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World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

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[B][SIZE="4"][CENTER] ‘Mania Backlash to Crowning A New King The Backstory To FMTA Part Three[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] Austin’s title victory at Wrestlemania failed to settle any old scores, and the next few months were dominated by his attempts to stay at the top of the Federation. After retaining the belt in a Wrestlemania rematch at Backlash, Austin found himself in the crosshairs of the monster Kane, who suffered only his second professional loss to the Rattlesnake at In Your House: Breakdown. This same event saw Michaels, now a face, go one on one again with a Owen Hart, who had turned heel due to the sadistic nature of his attempts to inflict punishment on HBK, in a match won by the Black Hart. Despite these results, the title picture was still not considered clear enough, so in one of the most high profile title matches in living memory, Stone Cold Steve Austin once again got under the skin of Vince McMahon by retaining the belt at King Of The Ring in a Fatal Fourway match with Michaels, Hart and Kane. Around this time saw Mankind upset The Undertaker on Raw. An apparent fuse was lit under the Deadman as he attempted to make Mankind’s life hell, but the now heel was once again beaten at Breakdown in a Boiler Room Brawl match. These two losses set the stage for a make or break match for ‘Taker, and it took place at King Of The Ring inside the Hell In A Cell. The match begun on the outside, and within minutes Mankind had been thrown off and through the Cell, legitimately knocking him out and even ripping out a tooth. Undertaker finally got the win he had been craving following a Tombstone onto the Thumbtacks. The Nation Of Domination’s time in the Federation came to a close thanks to D-Generation X. Members D’Lo Brown and Mabel went off in to a splinter group, winning the Tag Team Titles along the way, The Rock became the King Of The Ring, beating new signing Rob Van Dam in the final, while Faarooq joined Bradshaw to form what was then known as Hell’s Henchmen, better known now as The Acolytes. Kama Mustafa made perhaps the most surprising of changes as he went from the lethal fighter to the “Pimp Daddy” The Godfather. Goldust’s attempts at winning back the Intercontinental Title proved to be futile, as his own father turned his back on him during a Cage Match at Backlash, once again handing Jarrett the title. It would be Jarrett’s boasting of this situation that led him to feud with Shane McMahon, who despite never competing in a match before, took Jarrett to the limit in two matches only to leave empty handed. Meanwhile Goldust picked himself up form the loss remarkably well and set his sights on Taz. The two managed to win the Tag Team Titles in spite of Taz’s pure, unadulterated hatred for the Golden One. They managed to remain unbeatable in the ring, although Taz’s threat of destroying Goldust once they lost the title could not have been more clear cut. Terry Funk’s reign as Hardcore Champion was short as Sabu took the title from him. Tommy Dreamer and Al Snow both came close to winning the title from the Indian Superstar, only to fall short at each opportunity.
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[B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]The Heat Is On The Backstory To FMTA Part Four[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] The summer arrived and saw the final rematch of Wrestlemania, where Shawn Michaels won the title by pinning Owen Hart in a Triple Threat match also containing champion Steve Austin. HBK then went on to win the title in the modern day classic at Summerslam, where he won 2-1 in a 60 Minute Iron match, but Owen finally realised his dream in front of his home countrymen the next night on Raw Is War. Owen Hart, along with Shane, Vince, Undertaker & Kane formed The Alliance, a group of people determined to hang on to their positions of power at any cost. Steve Austin, furious at having lost the title without being pinned, made the mistake of being the first man to cross The Alliance and was promptly fired for his actions. Kane & The Undertaker then won the Tag Team Titles (and put the New Age Outlaws out of commission following a brutal beatdown), and come Summerslam the Rattlesnake returned in a losing effort alongside Mankind in a match for the Tag Team Titles. Having lost the titles, Taz quickly turned on Goldust and proceeded in brutalising his former partner which resulted in a match at Summerslam. Goldust managed to pick up the shock win, which forced Taz into a previously unheard of state of anger and saw him Piledriver the Bizarre One onto the concrete. Taz was slapped with a month suspension as Goldust recuperated from his serious injuries. Two of the hottest prospects in wrestling, The Rock and Triple H, found themselves in the middle of a titanic battle during the summer of ’98. The Rock defeated The Game in an I Quit Match when he threatened to attack Chyna, only for Chyna to attack Triple H afterwards. Even so, Chyna was unable to stop The Game as he defeated The Rock and became the number one contender in the process, The Rock now finding himself in arguments with Mankind. The summer also saw the debut of two new stars; Finlay and Psicosis. Finlay started on a winning streak which saw him torment most members of the roster, whereas Psicosis won the Light-Heavyweight Title on his debut, which started a sequence in which Chavo Guerrero Jr was unable to beat the Mexican high-flier. The WWF saw a new Intercontinental Champion crowned as Ken Shamrock defeated the conniving Jeff Jarrett at Fully Loaded. Despite Jarrett and Dusty’s best attempts at mind games, Shamrock retained the title at Summerslam in his speciality match- the Lions Den. We also saw a new Hardcore Champion in the Federation as Rob Van Dam won a Fatal Fourway match with Sabu, Dreamer and Snow. After crossing the boss, Vince McMahon ordered for the entire month of August Van Dam would be forced to defend the title under 24/7 rules. This led to numerous people “holding the fall”, including Tommy Dreamer and Shane McMahon who had an epic match at Summerslam. The current holder is Edge with just one last episode of Raw remaining. The marriage of Sable and Marc Mero appears to be over after several years. Mero’s jealousy of Sable’s popularity, plus her support amongst male colleagues pushed Mero over the edge and resulted in him losing to newcomer Lance Storm who saw fit to intervene in their marital problems. The Hardy Boyz and Edge & Christian both have seen their stock rise since their debut several months ago. Whilst neither have been champions yet, the Hardy Boyz are the number one contenders despite E&C’s “divine intervention” in their matters, usually involving black outs and blood baths. Finally, the WWF is now blessed with 4 new Light-Heavyweights; Tajiri, Togo, Hayashi and Funaki, along with their manager Yamaguchi-San known collectively as Zukaya (anagram of Yakuza). They made their debut in mysterious circumstances, assaulting Taka Michinoku for months before finally revealing their identities. Yamaguchi-San said the reason for their appearance was Taka had refused to take Yamaguchi-San as his manager in the WWF, leading him to hire the most dangerous and vicious thugs in Japanese wrestling. So that’s where we’re up to. Kiefer is at odds with Vince, but whilst the company grows his job is safe, the storylines are progressing nicely and the Owen Hart Era has just begun.
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Tag Team Match [B]Brothers Of Destruction[/B] vs D-Generation X Single Match Finlay vs [B]Mankind[/B] Single Match The Acolytes vs [B]Hardy Boyz[/B] 12 Man Battle Royal to determine the Number One Contender to the Intercontinental Title Al Snow v Christian v D’Lo Brown v Edge v [B]Godfather[/B] v Jeff Jarrett v Lance Storm v Mabel v Rob Van Dam v Sabu v The Bagwell v Tommy Dreamer Two Out Of Three Falls for the Light-Heavyweight Title Chavo Guerrero Jr vs [B]Psicosis[/B] © Six Man Tag Match [B]Zukaya[/B] vs Headbangers & Bart Gunn Plus who will be the Hardcore Champion when 24/7 ends tonight:RVD
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Glad to see this diary back and I cant wait for RAW. Tag Team Match [B]Brothers Of Destruction [/B]vs D-Generation X The only way I see BOD losing is if by DQ. Single Match Finlay vs [B]Mankind[/B] Mankind is deh pwnage. Period. Single Match The Acolytes vs [B]Hardy Boyz[/B] Up in the air for this one. 12 Man Battle Royal to determine the Number One Contender to the Intercontinental Title Al Snow v Christian v D’Lo Brown v Edge v Godfather v Jeff Jarrett v Lance Storm v Mabel v [B]Rob Van Dam[/B] v Sabu v The Bagwell v Tommy Dreamer I mark for RVD. Two Out Of Three Falls for the Light-Heavyweight Title Chavo Guerrero Jr vs [B]Psicosis ©[/B] Chavo just ain't gonna beat him. Six Man Tag Match [B]Zukaya [/B]vs Headbangers & Bart Gunn Bart Gunn still on your roster? Plus who will be the Hardcore Champion when 24/7 ends tonight?!= Me. lol jk uhhh Vince McMahon?
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Thanks for the predictions boys. Just posting to say I've updated the original post with the reasons why these matches are happening, plus a little extra info on 24/7. Just a few answers for FAQ- this is not being run on TEW as my laptop had to be wiped and I lost the data so it's just being done off the top of my head. I have drawn out at random injuries and lengths and whatnot to keep it realistic (although won't always mention that they are injured, just find reasons not to use them to keep up with kayfabe), also drawn out people who will leave the company (contract ending or quitting) but continue to book them as if I didn't know, and I will only sign people that may have joined the WWF in this time period (so not Sting, Hogan, Nash, Ric Flair etc). If anyone has any questions about anything to do with it that I haven't mentioned, just ask.
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The little backstory's great mate. It's reminded me just how good this diary was. [B]BOD -[/B] Gotta go with the brothers here. [B]Mankind -[/B] I'm can't see Finlay winning even though he's undefeated. I suspect Mankind will end the streak and the two will feud. [B]The Acolytes - [/B]I have no idea, I went for my favourite of the two. [B]RVD -[/B] It's a toss up between RVD and Sabu. I think RVD has enjoyed more of a push since joining which is why I choose him. I would like to see Sabu get it though. One of the most underated wrestlers in the buisness. [B]Psicosis -[/B] Psicosis to keep frustrating Chavo. [B]Zukaya[/B] - I really like this stable, it's a great idea. Hardcore Champion? I'm gonna say Sabu, only because I went for Van Dam in the battle royal.
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Tag Team Match [B]Brothers Of Destruction [/B]vs D-Generation X Single Match Finlay vs [B]Mankind[/B] Single Match The Acolytes vs [B]Hardy Boyz[/B] 12 Man Battle Royal to determine the Number One Contender to the Intercontinental Title Al Snow v Christian v D’Lo Brown v [B]Edge[/B] v Godfather v Jeff Jarrett v Lance Storm v Mabel v Rob Van Dam v Sabu v The Bagwell v Tommy Dreamer Two Out Of Three Falls for the Light-Heavyweight Title Chavo Guerrero Jr vs [B]Psicosis ©[/B] Six Man Tag Match [B]Zukaya[/B] vs Headbangers & Bart Gunn Plus who will be the Hardcore Champion when 24/7 ends tonight: [B]Chyna[/B]
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[B]Brothers Of Destruction[/B] vs D-Generation X [I]The alliance get some momentum. Plus, it gives D-X a something to rebel against. Sometimes losing is the best thing for staying over.[/I] Finlay vs [B]Mankind[/B] [I]Really torn on this one. I figure, since Taker and Kane will (hopefully) win the main event, this will be one that doesn't go Vinnie Mac's way.[/I] The Acolytes vs [B]Hardy Boyz[/B] [I]Same as above. Plus, the Hardyz are definitely on the way up.[/I] Al Snow v Christian v D’Lo Brown v Edge v Godfather v Jeff Jarrett v Lance Storm v Mabel v [B]Rob Van Dam [/B]v Sabu v The Bagwell v Tommy Dreamer [I]RVD is definitely the guy most worth pushing out of this lot in terms of skills in all areas. This prediction also doubles with my thoughts on the hardcore title.[/I] [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] vs Psicosis © [I]To set up a second match.[/I] [B]Zukaya[/B] vs Headbangers & Bart Gunn [I]...not that your admission helped me out or anything :p.[/I] [QUOTE][I]Plus who will be the Hardcore Champion when 24/7 ends tonight?![/I] [I]RVD started the month as champion but since then there have been various fall holders including Sabu, Tommy Dreamer and even Shane McMahon. Edge is the current holder[/I][/QUOTE] [B]Rob Van Dam[/B] [I]I've got the vibe off you in the past that the hardcore ranks are gonna be something difficult to keep going. So, not only do I reckon RVD will stick one straight to Vince, I also reckon the IC and Hardcore titles will see a unification under Mr. Monday Night. What better way to solve an issue and give a hot prospect the spotlight at the same time.[/I] Hopefully, as I get into the swing of this, my predictions will become more reasonable :rolleyes:. I canae wait! Quote The Raven Nevermore
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Well keefer, I never had a chance to follow your stuff before, but I have to say this is great. Great backstory to bring us up to date and all. I love how you explained everything and I'm pumped for RAW. I love all these retro diaries...me and Tristam with WCW 98 and now I see two 98 WWF ones. This is a good time for diaries. Anyways, here are my predictions. Tag Team Match Brothers Of Destruction vs D-Generation X Um, We'll go with the BOD! Single Match Finlay vs Mankind I don't see Mankind losing to Finlay no matter how much of a roll he's on. Single Match The Acolytes vs Hardy Boyz Um, Hardyz, unless EnC get involved. 12 Man Battle Royal to determine the Number One Contender to the Intercontinental Title Al Snow v Christian v D’Lo Brown v Edge v Godfather v Jeff Jarrett v Lance Storm v Mabel v Rob Van Dam v Sabu v The Bagwell v Tommy Dreamer I'm going with Jarrett on this one. It seems he and Dusty are a good fit and Dusty gets him everything he needs. Two Out Of Three Falls for the Light-Heavyweight Title Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Psicosis © Psicosis retains. Six Man Tag Match Zukaya vs Headbangers & Bart Gunn Umm, Zukaya I guess. lol Plus who will be the Hardcore Champion when 24/7 ends tonight:RVD
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Tag Team Match [B]Brothers Of Destruction[/B] vs D-Generation X - [I]The Alliance make a statement.[/I] Single Match [B]Finlay[/B] vs Mankind - [I]Thanks to a night of Alliance screwing.[/I] Single Match The Acolytes vs [B]Hardy Boyz[/B] - [I]But the Hardyz sneak through.[/I] 12 Man Battle Royal to determine the Number One Contender to the Intercontinental Title Al Snow v Christian v D’Lo Brown v Edge v Godfather v Jeff Jarrett v Lance Storm v Mabel v Rob Van Dam v Sabu v [B]The Bagwell[/B] v Tommy Dreamer - [I]Most logically. Bagwell and Shamrock's characters would be a nice contrast.[/I] Two Out Of Three Falls for the Light-Heavyweight Title Chavo Guerrero Jr vs [B]Psicosis ©[/B] - [I]This could go either way.[/I] Six Man Tag Match [I]Zukaya[/I] vs Headbangers & Bart Gunn - [I]Duh.[/I] Plus who will be the Hardcore Champion when 24/7 ends tonight: RVD - Continuing along with young talent getting the better of the Alliance, with RVD and The Hardyz being the rebels.
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[QUOTE]Thanks to everyone who has helped get this back on the road with pictures, videos, advice and lending an ear. You know who you are- thank you.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/9764/montrealattitudefx1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]SPONSERED BY[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]BACARDI BREEZER[/SIZE][/B] [I][SIZE="4"]Aiding teen pregnancy for 15 years[/SIZE][/I][/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][I][CENTER]Monday 31st August 1998[/I][/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] The show opens with the new WWF Champion walking down to the ring, title over shoulder, accompanied by The Alliance. Owen enters the ring and grabs a microphone. [B]Owen: [/B]I stand you before you, finally, as the WWF Champion! No, no, no… The Alliance’s WWF Champion! [I]The crowd boo.[/I] [B]Owen:[/B] And so it has finally come to rest. The greatest man to ever not be the WWF Champion is now the greatest man to ever be WWF Champion. And the final piece in the jigsaw has finally come together, not just for me, but for The Alliance. Look at the faces of Kane, ‘Taker, Vinny, Paul; look how happy they are. That unbridled joy is the realisation that The Alliance finally has the WWF Title. And you just know it means all the more to them that it could be won by the leader of The Alliance. [B]Undertaker:[/B] Whoa, hang on a moment. Let’s get one thing clear- you’re only the WWF Champion because the gates of hell haven’t opened up and taken you whole yet. But when me and Kane get our title shot that’s exactly what’s going to happen. And you’ll be made to eat your words. [B]Owen:[/B] And what words would they be? That I’m the leader? [I]Kane nods[/I] [B]Owen:[/B] Come on guys, the proof is there. Over my shoulder is the most prestigious belt in wrestling history. Together, all you could accomplish is the Tag belts. And let’s face facts; I could win those on my own. [B]Undertaker:[/B] (threateningly) Oh really? [B]Vince:[/B] Now hang on just a damn minute! Who in the hell do you three think you are? None of you are the leader of The Alliance and none of you mean a damn compared to Vince McMahon! I’m the leader, okay, and I’m the most important person in wrestling history! [B]Owen: [/B]Really?! I’ll go ask Ted Turner what he thinks… [B]Vince:[/B] Just because you have that title doesn’t mean you’re too big for this group, Owen. See me as a God type character… I gave you the opportunity to be the champion, and I can take it away. And before you get too c0cky, remember Kane & Undertaker are in line for that title shot, and are just waiting to strip that gold from your waist, should you decide you’re too big for your britches. [B]Owen:[/B] I’d sooner be too big for my britches than stuck with these bitches! [B]Vince:[/B] I sai… [B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="DarkGreen"]BREAK IT DOWN![/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] The crowd pops at the sight of D-Generation X, who make their way down to the crowded ring. [B]Triple H:[/B] Trouble in paradise? [B]Shawn: [/B]It sure seems that way, Hunter. [B]Triple H:[/B] It just tears me apart seeing you guys fighting like this. [B]Shawn:[/B] But you were laughing backstage? [I]Triple H stares at HBK, then continues.[/I] [B]Triple H: [/B]I’d hate to see you guys split up, it would just go ahead and ruin my Christmas, and no-one wants that. [B]Shawn:[/B] You know what ruins my Christmas? Cold turkey. [B]Triple H:[/B] Amen to that brother, hate going cold turkey. [B]Shawn:[/B] No, the food being cold. What did you mean? [B]Vince:[/B] Does this have a point? [B]Shawn:[/B] No. [B]Triple H:[/B] Actually, it does. All this talk about Kane & Undertaker being the number one contenders got me thinking- what exactly have they done to earn that shot? I mean, I won a Ladder match to win the contract. [B]Shawn:[/B] And I had a rematch clause written into last weeks Title Match contract. [B]Triple H:[/B] So from where we stand, the WWF Title is coming back to DX. [B]Undertaker:[/B] Boys, I’d be careful. You mess with me you’re messing with Satan himself, and I’ll put my boot so far up your ass it’ll choke you to death. [B]Triple H:[/B] Didn’t a girl do that to you in Amsterdam, Shawn? [B]Vince: [/B]So what exactly is it that you want? While I can’t deny the contractual matters, I can assure you that hell will freeze over before either of you hold that title again. [B]Owen:[/B] Hey, don’t I get any say in this? [B]Shawn:[/B] Don’t tell me you’re whining again, Sensitive Hart. [I]Owen confronts Shawn.[/I] [B]Owen: [/B]Laugh away, Shawn, but I’ll snap your spine right in half. The Alliance start getting in DX’s face, seemingly putting aside their own differences in front of DX, when Linda McMahon’s face appears on the screen. [B]Linda:[/B] Alliance, DX, please, calm down for one moment. I have an announcement to make. I have just come from a meeting where we have concluded on the case of wrongful dismissal. You remember the one, Vince, where you fired someone just because you didn’t like them. After almost a month of looking into the different evidence and facts, we have come to a decision. But rather than telling you in plain English, I thought I’d show you our decision… [B]JR:[/B] It’s Austin! Austin is here! [B]King:[/B] Don’t tell me he’s back permanently?! [B]JR:[/B] The directors must have reinstated him! The crowd pops incredibly as Austin struts down to the ring and grabs a microphone. [B]Vince:[/B] If you think… [B]Austin:[/B] Shut your damn trap Vince before I shut it for you. [I]The crowd pops.[/I] [B]Austin:[/B] Last month you tried to end my career. You fired me because I didn’t play to your rules. Well let me make it clear for you… I’m coming for you Vince. Now I got my contract back I’m here 24/7 making your life hell, and I’m going hell for leather at that bulls eye on your chest to give you the biggest ass kicking of a lifetime! [B]Owen:[/B] You want McMahon, huh? Well you gotta go through The Alliance first! [B]Austin:[/B] Why the hell would I wanna do that? Good ol’ Stone Cold comes in peace. In fact, I brought a beer for you, Vince. Austin pulls a beer out of his pocket, cracks it open for him and begins to offer him it. Both D-Generation X and The Alliance watch on suspiciously as Austin hands the beer over. McMahon inspects it, and then takes a sip. He smiles when he notices its okay, and takes a chug out of it. [B]Austin:[/B] Oh, Vince, DTA, don’t trust anybody! Austin spears McMahon to the ground and starts wailing at him, but only connects a couple of times when The Alliance start attacking him. DX waste no time in getting involved either, and as The Alliance and DX and Austin brawl almost the entire roster sprints to the ring to pull them apart. [B]Vince:[/B] Big mistake, Austin, big mistake. I’m gonna make sure you regret ever coming back! And that starts tonight, as tonights tag team main event is now a six man tag, where Kane, The Undertaker & Owen Hart go up against DX and… Stone Cold Steve Austin! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]6 Man Tag Team Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DickTogo.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/KazHayashi.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Funaki.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mosh.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Thrasher.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/BartGunn.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Zukaya” Hayashi, Togo & Funaki w/Yamaguchi-San & Tajiri vs The Headbangers & “Smokin” Bart Gunn[/SIZE][/B] Yes, Bart Gunn still works here. No, not for much longer. Zukaya dominate the match with fast paced, technical offence, with Bart put away with ease by Togo following an Elbow Drop from all three of the Japanese wrestlers. [B]Winners: Zukaya in 4:10[/B][/CENTER] After the match the beatdown continues, as Zukaya attack their opponents savagely, eventually holding up Mosh as Tajiri stared at him, before unleashing some sort of Green Mist in his face. Mosh grabbed his face and screamed in agony as Zukaya laugh at the destruction they have caused. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hardy Boyz are backstage [B]Matt:[/B] Oh man, it’s gonna be sweet. Me and you Tag Team Champions. [B]Jeff:[/B] Just like we dreamed when we were kids. [B]Matt: [/B]And to get the chance against Kane & The Undertaker, dude, it’s gonna be out of this world. A dream come true. Edge & Christian walk over, laughing. [B]Edge:[/B] More like a nightmare. [B]Christian:[/B] Good one, Edge. [B]Edge:[/B] Thanks, Christian. You boys really think when you go against the second most dominating team in history… [B]Christian: [/B]After Edge & Christian… [B]Edge: [/B]… that you are gonna win the belts? Come on, fellas, you’re get annihilated! [B]Christian:[/B] Oh, it’ll be brutal. [B]Edge: [/B]It’s gonna be embarrassing. [B]Christian:[/B] Yeah, so embarrassing I’m ready to record it on to VHS! [B]Edge:[/B] VHS rules! [B]Christian:[/B] Yeah it does! [I]They high five[/I]. [B]Jeff:[/B] Shouldn’t you two be a little nicer to us? I mean, you’re gonna have to beg on your hands and knees to us when you want a shot at the gold. [B]Christian:[/B] We’re not worried about that. Let’s face it, you aren’t gonna win the belts. We’re more concerned with what we’re gonna say to your mama and papa at your funeral after Kane & Undertaker totally murder you guys! [B]Matt: [/B]Haven’t you ever heard of David and Goliath? [B]Edge:[/B] Err… dude… it’s part of my biography! I don’t know where they got the name “David” from? How hard is it to remember the name “Edge”? [B]Christian:[/B] With a simple mistake like that I’d have thought whoever wrote it was probably part of the Hardy clan. [B]Matt:[/B] You just wait. We’re gonna kick those 7 foot impotent evil incarnate jackass’s butts so hard that next time you see us you’ll be looking at gold. Dreams can come true. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Rock walks down to the ring and grabs a microphone. [B]Rock:[/B] Finally… The Rock… has come back… to get retribution. Mankind, get your candy ass out here and just bring it! Mankind’s music hits and he comes down to the ring, carrying a box tied ornately with a box. [B]Mankind: [/B]Hey Rocky. [B]Rock:[/B] Know your role and shut your mouth Jabroni, or The Rock will be forced to layeth the smacketh down on your candy ass again. [B]Mankind:[/B] But last week… [B]Rock: [/B]It doesn’t matter what happened last week! The Rock wants revenge and The Rock wants it now! [B]Mankind:[/B] You see, Rocky, I don’t think that will be necessary. Even though I acted out of self defence, I have felt bad all week. That is why I got you this present. I don’t have much money, so I made it myself. Mankind hands the box over, and The Rock takes it. He opens it up haphazardly and pulls out a tube sock from within, discarding the packaging aggressively. [B]Rock:[/B] It’s a tube sock… [B]Mankind[/B]: Oh it’s so much more than a tube sock, Rocky. I thought “what can I get The Rock that will be useful in the long term, what does he really need, what does he not have?” And that’s when I came up with this. [B]Rock:[/B] You got The Rock a tube sock? [B]Mankind:[/B] Even though it’s August now and winter seems a long way away, eventually the nights will be getting colder, and I’d hate it for Little Rocky to get cold. That’s why I made you… Mr C*cko! [B]Rock: [/B]Mr C*cko?! What in the blue hell is Mr C*cko?! [B]Mankind: [/B]It’s to help you keep Little Rocky warm in the cold winter months. Do you want me to help you try it on? [B]Rock:[/B] Hell no The Rock doesn’t want you to help him try it on! The Rock opens up the sock to reveal a picture of his face on it. [B]Rock: [/B]Tell The Rock- why does it have his face on it? Mankind: I thought it would be nice to look down and see your face on Little Rocky. [B]Rock:[/B] The Rock doesn’t want to see his face on his peeper! Are you crazy? [B]Mankind:[/B] Maybe a little. [B]Rock:[/B] Last month The Rock was fighting over the right to be the number one contender and this month he’s being giving a tube sock for his genitals with is face on it? [B]Mankind:[/B] Yeah! The Rock stares at Mankind, who is smiling politely back at him, seemingly unaware that his present has bombed. The Rock throws the sock on the floor to the shock and disgust of Mankind, takes off his shirt and begins to run off the ropes ready for a People’s Elbow on the sock. However, Mankind meets him half way by shoving his sock covered hand down The Rock’s throat! The Rock is once again knocked out as Mankind picks up Mr C*cko, puts it on his other hand and walks back down the ramp, having a threeway conversation with C*cko and Socko. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Two Out Of Three Falls Match for the World Wrestling Federation Light-Heavyweight Championship[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ChavoGuerreroJr1998.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/Keefpsy.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Chavito Heat” Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Psicosis ©[/SIZE][/B] Psicosis is the first to make his way down to the ring, but doesn’t make it there as Chavo runs after him and attacks him on the ramp, trying to get the early advantage. Chavito Heat shows no sign of remorse as he brutalises the champion, fully aware that the referee can do nothing until they are in the ring. After throwing the Champion into the steps, Chavo throws him in the ring and the match is underway. Predictably after the attack Chavo dominates the early going, grounding the high-flyer with some great technical moves, but the Light-Heavyweight Champion won’t be held down for long and soon gets back in to the match. The pair then put on a great demonstration of “real” wrestling with action that relies more heavily on in ring product than gimmicks or anything. However, Chavito ruins a nice string of holds and counter holds when he low blows the champion, grabs a chair and begins wailing on him, causing the Disqualification. [B]Winner Of The First Fall: Psicosis by Disqualification[/B] [B]JR:[/B] What the hell is Chavo doing?! Does he really think getting himself disqualified is going to win him the title? [B]King:[/B] Oh no, JR, do you not know anything?! There are potentially two more falls in this match, and Psicosis is now very much a wounded animal! [B]JR:[/B] Are there no lengths Chavo won’t go to to finally get a fall over Psicosis? When the match restarts Chavo once again is the dominating force, applying all sorts of pressure to Psicosis to try and keep him down, but the Champion displays the heart of a lion as he continues to get up, much to the challengers distain. However, Chavo finally seems to have the better of his opponent when he takes him down with a DDT, but rather than going for the pin, Chavo climbs to the top rope, but is crotched as Psicosis springs to his feet and bounces off the ropes. The Champion then runs up the ropes, nails a Top Rope Hurricarana for the pin! [B]Winner and STILL Light-Heavyweight Champion: Psicosis in two straight falls in 11:30[/B][/CENTER] The crowd cheer as Psicosis is handed his title back, maintaining his streak over Chavo Guerrero. He holds the title aloft as Chavo clotheslines him from behind. He beats down on the Champion, before grabbing the title belt and hitting Psicosis with it! He crumbles to the ground as Chavo looks at the belt, laughs, and walks backstage with it! Has he stolen the title? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff Jarrett and Dusty Rhodes walk down to the ring. [B]Dusty:[/B] Laydeez and gentlemen, I give you… mah man… Jay. [B]Jeff: [/B]Thanks Dee. I’m out here demanding that it is about time all you slapnuts showed me some damn respect! I’m the greatest Intercontinental Champion in history, and once I win the Battle Royal later against eleven other slapnuts I’ll prove exactly why! Who’s got all the stroke? [B]Dusty:[/B] You do, babah! Suddenly, The Godfathers music hits and the original Pimp Daddy struts and dances to the ring, accompanied by six very beautiful scantily-clad women. [B]Godfather:[/B] Yo, Jeff, why you gotta be so angry all the time? Look in this ring at these fine laydeez, baby, they are proof alone that there is good in this world. [B]Jeff:[/B] I’m sorry, but I’m not about to take advice from the joke of the wrestling industry. [B]Godfather:[/B] You’re just cranky ‘cos you ain’t getting none! [B]Jeff:[/B] Hey, don’t get me wrong, I’ve been with more than my share of prostitutes in my time… Jarrett stops, realising it’s not something to be proud of. [B]Jeff:[/B] What I’m saying is I’ve had plenty of honeys Stroke my Slapnuts, but that don’t make a damn bit of difference. I won’t ever listen to a Slapnut as embarrassing as you. [B]Godfather:[/B] Embarrassing? I’ve got six women on my arm. You’ve got an overweight retired wrestler with a speech impediment. [B]Jeff:[/B] You might wanna watch your words, Slapnut, before I go and Stroke your ass! No! Wait, I meant… erm… Dee, help me out here… [I]Silence[/I] [B]Jeff:[/B] Dee? Jarrett turns to Dusty who is fixated on a ho waving at him seductively. [B]Jeff: [/B]DEE! [B]Dusty:[/B] Oh, yeah, babah, you got all da stroke. [B]Jeff:[/B] Oh, screw this! Jarrett tries to attack The Godfather, but is cut off by a right hand from the Pimp Daddy. Jarrett can’t for the life of him get a punch in and in the end cuts his losses and vacates the ring, swearing vengeance. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owen Hart is adjusting his knee pads when the Tag Team Champions walk in. [B]Undertaker:[/B] We need a word. [B]Owen:[/B] “We” being you and Kane or just you? Because I’m not sure he can speak… [B]Undertaker:[/B] Cute. We’re here to warn you- you may have that title for now but as soon as we get the chance we are going to squash you like a bug if you carry on with your attitude. [B]Owen:[/B] You wanna know why I have an attitude with you? I don’t trust you. I don’t trust you, Taker, and I don’t trust your deep-fried freak of a brother. All The Alliance is to me is a way to the top, and way of establishing myself as the Champion. But if you ever cross me, I’ll screw you over quicker than you can say “Montreal”. I’m in this for one reason, and that reason is hanging on my shoulder. I don’t want you, and I don’t need you, and I proved that last week by winning the title on my own. [B]Undertaker:[/B] You may want to be with us, by, because if you’re against us you’ll find out the true meaning of the wrath of Satan. And I will make you rest… in… peace. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]12 Man Battle Royal to determine the number one contender to the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Title[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/AlSnow1998.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ChristianCage.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DLoBrown.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Edge1998.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Godfather1998.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JeffJarrett1998.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/LanceStorm-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mabel.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RobVanDam-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Sabu.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/BuffBagwell.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TommyDreamer-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Al Snow v Christian v D’Lo Brown v Edge v Godfather v Jeff Jarrett v Lance Storm v Mabel v Rob Van Dam v Sabu v The Bagwell v Tommy Dreamer[/SIZE][/B] The bell goes and all 12 men size each other up, except one man stands out as being a completely different size to the rest. Everyone turns to Mabel, and starts attacking him, except D’Lo Brown. He looks at his partner getting beaten up, and goes to help, but then pulls back and watches. The other ten use all their combined strength to pick up the 400 pounder and dump him out of the ring. D’Lo looks conflicted as he watches his partner walk off while the ten eliminators then split into pairs and battle away. Sabu is the next to go when Tommy Dreamer and Rob Van Dam team up to throw the other extremist out of the ring. RVD and Dreamer shake hands, but as RVD walks off Dreamer attacks him form behind! He starts attacking the “Whole Dam Show”, lifts him up on his shoulder and goes to throw him over the top rope, only for RVD to cling on and propel Dreamer out of the ring. The Bagwell tries to hide away from confrontation as Jeff Jarrett zooms in on The Godfather, embarrassed by him from earlier. He throws the Pimp Daddy form the ring, albeit, through the second and third rope, and follows him out. Neither man is eliminated as they fight on the outside, The Stroke trying to teach Godfather a lesson in morality. Edge & Christian try double teaming Lance Storm, but the rookie Canadian calls upon all his inner strength and manages to battle out from both of them, and throws Edge form the ring! As Edge hits the floor, Tommy Dreamer, who still hasn’t made his way back to the locker room, grabs his trusty kendo stick and swings at Edge, knocking him out! Dreamer covers him as a referee makes the pin, handing Dreamer the Hardcore Title. The commotion of the outside of the ring leads to confusion for Christian, seeing his best friend surprisingly attacked like that. This gives Al Snow the chance to throw the young Canadian over the top rope. A light goes off above The Bagwell’s head as he rolls out of the ring and grabs Head. Al Snow notices as The Stuff gets in the ring and attempts to throw the mannequin out of the ring. Al Snow catches it but is off balance enough for The Bagwell to throw him from the ring. The Bagwell outsmarting someone- who’d have thought it? Meanwhile, on the outside of the ring, Jarrett throws The Godfather into the ringpost, knocking the Pimp Daddy senseless. Jarrett returns to the ring and immediately targets an unsuspecting Lance Storm, who is battling Rob Van Dam. Storm, unaware of the attack about to occur, is dumped form the ring with ease, and only realises who was the guilty party when he looks up from the floor below. Jarrett and D’Lo Brown then start brawling while Rob Van Dam and The Bagwell pair off. Jarrett begins to get the better of the former Tag Champion, and has him dangling over the ropes when The Godfather sneaks up behind him and throws him from the ring! Jarrett loses his cool as he tries to re-enter the ring, screaming profanities and one again promising revenge to the Godfather. With the final four of D’Lo Brown, Rob Van Dam, The Godfather and The Bagwell each in a corner of the ring, they stare each other out and suddenly charge, brawling in the middle of the ring. D’Lo Brown is propelled from the ring by a resurgent Rob Van Dam, who wastes no time in going for The Bagwell. Suddenly, Jeff Jarrett sprints from the back, where the referees thought he had gone to stay, and threw The Godfather form the ring. The referees had no choice but to count it as Jarrett returned backstage, grinning in pleasure at a job well done. The final two continued battling as RVD began to gain a full head of steam. He went through his repertoire of high-flying manoeuvres in order to keep The Bagwell down, but rather than throwing The Stuff from the ring, he leapt to the top rope and looked out to the fans, ready for a Five Star Frog Splash, when The Bagwell ran over and shoved him from the ring. It may not have been pretty, it may not have been clever, but The Bagwell did it. [B]Winner and number one contender to the Intercontinental Title: The Bagwell after 12:41[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MorganVideo.jpg[/IMG] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Bradshaw.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RonSimmons.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JeffHardy-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]The Acolytes w/Paul Bearer vs Hardy Boyz[/SIZE][/B] The power and experience advantage allows The Acolytes to dominate the early proceedings of this one, but the Hardy Boyz use a combination of their bouncebackability and their speed to worm their way back in to the match. Matt manages to take Faarooq to the mat, and Jeff scaled to the top rope when Kane & The Undertaker rushed to ring and attacked the high flier. [B]Winners: Hardy Boyz by Disqualification in 9:32[/B][/CENTER] The bell has barely even rung as Kane & The Undertaker start beating down on the Hardyz, viciously throwing their fists into the faces of the North Carolinian’s. The Acolytes make their way to their feet as well and join in the beating. After several minutes of fists, kicks and slams, the Acolytes take Matt down with a Double Powerbomb as the tag champions stand over their fallen foes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The camera cuts backstage to see Tommy Dreamer running away from a whole host of superstars, desperate to be the holder at the end of 24/7. Sneakily, Dreamer makes a sharp turn and loses them. The coast appears to be clear, so he runs the other direction and round a corner where he is met with a Spinning Heel Kick from Rob Van Dam! The Whole Dam Show makes the pin to become the Whole Dam Fall Holder. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Cole is backstage with the tired and sore Hardy Boyz. [B]Cole:[/B] Matt, Jeff, how do you feel after getting attacked by the Tag Team Champions earlier on? [B]Jeff:[/B] How do you think we feel? We feel like crap. But we’re still standing. [B]Matt:[/B] You see, Michael, it doesn’t matter what Kane & The Undertaker throw at us, we won’t stay down. We’re not going to just lie down and take whatever it is they wanna throw at us. We wanna be the Tag Champions more than anything else in the world, and regardless of what they throw at us we’ll keep getting back up. [B]Jeff:[/B] So if you’ve got the guts- next week, live from our home state of North Carolina, we wanna cash in that shot at the Tag Titles. What d’ya say? Suddenly, Kane & Undertaker come from nowhere and attack. They beat the Hardy Boyz down to the ground, but each time they go down the youngsters get back up again. Eventually the Champions throw Matt through a glass window and Double Chokeslam Jeff on a pile of wooden pallets. [B]Undertaker:[/B] We accept the challenge. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DaveFinlay.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mankind1998.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“The Fighting Irishman” Finlay vs “The Lone Psycho” Mankind[/SIZE][/B] A particularly physical encounter between a very stiff worker and the human punch bag. Finlay is impressive in his first opportunity to prove himself against top level opposition, but Mankind still manages to nail a Double Arm DDT. The Lone Psycho reaches in to his pants and pulls out Mr Socko as the crowd cheer, but the cheers soon turn to boos as The Rock attacks while Chyna distracts the referee, nailing Mankind firstly with Finlay’s shillelagh and then with a Rock Bottom. Finlay crawls across the ring as Chyna jumps down from the apron and makes the pin for the shocking win. [B]Winner: Finlay in 11:20[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The camera cuts backstage to see Rob Van Dam being chased by half the locker room. RVD runs through the gorilla position and into the ring. He grabs a chair as people begin to walk down through the crowd from all sides and down the ramp. RVD beckons them in for one last fight. Everyone charges and there is a massive brawl, fists and bodies flying everywhere. RVD manages to sneak out and run through the crowd, to the parking lot and to a car. As the other wrestler run after him, RVD leans out the window and proclaims; [B]RVD:[/B] Here is your winner, and still the Hardcore Champion… me, R… V….D! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/Keefowen.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefKane.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TheUndertaker1998.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TripleH1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/SteveAustin-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Owen Hart, Kane & The Undertaker w/Paul Bearer, The Acolytes and Vince McMahon vs Shawn Michaels, Triple H and Stone Cold Steve Austin[/SIZE][/B] The early part of the match is very even, with perhaps the top six wrestlers in the world each give all they have. The crowd is very much in support of DX and Austin, but there are also cheers for Owen who seems reluctant to accept the Tag Champs as his partners. The Acolytes spend the early going by Vince McMahon, protecting him from Austin a fair way down the aisle, making sure the Rattlesnake doesn’t attack. After a few minutes of intense action, with Austin and Owen the legal men, Austin attempts a Lou Thesz Press on the Champion, but blows his knee out on the landing. He tags out as EMTs rush to the ring to attend to him. The match continues with DX in a clear disadvantage as The Alliance grows in stature and builds momentum. After about 13 minutes, Kane & HBK are the legal men with ‘Taker and Triple H battling on the outside. Kane gets ready for the Chokeslam, but is too confident and is met with Sweet Chin music! Sensing his opportunity with Austin still down on the outside, Vince grabs a steel chair and slides in the ring, ready to attack the Haertbreak Kid. However, as soon as Vince makes it to the ring, Austin springs to his feet, entirely uninjured, and jumps at McMahon. The Acolytes run into the ring but are met with steel chair shots, followed by a particularly sick shot to Vince which splits the owners head wide open. As Austin and Vince take it down the ramp, Owen spots an opportunity and grabs the chair. He waits for HBK to get to his feet… swings, and… BAM! Michaels ducked, and Owen got Kane! Kane slumped to the mat as HBK hit Owen with Sweet Chin music, and covered the befallen monster… ONE… TWO… THREE! [B]Winners: D-Generation X and Steve Austin in 13:41[/B][/CENTER] Triple H helps HBK out of the ring and raises his arm in victory on the rampway as Owen comes to. He notices what he has done and looks on in shock as Kane sits up and The Undertaker gets in to the ring. The evil brothers start to descend on him threateningly as the WWF Champion backs out of the ring. [B]JR:[/B] Bah Gawd! The Alliance is falling apart at the seams! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Super stuff mate. I loved the first segment, it was so long and detailed and was a great read. It sounds like the aliance are splitting, a Kane, Undertaker, Hart feud souds pretty good to me but, then you've got Triple H and Michaels so the title scene is very interesting. I can't wait for Austin to carry on his feud with Vince aswell. I'm very liking the Zukaya stable, I'm looking forward to see where you take them. In the tag team title scene I just can't see The Hardy Boyz beating BOD but if their going for the WWF Title then they would probably drop the belts. I'm going to guess that E and C interfere to help the Hardys win but then afterwards attack them because they think they would stand a better chance of beating the Hardys. Fantastic angle with Mankind and The Rock, you've captured The Rock perfectly. Nice bit of comedy with Mr. Coko aswell. I didn't see the Finlay win coming but, it looks like he's in line for big push now. All in all, magnificent returning show. I really enjoyed it.
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I'm very glad, I'm reading this. You've got the main thing I look for in a diary: having the characters down to a tee. Whether, they are established or created personas, they've got to have their own idiosyncracies to be kept entertaining. You've certainly nailed that with most of the guys you've used. Top job ;). The operning Alliance segment was cool and, like a lot of other sections of the show, was made that bit better by how you write for 'Taker. You portray his speech and mannerisms to the point where I can actually hear/see him saying it. The D-X intervention was also great, man. It's exactly the sort of thing I go for with Michaels and RVD just not so obviously risque due to the audience. The whole Hunter/Shawn interplay (with Michaels playing the "innocent") was spot on. The Austin segment was pretty predictable but, hell, I'd probably have popped if I knew the backstory better. Plus, any angle that leads to a six man tag is cool by me... very Paul E. I actually laughed out loud at Edge and Christian. They wer one of the 'F's bets creations and you make 'em seem even more dweeby than ever. Now, the one not-so-good part of the show for me was the Mankind/Rock angle. It was very in-keeping with the Attitude era style but angles like that are always walking a line between being close to the bone (no pun intended :p) and immature and, in my humble opinion, that one came off a little too much like a Carry On film. Great Jarrett angle. He winds me up something chronic in real life and you managed to make me feel just as irritated. Boo hiss on RVD not winning the royal! For shame! ...but I'm glad he won the hardcore title and a nice sneaky way to do it too :D. Strong main event too. The whole Austin faking an injury thing was very well done. All in all, a damn good read. Looking forward to the next installment. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[QUOTE=totti;464942]Super stuff mate. I loved the first segment, it was so long and detailed and was a great read. It sounds like the aliance are splitting, a Kane, Undertaker, Hart feud souds pretty good to me but, then you've got Triple H and Michaels so the title scene is very interesting. I can't wait for Austin to carry on his feud with Vince aswell. I'm very liking the Zukaya stable, I'm looking forward to see where you take them. In the tag team title scene I just can't see The Hardy Boyz beating BOD but if their going for the WWF Title then they would probably drop the belts. I'm going to guess that E and C interfere to help the Hardys win but then afterwards attack them because they think they would stand a better chance of beating the Hardys. Fantastic angle with Mankind and The Rock, you've captured The Rock perfectly. Nice bit of comedy with Mr. Coko aswell. I didn't see the Finlay win coming but, it looks like he's in line for big push now. All in all, magnificent returning show. I really enjoyed it.[/QUOTE] Glad you liked it buddy. I'm really trying to keep the main event unpredictable so it pleases me that you don't know what's going to happen, and I'm pleased you like the Mankind-Rock stuff as it's tough to re-create what was such a legendary partnership both with and against each other. I also really appreciate your thoughts on the Hardyz and Edge & Christian, I hope you like what is coming soon. Needless to say things will be a bit shaken up over the next few months between them as I try to establish them to the level they deserve. Thanks again for the feedback, it is really appreciated. [QUOTE=Nevermore;465068]I'm very glad, I'm reading this. You've got the main thing I look for in a diary: having the characters down to a tee. Whether, they are established or created personas, they've got to have their own idiosyncracies to be kept entertaining. You've certainly nailed that with most of the guys you've used. Top job ;). The operning Alliance segment was cool and, like a lot of other sections of the show, was made that bit better by how you write for 'Taker. You portray his speech and mannerisms to the point where I can actually hear/see him saying it. The D-X intervention was also great, man. It's exactly the sort of thing I go for with Michaels and RVD just not so obviously risque due to the audience. The whole Hunter/Shawn interplay (with Michaels playing the "innocent") was spot on. The Austin segment was pretty predictable but, hell, I'd probably have popped if I knew the backstory better. Plus, any angle that leads to a six man tag is cool by me... very Paul E. I actually laughed out loud at Edge and Christian. They wer one of the 'F's bets creations and you make 'em seem even more dweeby than ever. Now, the one not-so-good part of the show for me was the Mankind/Rock angle. It was very in-keeping with the Attitude era style but angles like that are always walking a line between being close to the bone (no pun intended :p) and immature and, in my humble opinion, that one came off a little too much like a Carry On film. Great Jarrett angle. He winds me up something chronic in real life and you managed to make me feel just as irritated. Boo hiss on RVD not winning the royal! For shame! ...but I'm glad he won the hardcore title and a nice sneaky way to do it too :D. Strong main event too. The whole Austin faking an injury thing was very well done. All in all, a damn good read. Looking forward to the next installment. Quote The Raven Nevermore[/QUOTE] Thank you for the feedback, I am thrilled you're reading because you know how much I respect your opinion and love the constructive criticism too. Glad you liked the characterisations, that;s what I spend most time on. These people were so exposed around 98/99 that if you don't nail them people can tell instantly, so I'm glad you liked that. I love trying to get in the head of these people when writing for them, it's the most fun part of it for me. To be honest, the opening section wasn't to my taste (even though I wrote it!) I wanted to establish the whole Owen- Kane & Undertaker- DX thing as soon as possible, and I wanted Austin there or there abouts too. I agree it was predictable, even if you knew the background, but I wanted to get Austin and McMahon at a place where they are firmly locking horns, because that's where Austin needs to be. He's the most difficult person to write for because the routine of interrupting the main event, Stunner, wlaking off, drink beer or win the title, get screwed out of it, win it back is difficult to get across in wiriting without looking lazy. It's difficult too because Austin had some genius moments (zamboni, beer truck etc) that I don't want to copy but have to something similar to get him over. I've not bene happy with how I've used Austin for a while, but I've got him and Vince butting heads properly now which is exactly where I want him. Glad you like E&C. Like I said to totti, things will get a bit shook up here. Things will twist and turn but I know exactly where I want them in a few months time. Also glad you liked Jarrett. I don't mind the guy and I genuinely want people to not like him, to find him irritating and want him to get what he's due, just like a proper old-school heel. Don't worry about RVD. As you know, I'm a big fan and I want to gradually build him up and up until he is in the slot I think he deserved in the E all along, right in the main event amongst the other big boys. Thanks for the criticism. I'm a bit worried you didn't like the Mankind - Rock bit as there's plenty more where that came from (!) but, as with Austin or the "DX Presents" videos I used to do, trying to recreate great moments or partnerships in my own style is the real challenge here. I hope I can get you around to it, because where this thing is going is pretty much the foundation on what these guys do for the next year. Thanks again for your feedback, and to anyone who read. I personally prefer where it goes in the next couple of months so I hope you all enjoy it as much as I'm enjoying writing for it at the moment.
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[CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"][B][U][SIZE="4"][CENTER]The Top Ten[/CENTER][/SIZE][/U][/B] The World Wrestling Federation is proud to announce the formation of the “World Wrestling Federation Top Ten”, a monthly list of ten superstars complied by the most important, informed and logical men in professional wrestling today. [B]1) OWEN HART[/B] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/Keefowen.jpg[/IMG] Could it really be anyone else? A month full of top performances topped off by finally winning the “big one” in front of a home crowd. But with most of the roster gunning for his newly acquired gold, how long can he hold on to the top spot? [B]2) KANE & THE UNDERTAKER[/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Kane-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TheUndertaker1998.jpg[/IMG] Love them or hate them, and let’s face it, most hate them, you have to respect the Tag Team champions. Regardless of the foe, singles or tagging, they have dominated the roster in a way only possible by a couple of supernatural 7 foot brothers. The victory over the dream team of Mankind & Stone Cold at Summerslam was just the icing on the cake. [B]3) TRIPLE H[/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TripleH1998.jpg[/IMG] Finally got the best of his long time rival and bodyguard at Madison Square Garden, and in the process became the number one contender. Perhaps the most exciting prospect in the WWF at the moment, surely it is just a matter of time before he holds WWF gold? [B]4) FINLAY[/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DaveFinlay.jpg[/IMG] He may only be a newcomer but few have seen success like he has. Still undefeated, the Fighting Irishman has brutalised his way through most of the roster and shows no signs of slowing. [B]5) SHAWN MICHAELS[/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG] Just when he seemed to have got the better of Owen Hart, the WWF rolled in to Montreal. However, nothing should be taken away from what was an excellent month for HBK, the highlight being his victory in the epic Iron Man match at Summerslam. [B]6) PSICOSIS[/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Psicosis.jpg[/IMG] No matter what Chavo Guerrero Jr throws at him, the Light-Heavyweight Champion continues to prevail. Has firmly established himself as a fan favourite and his high flying antics mean 6th position may only be the start… [B]7) KEN SHAMROCK[/B] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefKen.jpg[/IMG] Still the Intercontinental Champion and still as intense as ever. Even managed to outsmart Jeff Jarrett and Dusty Rhodes along the way as part of another great month for the Worlds Most Dangerous Man. [B]8) ROB VAN DAM[/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RobVanDam-1.jpg[/IMG] They say don’t cross the boss, but RVD did and made it through to the other side. Despite being given perhaps the hardest obstacle of any champion since Hulk Hogan faced Andre The Giant, the Whole Dam Show made it out of August still as the Hardcore Champion. [B]9) MANKIND[/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mankind1998.jpg[/IMG] He may be the most mentally unstable man to ever grace a WWF ring, but Mankind sure knows how to manipulate people and gain results. Mankind had a good month, the best result beating The Undertaker, a feat not many can claim to have done. [B]10) EDGE & CHRISTIAN[/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Edge1998.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ChristianCage.jpg[/IMG] Forget the loss in the 6 man tag match a couple of weeks back, Edge & Christian have been on fire this month. Winning all but one of their matches against the Hardy Boyz and both having been the fall holder of the Hardcore Title at one point, it seems this is only the beginning for the young Canadians. It was a bad month for… [B] The Rock[/B] His feud finally came to a close with Triple H and the People’s Champion found himself on the wrong end of the final confrontation. With so much potential, The Rock needs to pick himself up if he wants to climb into our top ten next month. [B]Taz[/B] Finally got his way and had a match with his long time nemesis/partner Goldust, only to lose the match, lose control and get suspended for a month for his actions! Brooklyn’s finest has had better months. [B] Jeff Jarrett[/B] Along with his mentor and manager Dusty Rhodes, did everything he could to manipulate his way in to a rematch for the Intercontinental Title, but lost once again to the “Worlds Most Dangerous Man”. Time will only tell how Jarrett picks himself up from such a big loss.[/FONT][/CENTER]
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Nevermore's right mate, you hit the characterisations perfect. I can sense an opening to RAW just like that. Congratulations on the comeback, long may it continue, my very good friend. "How hard is it to remember the name "Edge"?" LOL, that's gold.
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][IMG]http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/9764/montrealattitudefx1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B]Preview[/B][/SIZE] [B]The return of Piper’s Pit![/B] [I]The Rowdy One returns to WWF screens and brings his pit with him. Who better to have as a first guess than the new WWF Champion Owen Hart?[/I] [B]WWF Tag Team Titles[/B] Kane & The Undertaker © vs Hardy Boyz [I]They say Kane & The Undertaker are the most dominant team in history but that doesn’t seem to bother the Hardyz. Can the rookies from Cameron, North Carolina realise their dream tonight?[/I] [B]Single Match[/B] Jeff Jarrett vs Lance Storm [I]This match was made after Jarrett ceremoniously dumped Lance Storm out of the match to find the number one contender to the Intercontinental Title.[/I] [B]Number One Contenders Match for the WWF Hardcore Title[/B] Sabu vs Tommy Dreamer [I]Two extremists to go one on one in a no rules environment. Sabu has been the champion before and both men held the fall during 24/7, who will go on to face RVD?[/I] [B]Single Match[/B] Tajiri vs Al Snow [I]Zukaya may have not been around long but they certainly look dangerous, but they won’t get much tougher opponents than the veteran Al Snow (with Head, of course!)[/I] Plus more matches to be announced on the night! Be sure not to miss this weeks Raw Is War! [B][U]Predictions[/U][/B] [B]WWF Tag Team Titles[/B] Kane & The Undertaker © vs Hardy Boyz [B]Single Match[/B] Jeff Jarrett vs Lance Storm [B]Number One Contenders Match for the WWF Hardcore Title[/B] Sabu vs Tommy Dreamer [B]Single Match[/B] Tajiri vs Al Snow[/CENTER][/FONT]
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WWF Tag Team Titles Kane & The Undertaker © vs [B]Hardy Boyz [/B]- I'll stick with my earlier prediction that E and C interfere on the Hardy's behalf only to attack them afterwards. Single Match [B]Jeff Jarrett [/B]vs Lance Storm - I'm hoping for a Lance Storm push but I'm not sure how over he is in you game so I'll go with Jarrett. Number One Contenders Match for the WWF Hardcore Title [B]Sabu[/B] vs Tommy Dreamer - Only reason being that I like him more. Single Match [B]Tajiri [/B]vs Al Snow - I'm off for a push for one of the Zukaya stable.
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;465964]Sorry- was writing up the show after next and accidentily posted. If anyone saw it please keep schtum about what's coming up...[/QUOTE] I wondered what happened but thankfully I just missed whatever it was.
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WWF Tag Team Titles Kane & The Undertaker © vs [B]Hardy Boyz[/B] - BOD don't need the tag titles + it frees them up for a match with Owen. Single Match [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] vs Lance Storm - Jeff needs heat back. Number One Contenders Match for the WWF Hardcore Title [B]Sabu[/B] vs Tommy Dreamer - Toughie. Sabu vs RVD for the Hardcore title might be cool though . . although I can easily see you swinging it to Dreamer. Single Match [B]Tajiri[/B] vs Al Snow - He's new = push
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