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Whats The Signifigance Of Match Sizes

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Advantage: More people show up which can increase gate revenues as well as PPV buys and TV viewership (if applicable), especially if used in conjunction with a smaller than recommended arena. Disadvantage: More upfront costs involved for the marketing and promotion of said show. Basically, show sizes represent how much advertising and marketing is placed behind the show. It's essentially a measure of how YOU perceive the show as a booker. It's also why its tied to promotion size (i.e. a local fed cannot put on a 'Huge' show. They don't have the money/stars/resources/cachet to do so). Pay Per View is the largest possible show size for reasons that should be obvious (who ISN'T going to massively hype a show that's bringing in that kinda money?). Of course, this is all independent of advance booking which is the cheapest way for you to build interest in your show (because advance booking doesn't cost you anything in the most basic sense).
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[QUOTE=Rob4590;186820]No.[/QUOTE] It's not that black and white. First off, your popularity is what determined what size of show you can run. So that's one thing. Then, the bigger the show, the (probably) more crowded the arena, so the match rating tends to be higher just because of the atmosphere. That leads to a better show rating. Which in turn leads to a bigger increase in popularity, eventually allowing you to run bigger shows and in theory gaining popularity even faster. But directly, the amount of advertising you do for a show (which is as Remianen put what the size really means) does not have an effect on your popularity (otherwise every promotion would just spend their money on posters and billboards and stuff without running a single show.
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[QUOTE=Akki;186830]It's not that black and white. First off, your popularity is what determined what size of show you can run. So that's one thing. Then, the bigger the show, the (probably) more crowded the arena, so the match rating tends to be higher just because of the atmosphere. That leads to a better show rating. Which in turn leads to a bigger increase in popularity, eventually allowing you to run bigger shows and in theory gaining popularity even faster.[/QUOTE] That's an excellent point and one that's subtle enough that many might not notice it. A filled arena is the best way to ensure a 'hot crowd' from the start of a show. So while it might be somewhat counterintuitive to your business side (not going for the maximum in gate receipts), it might help more in the long run (by slightly boosting your show ratings). So even if you could make a little more scratch by putting those 1700 people into the 3000 seat venue, it may be worth it to downsize them and pack a 1000 seat venue to the rafters and get a raucous, rowdy crowd.
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Actually it's 2000, but I guess it's still a little empty then. Anyhow, about TV ratings, what's the significance of those. 'Cause in my new 5SSW game, TV ratings don't seem to do anything. It is that 35% in the country is already enough of a size and 'new' viewers are harder to attract?
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[QUOTE=Blackman;186917]Anyhow, about TV ratings, what's the significance of those. 'Cause in my new 5SSW game, TV ratings don't seem to do anything. It is that 35% in the country is already enough of a size and 'new' viewers are harder to attract?[/QUOTE] I don't understand the question. Actually, I do but I don't. Television ratings help you keep your show. If those ratings are too low (according to the network), they'll drop you. Television coverage helps you to build and/or expand your audience. Your popularity is a reflection of your viewers. Gain more pop and you gain more viewers and more people attending your shows. TV helps you gain more popularity which in turn...... Your ratings are a reflection of how good your show was to the audience. They can be manipulated (via advance booking) but not beyond the scope of the network airing the show (so no 33.47 ratings from a 'Very Small' network).
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oeps; I meant TV shows in general. The ratings are fine, thanks. :D I was hoping you'd deduct the real question out of it. That is whether the popularity increase is absolute, and will keep increasing no matter what the %. THx. 'Cause what's the friggin' point of keeping your show if it's purpose is solely on keeping TV ratings? :)
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Does anyone know the whereabouts the amount of viewers for each network level/size? Given the type of example Remianen gave, obviously having a show on a Very Small to a Tiny network won't draw enough of an Audience to compete with a show that has the scope of say NBC. Also, for the popularity of your company, does anyone know the size your company would have to be(in 1 region or all regions) to gain a show on different size networks? For example, if your a Regional promotion, you can't have a show on a nationwide Medium sized network...but, if your promotion's based out of the Tri-State, w/80% pop, 10-20% pop. everywhere else, could you get on a Big' network that only has a scope of the Tri-State area?
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[QUOTE=Blackman;186958]'Cause what's the friggin' point of keeping your show if it's purpose is solely on keeping TV ratings? :)[/QUOTE] Pretty obvious, really. If you're running an event (not on PPV) your promotion and your workers will only gain popularity wherever you run the show. So if you run the show in the Tri State in the US, that's the only place where you and your workers will get over. But if you have TV coverage all over the US, you'll get popularity wherever you run the show as well as the rest of the country. Hell, even if you only have coverage in one area of the US, like the South East, and you run your TV in the Tri-State area, then you'll gain popularity in two areas, which is still better than just one. That's the friggin' point.
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[QUOTE=Travis;186969]but, if your promotion's based out of the Tri-State, w/80% pop, 10-20% pop. everywhere else, could you get on a Big' network that only has a scope of the Tri-State area?[/QUOTE] Unless it's changes drmatically since TEW2005, a single region can't support a Big TV network. Meaning that if you got a show, you wouldn't be able to get enough viewers to keep the show, because the number of viewers is determined by the size of the TV network [i]and[/i] the number of regions it airs in. Each size has a basic "minimum" to be able to actually get enough viewers to keep a show. Generally speaking, you need 4-5 regions to sustain a show on a Big TV network, 5-10 for a Very Big TV network, 10-15 for a Huge TV network, and more for an Enormous TV network. As I said, unless that has changed dramatically since TEW2005, which I don't think it has . . . I know that in the old game, there was a Very Big TV network in Japan (which only had four regions at the time) and no promotion could ever sustain a show on it, even with A* popularity across the board.
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[QUOTE=Blackman;187192]ok thanks. I guess I'll beter take that TV deal again. 0.35 isn't much, but if it increases pop like you say, I'm down with it. It's just that I saw no increase myself.[/QUOTE] If you're only looking for at the grade, you probably won't see an increase for a while.
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