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World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

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I pick The Rock!!!!!! This is the perfect opporunity to push the People's Champ into the spotlight and away from The Nation for good. Plus it is a great way to push the Triple H vs Rock storyline as they could feud all the way to the finals of KOTR and beyond!
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I wish it'd be Goldust, I really liked that character (I'm serious :eek: ) But I'm going with Ken Shamrock. He's got that tough as nails streak that means he could overcome all odds to win the King of the Ring. Keefy, I've got to give you a wrap mate. I don't think I've seen a diary on these boards with so many loyal supporters. I mean honestly, look how many replies you have got since your last show. The reason why is you've presented straight out quality. I'm really amped with practically everything you're putting out there mate. I don't know how you've done it, but I think there's reasons why each and every wrestler in your roster could get a push to the top, and that's a credit to your ability to put people over without burying anyone. Keep it up mate.
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Thanks everyone for the predictions. I'll keep a note of them and then use them later on in the diary if need be. [QUOTE=tristram;219106]I wish it'd be Goldust, I really liked that character (I'm serious :eek: ) But I'm going with Ken Shamrock. He's got that tough as nails streak that means he could overcome all odds to win the King of the Ring. Keefy, I've got to give you a wrap mate. I don't think I've seen a diary on these boards with so many loyal supporters. I mean honestly, look how many replies you have got since your last show. The reason why is you've presented straight out quality. I'm really amped with practically everything you're putting out there mate. I don't know how you've done it, but I think there's reasons why each and every wrestler in your roster could get a push to the top, and that's a credit to your ability to put people over without burying anyone. Keep it up mate.[/QUOTE] I don't suppose you remember now, but when I was thinking of doing this diary I asked you if you knew it it would be a hit. And I swear I had absolutely no idea that I would have so many predictions and feedback. It really is what keeps me going, and I want to keep the standard as high as I can for everyone who reads it. And to prove I listen to the feedback, I have changed two huge plans for the rest of the year already purely based on what people have said on here. As I still have my laptop I may try and whack out Breakdown as quick as I can, so I can have it posted before I lose it.
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Our development territory had their latest monthly event on Tuesday. [QUOTE][CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]JAPW NO MORE MR. NICE GUY[/SIZE][/B] Steven Richards def Brian Christopher to retain the JAPW Big Gold Belt Title Scott Taylor def Kurt Angle Mayumi Ozaki def Jacqueline Moore to retain the JAPW National Title Luna Vachon def Tina Ferrari Tito Santana def Christopher Daniels Manami Toyota & Chris Kanyon def The Brain Damagers (Yoshihiro Tajiri & Rob Conway) to win the JAPW Tag Team Titles Billy Kidman def Sean Morley Rhino Richards, Shannon Moore & Devon Storm drew with Ace Steel, Frankie Kazarian & Mr Aguila Terri Powers def Nora Greenwald Shane Helms def Homicide Mikey Lockwood def Mike Quackenbush & Doug Williams Larry Nelson def Nick Dinsmore The event drew 300 fans to the Sports Plus Center in the Tri-State area and gained a C rating.[/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=rjhabeeb;219301]man your development is pretty stacked up[/QUOTE] True, but I need pretty much every one of them. They fall generally under four categories [B][U]I'm a fan/think they are underrated/were underused[/U][/B] Under this section would be Kurt Angle, who is obviously great. Also here would be Kanyon, Rhino and Morley, who were underused, and Richards, who is underrated. [B][U]Light-Heavyweights[/U][/B] One day I hope to have a truly flourishing Light-Heavyweight division. Therefore, I may have to call upon Daniels, Helms, Moore, Tajiri, Lockwood, Quackenbush, Kidman, Aguila, Homicide, Taylor, Brian Christopher, Doug Williams etc [B][U]Women[/U][/B] I would also love to have a decent Women's division one day, one that accentuates female wrestling ability and doesn't care too much for T&A. Obviously, it will take a while, but that's why I have the likes of Greenwald, Moretti, Ozaki, Jacqueline, Luna, Tori etc [B][U]Unemployed Prospects[/U][/B] The likes of Conway, Dinsmore, Nelson, Ace Steel etc are all young guys that I think have the promise to go on to bigger and better things, but were sitting in the dole office doing nothing, and hence not improving. Really, I need people from all four as I do keep one eye on the future. However, expect it to get lighter over thenext few months as some get call ups and some get released. It's a job, this.
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Elsewhere in the wrasslin' world... [CENTER][QUOTE][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ObsessedWithWrestling.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/wrestlingtapetrading26/pictures/wcw_logo.gif[/IMG] [B][SIZE="6"][FONT="Century Gothic"]WCW WEEKLY[/SIZE][/B] Despite having dropped the belt at last weeks Weekly event, Hogan still magically appeared the main event of this Weekly show from Ontario, Canada. In the undoubted match of the night, Hollywood pinned Sting yet again, all but destroying any momentum the Stinger had going in to 1998. WCW Champion Kevin Nash lost in a non-title match to partner/ex-partner Scott Hall in a "Beer Can On A Pole Match." Nash seemed to have the advantage until Hall got second wind after getting a glimpse of the booze and rushed up the pole quicker than he's ever moved before. It is unknown if this was scripted or not. Chris Benoit once again failed to topple the WCW Tag Team Champions, as he teamed up with The Barbarian to lose to the Steiners. Also at Weekly we saw Raven defeat Madusa, Brad Armstrong and Psicosis in an early contender for pointless match of the year, deserving US Champion Dean Malenko retained against Scott Norton and undeserving TV Champion Kevin Sullivan beat Disco Inferno. The show drew 10,000 people to the show in the RICOH Coliseum, and garnered a B rating. Don't forget to tune into WCW Nitro on Monday night to see the flagship show of World Championship Wrestling: Where The Big Boys Play, And The Smaller, More Talented Guys Get Left Behind[/FONT].[/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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Hmmm... Marcus Bagwell would be my pick for KotR, unless his feud with Mero continues. If that's the case, Bagwell won't win. Tazz would be my second pick in that case, and how good would a final between him and Shamrock be? That is one stacked tournament. Can't wait to see how it plays out. Incidentally, is that the brackets for the draw?
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[QUOTE=James Casey;219620]Hmmm... Marcus Bagwell would be my pick for KotR, unless his feud with Mero continues. If that's the case, Bagwell won't win. Tazz would be my second pick in that case, and how good would a final between him and Shamrock be? That is one stacked tournament. Can't wait to see how it plays out. Incidentally, is that the brackets for the draw?[/QUOTE] Nope, that's just the entrants in alphabetical order. The first round matches will be posted after Breakdown, then a graphic of the brackets all the way to the final will be posted after Round One. I hope you all like the King Of The Ring, 'cos with just four weeks until the PPV you're going to be getting quite a lot of it. I think I've now decided on who will win myself. I think... Stay posted... ;)
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[CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MontrealToAttitude.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="6"][B]The Pre-Show Before[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/PPV/Breakdown-1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mania%20Pics/Wwfsundaynightheat.jpg[/IMG] Live from the Rupp Arena in Lexington, Kentucky in front of a crowd of 30,000 people.[/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------- Lance Storm is backstage ahead of his match, about to get interviewed. People within a five mile radius of the arena pass out. [B]Lance[/B]: I’m gonna make this real short and sweet- I’ve taken both The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels to the limit yet I’m still not being taken seriously. Tonight is the start of the rest of my career. I’ll rip Bart Gunn apart, and then it’s onwards and upwards. From this day forward, people remember the name of Lance Storm, and people WILL take me seriously. --------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]“Smoking” Bart Gunn vs Lance Storm[/SIZE][/B] Lance Storm sure as heck followed up on his claim that he should be taken seriously. Gunn have his all but it all counted for nothing as Lance technically dismantled him, before making him submit to a Single Leg Boston Crab. [B]Winner: Lance Storm in 4:38 Rating: C[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------- Sable is backstage getting ready for her mixed tag match later in the night, much to the delight of the crowd. ------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]World Wrestling Federation Hardcore Title[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="5"]Al Snow vs “The Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal” Sabu[/SIZE][/B] Following on from their excellent Hardcore Title match on RAW, these two gave the fans a real insight into how hardcore matches should be run. No stupidity, no comic relief, just extreme, almost art form style hardcore wrestling. Snow seemed to be even more demented than before, enjoying each chair short even more than before, and even arguing with himself during the match. In fact, this was his downfall as he began arguing with himself while he had Sabu down, which gave Sabu the chance to throw a chair in his face, lay him on the table and hit an Arabian Facebuster. [B]Winner: Sabu in 6:48 Rating: B[/B][/CENTER] ------------------------------------------------- A video is played hyping the feud between Kane and Stone Cold Steve Austin ------------------------------------------------ A limo pulls up in the parking lot, and out steps Kane with Paul Bearer. Paul Bearer looks excited but Kane walks through the door to the arena without a single emotion. Paul Bearer: Kane, my son, tonight is the night! Tonight, you will be the WWF Champion! Especially after Vince’s announcement! Kane and Bearer exit, leaving JR to ask the inevitable question of what announcement?[/FONT] ----------------------------------------------- Up next... WWF In Your House: Breakdown
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I am looking for a Special Guest Referee as the special announcement. So the REAL question is who is going to be the ref??!?! I always love the special guest ref because you never know if the guy is going to cheat like you assume he will or if there is some big swerve planned and the guy will betray his "boss", etc! Should be interesting!
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MontrealToAttitude.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/PPV/Breakdown-1.png[/IMG] Live from the Rupp Arena in Lexington, Kentucky in front of a crowd of 30,000[/CENTER] A video plays hyping the triple main event of Austin vs Kane, Undertaker vs Mankind and Shawn Michaels vs Owen Hart. After the usual pyrotechnic display the camera pans the crowd, before settling on the three man commentary team of Jim Ross, Jim Cornette and Jerry Lawler. [B]JR:[/B] Triple main event night here at Breakdown! The crowd in the beautiful Rupp Arena are absolutely on fire. The three J’s are here to provide commentary for you tonight- I’m JR Jim Ross, alongside Jim Cornette and for the second PPV in a row- Jerry “The King” Lawler. King, it’s an honour to have you here. [B]King: [/B]It’s an honour to be here, JR. And you know why? Because we will see a brand new WWF Champion! [B]Cornette:[/B] The man speaks the truth- the most unstoppable monster in World Wrestling Federation history is going for the title tonight, and I bet McMahon will love that! [B]JR:[/B] Don’t count out Austin yet, of anyone can beat Kane it’s him. --------------------------------------------------------- Vince McMahon’s music hits as he walks onto the staging area. [B]Vince:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to In Your House: Breakdown! Tonight we will see the absolute the best the World Wrestling Federation has to offer three main events for you, but you already know all of that. I’m here to tell you that tonight; the title match will feature a title change! And you can take that to the bank, because it’s a McMahon promise. I promise that because I, Vincent Kennedy McMahon, will be honouring you all by being ringside for the match that will now be… No… Disqualifications… Vince begins to exit. [B]JR:[/B] What? That’s not fair! McMahon can do whatever he wants to cost Austin the title! Vince quickly comes back. [B]Vince:[/B] Oh, I almost forgot. There will be a special guest referee. And it will be… The Undertaker! ---------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Tag Team Gauntlet Match[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]Headbangers vs Legion Of Doom vs Hardy Boyz vs Goldust and Taz vs Edge & Christian w/Dusty Rhodes[/SIZE][/B] The first two teams mad either way down to the ring, those being the Legion Of Doom and the differently dressed Headbangers, who are now kitted out entirely in bikers outfits. Ina relatively short battle, the veterans semmed to have the advantage, but eventually Mosh managed to roll up Hawk to get the three count. [B]Winners: Headbangers in 3:58 Rating: C[/B] The next team to come down to the ring were the young Hardy Boyz, who sprinted to the ring and immediately attempted all their high flying, daredevil offence, and gained appreciation from the crowd. They made quick work of the Headbangers, who were clearly affected by the sudden change in style from Road Warriors to Hardyz, who picked up the three after they hit their Leaping DDT/Swanton Bomb combination. [B]Winners: Hardy Boyz in 4:54 Rating: C+[/B] As soon as the pinfall occurred, Taz sprinted to ring and aggressively beat down the Hardyz on his own, as Gold-Taz walked to the ring sniffing and snorting. Taz, clearly frustrated at having to team with the Bizarre One and angry at his choice of his attire, took out his frustrations on the youngsters, who despite fighting gallantly were put away by Gold-Taz, who locked in a bizarrely sexual Tazmission for the submission. [B]Winners: Gold-Taz and Taz in B Rating: 5:44[/B] The final team came to the ring in the form of Edge & Christian, and tried to take advantage of their freshness from the off. They were aggressive, and cheeky in their dirty tactics, but struggled to hold onto the momentum due to the sheer tenacity of Taz’s assault. Edge attempted a spear on Taz, but Taz rolled out of the way, before locking in a Tazmission for the victory. [B]Winners: Goldust and Taz in 5:46 Rating: B Gauntlet Winners: Goldust and Taz in 20:22[/B][/CENTER] Taz immediately rises to his feet to celebrate, but upon seeing his partner his expression turns to disgust, then disappointment, then anger. Goldust tries to hug his partner, but Taz just shoves him away, fully aware that he’ll team with the Golden One to face the Tag Champions tomorrow night on RAW. ------------------------------------------------ A video is played showing the greatest moments of the human highlight reel, the whole dam show, RVD! ----------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Hardcore Match[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]“The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam vs “Innovator Of Violence” Tommy Dreamer[/SIZE][/B] Unfortunately, the crowd were a little disappointed by this one as it seemed a bit awkward due to their lack of chemistry. A few spots were blown, but that didn’t stop the crowd rallying behind both men, and even an ECW-esque chant battle of “Lets go Dreamer!” from the younger, less smarky fans and “F*** you Dreamer!” from the internet smarks. Not that Dreamer has done anything wrong, it’s just RVD may be the hottest thing in the WWF at the moment. Alignment didn’t matter as Rob Van Dam showed a national audience a display they’ve seldom seen before and put Dreamer away with a Five Star Frog Splash. [B]Winner: Rob Van Dam in 8:35 Rating: C+[/B][/CENTER] ----------------------------------------------- Backstage, Stone Cold is about to be interviewed by Michael Cole. [B]Cole: [/B]Stone Cold, tonight you face perhaps the biggest challenge of your career as you face the so far seemingly unstoppable monster, Kane, with your belt on the line. [B]Austin:[/B] You’re damn right it’s the biggest challenge of my career. But do I give a rat’s ass? No, I don’t. Good old Stone Cold knows what he is, and knows what he’s not. I’m not a 7 foot, unstoppable, burnt streak of p***, but I am the baddest son of a bitch in World Wrestling Federation history, and I guaran-damn-tee that I will rip Kane apart and get the three count to remain the WWF Champion. [B]Cole:[/B] Be that as it may, will you be able to get a three count with Undertaker as the Guest Referee? [B]Austin: [/B]What part of this don’t you get? Are you stupid? Are you an idiot? Do you wanna ask Stone Cold any more stupid questions? That dead son-of-a-bitch can referee whatever the hell he wants to referee. He can call it down the middle, he can side with Kane, hell, he can side with me if he wants. I don’t give a rat’s ass. Stone Cold Steve Austin will walk out of Breakdown as the WWF Champion, and that’s the bottom line… ‘cos Stone Cold said so! ------------------------------------------------ Meanwhile, Mankind is backstage with Dutch Mantell. [B]Dutch: [/B]Mankind, tonight you face The Undertaker in your speciality match; a Boiler Room Brawl. [B]Mankind: [/B]Yes I do Dutch, and to be honest, I’m a little bit nervous. It may be my speciality, but I’m not facing just anybody tonight. The Undertaker may be the most clinical, destructive element in WWF history. Will his mind be elsewhere as he is also refereeing the main event? I don’t know, and frankly. I don’t care. They say you can’t kill what is already dead, but they also said I’d never make it as a pro-wrestler. I’ve made a career out of achieving the unachievable, and tonight, I’ll kill the Deadman. And I will without doubt, have a nice day. ------------------------------------------------ [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]Sunny & “The Stuff” Marcus Bagwell vs “Marvellous” Marc Mero and Sable[/SIZE][/B] Unfortunately, despite the men wrestling in most the match, Sunny was exhausted by the end. Even without this, they put on a decent match, with Mero seemingly quite unstable and overly defensive of his wife, who was still being taunted by The Stuff. After both men knocked themselves out with a double clothesline, they tagged in the ladies, who had a pretty run of the mill diva catfight, until Sable impressed all by hitting a Powerbomb on Sunny, while Bagwell was too occupied fighting Mero on the outside to make the save. [B]Winners: Marc Mero & Sable in 6:33 Rating: C+[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------- A video was played showing Jarrett’s recent heinous actions; stealing Terri, stealing Dusty, spitting at Shane, hitting Shane with a title belt, etc. [B]JR:[/B] Well folks, the next match will be one of the most peculiar in history, as the son of the owner of WWF will challenge for the Intercontinental Title. [B]Cornette: [/B]I’m with Mr McMahon on this one, an authority figure has no place being in a match of this magnitude. It makes me sick and I’m just glad we have someone of the moral highground like Mr McMahon to counter-balance him. [B]JR:[/B] Oh, please… [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Title[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]Jeff Jarrett (c) w/ “American Dream” Dusty Rhodes and Terri vs Shane McMahon[/SIZE][/B] Jarrett was obviously taken aback by the upfront style of Shane McMahon, who left nothing in the locker room as he tackled and punched his way towards the IC Title. The passion was as clear in his eyes as the fear was in Jarrett’s, who was clearly under prepared, most notably by wearing jeans to the ring, rather than his usual tights. Shane even showed some amazing agility, leapfrogging Jarrett, and gaining a “Holy Sh*t!” chant from the crowd as he attempted a Corkscrew Moonsault. Jarrett got in offence of his own, but this only seemed to give him a false sense of security and fire up the young McMahon. Seeing his client was in trouble, Dusty Rhodes rolled in the ring with the belt and clocked Shane over the head with it, knocking him out. [B]Winner: Shane McMahon by DQ in 9:31, however, Jeff Jarrett retains the Intercontinental Title Rating: B[/B][/CENTER] After the match, Jarrett and Dusty put the boots into Shane, trying to keep him down. Even Terri joined in, before Jarrett spat on the befallen Boy Wonder. Just as they were picking him up to continue the assault, Goldust ran down to the ring and took out Jarrett, before facing his father. His father tried to plead to his sensitive side, but Goldust was having none of it, as he kicked him in the groin before throwing him out of the ring. He helped Shane to his feet, who in turn ordered Goldust to lay Jarrett on the announcers table. Bemused, the Bizarre One followed orders, as Shane ascended to the top rope and hit a jaw dropping Elbow Drop to the outside to a huge ovation from the crowd. --------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile, Vince McMahon was backstage, angry at what he saw from his son, when he’s approached by Michael Cole. [B]Cole[/B]: Erm… Mr McMahon, we just saw your son perform an incredible elbow drop on Jarrett, but appears to be hurt. Your thoughts? [B]Vince:[/B] (angrily) I hope he damn well killed himself! I’ve never been more ashamed that he is the product of my immaculate semen. However, if he never walks again, at least one half of my plan for tonight will have been achieved… [B]JR:[/B] Damn it! McMahon just makes me sick! How can he talk about his own son like that? ---------------------------------------------------- A video is played showing The Nation’s attack on the Outlaws three weeks ago on RAW when they pushed them whilst in a dumpster off the stage. [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Dumpster Match for the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]Nation (c) vs New Age Outlaws[/SIZE][/B] The Outlaws seemed up the match as soon as the bell rung as they battled to win back their titles. Steamboat/Savage it weren’t but nonetheless the passion was there. Mabel was, as usual, very, very tough to break down, but Gunn and James tried anyway. In fact, they seemed to gain a significant advantage over them and appeared to have the win in their grasp when fellow Nation member The Rock ran down to the ring and levelled the DX members with steel chairs, allowing D’Lo to roll them into the Dumpster for the win. [B]Winners: The Nation in 8:42 Rating: B+[/B][/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------- Dutch Mantell is standing by with Shawn Michaels. [B]Dutch:[/B] Tonight, Shawn, you face Owen Hart in a match that’s been building for months. [B]Shawn:[/B] Yes, French, it has been building for months, because HBK didn’t take Hart too seriously. He was like a kid playing a mans game. But not anymore. Owen Hart is the real deal, no doubt, and one of the very best in the industry. In fact, he may well be the top five. But you know whose top of the list? That would have to be the Heart… Break… Kid. You know, I’m often called the main event. I’m also called the showstoppa, or the real deal, or Mr Wrestlemania, or whatever nicknames people think of. But none of that matters. What matters is the Shawn Michaels is unstoppable, Shawn Michaels is the man, and Shawn Michaels has absolutely no intention of doing anything than raising hell and proving that I am without a shadow of a doubt the best in the industry today. Hallelujah, Owen- I’m coming to get you! ---------------------------------------------------- A graphic was shown to say the Mankind vs Undertaker match is up next, as the announcers discussed it. A video is then played highlighting the rivalry between Mankind and The Undertaker, which started at Unforgiven as Mankind accidentally cost the Phenom the WWF Title to the two and fro battles between them on RAW. [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Boiler Room Brawl[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]“Lord Of Darkness” The Undertaker vs Mankind[/SIZE][/B] Fans who tuned in hoping to see a toehold would have been disappointed in this match. This was nothing but a brawl, pure and simple, with the intention of escaping the boiler room and getting to the ring to gain the urn from the minion in the ring. Every weapon imaginable was used as these veterans gradually battled their way into the corridors, using wood, glass, tables, ladders, chairs, barbed wire, steel signs et al to eliminate their opponent. Both men juiced a bit as they reached the Gorilla position, where the minion was standing by, and ushered to the ring by the Lord Of Darkness. The minion walked down the ramp as the battle continued, getting slightly more inventive in their attacks as they got closer to ring, until Undertaker hit a Chokeslam on the steel ramp and climbed in the ring to accept the urn. He bowed on one knew and lowered his head as he placed his hand out. The minion, rather than handing him the urn, pulled back the hood to his cloak to reveal it was Stone Cold Steve Austin! ‘Taker looked up in time to see Austin flip him the bird, then nailed him with lefts and rights, before clocking him over the head with the ring bell. Mankind got into the ring and applied the Mandible Claw, before bowing to Austin who handed him the urn! [B]Winner: Mankind in 12:42 Rating: A*[/B][/CENTER] The Undertaker looks shocked at what transpired after the match, and doesn’t seem able of really reacting in any way. Austin just flips him the bird again before hitting a Stunner,, then carrying him down to the top of the ramp, where he throws The Undertaker off the stage! Referees and paramedics immediately hit the scene, as they tend to the fallen ‘Taker, who appears to be unconscious. They put him on a stretcher and roll him to an ambulance, which drives out of the arena! We’re without a referee for the main event! --------------------------------------------- The Rock is backstage with Michael Cole. [B]Cole: [/B]Tonight, Rocky, you face… [B]Rock:[/B] Who in the blue hell are you? [B]Cole:[/B] I told you last month, Roc… [B]Rock:[/B] It doesn’t matter who you are! All that matters is that The Rock is about to walk into the people’s ring in front of millions of his fans and give them the wrestling experience of a lifetime. Electricity will flow through their veins as they stand in the presence of greatness as The Rock whoops Triple H’s candy ass and proves to all that The Nation rules the WWF, that The Rock is the hottest young star in the WWF, and that Triple H is nothing but the dog crap on the bottom of The Rock’s two thousand dollar shoe that he forces his maid to clean up with her bare hands. The Rock thinks, no, The Rock knows, no, The Rock guaran-damn-tees that by the end of the night fans all around the world will be screaming The Rock’s name as he proves once and for all that he is the very best in the World Wrestling Federation! If ya smellllllll what The Rock is cookin’! A graphic is then shown on screen to say The Rock vs Triple H match is up next, which is then followed up by a video of their feud. [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]The Rock vs Triple H[/SIZE][/B] Triple H was up for the match from the start as Rocky cost the Outlaws the tag titles earlier in the night. Neither man bothered with mat wrestling as they brawled all around the ring, into the crowd and down the ramp, nailing each other with scoop slams and back body drops. Triple H, as usual had his huge barrage of fans behind him, but so too did The Rock whose charisma and ability has gained him respect. Both men tried for finishers and signature moves, but neither man was willing to give an inch. Triple H attempted a Pedigree, but Rock reversed it into a Samoan Drop, and followed it up with a Nation Elbow, much to the delight of The King. However, rather than going for the pin, he stood behind Triple H, poised to hit a Rock Bottom to rub salt into the wound. Triple H groggily walked over, but elbowed his way out of the Rock Bottom and nailed a Pedigree for the huge win. [B]Winner: Triple H in 14:41 Rating: A[/B][/CENTER] ------------------------------------------- [B]Cole: [/B]Owen, earlier tonight we heard Shawn Michaels says that you have never won the big one. Will tonight be the night? [B]Owen:[/B] There comes a time in every mans life where he reaches a crossroads. Turn one way, and he can achieve everything he ever wanted to. Turn the other, and he fades into obscurity. Owen Hart will not fade. Tonight, I finally get the chance to enact revenge on Shawn Michaels for the hurt and pain he has caused me and my family. Deep down, I know I don’t have the passion to be the WWF Champion. But that’s because I’m so consumed by the idea of ending Shawn Michaels career. I want to cripple him ,I want to lock in the Sharpshooter until I hear his leg snap. The Undertaker likes to talk about being accountable for your actions. Well tonight, Shawn, you become accountable for everything you’ve ever done wrong. I’ll walk out to the ring tonight and not only win the big one, I’ll end HBK’s career. And then, with him behind me, I’ll face the WWF Champion. They’ll look in my eyes and know that tonight just isn’t their night, and I will fulfil my destiny of being the World Wrestling Federation champion. I WILL win the big one tonight, and I WILL finish Shawn Michaels. -------------------------------------------- A graphic appears on screen as the announcers discuss the Shawn Michaels vs Owen Hart match which is up next. This graphic is followed by a video which shows their feud, which dates all the way back to the Montreal Screwjob. [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]“Black Hart” Owen Hart vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels[/SIZE][/B] This one had classic written all over it as perhaps the best two wrestler in the company battled it out with pride and revenge on the line. It started off as a catch-as-catch-can classic, full of reversals and holds not often seen in a Federation ring. Michaels embarrassed Owen by seemingly having the advantage, so Owen resorted to low blows and closed fists to regain control. With a slightly menacing glare in his eye as he laid into Michaels, Owen gritted his teeth and bashed Michaels face in, who quickly was busted open. He tried to fight back, but Hart was too intense. However, he ‘aint called the showstopper for nothing, and he called upon all his legendary willpower as he battled back into the match, fighting with all his might as the blood flowed from his skull like water from a tap. At times only the ring ropes were keeping him on his feet as he gave his heart and soul into staying in the match, hitting Hart with all he had as the energy gradually evaporated out of Owen. Around the twenty minute mark, both men had gone flat out and were exhausted, as the mat was covered in crimson following one hell of a blade job. HBK was down and out, Hart arrogant, when from nowhere Michaels leapt to his feet and nailed a flying forearm, before hitting a couple of scoop slams and diving off the top rope for an elbow drop. He tuned up the band, the crowd willing him on, and he flew his foot at Owen’s mouth. However, Hart grabbed it and tripped his standing leg, before locking in the Sharpshooter. Michaels tried desperately not to tap, but he was stuck in the centre of the ring and didn’t have the energy left in him to fight, so tapped his hand on the mat to give Owen the win. [B]Winner: Owen Hart in 23:48 Rating: A*[/B][/CENTER] Owen collapses to the mat, clearly exhausted after he was taken to the limit by his nemesis. Michaels grabs his legs in agony, as the crowd rise to their feet to acknowledge the instant classic they just witnessed. Owen Hart of old would have stood up and soaked in the adulation he had craved for so long. But that was Owen of old. Hart turned to his befallen enemy, walked over and once again locked in the Sharpshooter, much to the distain of the crowd who could almost feel the screams of the Heartbreak Kid. --------------------------------------- Paul Bearer and Kane are standing by backstage with Dutch Mantell. [B]Dutch:[/B] Paul, tonight your son gets the opportunity to finally win the WWF Title. [B]Bearer:[/B] You know what; it’s more than a title that’s on the line tonight. My son has had to endure the most evil of tortures in his life. Children laughed as he walked down the street. Women turned away as they saw his charred face. He hid away in his room for years on end, too mentally scared by the death of his mother in his home, too scared by the fire that ravished his body, too scarred by the laughs and taunts of everyone in his life. Indeed, tonight is about more than a title, it is about self respect and proving to the world that my son was born a human, but raised a monster by the hate and rejection that fills the world. Tonight, Kane becomes the World Wrestling Federation Champion at the expense of Stone Cold Steve Austin and finally gets to rule the WWF. ------------------------------------- Vince McMahon is in his office, pacing up and down furiously after what happened to The Undertaker, when Owen Hart walks in. [B]Vince: [/B]If it’s congratulations on your match you want, you better start stepping. [B]Owen: [/B]No, Vince, it’s not about the match. I don’t like you and you don’t like me, but there is very much a “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” mentality around here at the moment, and I have an itch like you would not believe. [B]Vince:[/B] Owen, now really isn’t the time. [B]Owen:[/B] I want the WWF Champion whoever it may be, tomorrow night on RAW. If you can give me that, I will sort out your little Special Referee problem by donning the black and white stripes myself. And Vinny, God knows I would rather face Kane tomorrow than Austin… Vince looks at Owen, before gradually smiling evilly. [B]Vince:[/B] I suggest you find a referee’s shirt. The match is next. ------------------------------------------ A graphic is shown on screen indicating the WWF Title match is up next, which is accompanied by a video of the rivalry between Austin, Kane, and Vince McMahon. [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]No Disqualification Match for the World Wrestling Federation Title Special Referee: Owen Hart[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]Kane w/Paul Bearer and Vince McMahon vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (c)[/SIZE][/B] Despite his best plans to foil McMahon’s plan, Austin found himself in dire trouble when it comes to retaining the title. The No Disqualification rule suited Kane to the ground, who despite being about as evil as possible, he could rely on McMahon sticking his neck in at every opportunity. Austin fought gallantly, and gave Kane the ride of his life. If emotion was visible through his leather mask, Kane may have seemed shocked that Austin was holding his own. Bearer made the mistake of getting involved when Austin came armed with a chair, and promptly wrapped it around his skull, busting the “Round One” wide open. Kane seemingly had the match won several times, but Austin refused to lose, getting his shoulder up with seemingly his last ounce of strength every time. Kane used weapons to great effect, as did Austin, as Hart stood by, not getting involved and allowing both men to go all out, which seemed to irritate Vince. Kane’s superior strength seemingly gave him the win as he lined up a Tombstone, but Austin slid out of it and hit a Stunner as Owen made the count… One… Two… What? Owen didn’t count the three. Kane didn’t kick out! Owen slowly moved backwards as he smirked at a tired Austin. Vince laughed as Austin got to his feet, apparently seeing his title chances vanish. Rather than discuss it with Hart, he did things the Stone Cold way and stomped a mudhole on the ref, but this gave McMahon the opportunity to sneak in the ring and hit him with a chair. Hart got to his feet and prepared himself to hit the Hart Breaker, when Michaels limped down to the ring and hit the Sweet Chin Music on him, as Austin hit a Stunner on McMahon! Kane gradually got to his feet and Michaels hit another Sweet Chin Music, and Austin another Stunner, as Michaels counted the three! [B]Winner: Stone Cold Steve Austin in 11:57 Rating: A*[/B][/CENTER] Austin celebrates the win post-match with Shawn Michaels. Austin grabs a beer and chucks it to Michaels, who toast their foiling of McMahon’s plan. However, Austin Stunners Michaels in mid-drink, just to enhance his “Don’t Trust Anyone” philosophy. He then begins to exit the ring, before noticing McMahon is beginning to stir. He gets back in and waits behind him, ready to strike. Just as McMahon reaches his feet, Kane sits up and grasps his giant hand around Austin’s throat, before Chokeslamming him straight to hell! ----------------------------------------- [B]Final Rating: A*, [/B]should have increased our popularity. ------------------------------------------ Congratulations to Tristram and Mtm2k6 for winning the predictions competition with an impressive 6. McMahon winning on a DQ and Sable & Mero winning seemed to get most people, so 6 is very respectable. I’m going to PM you both with the prize very soon. If anyone thinks this show has altered their idea on King Of The Ring winner then I’d love to hear it.[/FONT]
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Did that say Dusty clocked Jarrett in the head with the title? :p As soon as the pinfall occurred, Taz sprinted to ring and aggressively beat down the Hardyz on his own, as Gold-Taz walked to the ring sniffing and snorting. Taz, clearly frustrated at having to team with the Bizarre One and angry at his choice of his attire, took out his frustrations on the youngsters, who despite fighting gallantly were put away by Gold-Taz, [B]who locked in a bizarrely sexual Tazmission for the submission.[/B] Lmfao!!! And not to be a spoilsport, but I think I got 6 right too. I'm not sure. Oh well. Amazing PPV anyway, the Austin/minion turn was great writing!
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[QUOTE=Mtm2k6;220317]Did that say Dusty clocked Jarrett in the head with the title? :p As soon as the pinfall occurred, Taz sprinted to ring and aggressively beat down the Hardyz on his own, as Gold-Taz walked to the ring sniffing and snorting. Taz, clearly frustrated at having to team with the Bizarre One and angry at his choice of his attire, took out his frustrations on the youngsters, who despite fighting gallantly were put away by Gold-Taz, [B]who locked in a bizarrely sexual Tazmission for the submission.[/B] Lmfao!!! And not to be a spoilsport, but I think I got 6 right too. I'm not sure. Oh well. Amazing PPV anyway, the Austin/minion turn was great writing![/QUOTE] Sorry, the Dusty thing was a mistake, hadn'tread it through, see. Thanks for the correction. Thanks for the kind words about the PPV, I'm glad you enjoyed it. As for the predictions... I bow my head in shame. You are right, for some reason even after you corrected me I was thinking you said the Outlaws to win. Very weird. Oh well, all I can do is apologise, edit the show and send you the prize winning PM too! Congrats on the prediction win.
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I still am hoping for and thinking that a Rock win at the KOTR makes the most sense especially if you can work the Triple H feud into it. I also hope to see the Rock be taken away from The Nation and turned into the People's Champ! Very nice PPV. The Stone Cold match was excellent and it was very 1998 which is a good thing! I am still not sure what to think about the tag division as I can not get a handle on who is going to be the "team to beat" but I am sure that will sort itself out. I do not enjoy the Goldlust angle or the Jeff Jarrett stuff but I know other readers do so it is all good. Finally I loved Stone Cold interfering in the Undertaker match, that was classic!!!
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Nope, I'll stick with Goldust. It's time for the Sexual Tazzmission. Goldust was such a great character, I'd love to see him win KotR, and while I don't think he will, I will stick with him. Go the Prince of Perversion!... If you give me a lick of your slurpee, I'll give you a bite of my wiener...
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