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Antitrust - The End of a Monopoly

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[QUOTE=Jehovah;234930]Unfortunately the entire hard drive the game was on is inaccessible. My techie friend couldn't pull a single thing off of it. I have a whole new computer, and I'm currently attempting to recreate the game where I was, and also trying to find solutions to run the game on Vista. So far it's going well apart from freezes here and there. Keep your eyes to the skies...[/QUOTE] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="7"]THAT SUCKS. :( :confused: :mad: [/SIZE][/FONT]
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[QUOTE=Monkeypox;235109][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="7"]THAT SUCKS. :( :confused: :mad: [/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] Yes it does. I hope you can get this back up and running. I kind of feel a kinship with you, Monkeypox, and keef as our diaries all started right around the same time. I love this diary and the story you tell. I'd hate to see another one of my favorites end.
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[COLOR=Red][B]SCAR-Wrestling.com Survive or Die TV Report (Thursday, Week 4, May 4)[/B][/COLOR] The show kicked off with even more pyrotechnics than usual (we’re back!) an[COLOR=Black]d [/COLOR][COLOR=Black]Jack Bruce [/COLOR]in the middle of it all in the ring. He immediately asked his cousin to come to the ring, and the number-one contender obliged. Jack had fire in his eyes as he reminded Bulldozer that he’d won the match only after attacking him after he was concerned for his health, and that he hadn’t had a chance to fight back. But then Jack commended him for it, and for “[I]whipping my ass for letting my guard down.[/I]” Jack hugged Brandon and the younger Bruce said that he hoped Jack would be watching at the next Pay Per View, F**k Corruption, when he would take Angry Gilmore’s title. The love-in was interrupted by Cherry Eisen. “[I]Weh-weh-wait just a second! Yes, Brandon, you won a number one contender’s match, but who ever said it was for the SCAR Championship? That match was to prove you Bruce boys were worthy of a tag title shot. And congrats, you are.[/I]” Brandon almost ripped the top rope off of the posts and Jack wasn’t happy either. Cherry said they’d face the Brothers from Different Mothers tonight, and that Angry Gilmore’s belt was off limits for the foreseeable future, since he’d proven he was worthy of a period of rest at Above the Law. Our first match saw Ultimate Phoenix retain his Body Count Championship against Kid Toma, Matt Sparrow and Insane Machine. He proved that he could run the ring just as Toma and Sparrow proved that they have just as much fun fighting against each other as they do as a team. Phoenix won with his stunning Firebird Splash. Backstage, Joe Sexy seemed down, bothered that Miami Beach’s Most Easily-Coerced Girls turned down his advances. He tried to bounce back by sexually harassing Joanne Rodriguez, busy running documents as Cherry Eisen’s assistant, but only got a face full of pepper spray for his efforts. Teary-eyed, he concluded, “[I]I lost it! I lost the sexy![/I]” We followed Joanne as she brought those papers to Cherry, one of which being a photo taken by a ring photographer of the woman who interfered on Alicia Strong’s behalf. [CENTER][IMG]http://img527.imageshack.us/img527/3027/wandahz9.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] “[I]This b**** looks familiar![/I]” The SCAR Champion joined Cherry, brimming with more confidence than ever. Eisen declared that she couldn’t punish this woman, so Alicia Strong would have to take her licks for her. She told Gilmore that he’d face Alicia in the non-title main event where the champion could not be DQ’ed, and to really make her scream. Gilmore departed with a wink, and was almost run over by a P.O.’ed Enforcer Roberts. Clearly incensed by having taken another loss to Strong, he demanded “[I]meat[/I]” and Cherry warily gave it to him in the form of Freddie Datsun. Remo quickly blew through Joe Sexy who looked completely unmotivated. Remo took the stick afterwards and, speaking to the hard camera, demanded that Chris Rockwell grant him a rematch next week, but that this time, it would be a street fight! The next action was Roberts squaring off with Freddie Datsun, who was quickly polished off with a disgusting powerbomb. After the match, Datsun was subject to two more powerbombs and a leaping DDT, and had to be attended to by two trainers as he mumbled incoherently. Duane Fry gravely speculated that this could have been the final nail in the coffin for his injury-prone SCAR career. The Tag Title match was next, and was very back-and-forth, with Zimmy and Bart taking the brunt of the Bruces’ frustrations but cheating to stay ahead. With the referee down, Bart brought in a chair but Jack ducked the shot and Bulldozer Brandon drove it right back into his head with a flying shoulderblock! One New York Minute later and the Bruces had captured the Tag Team Titles! They celebrated with the crowd as the Brothers went into shock. Duane Fry declared that the balance of power in SCAR had just shifted! Before the main event, Jack Giedroyc came down in street clothes and calmly requested that the SCAR Champion join him in the ring. Gilmore didn’t have much choice and did, keeping his distance. Giedroyc stated that Gilmore cheated like hell to keep his belt, but Jack would’ve done the same thing to take it from him, and extended his hand. He asked Gilmore to shake it so their business could be done. The champion thought hard and finally did, but got reeled into a hammerlock that ground his face into the mat! Giedroyc , now having flown way off the handle, pushed his mic into Gilmore’s face and said to give him a rematch next Thursday or he’d tear every muscle in his shoulder. The champ was hurting, and had no choice but to give it to him! A seething Gilmore tore into Alicia Strong, who put up great offense but was hampered by constant hair-pulling and eye-gouging. As the champion scooped up his title and measured Strong for a shot, the same blonde woman who’d helped Alicia on Sunday got into the ring and blasted Gilmore with a straight roundhouse kick! He fell as the referee called for the DQ on Alicia. Gilmore took a beating from the two women until security chased the intruder out. Fry and Phunk signed off still unsure who she was, or why she was helping Alicia. [U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - Thanks for the support while we recuperated. The database is looking good enough to proceed with so onward we forge. This was the last show I booked before my hard drive took a big Remo Buster, so I don't have any ratings for it, thus the TV report-style write-up. I do remember Strong/Gilmore being a corker though. Again, thanks to all.
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Kick ass that you are back up and running, because I would've been extremely ticked off if it wasn't possible for you to, because I just started reading this diary last night and I would've hated having read everything for it to be going no where. This is also the first time I have been hooked in to a C-verse diary. I not one to play or read C-verse, but here lately it just seems more entertaining than real life games and diaries.
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Great to see SCAR are on track for a full return. Nice show, I thought you had a nice twist with Jack Bruce and BBS getting the consolation prize of a tag team title shot as it also free's up a bit of room on the singles roster side of things, although part of me was saddened to see the Brothers from Different Mothers drop the gold. It looks like Joe Sexy is set to become Just Joe and it looks like you've got a hot angle to bring Wanda Fish in on.
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[SIZE=4][B]Up and Running[/B][/SIZE] We live in a technocentric society. Where we once controlled technology to suit our needs, it now controls us. That’s why when our technology fails us, it can feel like our legs no longer work, or that our hands are useless. For me, when my hard drive bit the dust after contracting one porn virus too many, it had effectively disabled my mouth. It had been D’arcy Arnold’s bright, buniony idea to use an internet-based phone system for the offices in San Diego. So for almost a week, I had no way of communicating, or being communicated with, and felt decidedly out of the loop. Once I was finally back up and running, the calls came in a torrent. Would this be good or bad? “Jim, greets. It’s Sy from Free Choice, how does ya?” After de-encrypting his greeting, I figured out it was Sy from Free Choice. “Look, I thought we could do a little more backscratching this month, and hopefully we can throw some more of your ads around and pop that buyrate a little.” “No more boob-bags, Sy.” “Hey, I hear ya! That’s why on this month’s show, we want you to use a guy who’s a former wrestler. Just got dropped from SWF, actually. His name is Jim Force.” At that point, I would have killed for a boob-bag. Force was a bona fide nut who actually believed his own hype and thought he had been sent from the stars to destroy the... stars, or... something. You know, I never really listened to his promos; they had a psychedelic feel to them that I doubted I was permafried enough to comprehend. “Why Force? Don’t tell me he’s taking his clothes off too.” “No—it’s something else. Our next big hit! [I]Jim Force’s Bumfights![/I] How he gets those hobos to suplex and gorilla press slam each other, I’ll never figure out.” It was repugnant and morally reprehensible. And aside from putting Jim Force on our show, there was the bum-fighting thing too. But what was I to do? Swing and a miss with the new drive. The phone rang again soon afterwards, and I was treated to a cute, sultry voice. I needn’t question whether it was for business or pleasure; it was either a wrong number, or business. But it turned out to be good business. “If there’s a spot for me, Jim, I’d love to have it.” Luckily, there was one for a well-known big-two valet. And the day was shaping up. It was high time to go grab some lunch, and by that, I mean grab the lunch Darce’s wife made him out of his mini-fridge. But I was intercepted by a hulking frame that would have cast a shadow onto me, were the epileptic fluorescent lighting behind him and not right in front of him. This guy was from Nevada. I hadn’t been expecting him. “You’re a long way from—“ “The ranch, I know. Good callback.” “And how is the ranch?” “Good, Jim. Truly... good. No one bothers me and I don’t bother them. It’s what I worked fifteen years in this business for.” We sat, me in a swivel chair and him on the edge of my desk, threatening to flip the thing. I ****ed an eyebrow. “Unless you’re here for the crappy lighting... why [I]are [/I]you here?” “So you can give me a reason not to go back.” My throat went dry. While his recent text message had given me hope that he would come aboard with us, he was prone to these types of fluctuations in the past. Three times a week, years ago, he’d claim to be on his way to requesting a release and signing with the competition, and I’d have to talk him down. And whenever I didn’t, he ended up not doing it anyway. But this was a world different from that. We were friends, and he wanted a genuine show of faith. I might regret this later. “Main event slot that I’ve already got plans for. A hand in creative goes without saying. But you said it yourself: you might only have six months or a year left. So I want to keep you here until long after you say you’re done.” I dug out a contract and slid it to him. “This isn’t a typical contract, pay-per-appearance or written or anything. It’s a partnership agreement.” He looked up, confused. “I want you to take shares in SCAR, on an upper management deal like myself. Whenever you hang up the boots—and that’s up to you—you would stay with us and work backstage, and in these offices. You know a lot more about this business than I do, and you might even be better as a mentor to some of the young guys than in the ring.” He looked a little stunned, and more than a little impressed. He probably didn’t expect more than a one-year lowball offer, which is exactly what I’d hoped, so I could catch him off-guard. “SCAR needs you. And I like you. So what do you say?” He paused for thought, stood, and turned his head. “I mean, for sure, take it home and think ab—“ He was just grabbing a pen from his back jean pocket. That was good too. He signed the contract, and extended his hand. “I don’t wear ties.” I shook it with glee. “I didn’t think so.” I invited him to the next Survive or Die to hang out and meet some people, though I doubted I’d start him in the ring for a while. Not a bad morning; started out thinking my only excitement would be installing updates for goddamn Vista, but instead I had a (hot) new worker, and a (not) new partner. Oh, and... Force. Probably should have brought Darce in on some of this, but much like his lunch, which was about to be consumed, some things are better left as a surprise.
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Awesome vignette, can't wait to hear about the mystery guy, who despite being from Nevada and being prone to odd lighting is probably NOT Nevada Nuclear. Oh, and (FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRCE) (I just ran Force's appearance in DaVE... let's just say it's the first time I've ever seen anything Giedroyc was involved with slide into the "D" range...)
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[QUOTE=Monkeypox;237418](I just ran Force's appearance in DaVE... let's just say it's the first time I've ever seen anything Giedroyc was involved with slide into the "D" range...)[/QUOTE] Feel the downward FOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRCCCCCCCCCEEEE... on your segment and match ratings. Great last entry Jehovah, I'm even more stoked for the full-blown SCAR return now. I don't want to start guessing randomly at the identity your mystery partner incase I fluke a correct guess, but there's a line in there that makes me wonder if it's just there conveniently, a sub-conscious clue or a red herring?
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[QUOTE=sebsplex;237828]Feel the downward FOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRCCCCCCCCCEEEE... on your segment and match ratings. Great last entry Jehovah, I'm even more stoked for the full-blown SCAR return now. I don't want to start guessing randomly at the identity your mystery partner incase I fluke a correct guess, but there's a line in there that makes me wonder if it's just there conveniently, a sub-conscious clue or a red herring?[/QUOTE]In the original entry, there was a "glint" of a hint. Hopefully nothing too revealing yet. But yes, that was a sub-conscious clue, Sebs--he was wearing jeans. Grease Hogg is coming to SCAR. The Era of Hogg begins!
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[IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/SCARwrestlingcom.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B] SCAR-Wrestling.com Headlines for Week 1, June 2007[/B][/COLOR]
[U][IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_JackGiedroyc.jpg[/IMG][/U] [COLOR=Red][B]BRUCES CAPTURE GOLD, GIEDROYC TO FOLLOW?[/B][/COLOR] The Brothers from Different Mothers’ lengthy reign as SCAR Tag Champions was shattered with a shocking victory from Jack and Bulldozer Brandon Bruce, who got the opportunity through a power play by Cherry Eisen to rob Brandon of a World Title Shot. Now that the cousins have been galvanized by their big win, could [COLOR=Red][B]Jack Giedroyc[/B][/COLOR] be the next to acquire some hardware? He’ll face Angry Gilmore with the SCAR Championship on the line this Thursday. What does SCAR’s owner have up her sleeve to resteer the ship?
[IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_ChrisMorrissette.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]REMO/ROCKWELL II HITS THE STREETS[/B][/COLOR] It’s anyone's guess whether Remo’s neck is back to 100%, but regardless, he’ll face [COLOR=Red][B]Chris Rockwell[/B][/COLOR] in an Above The Law rematch under Street Fight rules! All weapons will be legal, and the big question is if Rockwell can pull off another huge win to match his own hype.
[IMG]http://img527.imageshack.us/img527/3027/wandahz9.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Red][B]EISEN ORDERS MYSTERY WOMAN TO APPEAR [/B][/COLOR] A frustrated Cherry had this to say to SCAR-Wrestling.com in a terse email: “[I]I’ve had enough of this blonde b**** jumping out of the crowd and helping Alicia Strong! I could ban her from SCAR events for life, but instead, I’m going to extend a one-night-only invitation to step into a SCAR ring, and identify herself. After that, maybe I’ll sick Roberts on her!” [/I]On Survive or Die this Thursday, we’ll finally learn who this [B][COLOR=Red]mystery woman[/COLOR][/B] is!
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[QUOTE=Jehovah;237918]But yes, that was a sub-conscious clue, Sebs--he was wearing jeans. Grease Hogg is coming to SCAR. The Era of Hogg begins![/QUOTE] Now that's money... you could give him a Duke of Hazzards gimmick and make him Boss Hogg.
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  • 2 weeks later...
[COLOR=Green][B]SCAR Survive or Die on Sports America (Episode 113) Live on Thursday, Week 1, June 2007 Announcers: Duane Fry and Grandmaster Phunk Held at the Lowe Ballroom (North West) Attendance: 4,560[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_SCAR_alt.jpg[/IMG] Much like last week, [COLOR=DarkGreen][B]the Bruce Cousins[/B][/COLOR] began the show in the ring, but the mood was much more jovial. Brandon proudly displayed his Tag Team Championship, and Jack held his in the air as he spoke. “[I]I don’t know if anyone here is a big fan of irony, but I recently got into their new stuff. Because how ironic is it that, to take away Brandon’s title shot, Cherry Eisen makes it possible for the Bruce boys to grab these straps? Cher, it must sting a little. It must sting a LOT. But right now, Bran and I are going to O’Irish Sounding’s across the street to celebrate, and your tasty ass is invited. Now who’s coming with us?![/I]” The crowd roared as Jack and Brandon began to make their way through the crowd and they had almost exited when Cherry’s appearance on the big screen at the doors. A sub-title informed us that she was "LIVE VIA SATELLITE FROM SAN DIEGO". "[I]Whoa, fellas. Unfortunately, I won't be joining you because I've got pressing business at SCAR's offices. But yes, Jack. It does sting. Actually, it makes me sick to my stomach! Those are SCAR’s Tag Team Championships, and thus, they are MY Tag Team Championships. I want them back. So right now, I’m going to make you two an offer that I will never make again. Stay in the building and put your belts on the line tonight against Bart and Zimmy in the rematch, and in return, at Eff Corruption, you two can have Angry Gilmore for the SCAR Championship in a single-fall-to-the-finish match.[/I]” ([I]Fry: Oh my God! What an offer![/I]) Jack and Bulldozer conferred quickly. “[I]A chance to rob Tommy Boy of his belt too? Cherry, you got it![/I]” The Bruces celebrated with the crowd, and SCAR’s owner looked slightly relieved as she faded from the screen. ([I]Fry: At F*** Corruption, Bruce vs. Bruce vs. Gilmore for the biggest prize of them all! Phunk: And tonight, a tag title rematch![/I]) [COLOR=DarkGreen][B]B- ---------- MATCH 1 ALICIA STRONG vs. FUMIHIRO OTA (w/ Kazuma Narato)[/B][/COLOR] A nice opportunity for Strong to show off her heaps of ability once again. Narato yanked her out of the ring off of a pin only to pull her right into a headscissors takedown. She re-entered to plant Ota with the Angel Driver for a quick win. [COLOR=DarkGreen][B] Winner: Alicia Strong at 6:50, C ----------[/B][/COLOR] A troubled [COLOR=DarkGreen][B]Joe Sexy[/B][/COLOR] walked down a hall alongside his tag partner for the night, [COLOR=DarkGreen][B]Big Smack Scott[/B][/COLOR], who seemed to be trying to talk some sense into him. “[I]Women’s overrated. Ya can’t live with ‘em, and you can’t put pills in their food without gettin’ arrested. Seriously, they ain’t worth the trouble.[/I]” Joe perked up a little. “[I]Yeah... yeah! Who needs women?[/I]” Joe clapped Scott on the back and then slapped him on the ass, letting his hand linger, and locking eyes with the weirded-out bodybuilder. “[I]Joe... unless you’re injecting me with deca, GET YOUR HAND OFF MY ASS![/I]” Scott stormed off, and Sexy seemed more confused than ever. “[I]I can’t even seduce dudes? I really did lose it![/I]” [COLOR=DarkGreen][B]B- ---------- MATCH 2 KID TOMA and MATT SPARROW (w/ Birdie) vs. JOE SEXY and BIG SMACK SCOTT[/B][/COLOR] Any roided-up offense Big Smack heaped on Toma and Sparrow was made pointless by Joe distracting him from the apron, seemingly attempting to get Scott to give him one more chance to pick him up. ([I]Fry: This is... a very unique situation.[/I]) Scott finally got fed up and tagged Sexy in by throwing him into the ring. As Big Smack walked up the aisle, Joe was laid waste to with a diving headbutt from Toma... and a second one from Sparrow! [COLOR=DarkGreen][B] Winners: Kid Toma and Matt Sparrow at 6:01, C- ---------- Zimmy Bumfhole[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=DarkGreen][B]Bart Biggz[/B][/COLOR] were infused with all kinds of enthusiasm as they prepared for their tag title rematch. “[I]Bruce... Bruce... you two got lucky last week, using a chair like that. But this week, the ring stays clean, and we take back what we deserve.[/I]” “[I]That’s right, Zim, because when all the odds are even, there’s one thing that gives us the edge: our stronger family ties. We’re brothers.[/I]” ([I]Fry: For God’s sakes, you’re not.[/I]) [COLOR=DarkGreen][B]C+ ---------- Remo[/B][/COLOR] came out in camo pants and one of his own shirts, armed with a chair and chomping at the bit for Rockwell to enter. But Chris appeared on the video screen sitting on a couch in a beautiful living room. Remo immediately started flipping out. “[I]Hey there, Remo. I know what you’re thinking: I should be there for our match. But the stupid airline—aren’t airlines always the worst? They screwed up my ticket; instead of being there, they sent me to your house.[/I]” ([I]Fry: I hope this is a joke.[/I]) Rockwell stood up and began playing with an aluminum baseball bat. “[I]Found this in the garage, Reem. From your highschool days, I’m guessing?[/I]” Remo was fuming in the ring. “[I]A street fight, huh? It’s interesting that you would want that, because you’ve never had to face the reality of the streets a day in your life. I mean, look at this palace! This is what a record-setting contract will buy you, I guess![/I]” Rockwell turned and smashed a lamp, and then cracked the television set. “[I]Let’s check out the master bedroom.[/I]” Rockwell entered Remo’s spacious bedroom. “[I]Wow, man! This sure beats sleeping in the back seat of a Metro for five years![/I]” Rockwell dove onto his bed and relaxed as the referee tried to calm Remo down at the arena. “[I]Now, how about that trophy room?[/I]” Rockwell entered the next room that had a wall lined with awards of all sizes. “[I]Would you look at this? Fastest Sprinter, Rookie of the Year, Most Valuable Player! You must have gotten some serious tail in senior year, my good man. Did you take them out in Mommy and Daddy’s car? Or just stay in and jimmy open the folks’ liquor cabinet? I have to say, Richardson—you’ve always lived right in the lap of luxury.[/I]” Rockwell smiled and then turned to blast the entire rack of trophies. It fell with a huge crash, and then he slammed the bat down onto the remains. “[I]And it still pisses me off! I thought that after I embarrassed you on the same kind of Pay Per View I used to curtain-jerk, I’d be satisfied. But I’m not! I won’t be satisfied until all your huge contract is good for is paying for twenty-four hour nursing care!! I hate you, Remo Richardson, and at F*** Corruption, you can have your street fight! But this time, you won’t be walking the week after, and I guarantee it’s the last match you wrestle, you undeserving prick.[/I]” There was a noise from off-camera. “[I]The front door... could this be the Mrs. Remo I’ve heard so much about?[/I]” He poked his head through the doorway. “[I]You’re lucky it’s the cops, Richardson. Time for me for slip out, but let me just say this: you have SUCH a lovely home.[/I]” Rockwell left the screen, and Remo lost it, throwing the referee across the ring and leaving in complete anger. ([I]Fry: That was truly disgusting! That’s his home! Couldn’t Rockwell leave it in the ring where this kind of thing belongs? Phunk: Wrestling is personal, Fry, and this is their lives! Rockwell just messed up Remo’s head, and there’s no way he’s losing in two weeks! No way![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]C+ ---------- MATCH 3 FOR THE SCAR TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP THE BROTHERS FROM DIFFERENT MOTHERS vs. THE BRUCE COUSINS (C)[/B] [/COLOR] Jack took a two-on-one beating for most of this one, and Brandon exploded out of the buckles when he finally took the tag. Zimmy was dispatched to the floor and Bart was whipped into the corner so hard that he stuck to the padding. Bulldozer sized him up from across the ring as Angry Gilmore walked down the aisle, clanging a steel chair on the metal ramp as he went. ([I]Phunk: Even for a dude whose first name is Angry, he looks pissed![/I]) Brandon Bruce charged for an avalanche, but Gilmore pulled Biggz out of the buckles just in time, sending Bulldozer shoulder-first into the post. As the referee focused on Zimmy and Jack brawling near the announce table, Gilmore sandwiched Brandon’s head between the chair and the pole with one lethal swing. ([I]Fry: Jesus Christ![/I]) Now essentially a two-on-one, Jack fell prey to Bart and Zimmy’s electric chair-legdrop, Different Damage, for three. Gilmore stalked off as Bart and Zimmy celebrated like they’d won the Superbowl. ([I]Fry: They’re now two-time champs, and look at them hug! Phunk: The straps are back where they belong—with the brothers![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B] Winners, and new Tag Team Champions: the Brothers from Different Mothers at 14:31, C [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=DarkGreen][B] ----------[/B][/COLOR] After a break, the mystery woman who has twice aided Alicia Strong was escorted through the crowd by security, and entered the ring, wearing a black hoodie. “[I]I’ve been told to identify myself. So I will. My name is [COLOR=Green][B]Wanda[/B][/COLOR], and I’m a women’s wrestler. Why have I been helping Alicia Strong? Because she’s been holding the torch for everything I believe in, and know in my heart to be true: that ‘us girls’ deserve to compete with the men. I’ve returned this week because I want a contract with SCAR. The other two won’t take me, but I’ve heard SCAR is a little more bold. What I wanna know is if that’s true.[/I]” Cherry appeared on the big screen to answer that question. “[I]You’re lucky to have found me on a night where I’m making a lot of bad business deals. You want a contract? Wanda, you’ve got one.[/I]” Cherry’s assistant, Joanne Rodriguez, walked down to the ring with a contract that Wanda signed. “[I]And what’s more, I’ve decided that you and Alicia will team up at Eff Corruption. But it won’t be against men. No, it’ll be against formidable female competition. One half of the team you’ll face will be my assistant, Joanne. And the other half will be... me, Cherry Eisen![/I]” Wanda seemed to relish this notion. ([I]Fry: Wow! The owner—wrestling?[/I]) “[I]Why am I doing it? To prove that you and Alicia are nothing special—that any untrained woman could get in there, shake their boobs around, and beat you down. So the good news, Wanda, is that you are now a SCAR wrestler. But the bad news is: you are now a SCAR wrestler. Please meet tonight’s opponent: Kurt Laramee![/I]” [COLOR=Green][B]Kurt[/B][/COLOR] walked through the entrance, passing Joanne Rodriguez, and Wanda prepared for battle. [COLOR=Green][B]C ---------- MATCH 4 WANDA vs. KURT LARAMEE[/B][/COLOR] Kurt shoved Wanda backwards to start, and was stunned when she shoved him back. He grabbed her and laid in some knees, but she ducked a haymaker punch and cracked him with a absolutely-lethal roundhouse kick to the head. He went down and she covered... for three! ([I]Fry: Wanda won, in thirty-six seconds! All it took was one kick! Phunk: Kurt’s not gonna hear out of that left ear for a while! Fry: Does Cherry Eisen know what she just got into?[/I]) [COLOR=Green][B] Winner: Wanda at :36, C ----------[/B][/COLOR] Back from the commercial, Kurt Laramee stumbled through the curtain to the backstage area and found a camera. “[I]I’m TIRED of bein’ people’s whippin’ boy, and I’m TIRED of bein’ disrespected. Next week, I’m callin’ out anyone else who can’t take how they bein’ treated to join my posse. Only true thugs need apply, baby. It’s time SCAR got taken back to the hood.[/I]” [COLOR=Green][B]C ---------- MATCH 5 ANGRY GILMORE vs. JACK GIEDROYC[/B][/COLOR] Jack took advantage of Gilmore’s unstable state for some quick roll-ups and near falls. It developed from a hard brawl into a technical chess match, with piledrivers, suplexes and DDTs all failing to keep either man down. Don’t tell either man that it wasn’t for the belt, because by the end they had exhausted themselves gunning for the win. Gilmore finally slipped in a desperation groin kick when he lost interest in winning cleanly, and pinned Giedroyc with a sunset flip. [COLOR=Green][B] Winner: Angry Gilmore at 25:29, B- [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=DarkGreen][B] ----------[/B][/COLOR] Gilmore pulled himself to the corner and tried to stand, but when his music cut for Jack Bruce’s, he slumped back down to the mat. Jack stomped down the aisle, intent on getting his hands on the champion. Gilmore tried to slip out the other way, but Bulldozer was cutting through the audience. ([I]Fry: There’s a Bruce on either side![/I]) Gilmore tried to talk the cousins down as they closed in on him in the corner, but got an unexpected helping hand from someone who clubbed both of them down from behind. ([I]Fry: [COLOR=Green][B]Enforcer Roberts![/B][/COLOR] What the hell is he doing here?[/I]) Roberts stomped Jack to the floor, and then locked Brandon in the deadly RCT. Gilmore caught his breath as Roberts threw Bulldozer down hard, but then got worried when Roberts’ glance turned his way. Cherry Eisen, appearing for a third time on the big screen, cleared things up. “[I]Sorry, Bruces, I forgot to mention that there was a fourth participant in the main event of Eff Corruption. The man who will be protecting my best interests, and the SCAR Championship—Enforcer Roberts![/I]” Roberts cracked his knuckles as Gilmore exited the ring and left him to brood over top of Bulldozer Bruce. [COLOR=Green][B]C+ Survive or Die Overall Rating: C+ [/B][COLOR=Black][U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - Apologies for the delay on this one. Only one more week until F*** Corruption! [/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][COLOR=Black][B]Fast Results:[/B][/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][COLOR=Black][quote][B] Angry Gilmore[/B] def. Jack Giedroyc [B](B-) Wanda[/B] def. Kurt Laramee [B](C) The Brothers from Different Mothers[/B] def. The Bruces for the Tag Team Titles [B](C) Toma/Sparrow[/B] def. Sexy/Scott [B](C-) Alicia Strong[/B] def. Fumihiro Ota [B](C)[/B] [/quote][/COLOR][/COLOR]
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Gotta love Laramee jobbing out to Wanda Fish in 36 seconds. Also special kudos on the Rockwell/Remo segment. Having Rockwell trashing Remo's home and highlighting the wealth gap between them ahead of the street fight was a great touch to the feud. F*** Corruption is shaping up nicely.
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Loving seeing Giedroyc in the main event, loving the return of Cherry Eisen to the ring. Interesting that the Bruces dropped the belts without clearly squaring off against eachother... if I had to venture a guess, I'd say this preps a more interesting showdown against Gilmore (since you seem to be freeing one of them up for a legit title shot without the encumbrance of the tag titles and ultimately setting up the inevitable Bruce vs Bruce), but I still see Jack Bruce as a non-interesting champion and Brandon as still too green for something of that magnitude. But it's enough to keep me thinking and reading, even though I was bound to do that anyhow.
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[COLOR=Green][B]SCAR Survive or Die on Sports America (Episode 114) Live on Thursday, Week 2, June 2007 Announcers: Duane Fry and Grandmaster Phunk Held at the Missouri State Armoury (Mid West) Attendance: 4,707[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_SCAR_alt.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 1 FOR THE SCAR TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS NEW SCHOOL vs. BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY vs. KID TOMA and MATT SPARROW (w/ Birdie) vs. THE BROTHERS FROM DIFFERENT MOTHERS (C)[/B][/COLOR] Bart and Zimmy wisely let the others battle it out for most of this match where tags were not needed. After Kid Toma launched over the top rope onto five men, Bart and Zimmy picked up the pieces, easily trumping the remainder of their opponents’ energy with their own and pinning JD Morgan after Different Damage. [COLOR=Green][B] Winners, and still champions: The Brothers from Different Mothers at 10:28, C- ---------- [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] Duane Fry[/B][/COLOR] climbed into the ring to interview the tag champs. “[I]Guys, you just defeated what was essentially the entirety of SCAR’s Tag Division. What’s next for you? Or perhaps more accurately, who’s next?[/I]” Zimmy spoke. “[I]You just answered your own question, ketchup boy. No one’s next, because no one’s LEFT. We’re head-shoulders-and-feet above anything this promotion can offer, so we’re going to hang these things up on the shelf until a team emerges that can touch us.[/I]” Bart took the microphone. “[I]And it’s all because of one thing: our brotherly connection.[/I]” He turned to Zimmy. “[I]I love you, bro.[/I]” “[I]I love you too, bro.[/I]” "[I]See, Duane, my bro here[/I][FONT="][I]—[/I]"[/FONT] “[I]Oh, for God’s sakes, you’re not brothers![/I]” Fry exploded, causing the champs’ necks to snap towards him. ([I]Phunk: He in trouble.[/I]) “[I]I’m sorry, but... you aren’t.[/I]” They advanced on him, and Bart put him in a one-handed choke. Zimmy stopped him. “[I]Bro, no! Don’t choke him. He deserves something... different.[/I]” Bart smiled and hoisted a terrified Fry onto his shoulders as Zimmy climbed to the top rope. ([I]Phunk: Different Damage comin’! Fry’s done![/I]) The crowd popped as [COLOR=Green][B]Jack Giedroyc[/B][/COLOR] rushed down and shoved Zimmy off the buckle down to the barrier. Bart dropped Fry to fight him, but Giedroyc blocked one punch and threw him to the floor to join his “brother”. Giedroyc snapped up a mic. “[I]No competition, huh, boys? Well, dust them belts off again because this Sunday, I’ve got a challenge for you. The Brothers From The Lower Midcard... against Jack Giedroyc... and his partner... from Danger and Violence Extreme![/I]” Bart and Zimmy were too incensed to deny him. ([I]Phunk: Who’s Giedroyc gonna bring?[/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]C+ ---------- [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] Remo[/B][/COLOR] was backstage, and seemed distracted before addressing the camera. “[I]Chris Rockwell. You’ve had a rough road to the top of the wrestling world but you’re finally here. Congratulations. You’re a dick, but you still deserve what you’ve got. And what you said about my career, my breaks... that’s valid too. But you entered my home. You defiled my house. And when you did that, you took it out of the ring and made it personal.[/I]” “[I]I respect my fellow workers. I only do what I have to to win, and nothing more. But this Sunday, we take it out of the ring. We bring weapons and we forget our codes of respect. I’m not going to mind breaking your fingers one by one... and I’m not going to mind popping joints. I think I’m going to like it.[/I]” “[I]It’s not business... and it’s past personal... it’s gonna be fatal.[/I]” [COLOR=Green][B]B-[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 2 ENFORCER ROBERTS vs. BULLDOZER BRANDON BRUCE[/B][/COLOR] Bruce put his streak on the line in this F*** Corruption tune-up against Roberts, and Enforcer spent most of it weakening Brandon for the RCT. Luckily, Dozer had an ace in the hole—his hotheaded cousin Jack, who made an unscheduled appearance to pull Roberts’ neck down over the top rope. Roberts staggered into... ([I]Fry: One... two... three belly-to-bellies! Cover, and he gets him![/I]) Jack came in to congratulate Brandon, and revel in having gained revenge on Roberts. ([I]Fry: The cousins have each other, but who do Roberts and Gilmore have to watch their backs?[/I]) [B][COLOR=Green] Winner: Bulldozer Brandon Bruce at 14:45, C- [/COLOR][/B][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] Ultimate Phoenix[/B][/COLOR] walked through the back on his way to action. ([I]Fry: Here comes the Body Count Champion to butt heads with—[/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B][/COLOR] came out of nowhere to blast him with a flying chairshot, and laid in fists to follow. ([I]Fry: My God! Hernandez—we haven’t seen him since he lost the Body Count Championship, for good![/I]) Phoenix tried to cover up as Hernandez stood. “[I]You still have my belt, hot shot... and if I can’t have it, then you can’t either. Good luck out there, and see you Sunday.[/I]” [COLOR=Green][B]D- [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 3 FOR THE SCAR BODY COUNT CHAMPIONSHIP INSANE MACHINE vs. ULTIMATE PHOENIX (C)[/B][/COLOR] Phoenix barely dragged himself to the ring and got hammered on, eating missile dropkicks to the face and only narrowly kicking out after a sky-high moonsault. Phoenix finally ducked a flying crossbody and gathered himself up enough to stun Machine with a hurricanrana... for three! ([I]Fry: Wow, Phoenix guts it out! Hernandez is going to have an angry opponent at F*** Corruption, even though the belt won’t be up for grabs![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B] Winner, and still champion: Ultimate Phoenix at 6:17, C- [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] Kurt Laramee[/B][/COLOR] walked up to a door that had "THUG MEETING INSIDE” written on a sheet taped to it. “[I]Aight, here we go.[/I]” He sauntered inside, only to find [B][COLOR=Green]Air Attack Weasel[/COLOR] [/B]and [COLOR=Green][B]Andre Jones[/B][/COLOR] having their way with the catering table he had provided. “[I]Man, what? Bitches, scatter! You ain’t thugs![/I]” Jones turned, almost insulted. “[I]Hey, I’m HOWRD[/I]. [I]HOWRDER than Chops over here."[/I] Weasel responded, mouth packed with mini-weiners. “[I]Yeah, real hard. Weren’t you a VOLLEYBALL player?[/I]” “[I]Weren’t you a TENNIS player?[/I]” “[I]Shut up![/I]” Laramee intervened. “[I]Both of y’all shut up! You say you’re down? You want to roll with me? Happens I’m desperate for backup, so you can prove it to me. Come on.[/I]” Laramee left and Weasel and Jones trailed him, still bickering and jostling elbows. [COLOR=Green][B]D [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] Far from the arena, in the red light district of the city, two working girls were looking for their next client. It appeared in the form of a beat-up sedan, and its driver, [COLOR=Green][B]Joe Sexy[/B][/COLOR]. They leaned through the driver’s side window. “Ladies, this isn’t something a man like me normally has to do. But I’ve been on a bit of a cold streak lately... a big cold streak. I've got icicles down there. So I’ll take whichever one of you is least diseased. And from the looks of things, it’s a photo finish.” The hookers didn’t wait long to nail on him with their purses. “[I]A**hole![/I]” [I]"Your car smells like KY![/I]” They took off. He recovered enough to shout back, “[I]It’s a rental, I swear to—Goddamnit![/I]” He left the scene with a screech. [COLOR=Green][B]B [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] A man entered the arena from the night, but it wasn’t Joe. It was the leather-jacketed SCAR Champion, [COLOR=Green][B]Angry Gilmore[/B][/COLOR]. ([I]Fry: He’s just showing up now?[/I]) He met up with a hot-headed Enforcer Roberts who was heading in the opposite direction. “[I]Yo, Roberts, where you going? I have Jack Bruce tonight, aren’t you gonna have my back?[/I]” “[I]I should be asking you the same thing! I got gang-raped out there by both those guys, and that’s after I helped you out last week![/I]” Roberts brushed by him on his way out. “[I]I’ll see you Sunday, champ.[/I]” Gilmore followed, talking over his shoulder. “[I]I didn’t even know you had a match, big man! Look, if we don’t stick together, we’re both boned.[/I]” Roberts stopped. “[I]That’s right—it’s gonna be chaos in that four-way. If we gun at each other as the best two guys in there, one of those fools could easily slip in and get the win. And we don’t want that, right? So here’s what I’m saying—protect me in there. Make sure I keep the belt. And after that, I’ll give you a one-on-one shot. The odds are better for you![/I]” Roberts deliberated as Gilmore finished. “[I]Cherry said you were going to protect her best interests, and I’m the best interest she’s got.[/I]” Roberts put his bag down. “[I]One night, Tom. That's all. I’ll do it. For Cherry, not you.[/I]” Gilmore lit up. “[I]Glad to hear it. Now stick around for a bit, and make sure nothing funny happens against Jack.[/I]” Gilmore walked off, and Roberts trailed behind him, clearly still unsure about things. [COLOR=Green][B]C+ [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 4 CHRIS ROCKWELL vs. JACK GIEDROYC[/B][/COLOR] A nice high-octane match that brought the crowd back somewhat. Pretty back and forth, with Rockwell laying Giedroyc out and heading to the top rope. Remo walked through the curtain, popping the crowd, and Rockwell immediately bolted, hopping down to the floor and taking off before Remo could even catch a whiff of the referee’s bad cologne. ([I]Fry: There goes Rockwell! Not so tough now, is he? Phunk: He doesn’t gotta be tough! He’s smart![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B] Winner, by count-out: Jack Giedroyc at 11:46, B- [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] Remo stalked after Rockwell, even though there was no way he would catch him. Giedroyc made his way up the aisle, but was tackled down from behind by Zimmy Bumfhole and Bart Biggz. ([I]Fry: Come on![/I]) They laid in stomps to his back before ramming him head-first into the staging and laying him out. ([I]Phunk: I bet he can’t even remember who he was gonna get to be his partner now! Ha ha![/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]B- [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] We were taken to a back-alley gym where two shapely female bodies could be seen working out in a beaten-up old ring—[COLOR=Green][B]Cherry Eisen[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=Green][B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B][/COLOR]. The SCAR owner was wearing an elaborate track suit that matched her purple headband, but Joanne wore tights. “[I]Alicia, Wanda, you have no clue what’s in store for you! I’m getting trained by some of the best names you’ve never heard of! Sensational Ogiwogiwara what? Joanne and I aren't seasoned vets, but—[/I]” Cherry was cut off by the loud crash of Joanne suplexing one of the old trainers to the mat, quickly springing up to hit another with a flying leg lariat. Eisen looked at her partner with incredulity. “[I]You can wrestle? Really?[/I]” Joanne wiped some sweat off of her brow and rolled her eyes. “[I]I want to do that—show me how to do that...[/I]” [COLOR=Green][B]C [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B] MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) NON-TITLE ANGRY GILMORE (w/ Enforcer Roberts) vs. JACK BRUCE (w/ Bulldozer Brandon Bruce)[/B][/COLOR] Jack had his hands full, so it’s good that his cousin came out to return the earlier favour and even the odds. The rocker almost got three off of a New York Minute but the champ barely draped his leg on the bottom rope. A second try only got Bruce shot into the ropes and his neck choked out on the middle one. Gilmore backed off, taking the referee with him, and clearly setting up Roberts for a cheap shot at his opponent. But Roberts merely brandished a chair at Brandon Bruce, yelling at him about their match. Gilmore finally pulled Jack up in disgust, staring daggers at Roberts, but got rolled up out of nowhere! ([I]Fry: Three! Jack Bruce wins![/I]) Jack sprang out to join his cousin as Gilmore sat up and swore in frustration. [B][COLOR=Green] Winner: Jack Bruce at 13:21, C+[/COLOR] [/B][COLOR=Green][B]----------[/B][/COLOR] Enforcer Roberts entered the ring and Gilmore lambasted him for not nailing Jack. Roberts dished it back out, shoving Gilmore and leaving quickly. Gilmore looked like he had reached the end of his rope. ([I]Fry: Did this alliance just break down? Who can Angry Gilmore trust at F*** Corruption?[/I]) [COLOR=Green][B]C+ Survive or Die Overall Rating: C+ [/B][U][COLOR=Black]Post-show Notes[/COLOR][/U][COLOR=Black]: - Dud of a show rating-wise. Too much C-minus. If Roberts can't drag Brandon Bruce kicking and screaming to at least a C, that spells trouble. However, I hear there's a Pay Per View this Sunday. Redemption? [B]Fast Results:[/B][/COLOR][/COLOR][quote][B]Jack Bruce [/B]def. Angry Gilmore [B](C+) Jack Giedroyc[/B] def. Chris Rockwell by countout [B](B-) Ultimate Phoenix[/B] def. Insane Machine to retain [B](C-) Bulldozer Brandon Bruce[/B] def. Enforcer Roberts [B](C-) The Brothers from Different Mothers[/B] def. Toma/Sparrow, Morgan/Cattley, Perez/James to retain [B](C-)[/B][/quote][COLOR=Green][COLOR=Black] [/COLOR][/COLOR] [U]Next:[/U] F*** Corruption!
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Is it time for me to make my mandatory Eddie Peak plug? I'm always interested to see how you write DaVE characters, though I still sort of secretly wish that you were writing Giedroyc as the Wrath of God - sort of an extension of Jim Force month, at a higher level of difficulty. So... who will you be bringing in to pair with Giedroyc? Big Cat Brandon is probably an obvious choice, but he's awfully uncharismatic for your style. So... Tyler?
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[QUOTE=Jehovah;242573]Kurt Laramee walked up to a door that had "THUG MEETING INSIDE” written on a sheet taped to it.[/QUOTE] Highlight of the show for me. It reminded me of an episode of The Office and even overshadowed the equally amusing Joe Sexy segment. All round decent event build-wise, even if the matches hardly set the world alight ratingwise. Nice ending with Roberts and Gilmore acting on the rising tension and coming to blows... inserts a nice dose of uncertainty for the ppv.
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[CENTER][SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Final Preview - F*** Corruption Live from the Connecticut Symphony Hall in New England Sunday, Week 2, 2007[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER] After what seems like an eternity, but has in actuality only been a few days (wink wink), it’s time for F*** Corruption! Because corruption - particularly of data - really, really sucks. [/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_JackBruce.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_BulldozerBrandonSmith.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_EnforcerRoberts.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Main Event Four Way Match for the SCAR Championship Jack Bruce vs. Bulldozer Brandon Bruce vs. Enforcer Roberts vs. Angry Gilmore (C)[/B][/COLOR] Either of the Bruce cousins has a great chance to strike the ultimate blow to SCAR’s reigning owner and champion by taking the most valuable property in the game. Gilmore struck an eleventh-hour deal with Enforcer Roberts, guaranteeing him a one-on-one shot if he were to have his back for this match. But after the turmoil we saw on Thursday, can either of them trust the other? In a situation where very little is clear, one thing we do know is that the action will be wild! [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_Remo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_ChrisMorrissette.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Street Fight Remo vs. Chris Rockwell[/B][/COLOR] This one got personal in a hurry, and if Remo is to be believed, it will soon be fatal. Remo and Rockwell will battle in a street fight where they will hope to finally settle the score (without any fatalities, we hope). Can Rockwell win his second in a row and cement himself as a main event threat? Or will Remo get his vengeance and put his savings account where his mouth is? [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_JackGiedroyc.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th__Q.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_BartBiggz-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/th_ZimmyBumfhole.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] For the SCAR Tag Team Championships Jack Giedroyc and a Mystery DAVE Wrestler vs. The Brothers from Different Mothers (C)[/B][/COLOR] After saving Duane Fry from having his extra-mesquite ketchup spilled all over the mat, Jack Giedroyc will import an old friend from Danger and Violence Extreme to attempt to take the titles from around Bart and Zimmy’s waists. Who will it be, and will it be enough to unseat the two-time champs? [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Also! Alicia Strong and Wanda vs. Cherry Eisen and Joanne Rodriguez[/B][/COLOR] In the first all-women’s match in SCAR history, we will also witness another first: the Antitrust Rebellion’s owner stepping between the ropes for battle. She’s trying to embarrass her opponents into leaving SCAR, and proving that women’s wrestling is dead, but will she succeed? And how much of a factor will her obviously-talented partner Joanne play? [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] Non-title Match Ultimate Phoenix vs. Mainstream Hernandez[/B][/COLOR] Returning from a prolonged stay on the sidelines, Hernandez re-appeared last week to lay out the Body Count Champion and nearly cost him the belt that Mainstream is no longer eligible for. This Sunday, it will be only pride on the line. This battle of the high-fliers could get ugly! And much more! Tune in this Sunday! [/CENTER] [U] Prediction Key[/U]: J. Bruce / B. Bruce / Roberts / Gilmore Remo / Rockwell Giedroyc and ??? / Bart and Zimmy Alicia and Wanda / Cherry and Joanne Phoenix / Hernandez
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Prediction Key: J. Bruce / B. Bruce / Roberts / [b]Gilmore[/b] - Too early for B Bruce, too late for J Bruce, and Roberts is a subplot at best. [b]Remo[/b] / Rockwell - You've done a wonderful job of reinventing Lobster Warrior as something not totally lame, but you can only take it so far, and Remo is a legitimate bruiser who probably hasn't peaked yet. [b]Giedroyc and ???[/b] / Bart and Zimmy - Confession: I don't think they'll win, Jack and ????. But I'm obligated to mark out for ????, even if ???? ends up being Jesus Chavez. [b]Alicia and Wanda[/b] / Cherry and Joanne - But one hell of a match regardless. [b]Phoenix[/b] / Hernandez - if only because "Mainstream" is a terrible handle.
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J. Bruce / B. Bruce / Roberts / [B]Gilmore[/B] I think Roberts and Gilmore stay mostly on the same page, and end up retaining the belt--otherwise the promise of a solo match doesn't come to fruition. [B]Remo [/B]/ Rockwell I like Rockwell. I really do. But Remo is going to win this. Giedroyc and ??? / [B]Bart and Zimmy[/B] There have been shock title changes before, but I don't see it happening this time. Alicia and Wanda / [B]Cherry and Joanne[/B] The owner proves her point, this time. [B]Phoenix [/B]/ Hernandez Just a guess. I really have no clue on this one.
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