on-demand service from any satellite provider that showed Total Wrestling. The case will be heard and decided before the year is out. And if TCW manages to defeat SWF in front of a judge, the world of professional wrestling will undoubtedly never be the same. **** [SIZE=4][COLOR=Red][U][B] The Court Channel.com – Your Eye into the Legal System Wrestling Antitrust Suit to Be Decided Today (Wednesday, Week 3, December 2006) [/B][/U][/COLOR][/SIZE] Ding ding ding! It’s time to go to the scorecards. The personal and bitter proceedings of what some have called “Wrestlegate” are about to draw to a close. Pro wrestling magnate Richard Eisen and Total Championship Wrestling grappler-slash-owner Tommy Cornell will both be in court today as the judge makes his ruling after three weeks of testimony in the well-watched antitrust suit. Judge Reiss’ decision will have a huge impact on both companies. If the Supreme Wrestling Federation is found to have stayed within the grounds of proper business conduct, TCW will have no grounds to contest the ruling. But if Cornell and company’s suit is accepted, then the repercussions could be devastating to the SWF monopoly. One must only think back to the Compusoft antitrust case of 1999. As punishment, the company was forced to split in two. We will have live coverage beginning at noon. The Court Channel is your eye into the legal system!
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I love that banner... ;) As for the backstory, good start. I contemplated doing something of a similar vein for a TEW2005 dynasty with Richard Eisen envoking the wrath of the legal system and suffering, but with a different initial plot than this. I always like seeing dynasties where someone thinks outside the box a bit. Nice work so far, certainly seems plausible enough and I'll definitely be reading.
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[IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/ww-1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4][U]WrestleWorld.com[/U][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][U]BREAKING NEWS – COURT RULES IN TCW’S FAVOR! SWF TO SPLIT IN TWO! EISEN FURIOUS![/U][/SIZE] [U][/U] It may be the defining pro wrestling moment of our generation, and it was not presided over by a referee, but a Supreme Court judge. Judge Frederick Reiss ruled in favor of Tommy Cornell and Total Championship Wrestling, declaring that the SWF used “monopolistic practices in the wrestling industry to prevent their competitors from being able to survive”. The judge shocked the courtroom by declaring that Richard Eisen’s wrestling empire would be forced to split into two separate companies. As Cornell rejoiced with his legal team, Eisen stormed out of the courtroom, angrily quipping to one reporter, “This isn’t over.” Also affected by the court’s ruling is sports network GNN. They have been forced to reinstate TCW's primetime television slot. Since the Tuesday time slot has already been filled by new original programming, the network announced that [I]Total Wrestling[/I] would return on Fridays. The SWF has been given one week to create two companies out of one. How will this happen? Has their hold on the wrestling industry been shaken for good? **** Sitting in an armchair beside the tree on Christmas morning and watching his grandchildren open their presents was usually a pleasure for Richard Eisen. The holiday season in general was always a treat for him, as it affirmed all that he had built for himself. Surrounded by his family, and held in reverence by them, it always massaged the deep pride that he had created the world’s greatest wrestling company and made himself a very powerful man. But this Christmas was different. Nothing was certain, and the SWF's future was very cloudy. Eisen sipped a brandy. Not much of an eight A.M. drink, but no one questioned his choice. 2007 was supposed to be the year that the war ended. It was to be the year when SWF became totally uncontested. He had called in his favors and brought Cornell and TCW to its knees. Then that pesky thing called the law reared its ugly head. Professional wrestling to him was always meant to be untouched by the courts. There were no unions--would likely never be any--and there was no way anyone would be arrested if a worker were told to go “extra stiff” on his opponent. That he had been taken down a peg by a Supreme Court judge, not a competitor or a former talent, was a slap in the face. In another room, Eric Eisen wondered to his brother Jerry if their father would be able to rebound from this one. But Richard had a plan. He had never taken any defeat lying down, and an antitrust ruling wasn’t going to be any different. The gears were already turning in Richard’s head. When he wasn’t able to outspend his competitors, he’d survived by outsmarting them. And this time, it wasn’t about outspending. “Genius,” Eisen muttered aloud. This attracted the attention of Jerry’s youngest son, Peter, who picked up his newest toy that he was absently running along the ground and walked over to his grandfather. “Look!” He thrust the steel toy train into Richard’s lap. “It’s a train.” “Very nice,” Eisen stroked. “Could you ask Grammy to bring Grampy his phone book? I’ve got a couple of calls to make.”
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[SIZE=4]Welcome to Eisenland[/SIZE] You don’t sense Richard Eisen’s power from when you first shake his hand. You sense it from his waiting room. Ornate with wall-to-wall mahogany, only the most recent periodicals and two—two—secretaries, you knew as soon as you sat down that behind the big wooden door sat a guy who owned a hell of a lot of people. I’d only been to his office once before, and that was to sign my contract a year and a half ago. For most, the only time they got to take a whiff of the rarified, recirculated air of Eisen’s office was when he “wished them well in their future endeavours”. I hoped that wasn’t the reason I was summoned so abruptly from my home in San Diego. Who am I? Jim Jehovah, a junior member of the SWF’s writing staff, junior being the operative word. I had yet to contribute much to storylines—well, that’s not true. Recall the Underwater Union’s “invasion” of a Red Lobster? That was me. With that being my best contribution in almost eighteen months of service, and with the turmoil of the antitrust suit making everyone nervous, I was pretty sure it was time for my head to be put on the chopping block. “You can go in now, Jim,” one of the secretaries told me. I rose and slowly opened the door to Eisen’s office. He looked up from some paperwork and smiled tightly. “Jim, is it?” He got up and shook my hand. “Have a seat. Thanks for coming.” I wiped my sweaty palm on my pantleg and looked around. On every flat surface was either an open binder or a stack of paper. His last month had been devoted to trying to beat Tommy Cornell in court, and he had lost. He finished what he’d been working on, shuffled it aside and quickly, startlingly, looked me in the eye. “You’ve no doubt been reading the dirt sheets, Jim—the SWF is being forced to split in half.” I didn’t know that USA Today was a dirt sheet. “With that in mind, this whole company is in for a lot of change.” I cleared my throat and spoke. “Sir, it’s been an honour working for you. Thanks for the opportunity and—” He cleared his throat louder than I did. “What, you think I’m going to fire you?” He chuckled more jovially than I ever thought him capable. “Jim, you couldn’t have it more backwards. I’m promoting you.” He stood up and started to move towards his tenth-story window. “We’ve got to make two promotions out of one. There’s no doubt that I’m going to stay with my baby, the SWF, but the second promotion needs someone fresh, someone with new ideas, at the top.” He looked at me. “I’m talking about you, Jim.” I dried my palms again. “Uh… really?” Certainly, there had to be someone more qualified. Sam Keith, one of Eisen’s sons, Chief Two Eagles! All I’d done was book a Red Lobster angle. “Mr. Eisen, I don’t know if I’m ready for this kind of—” “Nonsense! I could give this job to Keith or someone in marketing, but I want this to be a real rivalry. They’d take it easy on me. You won’t… right?” I nodded, not knowing why, and he brought me over to the window. “We’re going to take this stupid court ruling, and rub it right in the TCW’s face. Because they’re not the SWF’s main competition anymore… you are. We’re creating our own rival—it’s genius! If SWF, and… what you call your half are first and second, then there’s no room for a distant third.” He waved me over to his laptop, which had the website for America-Sports-1. “I’ve even secured you an hour-and-a-half on Fridays to go up against them.” All I could stammer out was, “G-great.” He snapped his fingers and looked for a pad of paper. “This is going to be a split right down the middle, Jim. And so, I want you to write down the name of anyone on the SWF roster that you want. Anyone, and you’ve got him.” He gave me the pen and the pad. I thought hard, and the name that sprung to mind was a popular performer who still had tons of potential, and who had always been receptive to my ideas—even if they were crap. Most importantly, he was definite World Champion material. “[B]Remo?[/B] Remo, it is. Now remember, Jim, once you get started, your company and mine are as separate as can be. I won’t be able to help you, but I’ll get you on the right track.” He extended his hand again. “Good luck.” Before I shook it, I had one question. “Are you sure about this?” “Very sure. You’ll know why you’ve been chosen soon enough.” He began to show me to the door when Jack Bruce burst through it. The secretary quickly followed him in. “He wouldn’t wait, sir!” One of the worst kept secrets in wrestling was that Jack Bruce was unhappy with his push, often relegated to pre-show dark matches because creative had nothing for him. “I want to talk to you, Richard,” he rasped, like a man who was at the end of his leash. Eisen backed away from Bruce, but then thought, and smiled. “Talk to me? But I’m not your boss anymore, Jack—” Eisen poked a thumb into my chest. “Jim Jehovah is.” Bruce looked at me like I’d just given him a pair of argyle earmuffs on Christmas morning. “That’s right,” Eisen continued. “Because you’re the second member of… of…” Eisen looked for me to finish the sentence. I searched my memory banks for some kind of acronym that would be meaningful to wrestling fans, but that also didn’t sound lame. “[B]SCAR.[/B]” Eisen raised an eyebrow. “[B]The Squared Circle… Antitrust Rebellion.[/B]” Bruce seemed to enjoy the last word. Eisen clapped his hands together. “Very good. Now I’ve got other people to see.” He ushered both myself and Jack out of his office. “Best wishes for Friday. Oh, and don’t forget… it’s live.”
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[U][SIZE=4][COLOR=#005782]SWF Supreme TV Report from swf.com (Tuesday, Week 1, January 2007) [/COLOR][/SIZE][/U] [IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/SWF.jpg[/IMG] [quote](…) [B][COLOR=#005782]Richard Eisen[/COLOR][/B] entered his office where there was a large package on his desk. He opened it and pulled out a white T-shirt that read “SCAR”. He looked confused. (…) The ref came to and [B][COLOR=#005782]Runaway Train[/COLOR][/B] covered DeBones for the successful defense. Before the referee could raise his arm, [B][COLOR=#005782]Remo[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR=#005782]Jack Bruce[/COLOR][/B] stormed the ring! Train took a New York Minute from Jack, and was brought up to get crushed with a gigantic Destroyer! The champ is down! What’s going on? Remo and Jack looked at each other and removed their jackets to reveal T-shirts that read “SCAR”. Several other wrestlers including [B][COLOR=#005782]Kid Toma[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR=#005782]Angry Gilmore[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR=#005782]Joe Sexy[/COLOR][/B] emerged from the back wearing the same shirt. Train pulled himself to his feet and took a huge Remo Buster that put him down for good. The show went off the air with Peter Michaels exclaiming that this must be the splinter group of SWF wrestlers that’s been rumoured! Are they breaking away to form their own federation?![/quote]
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Thanks to everyone that's commented so far; I really appreciate it. It gets me even more jacked about what's in store! **** [SIZE=4]Day One[/SIZE] I wanted to be at the arena before anyone else. It was part of my routine; even as a lowly junior writer, I felt that if I was there earlier than anyone, I was more prepared than anyone. I would need to feel ready for what was the biggest day of my life. At 8:30, we’d be live to America, and so far I only knew of a handful of wrestlers that I’d be able to use. For the full roster, I’d need to speak to a man named D’arcy Arnold. Appointed by Richard Eisen, a close personal friend, the former SWF executive of marketing would be the man signing the cheques and overseeing all of SCAR’s affairs. In short, he’d be my new boss. He’d been there for thirty minutes when I arrived. I flashed a smile but he didn’t return one. I assumed that he was unhappy to have been rustled from his cushy job in the SWF Towers to head up what could be a huge commercial failure. “Good morning, Mr. Jehovah. Richard faxed this to me last night. It’s the complete list of the talent you’ve been allotted.” Alright! As he handed me the sheet, my fingers tingled in anticipation. Who else had we drafted? Engyma? The boss’ son, Eric Eisen? Maybe even Christian Faith? But when I peeled the sheet open, I got none of that. [IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/photocopy.jpg[/IMG] Aside from the men I’d personally acquired last week, there were no stars to be seen. In fact, it seemed like I’d been given a huge chunk of the lower midcard. Laramee, Bart Biggz, Calamari Kid… some were even plucked green out of development! I looked up at D’arcy with confusion. “This is our roster? But—” “I approved every one of those choices that Mr. Eisen made.” “This isn’t a very star-studded roster, D’arcy.” “I’m going to be honest: I haven’t been paying a lot of attention to what’s been happening on TV.” “D’arcy, other than Remo, Jack, and maybe Gilmore, none of these guys are draws.” “I guess your job is to make them draws then.” Before I could reply to him, he snatched his leather briefcase up off of the ground. “I have to head back to New England. Good luck tonight, Jim.” He was gone. Looking at the list again, I almost felt faint. Eisen’s promise to split up the SWF talent right down the middle proved to be a falsehood. He’d kept his biggest names for himself, and sent me everything that creative had no use for. Everything was suddenly becoming clear. SCAR wasn’t meant to be the perfect competitor for SWF. Rather, much like Rambo, I was sent on a mission I was supposed to fail. SCAR and TCW would slug it out on Friday nights and split up that fanbase while SWF aired unchallenged on Tuesdays. It was almost better than before the antitrust lawsuit, because now Eisen had an attack dog to sick on Cornell without having to be bothered with the dirty deed. If Richard’s plan succeeded, both SCAR and TCW would wither and die, while the SWF achieved its apropos goal: supremacy. And D’arcy Arnold, a man who couldn’t care less whether SCAR prospered or floundered, would have his great job waiting for him at home once we went bankrupt. No wonder he cared so little about the talent we’d drawn… I’d known this would be hard, but now it seemed near impossible. To take SCAR to the top, I had two rabid foes to defeat—Tommy Cornell’s TCW, our timeslot competition, and the man who’d given me the opportunity of a lifetime, Richard Eisen. The hot angle coming out of [I]Supreme TV[/I] would help us a little, but if I wanted to take this losing hand and make it into a winner, it started with putting out a good show tonight. CRASH—Big Smack Scott pounded through the talent entrance listening to an iPod and hauling a huge duffel bag with him. I took a deep breath and held out my hand. “Hi, Scott, I’m—” He loaded his bag into my hand and kept walking towards the catering table. And that’s how it started.
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[COLOR=DimGray][B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]SCAR Live Feed on America-Sports-1 (Episode 101) Aired on Friday, Week 1, January 2007 Announcers: Duane Fry and John Greed Held at the Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East) Attendance: 4,663[/COLOR] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_SCAR_alt.jpg[/IMG] [/B][/COLOR] Some opening pyrotechnics exploded to the crowd’s delight. ([I]Fry: Ladies and gentleman, this is SCAR, and it is time to experience the alternative! My name is Duane Fry and I’m alongside SCAR wrestler John Greed for what should be a great night of action! Greed: Tell me one thing, Fry, if it’s gonna be so great, why am I not booked? This is insane![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Remo[/B][/COLOR] and [B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Jack Bruce[/COLOR][/B] walked through the entrance to a great ovation. ([I]Fry: Here are the two men who got this thing started![/I]) They entered the ring wearing SCAR T-shirts and Bruce spoke first. “Most people think scars are a bad thing, but this SCAR is caused by cutting something off—more specifically, excising Richard Eisen from our asses! We’ve created a place where all the guys who’ve been held back by him for years can show what they’ve got. We’ve created the Squared Circle Antitrust Rebellion!” Remo took the microphone. “You’re gonna see something different from us. SCAR isn’t going to be a place where wrestlers get pushed around, told what to do. SCAR is going to be run [I]for [/I]the wrestlers, [I]by[/I] the wrestlers.” Bruce took the microphone back. “And tonight, to kick things off huge, Remo and I are going to go one on one in the main event. Fans, tell me—are you ready to rock?” They cheered loudly and Bruce shook hands with Remo. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]B+[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] MATCH 1 ANGRY GILMORE vs. ZIMMY BUMFHOLE[/B][/COLOR] Zimmy hung in there, but this match was one long exhibition for the ultra-motivated Gilmore. He tossed Bumfhole around like a rag doll, hitting a series of four German suplexes, and chaining the last one off into his Anger Management finisher. ([I]Fry: Wow, it’s been a long time since we’ve seen Angry Gilmore look so intense, so on top of his game![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner: Angry Gilmore at 14:48, C+[/B][/COLOR] “Did SCAR just get hotter, or is it just me?” Joe Sexy spoke to the camera in a backstage promo and claimed that he was just too sexy for SWF to hold him, so he was in SCAR for one reason: to make sure the whole world knew his name. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]B+[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] MATCH 2 THE UNDERWATER UNION (Lobster Warrior and Calamari Kid) vs. FUMIHIRO OTA and KAZUMA NARATO[/B][/COLOR] It was the venerable comedy duo of Lobster and Calamari against a couple of ex-TCW cruisers. Kid was pounded for a while, until he made the tag to Lobster Warrior who cleaned house. He crushed Ota with the Lobster Trap for the win as Calamari Kid dropkicked Narato out of the ring. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winners: The Underwater Union at 6:38, C[/B][/COLOR] Jack Bruce was backstage, and said that he’d become really good friends with Remo because of what they’ve accomplished so far, but in that ring, the friendship gets put on hold. Bruce said he’s been out of the spotlight for too long, and he’s only going to settle for being the top dog in SCAR. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]B+[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] MATCH 3 JOE SEXY vs. KID TOMA[/B][/COLOR] Toma put on an impressive show against Sexy, sending him scrambling to the outside at one point to catch his breath. But the veteran countered a top rope cross-body, rolling it over into a small package and took a handful of tights to secure the victory. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner: Joe Sexy at 9:47, C[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray][B] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray] “The King of the Streets” Kurt Laramee[/COLOR][/B][/COLOR] came out before his match against Bart Biggz, and addressed the fans. “Yo, what’re y’all doing here? Couldn’t get tickets to a SWF house show or somethin’? Look, make no mistake, SWF is where it’s at, where I wanna be, where everyone in this industry wants to be. And somehow I got sent to the minor leagues. Don’t believe me? I’m facin’ Bart damn Biggz right now, so come on down here and take your minor league beatin’.” [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]C+[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] MATCH 4 “THE KING OF THE STREETS” KURT LARAMEE vs. BART BIGGZ[/B][/COLOR] Biggz fought valiantly but Laramee clubbed him into submission with some really harsh blows and ended the match with a Switchblade Powerslam. ([I]Fry: A quick victory for this malcontent, Kurt Laramee! Greed: You’re damn right! Nothing makes a wrestler want to kick ass more than wanting the hell out of a federation![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner: Kurt Laramee at 5:55, C[/B][/COLOR] Remo was backstage, warming up and looking as intense as ever. He pushed through the dressing room door and headed to the ring. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]B+[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) REMO vs. JACK BRUCE[/B][/COLOR] With two fan favourites butting heads, the crowd basically cheered for whoever was on offense. It spilled to the outside where Bruce threw Remo into the announce table and jumped off of the ring steps to clobber him with a forearm smash. Back inside, Bruce bent Remo over and jumped for the New York Minute, a rockerdropper, but Remo stood up and caught Bruce in the air for a huge Remo Buster. ([I]Fry: Oh my God! Remobuster out of nowhere![/I]) Remo covered, but Bruce stuck his shoulder up at the last moment. Remo couldn’t believe it, and stood up and patiently waited for Bruce to pull himself up. He nailed a big Destroyer that finally got the three. ([I]Fry: Remo wins the first main event in SCAR history! What a match, they both really got pushed to their limits in that one![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner: Remo at 20:04, C+[/B][/COLOR] Remo stood up and had his arm raised, when he was blindsided from behind. ([I]Fry: It’s [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Enforcer Roberts![/B][/COLOR] Greed: He’s kicking Remo’s ass! Fry: Roberts is Eisen’s right hand man, what’s he doing in SCAR?[/I]) Roberts stomped on Remo as the referee tried to intervene. Roberts kneeled down and punched Remo until he was dazed, and then yanked him to his feet to slap on his choke/sleeper, the RCT. ([I]Fry: Roberts Control Technique! Remo’s getting the life choked out of him! Someone get him off of him![/I]) Some officials and backstage workers finally pulled Roberts away, and Remo slumped down, seemingly unconscious. ([I]Fry: Did Eisen orchestrate this? Greed: I think you know the answer to that one![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]B+[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Live Feed Overall Rating: C[/B][/COLOR] [U] Post-show Notes[/U]: - Well, apparently the intense physicality I told the wrestlers to use was a little too much for some audience members, so we’ll have to tone this down for future cards. Also, the crowd seemed offended with the cheap finish of Joe Sexy vs. Kid Toma, so we might have to further alter who we're trying to bring to the show. - The rating averaged out to a fairly decent 12.18, which equates to a little over 600,000 viewers. However, TCW Presents Total Wrestling at 9:00 pulled in an awesome 27 over America, Canada and Mexico. It did a number on our rating, as our first half hour rated a 21… and then dipped to a 7 as soon as TCW came on. [B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Fast Results:[/COLOR] [/B][quote][B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Remo[/COLOR][/B] def. Jack Bruce [B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray](C+)[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Kurt Laramee[/B][/COLOR] def. Bart Biggz [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B](C)[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Joe Sexy[/B][/COLOR] def. Kid Toma [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B](C)[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]The Underwater Union[/B][/COLOR] def. Ota and Narato [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B](C)[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Angry Gilmore [/B][/COLOR]def. Zimmy Bumfhole [B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray](C+)[/COLOR][/B][/quote]
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[SIZE=4]After The First Show[/SIZE] Once the fans had started to file out, I caught up to Kurt Laramee. “Do you have an explanation for me?” He looked over the top of his glasses. I continued. “You weren’t supposed to say anything in your promo except for taunting Bart Biggz. Instead, you went out there, buried SCAR and put over SWF. Who told you to do that?” “Take a guess, man.” My blood ran cold. “Jim, man, listen up—he’s been my boss longer than you been. He pulled me outta DAVE and made me something. He made it so I could support myself with this ****. So when he calls me up and has something to say, I listen. Word?” I had nothing left to say to him tonight that I wouldn’t regret the next morning, so I left. If it wasn’t patently clear before the show, it was now. Eisen was playing some serious hardball. On my way out, I passed the dressing room of Tom “Angry” Gilmore, who had a towel around his neck and his head down. I stepped inside. “Nice work out there, Tom.” He sighed and looked up at me, appearing to be deliberating over words. He finally replied. “I just want to be with my wife.” He dejectedly stood up and walked into the showers. Jessie Gilmore was a valet in the SWF, and somehow it hadn’t occurred to me that being assigned to SCAR and taken away from his wife would make Gilmore an unhappy camper. Tom was a great performer—good on the mat, good in the air, great on the mic. I really prized having him, and so I made a mental note to do something to make him feel as wanted as he was in SCAR.
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I love how this is written and how your interactions with the workers come out. I think it is a very fresh new idea and being executed very well. I would like to see you have Kurt Laramee and Enforcer Roberts be the SWF - Supreme Wrestling Faction... I had a stable called that with former SWF guys in my old TCW diary.
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Hey, I came down here after you left the comment in my DaVE diary. And I'm glad I did, if I take anything away from this at all, it'll be that much better. You're off to an amazing start, you've got me beat on the execution of the backstory, and I take my non-existent hat off to you.
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[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][COLOR=Black]Thanks to those who replied, especially those who did so in chant form. Very creative. Glad people are enjoying this, I'm having a blast too. **** [/COLOR] [B] SCAR Live Feed on America-Sports-1 (Episode 102) Aired on Friday, Week 2, January 2007 Announcers: Duane Fry and John Greed Held at the Centerpiece Bridge (Mid Atlantic) Attendance: 5,000 (sell-out)[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_SCAR_alt.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] MATCH 1 ANGRY GILMORE vs. PLAGUE[/B][/COLOR] Coastal Zone’s Plague made his debut in this one, and if you thought Gilmore’s match last week was onesided, you hadn’t seen anything yet. Gilmore dominated and hit Anger Management again for the W. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner: Angry Gilmore at 12:40, C+[/B][/COLOR] Gilmore took a microphone afterwards. “So this is SCAR… I’ve given up my entire life to come to this place, and I’m really starting to wish I didn’t! There is no competition for me here—none! If anyone thinks differently, hell, I still feel good…” He turned to the aisle. “Walk down to the ring and face me.” A challenger came from behind, and slid into the ring as the fans cheered—[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Freddie Datsun![/B][/COLOR] ([I]Fry: Freddie Datsun in the ring! Greed: He’s not on the roster! He can’t accept this![/I]) Datsun wheeled Gilmore around and nailed him with some big shots to the chin. Gilmore ducked one and quickly slid out. Datsun got onto the second rope and screamed for Gilmore to come back. ([I]Fry: The American Everyman, Freddie Datsun is here in SCAR! Greed: Just wait until security comes and kicks him out, he won’t be here long![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]D[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Jack Bruce[/B][/COLOR] walked into [B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Remo[/COLOR][/B]’s dressing room and asked how he was. Remo said he was feeling a little banged up but otherwise fine. Bruce said not to worry, because he had Enforcer Roberts in the ring tonight and he’d make him pay. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]B+[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] MATCH 2 ZIMMY BUMFHOLE vs. BART BIGGZ[/B][/COLOR] A matchup of two talented youngsters, as well as two men who were once in successful tag teams with their brothers. The crowd was split on who to cheer for, and Zimmy slipped through a powerbomb attempt to pin Biggz with a sunset flip. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner: Zimmy Bumfhole at 10:42, C[/B][/COLOR] Once both men were up, Zimmy extended his hand to Bart. But the Biggz brother simply shook his head and stepped out of the ring, leaving Zimmy confused. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]D-[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] MATCH 3 REMO vs. BIG SMACK SCOTT[/B][/COLOR] This match was all power, and Scott was the one on the receiving end of all that power. Remo was fired up after being choked out by Enforcer Roberts last week, and battered the smug Big Smack Scott before finishing him with a Remo Buster. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner: Remo at 9:25, B-[/B][/COLOR] As Remo had his arm raised, the video screen fired up and [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Enforcer Roberts[/B][/COLOR] appeared. “Remo… you and Bruce thought you were so clever. You made your own federation, you recruited other wrestlers… but you screwed up, because you bit the hand that feeds. Like it or not, Richard Eisen made you, Remo! Richard Eisen made Jack Bruce too! Richard made every single person that jumped ship, and they all slapped him in the face by joining SCAR! So why am I here then? To serve justice, and to right the wrongs. Once I’m done with Bruce tonight, I’ll gladly face you at Open Wounds, and make everything right again by putting you to sleep.” Remo nodded and pointed at the screen, mouthing “I’ll see you there”.[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] B[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] MATCH 4 FRANKIE PEREZ vs. JOE SEXY[/B][/COLOR] Cult internet sensation Frankie Perez had his first match here, and tried to kick his way out of it by really opening up on Joe Sexy with some stiff offense. But Sexy had the experience edge and took control, finally hitting the One Night Stand for the win. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner: Joe Sexy at 9:35, C+[/B][/COLOR] Sexy took a microphone from ringside and spoke to the fans. “Since I can’t seem to get any respect from my opponents, next week, I’m going to debut a segment that you’re really going to enjoy. It’s a talk show called Sexy Time, starring me! And my very first guest is a man who’s going to have a very special announcement… myself, Joe Sexy!” ([I]Fry: Oh, great. Can't wait for that one.[/I]) B+ [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) ENFORCER ROBERTS vs. JACK BRUCE[/B][/COLOR] Bruce came out with some real fire, genuinely wanting to score the win here, not just for Remo but to prove himself. Roberts was impressive in his own right. Bruce had him dazed in the corner and tried for a running clothesline, but Roberts moved. He got behind Bruce who stumbled backwards into the RCT. Bruce fought valiantly for almost two minutes to get free before he slipped into unconsciousness and the referee called for the bell. ([I]Greed: Yes! Bruce is out![/I]) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Winner: Enforcer Roberts at 16:37, B-[/B][/COLOR] Roberts kept the RCT cinched in tight, even as the referee screamed at him to release it. ([I]Fry: You can cause some serious damage by restricting the blood flow for this long! Greed: He shouldn’t have been so dumb to back right into it! If that’s me in there, it doesn’t happen![/I]) Remo burst through the entrance to the fans’ delight. Roberts dropped Bruce and got ready for him. Remo slid in and ducked a clothesline to burst off of the opposite ropes and level Roberts with a shoulderblock. Roberts fell backwards to the ropes and Remo lined him over to the floor. ([I]Fry: Bam! There goes Eisen’s Enforcer![/I]) Remo talked trash to Roberts as he lay on the floor, and then checked on Jack with the referee. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]B+[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Live Feed Overall Rating: C[/B][/COLOR] [U] Post-show Notes[/U]: - The action is still a little too intense out there according to the fans so it appears more toning down will be needed. These C’s are bringing our popularity down a tad so we’ll need something a little better this coming week, and for the Pay Per View. [B]Fast Results: [/B][quote][B]Enforcer Roberts[/B] def. Jack Bruce [B](B-)[/B] [B]Joe Sexy[/B] def. Frankie Perez [B](C+)[/B] [B]Remo[/B] def. Big Smack Scott [B](B-)[/B] [B]Zimmy Bumfhole[/B] def. Bart Biggz [B](C)[/B] [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] def. Plague [B](C+)[/B][/quote]
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[IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/SCARwrestlingcom.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]SCAR-Wrestling.com Headlines for Week 3, January 2007[/B][/COLOR]
[IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/EnforcerRoberts.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]ROBERTS SEEKS PARTNER FOR FRIDAY[/B][/COLOR] With only one edition of Live Feed left between now and SCAR’s first Pay Per View, Open Wounds, Remo and Jack Bruce have challenged SWF loyalist Enforcer Roberts to a tag match. He has accepted the match, but in a promotion of wrestlers who he has declared war on, who's he going to find to team with him?
[IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_FreddieDatsun.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]DATSUN SIGNED TO FACE GILMORE ON PPV[/B][/COLOR] The American Everyman, Freddie Datsun, has agreed to terms with SCAR after (violently) accepting Angry Gilmore’s open challenge last Friday, and the two will face off at Open Wounds. Datsun has held gold in SWF, DAVE and most recently USPW.
[IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_JoanneRodriguez.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]NEW DUO, “SHOCK AND AWE”, TO GET LIVE FEED[/B][/COLOR] A woman calling herself “General Rodriguez” was in SCAR’s head offices in San Diego last weekend to sign the contracts for a tag team she calls “Shock and Awe”. Whoever this team is will face off against Fumihiro Ota and Kazuma Narato on America-Sports-1 this Friday.
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