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New Workers (A QUESTION)

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[QUOTE=Thomnipotent;178265]You can import workers from another database using the in-game editor.[/QUOTE] When I saw new workers I mean "Future Wrestlers" For example if a mod were to come out with 100's of future workers, can i replace my nearly blank file with that one during a save game?
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;178277]When I saw new workers I mean "Future Wrestlers" For example if a mod were to come out with 100's of future workers, can i replace my nearly blank file with that one during a save game?[/QUOTE] No. You run the risk of corrupting your save game even if you knew which file corresponded to the New Workers file. At least if it's anything like 05's file structure was.
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;178277]When I saw new workers I mean "Future Wrestlers" For example if a mod were to come out with 100's of future workers, can i replace my nearly blank file with that one during a save game?[/QUOTE] No, you can't. There isn't an ability to import workers into the "future Wrestlers" file from outside the save game. Don't even try to switch files from the active in game ones with a database file either as there is a good chance it would corrupt your game. (someone is bound to suggest it anyways, they are not clever people :)) Workers are still generated by the game anyway if you set the option for it in the world options screen, so you should always have workers coming through. The Future Workers just guarantees that specific workers will debut at a specific time, they aren't the only workers that will ever join the game. You can also import workers from the regular worker file of a database into the game, so if you want some new people to debut, you can simply create them in a database somewhere and bring them in whenever you want. I think I've covered just about everything now :) Derek B
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