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World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

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[QUOTE=robertocarlos87;215553]Stone gold, I just love it, can imagine the gold one dressing up as all these characters, kinda reminds me of the big show a few years back. Anyway mr moon, another good show, and dx still together, not surprising, I just expected the enforcers to interfere during the match to make it a no contest, with dx then killing them, but it happened after so no biggy :P And I take it your still pissed with mr hardy??[/QUOTE] Damn straight I am! I feel bad for Matt but if someone screwed me around in real life like Hardy did in the first week of his career (late for his first two shows) I would take them to the woodshed, so that's what he's getting now. They'll get their chance again but I'm wary about pushing them in case Jeff messes me around again. It's funny you mentioned Big Show, because he was someone I thought of when I started this gimmick. I thought it was brilliant when he did it ("The Showster", "Showkishi" etc) but I thought there was something that bit funnier when you use someone like Goldust who can impersonate them but keep his own quirks with it like..... ssssss..... Ssssstooonnnee Goooolllllldddd... He's so weird and wonderful that he could actually bring something new to a character like Stone Cold or Hulk Hogan, which many people couldn't. I figured DX remaining together was pretty obvious, but I saw that match as a way of starting up an even bigger feud, one that will hopefully last for a few months, and a couple of others too. [QUOTE=rjhabeeb;215577]you know your booking damn well when you book an 'A' show and afterwards say you were dissapointed[/QUOTE] Ha, yeah! I just always want to do the best I can I guess. I'm writing up the next RAW as we speak and it is a better show so far, I think.
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... [CENTER][QUOTE][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/WCW.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]WCW Weekly[/SIZE][/B] WCW put on a decent showing in the Gampel Pavilion in New England, with a show that was headlined by Kevin Nash pinning The Giant after an impressive powerbomb. However, the real story was the United States Title match, where champion Dean Malenko continued his rise up the card by making NWA legend Ric Flair submit to his Cloverleaf submission. While this victory is somewhat tainted due to Flair’s poor relationship with booker Eric Bischoff, it no doubt is a huge event for Malenko. Psicosis retained the Cruiserweight title against Brad Armstrong, who’s just signed an extension to his contract, and the Faces Of Fear appear to have split following an intense, physical match between Barbarian and Meng. Also in WCW news, Goldberg’s falling out with Gene Okerland may not be as damaging to his career as first thought, as Mean Gene has now fallen out with Hulk Hogan. There is no word as of yet to why Okerland is so hated backstage, but rumour has it he made some suggestion about “talented getting rewarded”. Luckily, the WCW Booking Team had no idea what he was talking about, but he's become pretty unpopular anyway.[/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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I would try to start pushing the Hardy Boyz and see how it goes. It will take them awhile to build up a following anyway so if one of them starts being a diva then you can drop the push. Interesting to see Okerland having trouble at WCW. Maybe you can steal him back to WWF!!! Mean Gene baby!
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"There is no word as of yet to why Okerland is so hated backstage, but rumour has it he made some suggestion about “talented getting rewarded”. Luckily, the WCW Booking Team had no idea what he was talking about, but he's become pretty unpopular anyway." hhahahahahaha
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;215611]... [CENTER]There is no word as of yet to why Okerland is so hated backstage, but rumour has it he made some suggestion about “talented getting rewarded”. Luckily, the WCW Booking Team had no idea what he was talking about, but he's become pretty unpopular anyway.[/CENTER][/QUOTE] I'm with rjhabeeb that's damn funny. And troubling, probably true.
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;215611]... [CENTER][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE=keefmoon;215596]Damn straight I am! I feel bad for Matt but if someone screwed me around in real life like Hardy did in the first week of his career (late for his first two shows) I would take them to the woodshed, so that's what he's getting now. They'll get their chance again but I'm wary about pushing them in case Jeff messes me around again. [/QUOTE] Having the same problems with a couple of the talents myself. I'm biting the bullet on the ones I have big plans for. [QUOTE=keefmoon;215611]... Ha, yeah! I just always want to do the best I can I guess. I'm writing up the next RAW as we speak and it is a better show so far, I think. [/QUOTE] Nothing wrong with that. I'm guessing you are using 2005(with the format of the ratings and such.) What mod are you using, if you son't mind me asking? And forgive me if it says somewhere in here. I have read it if it does, but I don't recall off the top of my head.
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[QUOTE=DocStevens;215619]I would try to start pushing the Hardy Boyz and see how it goes. It will take them awhile to build up a following anyway so if one of them starts being a diva then you can drop the push. Interesting to see Okerland having trouble at WCW. Maybe you can steal him back to WWF!!! Mean Gene baby![/QUOTE] I do plan on pushing the Hardyz, but while I'm only having 3 weeks between PPVs it's hard to give everyone a go, so the guys who mess me around are the guys who will be left out. After Breakdown it'll go back to 4 weeks. [QUOTE=Chuck;215634]What I would do is fire Jeff's ass for being a tard and then fire Bautista and push Matt Hardy and Buchanan as a team... Just sayin[/QUOTE] I never thought of that; I have plans for Matt if Jeff crosses the line but nothing for Recon once I get fed up of Batista. Damn Batista is still unhappy at me because it took me so long to call him up. He doesn't even deserve to be on the damn roster! [QUOTE=rjhabeeb;215658]"There is no word as of yet to why Okerland is so hated backstage, but rumour has it he made some suggestion about “talented getting rewarded”. Luckily, the WCW Booking Team had no idea what he was talking about, but he's become pretty unpopular anyway." hhahahahahaha[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=theoutlaw321;215665]I'm with rjhabeeb that's damn funny. And troubling, probably true.[/QUOTE] Thanks guys, I'm glad you thought it was funny. And you're right, it probably is true. [QUOTE=theoutlaw321;215669]Having the same problems with a couple of the talents myself. I'm biting the bullet on the ones I have big plans for. Nothing wrong with that. I'm guessing you are using 2005(with the format of the ratings and such.) What mod are you using, if you son't mind me asking? And forgive me if it says somewhere in here. I have read it if it does, but I don't recall off the top of my head.[/QUOTE] [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum...ad.php?t=13929[/url] That's the link to the mod, it's the after Montreal one that starts in December 1997. And yeah it's TEW05, I got the demo for 07 but it didn't do a great deal for me; I love 05 so much that I figured I'd just keep going with it. And yeah the free spirits (lets face it, that's who it usually is) are a nightmare to work with sometimes. I know on your diary Roddy Piper is messing you around, and it really screws up your plans, doesn't it?
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;215679] [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum...ad.php?t=13929[/url] That's the link to the mod, it's the after Montreal one that starts in December 1997. And yeah it's TEW05, I got the demo for 07 but it didn't do a great deal for me; I love 05 so much that I figured I'd just keep going with it. And yeah the free spirits (lets face it, that's who it usually is) are a nightmare to work with sometimes. I know on your diary Roddy Piper is messing you around, and it really screws up your plans, doesn't it?[/QUOTE] I like 2005 as well, I could score higher match scores and shows. But I had to do alot of editting to get the game the way I wanted as far as the way things were in that era(talent trading and all.) And as I've said before, I lost all of Flair's and Steamboats momentum when I changed. As well as the chemsitry between Piper and Rhodes. I'm haveing to change my booking style to meet the %'s of this and that. I'll eventually figure it out and make it work. With my roster I could just get rid of all the young guys and push the older established ones and probably get great ratings, but I'm trying to bring in younger ones and build them to take over when the old guys move on. Anyway, as always great diary. I tune into alot of them on here, but I look for your's and Tristram's first.
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[QUOTE=theoutlaw321;215683]I like 2005 as well, I could score higher match scores and shows. But I had to do alot of editting to get the game the way I wanted as far as the way things were in that era(talent trading and all.) And as I've said before, I lost all of Flair's and Steamboats momentum when I changed. As well as the chemsitry between Piper and Rhodes. I'm haveing to change my booking style to meet the %'s of this and that. I'll eventually figure it out and make it work. With my roster I could just get rid of all the young guys and push the older established ones and probably get great ratings, but I'm trying to bring in younger ones and build them to take over when the old guys move on. Anyway, as always great diary. I tune into alot of them on here, but I look for your's and Tristram's first.[/QUOTE] Thank you. I look for yours, Tristrams and Nevermore's first. What a lovely little incestuous group we having going on! I understand your issues with the old over guys and young talented ones. That was the good thing about WWF in 97/98- the undercard was good as useless but the main event was packed with young, over, talented guys. Building a strong midcard is a damn sight easier than main event, I bet.
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;215685]Thank you. I look for yours, Tristrams and Nevermore's first. What a lovely little incestuous group we having going on! I understand your issues with the old over guys and young talented ones. That was the good thing about WWF in 97/98- the undercard was good as useless but the main event was packed with young, over, talented guys. Building a strong midcard is a damn sight easier than main event, I bet.[/QUOTE] Yeah, you don't think people are talking about it do you? Yeah. I ran the game through for a year in auto. Let's just say that the computer cut alot of future champs off the first day and ran with the older guys. You wouldn't believe the roles some of the guys filled by the end of the year. Anyway, I am determined to run this just like I feel it would have been done in 83. With the backstage turmoil and the development of the next generation. If I can be half as successful as the AI was, I will be estatic with my results. Even with the patches and such, so far I'm outscoring the AI on event grades thru this point. So we will see how it goes.
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From wwf.com [CENTER][QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAWisWAR2.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]PREVIEW[/SIZE][/B] The Golden State turns black as the potentially most dominant duo in history are paired as a tag team for the first time. The Brothers Of Destruction; the monster and number one contender Kane, and his dominant brother the “Lord Of Darkness” The Undertaker will compete as a tag team for the first time ever as they face their respective opponents at In Your House: Breakdown; WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin ad his partner, Mankind. Also on RAW is WAR we will see the end of a feud, as Ken Shamrock and The Rock will face off for the last time in a First Blood match. No doubt both men will do everything they can to get the win, but which of the magnificent stallions will be busted open first? Last week saw the joyous reformation of the anti-authority D-Generation X, when Shawn Michaels and Triple H took out Vince McMahon and his enforcers. Tonight on RAW we will see DX face off against WWF’s newest tag team; Recon and Deacon, The Enforcers. After showing their credentials as a tag team, Taz and Goldust have been booked in singles matches against the hottest young tag team in the business in Edge & Christian. While the thug from Brooklyn faces Edge, the Bizarre One will face the younger brother Christian. Rob Van Dam has been on a real roll since his debut, firstly helping his friend Sabu to retain the Hardcore Title and last week beating the Hardcore Legend Terry Funk. The Funker will team with Tommy Dreamer to try and enact revenge on the Whole Dam show and the champ, Sabu in Hardcore Tag Team action. Also on RAW is WAR we’ll see Jeff Jarrett defending his precious Intercontinental Title against Blackjack Bradshaw, and we will get an update on the New Age Outlaws following their brutal assault at the hands of the Nation. Finally, tonight is Marcus Bagwell’s chance at wining and dining the lovely Sable, as they go on a date. With Sable obviously disgruntled at having to spend time with “The Stuff”, it seems somewhat unlikely this one will go down without event! Tune in to RAW is WAR on the USA Network to see how all this plans out and more! [B][U]Scheduled Matches[/U][/B] [LIST] [*]Kane & The Undertaker vs Mankind & Stone Cold Steve Austin [*]The Rock vs Ken Shamrock in a First Blood match [*]The Enforcers vs D-Generation X [*]Edge vs Taz [*]Christian vs Goldust [*]Rob Van Dam & Sabu vs Terry Funk & Tommy Dreamer [*]Jeff Jarrett (c) vs Blackjack Bradshaw for the Intercontinental Title [/LIST][/CENTER][/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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*[B] Kane & The Undertaker[/B] vs Mankind & Stone Cold Steve Austin * The Rock vs [B]Ken Shamrock[/B] in a First Blood match eventually ill pick Shamrock and he'll win * [B]The Enforcers [/B]vs D-Generation X something fishy is going on tonight * Edge vs [B]Taz[/B] * Christian vs [B]Goldust[/B] * Rob Van Dam & Sabu vs[B] eamerTerry Funk & Tommy Dr[/B] * [B]Jeff Jarrett (c) [/B]vs Blackjack Bradshaw for the Intercontinental Title
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Kane & The Undertaker vs[B] Mankind & Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] ~Kane and Taker will probably attack each other so give the edge to Stone Cold and Mankind. [B]The Rock[/B] vs Ken Shamrock in a First Blood match ~It has GOT to be the Rock. He can be a mega star and can't imagine wasting him with a loss to Kenny boy. The Enforcers vs [B]D-Generation X[/B] ~Enforces are going nowhere so might as well beef up DX a bit. Edge vs [B]Taz[/B] ~I see you giving Taz a push. Christian vs [B]Goldust[/B] ~If Christian loses then you can put Edge and him together and start working the tag angle. Maybe those two against the Hardy Boyz for awhile. [B]Rob Van Dam & Sabu[/B] vs Terry Funk & Tommy Dreamer ~RVD is red hot right now and I see it continuing. [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] vs Blackjack Bradshaw for the Intercontinental Title ~Jarrett is an idiot but he will probably win despite being nothing but a Regional Jobber with no talent. :)
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[B]Kane & The Undertaker[/B] vs Mankind & Stone Cold Steve Austin [B]The Rock[/B] vs Ken Shamrock in a First Blood match [B]To get the Rock over.[/B] [B]The Enforcers[/B] vs D-Generation X [B]But not cleanly.[/B] Edge vs [B]Taz[/B] Christian vs [B]Goldust[/B] [B]Rob Van Dam & Sabu [/B]vs Terry Funk & Tommy Dreamer [B]Jeff Jarrett (c)[/B] vs Blackjack Bradshaw for the Intercontinental Title Let's see if I do any better than last time.
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Thanks for the predictions guys. The show is virtually ready to post but I think I'll leave it until the morning as I'm knackered. Of course more predictions are welcome as is feedback. I've been blown away with how much feedback I've got and I appreciate both the good stuff and the bad.
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Kane & The Undertaker vs [B]Mankind & Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] [B]Something screwy to end it[/B] The Rock vs [B]Ken Shamrock[/B] in a First Blood match [B]My gut[/B] The Enforcers vs[B] D-Generation X[/B] [B]I see some sort of Vince involvment here [/B] Edge vs [B]Taz[/B] [B]TAZMISSION[/B] [B]Christian[/B] vs Goldust [B]Jeff or Dad cause the upset[/B] [B]Rob Van Dam & Sabu[/B] vs Terry Funk & Tommy Dreamer [B]No feeling here I just like them better[/B] [B]Jeff Jarrett (c)[/B] vs Blackjack Bradshaw for the Intercontinental Title[B]I would call for Goldie to return the favor but the title is on the line[/B]
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MontrealToAttitude.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAWisWAR2.jpg[/IMG] Live from the sold-out Orange Show Stadium in San Bernardino, California in front of 10,000 people.[/CENTER] A video is played showing the end of last weeks RAW is WAR, where D-Generation X reunited at the expense of Vince McMahon. -------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]The Enforcers (Deacon Bautista and Recon Buchanan) vs D-Generation X (Triple H & “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels[/SIZE][/B] The reformed D-Generation X took the match to McMahon’s bouncers from the off, using their far superior experience to gain a foothold in the match. However, the Enforcers brute strength was enough to keep them n the match, and even isolate the former world champion Shawn Michaels for part of the match. Once Michaels managed to tag out to a fresh Triple H, the degenrate cleaned house, before finishing Deacon off with a Pedigree to end a surprisingly good match. [B]Winners: D-Generation X in 9:57 Rating: B+[/B][/CENTER] ------------------------------------------------------------------- The camera cuts to a nearby hotel, where Sable knocks on Marcus Bagwell’s door, looking beautiful ahead of their date. Much to her disgust, he is wearing nothing more than a thong, and she tells him she’ll wait outside until he dresses something a bit less revolting. ------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Hardcore Tornado Tag Team Match[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="5"]World Wrestling Federation Hardcore Champion “The Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal” Sabu & “The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam vs “The Hardcore Legend” Terry Funk & “Innovator Of Violence” Tommy Dreamer[/SIZE][/B] Although this match didn’t last much longer than the time it took to get through all their nicknames, they still put on a hardcore clinic. Sabu and RVD have great chemistry from their days in ECW and probable “relaxation” parties… Terry Funk spent much of the time on the outside of the ring after an early chair shot, and the three young representatives of the Hardcore division. Tommy Dreamer seemed so determined to get revenge on Rob an Dam for costing him the Hardcore title that he became easy prey for a Missile Dropkick into a chair from Sabu for the three count. [B]Winners: Rob Van Dam and Sabu in 9:14 Rating: B+[/B][/CENTER] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A video is played recapping the brutal assault by The Nation on The New Age Outlaws, where the degenerates were thrown off the stage in a dumpster. We are also informed that both suffered concussions, and Billy Gunn a shoulder injury, and hence are not expected to return for quite a while. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Taz is in his locker room, when Goldust enters, surprisingly dressed as himself. [B]Goldust:[/B] Mmmmmm…… sssss….. Taaazzzz…. [B]Taz: [/B]What the hell do you want? [B]Goldust:[/B] Tazalina, please, don’t be angry, I just wanted to… talk. [B]Taz: [/B]Look, you golden piece of cr*p, what part of I don’t care for no-one do you not get? I’ve beaten people up in Brooklyn for less than the weird cr*p you pull. [B]Goldust:[/B] ssss…. I just love your aggression… it touches me in all the right places…. [I]Taz stares a hole right through him[/I]. [B]Goldust:[/B] Last week was amazing, we make such a good team, I love the way you move, the way you press against peope so tightly when you lock in your… sss… Tazmission. [B]Taz: [/B]I’m giving you five seconds to get outta here before I punk you out. [B]Goldust:[/B] Fine…. I just want you to know that tonight…. Your back is officially covered by…. Ssss….. Goooollllddduuuussssttt…. [B]Taz:[/B] Five. Goldust quickly exits the room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunny is in the ring and does a quick promo on how the new WWF Magazine has her on the cover and quite a revealing centre-fold that is so hot the people in the crowd will never see a more beautiful woman without staples through her stomach. She also takes a couple of cheap shots at the other divas, as she has been chosen above them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]Edge vs “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz[/SIZE][/B] Another good match, albeit one that was very much carried by Taz. Using all variations on a suplex you can imagine, he almost beat Edge from pillar to post, not that Edge didn’t get in offence. Edge seemed to have the win when Christian rushed to the ring and speared Taz. He then grabbed a couple of chairs, and E&C were ready to crush Taz’s skull until Goldust ran down to the ring and cleared house, giving Taz the chance to lock in a Tazmission [B]Winner: Taz in 10:31 Rating: B[/B][/CENTER] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile, Marcus Bagwell, now in a suit, is entering a restaurant with Sable languishing behind. They are approached by the host. [B]Host:[/B] Ah, Mr Bagwell, who great to see you again, sir. With another lady I see. Will it be the usual beer for you and int of vodka made to look and taste like lemonade for the lady? [B]Bagwell: [/B]Whoa, whoa, ips-nay on the vodka-nay, this one’s a classy one. [B]Host: [/B]Ahso, sorry Mr Bagwell. You’re usual table is ready. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Undetraker is backstage in his morgue like area. [B]Undertaker:[/B] Mankind, you should no by now that no-one sins against The Phenom and lives to tell the tale. I am the single most dominating entity in the World Wrestling Federation, and I am challenging you to a match at Breakdown. I am a friend of no-one, hated by many, but possesser of the souls of all. If I can’t be the WWF Champion at Breakdown then I choose to bring your life to an end and deliver you to satan himself. And you will rest in peace. Undertaker walks away from his previous spot, to reveal he was standing in front of a tombstone with Mankind’s name on it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]Christian vs The Gold-Break Kid[/B][/SIZE] GBK danced and pranced his way down to the ring, much to the confusion of the rookie, who must have been wondering exactly what he’d got himself into. They did seem to lack chemistry, however, this didn’t matter to the crowd who were hugely into the Bizarre One. While lacking the raw athleticism of HBK, Goldust did a pretty good impression of him, of course, adding his own slant to things. Christian has come on leaps and bounds since his debut and is surely a WWF Champion in the making, as he demonstrated by showing some impressive offence against the veteran. The match turned on its head when Edge interfered and turned the match into a virtual 2 on 1 match, and there was no sign of Taz. Edge eventually distracted GBK for long enough to allow Christian to hit the Implaer for perhaps the biggest win the rookies fledgling career. [B]Winner: Christian in 11:28 Rating: B+[/B][/CENTER] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The camera cuts to the date, where Bagwell and Sable are sitting at a table, and Bagwell is tearfully telling a story. [B]Bagwell: [/B]And then the tribe fell to their knees and began to worship me as a God. [I]Silence as Bagwell sobs for a bit.[/I] [B]Sable:[/B] Are we finished? I just wanna get the hell out of here. [B]Bagwell:[/B] (Quickly snapping out of the sobbing) I thought you’d never ask. Cheque please! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Cole is standing by with Mankind. [B]Cole:[/B] Mankind, last week you were assaulted by The Undertaker, your thoughts? [B]Mankind:[/B] My thoughts are I’ve walked into the depths of hell before and walked out without a burn. You forget that people like me have already lost their soul years ago and I have nothing to lose. He wants to get hardcore? He wants to throw me through a pane of glass? Well, I will show him that while he may be dead, I don’t feel pain and I will go into my soul to uncover every last piece of dignity I have left and destroy his entire legacy, and I assure you that he will not have a nice day. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shane McMahon makes his way down to ring ahead of the Intercontinental Title match to lend his voice to commentary. [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Title[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]WWF Intercontinental Champion Jeff Jarrett w/Terri vs Blackjack Bradshaw[/SIZE][/B] Shane O’ Mac did a pretty good job on commentary as Jarrett and Bradhsaw put on a great match, mainly due to their excellent chemistry. Bradshaw looked great and will probably wind up climbing up the roster eventually, but for now Jarrett is the man and made Bradshaw submit to his Figure Four Leg Lock. [B]Winner: Jeff Jarrett in 9:35 Rating: A[/B][/CENTER] After the match, Shane McMahon slides in the ring and squares up to the IC champ. After a brief stare down Shane backs down and starts to walk off. However, Jarrett grabs his arm, then spits in his face again. Like last week, Shane laughs but this time punches him in the face! Jarrett is knocked down, but when he gets up he low blows McMahon Jr, before clocking him over the head with the belt, knocking him out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shawn Michaels in the medical room, getting stitches and being checked out by the medics. Triple H steps outside the room for an interview with Dutch Mantell. [B]Dutch: [/B]Hunter, how’s Shawn? [B]Triple H: [/B]It’s not my place to say, and when he’s coherent enough he’ll tell you himself. What I’m here to say is no-one treats DX like that. In the last two weeks, The Nation and now Owen Hart have both tried to take us out. Well, they don’t say I’m the next big thing in the company for nothing, and I’m gonna prove that next week ‘cos I want Owen Hart, one on one! Once I’ve kicked his ass it will be known by all that I’m the top guy in the business, and DX are the top stable. The Rock wanders over, clapping slowly. [B]The Rock:[/B] That’s good, Trips, that’s real good. The Rock knows what you’re getting at; you think you’re the big dog, right? Wrong, you aren’t. The top dog in the WWF is The Rock. I’m gonna prove that by beating Shamrock in just a minute. And the top stable isn’t DX, it’s The Nation Of Domination. The Rock means, his boys Mabel and D’Lo beat your lil bitches the New Age Outlaws and put them in a hospital. At the end of the day, The Rock is the most electrifying man in sports entertainment, he’s the baddest mamma-jamma in the Federation, and you aint nothing but a roody poo candy ass son-of-a-b*tch who could hold The Rock’s jockstrap. Now do you smell what The Rock is cookin’? [B]Triple H:[/B] Yeah, I smell what you’re cooking, Rocky. ‘Cos last time I checked, you haven’t got a partner for the dance in two weeks. [B]The Rock:[/B] The dance? What in the blue hell are you talking about? [B]Triple H:[/B] If you are so sure Nation are better than DX, if you’re so sure you are better than me, then lets settle this, one on one at Breakdown. [B]The Rock:[/B] Oh it’s on, brother, The Rock, the Great One against Triple H at Breakdown! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vince has an interview with a very intimidated Michael Cole. He warns Stone Cold that there is no chance in hell he will retain his title, and Kane has spent too long dominating the company to lose to someone like you. I claims Austin is merely transitional, and Kane will win the title and run the company side by side with McMahon, starting at Breakdown when McMahon will be in Kane’s corner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A graphic is shown indicating the Ken Shamrock versus The Rock First Blood match is up next. [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]First Blood Match[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]The Rock vs “The Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock[/SIZE][/B] A brutal end to a feud. The Rock seemed determined to follow up on his word to triple H that he would win, and went a long way in backing up he is the next big thing in the company. Shamrock, on the other hand, wasn’t trying to prove anything, he was just trying to destroy his opponent like usual. The weapons came quick and they came hard, and the match spilled out of the ring and around the ring. Ken Shamrock managed to lock Rocky in an Anklelock, to which The Rock tapped out ferociously, which meant nothing in a match with these stipulations. Shamrock then grabbed a chair and waited for Rocky to arise, but as he did, the lights went out. By the time they came back on Shamrock was down and the chair near The Rock. Rocky looked as confused as anyone as he grabbed the chair and swung it at Shamrock’s head, which busted him open. [B]Winner: The Rock in 13:43 Rating: A*[/B][/CENTER] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The camera cuts back to the Bagwell and Sable date fiasco, as they are now outside a sleazy motel room. Bagwell moves close in to Sable, stares into her eyes, and says; [B]Bagwell:[/B] Look, I’m not good at doing this, okay, so I’ll just say it. I know it sounds corny but something’s have to be said. You have the most… breasts. They look like giant funbags! Obviously offended, Sable slaps him, but that just riles Bagwell up, as he grabs her arm, when Marc Mero comes from nowhere and attacks him from behind, before throwing him through the motel window! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owen Hart is backstage with Dutch Mantell. [B]Dutch: [/B]Owen, why did you attack Shawn Michaels so viciously earlier in the show? [B]Owen:[/B] Because I’m sick of him, that’s why. I’m sick of his BS. He helped McMahon to screw Bret, and I let that go for the most part, I accepted that he was just really committed to the company and to McMahon, and let it go with only a small butt kicking. But by kicking McMahon last week he showed that he doesn’t love the WWF, he just hates Bret. He has no courage in his convictions, he just wanted to screw my brother, and tried to ruin my family’s life and our reputation. My father, my brother, we all did everything we could to make the Hart family the most important name in pro-wrestling, and Michaels is trying to ruin that. What sort of a man would I be if I let that go? I would be as bad as Shawn, and that’s not gonna happen. Shawn, before, I kicked your butt. Now I ruin your life like you tried to ruin mine. 1998 will be the last year of Shawn Michaels career. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A graphic is shown on screen saying the next match will be Mankind and Stone Cold Steve Austin teaming to face Kane and The Undertaker. [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]Kane & The Undertaker vs Mankind & WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin[/SIZE][/B] It is quite possible that there has never been a more dominant tag team in WWF history. The “Brothers Of Destruction” looked on top form and dominated their opponents, tagging well and standing tall at the top of the company. Austin and Mankind did well and performed as hard as they could, hitting all their big moves in an attempt to keep them down, but ultimately they were helpless as the unstoppable monsters finished the match with stereo Chokeslams, followed with stereo Tombstones. [B]Winners: Kane and The Undertaker in 11:09 Rating: A*[/B][/CENTER] After the match, Kane and The Undertaker merely stand over the befallen opponents, with Kane holding the title. [B]JR: [/B]Dear God! What is going to happen at Breakdown? Kane and The Undertaker are working together and they look more dominant than ever! [B]Cornette:[/B] If you weren’t scared before then you better be. [B]JR:[/B] The Brothers Of Destruction are unstoppable! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Final rating: A*, [/B]should have increased our popularity. Apparently Deacon Bautista was used too much. As soon as Vince decides he doesn’t want him in the roster, he’s gone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/WCW.jpg[/IMG] Monday Nitro was held in the DC Armory in front of 10,000 fans and drew a B- rating. It was headlined by the continuation of the Outsiders vs Giant/Luger feud, and Chris Jericho retained his TV Title against the Booty Man, and The Steiner Brothers retained the tag gold against Michael Wallstreet and Chris Benoit.[/FONT]
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[QUOTE=robertocarlos87;216112]edge and christian..........excellant :D And that main event totally reminds me of 98, which is a good thing, I just wonder when taker will side with austin, mankind with kane, and mr foley gets chucked off the cell :D Overall, a very good show, kutgw :)[/QUOTE] Thanks very much. :) I quite liked the main event too, I thought definitely had a 1998 ring to it and I desperately want to stay relevant to the era. [QUOTE=DocStevens;216153]The Rock vs Triple H at Breakdown...now we are talking!!!![/QUOTE] Oh, Breakdown's just the start, baby...
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I just want to say a quick thank you to everyone who's read this for getting this diary 5,000 views! That was a real target of mine and I'm so pleased I've reached it. I guess the next landmark will have to be 10,000, although something tells me that's going to be a few months down the line yet! I really appreciate all the support I've had and it makes it worthwhile, so thank you.
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[CENTER][QUOTE][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/PPV/Breakdown-1.png[/IMG] [B]With the latest WWF In Your House instalment just over a week away, things are definitely starting to heat up.[/B] The first ever Breakdown PPV promises to be a night of excitement and thrills for all, and perhaps this will be most evident in the main event. WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin has been on fine form since winning the belt at Wrestlemania XIV, however, he is about to face without doubt his biggest challenge yet when he faces the monster Kane. Kane has only lost one match in his WWF career, and that was to his brother The Undertaker, who has now begun siding with the Big Red Machine, like at last weeks RAW where the Brothers Of Destruction cleanly beat Austin and his partner Mankind. Many say Kane is unstoppable, but Austin better hope this isn’t true, or he will see his much coveted belt around the waist of the most dominant wrestler in history. We will also see at Breakdown a meeting between two men who claim to be the future of the WWF, The Rock and Triple H. Both men have seen their stock rise over the last few months, but this will all change when the D-Generation X member faces the Nation Of Domination Member. Also booked for the PPV is one of the potentially most dangerous matches in WWF history. WWF.com can exclusively reveal The Lord Of Darkness himself The Undertaker has been booked to face Mankind at request of the psychotic masked man. But that’s not all- the match will take place in Mankind’s speciality; a Boiler Room Brawl! The final match currently booked will be a Tag Team Gauntlet match to discover the number one contenders to The Nation’s Tag Team titles. There will be five teams involved, and currently entered are Edge & Christian, the Headbangers and rookie high fliers the Hardy Boyz. WWF In Your House: Breakdown will be available on pay per view on the 20th May 1998, but don’t forget before that to check out WWF RAW is WAR on the USA Network at 9:00 EST, where we already know Triple H will face off against Owen Hart![/QUOTE][/CENTER] A wrestling news article and RAW preview still to come, and of course followed by the RAW is WAR show.
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... [CENTER][QUOTE][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ObsessedWithWrestling.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Wrestling News[/SIZE][/B] [LIST] [*]Bob Holly is set to leave the World Wrestling Federation after failing to come to terms on a new contract. It is unknown where that leaves his partner Bart Gunn. [*]RAW is WAR was signed up to another season on the USA Network, TV Asahi and TV Azteca. There were also deals struck with the SRC and Sky Sports networks so the Canadian, UK and European markets are also catered for. That means RAW is now shown in every major wrestling region in the world. [*]There is still no word on a second WWF show to compete with the WCW’s second show, “WCW Weekly”. [*]WWF performer Matt Hardy and best friend Shane Helms (who works for development territory JAPW) have fallen out. [*]Hulk Hogan continues to be a popular guy backstage as he falls out with his best friend Jimmy Hart. There is no words as of yet for why. [*]ECW Wrestlepalooza will be held this Saturday night, and will once again be headlined by the ECW Title match between champion Shane Douglas and Chris Candido. [*]To counter the ECW PPV, WCW have a blockbuster “Weeky” event, with no fewer than four title matches, including Kevin Sullivan coming out of retirement to face Chris Jericho for the TV Title and Hollywood Hogan defending the WCW Title against Kevin Nash. [/LIST][/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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