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World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

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Thanks for the feedback guys, really appreciate it. I'll admit, I was very tempted to give Owen the title, just in case I never come back. After I decided not to, I thought about giving HBK the title, just to shake things up, but ultimately I thought I had to stick with what I had already planned. With that said, I actually changed by KOTR winner, and it's because of you, DocStevens. I was going to have Goldust get the upset win to propell him a bit further and maybe use it to start a jealousy thing between him and Taz, but as you didn't like him and I didn't want to disappoint, Rocky got it. And in hindsight, I think The Rock is a better choice. Thanks for reading everyone, check out my new joint Titans diary and I suspect that one day a few months down the line we'll be able to pick up from where we left off!
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  • 2 months later...
I think there would be a few people [SIZE="1"]*cough*outlaw321*cough*[/SIZE] who'd p!ss their pants if this did come back, that's how good this thang was. Dawg, tell the players its for real... we're just chucking and jiving out here living the American Dweam, and there is a Dweam, the people drrivvveeee maaahhhh... Testify brother, let's get some more of that Attitude thang going dawgy dawg (No I was not under the influence when writing this, well, partially I was)
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[QUOTE=theoutlaw321;271318]Could the rumors possibly be true? ;)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=G-Prime;271523]Outlaw's heard a rumour... [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=keefmoon;271597]Ah? What rumours? [/QUOTE] For the record. I was just reacting to the obvious post/no post, which keef has explained. Just having a little fun. Sorry keef if this caused you any undue stress, that was not my intention. [QUOTE=tristram;271569]I think there would be a few people [SIZE="1"]*cough*outlaw321*cough*[/SIZE] who'd p!ss their pants if this did come back, that's how good this thang was. [/QUOTE] Yes it [B]WAS[/B] that good. So I may have jumped the gun there tristram, a guy can hope can he not? Looks like it was a false alarm. Dang, now excuse me while I go change my pants.
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Could it be? I think it'd nearly rival Angel Dark and Krystal Steal turning up at your front door with a few four packs of Jim Beam and Colas looking for a good time... Or in outlaw's case, Steve Earkle and George Michael with a couple of bottles of pepsi... heh, well I humor myself ;) Come on Keefy, fire up baby. We want it back, if it's back fellas, group hug in the shower...
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[QUOTE=tristram;272155]Could it be? I think it'd nearly rival Angel Dark and Krystal Steal turning up at your front door with a few four packs of Jim Beam and Colas looking for a good time... [/QUOTE] Exaggerating a little aren't we? This is good, but it's not that good. And lol at the outlaw comment.
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[QUOTE=tristram;272155] Or in outlaw's case, Steve Earkle and George Michael with a couple of bottles of pepsi... [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Nevermore;272179]That is one of the few comments on here I genuinely laughed OUT LOUD at :D. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=G-Prime;272181] And lol at the outlaw comment.[/QUOTE] Hehe, this coming from the guy who keeps begging for a group hug in the shower?
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