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World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

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[CENTER][IMG]http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/9764/montrealattitudefx1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Monday 26th October 1998[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Live from the NEC Arena in Birmingham, England[/SIZE][/B] [B]Sponsored by[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]Frank Lampard in association with McDonalds[/B][/SIZE] [I][SIZE="4"]Super Frank Lumpard Loves Supersize Meals[/SIZE][/I] [/CENTER] The show opens with Shawn Michaels coming down to the ring, his head heavily plastered after the mother of all cuts suffered at the hands of Kane last night. He takes in the heartfelt applause of the British crowd after the tremendous (yet unsuccessful) attempt he made last night at regaining the WWF Title. He raises his microphone to speak, but is cut off by Triple H who storms down to the ring, clearly irate. He slides under the ropes and gets in Shawn’s face, leaving Shawn to instinctively butt heads with him as the two tussle for position. [B]Triple H:[/B] Just what in the hell is your problem, Shawn? [B]Shawn:[/B] My problem? You’re the one who started squaring up to me! [B]Triple H:[/B] Last night, what was with the cheap shot? I had Owen down, man; I had the champ on his God damn back and screwed me. You screwed me like you screwed Bret. [B]Shawn:[/B] Whoa, calm down man. I don’t screw no-one last night, it was a match for the WWF Title and I did what I had to. You’d have done the exact same thing to me if you got the chance. [B]Triple H:[/B] You think I didn’t have the chance? Grow up, Shawn, grow up. I had the chance but even if it was for the title I would never, ever cheap shot you to cost you your shot at the title. You should have let me pin Owen then faced me like a man rather than tucking your balls between your legs and refusing to take me face to face. [B]Shawn:[/B] If I had waited it wouldn’t have taken you by surprise. Like I say, whatever goes when it’s for the WWF Title. [B]Triple H:[/B] You just know that if it came down to me and you, one on one, mano e mano, I would kick your ass so hard you’d swim across the Atlantic just to get away from me. [B]Shawn:[/B] Is that so? ‘Cause if you’ve got the appropriate fortitude, I’m right here. Once again the best friends square up, before Trips backs off and removes his shirt, clearly making a statement of intent. Shawn just smiles and Hulkingly rips his shirt apart. They begin walking towards each other when… [SIZE="4"][CENTER][I]OH YOU DIDN’T KNOW?[/I][/CENTER][/SIZE] [B]JR:[/B] Oh my, don’t tell me… [B]Road Dogg:[/B] You damn right! You see it’s me, it’s me… it’s that D… O… Double G, returning to Raw with the Bad Ass Billy Gunn! [B]King:[/B] They’re baaaaaack! The Outlaws come to the ring to a thunderous reception, high fiving the fans on the way down before high-fiving Shawn and Hunter in the ring. [B]Road Dogg:[/B] Cut our music (the music dies down). Birmingham, England… welcome to the Dogg House! ‘Cause you see it’s me, it’s me, it’s that D-O-Double G, here with the Bad Ass Bill-E, ready to say finally after months of waiting…. Llllllllllllllllllladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, D-Generation X proudly brings to you, its former WWF Taaaag Team Champions of the wooooooooooooooorld! The Road Dogg Jesse James, the Bad Ass Billy Gun… the NEW… AGE… OUTLAWS! [B]Gunn:[/B] And of course, if you ‘aint down if the Outlaws coming back… WE’VE GOT TWO WORDS FOR YA! [B]Crowd:[/B] SUCK IT! Trips and Shawn nod in approval. [B]Dogg:[/B] Well, we say DX presents the Outlaws, but it doesn’t seem like there’s much of DX left. You see, when we were taken out by Kane & Undertaker several months ago, DX was going strong. Now we come back and have to stop you two from fighting. Now call me old-fashioned, but that shiz-nit just ‘aint right. We’ve got DX blood, boys, we’re a team, no… a family. You don’t turn your back on your family and you sure as hell don’t fight. [B]Triple H:[/B] It’s not that simple. [B]Dogg:[/B] B.S. Me and Billy have been sitting at home recuperating for the last few months watching The Alliance rip apart at the seams. Do you know how big a chance this is? The Alliance are there fro the taking and you’re too concerned with fighting each other. [B]Gunn:[/B] The time has come. The Outlaws are back and DX can become whole again. This opportunity may never come again, we’ve gotta take it, it’s now or never. We can destroy The Alliance, but we have to do it together. Shawn and Triple H look weary, barely able to keep their scowling eyes off each other, but eventually they walk forward, as do the Outlaws, and they embrace in a big group hug to the delight of the fans. [B]Gunn:[/B] Now that’s what I’m talking about! [B]Michaels:[/B] You see this, Hart, ‘Taker, Kane, Finlay, Acolytes, McMahon’s… DX is back and we’re better than ever! [B]Dogg:[/B] You damn right, and that’s not all. Hunter, Shawn, I’m sure I’ve got your backing in saying this- as the four of us are back on the same team, and as Survivor Series is just a month away, how ‘bout you bring your scrawny asses to St Louis and take us on in a Classic Survivor Series Match?! [SIZE="4"][CENTER][I]NO CHANCE…[/I][/CENTER][/SIZE] Shane McMahon walks through the curtain, with quite the shiner around his right eye, courtesy of Stone Cold Steve Austin. [B]Shane:[/B] DX back together, huh? Wow, that’s amazing. I can think of very few things I care less about. You see tonight is Owen Hart Appreciation Night, and nothing will ruin that. That is why I’ve come out here to say that firstly, the entire building is surrounded by security. You won’t get any shenanigans here, it’s all business. We’ve hired the Royal Guards for an extra night, Midlands Police are here, everyone, no-one is ruining this night, especially not 4 losers who can’t accept when they’re beaten. That’s why I’m delighted to say that as far as The Alliance vs D-Generation X in a Classic Survivor Series Match goes, oh hell yeah, we accept! The crowd pops. [B]Shane:[/B] And at Survivor Series we will prove once and for all that we truly are the dominant stable in the WWF! Suddenly, Kane, Undertaker, The Acolytes and Finlay hit the ring and attack DX from behind. The degenerates have no time to respond to the cheap shot and are knocked down immediately, with The Alliance rolling out of the ring laughing at getting one up on DX already. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/SuperCrazy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MrAguila.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DougWilliams.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TakaMichinoku3.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Reyes Rios Rodrigues & Essa Aguila vs “Braveheart” Dougie Williams & Taka Michinoku[/SIZE][/B] The crowd popped for the first televised appearance from Dougie Williams, even if his character is from Scotland. He and Taka form quite the formidable, light-heavyweight, international team but the boys from Mexico are no slouches either, and have clearly inherited Chavito’s ability to bend the rules. Aguila and Rodrigues tried their damnest, but ultimately fell pray to a tandem Chaos Theory and Michinoku Driver. [B]Winners: Dougie Williams & Taka Michinoku in 8:58[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A video airs of Sean Morgan at home, roaring fireplace. You almsot expect him to be wearing a dressing gown and smoking a pipe, the scene is that cheesy. [B]Sean Morgan:[/B] A man of my stature is often asked; “What is it you hope to accomplish for yourself?” To me, that answer is obvious. It is my goal, my target, to become the WWF Champion quicker than any other man in history. And I have all the tools to do it, just you watch. And it all begins in my first ever match at the Survivor Series, courtesy of… The Future: Sean Morgan. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first of the evening’s “Opinions On Owen” is aired, with Yamaguchi-San in the hot seat. [B]Yamaguchi-San:[/B] Hallo, ladeez and genetleman. I am heear to tell you exactly whad I think about Oween Hart. The truth of it is, I admire heem. As a manager you always look at other competitors, to see der strengths and how yooou can uuse them to help your clients. I often look at Oweeen Hart because he is quite seemply the best I the world right now. Eet is an honour and a preeveledge to work in the same companee as Owen Hart. [B]JR:[/B] What a load of crap. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Cole:[/B] Hi folks, I’m Michael Cole and I’m standing outside the medical facility where Mankind was kept overnight following his brutal match against The Rock last night. Doctors have informed me that he is doing well, is conscious and responding well to the staff but did receive a concussion in the match where we saw him handcuffed as Rocky slammed a steel chair over his head. We believe Terry Funk has stayed by Mankind’s side throughout after being the man to throw the towel in on his behalf. I don’t have an awful lot more to offer besides we expect Mankind will be back in action by the time Survivor Series comes around and I’ll give you any updates as we get them. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Taz-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Human Wrecking Machine” Tazz vs Matt Hardy[/SIZE][/B] Matt came out to this one alone as his brother Jeff had an Intercontinental Title match, but maybe he could have done with the support. Tazz obviously wasted no time in assaulting the former Tag Team Champion, especially after the shenanigans he suffered last night. Matt put up a better fight than most anticipated, but eventually everyone falls prey to the Tazmission. [B]Winner: Tazz in 7:21[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hardy Boyz are in the ring, ready to cut a promo about how they actually preferred Edge & Christian when they were geeks, when Gangrel attacks from behind, knocking both men down. Edge & Christian then c*ckily strut down to the ring, clutching their new Tag Team Titles. [B]Gangrel:[/B] Now, my minions… sacrifice them! [B]King:[/B] What?! [B]JR:[/B] Tell me we aren’t going to see this… Edge & Christian look at Gangrel, back at each other, then back to Gangrel again. [B]Edge:[/B] Nah. [B]Gangrel:[/B] What? [B]Edge:[/B] That whole sacrificing thing… nah… don’t fancy it. [B]Gangrel:[/B] Destroy them at once or be destroyed! [B]Christian:[/B] Look, Gangy, it’s not that we don’t appreciate what you’ve done for us, but we’re all about the gold. And now we got it, we don’t really need you. [B]Edge:[/B] Yeah, and to be honest; you’re a little weird. [B]Christian:[/B] A little? [B]Edge:[/B] I’m trying to spare the guys feelings. [B]Christian:[/B] Feelings? Guy? Are we talking about the same dude? [B]Gangrel:[/B] Only the foolish man crosses the path of the dark lord without all consideration. [B]Edge:[/B] Yeah… we’re still gonna go with no. Thanks though. [B]Christian:[/B] Yeah, we’ve learned a lot. Like that neck biting thing. I tried it on this chick the other night and she went wer-hild. [B]Gangrel:[/B] You shall pay for your insolence! Suddenly, a puff of smoke fills the ring and Gangrel disappears. The Tag Team Champions, however, seem undeterred. [B]Edge:[/B] So was the chick hot? [B]Christian:[/B] Totally hot. [B]Edge:[/B] Sweet. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Survivor Series Moments #5[/SIZE][/B] The first in the count down of memorable Survivor Series moments takes us back to 1990, where he saw the debut of The Undertaker. Fans in attendance had never seen anything like the pale skinned, 7 foot monster who was accompanied down to the ring by Brother Love. In a sign of things to come, Undertaker was dominant in his first match, only losing via count-out when fighting on the outside.[/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Next up is a video of the “Greatest Owen Hart Moments”, the first one of the night being when Owen beat his brother Bret at Wrestlemania. What perhaps made this win more special, says the voiceover, was Bret actually won the title later that night, so Owen beat his brother the night he won the title. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dutch Mantell is backstage with Psicosis. [B]Dutch:[/B] Okay… Psicosis… do you understand English? [I]Psicosis stands still for a moment, then looks bemused at Dutch, before finally answering.[/I] [B]Psicosis:[/B] Si. [B]Dutch:[/B] Okay… what are your thought regarding your cage match with Chavo Guerrero, up next? [I]Psicosis once again looks bemused, then suddenly grabs the microphone and holds it above his head, a la The Rock, and begins speaking…[/I] [B]Psicosis:[/B] El gran Psicosis está aquí y se prepara al derecho las injusticias de las últimas semanas. ¡El Campeón más grande del Peso SEMIPESADO en la historia fue estafado fuera del título, pero esta noche en el igual de jaula que demostraré una vez para siempre que soy el mejor alto-aviador en el negocio, yo soy mejor que Chavo Guerrero y yo hacen un día es campeón otra vez! ¡Esto es el tiempo de Psicosis- y seré victorioso! [B]Dutch:[/B] Well, folks, you heard it here first. [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Cage Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ChavoGuerreroJr1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Psicosis.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Psicosis[/SIZE][/B] Psicosis doesn’t wait a second to pounce on Chavito, choosing to from the opening bell. Chavo tried to escape at every opportunity but the former Light-Heavyweight Champion seemed to have a burning desire for retribution, one that completely overrode Chavo’s need to beat Psicosis. For Chavito it was just a matter of survival. Despite Psicosis dominating and for the most part brutalising his opponent until both Zukaya and the Vato Loco’s stormed the ring, opened the door and locked it behind them. Between them, they took it in turns to try and keep him down, each punching him, then trying their own finishing moves until Psicosis is nothing more than a heap on the mat. Chavo just stands by and watches, sensing his opportunity to finally get a win, when Mike Quackenbush sprints down to the ring, climbs up the side of the cage and majestically Moonsaults off the edge, taking out all the members of Zukaya and the Vato Loco’s. He then grabs Psicosis’ limp body and drags him towards the door, opens the door up and drags Psicosis out for the win. [B]Winner: Psicosis in 10:32[/B][/CENTER] The crowd pop at seeing Psicosis yet again beating Chavito and the idea that the Quack Attack has stood up for himself and the former champion. Quack just looks in the ring and the cursing stables, all unable to get to their feet as he merely flips them the bird, before helping Psicosis to the back. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff Jarrett comes to the ring alongside Dusty Rhodes; however, Dustah doesn’t say anything as Jarrett cuts a pretty intense promo. [B]Jarrett:[/B] People had laughed me off years ago. Whether it be because I was Jerry’s son, or because I once rode a pony to the ring, or had to fight a pimp, or because most of the general wrestling public are just slapnuts, I was still overlooked. Over the last month I have proven time and time again that when it comes to this damn place, there ‘aint nobody who has the stroke like I do. Even last night, in the most brutal match for the WWF Title ever I managed to pin the biggest and most aggressive man in the match. I was given the American Dream moniker for a reason, and that reason is I am quite simply one of the very best in this industry. Yet when I got eliminated from the Dungeon people cheered. People still think I didn’t deserve to be there. Well you know what? Damn you. Damn all of ya. I’m gonna prove to y’all that I am not a slapnut, that I have aaaaaaaaall the stroke around here, I am the New American Dream and most importantly, I am ready to prove I’m the best in the world by becoming the next WWF Champion. Now…. CHOKE ON THAT…. SLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPNUTS! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next “Greatest Owen Hart Moments” was from just two months ago, as Owen Hart stood in front of his fellow countrymen in the site of the Montreal Screwjob and made Shawn Michaels tap out “like a bitch” as the narration put it, finally winning the title and proving he is the real deal. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Opinions On Owen” was up next, with the instantly recognisable red face of Brother Love on screen ready to offer some very wise words of wisdom. [B]Brother Love:[/B] Heeeeelllloooooo! When I was offered so much beautiful money by Vince McMahon to sit here and say what Owen Hart means to me, I was more than happy! You see, for a man who looooooooves everything, it takes something special to stand out. But Owen Hart does stand out as the best in the industry today, which of course means that I loooooooove Owen Hart, and I looooooooooooove yooooou! [B]JR:[/B] Good grief, this is just terrible. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Title[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefFit.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JeffHardy-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Finlay (c) w/Paul Bearer vs Jeff Hardy[/SIZE][/B] Finlay gets the chance to defend his first title in the WWF Title just a day removed from winning it, and needless to say even though the event was in Britain the majority of fans were against the Northern Irishman, choosing to support the high-flying style of Jeff Hardy. Jeffery came without his big brother and maybe this was a mistake, as no matter what he tried, and good God, he certainly tried, he couldn’t break down to the champion who eventually put him away with a Celtic Cross after one hell of an effort from the North Carolinian. [B]Winner, and still WWF Intercontinental Champion: Finlay in 11:11[/B][/CENTER] Finlay is handed his Intercontinental back straight after the pin, but has no chance to celebrate as Shamrock comes down to the ring applauding. The fans cheers his presence but those cheers turn to pure, unadulterated fear as he’s handed a microphone. Can you imagine the torture? [B]Shamrock:[/B] ARRRRGGGH! As much as it pains me to say this; congratulations on last night. You took me on, the most dangerous man on the planet, and you beat me straight up. The better man won. I may not have had the Anklelock, and you may have had Paul Bearer interfering, but I can take it like a man. Well done. However, that don’t mean that I don’t want the title back and this time I promise I’ll not only beat you, I’ll tear you in half. So what do you say, Finlay? Me and you- one on one? [I]Finlay walks over to Shamrock’s microphone.[/I] [B]Finlay:[/B] I haven’t ever back down from a challenge in my life… you’re on. The two men square up face to face, both men with the most sadistic and evil smiles you have ever seen. Forget the Intercontinental Title, these two are ready to fight again and they’ll do it over pride. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Greatest Owen Hart Moments” follows, with footage from Summerslam 1997 where Owen Hart and Steve Austin fought over the Intercontinental Title. In the process of this match Owen spiked Austin on his head for a Piledriver, snapping his neck and causing him to lose several months of his career. [B]JR:[/B] Surely that’s not something to be proud of? And why does it not mention that Austin still beat him that night? [B]King:[/B] Ssshhh, you’re ruining the video. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The scene is filled with the bold writing for “Opinions Of Owen”, ready for another episode of this self-indulgent tripe. [B]JR:[/B] Oh, for the love of God, tell me we’re not going to see more? Which sycophant are we going to see kissing Vince McMahon’s ass this time? The screen changes to reveal none other than JR’s broadcast colleague Jerry “The King” Lawler on the screen! [B]JR:[/B] Oh, King, tell me you didn’t?! King is grinning cheesily at the camera on the giant screen in a pre-recorded message. [B]King:[/B] Is Mr McMahon watching this? He is? Right, good. Man, I love Owen Hart! He is my second favourite superstar after Mr McMahon. It’s a pleasure sitting behind the announcers desk time after time seeing Owen prove to the world that he’s not just a boring, dull, uncharismatic, cheating, fluky lucky rip off of his brother. The sooner the world realises it the better- the true King of the WWF is Owen Hart- the King Of Harts! The camera cuts to JR who is shaking his head in disbelief. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Double K is backstage with none other than the Great One himself, The Rock. [B]Kelly:[/B] Hi, everyone I’m Kevin Kelly and I’m standing by with Th… [I]The Rock holds his hand up to the face of KK, signalling for him to stop talking.[/I] [B]Rock:[/B] FINALLY…. THE ROCK… HAS COME BACK… TO BIRMINGHAM! [B]Kelly:[/B] Rocky, last night you faced Mankind in an I Quit match and while he may have been hospitalised, you still couldn’t make him quit. [B]Rock:[/B] Know your role, jabroni, and shut your mouth. Do you actually think that The Rock could give a rats ass whether Mankind quit or not? [B]Kelly:[/B] Well, you di… [B]Rock:[/B] IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT YOU THINK! All that matters is last night The Rock walked in to the people’s arena, down the people’s ramp, in to the people’s ring, looked out to the millions… and millions of The Rock’s fans and did exactly as he said he would and that was lay the smackdown like never before! But you see, that’s done now, and The Rock shall move on. Mick Foley, you want to say that The Rock had to earn the right last night to be considered a future WWF Champion? Well, last night The Rock did exactly that and the time has come for the jokes, the squeaks, the poops and giggles to come to an end as you get ready to see the absolute best of The Rock. If you think the Great One had the potential to become WWF Champion, get ready to see the potential turned into a reality as The Rock whoops Owen Hart’s ass one more time… IF YA SMELLLLLLLLL…. WHAT THE ROCK…. IS COOKIN’! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]World Wrestling Federation European Title match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DLoBrown.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/Keeflance.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III Esq vs Lance Storm © w/Sable[/SIZE][/B] One night removed from Capital Carnage and the fans get a great opportunity to see the European Title match over again. This time the Artist Formerly Known As D’Lo knows not to underestimate the young Canadian as two of the very best young talents in the world go head to head. Storm has the crowd behind him and that wills him on to avoid a Lo-Down In Dorset and nail a Superkick right to the jaw, earning him both a pinfall and submission victory over D’Lo in just 24 hours. [B]Winner: Lance Storm in 8:00[/B][/CENTER] Lance Storm mounts the ropes in celebration with Sable applauding behind him, only for [B]Marc Mero[/B] is suddenly attack from behind! We haven’t seen him in months! He began beating down on the youngster from Canada as Sable screamed for him to stop, punching him over and over again on the mat. He lifted him up and threw him back with a Powerslam, before mounting the top rope and nailing not one, not two but three Marvellocities to the European Champion. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Terri Runnells is backstage applying her make up when Bagwell slivers over. He watches from afar, then gradually walks closer before leaping in to seated position on the table next to her, very uncooly knocking a whole punch of stuff off as he does. [B]Bagwell:[/B] Yo, babe, what’s happenin’? [B]Terri:[/B] Err… not much, Bagwell. You? [B]Bagwell:[/B] Oh you know, I’m just chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool. [B]Terri:[/B] Aren’t they part of the lyrics to Fresh Prince Of Bel Air? [B]Bagwell:[/B] Why don’t you come back to my locker room and we’ll find out. With that, Jarrett walks in to shot and pins Bagwell against a wall. [B]Jarrett:[/B] Hey, slapnut, what do you think you’re doing? [B]Bagwell:[/B] Just chillaxing with a honey, ‘know what I’m saying. [B]Jarrett: [/B]That’s my honey, slapnut. And there’s only one set of nuts she be slapping, only one person she’s strokin’ and, yeah, one slapnut she’s choking on, and they’re all mine. [B]JR:[/B] I genuinely thought this night couldn’t get any worse… -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yet another “Greatest Owen Hart Moments" video is played, this time for the last time, showing Owen Hart entering last nights London Dungeon at number one and outlasting all other men to retain his WWF Championship. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The final “Opinions On Owen” is aired as Shane McMahon sits in front of the camera, a little bruised and battered from last nights battle with Steve Austin. [B]Shane:[/B] When I was asked by my pops to say a few words about Owen Hart, how could I refuse? When you look out over the company that my dad built with his own two hands, it is littered with bad people. People like Shawn Michaels, people like Triple H, or like the Hardy Boyz, or Ken Shamrock, or, urgh…. Stone Cold Steve Austin. It therefore makes it so much more refreshing to have as my WWF Champion a man with integrity. A man with class. A man with style. And a man with ability like no other. I’m proud to be the heir to a company that has Owen Hart as its face, as its lynchpin, as its centre of attention. Long may these days continue because, honestly, I’m proud to know Owen Hart and I’m proud to work in the same company as him. [B]JR: [/B]I wonder if he was proud when he and his daddy got their asses whooped by Stone Cold Steve Austin last night? [B]King: [/B]Shut up, JR, you’re ruining it! [B]JR:[/B] Folks, I genuinely apologise for the tripe you have been forced to sit through tonight. The Alliance is so far up its own ass... [B]King:[/B] I said shut up, JR! Tonight is about Owen Hart! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Kane-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TheUndertaker1998.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TripleH1998.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Kane & The Undertaker w/Paul Bearer, Shane McMahon, Finlay & The Acolytes vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels & “The Game” Triple H w/New Age Outlaws[/SIZE][/B] Wow. Brothers Of Destruction vs D-Generation X. This is literally PPV quality television right here, and you’re getting it all for free and the UK are getting one hell of a send off before the WWF returns to America. Kane continued showing the sort of dominance we saw at the end of his time in the Dungeon, refusing to give DX an inch as The Alliance looked approvingly on. HBK was obviously exhausted and probably deserved a rest after last nights incredible match, so Triple H took much of the brunt of the attacks, naturally defending his friend despite their recent differences. The Outlaws stayed on the outside of the ring, just waiting for a reason to make themselves known should The Alliance interfere. Triple H and Michaels seemed unable to really get a footing in much of the match, as they were not only facing a pair of genuine monsters, but the monsters are a hell of a lot fresher. That said, with ‘Taker and Helmsley in the ring, The Game managed to take ‘Taker temporarily out of the game and tag in HBK, who straight away tried to hit a whole bunch of high impact moves. A clothesline knocked The Phenom a bit silly, a drop kick knocked him in to the ropes, whipped, back drop, Michaels then went for the slam, but The Undertaker is just too heavy. He punches Michaels away and goes after him… SWEET CHIN MUSIC! Undertaker falls in to the referee and goes down! The Alliance need no other hint and storm the ring, taking Michaels and Helmsley down with ease. The Outlaws calmly walk over to the announcers table, grab a couple of chairs and slide in the ring, immediately causing The Alliance to back off. The Game and the Heartbreak Kid gradually get back to their feet, but are met with steel chairs from the Outlaws! [B]JR:[/B] What the hell?! Have the Outlaws turned their backs on DX or what? Billy Gunn and Road Dogg smile at The Alliance who beam back at them, all clearly in on the plan all along. The Undertaker is helped back to his feet as Kane & The Undertaker both grab the remaining DX members and Chokeslam all the way to hell, and cover them as referee Chioda comes back to. [B]Winners: Kane & The Undertaker after 13:22[/B][/CENTER] With the final bell all of The Alliance, along with the New Age Outlaws embrace in a huge hug. Gunn and Dogg then raise the Brothers Of Destructions arms in victory, the same Brothers Of Destruction who put them out of action for so long. The crowd boo incessantly as they parade their new found allegiance for all the world to see. [SIZE="4"][CENTER][I]NO CHANCE…[/I][/CENTER][/SIZE] The boo’s turn to almost mass hysteria as Vince McMahon Power Walks TM to the ring, flanked by four security guards, with literally dozens of others lining up the rampway. [B]Vince:[/B] Security! Get these wasters out of my ring, damn it! They, like everyone else except The Alliance, are hereby banned from ringside! [I]Michaels and Helmsley are dragged from the ring and dragged backstage.[/I] [B]Vince:[/B] Right, if all the security guards are in place (the camera flicks to show possibly hundreds of police officers, security personnel and even the Royal Guards from last night lining up in the aisle, backstage and outdoors, making sure no shenanigans are afoot). Okay, it’s time, the moment you’ve all been waiting for, the main event, the show closer, the centrepiece. I give to you the feature of this Appreciation Night… “The King Of Harts”, the “Black Hart” and the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion… OWEN HART! [SIZE="4"][CENTER][I]ENOUGH IS ENOUGH… AND IT’S TIME FOR A CHANGE![/I][/CENTER][/SIZE] The crowd once again give their vocal chords a tryout as they boo the heck out of the champion, who with his slicked back hair and pristine, thousand dollar suit is the epitome of a corporate champion. The belt is flung over his shoulder as he graciously waves to the fans, seemingly blissfully aware of the boo’s blaring throughout the arena and grabs a microphone as he joins the applauding Alliance, along with the Outlaws, in the ring. The only noticeable lack of applause come from Kane & The Undertaker, who just stare a hole straight through him. [B]Vince:[/B] Owen, welcome. I trust so far this night has been to your liking? [B]Owen:[/B] Well of course, Vinny Mac. [B]Vince: [/B]Only the best for the greatest champion of all time. The floors yours, champ. [B]Owen:[/B] Thank you. (He turns to the crowd) Last night I went out in to the middle of the London Dungeon with a purpose. Despite spending the entire year proving time and time again that I really am everything I say I am when I claim to be the greatest, people still doubted me as WWF Champion. So I stood there alongside four of the biggest names in wrestling history, and Jeff Jarrett, and I took each of them on like a man and proved I was better than them. You want proof of that? You can look at my black eye, or my busted forehead, but you can’t do that without looking at his belt over my shoulder. This says that I really am the very best this industry has to offer at the moment. And, seeing as this industry is at an all time high-point, I’d suggest that makes me the greatest ever. And Bret, bro, that includes you too. You can make that orange M&Ms coffee all you want, but I stepped out of your shadow and I became the greatest WWF Champion… EVER! [B]JR: [/B]Austin’s here! Austin’s here! Austin’s here! The music plays, but here’s no sign of the Rattlesnake. Suddenly, the camera cuts outside to the guards who turn towards a speeding vehicle, but turn away as the headlights blind them. The vehicle turns out to be a MONSTER TRUCK which crashes through the barriers, passed the security and in to the building! Security and police dive out of the way of the oncoming truck as the crowd absolutely explodes! Eventually the truck drives through a small hallway and crashes through the giant Titantron playing the entrance video and crashes in to the ring, knocking most of The Alliance flying! The door flies open as Stone Cold Steve Austin climbs out to a rapturous reception, throws a steel chair into the ring, hitting Finlay as it goes, climbs on to the bonnet and dives off, nailing Kane & Undertaker with a Flying Double Clothesline. The Acolytes try to attack but Austin is too quick, grabbing the chair and swinging it at their heads, knocking them down. The Outlaws try their luck, but they too are met with chairs. Vince McMahon and Shane McMahon dive out of the ring and run with security personnel through the crowd as Owen runs at the Rattlesnake, only to be met with the chair too, reopening his old wound. The Alliance keep coming but Austin takes them all out with his steel chair until just a bloody Owen Hart is left, crimson fluid dripping all over the $1000 dollar suit as Austin measures him, poised, before kicking him in the gut… STONE COLD STUNNER! Owen collapses to the ring as Austin bellows for cans of Steveweiser, chugging them down his throat and over the fallen Alliance as the crowd explode. The camera cuts to the McMahon’s in the crowd, screaming profanities at Austin for once again getting one up on them while Austin puts one foot on Owen’s, and holds the WWF Title high above his head as beer trickles down his chin and on to the befallen champion. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]QUICK RESULTS[/B] Dougie Williams & Taka Michinoku def Reyes Rios Rodrigues & Essa Aguila Tazz def Matt Hardy Psicosis def Chavo Guerrero Jr in a Cage Match Finlay def Jeff Hardy to retain the Intercontinental Title Lance Storm def Desmond Lowford Brownington to retain the European Title Kane & The Undertaker def Shawn Michaels & Triple H
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[QUOTE=darthsiddus2;541766]you had to do the monster truck gag didn't you? DMAN YOU KEEFY![/QUOTE] Haha, I know I know, it's somewhat cliched these days. The problem is, I haven't really had Austin do any crazy stuff in this diary, which considering it is 98 going on 99 is pretty bad. There were a few iconic moments, the Zamboni, the Beer Truck, which have become so iconic they helped made the Stone Cold character so huge and helped the WWF win the ratings war that I can't borrow. Lets face it, if I had Austin turn up with the beer truck it would seem incredibly uncreative. So I'm sort of left needing to create iconic moments for Austin (especially as 98 was all about Austin whereas he's taken a backfoot to Owen Hart and Shawn Michaels for much of the yearin this diary) without stealing old ones he's already done. I tink people forget how over Stone Cold was and how cool and enjoyable he was. I particularly look back at 98/99 and think "pfft, Austin dominating the shows at the expense of everyone else, the majority of PPVs in that time frame were used as build up for Raw, which I hate, so I'll try and maximise everyone else" but he was just so over and so valuable to the WWF around this time. Thanks for the feedback though. I know the show was somewhat cheesy and everything, but it builds up to what I hope will be a bit of a hot patch for me with the next few months.
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"]TOP TEN[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]1) OWEN HART[/B] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/Keefowen.jpg[/IMG] Once again he had to fight like never before to retain the title but once again he walked out with the gold. Even if we forget the rest of the month (which was a really good month, but that’s not the point) his performance in the first ever London Dungeon Match, in which he started first and outlasted all the other competitors to pick up the win, was probably enough to ensure he finished first this month and probably any other month he fancies too. [B]2) JEFF JARRETT[/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JeffJarrett1998.jpg[/IMG] Jeff Jarrett shook the world this month by taking it up a level to prove he is worthy of his slot in the main event. Forget the fact that he just fell short in the Dungeon, Jarrett proved he was in his element when he eliminated perhaps the most dangerous man in the match in Kane and he has now shown the world he is in his element aiming for the WWF Title, slapnuts. [B]3) STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN[/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/SteveAustin-1.jpg[/IMG] To quote the man himself; “you keep lining them up, Vince, and I’ll keep knocking them down”. Honestly, is there anything that can stop Stone Cold Steve Austin? His one man crusade against the McMahon’s and The Alliance saw the Texas Rattlesnake beat Shane McMahon against all odds. And this could be as low as you see him now he’s decided to challenge for the title. [B]4) FINLAY[/B] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefFit.jpg[/IMG] No-one is on a role like Finlay is at the moment. The Alliance member managed to achieve the seemingly unachievable by dethroning Ken Shamrock as Intercontinental Champion and then retained the belt the next day against Jeff Hardy. He’s still undefeated and it looks probable the Fighting Irishman is just going to keep going higher and higher. [B]5) TAZZ[/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Taz-1.jpg[/IMG] The set back at Capital Carnage against Rob Van Dam aside, Tazz was unstoppable this month. The distractions that cost him the match with RVD may have cost him a higher place in the top ten too, but he still managed to steamroll over most of the roster in one month to prove he is still the baddest man in the company. [B]6) THE ROCK[/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TheRock-1.jpg[/IMG] You can call him The Most Electrifying Man In Sports Entertainment. You can call him the Great One. You can call him the People’s Champion. Just make sure you include “Winner” in their too after his victory over Mankind in the I Quit Match. His new mean streak got him the match he wanted and it handed him the victory, however, will he choose The Alliance or DX for Survivor Series? [B]7) HAYASHI[/B] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefKaz.jpg[/IMG] The representative of Zukaya has long looked like a magnificent athlete, much like his stable mates, but by winning and retaining the Light-Heavyweight Title this month he has proven himself amongst the best in the company. [B]8) EDGE & CHRISTIAN[/B] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/Edgechamp.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/christianchamp.jpg[/IMG] So the youngsters from Canada finally realised their dream by defeating the Hardy Boyz and winning the tag Team Titles. The best friends put on a classic Ladder Match and turned their back on their mentor Gangrel to prove they really are the real deal. [B]9) LANCE STORM[/B] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/Keeflance.jpg[/IMG] It takes quite a competitor to win any tournament, but Lance Storm proved why he is so highly regarded. Not only did he become the first European Champion since it was reinstated, he defended it too, being the first man to ever pin and D’Lo Brown tap in two consecutive nights. [B]10) KEN SHAMROCK[/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/KenShamrock-1.jpg[/IMG] So, he lost the title at Capital Carnage. But don’t let that fool you. The Worlds Most Dangerous Man looked no less threatening than before and if you consider the handicap against him (the banning of his Anklelock submission hold) he was incredibly dominant even against a powerhouse like Finlay and you just have to know this one isn’t over between these two men. [B][SIZE="4"][I]Look out next month for…[/I][/SIZE][/B] [B]Dougie Williams[/B] The Scottish technician debuted just a couple of days ago but has already looked capable of conquering the Light-Heavyweight division with two straight wins. Surely the sky is the limit for the newbie. [B]Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III Esq[/B] Sir Desmond may have lost have Capital Carnage and again on Raw but the so called Englishman isn’t finished yet. This new persona of his may have not won him many friends but he has proven he is still one of the best on the world and will be looking for revenge this month. [B]Psicosis[/B] The luchadore has dropped out this month due to not winning in the Light-Heavyweight Title match at Carnage, but the Mexican star is sure to leap back in to the top ten in no time at all if his performance on Raw is anything to go by. [B]Rob Van Dam[/B] He stood up against Tazz by defending the Hardcore Division’s honour and actually managed to beat the Brooklyn native, a feat not many men can claim to have achieved. If he continues like this, the Fastest Rising Star In The WWF may be rising in to the Top Ten. [B][SIZE="4"][I]It was a bad month for…[/I][/SIZE][/B] [B]Kane[/B] Even his brother managed to pick his game up this month when he defeated Triple H, but there was no such luck for Kane. Aside from the win against D-Generation X (thanks to a huge interference from the Outlaws) Kane had another torrid month and once again finds himself in the list no-one wants to se ethemselves in. [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] Chavo, Chavo, Chavo. Where did it all go wrong? Chavito Heat seemingly can not buy a win against Psicosis as the streak continued, and to make matters worse he failed in his attempt to win the Light-Heavyweight Title at Capital Carnage.[/CENTER][/FONT]
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[QUOTE][B]Psicosis[/B] The luchadore has dropped out this month due to not winning in the Light-Heavyweight Title match at Carnage, b[B]ut the Mexican star is sure to leap back in to the top ten in no time at all[/B] if his performance on Raw is anything to go by.[/QUOTE] I'm down on my knees praising the lord if that does happen... What? Grow up Kenny. Seriously, I'll be all over a Psicosis push like a rash on Ron Jeremy. The monster truck reminds me of one of the many ... moronic matches WCW had. IIRC, it was the match where the Giant won the World Heavyweight Championship off Hulk Hogan. They then went on a spree of sponsoring monster trucks and NASCARs, most of which were absolute duds. Of course though, the monster truck suits Austin. Please please bring in the milk truck from Kurt Angle and give them a bit of 'Got Milk?' Quality show as always from a quality writer and a quality bloke. As always champion, always enjoying your work.
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[QUOTE=tristram;542124]The monster truck reminds me of one of the many ... moronic matches WCW had. IIRC, it was the match where the Giant won the World Heavyweight Championship off Hulk Hogan. They then went on a spree of sponsoring monster trucks and NASCARs, most of which were absolute duds. Of course though, the monster truck suits Austin. Please please bring in the milk truck from Kurt Angle and give them a bit of 'Got Milk?'[/QUOTE] Yeah I know what you mean about WCW. Luckily, Austin gimmicks of doing the out of the ordinary to make his point leads itself to the monster truck. I do think I'm going to have to come up with unique ways of having Austin make these grand statements though. And without doing the Beer Truck, I think the Milk Truck may have to get missed, even though both moments were so huge. [QUOTE=tristram;542124]Quality show as always from a quality writer and a quality bloke. As always champion, always enjoying your work.[/QUOTE] Thank you. I do enjoy it, I just wasn't overly impressed with the standard of the last one as it was the first one I wrote when I first considered coming back, even before Capital Carnage. But I like the next show and have enjoyed writing it all so far. In reality I'm almost at the December PPV for write ups and I know where I'm aiming past Wrestlemania, so it is still great fun to me. [QUOTE=rjhabeeb;542162]great last two shows my friend[/QUOTE] Thanks man, it's always good to know I still have the support of my old fans. Glad you are still reading and enjoying, bud.
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from wwf.com... [QUOTE][FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][IMG]http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/9764/montrealattitudefx1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="6"]Preview[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]Monday 2nd November 1998[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="4"]Raw Is War rolls in to Denver and we’ve got one hell of a blockbuster show! Last week saw Stone Cold Steve Austin lay down the law and proclaim he will use his WWF Title shot at Survivor Series against Owen Hart. Tonight we get the two men in the same ring for the first time since Austin ruined “Owen Hart Appreciation Night” when they sign the contract to make the match official- sparks are sure to fly![/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]New Age Outlaws vs Shawn Michaels & Triple H[/B] [I]From the best of friends to the best of enemies- the New Age Outlaw’s shocking attack on their former friends showed just how far The Alliance are willing to go to stay on top, however, while they might be down DX are not beaten. Tonight they aim for a measure of revenge against their former buddies.[/I] [B]WWF Intercontinental Title Match[/B] [B]Finlay © vs Ken Shamrock[/B] [I]Since joining The Alliance Finlay has been on a roll the likes of which have seldom been seen. The Fighting Irishman is still to be beaten, but with Ken Shamrock still locked firmly on winning back his Intercontinental Title time will tell if that undefeated streak leaves Denver![/I] [B]Jeff Jarrett vs The Rock[/B] [I]Both these men have had incredible momentum the last few weeks, with both men proving why they are considered the future of the WWF. With so many people at the top of the card, is this the chance they’ve been looking for to elevate themselves from the rest of the pack?[/I] [B]WWF Tag Team Titles The Acolytes vs Edge & Christian ©[/B] [I]It’s just over a week since they won the gold and a week since they ditched Gangrel, but the youngsters from Canada aren’t afraid of a challenge. The Acolytes are seeing the benefits of aligning themselves with the McMahon’s by becoming recipients of title shots and surely won’t want to lose such an opportunity?[/I] [B]WWF Hardcore Title Sabu vs Tommy Dreamer ©[/B] [I]Those looking for a dose of extreme should look no further than Raw Is War tonight! Two of the most hardcore, extreme athletes ever to grace the WWF will face off mano e mano to determine who really is “hardcore”![/I] [B]Funaki vs Taka Michinoku [/B] [I]Ever since Zukaya entered the WWF they have tried to make Taka Michinoku’s life hell, including forcing Taka to take a leave of absence. Well, Taka is now back and he’s ready to gain retribution, starting with Funaki![/I] On top of all this, we hear from Marc Mero, Tazz and The Future: Sean Morgan plus we’ll get updates on the huge DX vs Alliance Survivor Series match and get Number Four on the countdown of greatest ever Survivor Series Moments! Be sure to catch all this and more, only on WWF Raw Is War![/size] [SIZE="4"][B][U]Predictions[/U][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]New Age Outlaws vs Shawn Michaels & Triple H[/B] [B]WWF Intercontinental Title Match[/B] [B]Finlay © vs Ken Shamrock[/B] [B]Jeff Jarrett vs The Rock[/B] [B]WWF Tag Team Title Match The Acolytes vs Edge & Christian ©[/B] [B]WWF Hardcore Title match Sabu vs Tommy Dreamer ©[/B] [B]Funaki vs Taka Michinoku[/B][/size] [/CENTER][/FONT][/QUOTE]
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[B]New Age Outlaws[/B] vs Shawn Michaels & Triple H [I]But I call shenanigans[/I] WWF Intercontinental Title Match [B]Finlay[/B] © vs Ken Shamrock [I]Doubt you would give the title back so soon[/I] Jeff Jarrett vs [B]The Rock[/B] [I]Shocked that this is on TV, as with the right build it could be on PPV. I stand by my SS recap and say Rocky will move up a level. Then again, Foley could come back and cause Rocky to lose. Tough one to call.[/I] WWF Tag Team Title Match The Acolytes vs [B]Edge & Christian ©[/B] [I]Again don't think you'd take the titles off them so soon[/I] WWF Hardcore Title match [B]Sabu[/B] vs Tommy Dreamer © [I]I've gone for the champs retaining in the other two, so this title could change hands[/I] Funaki vs [B]Taka Michinoku[/B] [I]Taka to start running through Zukaya one by one[/I]
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New Age Outlaws vs [B]Shawn Michaels & Triple H[/B] WWF Intercontinental Title Match Finlay © vs [B]Ken Shamrock [/B] Jeff Jarrett vs [B]The Rock[/B] WWF Tag Team Title Match The Acolytes vs [B]Edge & Christian ©[/B] WWF Hardcore Title match Sabu vs[B] Tommy Dreamer ©[/B] Funaki vs [B]Taka Michinoku[/B]
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Thanks for the predictions guys. [QUOTE=iMac;543123]Jeff Jarrett vs [B]The Rock[/B] [I]Shocked that this is on TV, as with the right build it could be on PPV.[/I][/QUOTE] Just wanted to comment on this. While it could be a PPV match, I'm trying to keep this realistic and I'm writing during the Monday Night Wars. We would be competed for ratings with WCW so need to offer stuff that would attract fans on TV. One of the exciting prospects of writing for this era when I started was keeping up with the Attitude era manner of putting everything in to the TV shows to win the ratings war without taking away form the PPVs and making them seem like hype for Raw (which they certainly did during 98/99). Ideally I'd have licked to hold off on Outlaws vs DX for a PPV but I need to offer TV people would want to see, and as Survivor Series is the next PPV they won't be able to face off there (I'm sure you can imagine why). But anyway, thanks for the predictions guys, it is really appreciated.
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[B]New Age Outlaws[/B] vs Shawn Michaels & Triple H [I]I sense a miscommunication between DX, combined with the interference of Vinnie's boys, allowing the NAO to pick up the win. Before all hell breaks loose. lol[/I] WWF Intercontinental Title Match [B]Finlay ©[/B] vs Ken Shamrock [I]Shamrock's tried and failed to down the fighting Irishman, and this match won't be any different.[/I] [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] vs The Rock [I]I love your portrayal of the Rock, and with his win over Mankind, albeit with a bit of contraversy, he now stands face to face with The New American Dream. The Rock may be the future, but he ain't got all the stroke, babeh! (I miss Dustah. :p)[/I] WWF Tag Team Title Match The Acolytes vs [B]Edge & Christian ©[/B] [I]E&C are just starting to roll, and Farooq and Bradshaw have spent so much time on lackey duty, they won't overcome the total awesomeness of Edge and Christian. Totally.[/I] WWF Hardcore Title match [B]Sabu[/B] vs Tommy Dreamer © [I]I see a title change here, with Sabu putting a new jolt into the hardcore division.[/I] Funaki vs [B]Taka Michinoku[/B] [I]Taka's on a mission, and Funaki is nothing but a roadblock on his path to Hayashi.[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/9764/montrealattitudefx1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Monday 2nd November 1998[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]LIVE from Denver, Colorado[/SIZE][/B] [B]SPONSERED BY…[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]DAWSON’S CREEK[/SIZE][/B] [B][I]We’re not a typical teen drama because we use long words[/I][/B] [/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER]OH… YOU DIDN’T KNOW?[/CENTER][/SIZE] The show opens with the New Age Outlaws coming to the ring to a huge barrage of abuse from the fans as they are inevitably accompanied to the ring by Shane McMahon. [B]Shane:[/B] Last week, in front of all of your very eyes, you saw one of the defining moments in the WWF. It’s up there with Hogan slamming Andre, Michaels coming to the ring on a zip line, the debut of The Undertaker… last week you witnessed history when you saw the first nail in the coffin of DX. For the last few months myself, my father and the two men you see stood beside me here have been planning how to end the joke that is DX, and here it is. You see, when I accepted the Alliance vs DX match at Survivor Series I meant it, but the only problem is, Shawn, Hunter, you won’t be teaming with Road Dogg and Billy Gunn here, because they’ll be on Team Alliance! So now, without any further adieu, I give to you the greatest tag team in the history of the WWF, the artists formerly known as the New Age Outlaws… the NEW… CORPORATE… OUTLAWS! [B]Dogg: [/B]Thanks Shane. LLLLLLLLLLLLLLadies and Gentlemen, children of all ages, The Alliance proudly brings to you, it’s soon to be once again tag team champions of the wooooooooooooooooooooooooorrrllllld! The Road Dogg Jesse James… the Bad Ass Billy Gunn… the New… Corporate… Outlaws! [B]Gunn:[/B] And if you ‘aint down with the Alliance… we’ve got two words for ya… sell out. That’s right; Dogg and me here are sell outs. We sold out Madison Square Garden, the Staples Centre, the NEC Arena in England… [B]Dogg:[/B] And now we’re a part of The Alliance, we’re going to continue selling out arenas left, right and centre. The truth of it is DX is dying. DX has outlived its time and is about to be taken out to the back and put down by The Alliance. And you know why that is? It’s ‘cos DX is all about Shawn Michaels. Do you think either he or Hunter called us while we were injured? Did they hell. Do you think Hunter called Michaels to check if he was okay after he got hungover on three bottles of beer? Of course he did. D-Generation X is, was and always will be about Shawn Michaels. If Triple H is happy being his right hand hand then that’s fine, but Motley can follow him to his grave while we piss all over it. DX is dead… long live The Alliance. [B]Gunn:[/B] You know, it’s gonna be my pleasure kicking Triple H and Shawn Michaels’ asses and showing them that while they can stand there sporting old catch phrases while they will get by-passed by myself and Road Dogg, along with the rest of The Alliance, of course. And it will be my honour to represent The Alliance as the Survivor Series. [B]Shane:[/B] It’ll be a pleasure having you as part of the team. So, DX, I hope you are indeed “ready” ‘cos you two deadbeat wasters have to find three guys to team with you, as if anyone would want to, in less than a month to go against The Alliance. While we still need one more person, our team so far is Road Dogg, Billy Gunn… Kane & The Undertaker! [B]JR:[/B] Wow. Have we ever seen a potentially more destructive team that that? [B]Shane:[/B] And not only that… but I’m offering a place on Team Alliance to the one man who I think is the calibre of athlete to face D-Generation X… The Rock! [B]JR:[/B] Bah Gawd! That’s huge! [B]Shane: [/B]So, Rocky, you better think it through, ‘cos we’re co… [CENTER][SIZE="4"][COLOR="DarkGreen"]BREAK IT DOWN![/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] Shane has no time to finish as Shawn Michaels and Triple H sprint down to the ring. Shane rolls away form the ring as DX and the Outlaws exchange blows, but with DX on top the Outlaws join Shane on the outside of the ring, choosing to step away rather than fight. [B]Triple H:[/B] This ‘aint over, Outlaws! At Survivor Series we’re gonna kick your ass! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A limousine pulls up to the building and out steps The Rock, perfectly attired with a smart casual suit and T-Shirt combo, sunglasses perched perfectly on his nose as he smells the electricity when Shane McMahon runs over. [B]Shane:[/B] Rocky, Rocky, it’s great I cau… [B]Rock: [/B]Whoa, whoa, Shane, you’re gonna have to wait just one moment so The Rock can say FINALLY… The Rock, has come back… to Denver. [B]Shane:[/B] Great, love it, love it. I’m all about that with the electricity and the smelling and the “finally” stuff. [B]Rock: [/B]Tell The Rock, what do you want? [B]Shane:[/B] At the Survivor Series Team Alliance and Team DX will face off, 5 vs 5, in a battle for supremacy. Of course, I only want the best in Team Alliance, which is why I naturally came to you. [B]Rock: [/B]The Rock is flattered, of course. [B]Shane:[/B] Is that a yes? [B]Rock:[/B] You see, Shane McMahon, The Rock never has and never will ask for help. The People’s Champion will always ride alone, just The Great One and his people, but The Rock gets your offer. One night only, honouree Alliance member. Allow The Rock to think about it. [B]Shane: [/B]Oh yeah, sure Rocky. But, remember one thing. The members of The Alliance are reaping the benefits. The Alliance is getting bigger as DX is getting smaller, soon everyone will know who the dominant team is. But if you’re not with us, you’re against us Rocky. And believe you me; you do not want to be against us. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Title[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefFit.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/KenShamrock-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Fighting Irishman” Finlay © vs “Worlds Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock[/SIZE][/B] Shamrock gets the rematch he clearly deserves in this one, but still without the use of his banned Anklelock submission he looks a little lost, instinctively going for it on a couple of occasions but realising he can’t, and hence losing valuable seconds of advantage. Finlay is as tough as they come, and has no qualms with turning this one in to a knock down, slug out brawl, leaving the two men to beat on each other relentlessly, until Shamrock ducks a punch and rolls Finlay up on the ground. However, without the use of the Anklelock, he grabs Finlay and ties him up in a Figure Four Leg Lock! The crowd “woo” in appreciation, but Finlay gradually rolls further and further back, seemingly reaching for the ropes. However, rather than grabbing them, he reaches a little further and grabs the shillelagh under the turnbuckle! He leans forward and cracks it over Shamrock’s head, who was still holding the Figure Four, obviously leaving Teddy Long no choice but to call for the bell. [B]Winner: Ken Shamrock in 9:40 (DQ, Finlay retains the title)[/B][/CENTER] Shamrock slumps back on the mat, blood starting to pour from his head as Finlay grabs his belt and holds it above his head to show off to all the fans, who boo him mercilessly. However, Linda McMahon then walks out on to the entrance way. [B]Linda: [/B]You see, Mr Finlay, it is things like this that made me come here in person today. How The Alliance has been able to get away with this for so long is beyond me, but I am here to put a stop to it. First things first, that DQ finish just won’t cut it. At the Survivor Series, Finlay you will face Ken Shamrock one on one with that Intercontinental Title! [I]The crowd pops[/I] [B]Linda: [/B]But that is not all. You see, after much research, it has been established that the Anklelock manoeuvre that Mr Shamrock uses has not been found to cause any long term damage to any of his opponents, and therefore it is reinstated as of this very moment! The crowd pops again as Finlay flips, but his temper tantrum is interrupted by Ken Shamrock who Belly To Back Suxplex’s to the mat, before letting out his trademark roar and grabs Finlay’s ankle, tearing away at it with perhaps his most vicious Anklelock ever. Finlay, a man never to have given up before, taps furiously as the blood trickles down Shamrock’s face while he continues screaming ,ripping at the ankle, until security and referee’s drag him away. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marc Mero is backstage with Michael Cole. [B]Cole: [/B]Marc, I have to ask, what were you thinking attacking the WWF European Champion last week on Raw? [B]Mero: [/B]What was I doing? I was saving a little dignity for that skanky ex-wife of mine. I can’t bare sitting at home watching her gallivant around with him like the prostitute she is, it makes me look terrible for marrying her in the first place. Oh no, this sort of crap is gonna come to an end. I’m doing three people a favour here- Sable, my ex-wife, helping her look less like a whore; Lance Storm, who I am helping to focus on his in ring ability rather than that little bitch by his side and, of course, my marvellous self, proving that I am the only person worth anything in the Mero family. [I]Sable walks over.[/I] [B]Sable:[/B] What the hell is your game, Marc? [B]Mero; [/B]My game? I’m saving you from yourself, sweetheart. I’m saving your boy from falling down the same path I did, which ultimately got me humiliated with half of everything I own going to you. The sooner the world realises what a bottom feeding, trash bag, five dollar hooker you are the better… Clearly having overstepped the mark, Sable tries to slap her ex-husband, but he grabs her hand and forces her against the wall. He looks deep in to her eyes, standing intimidating close. [B]Mero:[/B] Tell your boy he’ll be putting the strap on the line at Survivor Series. He’ll have to learn the hard way. Mero then forces himself on Sable, kissing her violently as she tries to push her away, before dropping her and walking away, although not before derogatoryingly throwing her a dollar “for her time”. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owen Hart is walking backstage towards his locker room, singing “I Am The Champion” to himself, and turns in to his locker room. He puts his bag on the floor, but when he looks up at the hangar something is missing. He tears the room apart looking for it, before running in to the corridor screaming “where the hell is my belt?” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JeffJarrett1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TheRock-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“The New American Dream” Jeff Jarrett w/Dusty Rhodes vs The Rock[/SIZE][/B] The Rock is clearly the fans favourite in this one, the crowd were all over Jeff Jarrett after his recent scummy actions and getting into matches that some would say he shouldn’t be in. Rocky actually had quite an astonighing support base for a heel, and despite Jarrett looking perhaps better than he has done for years, couldn’t keep up with the Great One, who nailed him with a Spinebuster, caught Dusty Rhodes in a Spinebuster and proceeded in nailing them with a Double People’s Elbow! [B]Winner: The Rock in 10:11[/B][/CENTER] The Rock climbs the top rope and celebrates for the fans, probably shocked at his positive reaction but as the model pro, smelling the electricity with eyes firmly shut. He stands there, camera flashing away, when he suddenly gets a shillelagh to the back from Finlay! The Outlaws and Acolytes sprint to the ring, each taking turns to beat him down, nailing him with all their signature moves until he is out cold on the mat, while Shane slowly walks to the ring. [B]Shane: [/B]You see, Rocky? This is what is in your future if you go with DX. Your life will be made hell if you don’t side with Team Alliance at Survivor Series, I guarantee you will be begging for your release after days of this sort of punishment. The choice is yours. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edge & Christian are backstage. [B]Christian: [/B]Dude, how totally awesome does it feel to have to stop hanging out with that freak anymore? [B]Edge:[/B] It like, totally reeks of awesomeness. [B]Christian:[/B] Yeah it does! [I]They high five[/I] [B]Edge:[/B] But wait, Christian, look what I found. [I]Edge reaches in to his bag and pulls out two pairs of novelty, over-sized sunglasses.[/I] [B]Christian:[/B] Alright! Big crazy ass sunglasses are totally my deal! [B]Edge:[/B] I don’t think it’s possible for anyone to look bad in big crazy ass sunglasses. The Hardy Boyz then walk in, Jeff too sporting oversized sunglasses. [B]Edge:[/B] I stand corrected. [B]Matt:[/B] What exactly is your deal? One minute you’re geeks, then Goths, then… geeks again? [B]Christian:[/B] Who you calling geeks? [B]Edge:[/B] Yeah, stop being such a chumpstain, Matt, show some respect for the fightingest tag team champions ever. [B]Jeff: [/B]You’ve taken our gold, and we want it back. [B]Matt: [/B]You may have been the better men at Capital Carnage, but give us a shot and we’ll take those belts back, with or without Gangrel at your side. [B]Christian: [/B]Gangrel? That gearbox? Nah, we’re totally done with him. [B]Edge: [/B]And you might not wanna threaten us, Hardy Boyz with a “Z”. What, is the “Z” supposed to scare us? [B]Christian: [/B]Not likely… [B]Jeff: [/B]Just take the warning, jackass. We want those titles and first chance we get, we’ll take them back. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shawn Michaels and Triple H are backstage chatting when Mankind walks in. [B]Mankind: [/B]Hey guys. [B]Trips: [/B]Hey, Mick, what’s up? [B]Mankind:[/B] I saw what the Outlaws did to you… man did that suck. Looks like you’re stuck in a match against The Alliance without your comrades, huh? [B]Shawn:[/B] Look, it don’t matter whether we have our “comrades”, ‘cos when you get The Game and the Heartbreak Kid together, we’re gonna raise some hell and kick some Alliance butt. [B]Mankind:[/B] Well, you can’t do it alone. You need someone who knows the Alliance. A man who’s been in the ring with them a lot, who has faced the Outlaws, and Kane, and… huh… ‘Taker. You need the fightingest, baddest, most evil man in the company. [B]Trips: [/B]Mick, if you’re trying to be our par… [B]Mankind:[/B] Unfortunately Mike Quackenbush is taken. But I’m more than happy to fit in that night. Michaels and Helmsley look at each other. [B]Shawn:[/B] I guess we could do a lot worse. [B]Mankind: [/B]That’s debatable. My only worry is… are you ready? [B]Trips:[/B] Ready for what? [B]Mankind:[/B] RRRREADY TO SUCK IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTT! Mankind leaves the ring, crotch chopping as he goes as DX look at each other. [B]Shawn: [/B]Ever get the feeling you’ve just made a really, really big mistake? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Bradshaw.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RonSimmons.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/christianchamp.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/Edgechamp.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]The Acolytes w/Paul Bearer vs Edge & Christian ©[/SIZE][/B] The Acolytes aren’t ones to wait around and started beating the poop out of the young champions from the off. I don’t know if The Acolytes were p/o’d that such a young and ultimately inexperienced team was being given a run with the gold but they were really stiff on the champs, throwing them for pillar to post without much retaliation from the Canadian’s. Eventually though, Christian managed to work an opening in the match, trying desperately to keep Bradshaw down. Bradshaw grabbed his leg as Christian reached for his partner, but the champion jumped and nailed him with an enziguri, then dived across the ring to tag in Edge. The roof came off the arena as the popular young starlet took each of The Acolytes down, as well as clotheslining Paul Bearer off the apron, but the momentary distraction allowed Bradshaw to nail the Clothesline From Hell! ONE! TWO! THR… NO! Christian interrupted the count! Faarooq tried to take Christian down, but he reversed it and threw Faarooq from the ring, and quickly followed him out with a splash over the top rope. Left alone with Edge, Bradshaw once again thundered off the ropes at the champion, but Edge ducked it and nailed him with a Spear! ONE! TWO! THREE! [B]Winners and still WWF Tag Team Champions; Edge & Christian in 9:21[/B][/CENTER] Referee Earl Hebner handed over the belts and Edge and his best friend Christian celebrated a hard working successful title defence when suddenly the lights went out and a vague tinge of red falls throughout the arena. Strange organ music plays as a lights shines on the entranceway as Gangrel gradually rises to stage level. He slowly steps forward, but suddenly stops and points to the heavens… Edge & Christian look up, but suddenly two men slide out from under the ring and blindside them! The two men start laying the boots in on the champion as Gangrel runs down, and all three of them proceed in teaching E&C a lesson from last week. Eventually, the one with long hair plants Edge with a Spike Brainbuster as the hairless one hits him with the Last Rites. Gangrel grabs both of the debuting wrestlers by the ear and pulls them up, laughing evilly at the destruction he has caused. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tazz is walking backstage, seemingly fuming and looking for something. He suddenly stops still and looks around, before walking over to a backstage worker. [B]Tazz: [/B]Do you hear that? [B]Backstage Worker: [/B]Hear what? This clearly wasn’t the answer Tazz was looking for, as he proceeds in just punching the worker in the face and throwing him to the floor. He then listens again, and gradually walks closer to the noise… [I]ssssssssss….. Taaaaaazzzzzz…. I’m waiting for you…[/I] He continues walking, gradually breathing louder and louder seemingly with anger. [I]I’m over here, Tazzzzzzzzz…[/I] [B]Tazz:[/B] Why don’t you come out here and face me like a man, you son of a bitch? [I]ssssss………Taaaaaaazzzzzz…. Come and get me Taaaaazzzzz…. I’ve been waiting for you….. sssssssssssss…..[/I] Eventually Tazz reaches a door and presses his ear against it, the voice seems to be coming form that room. Tazz steps back, curses, and kicks the door down before flying in the room to find… a tape recorder. Tazz throws it against the wall and starts stomping at it, before throwing it as far as he can down the hallway and letting out a vicious scream of anger. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sean Morgan once again is in front of the camera for a pre-recorded segment. [B]Sean Morgan:[/B] I suppose what I find most interesting about myself, aside from the obvious looks, personality and wicked sense of humour, is my wrestling ability. I can guarantee you that there has been and never will be a wrestler as talented as myself. Quite simply, I’m irreplaceable, and my good personal friend Vince McMahon knows that, hence why he has signed me to this lucrative 30 year contract, which I believe I the highest paid in entertainment history. And you personally get the chance to see what all the hype is about at the Survivor Series, courtesy of… The Future: Sean Morgan. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Funaki.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TakaMichinoku3.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Funaki w/Zukaya vs Taka Michinoku[/SIZE][/B] The orient comes to the WWF as two fantastic young athletes in Funaki and Taka Michinoku face off one on one, Funaki looking to continue the tide of good luck Zukaya have been riding since Hayashi won the Light-Heavyweight Title and Taka looking to gain revenge over just one of the men who have tried to make his life hell for the last few months. The action was fierce, fast and intense, as you would imagine from these two, but even though Zukaya tried to make their presence known throughout the match, Taka eventually put away Funaki with his patented Michinoku Driver. [B]Winner: Taka Michinoku in 9:21[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]Survivor Series Moments #4[/B][/SIZE] This Survivor Series moment comes from 1994 and from the WWF Title main event. Bob Backlund had returned to the company and was looking in mighty fine from, so much so that he wound up in a feud with then champion Bret Hart. The two warriors battled for 35 minutes, offering the fans one of the greatest WWF Title matches in history, right up until Owen Hart, now WWF Champion, interjected himself. He managed to convince his mother Helen to throw the towel in on Bret’s behalf, claiming to be worried about his well being. Helen Hart did and it cost her son the WWF Title, leaving Owen to leave a satisfied man at having screwed his brother. In fact, this could even be called the “Screwjob Before [I]The[/I] Screwjob”, and it was Bret’s own brother behind it.[/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Psicosis is backstage, when Chavo Guerrero and his Vato Loco’s burst in the door and over to him. [B]Chavo:[/B] Sup, homey, what’s going on? Just letting you know that I’ve come up for a new plan for you assez, I got a lil proposition. If you can beat my homey Reyes Rios Rodrigues next week on Raw homes, I’ll leave you alone forever. No more trying to fight you, no more trying to beat you, I’m done with you man. But if you lose, you become a member of the Vato Loco’s and become my own personal slave. What do you say to that, homes? [I]Psicosis just looks at him briefly, completely confused, until firing off at rapid speed.[/I] [B]Psicosis:[/B] Sí, ciertamente. Nada me daría placer más grande que tomando ese amigo pequeño suyo y patear su trasero de un lado de la arena al otro. ¡La semana próxima el gran Psicosis irá uno en uno con Reyes Rios Rodrigues y demostrará a usted, Chavo Guerrero Jr, que nadie puede parar la hacia arriba fortuna de Psicosis! [I]Chavo too looks confused, but turns to RRR who nods in approval.[/I] [B]Chavo:[/B] I’ll take that as a yes. See you next week. Chavo turns to leave, but as he does Essa Aguila and Rodrigues both attack Psicosis. It’s only brief, and it doesn’t do much damage, but the message is there. Chavo isn’t ready to be messed around anymore. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sable is backstage with Lance Storm, who is tending some of his injuries, when Bagwell walks in. [B]Bagwell:[/B] Good God, Storm, you look like an idiot. Sable, babe, I feel sorry for you. You should really be chillaxing with someone who knows how to handle himself, if you know what I mean… [B]Sable: [/B]Yeah, maybe you should “handle yourself”, if you know what I mean… [B]Bagwell:[/B] Maybe Bagwell will… maybe he will… Bagwell leaves as Storm and Sable curse his attitude while JR questions why Bagwell is suddenly hitting on every woman in the locker room, when suddenly Marc Mero bursts in and starts attacking Lance Storm, throwing him in to the walls and finally hitting him with the European Title belt. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]WWF Hardcore Title Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Sabu.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefTommy.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“The Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal” Sabu vs “Innovator Of Violence” Tommy Dreamer ©[/SIZE][/B] THIS is what hardcore is all about. Two men not afraid to put it all on the line for pride and perhaps the strangest title belt in the industry. JR questions what sort of mentality you require to be Hardcore Champion, to which King replies quite accurately “no mentality”. Whilst not as extreme as recent hardcore PPV encounters, relying somewhat more on the gimmicky side to the weapons based fighting, Sabu seems to have the match won when he Asai Moonsaults form the balcony in to the fans where Dreamer is standing, but rather than stay down Dreamer leaps to his feet and plants Sabu with a Death Valley Driver on a trash can placed on the concrete floor. [B]Winner and still WWF Hardcore Champion: Tommy Dreamer in 8:11[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dutch Mantell is backstage with “Braveheart” Dougie Williams and Taka Michinoku. [B]Dutch:[/B] Dougie, you made your debut at Capital Carnage and last week you teamed with Taka Michinoku to pick up your first win on Raw. What are your plans for the future? [B]Dougie: [/B]Aye, Dutchy, tha future looks rosey for Dougie Williams, dannae? It was a greet honar for me to work with someone like Taka Michinoku last week, but in mae future there is gonnae be notin’ but gold. The Braveheart has every intention of being the greetest Light-Heavyweight Champion of all time. [B]Dutch:[/B] And Taka, what are your plans now you have returned. [B]Taka: [/B]For me, I gain revenge on Zukaya. They take from me very much, so I take very much from them. I too want Light-Heavyweight Title. With that, Mike Quackenbush walks over. [B]Quack: [/B]Nameless Jobber is the hizouse! Dougie, firstly, wilkommen to Raw, great to have you here. And boy am I psyched that you want to be a part of the Light-Heavyweight Division, because talented wrestling never look so good! Taka, dude, with you coming back you just knows that Zukaya’s reign of terror will end before it really began. We have what it takes, what with me having the most impressive defeated streak in the WWF, and you… Suddenly, as if from nowhere, Zukaya run on to the screen and start attacking the Lightweights, using the numbers game to keep them down, before running away laughing like a pack of wild hyenas. Is there no stopping these thugs? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owen is still running around backstage, trying to find his belt. A backstage worker tells him he saw a title belt unattended outside, so he runs out to discover a cardboard cut out of tone Cold Steve Austin, with the title belt draped across it. When he gets closer, he also realises it has a huge “3:16” sprayed across the face of it. Owen starts to get red with fury, before ripping the cut out in half and storming back inside. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shawn Michaels and Triple H come down to the ring, Trips with microphone in hand. [B]Triple H: [/B]Are you ready? [I]The crowd pop[/I] [B]Triple H: [/B]I don’t think you heard me, Denver, I said ARE… YOU… READAY?! [I]The crowd explodes[/I] [B]Triple H:[/B] So… for the thousands in attendance, for the millions watching at home… and for the Outlaws, who are about to get their corporate asses kicked over the Rockies and back on the shelf where they belong… LLLLLLLLLLETS GET READY TO SUCK IIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTT! [B]Shawn: [/B]And oh, if you ‘aint down with that… we got two words for ya… [B]Crowd:[/B] SUCK IT! [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JesseJames1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/BillyGunn1998.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TripleH1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]The New Corporate Outlaws vs D-Generation X[/SIZE][/B] The Outlaws came in to this one all full of intensity, after months of having to sit it out and see their former partners getting all the headlines this is their chance to prove themselves to the world. Obviously fresher although possibly with signs of ring rust, they controlled much of the match, but with so much experience behind them, Michaels and Helmsley completely put behind all their troubles to eventually start working fluidly as the world class team they are. With Triple H taking control of Billy Gunn in the ring, he kneed him in the face and picked him up and planted him with a Pedigree! But as he went for the cover, Vince slid in behind the referees back and nailed him with a Steel Chair, taking him out. The crowd booed at the prospect of the cheap win for the outlaws, when suddenly ROB VAN DAM emerged form the crowd and majestically dived from the top rope, nailing Billy with a 5 Star Frog Splash. Mankind grabbed Vince’s leg as he tried to interfere, allowing Trips to nail another Pedigree for the win! [B]Winners: D-Generation X in 12:00[/B][/CENTER] Sensing an opportunity, Michaels, Hunter, Mankind and RVD cornered Vince in the ring, and then each began pummelling him. Mankind locked in the Socko Claw, before spinning a groggy Mr McMahon straight in to a Sweet Chin Music from HBK! RVD scaled the ropes in hopes of a 5 Star Frog Splash, but quickly leapt down as the rest of The Alliance; Owen, ‘Taker, Kane, Bradshaw, Faarooq, Finlay and Shane O’Mac sprinted down to the ring to help Vince. DX rolled away form the ring as they came, all four crotch chopping The Alliance as they tended to Vince McMahon. [B]JR:[/B] I don’t bah Gawd believe it! DX have just shown The Alliance that they aren’t adverse to a bit of gang warfare themselves and Rob Van Dam seems to be the newest member of Team DX! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The show takes a brief cool down as JR and The King run through the current line up for Survivor Series, which so far reads as… [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ssfinalza9.jpg[/IMG] [I](Thanks to Slim Jim for the poster)[/I] [B]Classic Survivor Series Match[/B] Team Alliance (Kane, The Undertaker, Billy Gunn, Road Dogg & ???) vs Team DX (Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Mankind, Rob Van Dam & ???) [B]WWF European Title[/B] “Marvellous” Marc Mero vs Lance Storm © w/Sable [B]WWF Intercontinental Title[/B] “Fighting Irishman” Finlay © vs “World Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock [I]And of course…[/I] [B]WWF Heavyweight Title[/B] “King Of Harts” Owen Hart © vs Stone Cold Steve Austin[/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The red carpet is laid in the ring and the table is in place- it must be time for the contract signing. “Enough Is Enough” reverberates throughout the arena as Owen Hart walks to the ring, his title still with “3:16” spray paint on, scowling alongside the furious Shane McMahon. The glass then shatters before anyone can say a word and the crowd erupts at the sight of the number one contender, Stone Cold Steve Austin. However, before he can salute the crowd he is backed in to a corner by Owen who has a microphone in his hand. [B]Owen: [/B]What the hell, Austin? You think that sh*t is funny? Look at my belt, it’s defecated with spray paint. Is that what the belt means to you, that you can scribble all over it like a child? ‘Cos let me tell you, I respect this belt far too much to want to defecate it like you did, you idiot. [B]Austin: [/B]You know what, you mealy mouthed son of a bitch, I didn’t find it funny, no. What I did happen to find funny was you whining and crying like a little baby when you thought you’d lost your precious belt. [B]Shane: [/B]Can we keep it civil, please, Mr Austin? [B]Austin: [/B]You wanna know why I spray painted your damn title, Owen? I was marking my territory. I see you walking about with it flung over your shoulder and I see you walking around with your head held high and it makes me sick. So I’m letting you know, here and now, that I’m signing this contract as a way of telling you that in 3 weeks time at the Survivor Series I’m gonna take that precious belt of yours and bring it home to where it belongs, and that’s with Stone Cold Steve Austin. Austin leans over and signs the contract. [B]Owen: [/B]You know what, Austin? I’m going to enjoy this so much. I’m going to the main event of Survivor Series with this belt and I’m going to gain revenge for everything you’ve done- the assault on Shane, the brutal attack on Vince, the attacks on poor, defenceless Brisco and Patterson, and just the general way you have tried to drag the rest of this company down to your disgusting, bottom feeding, foul mouthed, heavy drinking, bad influence ways. He too signs the contract. [B] Shane: [/B]So it is settled. I have it here in writing that at Survivor Series the WWF Title will be on the ring in this very ring between Owen Hart… and Stone Cold Steve Austin! The crowd pops. [B]Shane:[/B] But that’s not all. You see, last week was supposed to be a great night. It was the first ever Raw Is War broadcast outside North America and it was the first ever Owen Hart Appreciation night. We were supposed to be celebrating the title reign and successful title defence at Capital Carnage of Owen Hart. I placed very strict orders that not a person would interrupt that closing ceremony. But instead, Mr Austin you chose to drive to the ring and take out the entire Alliance. [B]Austin: [/B]If you’re looking for an apology you know where you can stick it, Vince, ‘cos I’d do it all over again if I got the chance. [B]Shane: [/B]Oh no, I've learned my lesson there. I’ve decided that if my rules, my guidance, hell, even my physicality can not stop you from being a destructive influence on my company I have been left with no choice. Officers! The crowd start booing as two policemen walk down to the ring in full combat gear, seemingly prepared for a fight. [B]Shane: [/B]I want this man arrested! I want him arrested for trespassing an event he was not only not invited to, but he was barred from the building for; I want him arrested for speeding on his way to the ring; and best of all I want him arrested on eight accounts of assault on The Alliance! Arrest this man now, damn it! The crowd crap all over this as the policemen go to Austin, who at first resists a little, but then allows the coppers to handcuff both his hands behind his back. Austin mouths profanities at McMahon as he is escorted from the ring, only for Owen Hart to hit him on the back of the head with the title belt! Owen starts laying the boots in on the former champion, only for the police officers to join in! They peel off their protective clothing to reveal themselves as the Acolytes as the rest of The Alliance pour in to the ring, beating down on Austin as he lies on the mat. Even Shane nails him a few times with some stiff shots to the head! Eventually the Outlaws drag him off the mat and throw him to the Kane and Undertaker, who lift him up high above the ring while Owen climbs to the top rope. The Acolytes and Finlay reposition the table so Kane, ‘Taker and Owen combine to send the still handcuffed Rattlesnake through the contract table! With Austin out, Owen grabs a microphone and lies right by him, right in his face with a microphone. [B]Owen:[/B] Austin! Your days at the top are numbered! At Survivor Series you will become another name on the list of people who can not beat Owen Hart! I will… will… WILL… remain the champion. And there’s not a damn thing you can do to stop me! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]QUICK RESULTS[/B] Finlay def Ken Shamrock to retain the WWF Intercontinental Title The Rock def Jeff Jarrett Edge & Christian def Acolytes to retain the WWF Tag Team Titles Taka Michinoku def Funaki Tommy Dreamer def Sabu to retain the WWF Hardcore Title D-Generation X def New Corporate Outlaws
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That was a sick ending to the show, dude. Loved it. There's a number of things I love about your shows that IMO make you the best booker on this forum; [LIST] [*]The way you utilise the roster. Everyone who is booked has a purpose, it's what a prime time wrestling show should be in that you know why a person is fighting... No matches really appaer to be just cobbled together for the hell of it [*]Every match you put out it's impossible to clearly decide who to tip. Because every match you put together you've given us a reason why one or the other could and should win. I don't quite know how you manage to do it to be honest, it's something I sit back and admire and I try and take as many tips off your booking style as possible to improve myself [/LIST] Keep it going mate, you are the king of this forum.
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Well, you asked for constructive criticism... and now I need to follow that? Uh... honestly, the only thing I didn't like was the fact that Vince was present for the final segment. I mean, he took socko, sweet chin music and a 5 star, and yet he was still back for the contract signing? I know he's the genetic jackhammer, but is he superhuman now too?! :p Maybe Shane could have handled the contract in his absence, or if Vince HAD to be there, Shane could have taken the beatdown? Apart from that I liked the show. Sorry, I'm not really good at criticism. I'm a lover not a hater. I felt I'd owed you something but nit picking is all I would be doing if I went further. I'm looking forward to Surivor Series, but I vaguely remember a youtube video of the Outlaws in suits as members of the Corporation, only for them to turn back to DX later on. Could we see something like that? But then again, Rocky could join DX (as I remember reading he did briefly earlier in the thread) to then turn and join the Alliance. Who knows? Anyway, I tried man. I'll try comment after the next show, provided I get there before Tristram does! :p
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[QUOTE]SPONSERED BY… DAWSON’S CREEK We’re not a typical teen drama because we use long words[/QUOTE] lol, this is so true! Err ... I mean ... I never watched Dawson's Creek, and haven't the foggiest who Pacey is ... dammit! Seriously, though, Keef, I can't put it any better than Trist already has. Some matches, I think I have a solid idea for, and you hit me with this unexpected twist that I never would've seen coming, and it completely keeps me off edge (in a good way.) Aside from my personally missing Dusty, because he amused me no end, I can't point out a single thing where I can find a flaw. The story ebbs and flows so sisinctly, your roster is diverse, and you do an awesome job of showcasing that, and no one is wasted. It's all incredibly well done. Oh, and Taz 4 Champ, darnit! :p
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[QUOTE=tristram;544955]That was a sick ending to the show, dude. Loved it. There's a number of things I love about your shows that IMO make you the best booker on this forum; [LIST] [*]The way you utilise the roster. Everyone who is booked has a purpose, it's what a prime time wrestling show should be in that you know why a person is fighting... No matches really appaer to be just cobbled together for the hell of it [*]Every match you put out it's impossible to clearly decide who to tip. Because every match you put together you've given us a reason why one or the other could and should win. I don't quite know how you manage to do it to be honest, it's something I sit back and admire and I try and take as many tips off your booking style as possible to improve myself [/LIST] Keep it going mate, you are the king of this forum.[/QUOTE] While I don't agree with that last assessment, I appreciate the sentiment and it is always a greta pleasure in hearing people talk about you that way. I'm glad you like my booking style, I tend to write plans way in to the future and try to maximise everyones use. [QUOTE=iMac;545123]Well, you asked for constructive criticism... and now I need to follow that? Uh... honestly, the only thing I didn't like was the fact that Vince was present for the final segment. I mean, he took socko, sweet chin music and a 5 star, and yet he was still back for the contract signing? I know he's the genetic jackhammer, but is he superhuman now too?! :p Maybe Shane could have handled the contract in his absence, or if Vince HAD to be there, Shane could have taken the beatdown? Apart from that I liked the show. Sorry, I'm not really good at criticism. I'm a lover not a hater. I felt I'd owed you something but nit picking is all I would be doing if I went further. I'm looking forward to Surivor Series, but I vaguely remember a youtube video of the Outlaws in suits as members of the Corporation, only for them to turn back to DX later on. Could we see something like that? But then again, Rocky could join DX (as I remember reading he did briefly earlier in the thread) to then turn and join the Alliance. Who knows? Anyway, I tried man. I'll try comment after the next show, provided I get there before Tristram does! :p[/QUOTE] I'll be honest, the whole contract signing was written before the previous segment and I didn't check on it. I'm going to edit it now, amateur mistake on my behalf there. And I like that you're not sure where I'm going. Being aware of Outlaws and Rocky turns from around this era I did specifically use that to try and stir it up. But then again, I may choose to just not do anything with it. But the important thing for me with the Outlaws was to keep them involved in the top of the card whilst still affecting DX, whether it be by trying to split them up or bringing them closer together... [QUOTE=Prophet;545128]lol, this is so true! Err ... I mean ... I never watched Dawson's Creek, and haven't the foggiest who Pacey is ... dammit! Seriously, though, Keef, I can't put it any better than Trist already has. Some matches, I think I have a solid idea for, and you hit me with this unexpected twist that I never would've seen coming, and it completely keeps me off edge (in a good way.) Aside from my personally missing Dusty, because he amused me no end, I can't point out a single thing where I can find a flaw. The story ebbs and flows so sisinctly, your roster is diverse, and you do an awesome job of showcasing that, and no one is wasted. It's all incredibly well done. Oh, and Taz 4 Champ, darnit! :p[/QUOTE] No worries bout the Dawsons Creek thing man, there's a reason why I know they use long words... :o Thanks for the compliment about the booking. Like I say, I have a decent roster but each of them has a role to play. I like everybody having a role because it gives them something to go with and a purpose for being there. I personally like the Psicosis vs Vato Loco and Zukaya vs Light-Heavyweights storyline because I like them having direction which the smaller guys sometimes missed in the Fed/E. Thanks again for the feedback. [QUOTE=rjhabeeb;545135]exactly[/QUOTE] Thanks man. I love that you're still reading after all this time and I'm glad you enjoy it. Hopefully that continues for a while yet. Thanks to all for the feedback, it's really great to see what people think and that people are still enjoying it.
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  • 2 weeks later...
From wwf.com... [CENTER][QUOTE][IMG]http://www.mikemooneyham.com/pages/binarydata/ross-jim01.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Century Gothic"][B][SIZE="6"]Ross Report[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="4"]Howdy folks and welcome to the latest edition of the Ross Report! There are plenty of thoughts cooking under the Black Resistol hat this month so like a good plate of BBQ ribs I won’t waste time and dive straight in[/SIZE] [LIST] [*][FONT="Century Gothic"]We’re just a few short weeks shy of the 12th annual Survivor Series and I for one can’t wait. The fans in St Louis are guaranteed to be red hot and I think the fans are in for a treat. And of course, it wouldn’t be Survivor Series without an element of controversy, would it?![/FONT] [*][FONT="Century Gothic"]I can’t tell you how happy I am to see Steve Austin finally getting his shot at the WWF Title. It’s no secret me and Steve are buddies but if you put that aside and admire the character, determination and ability of the Texas Rattlesnake you have admit he 100% deserves a chance to win the title back. I’ve spoken to him and he assures me he’s damn well ready to become a two time champion.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Century Gothic"]I can’t help but be proud of Owen Hart. He may not have always acted in a manner befitting of a champion, and I’m sure his daddy has ticked him off a few times over the last year, but there can be no doubt that in the ring he has earned his WWF Championship. His performance in the London Dungeon will be talked about for years to come and hopefully now he’s seen he doesn’t need to resort to cheating to win matches because God knows he has the ability to be one of the greatest champions of all time.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Century Gothic"]Speaking of Capital Carnage, I’m really pleased for Lance Storm that he’s won the European Title. The guy is absolutely loaded with potential and is a sight to behold in the ring, but Lord knows potential doesn’t pay for the groceries. However, if he continues wins like that he might just go on to become the next big thing from Canada.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Century Gothic"]What’s going on with Kane & The Undertaker at the moment? Just a couple of months ago I was talking about how they could be the most dominant team in history and now they can’t buy a win. Whatever the issues are, I’m sure both men know a win at Survivor Series is an absolute must for them right now.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Century Gothic"]I hope The Rock uses his brain and doesn’t side with The Alliance for the Series. The Rock may well be the most exciting guy on the roster right now and he is a born entertainer. Hopefully he will realise he doesn’t need The Alliance to continue his ascent to the top and maybe if he chooses DX we could see the first cracks appear in The Alliance, which can only be good for the WWF.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Century Gothic"]Is anyone else sick of all this Future Sean Morgan stuff? My sources tell me he’s a heck of a talent but why he can’t cut the BS and get in the ring to show us what he can do I don’t know. If he doesn’t do it soon he may find his mouth is writing cheques his body can’t cash and the queue to face him may be longer than Triple H’s nose. He seems to have a good vocabulary, but maybe he’ll then be introduced to the term “slobberknocker”.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Century Gothic"]I’ve been really impressed with Dougie Williams since he debuted. The Scotsman is a fantastic wrestler and his presence in the Light-heavyweight division can only be a good thing for the company and those of us who love fluid, technical wrestling. And maybe he can be the one to finally teach those petty thugs in Zukaya a lesson.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Century Gothic"]Congratulations to Finlay on capturing the Intercontinental Title. He is two dollar steak tough and you don’t go undefeated for that long without having ability, and there are few men who can say they have beaten Shamrock. I do get the feeling, however, that now Shamrock has his Anklelock submission hold back it may not be quite so simple when they meet again.[/FONT] [/LIST] [*][FONT="Century Gothic"]Finally, I just want to give a quick shout out to guy who has really impressed me over the last few months. Bradshaw may be part of a team right now but the rate he is kicking ass and taking names is astonishing. He reminds me of a young Stan Hansen, not only due to the Texas connection but the way both of them just love a brawl. I get the feeling we may be seeing more of Bradshaw in the near future.[/FONT] [/LIST] That’s all for this week. Don’t forget to say your prayers and count your blessings, and I’ll see you all this Monday for Raw Is War! All the best [B][I][SIZE="7"]JR[/SIZE][/I][/B] (Boomer Sooner!)[/FONT] [/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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Did it! Yes, finally, I have got caught up with this diary. Keef, you deserve all the plaudits coming your way for this - it's one of the most realistic portrayals of Attitude-era WWF I've read in a very long time. It's such a shame that you had to ditch the game itself, as the only thing missing is the updates on how badly WCW were booking :p That said, I'd love to see you bring in a few WCW guys at some point. Goldberg is the obvious one, but Booker T and Eddie Guerrero are characters I'm sure you could do justice too. Anyway, there's a lot I could comment on but that would take forever, so I'll just say that it's been a tremendous read and I hope to see more of it as I'm now among the crowd anticipating your next update :D
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  • 2 weeks later...
[QUOTE=James Casey;553947]Did it! Yes, finally, I have got caught up with this diary. Keef, you deserve all the plaudits coming your way for this - it's one of the most realistic portrayals of Attitude-era WWF I've read in a very long time. It's such a shame that you had to ditch the game itself, as the only thing missing is the updates on how badly WCW were booking :p That said, I'd love to see you bring in a few WCW guys at some point. Goldberg is the obvious one, but Booker T and Eddie Guerrero are characters I'm sure you could do justice too. Anyway, there's a lot I could comment on but that would take forever, so I'll just say that it's been a tremendous read and I hope to see more of it as I'm now among the crowd anticipating your next update :D[/QUOTE] Hey, thanks very much for the feedback, it is really appreciated, especially as you have taken the time to read it from the start I'm glad you are enjoying it and thanks for the feedback into WCW. Just as a little update, I've been very busy lately and in my free time I'm tending to prefer to play my WCW 91 game (which I have considered putting in to diary format at some point) rather than doing this. FMTA isn't dead, when things slow down and I start to get bored of the WCW game I'll post more regularly. Cheers guys, hope everyone is well and had a good Christmas/New Year. :)
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Finally! I felt like I should post something in here... Keef, I'm still new to this forum, but as I was waiting for my account to be activated, this was the only diary I read, and I loved it. From start to finish(which, yes, I did read), there were hardly any dull moments. My biggest disappointment was finding out the WCW results wouldn't continue, but it happens. I also love the way you portray Goldust, it made me laugh on more then one occasion! Please keep this up, it makes me want to start my own diary(Which I may start soon). Edit: I see James Casey missed WCW updates, too. Didn't mean to parrot him!
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