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D.O.T.T. Black Saturday

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[QUOTE=foolinc;194370]I can't wait for the first show! Predictions: Stan Hanson over Ferandez by a LARIATO! Orndorff Jake Roberts The Midnight Express[/QUOTE] I mirror all of these predictions! Looking forward to the card. I love that picture of Solie...he looks soused!!
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I'll go with Ship and Foolinc on the majority - but I'm going with The Armstrongs over the Midnights. I've always disliked Bullet Bob and am a big fan of the Condrey & Eaton version of the Midnights, but I'm going with the logic that the Armstrongs are already established in the territory; they offer better marquee matchups in later rounds. Still, if anyone deserves that Road Warrior push in GCW, it's the Midnights. I don't mind if I'm wrong on that one. :) And just seeing Jake vs. Brett Wayne listed up there is a complete blast from the past. My pinnacle as a wrestling fan came during that summer of '83; those two were a huge part of that. lol - and geez... I really need to cut another Manny pic. :D
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[b]'The Raging Bull' Manny Fernandez[/B] v. Stan 'The Lariat' Hansen= Fernandez can't be made the #1 contender and then lose in his first match, can he? Grudge Match: Killer Tim Brooks w/Triple L Zbyszko v. [B]'Mr. Wonderful' Paul Orndorff[/B]=Gotta go with Orndorff by DQ. [B]Jake Roberts[/B] v. Brett Wayne=Could I ever root against the Snake? National Tag Team Title Tournament Round 1: [B]The Midnight Express w/Jim Cornette[/B] v. The Armstrongs=The Midnights with some Cornette interference.
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'The Raging Bull' Manny Fernandez v. [B]Stan 'The Lariat' Hansen[/B] Grudge Match: Killer Tim Brooks w/Triple L Zbyszko v. [B]'Mr. Wonderful' Paul Orndorff[/B] [B]Jake Roberts[/B] v. Brett Wayne National Tag Team Title Tournament Round 1: The Midnight Express w/Jim Cornette v. [B]The Armstrongs[/B]
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[QUOTE][CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]Live this Saturday night from the Atlanta Civic Center in Atlanta, GA. and directly following [FONT="Georgia"]World Championship Wrestling;[/FONT] GCW Inc presents…... [/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE="5"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]SOUTHEAST SHOWDOWN![/FONT][/SIZE][/B] [U][B][SIZE=3] Main Event[/SIZE][/B][/U] [QUOTE] [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img126.imageshack.us/img126/2315/ironsheikxs3.jpg[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img252.imageshack.us/img252/7924/paulellering2yv2.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img123.imageshack.us/img123/278/mrwrestlingiicm9.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [U][B]The Iron Sheik w/'Precious' Paul Ellering v. Mr. Wrestling II:[/B][/U] Next week on [B][FONT="Georgia"]World Championship Wrestling,[/FONT][/B] [B]The Iron Sheik[/B] and an as of yet unnamed partner face off against [B]The Wrestling's[/B] in a [B]National Tag Team Tournament[/B] match. Don't miss the the exciting prelude to this match as The Iron Sheik and Wrestling II go toe to toe this weekend at [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][B]SOUTHEAST SHOWDOWN![/B][/FONT] [/QUOTE][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"][CENTER][B]-PLUS-[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE][QUOTE][CENTER][B][U][COLOR="Blue"]National Television Title Contenders Match:[/COLOR][/U] [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/9842/stevekeirnxf2.jpg[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/927/jimcornetteia7.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/16/ronniegarvindw2.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [U]'Stunning' Steve Keirn w/Jim Cornette v. 'Rugged' Ronnie Garvin:[/U][/B] Last ever [B]Georgia Television Champion,[/B] Steve Keirn goes head to head with Ronnie Garvin to determine the [B]Number 1 Contender[/B] to the reinstated [B]National Television Title.[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE][QUOTE][CENTER] [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img118.imageshack.us/img118/6661/bryanstjohnaj5.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img118.imageshack.us/img118/3306/tommyrichme6.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [B][U]Bryan St. John v. 'Wildfire' Tommy Rich:[/U][/B] Former [B]NWA National Heavyweight and World Champion,[/B] Tommy Rich takes on former [B]Hollywood Blonde,[/B] Bryan St. John. [/CENTER][/QUOTE][QUOTE][CENTER] Catch exciting [B]GCW[/B] action live this week at [B][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]SOUTHEAST SHOWDOWN[/FONT][/B] directly following [B][FONT="Georgia"]World Championship Wrestling![/FONT][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="3"][CENTER]BE THERE![/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]
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To all of those who left predictions or have been following this, I want to apologize for the delay on getting the show up. I changed shifts at work last Friday and am now working from 11 pm to 7 am as opposed to 3-11 pm. Getting adjusted on short notice has taken it's toll on me. Was walking around in a constant state of jet lag this entire week. At any rate, I'm adjusted now. The show will be up ASAP! Thanks for baring with me btw!
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Man I work 11pm-7am Friday through Sunday night then two to three shifts either 7am-4pm or 12pm-9pm. It's hell I tell ya. Having to basically stay up for near 24 hours twice a week (today being one) or nap for a couple hours then be up for a couple then go back asleep again so you can get up early is hard on the body. Looking forward to this show as always!
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[QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE="4"][URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-aUN8HsN8Q"]Georgia Wrestling Intro!*[/URL][/SIZE] [B]Click link for intro[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [B][SIZE="1"]Saturday, week 1, April 1983[/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]Live from the Atlanta Civic Center, Atlanta, Ga. Broadcast via WTBS at 7 PM EST... GCW Inc; presents... [/B][/COLOR] [QUOTE][B][SIZE="6"][FONT="Georgia"]WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING [/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"][FONT="Georgia"]WITH GORDON SOLIE[/FONT][/SIZE] [/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE]The show opens at the [B]WCW[/B] podium where [B]Gordon Solie[/B] is standing by to conduct an interview. [B]Gordon Solie:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to [FONT="Georgia"][B]World Championship Wrestling.[/B][/FONT] Tonight promises to be an exciting one as we are on the eve of [B][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]SOUTHEAST SHOWDOWN,[/FONT][/B] coming up in ninety minutes. Now at [B][I]"The Showdown",[/I][/B] [B]Wrestling II[/B] battles the [I]menace,[/I] of [B]The Iron Sheik.[/B] A match that is sure to be a great lead in to a [B]National Tag Team Tournament[/B] match involving both Wrestling's I & II as well as The Sheik and an undetermined partner; a week from tonight. In regards to the tournament, at this time I'd like to introduce, [B]Jim Cornette.[/B] [FONT="Century Gothic"]Mr. Cornette is before you representing the [B]Midnight Express;[/B] a tag team competing in the tournament match to follow.[/FONT][/COLOR] [B]Jim Cornette:[/B] [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Century Gothic"][B]So, Ole Anderson’s[/B] having a [B]Tag Team Title Tournament?[/B] Well someone ought to inform Ole Anderson that [B]GCW[/B] doesn’t have a [B]Tag Team Division.[/B] I mean what are we talking here? [B]The Armstrong’s?… The Lightning Express[/B] who basically amount to an Armstrong sidekick and [I][B]HIS[/B][/I] sidekick, [B]"Lightning Lad" Horner[/B] who’s so forgettable I miss him without even blinking!?[/FONT] [/COLOR] [B]Gordon Solie:[/B] [COLOR="red"][FONT="Century Gothic"]Certainly you're not going to discount either of [B]Wrestling's I & II or Ole-[/B] [/FONT] [/COLOR] [B]Jim Cornette:[/B] [COLOR="red"][B][FONT="Century Gothic"]Wrestling’s I & II?… Ole Anderson?… T-Bolt Patterson!?[/B] Don't insult my intelligence, [B]SOLIE![/B] These guys are [B]OVER[/B] the hill! Their time has come and gone. They're done! They just don‘t get it. They didn‘t get it when they were on top of the mountain with the point right up their - [B]ASK[/B] me if I think they get it now! In fact, forget it Solie because Momma’s favorite son didn’t come to [B]Georgia[/B] to waste time on TV talking shop! Especially when half these idiots in the audience couldn’t tell the difference between good TV and a TV Dinner!… Now someone said a [B]"Train"[/B] was on it’s way to Georgia but they didn’t say it was going to get here so fast. Well it’s an [B]EXPRESS[/B] train people and it’s here now. What’s more is this train is gonna chug it’s way to the [B]National Tag Team Titles[/B] and their aint a damn thing you, The Armstrong’s or Ole Anderson can do about it![/FONT][/COLOR][B]= D[/B] [B]Match 1:[/B][B][COLOR="Blue"] National Tag Team Title Tournament Match Round 1[/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE][B][U]The Midnight Express w/Jim Cornette v. Bob & Brad Armstrong:[/U][/B] This match played out almost to the letter like a classic heel/face tag team affair. Bob Armstrong dominated both members of the Express for the first two minutes before being goaded into tagging in his son. It was all downhill from there. [B]'Beautiful Bobby'[/B] [B]and 'The Lover Boy'[/B] utilize a strategy of quick tags and isolation that allows them to dominate Brad for the majority of the match. Again, this contest played out in classic fashion so of course, when Brad finally gains his one advantage, he makes the common mistake of staying in the ring as opposed to making the much needed tag. The Midnights reassert themselves and the match continues with Brad attempting to make several tags but always falling short. The finish comes when in typical fashion, Brad finally gets a "hot tag" thus allowing Bob to come in fired up. Brad recovers in time to thwart Condrey’s attempt to stop his father from securing a pin on Eaton via a [B]Bulldog...[/B] [B][U]The Armstrongs b. The Midnight Express to advance=[/U][/B][/QUOTE]Ok, so that's how it [I]should[/I] have happened! Here's what really went down... [QUOTE]The finish comes when in typical fashion, Brad finally gets a "hot tag" thus allowing Bob to come in fired up. However, the ref doesn't see the tag as both members of the Express having entered the ring, now occupy his attention. As a result, once the Midnights are under control, the ref has little choice but to force Bob back to the outside of the ring. At this time [B]Jim Cornette[/B] seizes an opportunity to level Brad with a ridiculous blow to the head with his tennis rackett. Bobby Eaton quickly hits the top turnbuckle and takes flight. The ref turns around just as Eaton completes the [B]Splash.[/B] Three seconds would not be enough time for Bob to make the save. [B][U]The Midnight Express b. The Armstrong’s to advance= C[/U][/B] [/QUOTE] [B]Match 2[/B] [QUOTE][B][U]Jake Roberts v. Brett Wayne:[/U][/B] 46 seconds! 43 seconds to get the job done and an additional 3 for the pin. 46 whole seconds was all it took for Jake Roberts to put Brett Wayne away. It is said that “ends justify means”… In Roberts case, the means as it were came in the form of a sneak attack while Brett Wayne was still preparing over at a corner turnbuckle. The ends? Well, anything less than a [B]DDT[/B] would be uncharacteristic of Jake. In fact… [B][U]Jake Roberts p. Brett Wayne= B-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR="Blue"][U]My Brothers Keeper[/U][/COLOR][/B] Unsatisfied with his all but decisive victory over [B]Brett Wayne[/B], [B]Jake[/B] raises him up off of the canvas and nonchalantly positions him for yet another DDT. At this time, [B]Buzz Sawyer[/B] enters the studio and hits the ring at pace. Once there, he rolls to the inside and attempts to stay stable-mate, Jake Roberts. Confused, Roberts releases the hold, albeit reluctantly. Seemingly satisfied, Sawyer turns to leave the ring when… Jake repositions Brett Wayne and executes a second DDT. Buzz turns in shock to see Jake looking up at him from the canvas, his shoulders hunched and arms held up at his sides. He snidely grins as he offers: [B]Jake Roberts:[/B] [FONT="Century Gothic"][COLOR="Red"]Heh-You know me, [B]Buzz.[/B] Couldn’t help it.[/COLOR][/FONT] [B]Buzz Sawyer:[/B] [FONT="Century Gothic"][B][COLOR="red"]YOU SONNUVA-[/COLOR][/B][/FONT] -Buzz rushes Jake and connects with a shoulder tackle just as Roberts gets to his feet. Roberts has no time to react and finds himself mauled by a barrage of blows from Buzz. Sawyer pounds away like a madman with no end in sight. Finally, [B]Official Ronnie West[/B] runs out to the ring and together with [B]Scrappy McGowen[/B], is able to pull Sawyer away from Roberts. [B]Buzz:[/B] [FONT="Century Gothic"][B][COLOR="red"]ITS THE WRONG NIGHT TO BE JAKE ROBERTS! IT’S THE WRONG NIGHT TO BE YOU JAKE! YOU'RE GONNA FIND OUT WHY 'CUZ TONIGHT... TONIGHT AT THE SHOWDOWN, IT’S GONNA BE ME AND YOU![/COLOR][/B][/FONT] Buzz Sawyer is ushered out of the studio to a great ovation from the fans as Jake Roberts watches on from the ring; completely oblivious as to the nature of what has just taken place.[B]= D+[/B] [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]In Ole We Trust![/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Gordon Solie[/B] stands by with [B]Ole Anderson[/B] for an interview at the WCW podium. Solie opens up by questioning Anderson concerning rumors of his retirement from the ring. Ole lays such talk to rest by stating that not only is he going to continue on as an active wrestler, but that he is going to win the [B]NWA National Tag Team Titles.[/B] [B]Ole Anderson:[/B] [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Century Gothic"]But I’ll get to the [B]Tournament[/B] in a second [B]Gordon.[/B] First thing I wanna do is explain to all of “the boys” what the deal is. See, there’s a new Sheriff in town! There’s a new Captain running the ship and his name is [B]Ole Anderson.[/B] Today, I stand before you not just as a wrestler, not just as a colleague, but as a [B]BOSS![/B] What I’m saying is, I have been appointed [B]Commissioner of GCW[/B] and with that, comes the task of keeping the knuckleheads in tow! In short, step out of line, deal with me! Gotta problem with my management, [FONT="Arial"][COLOR="Black"][Points towards the ring][/COLOR][/FONT] see me in my office![/FONT][/COLOR] Ole and Solie go on to talk about the [B]NWA‘s[/B] decision not to recognize [B]Larry Zbyszko as the NWA National Heavyweight Champion[/B] as well as their appointing of [B]Manny Fernandez[/B] as the titles [B]top contender.[/B] [B]Ole Anderson:[/B] [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Century Gothic"]Yeah, [B]Zbyszko’s[/B] on my list! Between the pile of crap situation he created in getting the title and the pile of crap I’m getting from the [B]NWA…[/B] I’m telling ya [B]Gordon,[/B] I’ve already had about as much as I can stomach and it’s only day one. So what am I gonna do about Zbyszko and more importantly, what am I gonna do about the situation as a whole?… For starters, I’ve half a mind to show up in [B]KANSAS CITY[/B] with a shovel and a bad attitude and show [B]Bob Geigel[/B] where he can stick the both of‘em! I’m an [B]Anderson![/B] There’s Anderson blood running through these veins. Gordon, you ever remember a time you saw an Anderson bend to anyone?… [B]ANYONE!?[/B][/FONT][/COLOR] [B]Gordon Solie:[/B] [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Century Gothic"]Certainly not in any instance I’ve ever witnessed.[/FONT][/COLOR] [B]Ole:[/B] [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Century Gothic"]Of course not because [B]ANDERSON’S DON’T BEND,[/B] and I’m not bending for [B]Bob Geigel, Crockett or the NWA![/B] Now, [B]Manny Fernandez[/B] is a good guy, but [B][I]“GOOD”[/I][/B] aint gonna cut it! Not when I’ve got guys like former [B]NWA World Champion, Tommy Rich…[/B] Guys like [B]Wrestling II…[/B] My good buddy, [B]Stan Hansen…[/B] Guys that have shown me week in and week out on [B]National Television,[/B] that they deserve to be in contention. Geigel wants his man to get a free ride to the top in spite of the dues these people paid? Not gonna happen! There’ll be [I][B]NO[/B][/I] free rides in [B]Georgia![/B] What [I][B]will[/B][/I] happen!?… Tonight, [B]Manny Fernandez takes on Stan Hansen for the Number One Contender-ship to the National Heavyweight Title![/B] Manny wins then so be it, however should my pal Stan win, then I’d be more than happy to see him kick the crap out of [B]Zbyszko.[/B] And as for [B]“Triple L”, [/B]I aint even gonna mince words 'cuz I gotta Tournament I’m anxious to talk about so I’m just gonna put it straight... [B]ZBYSZKO,[/B] you claim to be a smart man, well put your money where you mouth is! Next week, You and I got a meeting in that ring… In [B][I]MY[/I][/B] office! Next week you turn that [B]National Title[/B] over to me, or I show you why I'm known as [B]'The Rock'![/B] [B][I]End of story![/I][/B][/FONT][/COLOR] Gordon Solie interjects at this point to announce a commericial break during which time, Ole Anderson hypes up his [B]National Tag team Title Tournament.[/B][B]= B-[/B] [B]Match 3:[/B][B][COLOR="Blue"] National Tag Team Title Tournament Match Round 1[/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE][B][U][B]The Convertible Blondes[/B] (Pez Whatley & Rip Rogers) v. ??? & ???:[/U][/B] During the commercial break, [B]Ole Anderson's[/B] interview is interrupted by the Convertible Blondes with demands for a tournament match. Ole chooses this as an opportunity to debut a tag team he’s invited in for the tournament and acquiesces. An act that the Blondes are about to find out, will be much to their chagrin. [/QUOTE] [B]Freddy Miller:[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"][FONT="Century Gothic"]IT'S THE BIRDS! THE BIRDS ARE BACK IN TOWN![/FONT] [/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE]And indeed they are! The fans in the arena go crazy as the first ever [B]NWA National Tag Team Champions, The Fabulous Freebirds (Michael ‘PS’ Hayes and ‘Bam Bam’ Terry Gordy)[/B] head out to the ring. Pistol Pez and Rip immediately bail from the ring giving way to the Freebirds who take to the ropes in celebration. After having seen enough, The Blondes execute a sneak attack on the ‘Birds in an attempt to gain an early advantage. The attack is successful and when the bell rings, the Blondes already have the upper hand on Hayes. However, the tide quickly turns as the crowd motivates Hayes to fight off Rip Rogers. Fight him off he does as a series of well placed elbows allows Hayes to get to his own corner and instinctively make the tag in concurrence with Rip and Pez. From there, 'Bam Bam' opens up a can on Pez, mops up the mat with Rip and spit shines the house with [B]Oriental Spikes[/B] all around! Gordy bleaches the Blondes with a clean 3 on Whatley to cement a tournament vic for the Freebirds in their return match. [B][U]The Fabulous Freebirds b. The Convertible Blondes to advance= C[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B]Match 4: [COLOR="Blue"]Grudge Match[/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE][B][U]Killer Tim Brooks w/Triple L v. 'Mr. Wonderful' Paul Orndorff:[/U][/B] The story thus far: [B]Triple L Zbyszko[/B] returned to [B]GCW[/B] some months ago and challenged [B]Paul Orndorff for his National Heavyweight Title.[/B] After several failed attempts to defeat Orndorff legitimately, Triple L conspires with [B]Killer Tim Brooks[/B] and successfully acquires the belt when Brooks uses a steel chair to gain an upset. Zbyszko immediately purchases the title from Brooks for a sum of $25,000 which results in a personal war waged by Orndorff against both Brooks and Zbyszko. The latest blow was struck by Triple L recently at [FONT="Impact"][B]GCW GREAT LAKES GAMBIT[/B][/FONT] when Triple L defeated Orndorff via count out with yet another use of a steel chair. So, what he have now is a grudge match and the first meeting between Orndorff and Brooks since their controversial title match from last month. There was no pat down or pre-match warm up. As soon as both competitors were inside of the ring, they immediately began slugging it out. The ref calls for the bell, a moot point really as the match is all but underway. Perhaps on this occasion, Orndorff bore a bigger grudge. Perhaps Paul had something else to prove altogether and more importantly, someone else to prove it to. Whatever the case may be, Tim Brooks found himself on the receiving end of a clinic met out at the hands of Orndorff. What started out as a slugfest, fast became a one sided affair with Paul assuming and maintaining control of Brooks for the entirety of the match. In short, 'Mr. Wonderful' squashed, Brooks. Of course, Brooks is just a bit player in a bigger picture. A picture that becomes clearer when… [B]Larry Zbyszko[/B] steps into the studio wielding what appears to be a rolled up newspaper. Orndorff, oblivious as to Triple L’s presence, continues his decimation of Brooks before setting him up for his [B]Pile Driver[/B] finisher. Triple L slowly makes his way towards the ring just as Paul executes the maneuver. Still unaware of Zbyszko, Paul makes the cover as the ref assumes position. One… Two… Thre- [B]-WHAM-[/B] Triple L brings the rolled newspaper down hard across the back of Orndorff’s head just as the ref hits three. Oddly enough, the blow instantly knocks Paul into a state of unconsciousness. A confused Scrappy McGowen calls for the bell not knowing whether to award the match to Paul via disqualification, or pin-fall. Before the decision can be made, Triple L rolls into the ring and wasting little time, whacks Paul again with the newspaper.[/QUOTE][B]Triple L:[/B] [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Century Gothic"]Want something done right, do it yourself![/FONT][/COLOR] Seemingly satisfied with his work, he takes a moment to prod Killer Tim Brooks to his feet before barking out orders: [B]Triple L:[/B] [COLOR="red"][FONT="Century Gothic"]Now, [B]FINISH HIM OFF![/B][/FONT][/COLOR] A groggy Tim Brooks moves over and begins viciously putting the boots to Orndorff as Zbyszko continues: [B]Triple L:[/B] [COLOR="red"][FONT="Century Gothic"]You see [B]Paul,[/B] the object here is not to beat you, it’s to [B][I]BEAT[/I][/B] you! Of course, you’d need to possess a [B][I]"Legends"[/I][/B] logic to follow me.[/FONT][/COLOR] [QUOTE]Triple L moves to join his associate in a double attack on Paul when… [B]'The Raging Bull' Manny Fernandez[/B] rushes out to the ring and drops Brooks with a [B]Double Cross Chop.[/B] Zbyszko instinctively drops to the mat and retreats to the outside of the ring. Grabbing hold of Brooks by the foot, he proceeds to pull him out of the ring as well. An irate Triple L ushers Brooks off towards the back as Manny Fernandez tends to Paul Orndorff. [B][U]Paul Orndorff b. Tim Brooks via DQ= B-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B]The Spoiler and The Iron Sheik[/B] stand side by side at ringside with their arms folded and their backs in view of the camera. They are positioned such that [B]Gordon Solie[/B] is not only blocked off from view, but held at bay so to speak. They are soon joined by [B]‘Precious’ Paul Ellering[/B] who snatches Solies’ mic, and wiping it off with his hanky, begins to speak: [B]Ellering:[/B] [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Century Gothic"]I don’t normally make a practice out of listening to the voices of the lower class. But when I hear [B]Ole[/B] out here flapping his trap about a [B]National Tag Team Title Tournament,[/B] well let’s say it’s enough to make me put down my Wall Street Journal and pay attention. Not because I’m at all concerned about anything [B]‘Old Man’ Anderson[/B] has to say, but because I have a vested interest in the [B]National Tag Team Titles![/B]... You hear me Ole? You think this is your tournament?... [B]THINK AGAIN![/B] You claim your gonna win the titles!?... [B]WRONG ANSWER![/B]… Tonight!… [B][FONT="Comic Sans MS"] SOUTHEAST SHOWDOWN!…[/FONT][/B] My [B]Iron Sheik[/B] lays [B]Wrestling II[/B] to rest! [I][B]ONE,[/B][/I] Ole. One tag team down… But I’m getting ahead of myself because right here on [B][FONT="Georgia"]World Championship Wrestling,[/FONT][/B] [B]The Spoiler[/B] is going to show you how difficult it is to win a tournament [B]WITHOUT A PARTNER![/B] Get your head out of the funnybooks Ole! Grab a crayon and mark my words... You will never... [B]EVER...[/B] Touch the [B]Tag Team Titles![/B] That tournament is [I][B]MINE,[/B][/I] bought and paid for by [B]'Precious' Paul![/B][/FONT][/COLOR][B]= C[/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"][U]Triplicate[/U][/COLOR][/B] [B]Paul’s[/B] demeanor changes as [B]Triple L Zbyszko[/B] arrives on the set. He and Ellering exchange nods before Triple L offers him a rolled newspaper. [B]Triple L:[/B] [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Century Gothic"]Here’s that Journal you lent me, [B]Paul.[/B] Tip came in handy![/FONT][/COLOR] [B]Paul:[/B] [COLOR="red"][FONT="Century Gothic"]Don’t mention it brother!.. You get a good look at that “article”? [/FONT][/COLOR] [B]Triple L:[/B] [COLOR="red"][FONT="Century Gothic"]Yeah about that, you know, it’s like an itch I can’t scratch. I’m getting there though. Slowly but surely, my hand is getting there.[/FONT][/COLOR] [B]Paul:[/B] [COLOR="red"][FONT="Century Gothic"]So?[/FONT][/COLOR] [B]Triple L:[/B] [COLOR="red"][FONT="Century Gothic"]It’s a risk but that‘s business right? Paul my friend, I am going to buy! I’m going to buy![/FONT][/COLOR] Without another word, Ellering points his index finger at his own temple prompting Triple L to respond in like manner. The gesture having been exchanged, 'Precious' Paul Ellering walks off of the set with the Iron Sheik and The Spoiler in tow. [B]Gordon Solie:[/B] [COLOR="red"][FONT="Century Gothic"][B]Larry Zbyszko,[/B] will you offer any comments as to [B]Commissioner Anderson's[/B] remarks from earlier in the evening? Do you intend to return the belt next week as per Ole’s instructions? Furthermore, would you care to comment as to the nature of the exchange that just took place between Paul Ellering and yourself? What exactly, was that all about?[/FONT][/COLOR] [B]Triple L:[/B] [COLOR="red"][FONT="Century Gothic"]What was that about? You read the journal, [B]Gord?[/B][/FONT][/COLOR] [B]Gordon Solie:[/B] [COLOR="red"][FONT="Century Gothic"]I’ve some investments here and ther-[/FONT][/COLOR] [B]Triple L:[/B] [COLOR="red"][FONT="Century Gothic"]-Then save me the trouble of educating you because that’s what this is about… Its about [B]AN INVESTMENT![/B] It’s about getting a return on [B][I]MY[/I][/B] investment and getting it [B]IN TRIPLICATE![/B][/FONT][/COLOR] Triple L abruptly walks away as Gordon Solie leaves a final comment before the next match begins. [B]Gordon Solie:[/B] [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Century Gothic"]One thing’s for certain, should [B]Triple L[/B] decide not to relinquish the [B]title[/B] next week, he's going to realize his “return” in the form of a well placed boot to the posterior. Smart money says [B]Commissioner Anderson's[/B] going to be on the other end of it. One wouldn't necessarily need a subscription to the [I]"Journal"[/I] to make that determination.[/FONT][/COLOR][B]= C+[/B] [B]Match 5[/B] [QUOTE][B][U]The Spoiler w/'Precious' Paul Ellering v. Thunderbolt Patterson:[/U][/B] In order for a match to be great, you need to have the proper ingredients in the mix. The right workers for one, followed by a healthy dose of psychology. Add in some heat, backed up with a flavorful story; throw in some development and you’ve got the makings of a masterpiece. Of course, it helps when the dish is served with a side of at least partially adequate commentary. In this case, the commentary was non-existent altogether. Meaning, there was none. I gotta be honest, from a Bookers perspective, this was a nightmare. Seems I forgot to assign Announcers for this match. Eh, chalk this one up to Kayfabe… So then, The Spoiler and T-bolt slugged it out for a good eight minutes with five of it taking place before the bell is rung. This because [B]Paul Ellering[/B] ordered Spoiler to attack T-Bolt upon entering the studio. Patterson responds in kind and the two combatants end up brawling their way down and around ringside. At some point during the opening minutes of the melee, T-Bolt manages to whip Spoiler into and through the announce table thus causing [B]Gordon Solie and Freddy Miller[/B] to head for the hills. To reiterate, five minutes of this match took place before it had even become official so you can be sure, the "Chef" had cooked up a brawl. After having endured each others full measure, ‘Bolt and Spoiler finally enter the ring and the match officially begins. However, it is short lived as "advantage Ellering" came into play when Paul tripped up T-Bolt immediately after he entered the ring. The interference sets ‘Bolt up for a running elbow smash from The Spoiler that serves to ground him. Spoiler follows up with a series of boots before positioning himself in the center of the ring. He raises his hand to eye level and begins adjusting his glove. With fist clenched, he allows Patterson to recover and get to his feet. Once he is up and focused, Spoiler runs over and connects with his [B]Claw Hold[/B] finisher. Using his own momentum, he drives Thunderbolt Patterson’s head forcefully into the ground and holds for the pin. McGowen drops for the count but never makes it to one as Spoiler abruptly releases Patterson at the urging of 'Precious' Paul; who was now standing on the ring apron and using his index finger to cut across his neck. In response to the gesture, Spoiler raises his victim off of the mat and curls his arm into a twist. He then drags him to a corner and makes his way up to the top with Patterson’s arm locked firmly in his grip. Once at the top, he begins tight roping the top rope until he has Thunderbolt positioned towards the center. From there, he leaps into the air and forcefully drives an elbow onto the top of Patterson’s head. T-bolt hit’s the mat hard and is out! Having little choice, Scrappy McGowen calls for the bell before any further damage can be done to Patterson. [B][U]The Spoiler b. Thunderbolt Patterson via KO= D+[/U][/B][/QUOTE][QUOTE][B][FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="5"][CENTER] [U]MAIN-EVENT[/U][/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/QUOTE] [B]Match 6[/B]: [B][COLOR="Blue"]National Heavyweight Title Contenders Match[/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE][B][U]'The Raging Bull' Manny Fernandez v. Stan 'The Lariat' Hansen:[/U][/B] This is a result of [B]Ole Anderson's[/B] refusal to accept The [B]NWA’s #1 Contender to the National Heavyweight Title[/B] without first proving himself in [B]GCW.[/B] To say that Stan an Manny had a match here is an understatement. Collision is the word most appropriate. A veritable crash course in the art of fighting. The point is, they didn’t wrestle per se, they beat each other up! Granted, when they tired of that, they resorted to head and rear chin-locks and the such in order to rest. However, once rested, it was right back to more of the same… Beating each other up. These two went at it for nigh on twenty minutes with the match swinging back and forth in each mans favor respectively. As was the case with the previous match, there was no Commentary team on hand. This would have made for a less than stellar overall performance had not [B]Triple L Zbyszko[/B] trotted out apparently intent on assuming the role of Commentator as evidenced by the michrophone he carried with him. Not to mention the brief case… … Brief case?[/QUOTE] Upon seeing [B]Triple L[/B], both [B]Fernandez and Hansen[/B] move towards the ropes to address him with Hansen hanging back a few feet to Manny's rear. [B]Triple L:[/B] [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Century Gothic"]Gentlemen, far be it for me to distract you! By all means, carry on![/FONT][/COLOR][QUOTE]Triple L sets his brief case aside as Manny mouths a few choice words to him before redirecting his attention towards Hansen. As soon as he turns around, he is nearly beheaded by a [B]Lariat.[/B] Hansen immediately moves to make the cover but is interrupted by Triple L who was now speaking to him from outside of the ring: [/QUOTE][B]Triple L:[/B] [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Century Gothic"]Whoah, whoah, [B]WHOAH![/B] Now [B]Stan,[/B] if you pin [B]Fernandez[/B] right now, odds are… Well let‘s just say it‘s a safe bet that you’re the ranking contender for [B]MY Title.[/B] That‘s all good and fine ‘cuz I have no problem facing you, but think about this for a minute.... Think about what you‘re doing and more importantly [B]WHO[/B] you‘re doing it for! Now, if you’re the type to do [B]Ole Anderson's[/B] bidding, then so be it! Make the pin and lets go from there. But… If you’re the type of person I think you are, the type of person who knows when it's time to look out for self, then I'm offering you a chance to make the [B][I]right[/I][/B] decision. A chance to [B][I]do[/I][/B] something for [B][I]self.[/I][/B] You understand what I‘m saying, Stan? I'm giving you an opportunity here. Now you can choose door number one… Ole‘s door which‘ll ultimately guarantee you a shot, Or you can choose door number [B]TWO![/B] You can take the contents of this brief case and [B][I]walk away![/I][/B] You‘ve seen what I‘ve done for [B]Brooks.[/B] I can make you a very happy man, Stan. [B]TAKE THE MONEY![/B][/FONT][/COLOR] [QUOTE]An odd turn of events to be sure. It seems the fans are against the notion of Stan having anything to do with Zbyszko's offer. So much so, that they would rather see Manny pinned. Hansen stands over Manny with his hands at his sides and his gaze fixed on Triple L. After some moments, Hansen begins circling Fernandez in quiet contemplation. Finally, he drops to his knees and falls across Fernandez for the cover. 1... 2... Hansen suddenly pops up off of Manny just before the official hits three and rolls to the outside of the ring. Once there, he walks right up to Zbyszko, and looks him square in the eyes. Then, in a single jerking motion, he snatches the brief case and raises it high into the air as if to strike Triple L before... Smiling.[/QUOTE][B]Stan Hansen:[/B] [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Century Gothic"][B]Heh-HAH!... [/B]Reckon ya got yerself a deal, boy![/FONT][/COLOR][B]= C+[/B][Quote] As a result, Scrappy McGowen reaches a ten count and signals for the bell thus giving Manny the win. [B][U]Manny Fernandez b. Stan Hansen via CO= B-[/U][/B] [/QUOTE] A gloating Triple L enters the ring and begins to address [B]Ole Anderson[/B] as Stan Hansen stands on. [B]Triple L:[/B] [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Century Gothic"]Oh [B]Ole,[/B] I can think of several reasons why you might be known as [B][I]“The Rock”.[/I][/B] For starters, could it be because you lack the intelligence of the [B][I]entire[/I][/B] box and only a single is sufficient? Could be, but I’d venture to guess that it’s because it’s more difficult getting anything through your thick skull than it is a rock! I mean, come on… Do you take me for a fool? [B]BOB GEIGEL… The NWA!…[/B] Do they take me for a fool? Does anything about what [B]A LEGEND[/B] accomplished here tonight look foolish!? [B]OH YES OLE,[/B] You are indeed a rock! What’s more is, the rest of the box is scattered across the NWA gravel pit in the form of the [B]Board of Directors![/B] You people couldn’t see the truth even when it’s slapping you across the face! I came to [B]Georgia[/B] and said I was going to beat [B]Paul Orndorff[/B] for the [B]National Title.[/B] [B]I BEAT ORNDORFF! MY BRAINS[/B] over his [B]BRAWN!…[/B] Now the NWA wants to strip me? You can’t strip a [B][I]Legend[/I][/B] of his accomplishments! Ole, you want me to give the title back?… I bought this title, I bought your [B][I]"pal"[/I][/B] [B]Hansen,[/B] and [B]I’ll BUY THE NWA [/B]if I have to!... So you don’t have to wait until next week for an answer Ole, just ask the [B]NWA's Number One Contender,[/B] the so called [B]'Raging Bull'.[/B] Ask [B]Manny Fernande-[/B][/FONT][/COLOR][B]= B-[/B] [B]Triple L[/B] stands shocked as he turns to see that [B]Manny Fernandez[/B] is on his feet with his hands resting at his sides while staring a hole through Zbyszko. Without further ado, Manny shoulder tackles Larry and wild brawl ensues. [B]Stan Hansen[/B] joins the fray and begins pounding away on Manny. Fernandez is forced to succumb to a dual assault from both Zbyszko and Hansen soon thereafter. However, Fernandez is not down long as [B]Paul Orndorff[/B] hit’s the ring and clobbers both Hansen and Zbyszko with a [B]Running Double Forearm Clothesline.[/B] With the odds now even, Manny and Paul precede to engage in a heated exchange with Hansen and Zbyszko. An exchange that spills over to the outside of the ring and continues on into the aisle way as the credits for [B][FONT="Georgia"]World Championship Wrestling[/FONT][/B] begin to roll.[B]= C+[/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][U]SOUTHEAST SHOWDOWN![/U][/FONT][/COLOR][/B] The brawl continues as announcers [B]Gordon Solie and Freddy Miller[/B] reenter the studio arena and take up positions at the [B]WCW[/B] podium for [B][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]SOUTHEAST SHOWDOWN.[/FONT][/B] [B]Gordon Solie[/B]: [COLOR="red"][FONT="Century Gothic"]A state of absolute [B]PANDEMONIUM[/B] at ringside! Someone ought to break this up![/FONT][/COLOR] [B]Freddy Miller:[/B] [COLOR="red"][FONT="Century Gothic"]I don’t think it’s possible to stop this action, [B]Gordon.[/B] These guy’s are going to have it out by hook or by crook and it’s only going to get more intense because [B][I]"The Showdown"[/I][/B] is next![/FONT][/COLOR] [B]Gordon Solie:[/B] [COLOR="red"][FONT="Century Gothic"]Indeed, and what an event that will be![/FONT][/COLOR] [B]Freddy Miller:[/B] [COLOR="red"][FONT="Century Gothic"][B]Buzz Sawyer vs. Jake Roberts[/B] has been confirmed!… [B]The 'Wildfire' Tommy Rich[/B] is in the building!…[/FONT][/COLOR][B]= C[/B] [B]Freddy Miller:[/B] [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Century Gothic"]And [B]The Iron Sheik[/B] faces [B]Mr. Wrestling II[/B] in a main event that is sure to deliver the goods! [B]DON'T MISS IT FOLKS![/B] It’s happening right here! Right [B]NOW...[/B] [B][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]SOUTHEAST SHOWDOWN…[/FONT][/B] [B]BEEEEEEEEEEEEEE THEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEE!!![/B][/FONT][/COLOR][B]= C+[/B] [SIZE=3][B]OVERALL RATING:= C+[/B][/SIZE] [B]Announcer:[/B] Gordon Solie [B]Play by play:[/B] None [B]Color Commentator:[/B] Freddy Miller [B]Attendance:[/B] 5,000 (sellout) [B]TV Rating:[/B] 1.90 [B]Notes:[/B] Eh, this show was ok I guess. Few minor annoyances killed my motivation, but all in all, I was able to plant some seeds so to speak. The Jake/Brett match was a pleasant surprise. I booked Brett to be squashed and he still came out looking good. Expected more out of the Jake/Buzz segment and probaly should have gotten it had it not been for an oversight on my part. Seems I booked Buzz to save Jake from Brett when it should have been the other way around. Another mistake was forgetting to assign a commentary team for the final two matches. This hurt big time. T-Bolt/Spoiler was supposed to have been a big set up for the Main Event. Instead, we got manure! [QUOTE][CENTER][B][SIZE=3][U]NEXT WEEK:[/U] [/SIZE] The first round of The National Tag Team Title Tournament continues as The Iron Sheik & a mystery partner face Wrestling's I & II. The winner of the Ronnie Garvin/Steve Keirn match at [FONT="Comic Sans MS"]SOUTHEAST SHOWDOWN[/FONT] meets the NWA's recognized contender, Bob Roop, for the National Television Title. PLUS: GCW Commissioner, Ole Anderson has ordered Larry Zbyszko to turn over the National Heavyweight Title. Triple L has already issued a refusal of sorts. How will Ole respond? Find out next Saturday night on [FONT="Georgia"]World Championship Wrestling...[/FONT] [COLOR="Blue"]BE THERE![/COLOR][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE]*Credit for the youtube intro vid goes to the person who posted it on the website.
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This is the type of diary that forces wannabes to not even attempt one. :) (Guilty!) Seriously, this is wonderful; Jake DDT'ing poor Brett Wayne (heck of a rating on the match between those two, btw), Sawyer strangely running out (heh!), Ole Anderson slagging the world, The Freebirds coming home, and Paul Ellering's promo with Spoiler & Iron Sheik? Super, super stuff!
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[B][SIZE="1"]Saturday, week 1, April 1983[/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]Live from the Atlanta Civic Center, Atlanta, Ga. GCW Inc; presents... [/B][/COLOR] [QUOTE][B][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="6"]SOUTHEAST SHOWDOWN![/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]Three Strikes Out![/COLOR][/U][/B] The brawl in the aisle continues as [B]Gordon Solie and Freddy Miller[/B] announce the opening of [B][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]SOUTHEAST SHOWDOWN.[/FONT][/B] [B]Paul Orndorff and Manny Fernandez[/B] have assumed a commanding upper hand over [B]Zbyszko and Hansen[/B] and are literally giving them the what for when… [B]Gordon Solie:[/B] [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Century Gothic"][B]Killer Tim Brooks[/B] now entering the mix! This doesn't bode well for the [B]NWA’s Number One Contender or Mr. Wonderful.[/B][/FONT][/COLOR] [B]Killer Tim Brooks[/B] runs out and attacks Orndorff; targeting his head which had been previously injured earlier in the evening. This effectively turns the tide in favor of the baddies as Paul is forced to succumb. Now in control, Triple L orders Hansen and Brooks to thoroughly destroy Paul and Manny. The duo are more than happy to oblige when all of a sudden, the crowd becomes uproarious. [B]Freddy Miller:[/B] [B][COLOR="red"][FONT="Century Gothic"]TOMMY RICH! TOMMY RICH![/FONT][/COLOR][/B] [B]Gordon Solie:[/B] [COLOR="red"][FONT="Century Gothic"]Apparently [B][I]'The Wildfire'[/I][/B] has seen enough. One has to wonder if Rich isn‘t already too late as this situation is long since been out of hand.[/FONT][/COLOR] [B]Tommy Rich[/B] is a ball of fire as he hit’s the aisle and floors Brooks with a Lou [B]Thesz Press Slam[/B] followed by a frantic series of closed fisted blows. Then, leaping up, he meets an attack from Triple L and knocks him back into the guard rail. Meanwhile, Manny having fought his way to his feet, is trading blows with Hansen in a wild fisticuff. Both men give as good a they get but it is Hansen who finally takes control after a well placed knee to the gut. Managing to obtain his brief case, he whacks Manny across the back with it, effectively bringing him to a knee. A spurt of blood flies through the air as Hansen’s next shot lands square across Manny’s forehead. Fernandez goes down and stays down. By now, Tommy Rich has beaten Triple L into a seated position against the rail and is turning to face Hansen. Larry hears the knock of opportunity and sliding over, executes a nasty forearm blow to Tommy’s groin. Tommy hunches over from the sudden impact and is immediately met by Hansen’s brief case when it is slammed against his face. Tommy goes down as a result allowing Hansen to assist Zbyszko to his feet. Killer Tim Brooks is up as well and together, the trio make their way towards the back leaving Tommy Rich, Manny Fernandez, and Paul Orndorff laid out in their wake.[B]= B-[/B] [B]Match 1.[/B] [QUOTE][B][U]Bryan St. John v. 'Wildfire' Tommy Rich:[/U][/B] After order has been restored, Tommy takes to the ring for the opening match albeit, still shaken up from an earlier blow to the head. He plays the "hero in peril" role to perfection as Bryan St. John takes advantage of the injury and surprisingly, dominates the majority of the match. In the end, Tommy makes the expected comeback; putting St. John away with a [B]Bionic Elbow.[/B] [U][B]Tommy Rich p. Bryan St. John= B-[/B][/U][/QUOTE] [B][U][COLOR="blue"]STUNNING-VISION![/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Jim Cornette and Stunning Steve Keirn join[/B] [B]Gordon Solie[/B] for a ringside Promo. Jim Cornette does much to hype Steve sighting that he is apart of his [B]"New Midnight Express Incorporated" stable, or NME INC.[/B] He goes on to state that the NME are not only going to win the [B]National Tag Team Titles,[/B] but the [B]National Television Title[/B] as well. [B]Jim Cornette:[/B] [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Century Gothic"]I said the [B]Express[/B] were gonna beat the [B]Armstrong’s[/B] earlier and I‘m telling you now… If [B]Ronnie Garvin[/B] thinks he's gonna beat Steve Keirn, then his hands aren't the only thing made of stone! This man was the last [B][I]ever[/I][/B] [B]Georgia Television Champion[/B] and tonight, Ronnie Garvin is going to find out why![/FONT][/COLOR] [B]Gordon Solie:[/B] [COLOR="red"][FONT="Century Gothic"]Referencing the former [B]Georgia TV title[/B] which has been reactivated and consequently re-dubbed the [B]National Television Title-[/B][/FONT][/COLOR] [B]Steve Keirn:[/B] [COLOR="red"][FONT="Century Gothic"][B]-Georgia Television Title… National Television Title…[/B] Call it what you will, I’m the one who retired that belt and you know why it was retired? because after I gave it up, no one else was else was fit to hold it! That’s because that title belongs to only one [B]MAN, Solie… [/B] One stunning, [B]STUNNING,[/B] man. That man isn’t [B]Ronnie Garvin.[/B] Not tonight, not any other night! It’s not going to be [B]Bob Roop[/B] next week on [B][FONT="Georgia"]World Championship Wrestling[/FONT][/B] either. That man is me, [B]Steve Keirn![/B] I’m going to prove that to Garvin and Roop just like I proved it to [B]Kevin Sullivan…[/B] That I’m the [B][I]true[/I] National TV Champion[/B] and I’m going to do it next week live and in [B]STUNNING-VISION![/B] [/FONT][/COLOR] Steve Keirn rolls inside of the ring as Gordon Solie offers a final remark to Jim Cornette: [B]Gordon Solie:[/B] [COLOR="red"][FONT="Century Gothic"]Your associate Steve Keirn certainly boasts a bi-[/FONT][/COLOR] [B]Jim Cornette:[/B] [COLOR="red"][FONT="Century Gothic"][B]BOAST!...[/B] We Don't boast, [B]SOLIE![/B] Sooner or later, you people are going to realize that you have an [B]NME[/B] in your midst and what's more is, we didn't come all the way to [B]Georgia[/B] [B]just to raise a racket![/B][/FONT][/COLOR] [B]= C[/B] [B]Match 2:[/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]National Television Title Contenders Match[/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE][B][U]'Stunning' Steve Keirn w/Jim Cornette v. 'Rugged' Ronnie Garvin:[/U][/B] This contest turned out to be much more than was originally expected as both men put out the performances of their respective careers. Garvin was all business and started things off by knocking Keirn out with his with a [B]Hands of Stone Punch.[/B] however, before he is able to attempt an early pinfall, [B]Jim Cornette[/B] hit’s the ring apron and succeeds in distracting the ref. Frustrated, Garvin moves over and has words with Cornette before knocking him off of the apron with a clean right hand. Cornette inadvertently drops his tennis racket into the ring as he falls to the canvas below. By now, Keirn has partially recovered and Garvin gets right back to work. The match plays out with Garvin in complete control until Jim Cornette reawakens and once again provides a distraction for Keirn. Just as Ronnie completes his famous [B]Garvin Stomp[/B] and is attempting the pin, Jim Cornette grabs Scrappy McGowen by the foot explaining that Garvin should be DQ’ed for having the audacity to put his hands on him. Incensed at the notion, Garvin bails from the ring and makes for Cornette. Cornette takes off around the ring with Garvin hot on his heels. Finally, Cornette rolls to the inside of the ring. Following suit, Ronnie rolls in after him and is hit with a blow to the head from a [B]tennis racket[/B] meted out at the hands of Steve Keirn. Garvin goes down just as the ref gets Cornette to the outside. Keirn instinctively tosses the racket into the crowd before flopping across Garvin and placing his feet atop the ropes for added support. Three seconds later and 'Stunning' Steve has his hand raised in victory. [B][U]'Stunning' Steve Keirn p. 'Rugged' Ronnie Garvin to become #1 Contender to the National Television Title= B+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][U][COLOR="blue"]Foaming At The Mouth[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Gordon Solie[/B] is at the [B]WCW[/B] podium where he announces that he is going to do his best to get to the bottom of the brewing situation between [B]Jake Roberts[/B] and stable-mate, [B]Buzz Sawyer.[/B] At least, that was his intent when he announced Jake Roberts as his guest. However, Buzz Sawyer had other plans. Plans that came to fruition as soon as Jake entered the studio arena. Before Solie could even begin questioning Jake, he is attacked head on by Sawyer who throws himself atop Jake and begins unloading with a series of rights and lefts. Jake responds in kind forcing Solie to leap out of their way as the two men roll out into the aisle and brawl their way down to the ring.[B]= B-[/B] [B]Match 3.[/B] [QUOTE][B][U]Jake Roberts v. Buzz Sawyer:[/U][/B] So this hardly constituted a match. As previously noted, Buzz and Jake were already involved in a heated brawl and by the time they hit the ring, Jake had already received the business end of an @$$ whupping. Buzz remained unrelenting in his attack as he went at Jake like the proverbial [B]"mad dog".[/B] Jake would gain a small advantage when he connects with a low blow that allows him to buy himself some time. Having had enough, Jake uses his newly gained advantage to exit the ring apparently intent on regaining his bearings. Instead, he throws his hands up at the whole affair and heads off towards the back. A confused Scrappy Mcgowen has no choice but to call for the bell thus awarding the match to Sawyer via count out. Not satisfied with just a win, Buzz issues forth a guttural growl before heading off after Roberts at pace. [B][U]Buzz Sawyer b. Jake Roberts via CO= A[/U][/B][/QUOTE][QUOTE][B][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="5"][CENTER][U]MAIN-EVENT[/U][/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/QUOTE][B][U][COLOR="Blue"]Where The Buck Stops[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]MSW North American Champion, Mr. Wrestling II[/B] Stands by with [B]Gordon Solie.[/B] He expresses his disgust at what happened to [B]Thunderbolt Patterson[/B] on [B][FONT="Georgia"]World Championship Wrestling[/FONT][/B] earlier tonight as well as his distaste for [B]Paul Ellering and his Legion of Doom.[/B] He addresses Ellering’s threats towards his person stating that: [B]Wrestling II:[/B] [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Century Gothic"]I’ve been in this business for many, [B][I]many[/I][/B] years. During my time, many men have claimed that they are going to lay [B]Wrestling II[/B] to waste. You know what [B]Ellering,[/B] I’m still standing!?!… You talk a big game Ellering but the fact of the matter is, The buck stops [B]HERE![/B] It stops with Wrestling II and it stops tonight![/FONT][/COLOR][B]= B[/B] [B]Match 4.[/B] [QUOTE][B][U]The Iron Sheik w/'Precious' Paul Ellering v. Mr. Wrestling II:[/U][/B] This wasn’t a match, it was a hijacking! Wrestling II never had a chance in this one. [B]"Advantage Ellering"[/B] came into play several times as Paul interfered at every possible avenue effectively making the match a two on one affair. The Iron Sheik seemed more intent on dismantling II as opposed to picking up the win. This as evidenced by his administering of a [B]Camel clutch[/B] that he refused to let go even after the ref had signaled for the bell. As it turns out, The Sheik had not picked up the win via submission as the ref had noticed Paul Ellering pulling on II’s feet from the outside of the ring during the Camel Clutch. Instead, The Iron Sheik is disqualified due to his managers interference. [B][U]Mr. Wrestling II b. The Iron Sheik via DQ= B-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] The decision is of small consequence to [B]Ellering and Co.[/B] as he enters the ring and orders [B]The Sheik to Break II’s[/B] back. The Iron Sheik begins adding pressure to the maneuver by rocking back and forth. Ellering adds insult to injury by repeatedly slapping II about the face and head. [B]Paul Ellering:[/B] [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Century Gothic"][B]MY DIME, WRESTLING II!… MY TIME![/B] I decide where the [B][I]“buck”[/I][/B] stops![/FONT][/COLOR] The double team continues when unbeknownst to the duo, [B]Commissioner Ole Anderson[/B] makes his way into the studio and down towards the ring. Once there, he slides inside and clobbers [B]The Sheik[/B] with a running boot to the side of the head. Shocked, Paul Ellering heads for the ropes when he is caught by the seat of lapel from Ole Anderson. Taking a handful of his hair, he spins Ellering around and launches him across the ring and through the top and middle ropes to the outside. Wasting little time, he connects with a running [B]knee lift[/B] to The Iron Sheik the moment he gets to his feet. The impact is enough to send Sheik through the ropes as well where he lands atop a recovering Paul Ellering. [B][I]“The Showdown”[/I][/B] comes to a close in this manner with The Sheik and Ellering on the outside of the ring and Ole hunched over Wrestling II on the inside; all engaged in an intense stare down.[B]= C[/B] [SIZE=3][B]OVERALL RATING:= B-[/B][/SIZE] [B]Announcer:[/B] Gordon Solie [B]Play by play:[/B] None [B]Color Commentator:[/B] Freddy Miller [B]Attendance:[/B] 4,828 [B]Notes:[/B] Whoah, now this show turned out to be a big surprise for yours truly. The first three matches rated higher than I would have expected. I can understand the Roberts/Sawyer match as Jake gets plenty of undercard action, but Bryan St. John? This was his first match and he wrestles Tommy to a B-? Hey, who am I to complain? What about Steve Keirn? The guy cuts a halfway decent promo with the right help and he just proved to me that he can put out one hell of a performance! Is there gold in his future? Time will tell. On another note, 172 people left the arena before the show even began. Oh well, can't please'em all! [QUOTE][CENTER][B][SIZE=3][U]NEXT:[/U] [/SIZE] [B]GCW heads back to Ohio this Wednesday night for the [FONT="Impact"]GCW GREAT LAKES GAMBIT![/FONT][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]BE THERE![/COLOR][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[B]Wednesday, week 2, April 1983[/B] [CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]Live from the Canton Civic Center, Canton, OH. GCW Inc; presents...[/B][/COLOR] [FONT=Impact][SIZE=7][B]GCW: Great Lakes Gambit![/B][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [QUOTE][B]Match 1[/B] [QUOTE][B]The Oates Brothers[/B] b. The Convertible Blondes in a clean contest.= [B]D+[/B][/QUOTE][B]Match 2:[/B] [QUOTE][B]'Stunning' Steve Keirn[/B] w/Jim Cornette b. Paul Orndorff via DQ when [B]Ronnie Garvin[/B] shows up and knocks Keirn out with a [B]"Hands of Stone" Punch.[/B][B]= B-[/B][/QUOTE][B]Match 3:[/B][QUOTE][B] The Fabulous Freebirds & Tommy Rich[/B] b. The Moondogs (Rex/Spike/Spot) when Tommy Rich pins Spike following a Bionic Elbow.= [B]C-[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Overall:[/B] [B]C[/B] [B]Attendance[/B]: 2,000 (Sellout) [B]Notes:[/B] Eh, I can live this show. There was no increase in popularity this time out, but I didn't lose any either. I did lose money, however, not nearly enough to keep me from coming back to the region next week. On a brighter side, Steve Keirn continues to perplex me and in a good way! This guy has average popularity in the Southeast; E- Momentum, and only two matches under his belt yet he continuously steals the show on his every outing. I don't get it, but I'm not complaining either. I'm really starting to like this guy! So much so that I'm putting him in the main event on this weeks [FONT="Georgia"]WCW.[/FONT] Of course that's probably more because he's wrestling for the Television Title and on TV (Or "Stunning-Vision" if you will), than anything else. Might it be considered an affront to the sport not to have that type of match in the ME?... It's debatable of course, but the fact of the matter is, it's make or break time for the 'Stunning One'.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B][SIZE=3][U]NEXT:[/U][/SIZE] NME is in the house and in full effect as 'Beautiful' Bobby Eaton takes on Brad Armstrong. -PLUS- "Stunning-Vision" takes over [FONT="Georgia"]World Championship Wrestling[/FONT] when Steve Keirn faces debuting NWA Top Contender, Bob Roop for the National Television Title in an exciting main event.... [FONT="Georgia"]World Championship Wrestling live this Saturday night in Georgia![/FONT]... [COLOR=Blue]...BE THERE![/COLOR][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
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No need to Jones Mr. Ghost, I'm on it;) So My time on the night shift came to an end monday and I'm back to working afternoons. Was able to use my weekend to get readjusted so things will definitely be picking up. Actually, most of the shows are done for this month it's just that I'm behind on my Black Saturday Reports. So behind that I'm actually posting shows prior to releasing certain information. Case in point, the arrival of the Moondogs as well as the Oates brothers on Great Lakes Gambit would have made more sense (to readers) had I posted the report detailing it as it explains it all. At any rate, I'm gonna go ahead and post the card for this weeks show as well as Southeast Showdown somtime today. I'll have both shows up by this weekend (I hope), and a (very long) combined BS report before then. Bare with me folks! Also, continue to check the GCW/WWF war report as I wil be constantly updating as this thing progresses. In fact, after the BS report comes out, you will find several additions to the chronology. Lastly, I want to thank everyone again for their comments as well as support. I can't express enough how much I appreciate it!
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[QUOTE][CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]Live this Saturday night from the Atlanta Civic Center in Atlanta, GA. Broadcast via WTBS on Saturday at 7 PM EST... GCW Inc presents... [/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE="5"][FONT="Georgia"]World Championship Wrestling[/FONT][/SIZE][/B] [U][B][SIZE=3] Main Event[/SIZE][/B][/U] [QUOTE] [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/9842/stevekeirnxf2.jpg[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/927/jimcornetteia7.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://img144.imageshack.us/my.php?image=generictv20ht.jpg][IMG]http://img144.imageshack.us/img144/4614/generictv20ht.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/8800/bobroopmh6.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]National Television Title Match:[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Last ever Georgia Television © 'Stunning' Steve Keirn w/Jim Cornette v. Ranking NWA contender Bob Roop[/B][/QUOTE][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"][CENTER][B]-PLUS-[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE][QUOTE][CENTER] [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img126.imageshack.us/img126/2315/ironsheikxs3.jpg[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img252.imageshack.us/img252/7924/paulellering2yv2.jpg[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img368.imageshack.us/img368/113/borismalenkooy7.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/7818/mrwrestlingyr5.jpg[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/2237/mrwrestlingiiaq1.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]National Tag Team Title Tournament Round 1:[/COLOR][/U] Forces unite as Paul Ellering and Boris Malenko represent The Iron Sheik and a mystery partner against Wrestlings I & II[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE][QUOTE][CENTER] [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img71.imageshack.us/img71/9626/lesthorntoncc3.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img239.imageshack.us/img239/9956/paulorndorff4sf.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [B]'Lethal' Les Thornton v. Paul Orndorff[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE][QUOTE][CENTER] [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/8749/bobbyeatonch3.jpg[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/927/jimcornetteia7.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img113.imageshack.us/img113/6897/bradarmstronglp1.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [B]'Beautiful' Bobby Eaton w/Jim Cornette v. Brad Armstrong[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [SIZE="3"][CENTER][B]-ALSO-[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE][QUOTE][CENTER] [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img106.imageshack.us/img106/4839/mrolympiayq0.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img118.imageshack.us/img118/6661/bryanstjohnaj5.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [B] Super Olympia (not to be confused with Mr. Olympia) makes his GCW debut against Bryan St. John[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE][QUOTE][CENTER][URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img250.imageshack.us/img250/2074/oleanderson3tg2.jpg[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://img444.imageshack.us/my.php?image=generic15hf.jpg][IMG]http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/8612/generic15hf.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img239.imageshack.us/img239/9996/triplel2bu.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [B]Commisioner Ole Anderson has demanded that disputed National Heavyweight © Larry Zbyszko relinquish the title as per the NWA's instructions. Triple L has issued an outright refusal. Find out what happens next as Triple L confronts Ole in his office (the ring) this Saturday night on [FONT="Georgia"]World Championship Wrestling...[/FONT] [/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="3"][CENTER]BE THERE![/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [/QUOTE] Predictions, critiques, comments, card ratings encouraged!
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[QUOTE][CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]Live this Saturday night from the Atlanta Civic Center in Atlanta, GA. and directly following [FONT="Georgia"]World Championship Wrestling;[/FONT] GCW Inc presents…... [/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE="5"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]SOUTHEAST SHOWDOWN![/FONT][/SIZE][/B] [U][B][SIZE=3] Main Event[/SIZE][/B][/U] [QUOTE][B][U][COLOR="Blue"]Six Man Tag Team Match:[/COLOR][/U][/B] [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img239.imageshack.us/img239/9956/paulorndorff4sf.jpg[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/2082/mannyfernandezha5.jpg[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img118.imageshack.us/img118/3306/tommyrichme6.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [U][B]Paul Orndorff, 'Raging Bull' Manny Fernandez & 'Wildfire' Tommy Rich[/B][/U] [B]v.[/B] [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/3308/killertimbrookswp0.jpg[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img488.imageshack.us/img488/6469/stanhansenop8.jpg[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img239.imageshack.us/img239/9996/triplel2bu.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [U][B]'Killer' Tim Brooks, Stan 'The Lariat' Hansen & Triple L Zbyszko:[/B][/U] Last weeks edition of [B][FONT="Georgia"]World Championship Wrestling[/FONT][/B] culminated with a brutal brawl that spilled over to [B][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]SOUTHEAST SHOWDOWN[/FONT][/B] and saw Manny, Paul and Tommy laid out at the hands of Triple L and Co. This week, our heroes seek vindication![/QUOTE][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"][CENTER][B]-PLUS-[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE][QUOTE][CENTER] [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img523.imageshack.us/img523/9947/thespoilerkq9.jpg[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img252.imageshack.us/img252/7924/paulellering2yv2.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img523.imageshack.us/img523/5496/oleanderson2mm7.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [B][U]The Spoiler w/Paul Ellering v. Ole Anderson:[/U][/B] At the behest of Paul Ellering, The Spoiler put long time Ole Anderson ally, [B]Thunderbolt Patterson[/B] out of commission On [B][FONT="Georgia"]World Championship Wrestling[/FONT][/B] last week. As it stands, the [B]Commissioner[/B] is none to happy about it. Will The Spoiler be made to pay for his actions this Saturday night?[/CENTER][/QUOTE][QUOTE][CENTER] [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/171/denniscondreyyp9.jpg[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/927/jimcornetteia7.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/6353/bobarmstrongdl7.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [B][U]'Lover Boy' Dennis Condrey w/Jim Cornette v. Bob Armstrong:[/U][/B] After losing in the first round of the [B]National Tag Team Title Tournament[/B] to the [B]Midnight Express[/B] due interference from Jim Cornette; Bob Armstrong seeks a measure of revenge this week at [B][I]'The Showdown'.[/I][/B] [/CENTER][/QUOTE][QUOTE][CENTER] [B]GCW[/B] brings you another [B][I]"Showdown"[/I][/B] in the Southeast live this Saturday night directly following [B][FONT="Georgia"]World Championship Wrestling![/FONT][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="3"][CENTER]BE THERE![/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]
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[QUOTE=Moderndaywarrior;202544]Absolutely fantastic so far,between the match layouts and your spot on interviews, you've really captured the atmosphere of the early 80's. One VERY minor thing though; didn't GCW/WCW air on "The Superstation" TBS at 6:05 (to be fair we can round it back ad say 6:00),not 7:00?[/QUOTE]Good catch! There are several reasons why I have the show at 7- 7:05. 1. I didn't grow up watching GCW. It aired here, just a bit before I was old enough to care. However, I did watch NWA on TBS and it aired at 7:05. Because I got my exposure to the Georgia stars through watching NWA, it's a bit of a personal indulgence for me to air the show at 7. 2. For storyline purposes, I need it to be at 7. Keep in mind, there will be an actual "Black Saturday" and contrary to actual history, it's coming soon... Very soon! 3. Let's call it Kayfabe;) Good catch though. Also, I very much appreciate your comments. Feel free to do so at anytime. [QUOTE=bgbuff;202633]I love DOTT diaries and this one is looking great my pics: Fernendez Brooks Roberts Midnight Express[/QUOTE] Thanks for the predictions man however, that show already took place in week 1. You were correct on all counts save for the Brooks match. If you want, you can check on page three and leave predictions for my next show. Thanks for your comments as well. I'm glad to have gained a reader! Stop in any time!
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