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World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

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OOC: Sorry for the slight delay guys, I've been a bit busy the last couple of days. I've started writing the show up but it won't be posted today as it's my Birthday and there are only so many hours in the day! I hope it'll be up by the end of the week though. EDIT: Vote FMTA in the Diary Of The Month Awards!
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From WWF.com [CENTER][QUOTE][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAWisWAR2.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="4"][B][SIZE="7"]PREVIEW[/SIZE][/B] [B][I][SIZE="6"]Gold City[/SIZE][/I][/B] After proving to be the most destructive team in wrestling history, the Brothers of Destruction wil ltonight defend their gold against the WWF Champion Shawn Michaels and the Intercontinental Champion Ken Shamrock. The challengers wil lno doubt be on a high after recently winning their gold but the evil siblings also have tonnes of momentum going into what promises to be one of the biggest main events in Raw history! But what role will HBK's SUmmerslam opponent Owen Hart play in all this? After being double crossed by his bodyguard Chyna, Triple H has promised to gain revenge by nailing the Pedigree she deserves. There will be no better chance than tonight when he faces the 9th Wonder Of The World in a one on one match. In addition to this, we've been guaranteed a groundbreaking annonucement from the Board Of Directors surrounding the Summerslam main event, the 24/7 rule comes into operation, a new D-Genration X movie and a whole heap of wrestling thrown in for good measure! Be sure not to miss this weeks of Raw! [B]SCHEDULED MATCHES[/B] [B]WWF Tag Team Title Match[/B] Brothers of Destruction (c) vs WWF Champion Shawn Michaels & WWF Intercontinental Champion Ken Shamrock [B]Singles Match[/B] Chyna vs Triple H [B]Singles Match[/B] Christian vs Jeff Hardy [B]Singles Match[/B] Taz vs Godfather [B]Non-Title Match[/B] Rob Van Dam vs WWF Light-Heavyweight Champion Psicosis [B]PLUS…[/B] Who out of the entire roster is going to be Hardocre Champion when the 24/7 rule ends at the end of August? [B]AND…[/B]What is the Board Of Directors announcement regarding the Summerslam main event?[/QUOTE][/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT]
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WWF Tag Team Title Match [B]Brothers of Destruction (c)[/B] vs WWF Champion Shawn Michaels & WWF Intercontinental Champion Ken Shamrock [B][B]Can't see them losing yet, even to your other champions.[/B][/B] Singles Match [B]Chyna [/B]vs Triple H [B][B]Little interference from The Rock anyone?[/B][/B] Singles Match Christian vs [B][B]Jeff Hardy[/B][/B] Singles Match [B]Taz[/B] vs Godfather Non-Title Match [B][B]Rob Van Dam [/B][/B]vs WWF Light-Heavyweight Champion Psicosis
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WWF Tag Team Title Match [B]Brothers of Destruction (c)[/B] vs WWF Champion Shawn Michaels & WWF Intercontinental Champion Ken Shamrock Singles Match Chyna vs [B]Triple H[/B] Singles Match [B]Christian[/B] vs Jeff Hardy Singles Match Taz vs [B]Godfather[/B] Non-Title Match [B]Rob Van Dam[/B] vs WWF Light-Heavyweight Champion Psicosis
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAWisWAR2.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Monday 3rd August 1998[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] The show starts with the familiar music of Vince McMahon booming throughout the arena as he power struts through the curtain, closely followed by Owen Hart, The Undertaker, Kane and Paul Bearer. [B]McMahon:[/B] Austin! Your actions of the last few months have been irredeemable! Get your ass out here now so we can settle this like men! [B]JR:[/B] Oh for God’s sake… [B]McMahon:[/B] Come on Austin, what’s the matter? You scared or something? [I]Silence[/I] [B]McMahon:[/B] I’m waiting, you son of a bitch, get out here and teach me a lesson! [B]JR:[/B] For the love of God, he fired the guy last week, what does this prove? [B]McMahon:[/B] Not got the guts, huh? [I]Silence, until Owen Hart and Paul Bearer start laughing, which is closely followed by laughter from the chairman too.[/I] [B]McMahon:[/B] That’s right, folks, Stone Cold Steve Austin is not here. And he will never be seen on Raw again! Welcome to the new era of the World Wrestling Federation… sans Stone Cold! The crowd boo, until… [B]Mankind:[/B] I’m sorry to interrupt you, Mr McMahon, but I wanted to ask you a question, right here in New Jersey! [I]Cheap pop[/I] [B]Mankind:[/B] I’m not going to pass judgement on you wrongly firing Mr Austin, but I would like to ask you a question. The guys surrounding you, The Alliance, as you call them, might well all be holding gold after Summerslam. Owen Hart has a match for the WWF Title and those big fella’s have the Tag straps. So to help you prove how great your Alliance is, I thought I’d volunteer my services against Kane & The Undertaker for those Tag Team Titles at Summerslam. [B]McMahon:[/B] You wanna face these two? You, Mankind, want to face the two most dominant and destructive team in history? [B]Mankind:[/B] I’ve always been a sucker for a big challenge. [B]McMahon:[/B] Mick, I see absolutely no need to waste their time in kicking your ass. Even with a partner you couldn’t beat them. [B]Mankind:[/B] Mr McMahon, with all due respect, there’s only one way to find out. Let me find a partner and I’ll take them to New York City myself for Summerslam. [B]McMahon:[/B] I’ll tell you what, Mick. If you can beat The Undertaker next week live on Raw I’ll let you have your match. But if by some miracle you do win, you need to find someone as stupid as yourself to want to face the Brothers Of Destruction! And don’t worry, Mick, I’ll sure as hell have a nice day watching your career end the same way Austin’s did. If you wonder what that will look like, here’s a little preview… Owen cheap shots Mankind before getting assistance from BoD in beating him down. However, they are stopped suddenly when… The Alliance looked shocked as the crowd pop tremendously. However, after several seconds of anticipation, the music stops and The Alliance burst into laughter. [B]McMahon:[/B] Oh Lord, may that never get old! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]Non-Title Match[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="6"]WWF Light-Heavyweight Champion Psicosis vs WWF Hardcore Champion Rob Van Dam[/SIZE][/B] A little hint of Nitro right here on Raw, with a demonstration that you can have all the shenanigans you want, but world class wrestling can still be found in the WWF. These two phenomenal athletes were given all the freedom they wanted as they wowed the crowd with their ability, with RVD closing the match after nailing a perfect 5 star Frog Splash. [B]Winner: Rob Van Dam after 9:50[/B][/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Father and son are walking along the corridor. [B]Vince:[/B] I have to say, I’m glad you made the right decision. [B]Shane:[/B] Me too, pops. [B]Vince:[/B] There is one problem, though. We have to share an office. [B]Shane: [/B]What? You always taught me not to share anything? Wealth, power, etc. [B]Vince: [/B]I know. I hope it isn’t too cramped. Vince opens the door to reveal a huge, luxurious office, one that overlooks the city and has several sofa’s and even a widescreen television. Several scantily clad women are serving champagne. [B]Shane:[/B] I’m sure I’ll find space somewhere. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Terry Funk is backstage chatting with a few backstage workers when Mankind walks over. [B]Funk:[/B] Mickey, Mickey, Mickey. [B]Mankind:[/B] Hi Terry! [B]Funk:[/B] What are you doing? [B]Mankind:[/B] Though we could have a chat… [B]Funk: [/B]No- with McMahon. Why are you trying to face the Brothers Of Destruction? [B]Mankind:[/B] I want to prove Vince, and everyone who’s ever doubted me, that I can be something. [B]Funk:[/B] But there has to be easier ways than this? [B]Mankind:[/B] Those guys, they’re beatable. I can take pain like no other and I can, I can, I can, I can beat them. I know it. I just need the partner. [B]Funk:[/B] And you need to beat ‘Taker. [B]Mankind:[/B] I’ve done it before, I can do it again. Can I count on you to be my partner? [B]Funk:[/B] Mickey, you know I would if it was anyone else, but these guys will tear you apart. Get out man, while you still can. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rob Van Dam is backstage, holding his Hardcore Title which is now to be defended under 24/7 rules, exhausted after his match with Psicosis. A referee is standing next to him, ready, when he leaves his room. As soon as he walks out a Singapore cane is swung at him, fresh from the hands of Tommy Dreamer. Van Dam ducks it, then nails him with a spinning heel kick. He begins to run down the hall when he catches a chair that was thrown at him by Sabu. Sabu dives at him but he moves aside, before nailing him with the chair and running off again. How long can Van Dam hang on to the gold? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edge, Christian & Michael Hayes are backstage. [B]Hayes:[/B] So you guys honestly don’t know what that was about last week? [B]Edge: [/B]What’s with all the questions, Mikey? [B]Christian: [/B]Yeah, just drop it, dude. The Hardy Boyz then walk over and square up to them. [B]Matt:[/B] I don’t know what the hell that was all about last week, but we want answers. [B]Edge: [/B]Sorry, guys, I don’t know what to tell you. We were as shocked as you. [B]Jeff:[/B] That’s crap, and you know it. You were ready for it. [B]Christian:[/B] We’re opportunists, it’s why we’re the hottest thing in wrestling today and you guys are nobodies. [B]Matt: [/B]Watch your words. You’ve got Jeff one on one tonight and I assure you you’ll be made to pay. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][SIZE="6"][B]Christian w/Edge & Michael Hayes vs Jeff Hardy w/Matt Hardy[/B][/SIZE] A great match from two potential world champions in the future, and thankfully both seem to be in a storyline, which is nothing more than they’ve deserved. After 8 minutes of fast paced action, Hayes, Edge and Matt start brawling on the outside. With Christian down, Jeff takes to the skies to take out Hayes, but Edge rolls out of the way. Suddenly, with Jeff, Matt and Hayes on the outside, the lights go out again. A strange sound is heard around the arena and when the lights come on they re all covered in blood. This gives Edge the chance to throw a partially blinded Jeff into the ring to get nailed by an Inverted DDT. [B]Winner: Christian by pinfall in 8:32[/B][/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Rock is backstage with Michael Cole. [B]Cole:[/B] Rocky… [B]Rock:[/B] Whoa, Mitch, no! The Rock is sick of you asking inane questions. Rocky, do you think you are better than Triple H? Rocky, do you think you should be in the title match at Summerslam? Rocky, why won’t you sign my poster of you? Rocky, why did you give my sister a piece of the People’s strudel and not call her back? Let The Rock as you a question. Do you believe in God? [B]Cole:[/B] Well, yeah, I believe in a highe… [B]Rock:[/B] It doesn’t matter what you think! All The Rock knows it will take an army of God’s to save you from an ass beating if you don’t leave right now! Michael Cole runs away and The Rock turns to the camera. [B]Rock:[/B] Triple H, The Rock will make this simple for you. He beat you at Fully Loaded, and yet you still want more. So The Rock will give it to you. Under one condition; whoever wins, this rivalry ends at Summerslam. No cheating, no disputes, one winner. You say you’re the brightest star in the WWF. The Rock says he is. So the winner elevates themselves above the other and become the number one contender to the WWF Title. And to make sure the winner is undisputed… it will be a ladder match. You smell what The Rock is cooking? Triple H walks over, clapping. [B]Triple H:[/B] It looks like Chyna wore some of her testosterone onto you. I smell what you’re cooking, Rocky. And I’ll send you a postcard from the main event, while you’ve hit… Rock Bottom. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mankind is backstage, and walks over to Al Snow, who is talking to Head. [B]Mankind:[/B] Hey, Al! Just hanging out with all your friends, huh?! [B]Snow:[/B] Yeah… [B]Mankind: [/B]Oh… look, how do you fancy winning the Tag Team Titles at Summerslam? [B]Snow:[/B] Really? Oh wow, yeah! [B]Mankind:[/B] You know it’s against Kane & The Undertaker, right? [B]Snow: [/B]Yeah, no biggie. I can take them. [B]Mankind:[/B] I never doubted it. You know that this is for the good of Mankind! [B]Snow:[/B] For sure… what? [B]Mankind:[/B] I didn’t say anything. [B]Snow:[/B] Not you, Head. What did you say?... I know they’re big… yeah I know they’re evil… look, what’s your point?... oh so you don’t believe in me now, huh? [B]Mankind[/B]: I didn’t want to start an argument… [B]Snow:[/B] Fine! I’m sorry, Mick. Apparently my insurance doesn’t cover stupid match decisions. [B]Mankind:[/B] I’d have thought protection against stupid decisions would be the first line in your insurance. [B]Snow:[/B] Sorry, Mick, I just can’t. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ken Shamrock is backstage stretching when Shawn Michaels walks in. [B]Michaels:[/B] Sup buddy? Shamrock remains silent. [B]Michaels:[/B] A bit frosty are we? I gets you, I gets you good dawg. Gets you goo… [B]Shamrock:[/B] Listen. We have to partner tonight and that’s fine, I’ll do what I have to to be Tag Champion. And I respect you, I do, but you gotta shut your traphole son ‘cos I’m getting in the zone. [B]Michaels:[/B] Son? Who you callin’ son… boy? I’m the nnneeeeeeeewwww World Wrestling Federation Champ, which says I’m the sheriff of these here parts, and that tells me that, as my dance partner in the Tag Title match, you better aim some of that aggression away from me or you’ll find a boot on your chin, you feel me? [B]Shamrock: [/B]I feel you. You’re WWF Champion, I’m the Intercontinental Champion, and between us we’re gonna become Tag Champions. And look after that Tag belt, ‘cos the WWF Title will be ‘round my waist in no time at all. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]“The 9th Wonder Of The World” Chyna w/The Rock vs “The Game” Triple H[/SIZE][/B] Triple H finally gets his chance at revenge on the woman who cost him his match with The Rock at Fully Loaded, and showed no fear in giving her everything she got. Chyna is as tough as much of the male roster and proved this by putting the pain on her former squeeze. Triple H managed to get an advantage but The Rock managed to interfere himself enough for Chyna to nail a low blow and rub salt into the wound with a Pedigree. [B]Winner: Chyna by pinfall in 8:25[/B][/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A video is played showing the brutal assault last week on the New Age Outlaws at the hands of the Tag Team Champions, where they were left incapacitated and in need of urgent hospitalisation. The video then changes to footage of their bruised limbs and Billy Gunn in surgery, and finally of them in the hospital bed, Gunn in an arm cast and sling and Road Dogg in a neck brace. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rob Van Dam is trying to make his way around the arena (why?!) secretively, checking the corridors before he runs when Dusty Rhodes jumps out from nowhere (the canteen, no doubt) to attack him, raining fists down on him. Van Dam eventually powers out and tries to get away but is nailed on the head with a lead pipe by Jeff Jarrett, who pins him to become the current fall holder of the Hardcore Title! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Linda McMahon appears on the Titantron, sitting behind a desk. [B]Linda:[/B] Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m sorry for interrupting what is proving to be another great show, but in the continued attempt to keep you, the WWF fans up to date on current issues within the World Wrestling Federation. We have decided that since it is 6 months since Shawn Michaels and Owen Hart first fought in a title match, it is about time to truly establish who the better man is. That is why the Board Of Directors have decided to announce that the main event at Summerslam, the title match between Owen Hart and Shawn Michaels will be a 60 Minute Iron Man Match. Thank you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]Taz vs Godfather[/SIZE][/B] Remember the Godfather? He’s the pimp. Yeah, you remember him. Made a splash debuting at Wrestlemania, but as barely been seen since. He got dissected by Taz throughout the match, with the former ECW alumni looking more rough and stiff than ever, which is no surprise after he teamed with Goldust. With the match under control, Taz stalked the Godfather, under the lights went dim, a shade of gold filled the arena, and a familiar voice echoed throughout the arena… “I love you” As the lights returned, an irate Taz started looking for his former partner, and backed into a corner to look when he was hit with a Ho Train by the Godfather, followed by a Pimp Drop. [B]Winner: The Godfather in 8:26[/B][/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="DarkGreen"]D-Generation X Productions Present…[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]"Making It Up"[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Sensitive Hart (HBK) is backstage in front of a mirror, applying lipstick, when The Crock (HHH) enters. [B]The Crock:[/B] What in the blue hell are you doing?! Hart drops the lipstick and looks embarrassed. [B]Sensitive Hart:[/B] I… err… I… [B]Crock:[/B] Never… and The Crock means… ever… use The Crock’s lipstick. [B]Sensy:[/B] I’m sorry, Crocky, it’s just they really bring out my eyeliner. [B]Crock: [/B]You used The Crock’s eyeliner? You know you’ll never be as good looking as the Hip-Break Kid. [B]Sensy:[/B] Or Triple XL Clothes. Hunter suddenly snaps out of character. [B]Triple H:[/B] Whoa, dude, too much. [B]Michaels:[/B] Sorry, man. Was kinda funny though. They go back into character. [B]Sensy:[/B] I had a dream last night. Well, this morning, during my nappy nap. I dreamt I was the WWF Champion. [B]Crock:[/B] Ha! That’s about as likely as The Crock taking his head out of his candy ass and admitting Triple H is the real People’s Champ, the real People’s choice and THE… best damn looking superstar in WWF history! [B]Sensy:[/B] After Shawn Michaels of course. [B]Crock:[/B] No, better. [B]Sensy:[/B] Worse. [B]Crock: [/B]Drop it. [B]Sensy:[/B] Fine. Worse. (pause) Ergh… what is that smell? [B]Crock:[/B] Oh, sorry, The Crock just came from the can. You should have smelt what The Crock was cooking. Sensy: (sniffs) Ergh... it's bringing a tear to my eye... [B]Crock:[/B] Tell me you're not crying again? [B]Sensy[/B]: It's the smell damn it! I'm just sick of everyone saying I b*tch and cry too much! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MorganVideo.jpg[/IMG] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owen Hart goes to visit his opponent at Summerslam, Shawn Michaels. [B]Owen:[/B] Nice video, jackass. You wonder why everyone views you as a joke? [B]HBK:[/B] Joke or no joke, I’m still the nnneeeeeeewwwww WWF Champion. Something you have never managed. [B]Owen:[/B] You’re right, I haven’t. But that lack of a title is my drive, Michaels, it’s what forces me on. Your complacency is what’s gonna cost you, ‘cos at Summerslam you’ve got me for a whole hour, and I plan on putting you through hell. That title’s mine. [B]HBK:[/B] Who’s complacent now? Don’t mistake my sense of humour for complacency. Your drive may be the lack of the title, but the fact that I have the title is mine. It’s the single most important thing in my life, and I have no plans on dropping it to you. [B]Owen:[/B] 20 days, Michaels. 20 days. The countdown is on. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The camera cuts backstage briefly to the parking lot where out of nowhere a car screeches around a corner. The door is flung open and a half naked Taka Michinoku is thrown out of the car onto the concrete as the car speeds away into the night. Taka is badly injured, covered in blood and bruised literally all over his body. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jarrett is walking backstage with Dusty Rhodes. [B]Jarrett:[/B] I can’t believe how well that went, Dee! Finally, I have hope! I’m the fall holder for the Hardcore Title! [B]Dusty:[/B] Oh, babah, I knew you could do it! Suddenly, Shamrock appears from nowhere and attacks them with a steel chair, taking them down. He covers Jarrett as a referee counts to three. Shamrock now holds the Hardcore title! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="6"]Kane & The Undertaker © w/Paul Bearer vs the WWF Intercontinental & WWF Hardcore Champion “The Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock & the World Wrestling Federation Champion “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels[/SIZE][/B] Despite already holding separate gold, the challengers were on the ball from the start and took the match to the demonic champions, knowing full well any slip up could result in a loss. However, despite it being their biggest challenge to date, the Brothers of Destruction eventually managed to maintain a level of control throughout the match and managed to isolate the World’s Most Dangerous Man, whose intensity was at a loss when he was being pummelled on the mat. However, once Michaels was tagged in the match it opened up again, with all hell eventually breaking loose as the four combatants ignored the referee and took it to the extreme. The confusing nature of the match distracted the referee as Owen Hart sprinted down to the ring and took out Michaels with his own WWF Title belt, allowing Undertaker and Kane to nail a double chokeslam. By order of Shane McMahon, another referee entered the ring as The Undertaker made the pin. [B]Winners: Kane & The Undertaker in 16:21[/B][/CENTER] The second referee grabbed the Hardcore title and handed it to The Undertaker, and raised his arm in victory as Owen started attacking Michaels viciously. [B]JR:[/B] Oh my God! Don’t tell me The Alliance now have the Hardcore Title too? [B]King:[/B] Ha! I love it! By the end of Summerslam, The Alliance are gonna have the Tag titles, Hardcore Title and… WWF Title! [B]JR:[/B] This is wrong damn it; and someone has to put a stop to it!
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[QUOTE=theoutlaw321;299656]Another good show Mate. Keep em coming![/QUOTE] Thanks mate. Unfortunately things ar ehaving to move quickly with only one show a week, and trying to get feuds going in 4 shows is a tough ask, so I'm glad you like. [QUOTE=SHaynes23;299661]The good shows just keep on rolling out. Can't wait for Summerslam, and to see who this future is that is coming. Nice swerve at the end of the main event too.[/QUOTE] Thanks buddy. The Future is something I've wanted to get going for a while, and something to look out for I hope. Glad you are looking forward to Summerslam. Personally I thought a 60 Minute Iron Man match between Owen and Shawn would kick ass and a match I've wanted to fit in for ages. [QUOTE=theoutlaw321;299677]Wooooo! 17000 views![/QUOTE] Yeah man, how's about that? I can't believe I've had that many, I had no idea this woul take off at all when I started it, so I'm chuffed. And I'm desperate to hit 20k, I think that is the big one as far as viewing milestones.
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;300217] Yeah man, how's about that? I can't believe I've had that many, I had no idea this woul take off at all when I started it, so I'm chuffed. And I'm desperate to hit 20k, I think that is the big one as far as viewing milestones.[/QUOTE] I can remember back when we were racing each other to 5000, 6000 and so on. Hehe. All I know is that I am glad you are back and this is progressing as planned. 20000 and beyond should be no problem based on the sheer quality of this work. Great job and look forward to what you have in store for us!
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[QUOTE=theoutlaw321;300646]I can remember back when we were racing each other to 5000, 6000 and so on. Hehe. All I know is that I am glad you are back and this is progressing as planned. 20000 and beyond should be no problem based on the sheer quality of this work. Great job and look forward to what you have in store for us![/QUOTE] Thanks very much man. I really appreciate the kind words, especially from someone I respect as much as yourself. And I do miss the glory days of our competition. It brought the best out in each other we desperately tried to outview each other! As per normal, my life has messed me around a bit so I've not had much free time as of late. So once again I'll have to ask you all to be patient while things are hectic. I really do hope one day down the line having enough free time to just crack on with this properly witohut doing 1 or 2 shows then having no time for it. Grr.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Alright, I've got the show written out on Word, just have to turn it into a show and should be able to post it after work. One thing I always really wanted with this diary was to develop individual divisions and the undercard, which I think is starting to happen. The Hardcore division is building up somewhat, the Light-Heavyweight is about to get thicker (the ninja storyline was going somewhere!) but that's about it for the lower-midcard. So I was wondering, does anyone want to see/could anyone suggest; [LIST] [*]a Mexican light-heavyweight they'd like to see added to the roster? Preferably not an already established name in the US like Juvi or Rey [*]an American cruiser? Again, preferably not a big name, it's just I don't have a single American person in the Light-Heavyweight division! I have a few ideas, but would be interested what you think [*]anyone to add to the Womens division? At the moment the only females in the company are Sable, Sunny and Linda McMahon, but I have a couple in development. Is there anyone you'd like to see called up? [/LIST] Bare in mind this is set in 1998 so suggestions like Beth Pheonix obviously wouldn't work!
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[QUOTE=SHaynes23;305721]My suggestions: - Hector Garza, Mr. Aguila (Essa Rios), or maybe Abismo Negro - Kid Kash, Christopher Daniels, or a very young Joey Matthews - Drawing a blank on the women, I would say Molly Holly or try getting Madusa back into WWF as Alyundra Blaze.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the feedback matey. Aguila, Daniels & Molly are already in development. Aguila and Molly should be ready soon and Daniels is going to debut in the next few months. Keep your eyes peeled... :D I'd completely forgotten about Alyundra, that's a good call. Thanks very much for the help buddy and as always you've been of unquestionable assistance!
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[COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][QUOTE]SCHEDULED MATCHES Shawn Michaels & Triple H vs The Rock & Owen Hart The Undertaker vs Mankind (if Mankind wins, he faces BoD for the Tag Titles at Summerslam) Dusty Rhodes vs Ken Shamrock- Intercontinental Title Edge vs Matt Hardy Hell's Henchmen vs the returning Lo-Down Taz vs Taka Michinoku[/QUOTE] [SIZE="5"][CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAWisWAR2.jpg[/IMG] [B][CENTER]Monday 10th August 1998[/CENTER][/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] RAW is WAR once again opens with the familiar faces of The Alliance as they stroll down to the ring. [B]Vince:[/B] Welcome to The Alliance present RAW is WAR! [I]The crowd boo[/I] [B]Vince: [/B]Another week, another demonstration of the pure power The Alliance holds over the WWF. And if you want the proof; just look at all the gold! [B]Shane:[/B] Last week The Undertaker became the Hardcore Champion. But it just seems plain greedy for him to have two belts, so he’s handing the Hardcore Title over to the most extreme…. most far out… most entertaining… most God-damn hardcore man in the company… me! Shane McMahon! [I]The crowd boo again at this blatant abuse of power.[/I] [B]Shane:[/B] So, ‘Taker, lie down and let’s get this done. [B]Taker: [/B]Oh, hell no. The Lord Of Darkness will hand you the gold for the greater good, but pinning the Deadman? There’s not a chance in Hell of that happening. [B]Shane:[/B] Fine. [B]Vince:[/B] So ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce to you, the new Hardcore Title fall holder… Shane McMahon! [I]Shane puts his hand out, but ‘Taker shakes his head.[/I] [B]Shane:[/B] What? [B]Taker:[/B] I’m not handing this over for nothing. I demand to be the number one contender for the WWF Title after Summerslam. Kane walks in front of his brother and squares up to him in an intimidating fashion. The Undertaker doesn’t seem to care and squares up right back at him, but eventually backs down. [B]Taker: [/B]Fine. I demand WE are the number one contenders after Summerslam. Kane nods. [B]Shane:[/B] Fine, whatever. Give me the damn belt! [B]Owen:[/B] Hold up! Why should I put the title I’m obviously going to win up against them? I thought we are on the same team?! [B]Taker:[/B] Oh we are. But when the WWF Title is involved, I’m only on one team. And that team involved making the WWF Champion rest… in… peace. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]Hell’s Henchmen w/Jim Cornette vs Lo-Down[/SIZE][/B] D’Lo & Mabel are back and they’re still a team! Fans seem happy to see them but now is not the time to celebrate as the Henchmen serve up some fresh fist soup and pour it all over them. D’Lo looks as good as ever but the Henchmen’s brute strength finally overcomes Mabel. [B]Winners: Hell’s Henchmen in 7:32[/B][/CENTER] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The New Age Outlaws, still in hospital and wrapped in bandages and sporting casts, are linked via video feed for an interview with JR and King. [B]JR: [/B]Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, it’s good see you boys again. [B]Dogg:[/B] Thanks JR. [B]JR: [/B]How are you both feeling? [B]Gunn: [/B]I’ve felt better. [B]Dogg:[/B] We took one hell of a beating, but we’re the New Age Outlaws. We’ll get up again. We always do. [B]King:[/B] You both look pretty horrendous. [B]Gunn:[/B] Well, we got our asses handed to us, that’s for sure. [B]JR:[/B] How do you feel towards the Tag Team Champions, who of course did this to you AFTER your match? [B]Dogg:[/B] I hate them, JR, I really do. We may be all fun and jokes outside of the ring but when we return we sure as hell are gonna be dead serious in the ring. [B]King:[/B] Are you afraid of them? [B]Gunn:[/B] Hell yeah! [B]Dogg:[/B] Do you blame us? [B]King: [/B]Not at all, I’m scared of them as it is and they've come nowhere near me! [B]Dogg:[/B] They are incredible. They feel no remorse; they are both 100% evil. Mankind doesn’t know what he’s got himself into. [B]Gunn: [/B]They’ll kick his butt in no time at all and then end his career. But eventually we’ll be back and ready to teach them a lesson. No-one can keep the New Age Outlaws down. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Michael Hayes is backstage with his boys, Edge & Christian. [B]Hayes:[/B] Come on guys, we said no secrets. I’ve been around longer than you guys realise and I know it’s not a coincidence you keep getting these hand outs against the Hardy Boyz. What’s going on? [B]Christian:[/B] Mickey, dude, come on. We’re the most opportunistic team in Federation history. We take what life gives us and we make the most of it. [B]Edge:[/B] We’re natural born winners. [B]Christian:[/B] Exactly. It’s not our fault fate keeps handing us victories over those punks. [B]Edge:[/B] And should the opportunity arise again against Matt Attack tonight you know damn ell I’m gonna take it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="6"]“The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes vs WWF Intercontinental Champion “The World’s Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock[/SIZE][/B] Dusty came to the ring looking confident ahead of his chance to win his first Intercontinental title, but the confidence slipped to fear as Shamrock walked to the ring, totally in the zone and focused on only one thing. Dusty tried to bargain, realising he is out of his depth against a dangerous superstar like Shamrock who is slap bang in his prime. Dusty has nowhere to run and nowhere to hide and taps, as they all do, to the Anklelock. [B]Winner: Ken Shamrock in 3:37[/B][/CENTER] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Henchmen are backstage with Cornette following their win when Shane walks in with the Hardcore Title. [B]Shane:[/B] Boys, it’s great to see you. Magnificent win out there, pure intensity. Love it. [B]Cornette:[/B] What do you want, McMahon? [B]Shane:[/B] I want your boys to join The Alliance. [B]Cornette: [/B]What?! [B]Shane:[/B] I’m hot property these days. Son of the owner, Hardcore Champion, etc, and I need protection. I need two guys who know fo’ shizzle that this is a back scratching world and by helping those with the power, great things can happen. Like title shots. And financial benefits. So, you guys want in? [B]Cornette:[/B] No they don’t! They’re my property! The Henchmen look at Cornette, look at each other, then back at Cornette, and attack with precision. They beat their mentor to the ground, before looking up at Shane and shaking his hand. [B]Bradshaw:[/B] It would be our honour to serve you, Master McMahon. [B]Faarooq:[/B] Damn! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mankind is in a room talking to an unknown source [B]Mankind:[/B] Look, I know we aren’t the best of friends, and I know you already have a match at Summerslam, but I’m getting desperate. And they say that you’re pretty electric. The camera zooms out to reveal The Rock. [B]Rock:[/B] Whoa, no! The Rock is the most electrifying man in sports entertainment! [B]Mankind:[/B] Sweet. [B]Rock:[/B] And The Rock knew that eventually you would want him to team with you because everybody wants a piece of The Rock. And my answer to you is… why in the blue hell would The Rock want to team with someone like you against Kane and The Undertaker? [B]Mankind: [/B]Because… [B]Rock:[/B] It doesn’t matter what you think! All The Rock knows is you’re a one crazy piece of trailer park trash for picking a fight with those two jabroni’s and The Rock is 100% ready to layeth the smacketh down on Triple H’s candy ass at Summerslam! [B]Mankind: [/B]Aw, shucks. My kids really like you too. [B]Rock: [/B]Well damn straig… hang on… you have kids? [B]Mankind: [/B]Yep. Wanna see a picture? [B]Rock: [/B]Hell no The Rock doesn’t want to see a picture! How is it possible you can reproduce? The Rock hasn’t been this concerned about children since he and Laura Noble went beyond third base on his 13th birthday! [B]Mankind:[/B] You know; you’re a very angry person. You need to be more positive and life affirming like me. How about I… [B]Rock:[/B] One… [B]Mankind:[/B] One what? [B]Rock:[/B] The Rock is counting to five before he kicks your candy ass. [B]Mankind: [/B]Mr Socko is a great person to talk to if you ne… [B]Rock:[/B] Two… [B]Mankind:[/B] I’ll get going. Have a nice day! Mankind scud addles. [B]Rock:[/B] That’s right jabroni, smell what The Rock is cookin’! Jackass. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]Taz vs Taka Michinoku[/SIZE][/B] Taka made his return to the ring following his bizarre and brutal assault at the hands of the ninjas. Still sporting cuts, scars and bruises, Taka seemed aware that the ninjas could return at any moment and this threw him off his game somewhat, which coupled with facing an opponent of Taz’s calibre meant it was a long night for the former Light-Heavyweight Champion. Following a Belly To Belly Suplex, Taz stalked his opponent, preparing for a Tazmission, when the lights changed gold again. [I]“Why, Taz, Why?”[/I] Again Taz became livid at his former partners attempts at mind games, which gave Taka the chance to roll Taz up in a Sunset Flip for the surprising victory! [B]Winner: Taka Michinoku in 10:49[/B][/CENTER] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Rock is applying the People’s elbowpads when Owen Hart enters. [B]Owen:[/B] ‘Sup, Rocky? [B]Rock:[/B] (mockingly) Oh, hey Owen! How are you? Can The Rock buy you a drink? This is The Rock’s locker room damn it, never… and The Rock means EVER, enter without knocking first. [B]Owen:[/B] Cut the crap, Rocky, I need to talk, just give me a second. [B]Rock:[/B] In that case, The Rock will give you a second. [B]Owen: [/B]Ton… [B]Rock:[/B] One. That’s your second; now get the hell out of The Rock’s locker room. [B]Owen:[/B] Play the tough guy as much as you want, but I have a proposition for you. Me and you team up tonight, and I have to admit I’ve been watching you for a while. [B]Rock:[/B] Whoa, no, no, no, no, no, no! The Rock doesn’t swing that way, Owen; keep your hands away from the People’s strudel! [B]Owen:[/B] The Alliance could really do with a guy like you. And I’m sure you realise that the chances of you winning the number one contenders match at Summerslam would be greatly improved as part of The Alliance. [B]Rock:[/B] The only way The Rock could have more of a chance than he has now is if Triple H were to morph into a Mitchell Cole/Horse hybrid and get put down for resembling even more of a jackass. [B]Owen:[/B] Joke all you want, Rocky, but deep down you know the truth. Guys like myself, Kane, The Undertaker, the McMahon’s, we all get results whatever the cost. And by aligning with each other, we can all become unstoppable. The opportunity is there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dusty Rhodes is pacing up and down a dressing room as Jeff Jarrett sits silently, head in hands. Shane McMahon walks in, proudly clutching his Hardcore Title. [B]Shane: [/B]Dutah, babah, how’s it going my man? [B]Dusty:[/B] My ankle hurts. [B]Shane:[/B] And Jeffery, how about you? [I]Silence.[/I] [B]Shane:[/B] Okay, I don’t want to waste too much of your time, I just want to let you know that Ken Shamrock came to visit me, and told me that he wants to prove himself as a fighting champion, so he’s challenging Jarrett to a rematch, if you want it? [B]Dusty:[/B] What d’ya say, champ? [I]Silence.[/I] [B]Shane:[/B] What’s up with him? [B]Dusty:[/B] He’s hit rock bottom, babah. Shamrock’s taken the fighting spirit right out of him. [B]Shane: [/B]Well he better get it back for Summerslam, ‘cos Shamrock ‘aint gonna wait around forever. Take it or leave it; Jarrett’s rematch against Shamrock for the Intercontinental Title at Summerslam. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terry Funk is backstage when Kane suddenly appears and starts beating into him. Funk is powerless to the evil monsters surprise assault, as Mr McMahon walks over midway through. [B]Vince:[/B] As congratulations for rejecting Foley’s proposal last week, Mr Funk, I’m going to reward you with a match against Terry Funk… next! [CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]Kane w/Paul Bearer vs Terry Funk[/SIZE][/B] The Funker never really stood a chance. He had to be helped to the ring and took a royal beating from the monster, all to make a point to Mankind. [B]Winner: Kane in 2:54[/B][/CENTER] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Psicosis is backstage when Chavo Guerrero Jr cuts him up in the corridor. [B]Chavo:[/B] Hey, vato loco, what’s happening? [B]Psicosis:[/B] Mi… [B]Chavo:[/B] Shut it, homes, Chavito Heat doesn’t care. I’m just reminded you that you got the title I want, so one day, when you least expect it, Chavito is gonna take you out, homes. [B]Psicosis:[/B] Que? [B]Chavo:[/B] That’s right, pretend you don’t understand. Lemmie know when you get los cohones, homes, and I’ll take back what’s rightfully mine. Chavo slaps the champion around the face, but referees and backstage officials rush over to hold them back before a brawl can ensure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taz is walking furiously down the corridor, asking backstage employees if they have seen “him”. One man says his locker room is down the corridor, so Taz runs down and violently kicks the door down. However, rather than finding Goldust, Taz finds a shrine dedicated to himself filling the room, with a soft gold light encapsulating photos and memorabilia of the former ECW star. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]Edge w/Christian & Michael Hayes vs Matt Hardy /Jeff Hardy[/SIZE][/B] Even more airtime for these two teams can only mean good things for their development as they move onwards and upwards towards superstardom. By now the fans are really into them, but vocally show all their love to the young high-flier Matt. With all three men on the outside ejected for fighting Matt seemed to have the victory won when he nailed a DDT, but once again the lights go out, and when they come on Matt is out cold and Edge is covering him, albeit unconsciously. [B]Winner: Edge in 9:28[/B][/CENTER] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A graphic is shown on the screen to indicate The Undertaker vs Mankind is up next, but is interrupted by Vince McMahon appearing on stage. [B]Vince:[/B] Ladies and Gentlemen, I regret to inform you that, as per the small print on your tickets, the card can change. And as Mankind has not found partner in time, unfortunately the Mankind – Undertaker match will not go ahead this week. However, if Mankind can find a partner for next week, then the match will go ahead then. Thank you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shane McMahon is shining up his newly won Hardcore Title with Hell’s Henchmen standing either side of him when Rob Van Dam and Tommy Dreamer suddenly charge and start beating down on the acolytes. Shane McMahon runs away but as he turns a corner he is met with Head! Al Snow makes the pin and becomes the fall holder of the Hardcore Title! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mankind is sitting in his boiler room, rocking to and fro, talking to someone who is unseen by the camera. [B]Mankind:[/B] I don’t know, maybe this was a bad idea. I mean, why did I think anyone would want to face Kane & The Undertaker. They’re even taller than if you stood on my shoulders. Trust me to try and prove myself against the biggest dogs in the fight. But you know what? I won’t give up. I’ve started this thing, and I’m damn sure going to finish it. I don’t care what The Alliance try to do to me, it’s no worse than I’ve experienced before. And if worse comes to worse, you’ll team with me, right? The camera zooms out to reveal he was talking to Mr Socko. [B]Mankind:[/B] What do you mean you won’t?! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The last remaining pieces of D-Generation X are in their locker room ahead of the main event. [B]Triple H:[/B] God, I hate that guy. [B]Shawn:[/B] Who, Rocky? [B]Triple H:[/B] No, Chyna. [B]Michaels:[/B] Oooh, miaow. [B]Triple H:[/B] After everything I did for that bitch, to watch her turn her back on me just because The Crock says he’s flavour of the month… [B]Michael: [/B]Hunter, please, save it for later. You’re about to enter the ring with him, and feel free to raise all kinds of hell. [B]Triple H:[/B] Oh I will. I just so badly wanna have her head between my legs… [B]Michaels:[/B] What? [B]Triple H:[/B] And Pedigree the crap out of her. [B]Michaels:[/B] Well champ, after the Slam, you can have it all. You can beat on him, beat on her, and be the number one contender to my title. [B]Triple H:[/B] Yeah, about that… [B]Michaels:[/B] In due time my friend… in due time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]The Rock & “The King Of Harts” w/Vince McMahon & Chyna vs D-Generation X (Shawn Michaels & Triple H)[/SIZE][/B] The Rock’s growing fanbase seem torn between the People’s Champion and DX, as both teams look for momentum ahead of their huge Summerslam matches. DX’s experience of teaming seems to set them in good stead as they managed to keep the match even despite the interference of The Alliance and Chyna. Owen spends the match trying to make HBK tap with the Sharpshooter, and with the challenger and champion alone in the ring as Triple H and Rock battle down the rampway, Michaels reverses a Sharpshooter attempt into a roll up to shock the King! [B]Winners: Triple H & Shawn Michaels in 18:24[/B][/CENTER] However, DX have no time to celebrate as The Alliance storm the ring, attacking the Degenerates brutally and swiftly. Vince, Kane, Undertaker & Owen attack Shawn while the Henchmen, Shane, Chyna and The Rock focus on Triple H. Mankind tries to help out but he finds himself overwhelmed in moments. The crowd rabidly chant Austin’s name, but are left disappointed as DX and Mankind are individually put through tables brought into the ring by the Henchmen, and then stand together as a collective unit to celebrate the dismantling of three of the biggest stars in the company. [B]JR:[/B] This has become ridiculous, King, they’re controlling the Federation in whatever way they see fit and are destroying anyone who stands up to their regime. [B]King: [/B]If I were you I’d shape up, JR, or you might be on the end of one of these attacks! No-one is safe!
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[QUOTE=SHaynes23;306120]Good show, the Alliance just keeps getting stronger. Can't wait for Summerslam, then see how the Kane and Taker going for the title works out. I have a feeling multiple people are going to be on the business end of chokeslams on their path.[/QUOTE] Thanks mate. As a fan of the slow build style of storyline building, this show wound up as more of a progression/start up of feuds show rathe rthan anything excellent happen. However, the next few Raw's, and Summerslam wedged between, are shows I have been planning for ages with all sorts of overlapping storylines and matches. Thanks for your continued support and I hope the next few shows will continue to please!
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