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World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

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So everyone, the truth has come out. World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude is due to make a return. However this time it will be done with a twist. When my laptop was sent away for repairs during my hiatus, unfortunately the data for TEW05 was wiped (strangely 07 was not). This means that I have no data to play FMTA on. With my renewed desired to get this going again, I have decided to carry it on without TEW, using only my imagination to tell the story. While I’m sure some of you will disapprove, it does give me the opportunity to work without constraints; The ratio of matches to angles can change as I see fit. If I want to have a RAW is WAR show entirely made up of a 2 hour Iron Man Match, I can. If I want to follow the Attitude style of 15 minutes wrestling and 1 and ¾ hours angles, I can. Finances are no longer a problem. This side of the game really adds nothing to the diary as it’s not like the WWF is in financial difficulties (about $80 million in the bank from memory). If I want to have a huge debut in the vein of Kane or Chris Jericho (where someone is over just from the hype and effect of their debut) then I can, something which is impossible in TEW. Perhaps most interestingly, I don’t have to worry about chemistry. This means dream matches like Undertaker vs. Kane, Rock vs. Undertaker, and yes, Stone Cold vs. The Rock are no longer out of bounds due to bad chemistry. In terms of signings, I made a note of when people’s contracts were ending for WCW when I was converting 05 to 07. This means that if I want to sign someone from WCW, I still know when their contract is coming up. I will be realistic on this matter. People like Sting are obviously not going to join the WWF so they won’t in this. However, someone like Jericho or Sean Waltman may, as in real life. Next post will be an update for everyone who’s forgotten what happened or hasn’t read before so everyone is up to date with the current wrestling world. However, it will only be brief so I would say reading through it (if you have the time) would probably be a more thorough may of doing it. After that, the Raw Preview will be up and then Raw. It may take a while to get back into the swing of things, but I’ll try to keep the quality as high as I can. To keep you interested, the first Raw will include the birth of a wrestling icon and the debut of a WCW wrestler I signed just before KOTR. I hope you all enjoy it and please be as helpful with your feedback and predictions as you were before the hiatus. I’m going to use overness caps base don the feedback I get (like the heat Marc Mero got on one post a while back) so I really am relying on you guys to help it through. Thanks for the support everyone and I hope you all enjoy it. Keefmoon.
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YYYESSSS!! Greatest moments in wrestling *Arn's retirement and the reformation of the Horsemen *Sting dropping from the rafters on the nWo *Hulk slamming Andre (badly) *Goldberg beating Hogan *Rey and Eddie Halloween Havoc '96 *Group hugs in the shower in BattleLines have been drawn *Chris Benoit retiring that old saggy Kevin Sullivan *Eddie Guerrero winning the WWF Title *For outlaw, receiving his first glow in the dark Steve Earkle poster *Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth reuniting *Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth marrying *SCSA flipping the bird *keefmoon is back in black baby
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;272610] I feel I must give you a word of warning... the first show is a long 'un. I guess I gotta get used to writing in moderation again.[/QUOTE] Oh no... Whatever shall we do :P Seriously, you could write something the calibre of TNA's last show, and we'd lap it up like it was Stone Cold vs The Rock, we're just happy to have you back in this diary.
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;272651]Seriously, you could write something the calibre of TNA's last show, and we'd lap it up like it was Stone Cold vs The Rock, we're just happy to have you back in this diary.[/QUOTE] Thanks very much buddy, you're too nice.
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[QUOTE][B]From Montreal To Attitude Recap…[/B] [LIST] [*]Raw is nearly on terms with Nitro in the ratings. [*]Stone Cold Steve Austin won the WWF Title at Wrestlemania XIV and has held on to it since then against the likes of former champion Shawn Michaels, Owen Hart and Kane. [*]Vince McMahon, The Undertaker, Kane and Owen Hart have formed “The Alliance”, a group intent on destroying DX, Stone Cold and anyone who is choosing to go against them. [*]There has been an influx of talent from ECW, including the likes of King Of The Ring finalist, Rob Van Dam, Sabu and Tommy Dreamer. [*]Mankind, The Rock, Kane and Triple H have cemented their place in the main event. [*]Buff Bagwell made his debut in the WWF after his WCW contract lapsed, and has so far shown himself to be a bullying lothario. [*]Goldust and Taz are the unlikely Tag Team Champions after defeating the Nation team of Mabel and D’Lo Brown despite Taz having a pure hatred for his obsessed partner. [*]A member of the WCW roster was signed to a contract just over a week before King Of The Ring but is yet to debut. [*]Owen Hart and Shawn Michaels have been feuding since the Montreal Screwjob. [*]Triple H has been repeatedly assaulted by a mystery person in a motorbike helmet. [*]Marc Mero and Sable have seemingly moved on from their marriage problems for now, which became apparent as Mero grew jealous of his wife’s success. [*]Jeff Jarrett won the Intercontinental title back at Wrestlemania and has held on to it since then, and has just finished a feud with Shane McMahon leaving him in the hospital. [*]Chavo Guerrero Jr is the Light-Heavyweight Champion after cheating against his former friend Taka Michinoku in the pre-show of Wrestlemania. [*]Jim Cornette has just unleashed his new tag team; Hell’s Henchmen (Faarooq and Bradshaw) on what he calls the “cancer of the WWF” D’Lo Brown and Mabel. [*]Finlay made his debut last week by dismantling much of the undercard. [*]Taka Michinoku has been assaulted over the last couple of weeks by a mysterious ninja. [*]The tag team division has been given a boost by the emergence of two young teams- the high flying Hardy Boyz and the Michael Hayes led Edge & Christian. [/LIST][/QUOTE] If there is anything you think I've missed out then now is the perfect chance to say. Chances are I have forgotten it happened too...
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[QUOTE=Nevermore;272747]I didn't really follow this last time around but, now you've done a catch up post, consider me intrigued. Quote The Raven Nevermore[/QUOTE] Brilliant, it's great to have new readers, especially those who are so highly regarded on here. I hope it impresses you. (By the way, Nevvy, I'm still working on Titans, trying to get myself into it again. It's just TEW that I can't get into at the moment, not the diary.) [QUOTE=DocStevens;272796]The greatest diary in the known universe has returned!!! YEEEESSSSS!!!! I don't have as much time for the board lately but I WILL be following this one!![/QUOTE] You're too kind. I'm glad to still have you on board, because I really appreciate and encourage your sort of contribution to this thing. After all, if it wasn't for you, Goldust would have won the King Of The Ring!
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Like Nevermore, I missed the boat on this the first time round and never got around to catching up on it all. Thanks to your catch up/recap post, I can at least follow with a little confidence of knowing what went on before. In fact, I'm more likely now to try and read back on what's happened prior, especially with an Owen Hart / HBK feud... that's money right there.
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[QUOTE=Nevermore;272747]I didn't really follow this last time around [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=sebsplex;272987]Like Nevermore, I missed the boat on this the first time round [/QUOTE] Well you don't want to miss the boat this time around because as the fans have spoken: [QUOTE=DocStevens;272796]The greatest diary in the known universe has returned!!! YEEEESSSSS!!!! [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][QUOTE][SIZE="4"][FONT="Century Gothic"][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAWisWAR2.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="7"]PREVIEW[/SIZE][/B] The dust has barely cleared after the King Of The Ring as RAW is WAR rolls into the Pepsi Arena in Albany, New York! The main event will see ten of the top superstars going head to head in a over the top rope Battle Royal to determine who will face WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin at Fully Loaded. This offers the best opportunity since the Royal Rumble for some of the competitors, but will The Alliance and DX continue to straddle WWF PPV main events? Also on tonight’s huge edition of RAW we will see the coronation of the 1998 King Of The Ring. The Rock seems to have taken his latest role particularly seriously and tonight he will receive the crown and sceptre he has been longing for in a ceremony hosted by Jerry "The King" Lawler. Last night saw the biggest win in the career of Rob Van Dam as he beat Triple H in the King Of The Ring semi-final. Triple H has demanded a rematch and RVD has accepted, but what role will the mysterious attacker of Triple H’s play in this match? The Tag Team Titles will be on the line as current champions Goldust & Taz face off against the brute team of Faarooq and Bradshaw, who are led to the ring by Jim Cornette. Can the biggest mouth in pro wrestling get his newest stooges to grab WWF gold just weeks after debuting as a team? Chavo Guerrero Jr has so far proven himself to be one of the most efficient Light-Heavyweight champions in memory as he has done everything he can to retain his coveted belt. Tonight he faces off against an opponent who currently remains unnamed in what has to be one of the more difficult experiences of his reign. Tonight on Raw will also showcase the very best in tag team wrestling as we see the Hardy Boyz and the Headbangers tie up again, and Edge & Christian face the former Tag Team champions the Lo Down. Finally we will discover the condition of Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon and Mankind, who were all hospitalised after last nights show. It is understood Michael Cole will be standing by with any updates as the evening progresses, but perhaps most intriguing is who will step into the position of authority for tonight’s show?[/SIZE] [/FONT][/QUOTE][/CENTER] [B]SCHEDULED MATCHES[/B] [LIST] [*]Bagwell vs Billy Gunn/Road Dogg vs Jeff Jarrett vs Kane vs Ken Shamrock vs Marc Mero vs Owen Hart vs Shawn Michaels vs Steve Williams vs The Undertaker in a 10 man over the top rope Battle Royal to discover the number one contender to the WWF Heavyweight Championship [*]Rob Van Dam vs Triple H [*]Hell’s Henchmen vs Goldust & Taz (c) for the Tag Team Titles [*]Chavo Guerrero Jr (c) vs ??? for the Light-Heavyweight Championship [*]Edge & Christian vs Lo Down [*]Headbangers vs Hardy Boyz [/LIST] Don't forget to get your predictions in, folks, and feedback on expectations on anything else is always appreciated- that includes conditions of the injured workers, how The Rock's coronation will go down, etc, etc.
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* Bagwell vs Billy Gunn/Road Dogg vs Jeff Jarrett vs Kane vs Ken Shamrock vs Marc Mero vs Owen Hart vs Shawn Michaels vs Steve Williams vs The [b]Undertaker[/b] in a 10 man over the top rope Battle Royal to discover the number one contender to the WWF Heavyweight Championship * Rob Van Dam vs [b]Triple H[/b] * Hell’s Henchmen vs [b]Goldust & Taz (c)[/b] for the Tag Team Titles * Chavo Guerrero Jr (c) vs [b]???[/b] for the Light-Heavyweight Championship * [b]Edge & Christian[/b] vs Lo Down * Headbangers vs [b]Hardy Boyz[/b]
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Bagwell vs Billy Gunn/Road Dogg vs Jeff Jarrett vs Kane vs Ken Shamrock vs Marc Mero vs Owen Hart vs Shawn Michaels vs Steve Williams vs [B]The Undertaker[/B] in a 10 man over the top rope Battle Royal to discover the number one contender to the WWF Heavyweight Championship Rob Van Dam vs [B]Triple H[/B] [B]Hell’s Henchmen[/B] vs Goldust & Taz (c) for the Tag Team Titles [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr (c)[/B] vs ??? for the Light-Heavyweight Championship [B]Edge & Christian[/B] vs Lo Down Headbangers vs [B]Hardy Boyz[/B]
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* Bagwell vs Billy Gunn/Road Dogg vs Jeff Jarrett vs Kane vs [B]Ken Shamrock[/B] vs Marc Mero vs Owen Hart vs Shawn Michaels vs Steve Williams vs The Undertaker in a 10 man over the top rope Battle Royal to discover the number one contender to the WWF Heavyweight Championship * [B]Rob Van Dam[/B] vs Triple H * Hell’s Henchmen vs [B]Goldust & Taz (c)[/B] for the Tag Team Titles * [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr (c)[/B] vs ??? for the Light-Heavyweight Championship * [B]Edge & Christian[/B] vs Lo Down * [B]Headbangers[/B] vs Hardy Boyz Jerry attacks the Rock. Because he is the only king.
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Yeah, I just played some Chantilly Lace and LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONGGGGG Jacket to get the mood again for this baby. * Bagwell vs Billy Gunn/Road Dogg vs Jeff Jarrett vs Kane vs Ken Shamrock vs Marc Mero vs Owen Hart vs Shawn Michaels vs Steve Williams vs [B]The Undertaker[/B] in a 10 man over the top rope Battle Royal to discover the number one contender to the WWF Heavyweight Championship * Rob Van Dam vs [B]Triple H[/B] * Hell’s Henchmen vs [B]Goldust & Taz[/B] (c) for the Tag Team Titles * Chavo Guerrero Jr (c) vs [B]???[/B] for the Light-Heavyweight Championship - is it my dad again? * [B]Edge & Christian[/B] vs Lo Down * Headbangers vs [B]Hardy Boyz[/B]
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Bagwell vs Billy Gunn/Road Dogg vs Jeff Jarrett vs Kane vs Ken Shamrock vs Marc Mero vs Owen Hart vs [B]Shawn Michaels [/B]vs Steve Williams vs The Undertaker in a 10 man over the top rope Battle Royal to discover the number one contender to the WWF Heavyweight Championship [B]To set up Michaels to win the title so Owen can finally take it from him. [/B] Rob Van Dam vs [B]Triple H[/B] Hell’s Henchmen vs[B] Goldust & Taz (c)[/B] for the Tag Team Titles [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr (c)[/B] vs ??? for the Light-Heavyweight Championship Edge & Christian vs [B]Lo Down[/B] Headbangers vs [B]Hardy Boyz[/B]
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Bagwell vs Billy Gunn/Road Dogg vs Jeff Jarrett vs Kane vs Ken Shamrock vs Marc Mero vs [B]Owen Hart[/B] vs Shawn Michaels vs Steve Williams vs The Undertaker in a 10 man over the top rope Battle Royal to discover the number one contender to the WWF Heavyweight Championship Rob Van Dam vs [B]Triple H[/B] Hell’s Henchmen vs [B]Goldust & Taz[/B] (c) for the Tag Team Titles [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] (c) vs ??? for the Light-Heavyweight Championship [B]Edge & Christian[/B] vs Lo Down Headbangers vs [B]Hardy Boyz[/B] Keefy, first of all, glad to have you back on the forums mate. Was torn between Owen/HBK for battle royale but I think (hope) Owen gets another shot :)
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[QUOTE][CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="3"][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MontrealToAttitude.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]Presents the return of[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAWisWAR2.jpg[/IMG] Live from the Pepsi Arena, Albany, New York in front of a crowd of 14,342[/CENTER] A video is played showing the ending to last nights King Of The Ring where Stone Cold Steve Austin retained the WWF Title and knocked Vince McMahon out with a steel chair. After the usual pyrotechnic display, the camera pans the crowd before settling on the commentary team for the evening, Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross. [B]JR: [/B]The smoke has barely cleared from last nights King Of The Ring and we’re already looking forward to Fully Loaded, and King, what a night we have in store; The Rock has his coronation ceremony and we’ll discover the number one contender to Austin’s WWF Championship. [B]King: [/B]I know JR, but perhaps more importantly we’ll find out the condition of Mr McMahon. [B]JR:[/B] Oh please, King, the guy got a concussion. Shouldn’t you be more worried about Mankind or Shane? [B]King:[/B] Are you kidding?! I’m worried this place will fall apart in Mr McMahon’s absence! [CENTER]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] The show opens with Stone Cold walking down to the ring, the Smoking Skulls title belt gleaming on his shoulder as he asks for a microphone. [B]Austin:[/B] Good ol’ Stone Cold is out here for one reason, and for one reason only. I’ve been getting calls for the last 24 hours from every mealy mouth son of a bitch who wants me to apologise for what I did to Mr McMahon. And you know what? They’re right. I’m sorry. I’m sorry to each and every one of yuh for concussing the boss last night with a steel chair. [I]The crowd boo.[/I] [B]Austin:[/B] I’m sorry to his family, I’m sorry to him, and I’m sorry to every watching here in Albany that I didn’t put that sumbitch in the hospital quicker! Stone Cold Steve Austin made a promise when he one the title that this would be the worst thing to happen in Vince McMahon’s life, and only last night did I get the chance to show what I’m made of. But I’ll warn yuh right now- that’s me on a 6. If you want Stone Cold to turn the notch to 10 then gimmie a hell yeah… [B]Crowd:[/B] HELL YEAH! With that, the lights go out as The Alliance of Owen Hart, Kane and The Undertaker come to the ring. [B]Undertaker:[/B] Austin… last night you performed a greater miracle than a mere mortal such as yourself should. You retained the title against all odds, but the luck of the gambler is about to run out. Your actions towards the great leader have left us with no option but to take matters into our own hands. [B]Owen: [/B]You see, myself, Kane and ‘Taker here are just about sick of seeing you with that damn title around your waist. Thanks to Mr Mac, one of us three will be the number one contender and come Fully Loaded, your reign of ignorance will end and the reign of terror will begin. But until then, it seems only fair that we give you something to remember us by, courtesy of The Alliance. Just as The Alliance menacingly step towards Austin, some familiar music is played throughout the arena as Sgt Slaughter, all suited and booted steps through the curtain and salutes the fans, before walking to the ring. [B]Sarge:[/B] Listen up here, maggots… [I]The crowd pops[/I] [B]Sarge[/B]: By order of Linda McMahon and the Board Of Directors, I’m the Sergeant of this hereby company for the night, and you boys are gonna get yourself in order. I don’t want anything to ruin the main event. That’s why I’m banning any physical contact between Austin and The Alliance. In fact, I have it in writing that if the three of you attack Austin, or vice versa, then you’re suspended without pay for a month. [I]The crowd boos.[/I] [B]Sarge:[/B] Stand to attention, crowd maggots! I’m doing this for your own good. I want to keep these four apart because when they do come together, I want them to take each other to boot camp… But I have to worry about the well being of the stars and the show, and you four destorying each other is particularly bad for the company. So I'm banning physical contact tonight, but next week you can bet your American ass that the physicality rule ends. [B]Owen: [/B]That’s no problem, Sarge, that’s no problem at all. But just remember, you’re looking at the three most dominant superstars in WWF history here. And if we can’t take our aggression out on that son of a bitch, we’ll have to find someone else to destroy… With that, Kane and Undertaker both punch the Sarge squarely in the face. The Sarge collapses as they put the boots into him as Owen barks orders. Austin paces the ring like a caged animal, desperate to help but unable to by contract. Owen kicks the Sarge in the groin before picking him up as the Brothers of Destruction clamp their hands around his throat, when… [I][B][COLOR="DarkGreen"]Break it down![/COLOR][/B][/I] Triple H and Shawn Michaels rush down to the ring with steel chairs, causing The Alliance to hightail, not wanting to risk injury for the Battle Royal later. Austin helps up the Sarge as DX challenge The Alliance to step back into the ring. [CENTER]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [B]Cole:[/B] Hello, folks, I’m Michael Cole and I’m standing by here at a local medical facility where Mankind, Shane and Vince McMahon are all being treated after last nights PPV. I have no word on Mankind’s condition, but Shane McMahon’s injuries are said to be severe at best. Our cameras can’t be taken to him as he’s being operated on as we speak, but we can go into this private ward where the chairman, Mr McMahon is staying. Cole and the cameramen enter a particularly lush private room, decorated beautifully. [B]Cole:[/B] Mr McMahon, if I may, how are you feeling? [B]Vince:[/B] How am I feeling? How much am I paying you, kid, because it’s too much. I feel like hell, and it’s all because of that damned Stone Cold… Before he can finish a doctor enters. [B]Doctor:[/B] Mr McMahon, I am pleased to say that your results are back and you look to be okay, we should be able to release you tomorrow. [B]Vince:[/B] Tomorrow? Don’t you know I have a show to run tonight? [B]Doctor:[/B] I’m fully aware of that, Mr McMahon, but it would be unwise to release you until we are sure you will be okay. Now, in case you are wondering, that door there is indeed the door to the next room, and it doesn’t lock, so that’s why we’ve housed a fellow WWF employee next door. The “Gulp Of Doom™” inevitably follows when the door swings open as Mankind stumbles through in a hospital gown. [B]Mankind:[/B] Oh, there you are, Daddy! McMahon disgustedly mouths “Daddy?” as Mankind limps over and lands him with a huge hug. [B]Mankind:[/B] At last, someone sane to talk too. [B]Vince:[/B] As nice as that would be, Mick, I’m not feeling too sharp, so… [B]Mankind:[/B] Say no more, Daddy, I’ll make it my job to make sure you feel much better by the time you leave. With that, he pulls what appears to be a children’s book out from under his gown. [B]Vince:[/B] Where the hell did that book come from? [CENTER]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B][SIZE="5"]World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles Match[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="6"]Hell’s Henchmen w/Jim Cornette vs Taz & Van Golden (c)[/SIZE][/B] This weeks bizarre costume choice from Goldust came in the shape of a golden version of the classic 80’s rocker look, in particular that of Van Halen. Despite coming to the ring rocking out to “Jump”, the big wig and electric guitar didn’t last long as the Henchmen ran through the Bizarre One as if he didn’t exist. It wasn’t until Taz made his entrance that the sides evened up, and by the time Van Golden returned Cornette’s boys couldn’t get their heads around the strange nature of their opponent. As Goldust planted a kiss on the lips of Faarooq after 7 minutes, Bradshaw ran in with a Clothesline all the way from hell, only to be caught off guard by Taz who locked in a Tazmission on the big Texan who passed out within seconds. [B]Winners, and STILL WWF Tag Team Champions: Taz & Goldust in 7:15[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] The camera cuts to backstage where Rob Van Dam is performing the most unique and seemingly uncomfortable stretch seen to man, when Al Snow walks in, talking to his mannequin head. [B]Al:[/B] I know, I know, I’m gonna tell him now… (Turns to RVD) Jeez, some people never shut up… [I]RVD nods[/I] [B]Al:[/B] I just wanted to say that me and my buddy here were really gutted you didn’t win the King Of The Ring last night. Not because I like you, because I don’t. I still haven’t forgiven you for when you kicked Head right in the… well… head… but you have the chance to make a statement for hardcore wrestlers everywhere by beating Triple H two nights in a row. [B]RVD:[/B] Al, dude, whatever. I’m not doing this for you, I’m not doing this for the fans, I’m doing this for one man and one man only… me… R… V… D. [CENTER]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] The New Age Outlaws are backstage. [B]Gunn:[/B] Dawg, do you get the feeling that we’re getting left behind? Since these pretty boy tag teams came along we’ve been thrown to the gutter. [B]Dogg:[/B] You saying I’m not pretty? [B]Gunn:[/B] Well… when the light catches you… never mind. What I mean is now Hunter and Shawn are getting occupied with The Alliance, where does that leave us? [B]Dogg:[/B] I tell you where it leaves us; it leaves us with a point to prove. [B]Gunn:[/B] Yeah, but how? [B]Dogg:[/B] Tonight, one of us can enter the Battle Royal. If we win, we are going to the main event of Fully Loaded. [B]Gunn:[/B] And then people will have to pay attention to us. [B]Dogg:[/B] Exactly, that’s why I thought I should enter. [B]Gunn:[/B] No, hang on, you’ve lost me. Surely as the greatest natural athlete in the WWF I should enter? [B]Dogg:[/B] If it was a gymnastic competition then sure. Although I think that RVD dude would have you beat. As would that little Taka guy… [B]Gunn:[/B] I’ll toss you for it. [B]Dogg:[/B] Whoa, whoa, whoa, I like you, Billy, but just as a friend. [B]Gunn:[/B] Toss a coin. [B]Dogg:[/B] Oh gotcha, sure. I call tails, like on a Dogg. [I]Billy tosses the coin, mumbling under his breath about the “like on a dog” comment.[/I] [B]Gunn: [/B]Heads, and I’m in. [B]Dogg:[/B] Damn it… I hate dogs. [B]Gunn:[/B] Yeah… sometimes more than others… [CENTER]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] The Light-Heavyweight Champion Chavo Guerrero Jr. makes his way to the ring and awaits his currently unknown opponent. Taka Michinoku also comes down to ringside to scout the latest member of the Light-Heavyweight division. There are a few moments of silence as the crowd eagerly await the newcomer, when unknown Mexican music blares out the PA system as Psicosis runs through the curtain. This must be the WCW star that was rumoured to be joining! [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]World Wrestling Federation Light-Heavyweight Championship Match[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="6"]Chavo Guerrero Jr. (c) vs Psicosis[/SIZE][/B] Psicosis completely took Chavo by surprise as he took his high tempo offence to Guerrero from the off. After nailing a serious of springboard manoeuvres and giving the fans a demonstration in the lucha libre technique, Chavo managed to sneak a low blow in behind referee Jack Doan’s back. This gave the champion enough of an advantage to work over the legs of the Mexican, a solid tactic against a high flyer like Psicosis. Psicosis showed signs of breaking out of the control of Chavo, but each time he attempted it, it was slowed by the youngster with the veteran instincts. After around 8 minutes Psicosis managed to nail a missile dropkick, but before he could climb the turnbuckle again, Chavo caught his leg causing him to go groin first into the steel support. He attempted a Superplex but Psicosis jumped off, rolled behind Chavo in a Sunset Flip situation and rolled the champion up for the three count! [B]Winner and the NEW Light-Heavyweight Champion: Psicosis in 8:44[/B][/CENTER] Chavo looked on shocked as Psicosis was handed the Light-Heavyweight Championship. Tears ran down his face as Taka Michinoku stepped in the ring to celebrate with him. Chavo stormed to the back and Taka paraded the new champion around when… BAM! Taka falls down as the mysterious ninja attacks again! The ninja hightails before Psicosis notices and once again leaves Taka out cold! [CENTER]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] Dusty Rhodes and Terri Runnells come to the ring. [B]Dusty:[/B] You know, bebeh, I’m not uthually one few compwiments, but bebeh, dat Thane McMahon ith one hullofa gut-thy guy. After da beatin’ he took last night, not onley ith he okey, he’th here in Albany, New York! [I]The crowd pops[/I] [B]Dusty:[/B] So, bebeh, bwing yothelth aat here! Shane’s music plays, but as he comes through the curtain it’s clear it is Jeff Jarrett in Shane’s attire and a black wig. He prances and dances down to the ring. [B]Shane/Jeff[/B]: You know what, Dustah, I’m alive! I’ve been hit on the head and fallen from such heights that I’m all giddy thinking about it! I’m just glad that Jeff Jarrett, the legend that is, showed me the error of my ways by kicking my ass last night! [I]The others laugh.[/I] The laughter turns to fear as Ken Shamrock comes to the ring and grabs a microphone. [B]Shamrock:[/B] You know what, this is a disgrace. This makes me sick. Wasting valuable time that could be used wrestling to show off the fact that you only just managed to beat a guy who isn’t even a wrestler. So I decided if you want to be on a wrestling show, it’s gonna be for the right reasons- you getting your ass kicked by me! And when I’m done this company will finally have a respectable Intercontinental Champion. [B]Jeff:[/B] You want me? Huh? You want the legendary Jeff Jarrett? Let me think about that… With that Dusty attacks from behind, briefly knocking the Worlds Most Dangerous Man down, but he was straight back up laying into Dusty. Jeff got involved but was belly to back suplexed for his troubles. Terri ran from the ring as Jarrett and Dusty rolled out to join her. [CENTER]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] The Headbangers made their way to the ring, followed by the young Hardy Boyz ahead of their match. Jeff and Mosh circled each other when from out of nowhere Finlay came out and attacked. Matt and Thrasher tried to get involved but the Fighting Irishmen bashed them away as if they didn’t exist. His trusted shillelagh cracked against the skulls of all 4 men, busting Matt open. Finlay surveyed the devastation he had caused before climbing from the ring, satisfied for the second week in a row he had destroyed part of the roster. [CENTER]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] Mankind is the hospital with Vince McMahon. [B]Mankind: [/B]I just don’t understand it, though. [B]Vince:[/B] What isn’t to understand? [B]Mankind[/B]: Why would the spoon run away with the dish? Surely there’s someone better suited than the dish? [B]Vince[/B]: Why don’t you go check on Shane for me, Mick? [B]Mankind:[/B] I don’t know, I don’t think he has as big a boo-boo on his moo-moo like you do. Speaking of moo… how big is this cow if it can jump over the moon? [B]Vince:[/B] You’re giving me a headache, Mick, please just go. [B]Mankind:[/B] Hark damn; I’m not entertaining you, am I? [B]Vince:[/B] Not really, no. [B]Mankind:[/B] Then efforts must be doubled. Mankind rushes out of the room, grabbing McMahon’s cell phone on the way out and dialling a number. [B]Mankind:[/B] Customer enquiries? I need the number for a Barbershop Quartet. But do they come in more than fours? [B]Vince:[/B] I think I actually miss Stone Cold… [CENTER]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B][SIZE="6"]Edge & Christian w/Michael Hayes vs Lo Down[/SIZE][/B] The young Canadian’s took it to their opponents from the off, clearly having been well motivated by the Freebird before the match. After the early exchanges Mabel dominated as usual, but it was the three youngsters who really made an impression. Michael Hayes’ presence at ringside worked hugely in the rookies favour as he and Edge distracted the big man long enough for Christian to put away D’Lo with an Inverted DDT. [B]Winners: Edge & Christian in 7:58[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] Sable and Marc Mero are walking backstage, holding hands, when Sable suddenly stops. [B]Sable:[/B] Oh, shoot. I left my bag in the locker room. I’ll go get it, I won’t be long. Sable scurries down the corridor and into the dressing room, where Bart Gunn is stretching. They begin idle chit-chat hen Mero walks in. [B]Mero:[/B] What’s going on? [B]Sable:[/B] Marc, don’t. [B]Mero:[/B] You hitting on my woman? [B]Sable: [/B]Excuse me, “your woman”? I thought we were beyond this? [I]Mero stares a dagger through Gunn, before turning to Sable.[/I] [B]Mero:[/B] You’re right, sweetheart, lets get outta here. Sable exits when Mero walks over to Gunn. [B]Mero:[/B] She’s mine. Remember that. And after my announcement next week, the whole world will know it for a fact. [CENTER]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] Vince McMahon is in the hospital ward, thoroughly bored, when Mankind walks in again, much to his disgust. [B]Mankind:[/B] Now, Daddy, I know you love the ladies as much as the next guy, so I thought the way to cheer you up is a bit of female entertainment. [I]Vince suddenly becomes interested, with a huge grin on his face.[/I] [B]Vince:[/B] Yes Mick… [B]Mankind:[/B] So may I introduce to you… Yurple! [B]Vince:[/B] What? A small, female clown walks into the room juggling as Mankind looks barely able to contain himself. [B]Vince:[/B] Yurple? [B]Yurple:[/B] Heeellllloooo! [B]Vince:[/B] What in the hell is this, Mick? [B]Mankind:[/B] It’s Yurple, the happiest clown in the world! I’ll just leave you two to it, then. Mankind exits, as there is an awkward silence between McMahon and the clown. [B]Vince:[/B] So… how’s it going? [B]Yurple:[/B] Not great actually. It seems like there isn’t the demand for clowns that there used to be. (She sits on the bed) I think it started when… [B]Vince:[/B] Oh God. [CENTER]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “[B][SIZE="6"]The Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam vs Triple H[/SIZE][/B] If there is one thing you can be sure of in today’s WWF, it’s that these two are men on the rise to the top of the card. The exciting high-flyer Rob Van Dam often seemed too much to handle for the Degenerate Triple H, just as he has done at King Of The Ring, but Hunter had come prepared. Like a man possessed he worked a technical and brawling game to perfection, and despite the former ECW stars best efforts, Triple H wound up putting RVD away with a Pedigree. [B]Winner: Triple H in 9:02[/B][/CENTER] After the match, as Triple H celebrated getting some measure of revenge over the man who eliminated him from the King Of The Ring tournament, the Bicycle Helmeted attacker struck again, swinging a steel chair into the head of the Degenerate. Before he had a chance to even see his adversary, they had escaped through the crowd and into the darkness. [CENTER]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] Vince McMahon is in his hospital room, looking more depressed than when he entered as Mankind walks in. [B]Mankind:[/B] Now I’ll be the first to admit that my attempts to cheer you up have fallen short tonight… [I]McMahon guffaws.[/I] [B]Mankind:[/B] Which is why I’ve been left with no choice but to resort to the only form of entertainment that is guaranteed to entertain. Mankind then disappears as Vince McMahon pleads for solace. Then, as if from no-where…. Mr Socko appears. [B]Socko:[/B] Hello Mr. McMahon! [B]Vince:[/B] Mick, get up. [B]Socko:[/B] Who’s Mick? I’m Mr. Socko! [B]Vince:[/B] Good lord… is that sock even been cleaned? [B]Socko:[/B] I sure as heck was… once in the 1980’s… but anyway… Mr. Socko is here to guarantee that you well and truly have a nice day, courtesy of mine and your friend, Mankind! [B]Vince[/B]: Nurse! I want this man out of here, NOW! Security enter and escort Mankind out of the building, who still desperately tries to connect with “Daddy” via Mr. Socko. [B]Vince:[/B] Doctor! I need more morphine, and quick! The doctor in the corner turns around to reveal the world famous chrome of Stone Cold Steve Austin! [B]Austin:[/B] I don’t have any morphine, but if it’s an ass kickin’ you want I got plenty of those… Austin dives over the doctors table and lands the lefts and rights as he pummels the boss. He then steps back, grabs a doctors pan and smacks it across his head as security lead him away. [CENTER]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] Jerry “The King” Lawler is in the ring, which is ornately dressed with beautiful flowers and jewels, and most importantly a throne which is covered with a sheet. [B]King:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, as a member of royalty myself it gives me great pleasure in introducing you to the winner of the 1998 King Of The Ring… King Rock! The Rock arrogantly strides to the ring and grabs a microphone. [B]Rock:[/B] Thanks very much, Lawler, now get the hell out of The Rock’s ring so he can say FINALLY! The Rock has been crowned the King… Of The Ring. Week in and week out, the Great One comes out here to entertain you, the fans, in the only way he knows possible- by putting on the most electrifying performance you have ever seen. And yet, you boo The Rock. So let The Rock tell you this… you are all nothing but pieces of trailor park trash. The Rock wipes a monkeys ass with what you all think, and if you can’t tell now, as he’s about to be officially crowned King Of The Ring, then you can take that Rock merchandise you know you can’t help but buy, turn it sideways, shine it up real nice, and stick it straight up your candy ass! So, Lawler, make yourself useful and unveil the People’s Throne. The King smiles obligingly and walks over the throne. The Rock has a huge grin on his face as the King pulls it back to reveal the throne… with a green “DX” spray painted on it. The Rock flips out at once and topples it over as Triple H runs to the ring and grabs the microphone. [B]Triple H:[/B] Oh, Rocky, if you haven’t heard, Triple H is and always will be the real King Of The Ring. And if you ain’t down with that… I GOT TWO WORDS FOR YA! [B]Crowd:[/B] SUCK IT! Triple H drops the microphone as he and The Rock exchange punches. Rock whips Hunter into the ropes but he nails Rocky with a Spinebuster. The self-proclaimed People’s Champion rolls out of the ring, mouthing nothing but bad words as Hunter taunts him with the DX music playing in the background. [CENTER]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B][SIZE="5"]10 Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal to determine the Number One Contender of the WWF Championship at Fully Loaded[/SIZE] [SIZE="6"]Bagwell vs Billy Gunn vs Jeff Jarrett vs Kane vs Ken Shamrock vs Marc Mero vs Owen Hart vs Shawn Michaels vs Steve Williams vs The Undertaker[/SIZE][/B] As the crowded ring housed 10 superstars the battle commence, as they immediately paired off. Jarrett seemed destined to avoid any sort of physical contact, especially with Shamrock. Mero charged at HBK and saw himself back body dropped over the top rope and was eliminated, followed closely by Steve Williams who was eliminated by Kane. The Big Red Machine then set his sights on Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker decimated a brave Billy Gunn, who despite his best efforts flew over the top rope following an undercut from the Deadman. Kane began pummelling HBK viciously, and threw a right hand which Michaels ducked. Kane was resting on the top rope when BANG! Sweet Chin Music! Kane went over the top, landing athletically on his feet. The crowd erupted at the elimination of the monster who threw a fit. He chucked the steel steps, before grabbing Michaels leg and dragging him out of the ring. They battled to and fro until Kane lifted him up by the throat and Chokeslammed him through the announcers table. Jeff Jarrett and Ken Shamrock continued their fighting when The Undertaker saw fit to get involved and ran through them both. He eliminated Jarrett as if he didn’t exist, dodged an attack from Bagwell and eliminated him too, before setting his sights on Shamrock. He threw everything at the Worlds Most Dangerous Man, but the Irishman’s courage shown through as he wouldn’t be put away. Undertaker lifted him up and attempted to small him over the top, but Shamrock held on and managed to flip the Deadman, sending him over the top rope, much to the delight of the crowd. A now exhausted Shamrock was now well within the sights of Owen Hart, who had purposely remained inconspicuous throughout the match. With renewed aggression, the Black Hart tore into Shamrock before throwing him from the ring. Owen celebrated in the ring as the crowd booed, until Owen stopped dead in his tracks as Shawn Michaels stirs from the destroyed announcers table. [B]JR:[/B] King! Shawn Michaels is coming to! What the hell will it take to keep him down? The crowd erupted as Michaels made it to his feet and stared straight at his old enemy. He climbed into the ring but was immediately attacked by Owen who was like a shark smelling blood. He beat him down, not giving Michaels a chance to even get to his feet, his body battered as fists rained down on his face. Owen picked him up and threw HBK from the ring, but he clenched for dear life onto the top rope, desperate not to fall. With all the strength he could muster he skinned the cat on the way in and managed to lock his legs around Owen’s neck. He then rolled forward in a hurricarana like motion, only to lose grip and fall to the floor just as Owen touched the floor at the exact same time. [B]Winner: Owen Hart and Shawn Michaels in a draw after 22:44[/B][/CENTER] The bell goes as the Fink announces the draw, but that doesn’t stop these two going at it, as they trade punches at ringside while referees try to pull them apart. [B]JR:[/B] Oh my God! These two have been fighting for over a year and even now they can’t be separated! Who is the number one contender?[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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Nice ending! Very nice! Psicosis as champ is good by me as well - always liked him (seond only to Juvi in the lucha stakes imo). The main event was sweet, putting Christian and Edge over was a good choice and I loved the Sarge promo. My only gripe was RVD doing the job. I think he could be a really strong c0cky heel. Maybe that's just my ECW colours showing, though. Good woek, skip. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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Triple H vs The Rock...oh yeah let the feud begin!!!! Good to see Edge/Christian get some love. Not a fan of Psicosis but I just need to give the whole light heavyweight division a chance and not judge too quickly. Of course Owen keeps getting the big push and I liked the wild brawl at the end with HBK. I am on the record as not being a huge Owen fan but it works in this diary because you are using him well and it is very believable. Good stuff!
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