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NYCW: The Exodus

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[center][b]Monday, Week 1, January 2007 New York, New York: NYCW Office/Warehouse/Training Facility[/b][/center] "Still, here I see." The Stomper said, looking at me from the top of my cubicle. "Yeah, I'm trying to finish updating the website before I go. That way I can help Steve and Sam with the merchandise orders tomorrow." "About that.....I need you to take off Black Hat Bailey's name off the roster." "Why? What happened?" "He quit." "Oh.....Then who's going to book the shows? Lee Wright or Rick Sanders?" "Neither, they just informed me over the phone not to bother booking them anymore because they won't be coming back either." "Then who's going to be the head booker? The only other person who’s on the creative staff is me. Is someone from the outside going to be hired? If that's the case then I can quickly call I couple of guys for you..." At this point The Stomper starts to laugh, "No you idiot, the guy I want to take over from Bailey, is YOU! Want the job?" Trying not to look like the Crazy N64 Kid from Youtube, I give my best attempt to sound professional, “Thank you for the opportunity, sir." "Good. Now get out of here and get to sleep. You have a big day tomorrow." [center] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Tuesday, Week 1, January 2007 New York, New York: NYCW Office/Warehouse/Training Facility[/b][/center] When I came in to work, I was at the top of the world. I was a head booker of a real wrestling promotion. It's not the biggest promotion in the world and I might have lost three main eventers (plus have to work the first two days of the New Year isn't much of a picnic either), but nothing can keep me down today. Right? Wrong. My day started going downhill when I got to my new office. In the In-Box, I saw four more notes of resignation. Apparently, some of the roster didn't like the fact some twenty-something got the book. The first notice on the pile was from the Land Mass (no problem there). Then I saw Roger Dodger's (had a plan for him, but he was kind of expensive) and Michael Bull's (refs aren't that hard to find) underneth Mass's. The last notice, however was a bit harder to swallow. Whistler? Two time Empire Champion Whistler!? He was getting up there in age, but for the last couple of months we've been building him up for one last title run, a run he was suppose to start at Rush Hour! If that wasn't bad enoguh, Stomper left me a lovely laundry list of extremely difficult goals to acopplish. No wonder Bailey quit. These goals are insane. While I get that wrestlers should have a good knowledge of the wrestling basics, it seemed kind of wierd to tell me that in two years I must make a profit. People who know the basics usually cost a ton or are in their laters years of their wrestling life. The Stomper didn't stop their, oh no. In addition to those, I can't hire wrestlers over the age of 35 (meaning that when a guy like Steve Flash's or Grandmaster Phunk's contract expires, he's not coming back). And finally, the biggest obstacle of all, The Stomper wants to to only hire unemployed wrestlers. Lets face it, I'm totally screwed. [quote][b]OOC:[/b] Since I basically gutted the roster with the back-story, I am self imposing the 3rd block goal (if you are the kind of person you need to know, it's basics minimum goal). I also changed the product a bit. The biggest change was upping the Modern setting to Low. To represent the backlash from the exodus and product change, I decreased my popularity by five percent in every region.[/quote]
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I was going to write another diary type post, but I couldn't think of a good way to write it without spoiling something. Instead I'll just give you guys this flyer to tide you over till the first show. [center][img]http://www.foolinc.com/pics/NYCW/JAN%2007%20copy.png[/img][/center]
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[quote] [center][b][SIZE="4"]NYCW Rush Hour Preview[/SIZE][/b][/center] [b]The Return of Paul Steadyfast[/b] Since last October, no one else in NYCW has dominated like Grandmaster Phunk. During his reign he has turned away high calibur oppenent after high calibur oppenent, but this week at Rush Hour, he faces his toughest oppenent in Paul Steadyfast. As an original member of Hollyweird Grappling Company (now TCW), Paul made a name for himself in NYCW by winning the Empire Title from The Stomper in 2002, before going back to HGC in early 2004. Now that he's back, Steadyfast is making it his personal mission to reclaim the title he held so long ago. Can Paul Steadyfast reclaim the top prize of NYCW or will Grandmaster Phunk take one more step to becoming the greatest Empire Champion of all time? [center][b]NYCW Rush Hour Card[/b] NYCW Emprire - Grandmaster Phunk © vs. Paul Steadyfast NYCW Tri-State - Steve Flash © vs. Frankie Perez NYCW Tag Team - Wiley Coyote © vs. The Con (Sammy the Shark and The New York Doll) Fumihiro Ota vs. Air Attack Weasel Darryl Devine vs. ?????? Ultimate Phoenix vs. Honest Frank American Machine vs. Dog Fyte[/center] [/quote] Predictions Welcome!
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NYCW Emprire - [B]Grandmaster Phunk[/B] © vs. Paul Steadyfast I think Phunk will hold on because Steadfast is pretty old and with that block... NYCW Tri-State - [B]Steve Flash[/B] © vs. Frankie Perez This shouls be match of the night but I think old will dominate new...though I would be suprised if that belt doesn't come off him soon. NYCW Tag Team - [B]Wiley Coyote[/B] © vs. The Con (Sammy the Shark and The New York Doll) I think you will bring in a better team to take the belts. Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Air Attack Weasel[/B] Another good match. I always have been a AAW fan. [B]Darryl Devine[/B] vs. ?????? Start of a push. [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] vs. Honest Frank Why would ANYONE [I]ever [/I] give Frank a win? American Machine vs. [B]Dog Fyte[/B] Fyte is vastly improved. I would say it is the start of a push.
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"]NYCW Rush Hour[/SIZE] Saturday, Week 2, January 2007 102 att @ The Weston Gymnasium[/CENTER] [b]The Con Has Begun[/b] Before the scheduled opener, Dog Fyte, Sammy The Shark and The New York Doll announce that they are forming an alliance, The Con. The three said that they have one goal, "to take control of NYCW like the Jews control the media." After The Con's racially insensitive comment, a pissed off Nicole Kiss comes from the back. Kiss, dressed in a powersuit, verbally assualts the three men in the ring and grabs Fyte by the ear to take him to the back. - [b]E[/b] [b]NYCW Tag Team Title Match - Wiley Coyote © vs. The Con (Sammy the Shark and The New York Doll)[/b] In a fun little opening match for those who remembered Wiley Coyote's prime, Wiley Coyote defeated The Con in 3:46 when Wiley Steinway pinned Sammy The Shark with a Big Boot. - [b]D[/b] [b]The New Commissioner Speaks, or Does He?[/b] Fentito DeBerg (also known as my alterego), was to the ring and grabs the mic. Before he could get a word off the smarks in the crowd realize who he really is and starts to chant "We want Whistler!" and then "Give us Sanders!" Clearly pissed off, DeBerg drops the mic, gives them a jesture that they clearly understand, and storms to the back. - [b]D-[/b] [b]American Machine vs. Dog Fyte[/b] The internet community has been a buzz about the recent improvement of Dog Fyte, but the veteren, American Machine showed Fyte that he still had a bit more to learn as he defeated Dog Fyte in 7:58 by Machine's new finisher, the Death Valley Driver. - [b]D+[/b] [b]Everyone's Favorite Talk Show: Totally Honest[/b] In a pre-taped segment, Honest Frank is shown sitting behind a desk. "Tonight on Totally Honest, I'm here to answer the questions that everyone has been asking. How are you going to beat the Ultimate Phoenix? What answer do you have for the Phoenix Firebird Splash? Blah, blah, blah. You know what? Now that I think about it, I'm not going to be answering the questions because I don't have to. I'm a two time World Champion! How many World Titles does Phoenix have. Zero." - [b]D[/b] [b]Ultimate Phoenix vs. Honest Frank[/b] It looks like Frank's bark is more than his bite as Ultimate Phoenix easily defeated Honest Frank in 8:35 by pinfall with a Phoenix Firebird Splash. - [b]D+[/b] [b]Devine's Mystery Oppenent[/b] "Mighty Fine" Darryl Devine came out to the ring in sugglasses and a SWF T-Shirt with a huge grin on his face," You know what? It's Mighty Fine to be Darryl Devine cause today I just signed a written contract with the Supreme Wrestling Federation! On top of that I was just told that my upcoming with whoever was stupid enough to wrestle me will be a number one contenders match for the NYCW Tri-State Title, so Stevie shine that belt up real good cause I'm taking it to the show next month. That is if you are still the champion." - [b]D-[/b] [b]NYCW Tri-State #1 Contenders Match - Darryl Devine vs. Mainstream Hernandez[/b] This was a match I was personally looking forward too, but these two just didn't have the chemistry. In a bit of a disappointment Darryl Devine defeated Mainstream Hernandez in 13:18 by using pulling Mainstream's tights after a botched Devine Dream Drop. -[b]D+[/b] [b]Air Attack Weasel vs.Fumihiro Ota[/b] Even with the ring rust Ota had from being out of the business for just over a year, everyone's favorite Super Ninja was on all cylinders tonight against a very underrated Air Attack Weasel. The match showcased NYCW's new style, combining traditional techincal wrestling with high flying ariel assaults. In the end, Fumihiro Ota defeated Air Attack Weasel in 12:40 with a perfectly placed Ninja Strike. - [b]C-[/b] [b]NYCW Tri-State - Steve Flash © vs. Frankie Perez[/b] Just like the Devine/Mainstream match, Flash/Perez has also been thought of as a dream match. And thankfully, unlike Devine/Mainstream, this match was not plagued by fate. The action was fast and furious as Flash and Perez counter each other move for move, counter for counter. Tonight, the experience of Steve overcame the youth and energy of Perez in 16:45 when Flash hit a Flash Bang on Frankie. - [b]C[/b] [b]He's Got The Phunk?[/b] To get the fans ready for our main event, a video package of Grandmaster Phunk's reign and Steadyfast's first time in NYCW was shown (it's impressive how inexpensive video making software is these days). - [b]C-[/b] [b]NYCW Emprire - Grandmaster Phunk © vs. Paul Steadyfast[/b] In a match good enough to headline a SWF or TCW television show, Phunk and Steadyfast locked up for the most prestigous title in NYCW. For fans new to NYCW, most title matchs are fought in a 2 falls out of three format, and this match was no different. Paul gave it his all, but in the end Grandmaster Phunk was just too much for him tonight as Phunk defeated Steadyfast in 12:50, two falls to one. However, it should be noted that the final fall happened with Phunk using the ropes for leverage. - [b]C+[/b] [b]Celebrating Like It's The First Time......Again[/b] Having picked up the victory, Grandmaster Phunk celebrates in the ring, and just like every title victory he has had, Phunk goes nuts, running around the ring like a madman, dumping water over himself, and hugging the referee and ring announcer. - [b]C[/b] [b]Overall: C-[/b] [quote][b]Results[/b] Wiley Coyote over The Con for the NYCW Tag Team titles American Machine over Dog Fyte Ultimate Phoenix over Honest Frank Darryl Devine over Mainstream Hernandez Fumihiro Ota over Air Attack Weasel Steve Flash over Frankie Perez for the NYCW Tri-State Regional title Grandmaster Phunk over Paul Steadyfast for the NYCW Empire title[/quote]
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[quote][center][b][size=4]NYCW New Wire[/b][/size][/center] [b]News and Notes:[/b] - It appears that 4C's Air Attack Weasel was only brought in as a one time deal. However, NYCW was very impressed with Weasel's match with Ota and will be looking into bring him back in the near future. - To replace Weasel's spot on the roster, NYCW has sign none other than Cammeron Vessey. "The Second Generation Superstar" will get his first match in a NYCW ring Febuary 13th, at Broken Resolutions. - Darryl Devine isn't the only wrestler loaned out to NYCW to sign with a major promotion. Frankie Perez has also stepped into the big time by signing with North of the Border Wrestling. - NOTBW has shocked the wrestling world by signing MAW champion Des Davids. [b]NYCW Wrestlers Around the World[/b] American Machine - 1-3, Loss vs. Tribal Warrior (D), Loss vs. Eric the Bull (D), Win vs. Patrick Cool (E+), Loss vs. Eric the Bull, Lex Appeal and Patrick Cool with Captian USA and Tom E. Hawk (E+) Darryl Devine - 3-1, Win vs. Patrick Cool (D-), Win vs. Danny Rushmore (C-), Loss vs. Kid Toma (C-), Win vs. Andre Jones (D+) Frankie Perez - 0-1, Loss vs. James Prudence (C) Fumihiro Ota - 1-1, Loss vs. Shawn Gonzalez (C+), Win vs. Masked Cougar (C) Paul Steadyfast - 1-1, Loss vs. Plague (C+), Win vs. Plague (C+) Steve Flash - 0-1, Loss vs. Joey Poison (C+)[/quote] ... [center][img]http://www.foolinc.com/pics/NYCW/FEB07.png[/img][/center]
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[quote] [center][b][SIZE="4"]NYCW Broken Resolutions Preview[/SIZE][/b][/center] [b]Vessey Going To The Mainstream[/b] It's just been confrimed that Cameron Vessey will make his debut against one of MAW's finest, Mainstream Hernandez. Can Vessey start off his career on a high note or will Mainstream give him a dose of reality with a Apparition #14? [b]Devine, The Next Tri-State Champion?[/b] After picking up the win last month against Mainstream Hernandez and signing a written contract with SWF, can Devine take down Flash and possibly take the title to the Supreme Wrestling Federation? [center][b]NYCW Broken Resolutions Card[/b] NYCW Emprire - Grandmaster Phunk © vs. Ultimate Phoenix NYCW Tri-State - Steve Flash © vs. Darryl Devine NYCW Tag Team - Wiley Coyote © vs. The Con (Sammy the Shark and Dog Fyte) Frankie Perez vs. Fumihiro Ota Cameron Vessey vs. Mainstream Hernandez [/center] [/quote] Predictions Welcome!
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[QUOTE=foolinc;186494]Predictions Welcome![/QUOTE] Predictions Flash over Devine (NO booker likes vacant titles. ;) ) Phunk over Ultimate Phoenix cuz Phunk is more over than Phoenix The Con over Wiley Coyote if you have ANY decent team then COyote should drop the belts Vessey over Hernandez unless you are planning on bringing Mainstream in permanently.
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NYCW Emprire - [b]Grandmaster Phunk[/b] © vs. Ultimate Phoenix - He just won it, you'd kill his credibility with a loss. NYCW Tri-State - Steve Flash © vs. [b]Darryl Devine[/b] - Flash is doomed to job to guys exactly like Devine. NYCW Tag Team - Wiley Coyote © vs. [b]The Con[/b] (Sammy the Shark and Dog Fyte) - Big win for your up and comers [b]Frankie Perez[/b] vs. Fumihiro Ota - Hardest to call, voted on potential. [b]Cameron Vessey[/b] vs. Mainstream Hernandez - He's a project, but you're giving him ad-time.
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Hey. I really dig those graphics for the fight promos. Grade A stuff there man for sure. (Makes it look like a true fight bill, definitely a New York touch!) Having lived my whole life in The Bronx I love NYCW but have always struggled to turn its fortunes around but I harbor a love for the company anyway. So I will be staying tuned! Sammy The Shark all the way!
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[QUOTE=Ramaeno;186556]Hey. I really dig those graphics for the fight promos. Grade A stuff there man for sure. (Makes it look like a true fight bill, definitely a New York touch!) Having lived my whole life in The Bronx I love NYCW but have always struggled to turn its fortunes around but I harbor a love for the company anyway. So I will be staying tuned! Sammy The Shark all the way![/QUOTE] Thanks. I was hoping people would get the old school feel of the flyers, which I am trying to look like actual flyers. And Sammy the Shark is the whole reason for The Con. If he wasn't there, I would have showed NY Doll the door and use Fyte in singles action.
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[center][size=4]NYCW Broken Resolutions[/size] Saturday, Week 2, February 07 104 att @ The Weston Gymnasium[/center] [b]NYCW Tag Team - Wiley Coyote © vs. The Con (Sammy the Shark and Dog Fyte)[/b] Different Con tag team, same Con finish as Wiley Coyote defeated The Con in 8:05 when Coyote Dynamite defeated Sammy The Shark by pinfall. While the match wasn't as good as the past months, it should be noted that Dog Fyte looked good out there. - [b]D-[/b] [b]Cameron Vessey vs. Mainstream Hernandez[/b] What a way to make a debut. Most people in the crowd espected Vessey to fall on his face, but "The Second Generation Superstar" not only made it a match, but bested the veteren Mainstream Hernandez in 12:37 by pinfall with a Vessey Driver V2, also known as an Inverted Death Valley Driver. - [b]C-[/b] [b]Giving The Fans What They Want[/b] Fentito DeBerg comes out to a chorus of boos. After the crowd quieted down (after a great show last month my X-Pac heat is gone), DeBerg said that Frankie Perez and Ota wouldn't be happening tonight because Perez chose to sit in the lockerroom at NOTBW's PPV. He said that to replace Perez, he found someone just as good.....The Masked Mauler! - [b]E+[/b] [b]The Masked Mauler vs. Fumihiro Ota[/b] As disappoint as the fans were to see this match when it was announced, Ota/Mauler ended up being a really good matchup. That said, the match was really a glorified squash as Fumihiro Ota dominated The Masked Mauler in 7:58, finishing him off with a Ninja Strike. - [b]C-[/b] [b]This Segment Was Paid For BY SWF[/b] Darryl Devine once again as the mic,"So did everyone enjoy watching me beat the living crap out of Andre Jones on SWF last PPV? Oh wait, that's right, you poor slobs aren't weathly enough to purchase those." Just as Devine finishes his taunting of the fans, Steve Flash looks like he is tired of Devine's talk and storms from the back to jumpstart the match. - [b]D-[/b] [b]NYCW Tri-State - Steve Flash © vs. Darryl Devine[/b] Just like Devine's previous match, the fates very not very kind to this bout. Thankfully, the talent of both men help overcome the chemistry problems and it turned out to be a great match. Steve Flash once again showed us that youth doesn't always beat experience as defeated Darryl Devine in 18:18 with a Flash Bang. - [b]C[/b] [b]The Life Of Grandmaster Phunk[/b] Grank Master Phunk appeared in a cheap parody of the opening of Shaft (complete with "Phunk" getting dubbed over "Shaft" in the opening song. These digital camcorders are amazing! - [b]C[/b] [b]NYCW Emprire - Grandmaster Phunk © vs. Ultimate Phoenix[/b] I haven't said it before in this diary, but I love Grandmaster Phunk. He's a fun character to book in storylines and he's highly underrated as a wrestler. The main event once again blows the roof off the Gymnasium as Grandmaster Phunk steals another victory, this time from Ultimate Phoenix. The match lasted 14:53, ending two to one falls with the final fall happening by the pulling of the tights. - [b]C+[/b] [b]Celebrating Like It's The First Time......Again[/b] Having picked up the victory, Grandmaster Phunk celebrates in the ring, and just like every title victory he has had, Phunk goes nuts, running around the ring like a madman, dumping water over himself, and hugging the referee and ring announcer. - [b]C[/b] [b]Overall: C-[/b] [quote] [center][b]NYCW Broken Resolutions Results[/b] DM: Thomas Morgan over The New York Doll DM: Harry Wilson over Kashmir Singh Wiley Coyote over The Con for the NYCW Tag Team titles Cameron Vessey over Mainstream Hernandez Fumihiro Ota over The Masked Mauler Steve Flash over Darryl Devine for the NYCW Tri-State Regional title Grandmaster Phunk over Ultimate Phoenix for the NYCW Empire title[/center][/quote]
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[quote] [center][b][SIZE="4"]NYCW New Wire[/SIZE][/b][/center] - It didn't take long for Bryan Vessey to fail another steriod test. Thankfully Cameron doesn't have this problem - Frankie Perez was told not to worry about calling NYCW in March since NOTBW and NYCW share event dates. Replacing Perez's spot will be rookie, Bulldozer Brandon Smith. - NYCW and American Machine have come to terms. - TCW drops to Cult and released American Elemental. Elemental wasn't unemployeed for long as he joined GCG. - The Main Event at NYCW's next event, Greener Pastures, will be a Triple Threat Number One Contenders match for the NYCW Empire title between Paul Steadyfast, Fumihiro Ota, and a Wrestler to Be Announce Later. [/quote]...
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;186954]Your shows are definitely getting off to a better start than mine did. Probably because I made a conscious decision to not get cruiserweights as not fitting a 1970's wrestling style promotion. Looking forward to see how your version of NYCW turns out.[/QUOTE] Well, there aren't a lot of Super Heavyweights that are unemployed, with a C+ in Basics, and are under the age of 36. ^_^
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Anyone who has been looking foward to the continuation of this diary, I am sorry to say it isn't going to happen. I played out the rest of the year, but do to a distraction and my own stupidity to make sure I knew what I was doing deleted the save when I thought I was opening it. Basically, I was cleaning up my saves when was asked to help move some furniture around. When I got back to the computer I deleted my NYCW diary game instead of the test game that I wanted to delete. Oh well, it's just a game.
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