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World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

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[QUOTE=G-Prime;317044]Wow... Great show mate, I'm glad HBK retained.[/QUOTE] Thanks man. I thought you'd be pleased that Michaels retains, but with Triple H, Owen Hart, Kane & The Undertaker gunning for his belt now, it's rough seas ahead for HBK! :p [QUOTE=sebsy;317067]What a show Keefy, you sure know how to write. Loved the Iron Man Match and glad HBK retained.[/QUOTE] Thanks very much, I really appreciate that. The Iron Man match is something I've thought about for a while and I'm glad you enjoyed it. [QUOTE=Nevermore;317137]Great show, skip! Thought i'd check this PPV out and I'm glad I did. Loved the crazy hardcore angles and the ending to the Iron Man match was beautiful! F**king great job ;)! Quote The Raven Nevermore[/QUOTE] Thanks dude, you know how much I appreciate all feedback, but especially from such talented diary writers such as yourself. I wanted to try the 24/7 rule, because it does offer a unique opportunity for a diary, but I think more than a month of it would degrade the belt somewhat. So the 24/7 rule doesn't have long left. As for the Iron Man Match, I'm glad you liked it. I really wanted to convey the suspense of the ending, which is f***ing hard, let me tell ya! So thanks for the compliments. [QUOTE=theoutlaw321;317142]Great PPV Mate! Loved the whole thing. That Iron Man Match was really something. Glad I spent the $39.95![/QUOTE] Hey buddy, thanks very much! As with Nevvy, when the top two or three diary writers give me praise I really means something. I'm really glad that you, as with the others liked the Iron Man match. It's a hard match to write up as it requires a lot of thought and energy to get it right, and I don't have a lot of either! Thanks everyone for the comments, they are all really nice and brought a smile to my face before work, which can only be a good thing. :)
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;317260]I wanted to try the 24/7 rule, because it does offer a unique opportunity for a diary, but I think more than a month of it would degrade the belt somewhat. So the 24/7 rule doesn't have long left.[/QUOTE] Aah, so that's what you were getting at with "holder of the fall". Sorry, I've only been dipping in and out of this :o... I barely have enough time to write diaries, let alone read, no matter how good they are, unfortunately. Well, that's probably a good decision in the long run. I think the 24/7 rule allows emphasis on the "hardcore" element and affords some opportunity for comedy moments (which you pulled off extremely well, by the way - Dreamer nearly beheading Christian in the gents' is a a hilarious image ;)) but it does mean that a good ol' fashioned "strong champion" is a bit difficult to maintain. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[QUOTE=flamebrain;317357]Great show and the Iron Man match was particularly well done! :)[/QUOTE] Thanks very much, glad you enjoyed it! [QUOTE=Nevermore;317378]Aah, so that's what you were getting at with "holder of the fall". Sorry, I've only been dipping in and out of this :o... I barely have enough time to write diaries, let alone read, no matter how good they are, unfortunately.[/QUOTE] Completely understand buddy. It's great when you do have a look, but by no means do I expect it. I only have the time to check the diaries I really like, and occassionally to work on my own, so I understand. [QUOTE=Nevermore;317378]Well, that's probably a good decision in the long run. I think the 24/7 rule allows emphasis on the "hardcore" element and affords some opportunity for comedy moments (which you pulled off extremely well, by the way - Dreamer nearly beheading Christian in the gents' is a a hilarious image ;)) but it does mean that a good ol' fashioned "strong champion" is a bit difficult to maintain.[/QUOTE] That's exactly my thinking. Funny you should mention the "image" of Dreamer and Christian, that's exactly what I had of it when I wrote it. The chair draped around his neck a la RVD as he crumples to the floor having just answered nature, it's the sort of stuff comedy I love in wrestling, the funny guy (Christian) and straight man (Dreamer) works so well in my opinion. ------------------------------------ Just a quick question to throw out there- what do you think about the non-show stuff? I used to do quite a lot of it (Ross Report, McMahon convos, etc) but due to lack of feedback I stopped bothering. But do you think they'd be worth starting up again ie do they add anything to the diary?
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;317397] Just a quick question to throw out there- what do you think about the non-show stuff? I used to do quite a lot of it (Ross Report, McMahon convos, etc) but due to lack of feedback I stopped bothering. But do you think they'd be worth starting up again ie do they add anything to the diary?[/QUOTE] I like Ross Reports, and the backstage, kayfabe-breaking stuff, adds a certain something to diaries. Of course, it's great the way it is too.
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;317606]I like Ross Reports, and the backstage, kayfabe-breaking stuff, adds a certain something to diaries. Of course, it's great the way it is too.[/QUOTE] Okay cool, I'll start doing them again then. I was thinking of doing a monthly Top 10 of the roster, a bit like the Power 25 as well as the usual Ross Report and things. Maybe I'll start up a rumour page an' that for North American wrestling. I'm quite eager to make this a bit more interactive and "real", as to be seen with the return of worker pictures! :eek: Thanks for the feedback Primey.
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;317769]Okay cool, I'll start doing them again then. I was thinking of doing a monthly Top 10 of the roster, a bit like the Power 25 as well as the usual Ross Report and things. Maybe I'll start up a rumour page an' that for North American wrestling. I'm quite eager to make this a bit more interactive and "real", as to be seen with the return of worker pictures! :eek: Thanks for the feedback Primey.[/QUOTE] Love the power 10 idea or whatever you call it :p. That'll add a very nice dynamic. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAWisWAR2.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]PREVIEW[/SIZE][/B] [B]BACK TO MONTREAL…[/B] The WWF returns to Canada for the first time since the “Montreal Screwjob” and do it in style as Raw rolls in to the site of the most controversial moment in wrestling history! With Canada’s most hated Shawn Michaels still WWF Champion after a brutal Iron Man Match at last nights Summerslam, what is to become of Owen Hart, who had promised to return to his home country with the very title his brother was screwed out of? Will he find himself down the pecking order for the title after Kane & The Undertaker were guaranteed a title shot and Triple H won the rights to be the number one contender against The Rock at last nights supershow? In an attempt to de-clutter the title picture, Vince McMahon has booked Triple H to face Kane in a one on match to try and establish who rally does deserve the title shot against the Heartbreak Kid! One title picture that is clear is the Intercontinental Title, as Jeff Jarrett has requested and been granted another rematch against “The Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock! Also on Raw we will see Dreamer defend his fall holder status against Sabu, The Bagwell taking on Taka Michinoku, and a 6 man tag match between The Hardy Boyz and Psicosis against Chavo Guerrero Jr and Edge & Christian. The stipulation of this match says the Light-Heavyweight of the winning team can choose next weeks Light-Heavyweight Title match, and the winning tag team will get a shot against the Tag Team champions Kane & The Undertaker! Be sure not to miss this weeks unbeatable RAW is WAR! [B]SCHEDULED MATCHES[/B] [B]Singles Match[/B] Kane vs Triple H [B]Intercontinental Title Match[/B] Jeff Jarrett vs Ken Shamrock © [B]Singles Match[/B] The Bagwell vs Taka Michinoku [B]Hardcore Match[/B] Sabu vs Tommy Dreamer [B]6 Man Tag Match[/B] Edge & Christian and Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Hardy Boyz and Psicosis[/CENTER]
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[B]SCHEDULED MATCHES[/B] [B]Singles Match[/B] [B]Kane[/B] vs Triple H [B]Intercontinental Title Match[/B] Jeff Jarrett vs [B]Ken Shamrock ©[/B] [B]Singles Match[/B] [B]The Bagwell [/B]vs Taka Michinoku [B]Hardcore Match[/B] [B]Sabu[/B] vs Tommy Dreamer [B]6 Man Tag Match[/B] [B]Edge & Christian and Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] vs Hardy Boyz and Psicosis
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[QUOTE=TragicHeroParade;318147]What photoset are you using for this mod? I can not find a photoset for it, but I've noticed you've got a lot of pics that I am wanting. :)[/QUOTE] What do you mean by photoset? If you let me know what piccies you're after I'll PM you them. EDIT: Thanks for predicting!
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Singles Match [B]Kane [/B]vs Triple H Intercontinental Title Match Jeff Jarrett vs [B]Ken Shamrock ©[/B] Singles Match [B]The Bagwell[/B] vs Taka Michinoku Hardcore Match Sabu vs [B]Tommy Dreamer[/B] 6 Man Tag Match [B]Edge & Christian and Chavo Guerrero Jr [/B]vs Hardy Boyz and Psicosis
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAWisWAR2.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Monday 24th August 1998 LIVE from the site of Survivor Series ’97, the Molsen Centre, Montreal, Quebec, Canada in front of a crowd of 18,212[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] The show opens with the familiar entrance music of Shawn Michaels, and the Molsen Centre turns into a sea of boos. Michaels, seemingly undeterred, comes through the curtain dancing and prancing like normal, and makes his way to the ring and grabs a microphone. [B]Michaels:[/B] Last night at… Michaels has barely opened his mouth when the “You Screwed Bret” chants start up, almost deafeningly. [B]Michaels: [/B]As I was saying… The chant gets louder. [B]Michaels:[/B] Would you mind shutting up, you’re in the presence of greatness here! A “F*ck You Michaels” chant begins instead. [B]Michaels: [/B]No… f*ck you. After a chorus of boos, the chant is even louder. [B]Michaels:[/B] Last night I proved to the world that Shawn Michaels is better than the Hart family. At Survivor Series I beat Bret and last night I beat Owen. The fans start on an “a$$hole” chant. [B]Michaels: [/B]You know what? I did screw Bret, and I’d do it all over again. Business is business, and Bret was nothing more than a petulant child who threw his toys out of the pram when he didn’t get his own way. [B]JR:[/B] Who does that remind me of? [B]Michaels:[/B] I think that it’s about time you all moved on, people. The Hart family is old news. The crowd boo, but one old man in the front row is particularly animated. [B]Michaels:[/B] Well if it isn’t Stu Hart. The crowd cheer when the camera changes to him, and begin a “Stuuuuuuuuuuuuu” chant. HBK leaves the ring and walks over to him. [B]Michaels:[/B] Hear that, old man? They’re booing you. They’re booing you because even these Canadian jackasses’ won’t forgive you for conceiving Bret and Owen Hart. Papa Hart swings at him but misses, so Michaels starts taunting him when the rest of the Hart family (minus Bret) at ringside start trying to climb the barrier at him, until Owen Hart’s music plays and the crowd erupts. Michaels gets back in the ring, and is soon joined by Owen. Owen grabs a microphone when the “Owen” chant starts up, but quiets when he goes to speak. [B]Owen:[/B] Shawn, Shawn, Shawn. Has it really come to this? Are you so embarrassed I kicked your ass for an hour that you have to pick fights with elderly men? [B]Shawn:[/B] Still the WWF Champion, baby, still the champion. [B]Owen:[/B] For now, perhaps. But you know in your heart of hearts, pun intended, that you were lucky last night. That match could have gone either way. I know Triple H won the number one contendership match, and Kane and Undertaker manipulated their way into a title shot, but rest assured I’m not letting this go, Shawn. I hate you. I hate the way you treated my brother, I hate the way you use your connection to politic your way around backstage, and most of all I hate that after everything you have done you are still the WWF Champion. The crowd start up the” Owen” chant again. [B]Shawn: [/B]Unfortunately, buddy; there isn’t anything you can do about it. [B]Owen: [/B]Oh, that’s where you are wrong. The Hart family always find a way of making things right. Last night I gave that son of a bitch Earl Hebner what he had coming to him when I smashed the chair so hard over his head it gave him a concussion… A “f*ck you Hebner!” chant begins. [B]Owen:[/B] … And tonight I make things right with you. As part of me winning the match against Austin last month, I had a little clause written into the contract. And that clause says, right here, in Montreal, Quebec, you will defend your World Wrestling Federation Title in a one on one match against me, Owen Hart! The crowd cheer. [B] Owen: [/B]And Shawn, I’d enjoy the next few hours with that belt, because tonight… it’s coming home to the Hart family. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="6"]“The Stroke” Jeff Jarrett w/Dusty Rhodes vs “The World’s Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock ©[/SIZE][/B] Jarrett, still limping form last night, gives it his best go against the champion, knowing this may be his last chance at winning the gold for a while. Utilising Dusty at ringside, Jarrett keeps Shamrock down for much of the match, but it still means nothing as eventually he taps out following an Anklelock to his already injured ankle. [B]Winner and STILL Intercontinental Champion: Ken Shamrock in 9:02[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The face of Vince McMahon is shown on the screen and the crowd explodes into boos and profanities. [B]McMahon: [/B]People of Montreal and the viewing public, I have something to say. I would say it in the ring but I fear for my safety. Firstly, as I’m sure you are all deeply worried, my son Shane is doing fine thank you. He is sore after his Hardcore match but should be okay. Secondly, I would like to address the situation with Taz. Following his uncontrollable behaviour, topped by last nights piledriver onto the bare concrete, I have been left with no option other than to suspend him for a month. Thank you. [B]JR: [/B]Wow, for once I actually agree with something Mr McMahon says, something had to be done with that punk. [B]King:[/B] But do you think this will calm him down, or just wind him up even more? [B]JR:[/B] I shudder to think. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Taka Michinoku comes down to the ring ahead of his match, but before The Bagwell’s music can hit he is attacked from behind by the group of ninja’s again. Four of them attack savagely, one calling the shots, yelling in Japanese. One grabs a steel chair, and after cracking it against Taka’s back, slots his head through the gap. Another climbs to the top rope and jumps off, landing on the chair and crushing Taka’s neck. The crowd boo as the talking ninja pulls back on his hood and grabs a microphone. [B]Leader: [/B]The time has come to announce ourselves to the world… my name is Yamaguchi-San. I am a manager in the wrestling world in Japan, and was a follower of young Taka here for many years. I led him through his training, and yet when he came to America he rejected my request to come with him. Such insolence shall not be tolerated! I spent the last year personally training the greatest in the young lions of Japan. So let me introduce to you… Hayashi! [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/KazHayashi.jpg[/IMG] Togo! [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DickTogo.jpg[/IMG] Funaki! [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Funaki.jpg[/IMG] and Tajiri! [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Tajiri.jpg[/IMG] Together we are the Zukaya! Together we will take over the World Wrestling Federation by any means necessary, starting with young Taka here. The cull begins now, and Zukaya is going to rip the WWF from its seams. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]Hardcore Match to become the current fall holder of the Hardcore Title[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="6"]“Genocidal, Suicidal, Homicidal” Sabu vs “Innovator Of Violence” Tommy Dreamer[/SIZE][/B] A solid hardcore affair between two extremists, more of a gimmick hardcore match than the extreme battles they have had in the past, but it remained violent nonetheless. After a to and fro battle, Sabu put Dreamer away with an Arabian Facecrusher. [B]Winner: Sabu in 8:25[/B][/CENTER] Sabu grabs the belt, hold it up briefly and runs down the ramp. However, as soon as he’s through the curtain, he flies back through, closely followed by Lance Storm! Storm throws him off the rampway into the electrical equipment, looks down and dives after him in the form of an Elbow Drop. He covers him and becomes the latest Hardcore Title Fall Holder! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [SIZE="4"][I][CENTER]DO YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKIN’?[/CENTER][/I][/SIZE] The Rock makes his way down to the ring, the boos as always mixed with the cheers of the growing section of the crowd entertained by the People’s Champion. [B]Rock: [/B]Finally… The Rock… has come back… to the Great Crappy North. [I]The crowd boo.[/I] [B]Rock: [/B]Just when The Rock didn’t think it could get any worse, the People’s Champion has to come to Canada and see all your candy ass faces. A word of advice from The Rock; unless you’re asking The Rock a question, don’t add “eh” at the end of a sentence. It confuses him. Anyway, The Rock is out here for a reason. Last night The Rock was unfairly beaten in the Ladder Match by Triple H. [I]The crowd boo The Game for his involvement in the Montreal Screwjob[/I]. [B]Rock:[/B] But that match obviously didn’t count, and The Rock is demanding a rematch! So get that stinking piece trailer park trash out here so The Rock can shove his fist right up his candy ass! Music plays over the ‘tron, but instead of Triple H, The Rock is given Mankind. [B]Mankind:[/B] Hey Rocky, what’s up? [I]The Rock doesn’t say anything, just stares angrily at the masked madman.[/I] [B]Mankind: [/B]I couldn’t help but overhear you out here, moaning again about getting a bad break, and talking about fisting. I can’t help but say I told you so. About the moaning, not the fisting. Why won’t you accept my help, let me in, and I can help you be a life affirming person like me? What do you say? [B]Rock: [/B]The Roc… [B]Mankind:[/B] It doesn’t matter what you say! [B]Rock:[/B] Don’t ever, and The Rock means ever, steal The Rock’s catchphrases. [B]Mankind: [/B]Sorry. [B]Rock: [/B]You wanna know why The Rock is ignoring you? It’s because you’re a loser. And The Rock is a winner. The Rock associates with winners. [B]Mankind: [/B]You didn’t look like a winner last night. You need help, Rocky, and I’m gonna give it to you. I’m going to take your conception of winners and losers, shine it up real nice, and stick them straight up your candy ass! [B]Rock:[/B] What did The Rock just say? One more time and The Roc will layeth the smacketh down on your candy ass. [B]Mankind:[/B] Be careful, Rocky, you try it with me and I may have to make you more antiquated with a tube sock than you were that night in junior high. [B]Rock:[/B] How do you know about that? The Rock was bored okay, and his six girlfrie… whoa, whoa don’t put The Rock off! The Rock says he is going full steam ahead to the main event and doesn’t need you or anybody to help him, IF YA SMEEEEEEELLLLL… The Rock stops half way through and runs at Mankind, but is caught by Mr Socko! The People’s Champion writhes around, but can’t hold out for long and eventually crumples to the ground! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]Kane w/Paul Bearer vs “The Game” Triple H[/SIZE][/B] Somewhat predictably after the treatment of HBK earlier, Triple H is booed ferociously from the start, allowing Kane to be the fan favourite for the first time since his debut almost a year ago. Kane dominates the early proceedings, but Triple H works his way back in, and seems to have the match won when he goes for a Pedigree, but Kane powers out of it and attempts a clothesline, but hits referee Tim White by mistake. Kane then hits a Chokeslam on Kane, but new referee Jack Doan takes so long getting to the ring Triple H stirs and kicks out. The infuriated Kane grabs Doan and turns him upside down and nails him with a Tombstone. Triple H spots the opportunity and knocks Kane out of the ring, and begins tearing at the announcers table, only for The Undertaker to come to ringside and start attacking him, allowing Kane to get to his feet. The Tag Champions each grab The Game’s throat and Double Chokeslam him through the table! [B]No contest after 11:02[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The whole of The Alliance are backstage, except for the McMahon’s. [B]Undertaker: [/B]Are you ready to put Michaels through hell? [B]Owen:[/B] Oh hell yeah. The title is coming back to The Alliance, don’t you worry about it. But I’m going to do it on my own. I told you to stay out of it last night and you turned up anyway, but not tonight. I have to do this on my own to prove to myself, to Shawn, Bret and the whole world that I really am the best in the world today. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]6 Man Tag Team Match[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="6"]“Chavito Heat” Chavo Guerrero Jr, Edge & Christian w/Michael Hayes vs the World Wrestling Federation Light-Heavyweight Champion Psicosis & The Hardy Boyz[/SIZE][/B] A fast paced match with more than just an element of hatred in there as 6 of the hottest and most popular young stars on the roster go at it. The faces manage to battle back following early domination from Chavito and his young tag partners, but the c ocky heels appear to have the match won when a group of hooded druids attack the Hardy Boyz. Alone against three men, Psicosis battles like a lionheart, but the sheer numbers work against him. Chavo senses his first victory over the Light-Heavyweight Champion and grounds and pounds him, only to be shocked with a cradle out of nowhere! [B]Winner: Psicosis in 7:37[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lance Storm is in the cafeteria, trying desperately to get a quick snack when Christian suddenly attacks him from behind! Instinctively, Storm grabs a handful of food and shoves it in his adversary’s face. Christian backs off clutching his face, apparently blinded, throwing punches, when he nails the giant Mabel with a soft left by mistake. Obviously one who loves his food, Mabel gets angry, picks up the young Canadian and slams him through a canteen table! Seeing the angry beast, Storm tries escape without being noticed, only to be met with a steel chair by Edge! Edge covers him, gets the three, grabs the Hardcore belt and runs for his life! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owen Hart is backstage with Dutch Mantell. [B]Dutch:[/B] Owen, you’re about to go out there with the chance to win your first ever WWF Title in front of a home crowd. Your thoughts? [B]Owen:[/B] Shawn… the people of the Molsen Centre… the worldwide audience… Bret… the time for retribution is now. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="6"][B]“The King Of Harts” Owen Hart vs “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels ©[/B][/SIZE] The opening bell rings and Owen charges at Shawn, taking him down and laying into him as the crowd cheer. Shawn tries to get away but Owen is on top of him, nailing his with stiff shots in front of the ferocious Montreal crowd. In desperation, Shawn drops to his knees and blatantly low blows the challenger, and looks up to referee Mike Chioda for the disqualification. Chioda merely shakes his head as HBK gets angry and grabs the shirt of the official. Chioda refuses to be intimidated and shoves the champion away, right into the waiting fist of Owen Hart. After about a minute of more pummelling, Michaels manages to roll out of the ring for a rest bite, but isn’t even safe on the outside as the crowd start throwing things at him and shoving him. The camera zooms in on the champion face and it is plain for everyone to see- there’s no way out. Michaels has to face Owen like a man. As soon as he re-enters the ring (after much deliberation and stalling, to the crowds disgust) he is attacked again by Owen, but the challenger’s over-enthusiasm to attack is his main weakness. The experienced main eventer that he is, Shawn picks up on it and turns it to his advantage, baiting the King in and using his own momentum against him. With Owen down, Shawn deliberately slows the pace and works on Owen Hart’s legs, which only turns the crowd further against him, as most only want to see him get beaten up. The match goes to and fro from here on in, Michaels playing up to the crowds disgust and anger and using every dirty trick he’s picked up in is time at the top of the mountain, Owen’s tenacity and determination to be the champion keeps him involved, and with the totally pro-Owen crowd willing him on, he takes his game to the next level, even turning to some of the aerial moves he was famous for at the start of his career. After 20 odd minutes of action, Shawn begins to gain momentum, running through his back catalogue of big hitting moves to soften up the challenger. Bouncing off the ropes and running around the ring like he didn’t have a match last night, Shawn begins to wear Owen down. With the King groggy, HBK takes to the top rope and flies off majestically to nail a standing moonsault, but the count only reaches two. Both men get to their feet, but Shawn hits a clothesline, then another, then an Atomic Drop, followed by a slam, and takes to the top rope again. With the crowd booing, Shawn nails a Flying Elbow, but rather than going for the pin, he jumps to his feet and begins tuning the band. The crowd boo, and some trash is even thrown at the ring, but HBK ignores it, tuning up until Owen make sit to his feet, where Shawn darts across the ring and… NO! Owen catches the leg, sweeps the other and locks in the Sharpshooter. The crowd cheer insanely as the move is held in tightly, Michaels screaming in pain. He tries to drag himself to the bottom rope, but Owen won’t be moved, Michaels hand hovers dangerously above the mat ready to tap when… Michaels reverses it! He uses all his remaining strength to power out of it, sending the challenger toppling. Both men get to their feet and BAM! SWEET CHIN MUSIC ON OWEN! ONE… TWO… TH… NO! Owen kicked out! Owen kicked out! Michaels begins to lose control, begging for referee Chioda to change his mind, but it is in vain. With Owen down, barely moving, HBK gets to his feet angrily, spits, snorts, and starts tuning up the band again. Owen makes it to his feet as Michaels attacks, but Owen ducks it, trips Shawn again and once again locks in the Sharpshooter! Slap bang in the middle of the ring, Shawn desperately reaches for all four sides, but it’s too far. Owen leans back, his own face painting a picture of agony, squeezing the willpower and strength out of the champion. Michaels tries to hang on but realises he’s fighting a losing battle and slams his hand down on the mat furiously! [B][SIZE="4"]Winner: Owen Hart by submission in 24:49[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="5"][B]Howard Finkle:[/B] Here is your winner…. And the NEW WORLD WRESTLING FEDERATION HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION… OWEN HART![/SIZE][/CENTER] The crowd erupts as Owen drops to his knees, tears already streaming down his face. The Hart family climb the barricade and join him in the ring as he’s handed the WWF Championship, he stares at it, his vision blurred by the tears, grabs it and holds it closely. His family help him to his feet and his brothers lift him onto their shoulders, triumphantly parading their brother around the ring as the World Wrestling Federation Champion. The crowd are still cheering beyond belief as red and white confetti falls from the ceiling. The Owen Hart era truly has begun.
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Hi guys, thanks for the feedback. I appreciate your comments of course Primey, and will take them on board. However, as I'm trying to stay in the era, the Attitude era was all about unpredictability, and giving the fans a reason to watch your product over the other. Also, I have wanted Owen to be the champ for a while, as you all know. However, rather than have him winning it as a heel and the fans booing, I wanted him to have a hero's title win. The only way I could give him that as a heel was to take it back to Montreal and have him face Shawn so soon after the Screwjob, but having him in a title match on PPV in Montreal would have been too predictable that he was going to win, which I'm trying to avoid. Thanks again to you guys for leaving feedback (where would I be without you?!) and I hope you continue to read and leave feedback as I really to appreciate it.
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[QUOTE=ColtCabana;318877]I think the free title change was a great idea. People don't expect the belt to change hands on Raw and when it does people are left watching future episodes to see what will happen next.[/QUOTE] Yay! I'm glad someone agreed with me! That was exactly why I did, for the unpredictability and giving the impression that you have to tune in because you don't know what you might miss. [QUOTE=flamebrain;318879]Excellent end to a good show and a nice surprise to boot! :)[/QUOTE] Glad you liked it buddy. :) Thanks for the feedback guys, with a bit of luck updates and shows and stuff should be fairly regular for a while (I hope.)
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[SIZE="4"][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][QUOTE][FONT="Century Gothic"][B][CENTER][SIZE="7"][IMG]http://www.mikemooneyham.com/pages/binarydata/ross-jim01.jpg[/IMG] Ross Report[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] Greetings from under the 200X, black Resistol hat. Here’s a few more of my random thoughts for you to digest (speaking of which, don’t forget to check out JR’s BBQ Sauce- out in shops this coming Tuesday!) [LIST] [*]As much as I like Michaels, I’m really pleased to see Owen Hart finally win “the big one”. I hope now he realises he doesn’t need Vince McMahon and follows the path he was taking- one of courage, honour and respect. [*]There have been a lot of teams over the years that have looked like they could dominate the Tag Team scene, but very few make that final step. In my opinion, Kane & The Undertaker won’t have that problem. They’re strong, powerful, intense and totally evil to boot. They may be the true definition of “unstoppable”. [*]What is the deal with Edge & Christian these days? Those two young bucks have future WWF Champion written all over them, but they may want to be careful dabbling in the black arts, if that is what they are doing. History tells us only a certain type of person can deal with the consequences of black arts gone wrong- ask The Undertaker. [*]One of the highlights for me every Friday night is the “Fighting Irishman” Finlay. His style reminds me of an era gone by, and his aggressive smash and grab style would have handed him success in any era, this one included. [*]Is anyone else somewhat pleased that Chavo Guerrero Jr. has found a brick wall in the form of Psicosis? Chavo has pushed his luck with bending the rules for too long and hopefully this run of defeats against the Light-Heavyweight Champion will continue until he realises the error of his ways. [*]Did anyone else prefer Shane McMahon before he realigned with his pop? I don’t know what those matches against Jeff Jarrett did to him, but I miss the days of the boy Wonder having the conviction to stand up to his dad and say “you’re out of line.” God knows someone has to do it. [*]The actions of Zukaya have been nothing but downright disgusting since they made their mysterious debut. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been known to hold a grudge, but the way Yamaguchi-San has tried to ruin Taka Michinoku’s career is just plain wrong in my book, and regardless of how talented these kids turn out to be, they don’t deserve any sort of success if this is the way they go about settling personal vendettas. [*]Could anyone be more proud of my Sooners (no!) [*]I may be no man to talk about weight issues, but I think if Mabel is serious about making it big in the WWF, he may want to cut down on the BBQ wings for a while. His ass has its own Zip Code. [*]Oklahoma City can be a fierce place of a Friday night, but if Taz is anything to go by, Brooklyn makes it look like a haven for peace. I don’t think I’ve seen someone with as bad an attitude as him and I’m glad Mr McMahon had the sense to suspend him before he causes any further serious damage. He does hit just about the sweetest suplex I’ve ever seen, though. [*]My sources tell me after the emotional stress Sable was put through at the hands of Marc Mero, the blonde bombshell is set to return to a WWF ring soon. I’m a big fan of Sable’s (admittedly, not as big as The King) but her presence will be a breath of fresh air. I’m a happily married man, but like my father used to say, just because I’m not hungry doesn’t mean I won’t look at the menu, if you get my meaning. [*]I for one find myself feeling privileged I get paid to watch The Rock when he is often worth the admission fee alone. He entertains and electrifies like no other and is truly a once in a generation sort of talent. However, if he truly is to become the “Great One” he needs to pull his head out of his candy ass and work hard at making himself the next big thing in pro wrestling. [*]Ken Shamrock has been on one hell of a roll of late. He’s dangerous, intense, tough as a two dollar steak and my pick to be the MVP of 1999. [/LIST] That’s all for this week folks, count your blessings, take it easy and don’t forget to tune in to RAW is WAR, every week at 9.00pm! [B][I][SIZE="6"] JR[/SIZE][/I][/B] (Boomer Sooner!)[/FONT][/QUOTE][/SIZE]
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keefy, I nearly had to shed a tear there mate... FINALLY Owen Hart got what he deserved. God bless Owen, and god bless you for sharing that tale. I loved every second of that ride, I said to you before I would have gone for Owen earlier, but I'm glad you didn't listen to me because holding off on it and building it the way you have has made this a far more special moment. Mate, you are a credit to booking worldwide. You are a precocious talent, I'm glad to have shared with you ideas on this forum thing for a while, it is interesting to hear a true booking craftsman and his ideas. Cudos to you.
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Im a Huge Owen Hart fan and that last match,,,,,,,,WOW, it nearly braught me to tears man, would have been truley amazing if that would have ben the real life case, if only the tragedy of what hapned never had maybe Owen would still be making moments like that a reality, and to be hounes you do his memory credit, and i know its only a game but it was wrote that well it made me get all hyper and i had to post lol. Great stuff KUTGW
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