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One thing I've noticed with a lot of mods is that when you extract them into the created folder, they add a subfolder containing all the relevant files (the War's End mod does this, for example). If when you extract the files you [I]don't[/I] get a note asking if it's okay to overwrite the existing files, this may be the case.
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Okay, when you create a database, the database folder will contain five sub-folders, called Belts, Graphics, Logos, People and SaveGames. It's likely that there's a sixth folder in there that has all the files and folders you actually need - take a look in that folder and you'll find all the .tw7 files, and an identical (or at least similar) set of folders to those listed above. Cut and paste them over to the database folder and your mod should be set up and ready to go.
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Okay my I go into my database folder, in belts I have all the belt files from the wars end promotions. I have internet, no belt, no logo, no picture in graphics. I have all the wars end promotion logos in the logo folder. I have all the worker pictures in the people folder. I have the actual rebirth folder along with the other folders it's not in any of them. I have nothing in the savegames folder. So what is wrong with this? please i'm going nuts here
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[QUOTE=Sensai of Mattitude;194874]One mistake that alot of people make is that they manually create the folder rather than creating the database in-game. Are you sure you're creating the database via the editor?[/QUOTE] It doesn't actually make a difference, if you're going to copy all the necessary files into it anyway. All 'Create Database' does, is creates a new folder and fills it with blank .tw7 files with the necessary names, and empty folders with the necessary names, so that the game will recognise that there's a database there (which it won't if some needed files are missing). If you create a new folder in Windows, and unzip a mod into it, it'll work fine as long as the mod contains all the necessary files (which it should. Even if it's just an Injuries mod, it should still have all the other .tw7 files with it, even if they're blank). Just thought I'd point that out ¬_¬.
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