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My First Diary Attempt

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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]MAW: SUMMER HEAT RESULTS[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Burning EXILE defeats D.C. Rayne in 12:39 by pinfall with an EXILE Driver[/B] Notes: C- A solid opening match, and I'm sure EXILE is happy to be getting victories again [B]Jay Chord comes to the ring and talks about his plan for MAW after he becomes the champ[/B] Notes: E Well he finally lived up to his father potential for something. [B]Cal Sanders defeats Antonio, Erik Strong and Dean Daniels in 24:55 and becomes the first ever Prime Time Champion[/B] [B]Notes: D+ Cal is improving in Performance skills. It's also worth noting that Nicole Kiss did great work at ring side with Erik Strong[/B] [B]Casey Valentine defeats Cameron Vessey in 17:35 by pinfall[/B] notes: C- Another great match. Casey has been unaviable to me fore awhile because of his commentments elsewhere. It's nice to see him back in a MAW ring. [B]Hell Monkey defeats Jay Chord in 17:41 by pinfall with a Tumbling Monkey[/B] Notes: B- Jay's first good ratings makes you wonder if it was him or all Hell Monkey. Jay is improving in Performance skills. Hell Monkey makes defense number 2[/CENTER] Final Notes: D+ As expected people were upset that the Cal Sanders match was so high up on the card, but I refuse to open with a title ladder match just dosen't seem right. We were back at home today and will be tomorrow as well. 285 people came to see us, and we hope we get the same results for tomorrows show.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]MAW: IN THE ZONE RESULTS SUNDAY JUNE 26, 2008 [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Clayton Adams defeats Raphael in 9:46 by pinfall[/B] Notes: C- My first singles victory and it was with a decent grade. Raphael is improving in Performance. [B]Natural Storm defeats Burning EXILE and Erik Strong in 15:39 when D.C. Rayne pinned Burning EXILE[/B] Notes: C- Another C match which is always great. Natural Storm makes defense number 6. Buring EXILE was the star of the match. Eddie Howard is improving in Performance skills. [B]Hell Monkey defeats Jimmy Cox in 22:54 by pinfall with a Tumbling Monkey.[/B] Notes: C Hell Monkey makes defense number 3 and puts on yet another great show.[/CENTER] Final Notes: C- And we sold out Delaware with 1,000 people. That's our first sell out crowd and we needed it with how much money I've went through this month. We lost 19,000 this month. This was due largely to me getting carried away with the booking as well as not realizing that sponsors don't pay you based on the number of shows you put on. Expect us to stay more around the mid atlantic from now on and only venture out maybe once a month.
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[CENTER][B]1 July 08[/B][/CENTER] So when I say I pissed off the boss that would be a bit of an understatement. first there is the minor detail of losing nearly 20000 dollars in one month. Appearantly chalking it up to the first month isn't good enough for him. Fair enough I mean it is his money and I did blow over a third of it :confused: But now he's upset because I'm "jobbing out" his son. I tried to explain to him that his son wouldn't be getting jobbed if he didn't force me to put him against our champion. I mean really he can't expect this 17 year old kid who's still green behind the ears to beat our proven champ what kind of booker would I be if I let that happen. He said he didn't care and he was getting tired of me costing this promotion money and making his family look bad... I'll take that as a hint to improve on both fronts. So I've decided taking the promotion on the road my be a bit extreme over and over again, so we'll stick to about once a month and see how that pans out for now. I've also increased ticket prices across the board by about 2 dollars hopefully the fans won't notice, I guess we'll see. My first update for you is a sad one. looking through the past shows you may have been asking yourself, why was Joey Poison losing so much? Well the reason for that is because we got word of him signing a written contract with NOTBPW. While we wish him the best we also needed to boost the overness of the people in our still growing promotion. Joey seemed to accept that and continued to be a professional about the whole situation, he was a real pleasure to have a round. After losing Joey people began to complain that we weren't big enough, so I took it upon myself to go out and scout for some new talent. While the deals haven't been finalized i think it's safe to say you'll be more than pleased with who I've found. And as soon as it becomes offical I'll post it here.
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[CENTER][B]6 July 08[/B][/CENTER] I just got off the phone with Tabby and she has agreed to meet with me tonight over dinner to discuss our newest signings, but as i promised you get to hear about it first. Before I get into that let me recap on my first real encounter with Tabby since the debaco last time. She was in attendence at our last monthly show Summer Heat and was actually very generous. She was quick to say how impressed she was with the turn out of the crowd and how excitied she was to be so close to the action. She then even went as far as to say thank you to me, because really she owed it all to me that she got the promotion. She appoligized on end about the last interview we had and promised to make it up to me. Well this meeting wasn't going to be an interview but her article on the show last week should be out soon, I'm anxious to read that. Anyways on to the signings. I am pleased to announce we have come to terms with 7 new wrestlers. First on the list [B]C.H. Threepwood[/B] C.H. brings to us some very promising technical skills that can only prove to get better with age and experiance. He agreed to a 9 month 625 PPA contract. And is being pushed as an Upper Midcard Heel. Next is a superstar who has graced MAW before but for a very brief stint before touring with BHOTWG [B]Insane Machine[/B] brings to us great wrestling ability all around plus that superstar look that we need. He agreed to a 9 month 925 PPA contract and is being pushed as an uppermid card face. That brings us to [B]James Prudence[/B] who has already enjoyed a bit of success in his career as he is the current CZCW champion. He also used to work with SWF as a part of their crusier divison. James agreed to a 9 month 1175 PPA contract. He's currently being pushed as a main event heel. [B]Bob Casey[/B] has been n just about every organazation in wrestling today. And while never making it big, he's certinly able to put on a great match Bob came to us for a 9 month 475 PPA contract. He's currently being pushed as a midcard heel. Our next wrestler is a solid technition who has made his name in the tag team divison of wrestling [B]Paul Steadyfast[/B] brings in a great attitude and match history to bring MAW to the next level. His 1225 PPA 9 month contract was pocket change compared to what he brings this company. He's currently being pushed as a main event heel. This wrestler is still young but making a name for himself quickly. He is a solid all arounder who has found a gimmick the fans seem to love to hate. [B]Sammy the Shark[/B] joined MAW today for 9 months at 475 PPA. He's expected to only get better with age, and could be the next big thing in wrestling. He's being pushed as a midcard heel. And last but not least "The Machine" as he likes to be called is another rookie already making waves in the business. [B]Warren Technique[/B] is expected to come up through the ranks fast and makes a huge spalsh on the wrestling community. He agreed to a 9 month 250 PPa contract and is being pushed as an enhancement talent heel. So there you have it, the latest signings for MAW and hopefully just what I need to get out of the dog house with the boss. And now I'm off to meet one very hot reporter.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]MAW: IN THE ZONE RESULTS SUNDAY JULY 6, 2008[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Clayton Adams defeats Warren Technique in 6:41 by pinfall[/B] Notes: C- a great way to open the show. Me and Warren have great chemistry. And it says that I looked good out there. [B]Cal Sanders defeats Erik Strong in 9:24 by pinfall[/B] Notes: C So far we are off to a great start. Cal makes his first title defense and him and Erik also have great cheimstry. [B]Steven Parker over Bob Casey in 13:09 by pinfall with a future shock,[/B] Notes: D Bob was tired after only 13 minutes of wrestling. Steven is improving in performance skills. [B]Insane Machine defeats Paul Steadyfast in 18:04 by pinfall with an Insane Tsunami[/B] Notes: C Insane Machine looked good, and it was another C match.[/CENTER] Final Notes: C- Could have been even better if we didn't bomb the Steven Parker match, but overall it was great. I went cheap and expected a lame show but it ended up being great. We stay in the Mid Atlantic region and drew in 1000 people. Of course are have still yet to draw a .01 in ratings but that day will come.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]MAW: INDEPENDENCE BRAWL LIVE SATURDAY JULY 26, 2008[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="6"]MID ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH HELL MONKEY VS JAMES PRUDENCE[/SIZE][/B] ALSO IN ACTION: [B]RAFAEL RUIZ VS JAY CHORD CLAYTON ADAMS VS BURNING EXILE PRIME TIME CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH CAL SANDERS VS BOB CASEY[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Tickets will be sold at the door on a first come first serve basis. Or you can order them off the internet at [url]www.maw.com[/url][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] Predictions and suggestions/comments welcome
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]MAW: IN THE ZONE RESULTS SUNDAY JULY 20, 2008[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Cal Sanders defeats Warren Technique in 7:35 by pinfall[/B] Notes: D These two didn't click at all, which is disappointing cause they are two of my better technical wrestlers. Cal defended his title for the 2nd time, and is improving in Rumbling Skills. [B]Raphael defeats Burning EXILE in 12:34 by pinfall[/B] Notes: C A solid match for both men. [B]Marc Speed defeats Erik Strong in 8:12 by submission[/B] Notes: C I was only hoping for like a C- so I'm very impressed with these two. [B]Casey Valentine defeats Jimmy Cox and Cameron Vessey in 18:16 by pinning Vessey[/B] Notes: C+ This was a perfect main event I think. The only down fall was Vessey showed signs of fatigue.[/CENTER] Final Notes: C I think I'm getting the hang of this whole weekly thing. This one was also in the Mid Atlantic and drew 1000 people with a rating of 0.00 On another note I didn't post last week's show (computer crashed before I could record the results.) But nothing eventful happened we took that show to the Tri State Region and lost a ton of money yay!
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="6"]MAW: INDEPENDENCE BRAWL RESULTS[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]Burning EXILE defeats Clayton Adams in 7:10 by pinfall with an EXILE driver[/B] Notes: C This was a great match that hopefully sets the tone for the rest of the night [B]James Prudence comes to the ring and says that after he destroys Hell Monkey he's going to completly take the MAW over![/B] Notes: E enough said [B]Cal Sanders defeats Bob Casey in 9:11 by pinfall[/B] Notes: D+ Not what I had expected, I'm starting to think Casey isn't going to be pulling his weight around here. Cal made defense number 3. [B]Raphael defeats Sammy the Shark in 10:48 by pinfall[/B] Notes: D+ Sammy was tired after only 10 minutes, it may be a long career for him too [B]Jay Chord defeats C.H. Threepwood in 12:45 by pinfall[/B] Notes: C- C.H. was off his game tonight, and was tired during the match. What is up with all of these out of shape people? Jay looked really good (I'm sure that will please his dad) [B]The Mean Machine defeats Insane Machine in 8:45 by a Mood Swing.[/B] Notes: C+ A great match leading up to the Main Event, I can always count on these 2 to produce. [B]Hell Monkey defeats James Prudence in 17:56 by pinfall with a Tumbling Monkey[/B] Notes: C- These two didn't click, which is sad cause I had a feud planned. Also James was tired (surprise) But hey Hell Monkey looked good, and made defense number 4 [B]After the match James Prudence attacked Hell Monkey who was celebrating with the crowd, and then ran off with his championship belt.[/B] Notes: F+ Argh![/CENTER] Final Notes: C- which isn't horrible considering that I bombed the main event and the segment that followed. We again stayed in the Mid Atlantic where they seem to be getting tired of us because only 285 people turned out. Oh well We'll stay here tomorrow as well to close out the month on In The Zone and to find out how Hell Monkey is going to get back his title. Also Rafael Ruiz no showed me, so I had to put C.H. Threepwood in his place. He will be punished!
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]MAW: IN THE ZONE RESULTS SUNDAY JULY 27, 2008[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Clayton Adams defeats Sammy the Shark in 7:47 by pinfall[/B] Notes: C These two had great chemistry and it really helped the match. [B]Erik Strong defeats Warren Technique in 7:33 by pinfall after a Strong Sault[/B] Notes: D- This was a horrible match that I hope no one ever makes the mistake of booking again. [B]James Prudence is backstage when Hell Monkey assults him. He then grabs his belt and starts to take off, but just as he walks out the door he is pummeled by Steven Parker. James soon joins the assault and Hell Monkey is left without his belt and unconcious.[/B] Notes: E Guess it could've been worse, Im just not sure how [B]C.H. Threepwood defeats Rafael Ruiz in 12:51 by pinfall[/B] Notes: C- Threepwood was again tired of this match. But at least they put on a decent show. [B]Steven Parker defeats James Prudence in 14:52 by pinfall[/B] Notes: D The whole match these two were goofing off "reenacting" the attack earlier with Hell Monkey. Suddenly Hell Monkey hit the ring and after destroying both of them tossed Steven Parker over Prudence for the easy three count. Unfortinate for him the title was no where to be found.[/CENTER] Final Notes: D This was probably one of the worst shows I've put on, and is due largly because of the horrible angles the bombed. We had 1000 people show up though, and still didn't get over a 0.00 in ratings. For the month I lost 6,700 dollars. It's an improvement from last month. But it's going to take some time turning a profit running so many shows, I hope Rip understands.
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[QUOTE=mad5226;181226]What is up with all of these out of shape people?[/QUOTE] It may not be them. It might be you. If your match intensity is very high, the wrestlers will typically burn out faster, fatigue wise. To counter that, you need to sign Ironman types.
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Hmm I did not think about match intensisty, and here i am making these guys run on the tredmill for 3 hours a day oops :D Also Craig you were complelty right about the size of my show, good call their I would've keep going with it at small and not known the differance
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[CENTER][B]1 Aug 08[/B][/CENTER] Well the past month wasn't a great one for me, but it wasn't bad either. It ended with me taking Tabby out to dinner where she showed me a copy of her last article about MAW saying we were the future of wrestling. And SWF beware their's a new leader in American Wrestling. While I'm sure we are a long way off from that I can't help but think that it has Rich Eison in a bit of an uproar. She even went as far as to name me the best booker this industry has ever seen. Again that may be a bit over the top, but it sure did do wonders to my popularity. On the business side of the house, Rip was still angry that we were losing so much money (appearnatly he didn't agree with the best booker remark.) He said while he appricates everything I've done for this company he's not going to just sit back and watch me run it into the ground. Meanwhile Jay was in the corner just smiling and nodding (I've learned to hate that kid.) Anyways not much was accomplished in our meeting aside from him criticing everything I do, and not coming up with any better ideas. So I sat down in my office and looked over the books, it wasn't going to be pretty but I was determined to turn a profit this month. Then there was a knock on the door. MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ HAD RETURNED TO WRESTLING!
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="6"]MAW: IN THE ZONE RESULTS SUNDAY AUGUST 2, 2008[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]Clayton Adams defeats Burning EXILE in 7:49 by pinfall[/B] Notes: C The rematch to a great match last month saw me score a great victory over a great wrestler. [B]Natural Storm defeats Sammy the Shark and Dean Daniels in 18:28 when Rayne pinned the shark[/B] Notes: D+ This was a long match that left everyone pretty spent. D.C. Rayne is improving in Performance Skills and Eddie Howard is improving in Technical Skills Natural Storm makes title defense number 7 [B]The Mean Machine defeats Brendon Idol in 17:38 by pinfall after a Mood Swing[/B] Notes: C- Not the best Main Event but it works. We got Brendon Idol from Dave for a few matches in a talent trade.[/CENTER] Final Notes: D+ Pretty Solid overall for only having 3 matches. We stayed in the Mid Atlantic region, but will probably venture out next week. We drew in 1000 fans. Our rating was 0.00
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]MAW: IN THE ZONE LIVE SUNDAY AUGUST 9, 2008[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Antonio defeats Warren Technique in 8:21 by pinfall after an Italian DDT[/B] Notes: D- Not a great segment at all, looks like Warren will be a jobber for life. [B]Clayton Adams defeats Ricky Douglas in 7:54 by pinfall[/B] Notes: C- I've decided to give myself a bit of a push, I mean I am the cheapest on the roster right. [B]Mainstream Hernandez defeats Insane Machine in 13:49 by pinfall.[/B] Notes: C Not a bad match since it was Mainstreams first show back. He's fallen a ways in popularity I want to get him back over with the fans I think he deserves it. [B]Cal Sanders defeats Eddie Howards in 9:14 by submission[/B] Notes: This match was actually before then Hernandez match I just somehow overlooked it. D+ Not to great of a match but it wasn't bad either. Cal made another succesful title defense. [B]James Prudence defeats Brendon Idol in 17:04 by pinfall[/B] Notes: D I expected alot better with my mainevnt. I have Brendon for one more show, I'm hoping to use him to get some of my stars more over.[/CENTER] Final Notes: D This show was in New England and only drew 55 people, but hey you gotta start somewhere. Of course tv ratings are still 0.00
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]MAW: JACKED UP LIVE AUGUST 22, 2008[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]MID ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP LADDER MATCH HELL MONKEY VS JAMES PRUDENCE[/SIZE][/B] ALSO IN ACTION: [B]JAY CHORD VS CASEY VALENTINE MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ VS THE MEAN MACHINE CAMERON VESSEY VS MARC SPEED WARREN TECHNIQUE VS SAMMY THE SHARK AND MORE..[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Tickets will be sold at the door on a first come first serve basis. Or you can order them off the internet at [url]www.maw.com[/url] Predictions and suggestions/comments welcome[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]MAW: IN THE ZONE RESULTS SUNDAY AUGUST 16, 2008[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Sammy the Shark defeats Bob Casey in 8:29 by submission[/B] Notes: D And whats even worse, these guys had great chemistry, imagine the grade if they had bad? [B]Raphael defeats Erik Strong in 7:57 by pinfall[/B] Notes: C A soldi match, although I find myself constantly jobbing Erik Strong, I swear this isn't done on purpose. [B]Cal Sanders defeats Rafael Ruiz in 12:32 by submission[/B] Notes: C Rafael was off his game today, which means Cal was the one that held the match together. Cal Sanders is my pick for champion of the universe =) [B]Mainstream Hernandez defeats Paul Steadyfast in 17:45 by pinfall after a Super Kick[/B] Notes: E+ OUCH! Is this what I have in store for me now that Mainstream is healthy? I sure hope not.[/CENTER] Final Notes: D- What was shaping up to be a great card was ruined by the main event. But we were in the Mid Atlantic Region again, more specificly Delaware where we sold out to 1000 screaming fans. but we are still waiting for that first 0.01 =(
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]MAW: JACKED UP RESULTS[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Sammy the Shark defeats Warren Technique in 7:37 by pinfall[/B] Notes: D- Nothing good came of this match, except Warren is improving in Performance skills [B]Cameron Vessey defeats Marc Speed in 12:54 by submission[/B] Notes: C- These two don't click at all. [B]Jay Chord defeats Casey Valentine in 12:31 by pinfall[/B] Notes: C Jay is slowly starting to come up to the level he was expected to be at all along. [B]The Mean Machine defeats Mainstream Hernandez in 17:58 by pinfall after a Mood Swing.[/B] Notes: D+ During the match it looked like Hernandez was going to win, but Jay Chord came down from the back and distracted him allowing The Mean Machine to hit the Mood Swing. [B]After the match Jay and The Mean Machine celebrated and The Mean Machine got on the mic saying that the most dominate force in pro wrestling just united[/B] Notes: D- And to everyone (if there is anyone still reading) I need a tag name for these two, whatcha got for me? [B]Hell Monkey defeats James Prudence in 19:49 by retrieving the belt.[/B] Notes: C- Not a horrible main event. These two don't click, but we already knew that I just had to finish off the feud. [/CENTER] Final Notes: D+ Not horrible, but this late in the game I should be getting at least a full grade higher than that with realative ease. Guess it's back to the old drawing board. This match was again in Delaware where it drew 855 people. Not as much as I had hoped, but hey it happens. We made 6,500 dollars this month so..yay!
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[CENTER][B]3 Sept 08[/B][/CENTER] First I would like to thank everyone for sending me their ideas on a tag name for Jay Chord and The Mean Machine. After going through the list I've decided on... Rip's Minions. Again thanks for all the great feedback so far. I came into work today with a pounding headach. Last night I took Tabby to a Shadow Facts concert. Which is nothing more than some local band playing at a bar, but wow it was intense. Anyways Tabby and I have been getting along great here lately and are suppose to be going out again soon, so I'll keep you posted on that. In the wrestling world things seem to only get worse. 5SSW went out of business today, and again I beleive that's another Japanese federation, makes you wonder whats going on on the other side of the world. We brought KAZ back over or a few shows using our trade agreement with SAISHO. I tried asking him what was going on over there, but unfortunatly my Japanese for dummies book hasn't helped me much at all in this past year. We also came to terms with Greg Gauge who is fairly new to the wrestling world, but is the son of late great wrestler Sam Keith. Greg also has a twin brother, but he was snatched up by DAVE before we could even offer him a contract. Greg is a solid wrestling who possess many skills and should be a huge success in this company. He agreed to a 9 month 600 dollar per appearance contract. The bonding of Jay and the Mean Machine couldn't have made Rip happier. Ge canceled our meeting this week because the three of them were in the gym training, hopeefully this will keep him off my back for awhile while I try to give other wrestlers a push.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]MAW: IN THE ZONE RESULTS FOR SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 5, 2008[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Clayton Adams defeats Kaz in 7:41 by pinfall[/B] Notes: C This was a great match for both of us. KAZ is a very skilled wrestler and made me look twice as good. [B]Antonio defeats Ricky Douglas in 9:12 by submission[/B] Notes: D Not a horrible match, I still can't seem to find Ricky Douglas' nitch. [B]Rip's Minions defeats Call to Action in 15:04[/B] Notes: C Jay and The Mean Machine completly dominated this match. Afterwards they continued their assault until their victims were motionless on the mat. [B]Casey Valentine defeats Brendon Idol[/B] Notes: C- Not a bad match, that was Brendon's 3rd appearance with us and now he'll go back to DAVE and probably never want to hear from us again.[/CENTER] Final Notes: C- This is about what I expect of my weekly shows even though I used a bit to many big names and in the end I lost about 200 dollars. This was in Delaware where we sold out to 1000 fans. Of course our ratings were still 0.00.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]MAW: IN THE ZONE RESULTS FOR SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 12, 2008[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Cal Sanders defeats Warren Technique in 7:52 by pinfall[/B] Notes: D Cal made defense number 7 of the Prime Time Title. [B]Rip comes to the ring and says that there are three people in place for the number one contender for the Mid Atlantic Championship. They are Steven Parker, Casey Valentine, and the Insane Machine. These three will face each other in the coming weeks and the winner will face Hell Monkey for the title.[/B] Notes: E I think the more Jay gets pushed the more the fans hate Rip not that he seems to notice. [B]Raphael defeats Antonio in 12:44 by submission[/B] Notes: C- another decent segment which was a relief after what happened with Rip [B]Natural Storm defeats the A* Alliance in 12:42 when Rayne pinnned Steven Parker[/B] Notes: D I was hoping this would help Ricky Douglas, it didn't He was actually tired at the end of the match. Natural Storm made title defense number 9. As they celebrated Rip's Menions hit the stage and cleared it of everyone then issued a challenge to Natural Storm for later this month at Showdown! [B]Hell Monkey defeated Paul Steadyfast in 12:48 by pinfall after a tumbling monkey.[/B] Notes: C A solid match to end the show. Perhaps Paul isn't as horrible as I thought. Hell Monkey makes defense number 6[/CENTER] Final Notes: D+ Normally I wouldn't be happy with this grade, but we were in the TriState area today. Weston to be more accurate. We had 111 people show up, so it seems that more and more people are hearing about us. WE DID IT! WE GOT VIEWERS!!!! Tv rating this week was 0.02 that's 1000 people, it's time to celebrate!
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]MAW: IN THE ZONE RESULTS FOR SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 19, 2008[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Dean Daniels defeats Cal Sanders in 8:23 by pinfall with a Cradle Piledriver.[/B] Notes: D+ This was a nontitle match so the belt didn't change hands. These two don't have any chemistry. [B]Rip's Minions defeats Team Japan in 13:07 when Jay Chord made Burning EXILE submit.[/B] Notes: C+ This was a great match. In which the Minions again dominted they're opponets. After the match they continued their assault on Team Japan until Natural Storm hit the ring. Rip's Minions quickly bailed, and Natural Storm said they accepted their challenge for Show Down. [B]D-[/B] [B]Mainstream Hernandez defeats C.H. Threepwood in 13:19 by pinfall after an Apparation #14[/B] Notes: C These two have great chemistry together. Mainstream's performance was especially great. He's really been working hard since he came back from injury. [B]Steven Parker defeats Casey Valentine in 14:41 by pinfall with a Future Shock.[/B] Notes: D+ Not a good main event at all, I expected alot better. With the win Steven moves closer to being the number 1 contender. He'll face Insane Machine at Showdown![/CENTER] Final Notes: C- This was a good card, I was happy with everything except for the main event rating. We sold out Delaware with 1,000 people in attendence, and got a rating of 0.02
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