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My First Diary Attempt

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This diary sorta makes me want to do a MAW diary. As for pictures you need to open an account at [url]www.photobucket.com[/url] account. Then you take the link that looks like this < IMG>blahblahblah< /IMG> copy and paste that where you want the pictures. [B]MAW: REVENAGE LIVE FRIDAY APRIL 27,2006 MID ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH INSIDE A STEEL CAGE[/B] Steven Parker vs [B]The Mean Machine[/B] ALSO IN ACTION: [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs Cameron Vessey Antonio vs [B]Eric Strong[/B] [B]Cal Sanders[/B] vs Max Mayhem
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[QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;175416]This diary sorta makes me want to do a MAW diary. As for pictures you need to open an account at [url]www.photobucket.com[/url] account. Then you take the link that looks like this < IMG>blahblahblah< /IMG> copy and paste that where you want the pictures. thanks for the photo bucket link, unfortunatly this damn government computer doesn't like to allow me on good sites like that, so it's blocked. Which means my diaries are still going to be pictureless *sigh*
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This diary is great, amazing for a first atempt. I actually like diaries better without pictures. Steven Parker vs [B]The Mean Machine[/B] ALSO IN ACTION: [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs Cameron Vessey Antonio vs [B]Eric Strong[/B] [B]Cal Sanders[/B] vs Max Mayhem
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="6"]MAW: REVENAGE RESULTS:[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]Head Booker Clayton Adams comes out and tells the fans that he's overwhelmed with how great they've been towards him since he came to MAW.[/B] Notes: E, About the response I expect from angels these days. [B]Cal Sanders defeats Max Mayham in 7:51 by pinfall.[/B] Notes: D- Not a horrible opening match, but not a good one either. [B]Antonio defeats Erik Strong in 9:32 by pinfall after an Italian DDT[/B] Notes: D+ I enjoy Antonio's matches more and more I think [B]Cameron Vessey defeats Mainstream Hernandez in 11:41 by submission[/B] Notes: D+ I hoping to get a little more out of these two, but it wasn't horrible. [B]The Mean Machine defeats Steven Parker in 14:57 by pinfall with a mood swing. [/B] Notes: C- Mean Machine wins the Mid Atlantic Championship![/CENTER] Final Notes: D+ Final grade which is right in line with what we've been getting. Attendence was 104, which is a bit lower than usual. Lost 1,195 dollars. We really need to figure out a way to start to make a profit.
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[CENTER]1 May 07[/CENTER] Well the good news is MAW is getting more popular by the minute. With each show we seem to attract more and more fans rather it be in attendance or on the website. Sadly though with good news also comes bad. Our nagotiation attempts with Rockin Ryan Turner fell through and we were forced to release him from our roster. We wish Ryan nothing but the very best and hope that he finds a home with another gifted federation soon. With the lose of Ryan I was forced to spend my hours at work scouting new talent and I'm pleased to announce that we just signed a 9 month 450 dollar PPA contract with Rafael Ruiz. Rafael is mostly known in Mexico, but his fast pace and technical style of wrestling brings alot to the family here at MAW and we expect nothing but big things from this superstar. Another meeting with Rip this month, and again he failed to see things my way. I desperately want to try to work out a tv contract for MAW, I think it will increase our fan base tremendously, but Rip refuses. He says until this company begins to make money one show a month is more than enough. I swear sometimes talking to this man is like talking to a wall, but he's the boss so the tv deal is still out... for now. In other news I had my first real wrestling match today against Cal Sanders. It didn't go to bad, I got alot of praise from the guys, but of course being the man that signs their pay check, I expect nothing but from them. I'm still a long way off from getting in front of a crowd I think.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]MAW:MAYHAM LIVE FRIDAY MAY 25, 2007[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Black"][SIZE="5"]Cameron Vessey and Mainstream Hernandez vs The Mean Machine and Steven Parker[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] ALSO IN ACTION: [B]Antonio vs Oscar Golden Rafael Ruiz vs Harry Wilson Cal Sanders vs Ricky Douglas[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Tickets will be sold at the door on a first come first serve basis, or order them off our website [url]www.maw.com[/url][/COLOR][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;176322]This diary is fine without pictures. I still like this diary as it is a good quick easy read. I do have a question though... is Rip really not letting you try to get a TV deal or do you keep getting turned down?[/QUOTE] I actually haven't even tried to get a tv deal, but I figured it made for a better story to blame it on Rip ;)
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"]MAW: MAYHAM RESULTS[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Black"]Cal Sanders defeats Ricky Douglas in 7:45 by submission.[/COLOR][/B] Notes: D- Seems to be the average grade I get with Cal, with would be fine, except he never seems to improve. [B]Erik Strong defeats Frankie Dee and Curtis Jenkins in 12:44 after pinning Frankie Dee.[/B] Notes: E+ This match was thrown in at the last second and wasn't expected to be great. I was hoping for better than E+ though. [B]Rafael Ruiz defeats Harry Wilson in 12:51 by submission[/B] Notes: C- not a bad match for these two. I'm expecting alot from them both in the future. [B]Oscar Golden defeats Antonio in 17:43 by pinfall after the Golden Shower.[/B] Notes: F+ This show bombed completly. They didn't click at all, and Oscar eas tired. Not to mention there was no "flow". I'm stunned by their performance. [B]Cameron Vessey and Mainstream Hernandez defeat The Mean Machine and Steven Parker in 17:41 when Mainstream Hernandez pinned The Mean Machne after an Apparition #14.[/B] Notes: C- not bad, but I was hoping for a solid C. It's also worth noting that Steven Parker didn't get tagged in at all, and sat back and laughed as his tag team partner was pummeled. [B]After the match Steven Parker began an assault of his own on The Mean Machine that didn't end until The Machine was stretchered back into the locker room.[/B] Notes: F+ This segment was a complete bomb.[/CENTER] Final Notes: D Some how this sure stilled managed to gain me popularity, even though I'm not contaplating offing myself, after so many horrible performances. Attendence was back up though to 125. I lost 2,700 dollars this month though. Expect some major changes in the roster in the weeks to come.
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[CENTER][B]7 June 07[/B][/CENTER] As expected I cought a lot of heat from last weeks show. Rip wasn't pleased at all, he said the idea for this promotion to get better tends to work a lot better if we inprove from week to week. I can't say I blame him for being so upset, there were even posts on our website asking if people could get their money back. Rip says he feels like a main reason everyone under performed is because I don't act like their boss, and they aren't intimidated by my authority. Well all that was about to change... Right after the meeting I went down to the locker room and began my assault of four letter words on everyone who was around. Next I did what no one thought was possible, I terminated the contracts of four of my superstars. the first two to get the ax was Frankie Dee and Curtis Jenkins I believed their lack of dedication was a key contributor to the failer of the last show. I then warned Oscar Golden that he was on a very thin leash following last months show, he didn't take to kindly to being threatened by someone who hadn't even been in the company for a year yet, and seemed to think he had more pull with Rip than me. So I did what any self respecting person would've done and I fired him on the spot. Well this set off Flash Savage saying that I was doing wrestling an injustice and how could I expect him to just jump right into singles wrestling. I agreed that it wasn't fair for me to just "throw him into singles wrestling" so I gave him the pink slip as well. After the debaco that took place in the locker room emotions were running high and I was now short four wrestlers. Unphased I quickly picked up the phone and called our partners in Japan, who were more than willing to loan me KAZ for another three shows. Then I contaced Burning EXILE who left the company a couple months ago on very good terms. At first he told me that he really had alot going on right now with WEXXV. But I told him about the show last month, and the series of events take took place afterwards. I even promised him some tag team action with fellow Japanese star KAZ. He said he would do it as a personal favor and agreed to a three month 600 dollar PPA contract. With two more wrestlers to find I decided to hit the market. I wanted to make a big signing in hopes to bring people back who may have shyed away after last months events. It didn't take long for me to find that signing as I agreed to terms with Berry Kingman! Berry agreed in principle to a 9 month 900 dollar PPA contract. A little on the pricy side I know, but a name like that is sure to turn some heads. After signing Berry I went back to the free agent pool for some young talent. And thats when I found 19 year old Davis Wayne Newton. Davis seems to be loaded with potential and for only 150 per show for the next 9 months how could I not make him a part of the roster. So there it is, the rather long version of the shake up at MAW after what I feel was our first disaterous show since I took over as head booker. All that's left now is to make the card for this months show.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]MAW: SUMMER HEAT RESULTS[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Black"]Head Booker Clayton Adams comes to the ring and promises the fans a better show than last month.[/COLOR][/B] Notes: F+ A little lower than I expected, but sadly not by much. [B]Davis Wayne Newton defeats Max Mayham in 6:42 by submission[/B] Notes: D A solid first match. These two didn't click, and still managed a solid grade. [B]Team Japan defeats Antonio and Cal Sanders in 11:12 when KAZ pinned Cal after a Super Rana[/B] Notes: C- A great show for these guys, Cal is starting to impress me [B]Natural Storm defeats Call to Action in 15:49 after Eddie pinned Eric Strong.[/B] Notes: E+ Looks like these guys are going to be falling further down on the card. Natural Storm made their second title defense. It's also note worthy to add that Nicole Kiss came to the ring with Erik Strong and did some good work. [B]Berry Kingman defeated Steven Parker in 12:49 by pinfall after The Mean Machine came to the ring and distracted Parker.[/B] Notes: D+ I was hoping for at least a C, but these two didn't seem to click either. [/CENTER] Final Notes: D Even though this is the same grade we recieved last week, I feel like this card was much better. With the exception of the tag title match everyone performed about as expected if not better, minus the fact that a few didn't click. Overall we again agained popularity. And we hit a record attendence of 242 which should please Rip. Unfortunalty we still lost 2,834 dollars.
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[CENTER][B]10 July 06[/B][/CENTER] Another busy month for me as I start to get ready for our next event. The day after Summer Heat I recieved horrible news. I was awaken that night around 3am by a telephone call from Shawn Gonzalez. I've spoken to Shawn on several occasions, the first time was to in fact offer him a contract. He declined on account that he didn't think our promotion had much to offer a man of his status. I could harldy argue with him, then I learned that he was the head booker of CZCW and him and I have exchanged regular phone calls to each other to just kind of pick at the other persons brain. Unfortunalty for me this was not one of those phone calls. Shawn was calling me because one of his workers (which just happened to be one of mine as well) had just suffered a serious accident at their last show and he was calling me out of respect. Well 3 hours later at the ER I come to find out that the top face of my company, Mainstream Hernandez had just suffered a serious neck injury and was lucky to even be alive. The doctors said he had to stay away from a wrestling ring for at least 13 more months and even then he doesn't think Mainstream will ever be the same. A few days later I had my monthly meeting with Rip. Not much went on during the meeting, but he said he expects me to be turning a profit by the time they start scheduling tv slots, because it's about time MAW went prime time. Now normally I would share this kind of entusiasim, but one of my friends, and top faces just got injured for over a year. I broke the news to Rip the best I could, he seemed to take it well, then went into owner mode almost immditaly asking if I had found anyone to replace him. At first I was shocked with his insincerity, but then again he has a business to run and right now we are in our prime. So I began to run down the list of available superstars. And two glaring names stood out at me as just completing a long tour with GCG. Not only was I about to pick up my new mainevent face, I was about to pick up a heel to go with him. The smoke has now settled and MAW just became two superstars closer to giving SWF a run for their money. I am pleased to announce that we have agreed on a contract for The Insane Machine! The Machine is going to be another main event heel, and should fit in nicely with Steven Parker, and The Mean Machine. He agreed to a 9 month PPA contract worth 775 dollars. And the man who is going to be the new face of MAW and put us on the map... HELL MONKEY! Today we reached an agreement with Hell Monkey for 9 months 1125 dollars PPA. Hell Monkey has said he looks forward to many great shows with MAW, and wishes Mainstream Hernandez a good and speedy recovery.
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="6"]MAW: INDEPENDENCE BRAWL LIVE FRIDAY JULY 27,2007[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]MID ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH THE MEAN MACHINE VS HELL MONKEY[/SIZE][/B] ALSO IN ACTION: [B]Insane Machine vs Steven Parker "Natural Storm" D.C. Rayne and Eddie Howards vs Max Mayham and Harry Wilson Antonio vs KAZ vs Burning EXILE[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Tickets will be sold at the door on a first come first serve basis, or order them off our website [url]www.maw.com[/url][/COLOR][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;176566]I smell a future feud between Hell Monkey and Mainstream Hernandez. This is such a good diary.[/QUOTE] Orignally that was my plan to, but remember, now I'm pushing Hell Monkey as a face (as well as Mainstream Hernandez) and Hernandez just got that neck injury that's going to keep him out of business for over a year. But yes, perhaps in the far future.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]MAW: INDEPENDENCE BRAWL RESULTS[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Black"][B]Natural Storm defeats Max Mayham and Harry Wilson in 11:25 when D.C. Rayne pinned Max Mayham.[/B][/COLOR] Notes: D A good grade for the opening match, it's a shame Natural Storm has to fight here though. Natural Storm made title defense number 3. [B]Antonio defeats KAZ and Burning EXILE in 10:36 by pinning KAZ after an Italian DDT[/B] Notes: D+ Burning EXILE looked especially good in this match. [B]Insane Machine defeats Steven Parker in 10:47 by pinfall with a hand full of tights.[/B] Notes: C- A great bout for these two, but the fans were turned off by the finish, guess they don't like cheaters. [B]The Mean Machine draws with Hell Monkey in 15:48 after a double DQ.[/B] Notes: D+ The match was called after Insane Machine and Steven Parker stormed the ring. All four competetors began brawling with one another, until Rip Chord came out with a mic. [B]Rip says that sense none of them seem to be able to stand any of the others, this feud would be settled once and for all. the four of them will bury their hatred for each other next month at Jacked Up during a 4way ladder match for the Mid Atlantic Championship.[/B] Notes: F+ As great a match as that sounds, the fans still hate anything that doesn't actually involve wrestling.[/CENTER] Final Notes: D+ a solid show even though I was convinced this card would put me in the C range. We dropped in attendence to 194, but as the months go by we seem to get more popular. Of course I'm still losing money for the company, this month it was 3,000 dollars...ouch
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[CENTER][B]10 Aug 07[/B][/CENTER] It seems like every time you start to feel like things are going in the right direction for you, that's when they begin to spin out of control. Immediatly following our show last week I was approached by Jay Fair our long time ref. He had informed me that this would be the last show he would be doing with us because he just signed a written contract with TCW. Now I know I should be happy for the guy, I mean the man reason we have so many indy feds is so that future stars can have a chance in the big leagues, but when what ever happened to loyalty. This is the same guy that I nearly cut loose just a few months back because I thought we were paying him to much, but I kept him around because Rip said he'd been here since the beginning and we couldn't just hang him out to dry, so why is it ok that he hangs us out to dry? Frustrated I called Rip expecting him to share my anger, instead he seemed to be over joyed by it, does he realize we just lost our only ref? He told me that there wasn't any reason to get up set, that this is the way the game was played and I could either roll with the punches or get out now while I was still ahead. He then hung up so he could personally congratulate Jay. The next day inside the office I struck gold. while going through the list of possible refs I stummbled across one that wasn't only a talented ref, but was also a webmaster. All the extra work on the companies website was really taking a toll on me and I could use the break, I set up an appointment to meet over lunch about a possible contract, and then basked in my glory...but that was short lived. No sooner than when I propped my feet up on my desk Sophie buzzed me and told me that Davis Wayne Newton wanted to see me. I was curious to see what my newest blue chip wrestler wanted, a title shot perhaps? One could only wish it seems that he just recieved a call from NOTBPW about a written contract and he couldn't refuse it. This quickly took the wind from my sails, but I was determined to be a good sport about this. I told Davis it was a pleasure doing business with him and I would like it if he would keep me informed with his career. This seemed to take a load off the kid's shoulders, he thanked me then headed out. It was time for my lunch meeting, although with the week I've been having I nearly canceled it. Lunch was fabulous even though I believe there was more talking than there was eating. Lucky for me everythng that was said was positive, and before long MAw had theirselves a new ref and webmaster... [I]MAW just signed Lois Hudson to a 9 month 950 dollar PPA contract where she will be the companies new referee as well as take over responsibilites as the web master. Hudson was qouted as saying "Web design has always been my passion, while wrestling has been my love. To be able to combine the two is really just a dream come true." Hudson is currently the referee and webmaster at AAA as well.[/I]
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[B][CENTER][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="6"]MAW: JACKED UP RESULTS[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR="Black"]The Mean Machine comes out and guarentees a victory tonight.[/COLOR][/B] Notes: D- I think this was my best angle segment ever [B]Cal Sanders defeats Burning EXILE in 5:43 by submission[/B] Notes: C- Cal continues to put on solid matches, I can't wait till he starts to get over. [B]Kaz defeats Eric Strong in in 6:49 by pinfall after a Super Rana[/B] Notes: D Not as great as I had hoped, but not the worst segment either. [B]Berry Kingman defeats Cameron Vessey in 12:18 by pinfall[/B] Notes: C- About what I had expected, I really like these two [B]The Mean Machine defeats Steven Parker, Hell Monkey and Steven Parker in 19:48 after retrieving the belt[/B] Notes: C+ A great match even though Hell Monkey was off his game. This will also end the feud between Steven Parker and The Mean Machine.[/CENTER] Final Notes: C Finally my first C show of my career. I'm hoping that we will start to build some momentum here and let it carrier over to my next few shows. Attendence was at 199 which isn't to bad at all, but still not the best either. I lost 2,500 dollars this month, which was to be expected because of the big ladder match.
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[CENTER][B]14 Sept 07[/B][/CENTER] Well I guess with success comes fame. After last months show the streets were buzzing about MAW being the next big thing. I had reporters calling me day and night asking for interviews, I finally gave in and promised one reporter (who just happened to be a pretty young blonde) an exclusive after this months shows. Then when I walked into the office Sophie greeted me with a friendly kiss on the cheek (you never get used to that) and told me I had an important call on line two, a man by the name of Cliff Anderson. Now for those of you who don't already know this Cliff is the owner of CZCW who just happens to now be a regional sized promotion. Cliff informed me that Shawn Gonzalez, thier head booker, had resigned earlier and they were looking for a replacement. He said he's seen the way I've turned around this promotion and he'd like to see what I could do with a bigger promotion and bigger resources. While this was very tempting to say the least I declined Cliff's offer I was MAW through and through there would be no way I would sell out now. My meeting with Rip was very pleasant, he offered me a contract extension (since mine was coming up in November) through 2010 and even increased my salary (perhaps now I can finally trade in that old buick I've been driving around.) Then to my surprise, he asked how my ring training was going. I told him it was great the guys were helping me more and more, I can even put on a half way decent match they said. He grinned then asked how I'd feel about possibly opening the show at the Rip Chord Invitational. I think my heart may have leapt from my chest at that point, but I manged to at least shake my head yes. He told me to continue to practice and he'll stop by some time in December to assess where I'm at and that would determine if I would actually get the spot or not. And the last note I have for this entry is a sad one. It seems that one of MAW bright and up coming stars, Burning EXILE was injured today with a severe case of Skyclad Bicep Disorder, I have no clue what this Disorder is but he has assured me that it hurts like hell and he'll be out of action for at least two months.
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="6"]MAW: SHOWDOWN LIVE FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 28, 2007[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Black"][SIZE="5"]NON TITLE MATCH THE MEAN MACHINE VS HELL MONKEY[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] ALSO IN ACTION: [B]INSANE MACHINE VS BERRY KINGMAN HARRY WILSON VS RAFAEL RUIZ ANTONIO VS CAL SANDERS[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Tickets will be sold at the door on a first come first serve basis. Or you can order them off the internet at [url]www.maw.com[/url][/COLOR][/CENTER]
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