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[Death of the Territories] The Dunvegan Dynasty (MACW)

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[B][U]Wednesday, Week 4, November 1983[/U][/B] I signed Bill Watts, Grizzly Smith, and Tom Renesto to Exclusive P.P.A. contracts. All three will be working backstage, with Watts also wrestling on occasion to help improve upon the skills of my roster. The three of them will be replacing Dory Funk Jr., Gene Anderson, and Paul Jones on my booking team. Jim Crockett Jr. will obviously retain his position on the team, as will George Scott. [SIZE="3"][B]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] Wednesday, Week 4, November 1983 Held in the Civic Center in Greenwood, South Carolina [FONT="Courier New"] [SIZE="3"][B][U]PRE-SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]Jerry Brisco defeated Steve Keirn in 4:46 by submission after blatantly cheating.[/B] *The announcing job done by Jim Crockett Jr. was pretty weak. *The announcing quality wasn't up to the same standard as the match. [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B]Ron Bass defeated Gene Anderson in 4:31 by pinfall with a Texas Gourdbuster.[/B] [I]Rating: C-[/I] [B]MIKE ROTUNDO PROMO[/B] *Mike Rotundo cuts a promo hyping up his skills. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: D-[/I] [SIZE="3"][B][U]MAIN SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]JERRY LAWLER'S OPEN CHALLENGE[/B] *Jerry Lawler comes out and hypes himself, CWA, and his CWA Southern Heavyweight Title *Claiming that he is more of a professional and better in the ring than anyone the NWA has to offer, Lawler issues an open challenge for his championship [I]Length: 6 Mintues Rating: C+[/I] [B]DOUG DUNVEGAN ANSWERS![/B] *Doug Dunvegan comes out and tells Jerry Lawler to stop whining *Dunvegan then accepts Lawler's open challenge [I]Length: 1 Minute Rating: C+[/I] [B][MATCH 1] CWA SOUTHERN HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT Jerry "The King" Lawler (c) v Doug Dunvegan[/B] *Doug Dunvegan used his boxing expertise to get an early advantage *Jerry Lawler showed his wrestling experience to be greater than Dunvegan's boxing experience, and prevented Dunvegan's every attempt to win the match *Jerry Lawler defeated Doug Dunvegan in 9:47 by pinfall with a Piledriver. Jerry Lawler makes defence number 1 of his CWA Southern Heavyweight title. [I]Rating: C-[/I] [B]TENSION BETWEEN FLAIR AND LAWLER[/B] *Ric Flair comes down to the ring after the match is over *Jerry Lawler stares Flair down, and neither man gives an inch *Flair tells Lawler that his time will come soon enough, and that he plans to get the match signed after his match with Junkyard Dog for the North American Heavyweight Title *Lawler says he refuses to let Flair or the NWA pack up CWA's legacy and put it in the attic like some ancient relic *Flair laughs and states that CWA is, in fact, an ancient relic before leaving [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B][MATCH 2] Bob Roop v "Cowboy" Bob Orton[/B] *This was another decent showcase of technical wrestling *Bob Roop fared much better than Rick Hunter against Cowboy Bob Orton, but still had difficulty dealing with the dirty tricks *Roop almost made Orton submit, but Orton used brass knuckles to knock Roop off him; referee Stu Schwartz did not see the foreign object, despite the pleas of Paul Jones *Bob Roop and Paul Jones are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *Cowboy Bob Orton defeated Bob Roop in 12:46 by pinfall with a handful of tights. [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B]SLATER & ORTON PROMO[/B] *Dick Slater and Cowboy Bob Orton basically come out to hype themselves, claim they are the best wrestlers in the world other than Harley Race, and put down the fans *Slater and Orton claim to be unbeatable as a team, and say they may soon go after the NWA World Tag Team Titles *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B[/I] [B][MATCH 3: MAIN EVENT] SOUTHEAST TELEVISION TITLE BOUT Terry Funk v Paul Orndorff (c)[/B] *This match was a brawl from the start, with Terry Funk clobbering Paul Orndorff early on *Orndorff went to the outside and led T. Funk on a chase, eventually catching him off-guard and stomping him down *Referee Tommy Young got knocked down at one point, and Orndorff brought a chair in to use on T. Funk *T. Funk shrugged off several chair shots, took it away from Orndorff, and laid him out with it for a near-fall *Orndorff took T. Funk outside the ring and gave him piledriver on the floor, but even that was not quite enough to finish the job just yet *Paul Orndorff defeated Terry Funk in 15:55 by pinfall by using underhanded tactics. Paul Orndorff makes defence number 4 of his Southeast Television title. [I]Rating: C+[/I] [SIZE="3"][B]FINAL RATING: C+[/B][/SIZE] [/FONT] [QUOTE=Doug Dunvegan]I think it is fairly obvious that the terrible announcing by Jim Crockett Jr. and David Crockett is dragging down the product. I thought they could handle the less important show, but I was mistaken. Starting next week, Bob Caudle and Gene Okerlund will be taking over the announcing on Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling.[/QUOTE]
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World Championship Wrestling Rating: 2.98 [I](ESPN)[/I] Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling Rating: 2.34 [I](U.S. Syndication Medium II)[/I] [B]MACW in Your Town![/B] Friday, Week 4, November 1983 Standard weekly house show fare here. This week we are in the South West region where Roop & Hunter will challenge Steamboat & Youngblood for the NWA World Tag Team Titles while Nick Bockwinkel (AWA) challenges Ric Flair for the NWA World Heavyweight Title. During the event, Nick Bockwinkel cut a fantastic promo in which he hyped himself and the AWA as well as the upcoming championship bout. (A* Rating for the Hype angle involving Nick Bockwinkel and Ric Flair) In addition, after their nearly perfect match, Ric Flair had a phenomenal interview himself with Gene Okerlund. (A* Rating for the Hype angle involving Ric Flair and Gene Okerlund)
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November 1983 End of Month Report Well, we lost money overall this month, but that was to be expected after shelling out $2,000,000 to buy out CWA and MSW. Ignoring that rather large chunk, it was a very profitable month! Oh, and on an interesting side note, my sources tell me UWA has actually climbed out of the financial hole it was in, at least for now. JPUK, SECW, and SWCW, however, are still in trouble . . . [CODE] PPV Revenue: $ 596,200 Ticket Sales: $1,664,064 Sponsors: $ 171,760 Merchandise: $ 377,600 Workers: -$ 546,936 Show Costs: -$ 358,000 Marketing: -$ 25,000 Merchandise: -$ 225,740 Production: -$ 88,000 Misc.: -$2,740,533 ======================== Performance: -$1,174,585 Cash: $1,918,907 [/CODE]
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[B][U]December 1983 News:[/U][/B] Owen Hart Enters Wrestling NJPW Gladiators To Debut (Fridays at 12:00 on Nippon TV) AJPW Showcase To Debut (Mondays at 11:00 on Nippon TV) UWA Televisión To Debut (Mondays at 12:00 on TV Mexico North) G.L.O.W.: The Weekly Show To Debut (Tuesdays at 12:00 on TV Local - South West) HCW Retribution To Debut (Tuesdays at 12:00 on TV Local - Mid West) [B][U]Monday, Week 1, December 1983[/U][/B] My first order of business was to finalize the release of Austin Idol. His not showing up to his first scheduled appearance for MACW was inexcusable, so as many have no doubt figured out, I spent the last week using him to put over my less over wrestlers. With that, his time in MACW comes to an end. Unfortunately, there are more releases to come . . . Dick Slater is currently on thin ice, showing up late to our last show and getting fined for it. [i](Discipline Level 2, Strike 2 for Dick Slater)[/i] I also made offers to buy out with SECW and SWCW, and I hope that they accept the offers. It would be fairly expensive, of course, but I feel that it would be well worth the money to save both promotions. Lastly, it is time for contract negotiations for several of my workers. I have made offers to Wahoo McDaniel, The Great Kabuki, and Tony Schiavone. Stu Schwartz and Masanubo Fuchi, however, will not be getting offered contract extensions. [B]WWF News[/B] Invader 2 defeated Sika for the WWF Intercontinental title
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[SIZE="3"][B]World Championship Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 1, December 1983 Held in the Civic Center in Asheville, North Carolina [FONT="Courier New"] [SIZE="3"][B][U]PRE-SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]Asesinos de Infierno defeated The Hollywood Blondes in 5:20 when The Assassin defeated Eric Embry by submission with an Assassin Hammerlock.[/B] *El Satanico looked good out there. *El Satanico is improving in Flying skills. [I]Rating: C[/I] [B]Jack Brisco defeated Mark Youngblood in 4:34 by submission with a Figure-Four.[/B] *The announcing job done by Jim Crockett Jr. was pretty weak. *The announcing quality wasn't up to the same standard as the match. [I]Rating: C[/I] [B]CHAMPION PROMO[/B] *Ric Flair cuts a promo hyping up his glorius reign as champion in the promotion. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A[/I] [SIZE="3"][B][U]MAIN SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]ANOTHER OPEN CHALLENGE[/B] *Jerry Lawler is in the ring with a microphone *Lawler issues another open challenge for his CWA Southern Heavyweight Title, holding up the belt with pride [I]Length: 1 Minute Rating: B-[/I] [B]KING KONG BUNDY ANSWERS[/B] *King Kong Bundy makes his way down to the ring *Bundy says Lawler is an obnoxious piece of garbage and that he accepts the challenge, happy to have an opporunity to shut Lawler's mouth [I]Length: 1 Minute Rating: C-[/I] [B][MATCH 1] CWA SOUTHERN HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT Jerry "The King" Lawler (c) v King Kong Bundy[/B] *King Kong Bundy took control early by overpowering Jerry Lawler *Lawler escaped Bundy and headed to the outside of the ring, forcing Bundy to pursue him *Lawler kept turning and getting in cheap shots, then slid back into the ring, only to slide back out the opposite side when Bundy got back in *Lawler continued forcing Bundy to chase him around by taunting him and hitting the cheap shots *Bundy was eventually worn down, and Lawler moved in for the win, taking him down at the knees [I]*Jerry Lawler defeated King Kong Bundy in 8:08 by pinfall with a Flying Fist Drop. Jerry Lawler makes defence number 2 of his CWA Southern Heavyweight title.[/I] [I]Rating: C[/I] [B]BATTLEBOWL MATCH #1 ANNOUNCED[/B] *It was announced that Rick Hunter and Chris Markoff would be facing Bob Roop and Ivan Koloff at BattleBowl *Backstage, Roop & Hunter were visibly annoyed by their dumb luck of being forced to get involved with The Comrades again [I]Length: 1 Minutes Rating: C-[/I] [B]BATTLEBOWL MATCH #2 ANNOUNCED[/B] *It was then announced that The Bass Brothers (Ron Bass and Don Bass) actually managed to get drawn as partners to face Southeast Television Champion Paul Orndorff and Terry Funk *Orndorff and T. Funk were both pretty upset by their draw [I]Length: 1 Minute Rating: C+[/I] [B][MATCH 2] "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes, Wahoo McDaniel, and Steve Keirn v Doug Dunvegan, Mike Rotundo, and Steve Wright[/B] *Doug Dunvegan and Steve Keirn started things off *Keirn showed great teamwork with Wahoo McDaniel once again, and along with Dusty Rhodes, were able to completely out-class their opponents *Near the end of the match, Keirn trapped Steve Wright in the ring after knocking Mike Rotundo to the floor *Dunvegan tried to make a save, but was cut off by Rhodes [I]*Dusty Rhodes, Wahoo McDaniel and Steve Keirn defeated Doug Dunvegan, Mike Rotundo and Steve Wright in 11:09 when Steve Keirn defeated Steve Wright by submission with a Boston Crab.[/I] *Dusty Rhodes looked good out there. *Wahoo McDaniel looked good out there. *Steve Keirn is improving in Technical skills. [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B]RACE, SLATER, AND ORTON ATTACK![/B] *After the match, Keirn and Dunvegan were tossed out of the ring by Dick Slater and Cowboy Bob Orton *Harley Race joined Slater & Orton in the ring, and the three mercilessly beat down Dusty Rhodes and Wahoo McDaniel *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B[/I] [B]BATTLEBOWL MATCH #3 ANNOUNCED[/B] *It was announced that Greg "The Hammer" Valentine would be teamed with Doug Dunvegan against Slater & Orton (Dick Slater and Cowboy Bob Orton), who were lucky enough to be kept together in the draw *After the announcement, Slater & Orton celebrated backstage with Harley Race, who looked pleased [I]Length: 1 Minute Rating: B-[/I] [B][MATCH 3] Jerry Brisco v Nick Bockwinkel[/B] *Jerry Brisco looked disturbed going into this match, his hair disheveled and his shirt on backward; this did not phase Nick Bockwinkel, who considered this business as usual *Brisco did well enough on the mat with Bockwinkel, but was overwhelmed by his opponent's superior knowledge and expertise *Brisco took it to the outside and tried to use a chair, but Bockwinkel ducked, causing Brisco to hit the ring post and give his hands some painful vibration; Bockwinkel laid into Brisco and threw him back into the ring [I]*Nick Bockwinkel defeated Jerry Brisco in 18:17 by pinfall with a Piledriver.[/I] *Jerry Brisco and Nick Bockwinkel don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B[/I] [B]BATTLEBOWL MATCH #4 ANNOUNCED[/B] *The next announcement came in; Ricky Steamboat and Mr. Wrestling II would be taking on Nick Bockwinkel and "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes *The final match would depend on the outcome of tonight's main event; naturally, the NWA World Heavyweight Champion would not be involved in the tournament, so only the loser would be placed in a match [I]Length: 1 Minute Rating: A[/I] [B]MAIN EVENT HYPE[/B] *At the podium, Bob Caudle hyped the upcoming main event that would see North American Heavyweight Champion Junkyard Dog against NWA World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair in a Title Unification Match [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: B[/I] [B]JERRY BRISCO SNAPS![/B] *Bob Caudle and Tony Schiavone interrupt things to say something is going on backstage *We cut to the locker room where Jerry Brisco has snapped and is assaulting Rick Rude *Brisco beats Rude down, slams him face-first into the lockers several times, then stuffs him inside one of the lockers and slams the door shut *Facing the camera, Brisco has a wild look in his eyes; shortly thereafter, he butts the camera with his head, shutting down the feed *Caudle and Schiavone are shocked and have no idea what has happened to Brisco [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: C-[/I] [B][MATCH 4: MAIN EVENT] NORTH AMERICAN HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT TITLE UNIFICATION MATCH Junkyard Dog (c) v "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair (c)[/B] *Jerry Lawler joined Bob Caudle and Tony Schiavone at the podium to do commentary *Junkyard Dog and Ric Flair shook hands before the bell *The two locked up, and JYD quickly pushed Flair into the corner, hammering him *Flair took JYD to the mat and wrestled him down, though JYD fought hard to avoid this fate *JYD got a second wind about ten minutes into the match and took the fight to Flair, knocking him down and ramming him several times with his head *Flair reversed an Irish whip and caught JYD with a drop toe hold to turn the match around [I]*Ric Flair defeated Junkyard Dog in 15:11 by submission with a Figure-Four. Ric Flair wins the North American Heavyweight title. Ric Flair makes defence number 3 of his NWA World Heavyweight title.[/I] *Ric Flair came out of the match looking good. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B[/I] [B]BATTLEBOWL MATCH #5 ANNOUNCED[/B] *The final draw was complete: Junkyard Dog would be teaming with Jay Youngblood against Harley Race and Tully Blanchard [I]Length: 1 Minute Rating: B[/I] [B]THE KING MAKES HIS MOVE[/B] *After the match is over, an angry Jerry Lawler hits the ring and smashes Ric Flair with the CWA Southern Heavyweight Title belt *Lawler kicks and stomps Flair before picking him up *Jerry Lawler executes the Piledriver on Ric Flair! *Lawler spits on the NWA World Heavyweight Title belt, then holds his own championship high as the fans boo him out of the building *Jerry Lawler performed poorly in this segment. *Ric Flair looked good. *This segment lifted the crowd. *Jerry Lawler's heel turn was a complete disaster. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A[/I] [B]A ROYAL DECREE[/B] *Jerry Lawler gets on the mic and says the CWA Southern Heavyweight Title is the only championship that matters in his eyes because it represented the legacy of the greatest wrestling company in all of history *Lawler proclaimed that he was no longer just the King of Memphis Wrestling, but the King of All Wrestling *Lawler said he would make Ric Flair's life a living hell as long as anyone tried to book a Title Unification Match between them [I]Length: 3 minutes Rating: A[/I] [B]MR. MONROE BOOKS THE MATCH![/B] *Sputnik Monroe comes out and confronts Jerry Lawler *Mr. Monroe pushes Lawler away and then announces that there was nothing Lawler could do to stop the unification of the CWA Southern Heavyweight Title and the NWA World Heavyweight Title *He then says the match would be happening next week on World Championship Wrestling, much to Lawler's chagrin *Lawler shook his head while saying "This ain't over, Monroe! You haven't won yet, and you won't!" [I]Length: 3 Minutes Rating: C+[/I] [SIZE="3"][B]FINAL RATING: B+[/B][/SIZE] [/FONT] [QUOTE=Doug Dunvegan]I was disappointed when I realized that Jerry Lawler's heel turn bombed so badly. Is he just not over enough with the MACW crowd? Is he so much of a fan favorite that the fans can not believe him as a heel? It is surely a mystery to me. Still, my plans will not be hindered by this. I will get Lawler over as a heel by whatever means necessary![/QUOTE]
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[B][U]Tuesday, Week 1, December 1983[/U][/B] Unfortunately, SECW and SWCW both rejected my offers to buy them out. I hope they do not hold out too long, otherwise they will be filing for bankruptcy and their legacies will be gone forever. I did come to terms with Magic Dragon on his release from MACW. A couple of less positive notes are to be had, though. First, Cowboy Bob Orton was late to the show last night. [I](Discipline Level 2, Strike 3 for Cowboy Bob Orton)[/I] I am not sure what to do, though; given his rather big role in one of my major storylines, the situation looks impossible. Still, if I let him slide now, he will think he can always get away with this as long as he has a role in a major storyline. I will have to ponder his fate . . . Anyway, second, Jerry Lawler picked up a minor injury at last night's show, a Baker's cyst. No idea what that is, but at least it is not serious . . .
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That's a shame you didn't get a good ingame reaction from this heel turn as you handled it perfectly. Booker like you did, it would have drawn a monstruous heel reaction from the crowd back in the days. I'm curious to know what happened to poor Jerry Briscoe.
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[QUOTE=MrOnu;241800]That's a shame you didn't get a good ingame reaction from this heel turn as you handled it perfectly. Booker like you did, it would have drawn a monstruous heel reaction from the crowd back in the days. I'm curious to know what happened to poor Jerry Briscoe.[/QUOTE] Ironic that despite the turn disaster and despite both the feud heat and Lawler's momentum dropping all the way down to "E", his turn segment and his promo immediately thereafter both got "A" ratings, eh? Unfortunately, now I have to recover his momentum in order to have an effective feud between him and Flair. If I can't pull it off in short order, or if they have bad chemistry as opponents, the feud will have to come to a premature end. Should be an interesting challenge!
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[SIZE="3"][B]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] Wednesday, Week 1, December 1983 Held in the Winthrop Coliseum in Rock Hills, South Carolina [FONT="Courier New"] [SIZE="3"][B][U]PRE-SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]The Comrades defeated The Kelly Twins in 5:23 when Ivan Koloff defeated Mike Kelly by submission with an Inverted Backbreaker.[/B] *Ivan Koloff seemed off his game tonight. *Comrade Dink did some good work at ringside. *Ivan Koloff and Comrade Dink are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *Ivan Koloff came out of the match looking good. *Chris Markoff is improving in Rumble skills. [I]Rating: D+[/I] [B]Gene Anderson defeated Mark Youngblood in 5:13 by pinfall with a Cross Armbreaker.[/B] *The colour commentary gave the match a boost. *This match brought the crowd's mood down. [I]Rating: D-[/I] [B]JERRY LAWLER PROMO[/B] *Jerry Lawler cuts a promo hyping up his skills. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: C-[/I] [SIZE="3"][B][U]MAIN SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]RACE AND SLATER REMOVED![/B] *As the show opens, we see Harley Race and Dick Slater in the locker room *Greg Valentine and Gene Kiniski suddenly show up and beat Race and Slater down *Race and Slater are left unconscious in the locker room *Cowboy Bob Orton shows up and looks worried, not knowing what has transpired *Gene Kiniski performed poorly in this segment. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B-[/I] [B]LAWLER'S OPEN CHALLENGE[/B] *Jerry Lawler comes out and hypes himself, CWA, and his CWA Southern Heavyweight Title once again *Lawler again claims to be the King of All Wrestling and issues an open challenge, but refused to put his championship on the line for the Mid Atlantic fans [I]Length: 6 Mintues Rating: C+[/I] [B]MOONDOG REX ANSWERS[/B] *Moondog Rex comes down to the ring and accepted Jerry Lawler's open challenge [I]Length: 1 Minute Rating: C-[/I] [B][MATCH 1] Jerry "The King" Lawler v Moondog Rex[/B] *This was a rather lackluster match which saw Moondog Rex get completely schooled by Jerry Lawler *Rex got some offensive in, preventing Lawler from dominating, but the winner was clear from pretty early on *[I]Jerry Lawler defeated Moondog Rex in 7:32 by pinfall with a Flying Fist Drop.[/I] *Jerry Lawler was slowed by injury somewhat. *Moondog Rex is improving in Flying skills. [I]Rating: D+[/I] [B][MATCH 2] Doug Dunvegan v "Cowboy" Bob Orton[/B] *This match was absolutely fantastic, a real mat-based brawl between Doug Dunvegan and Cowboy Bob Orton *Greg Valentine joined Bob Caudle and Gene Okerlund at the podium for commentary *Orton was on top of his game tonight and took Dunvegan to the mat to stop his evasive tactics *Dunvegan managed to work fairly well on the mat and escaped, hammered Orton into a corner *Orton reached into his bag of tricks in an attempt to screw Dunvegan over, but Valentine refused to let it happen and knocked out referee Stu Schwartz from behind *Valentine took a chair to Orton, and then Valentine and Dunvegan double-teamed Orton, giving him a taste of his own medicine *Dunvegan gave Orton an uppercut, and then Valentine hit a DDT on the chair *Valentine revived the referee as Dunvegan covered Orton *[I]Doug Dunvegan defeated Cowboy Bob Orton in 9:42 by pinfall following interference from Greg Valentine.[/I] *Doug Dunvegan and Cowboy Bob Orton have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: A[/I] [B]VALENTINE AND DUNVEGAN TAKE OUT ORTON[/B] *After the match, Doug Dunvegan and Greg Valentine continue to assault Cowboy Bob Orton in the ring *Doug Dunvegan executes the Iron Fist on Cowboy Bob Orton! *Valentine then gives Orton a piledriver on the chair, then tossed him out of the ring and gives him a piledriver on the concrete floor *Medics arrive as Valentine and Dunvegan leave to cheers from the crowd [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: C+[/I] [B]ORTON INJURED![/B] *Bob Caudle announces that he has been informed that Cowboy Bob Orton suffered a very serious injury at the hands of Greg Valentine and Doug Dunvegan and will likely be sidelined for quite some time [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: C+[/I] [B][MATCH 3: MAIN EVENT] SOUTHEAST TELEVISION TITLE BOUT Terry Funk v Paul Orndorff (c)[/B] *Terry Funk was very angry coming into this match and took the fight to Paul Orndorff *Orndorff successfully countered much of T. Funk's arsenal, but was eventually overwhelmed *Orndorff came back after a low blow, but got warned by referee Tommy Young *Orndorff tried to expose the turnbuckle, but was stopped by the referee *T. Funk had time to recover and went after Orndorff, slamming his head on the turnbuckle several times *T. Funk went for the Texas Piledriver, but Orndorff countered with a backdrop and rolled out of the ring *Orndorff taunted T. Funk as he walked out *[I]Terry Funk defeated Paul Orndorff in 13:54 by count out.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B+[/I] [B]FUNK WARNS ORNDORFF[/B] *Terry Funk gets on the mic and swears that he will take the Southeast Television Title away from Paul Orndorff *T. Funk taunts Orndorff, calling him a chicken for walking out on the match to keep the gold *T. Funk gets a lot of love from the fans as he hypes himself as the next Southeast Television Champion [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A[/I] [SIZE="3"][B]FINAL RATING: B-[/B][/SIZE] [/FONT]
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[B][U]Thursday, Week 1, December 1983[/U][/B] In case anyone is wondering about Cowboy Bob Orton's "injury", it is indeed a work. In reality, he has been suspended for one month as punishment for his repeatedly being late to shows. This, of course, means I have to find a replacement for him for BattleBowl. I have not yet decided whether or not I will be using a regular from my roster or outside talent. [B]AWA News[/B] Mike Graham defeated Steve O for the AWA World Light Heavyweight title [B][U]Friday, Week 1, December 1983[/U][/B] I successfully extended Tony Schiavone's contract, now as an Exclusive P.P.A. deal. I then made an offer to extend George Scott's contract. Several MACW workers also renewed their contracts with other promotions. Gene Okerlund extended his deal with the AWA, King Kong Bundy extended his deal with WCCW, Eric Embry extended his deal with SWCW, and Dusty Rhodes extended his deal with CWF. [B]GCW News[/B] Paul Orndorff defeated Larry Zbyszko for the National Heavyweight title [B]MACW in Your Town![/B] Friday, Week 1, December 1983 Standard weekly house show fare here. This week we are in the Mid South region where JYD & Mr. Wrestling II will challenge Steamboat & Youngblood for the NWA World Tag Team Titles while Tully Blanchard (SWCW) challenges Ric Flair for the NWA World Heavyweight Title. During the event, Tully Blanchard cut an awesome promo in which he hyped himself and the upcoming championship bout. (A* Rating for the Hype angle involving Tully Blanchard and {Ric Flair}) In addition, after their nearly perfect match, Ric Flair had a phenomenal interview himself with Gene Okerlund. (A* Rating for the Hype angle involving Ric Flair and Gene Okerlund)
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[B][U]Saturday, Week 1, December 1983[/U][/B] I successfully extended the contracts of both The Great Kabuki and Wahoo McDaniel today. I then made an offer to extend Gary Hart's contract. Several MACW workers also renewed their contracts with other promotions. Gary Hart extended his deal with WCCW, Ron Bass extended his deal with CWF, and El Satanico extended his deal with CMLL. [B]Other News[/B] WCCW Rise To Cult Size [CODE] [B]The Popularity Race[/B] MACW WWF AWA GCW WCCW [Great Lakes ]: [COLOR="Yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] [Mid Atlantic]: [COLOR="Green"]B-[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C [/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR] [Mid South ]: [COLOR="yellow"]C-[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [Mid West ]: [COLOR="yellow"]C-[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C-[/COLOR] [New England ]: [COLOR="DarkRed"]D+[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR] [North West ]: [COLOR="yellow"]C-[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR] [South East ]: [COLOR="yellow"]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR] [South West ]: [COLOR="yellow"]C-[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkred"]D-[/COLOR] [Tri State ]: [COLOR="darkred"]D+[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR] [Puerto Rico ]: [COLOR="darkred"]D+[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C-[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C-[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]E-[/COLOR] [/CODE] [B]WCCW CHAMPIONS[/B] WCCW AMERICAN HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION: KING KONG BUNDY WCCW AMERICAN TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS: KERRY & MIKE VON ERICH (KERRY VON ERICH AND MIKE VON ERICH) WCCW SIX MAN TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS: KERRY VON ERICH, DAVID VON ERICH, AND KEVIN VON ERICH WCCW TEXAS HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION: MICHAEL HAYES WCCW TELEVISION CHAMPION: KERRY VON ERICH [B][U]Sunday, Week 1, December 1983[/U][/B] The only business I dealt with today was the release of Moondog Rex. In other news, Cowboy Bob Orton signed a short term deal with AJPW. [CODE] [B]The TV Ratings Race[/B] [Monday] GCW In Your House U.S. Syndication Big I 3.04 [Tuesday] AWA Battering Ram ESPN 3.51 [Wednesday] World Championship Wrestling ESPN 3.17 [Thursday] [Friday] AWA All-Star Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small II 6.00 Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling U.S. Syndication Medium II 2.45 WCCW: The Edge TV Local - Mid South 0.47 [Saturday] George Championship Wrestling TBS 10.16 [Sunday] WWF Championship Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small I 6.26 World Class Wrestling TV Local - Mid South 0.63 [/CODE]
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[SIZE="3"][B]World Championship Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 2, December 1983 Held in the Ernest W. Spangler Stadium in Boiling Springs, North Carolina [FONT="Courier New"] [SIZE="3"][B][U]PRE-SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]Mike Rotundo defeated King Kong Bundy in 4:49 by pinfall with an Airplane Spin.[/B] *The colour commentary gave the match a boost. [I]Rating: C[/I] [B]Jack Brisco defeated Steve Wright in 5:20 by submission with a Figure-Four.[/B] *The announcing job done by Jim Crockett Jr. was pretty weak. *The announcing quality wasn't up to the same standard as the match. [I]Rating: C[/I] [B]CHAMPION PROMO[/B] *Ric Flair cuts a promo hyping up his glorius reign as champion in the promotion. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A[/I] [SIZE="3"][B][U]MAIN SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B][MATCH 1] NWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE BOUT The Hollywood Blondes (Eric Embry and Ken Timbs) v Steamboat & Youngblood (Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood) (c)[/B] *Jay Youngblood and Ken Timbs started the match; Youngblood worked well with Ricky Steamboat, making quick tags and not allowing Timbs any offense *Timbs eventually tagged in Eric Embry, who fought well enough against Steamboat and then Youngblood *Steamboat and Youngblood started wearing down Embry, who made a hot tag to Timbs *Timbs was destroyed by Youngblood at that point *[I]Steamboat & Youngblood defeated The Hollywood Blondes in 9:34 when Jay Youngblood defeated Ken Timbs by pinfall with a Flying Tomahawk Chop. Steamboat & Youngblood make defence number 13 of their NWA World Tag Team titles.[/I] *Ricky Steamboat looked excellent out there. *The performance of Jay Youngblood stood out as being good. *Ken Timbs is improving in Rumble skills. [I]Rating: C-[/I] [B]BRISCO STRIKES AGAIN[/B] *Mark Youngblood was getting a drink backstage when Jerry Brisco came out of nowhere and laid him out *Brisco had a wild look in his eyes once again, and he finished off the attack by giving M. Youngblood what appeared to be an atomic wedgie [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: C[/I] [B][MATCH 2] "The New Living Legend" Larry Zbyszko v "Playboy" Buddy Rose[/B] *This match would determine Cowboy Bob Orton's replacement for BattleBowl *Zbyszko was hated enough to get the crowd cheering for Playboy Buddy Rose *Rose tried and failed to brawl with Zbyszko, who took him to the mat and schooled him *Zbyszko wore Rose down on the mat, and though Rose fought hard, he was unable to get back into the match *After a lengthy mat-based brawl, Zbyszko went for the kill and earned his spot at BattleBowl *[I]Larry Zbyszko defeated Playboy Buddy Rose in 12:46 by pinfall with a Shoulder Breaker.[/I] [I]Rating: B-[/I] [B]LARRY ZBYSZKO BATTLEBOWL ENTRY CONFIRMED[/B] *After the match, Bob Caudle and Tony Schiavone confirmed that "The New Living Legend" Larry Zbyszko would be teaming with "Dirty" Dick Slater against Greg "The Hammer" Valentine and Doug Dunvegan at BattleBowl [I]Length: 1 Minute Rating: B-[/I] [B]RACE AND SLATER ASSAULT KINISKI![/B] *Gene Kiniski, who had apparently found Mark Youngblood, was leaving the scene *As Kiniski headed for the locker room, he was ambushed and laid out by Harley Race and Dick Slater [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B[/I] [B][MATCH 3] UNITED STATES HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT Doug Dunvegan v Greg "The Hammer" Valentine (c)[/B] *This looked to be an excellent match from the start, and Doug Dunvegan and Greg Valentine shook hands before the bell *After locking up and both trying to get position, Valtentine laid into Dunvegan, backing him into a corner *Dunvegan took everything Valentine had to give and then some, coming back out of the corner and pounding him *The two brawled back and forth for a time, but then Harley Race and Dick Slater came to ringside *Valentine whipped Dunvegan into the ropes, but Slater pulled down the top rope, causing Dunvegan to fall to the floor; Race and Slater were warned by referee Stu Schwartz *Race started arguing with the referee and Valentine, and Slater stomped Dunvegan into the floor *Shortly thereafter, Dunvegan climbed back into the ring, only to see Race punch Valentine with a roll of quarters and lay him out *[I]Greg Valentine defeated Doug Dunvegan in 14:57 when Doug Dunvegan was disqualified when Harley Race ran in and attacked Greg Valentine. During the match we also had Dick Slater run in and attack Dunvegan. Greg Valentine makes defence number 7 of his United States Heavyweight title.[/I] *The performance of Greg Valentine stood out as being good. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B-[/I] [B]RIC FLAIR PROMISES VITORY[/B] *Ric Flair cuts a promo against Jerry Lawler, telling him the CWA is history and that there was no way he could stop this title unification match from happening *Flair promised victory and promised to shut Lawler's mouth once and for all [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B]MAIN EVENT HYPE[/B] *At the podium, Bob Caudle hyped the upcoming main event that would see CWA Southern Heavyweight Champion Junkyard Dog against NWA World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair in a Title Unification Match [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: B[/I] [B][MATCH 4: MAIN EVENT] CWA SOUTHERN HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT TITLE UNIFICATION MATCH Jerry "The King" Lawler (c) v "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair (c)[/B] *Jerry Lawler was visibly upset by this match as Ric Flair grinned; Lawler eventually smiled, though, and pointed to his head *The two locked up, and while Flair almost took Lawler to the mat, Lawler turned it around with a European uppercut *Bob Caudle and Tony Schiavone mentioned that even if Lawler won, the championships would be unified, just with Lawler as World Heavyweight Champion *Lawler and Flair brawled on the floor, and Lawler eventually tossed Flair through the podium, getting a warning from referee Tommy Young *Lawler continued fighting outside the ring, but Flair eventually turned the match around in his favor and dragged Lawler back to the ring *Flair put Lawler in the Figure-Four, but Lawler reached the ropes *Flair took control of the match from that point, though Lawler refused to go down without a fight *Lawler clotheslined Flair over the top rope and to the floor, but the referee stopped him from going out after him *Flair got back in the ring, only to fall victim to the Piledriver from Lawler *It looked over, but Lawler shook his head and grabbed a chair from ringside; Lawler then gave Flair the Piledriver on the chair, which caused the referee to call for the bell *[I]Ric Flair defeated Jerry Lawler in 16:55 by disqualification. Ric Flair makes defence number 5 of his NWA World Heavyweight title.[/I] *Jerry Lawler was slowed by injury somewhat. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: A[/I] [B]MR. MONROE BOOKS REMATCH AT BATTLEBOWL[/B] *Sputnik Monroe, livid, comes out with a mic *Jerry Lawler is laughing as he thinks he has won, but Mr. Monroe tells him he will have the last laugh and books a rematch between Lawler and Ric Flair for BattleBowl [I]Length: 3 Minutes Rating: B-[/I] [B]...AND THERE IS NO ESCAPE![/B] *Jerry Lawler laughs some more and points to his head again *Sputnik Monroe chuckles and says Lawler is not as smart as he thinks he is *Mr. Monroe then adds the stipulation to the rematch that the championships may be unified even in the case of a countout or disqualification *Lawler is angry and swears that Mr. Monroe will pay for crossing the King of All Wrestling [I]Length: 3 Minutes Rating: B-[/I] [SIZE="3"][B]FINAL RATING: B[/B][/SIZE] [/FONT]
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[B][U]Wednesday, Week 2, December 1983[/U][/B] I successfully extended the contracts of both Gary Hart (with a Pay-Per-Appearance deal) and George Scott (with an Exclusive P.P.A. deal) today. Also, Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling will be live on Friday this week due to BattleBowl taking place on Thursday, as was the case last month with Starrcade.
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BattleBowl [SIZE="3"][B]BattleBowl[/B][/SIZE] Thursday, Week 2, December 1983 LIVE from the Mid-South Coliseum in Memphis, Tennessee [FONT="Courier New"] [SIZE="3"][B][U]PRE-SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]Gene Anderson defeated Masanobu Fuchi in 5:08 by pinfall with a Cross Armbreaker.[/B] *Gary Hart did some good work at ringside. [I]Rating: D-[/I] [B]Bill Watts defeated Rick Rude in 5:10 by pinfall with an Oklahoma Stampede.[/B] *Bill Watts was really off his game tonight. *Bill Watts looked good out there. [I]Rating: D[/I] [B]CHAMPION PROMO[/B] *Ric Flair cuts a promo hyping up his glorius reign as champion in the promotion. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A[/I] [SIZE="3"][B][U]MAIN SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]JERRY BRISCO ASSAULTS STEVE WRIGHT...[/B] *Steve Wright is sitting in the locker room reading a newspaper when Jerry Brisco ambushes him and *Brisco tosses Wright out the door and throws him into a wall before beating him down mercilessly *Brisco laughs like a maniac as he runs off *Jerry Brisco looked good. *Steve Wright underperformed. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: D+[/I] [B]...AND GETS KICKED OUT OF THE BUILDING![/B] *Sputnik Monroe, with a team of security guards, hunts down Jerry Brisco and confronts him *Mr. Monroe says he will not allow Brisco to ruin the pay-per-view and has him removed from the buildin *Security guards drag Brisco away as he kicks and screams; Mr. Monroe sighs in frustration [I]Length: 5 Minutes Rating: C[/I] [B][MATCH 1] Rick Hunter and Chris Markoff v Bob Roop and Ivan Koloff[/B] *Rick Hunter and Bob Roop started things off with a handshake *Hunter and Roop wrestled a clean match against each other, but things were spoiled when Chris Markoff tagged himself in and rammed Roop's head right into Hunter's *Ivan Koloff entered the ring, and he and Markoff double-teamed Roop and Hunter *Markoff tagged Hunter back in, and Koloff tagged himself in *Koloff beat Hunter down badly, then threw Roop out of the ring to prevent him from interfering; the end came when Koloff distracted referee Pee Wee Anderson while Markoff laid Hunter out with a chair *[I]Bob Roop and Ivan Koloff defeated Rick Hunter and Chris Markoff in 7:42 when Ivan Koloff defeated Rick Hunter by submission after a turn by Chris Markoff.[/I] *Comrade Dink did some good work at ringside. [I]Rating: C[/I] [B][MATCH 2] The Bass Brothers (Ron Bass and Don Bass) v Paul Orndorff and Terry Funk[/B] *The Bass Brothers worked very well as a team, but despite their hatred for one another or perhaps because of it, Paul Orndorff and Terry Funk were an even better team *T. Funk had to keep Orndorff in line, but was aggravated by Ron Bass and Don Bass playing dirty in their attempts to win *T. Funk and Orndorff came to blows several times, giving The Bass Brothers plenty of openings, but they were not able to capitalize *[I]Paul Orndorff and Terry Funk defeated The Bass Brothers in 9:56 when Paul Orndorff defeated Don Bass by pinfall with a Piledriver.[/I] *Don Bass has now switched to a Cowboy gimmick. The change was far too soon after his last one. *Don Bass has now switched to a Cowboy gimmick. The change was far too soon after his last one. *Paul Orndorff looked good out there. *This match lifted the crowd. *Paul Orndorff is improving in Technical skills. [I]Rating: B[/I] [B]THE KING DENOUNCES THE NWA[/B] *Jerry Lawler puts down the NWA, calling them bullies for taking over the various territories *Lawler says the NWA is no better than the WWF and that he will not allow them to take away the last remaining piece of CWA's soul *Lawler swears that he will somehow keep the CWA Southern Heavyweight Title alive and still show Ric Flair that he is the King of All Wrestling *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A*[/I] [B][MATCH 3] Greg "The Hammer" Valentine and Doug Dunvegan v "Dirty" Dick Slater and "The New Living Legend" Larry Zbyszko[/B] *Greg Valentine and Doug Dunvegan worked fairly well as a team here *Valentine and Dunvegan isolated Larry Zbyszko early on, but Zbyszko used his superior mat skills to escape and tag in Dick Slater *Slater backed Dunvegan into a corner and hammered him; when referee Tommy Young tried to separate them, Slater laid him out with a lariat *All hell broke loose at that point, and Zbyszko brought a pair of chairs into the ring for him and Slater to use *Valentine and Dunvegan fought back valiantly and disarmed their opponents, but did not see Harley Race come to ringside *Race gave Valentine a Piledriver on the floor as Slater and Zbyszko double-teamed Dunvegan *Dunvegan fought out of it with a series of well-placed punches, but Race entered the ring and laid him out before rousing the referee *[I]Dick Slater and Larry Zbyszko defeated Greg Valentine and Doug Dunvegan in 10:39 when Dick Slater defeated Doug Dunvegan by pinfall following interference from Harley Race.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. *Greg Valentine is improving in Technical skills. [I]Rating: B+[/I] [B][MATCH 4] Ricky Steamboat and Mr. Wrestling II v Nick Bockwinkel and "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes[/B] *Ricky Steamboat and Nick Bockwinkel started the match and shook hands *Steamboat and Bockwinkel put on a wrestling clinic for a good quarter of the match, going back and forth with neither man able to get a solid advantage *Bockwinkel tagged in Dusty Rhodes, and Steamboat was able to get the upper-hand *Steamboat and Mr. Wrestling II tried double-teaming Rhodes, but their timing was off and their communication was terrible. *Rhodes isolated Mr. Wrestling II in his team's corner, and he and Bockwinkel wore him down fairly easily *Mr. Wrestling II eventually escaped Bockwinkel's grasp and made a hot tag to Steamboat, who cleaned house *Steamboat clotheslined Rhodes over the top rope and to the floor, then finally gained an advantage over Bockwinkel *[I]Ricky Steamboat and Mr. Wrestling II defeated Nick Bockwinkel and Dusty Rhodes in 12:50 when Ricky Steamboat defeated Nick Bockwinkel by pinfall with a Flying Bodypress.[/I] [I]Rating: B-[/I] [B]THE NATURE BOY WANTS REVENGE[/B] *Ric Flair rants on Jerry Lawler, saying that he will make him pay for the piledrivers *Flair says he has had multiple migraines since the assault, but that they do not compare to what he has in store for Lawler *Flair plans to humiliate Lawler in front of his hometown crowd and put an end to CWA once and for all *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A*[/I] [B][MATCH 5] Junkyard Dog and Jay Youngblood v Harley Race and Tully Blanchard[/B] *Junkyard Dog and Harley Race started out with JYD thinking he could out-brawl the former World Heavyweight Champion *Race out-classed JYD and brought him to his team's corner where he and Tully Blanchard double-teamed him *This match was fairly straightforward, as Race and Blanchard were noticably superior to their opponents *JYD took everything Race and Blanchard could dish out and then some, and eventually made the tag to Jay Youngblood *J. Youngblood fought off Blanchard, but then was nailed from behind by Race with brass knuckles; referee Stu Schwartz did not see the foreign object *[I]Harley Race and Tully Blanchard defeated Junkyard Dog and Jay Youngblood in 11:46 when Harley Race defeated Jay Youngblood by pinfall after using a foreign object.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B+[/I] [B]SPUTNIK MONROE ANNOUNCES THE FINAL BATTLEBOWL LINEUP[/B] *Sputnik Monroe comes down to the ring and announces the participants for the upcoming BattleBowl battle royale: Bob Roop, Ivan Koloff, Paul Orndorff, Terry Funk, Dick Slater, Larry Zbyszko, Ricky Steamboat, Mr. Wrestling II, Harley Race, and Tully Blanchard *The winner of BattleBowl would get a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship in the main event of Superbrawl in January [I]Length: 1 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B]BOB CAUDLE HYPES THE AWA CHAMPIONSHIP BOUT[/B] *Bob Caudle hypes the upcoming title unification match between AWA International Champion Steve Keirn and AWA World Heavyweight Champion Wahoo McDaniel *Caudle reminds the viewers that this match was part of a working agreement between the NWA and the AWA [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: B[/I] [B][MATCH 6] AWA INTERNATIONAL TITLE BOUT AWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT TITLE UNIFICATION MATCH Steve Keirn (c) v Wahoo McDaniel (c)[/B] *Steve Keirn shook the hand of Wahoo McDaniel before the two locked up *This was an excellent mat-based brawl; Keirn tried to get Wahoo off his feet, but was unable to get the upper-hand *Wahoo Took the fight to Keirn and hammered him into the mat *Keirn fought back and escaped, pushing Wahoo back into a corner, but Wahoo came out firing some wicked chops *Keirn ducks a clothesline attempt by Wahoo and took his legs out from under him, but this did not even come close to finishing Wahoo off *Wahoo gained the advantage and laid out Keirn as the crowd erupted in cheers *[I]Wahoo McDaniel defeated Steve Keirn in 16:25 by pinfall with a Chop. Wahoo McDaniel wins the AWA International title.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: A[/I] [B]GENE OKERLUND INTERVIEWS WAHOO MCDANIEL[/B] *Wahoo has both the AWA International and AWA World Heavyweight tiel belts, one over each shoulder, as he is interviewed by Gene Okerlund *Wahoo praises Steve Keirn as a worthy and honorable opponent *Wahoo hypes himself and plugs the AWA, adding that both the AWA and the NWA are great organizations *Wahoo thanks Sputnik Monroe and Jim Crockett Jr. for allowing this match and working together with the AWA *Gene Okerlund looked lost out there. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B[/I] [B]BATTLEBOWL HYPE[/B] *Bob Caudle hypes the upcoming battle royale, discussing the issues of several of the participants and reminding the viewers that the winner gets a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship at Superbrawl [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B][MATCH 7] BATTLEBOWL BATTLE ROYALE Featuring: Bob Roop, Ivan Koloff, Paul Orndorff, Terry Funk, Dick Slater, Larry Zbyszko, Ricky Steamboat, Mr. Wrestling II, Harley Race, and Tully Blanchard[/B] *Ric Flair took Gene Okerlund's spot at the podium to provide commentary on this match and to get the first look at the next top contender *Several existing rivalries continued during this match, with Bob Roop fighting Ivan Koloff and Paul Orndorff and Terry Funk laying into each other hard *Harley Race, Dick Slater, Tully Blanchard, and Larry Zbyszko worked together during most of the match *Koloff was the first to go, eliminated by Roop *Mr. Wrestling II was eliminated by Race, Slater, Blanchard, and Zbyszko *Orndorff and T. Funk were eliminated at the same time by Race, Slater, Blanchard, and Zbyszko *Blanchard turned on Race and Slater, trying to eliminate them, but was eliminated himself *Ricky Steamboat eliminated Zbyszko after some excellent mat wrestling between the two *Steamboat and Roop worked together against Race and Slater, but were overwhelmed *Steamboat and Slater eventually tumbled out of the ring together while brawling with each other *Roop tried to wrestle Race down, but was hammered and then kicked and stomped; Race made short work of Roop at that point and was booed out of the building as he smiled and pointed to Flair at the podium *[I]Harley Race won a battle royal in 25:40. The final four competitors also included Bob Roop, Dick Slater and Ricky Steamboat, with Bob Roop being the final elimination.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. *Larry Zbyszko is improving in Technical skills. *Paul Orndorff is improving in Rumble skills. [I]Rating: A*[/I] [B]TONY SCHIAVONE INTERVIEWS HARLEY RACE[/B] *Harley Race is all smiles as he is interviewed by Tony Schiavone *Race says he warned Ric Flair that things had not been settled, and that this was just the beginning of his revenge *Race then tells Flair that he should enjoy his time as World Heavyweight Champion because, come Superbrawl, he would be an 8 time World Heavyweight Champion *Bobby Heenan helped Race during this segment. *Tony Schiavone did not come out of this looking good. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B]MAIN EVENT HYPE[/B] *Bob Caudle hypes the upcoming title unification match between CWA Southern Heavyweight Champion Jerry "The King" lawler and NWA World Heavyweight Champion "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair *Caudle goes over the Lawler's history since coming to MACW and says that this is the end of the line for CWA *Caudle reminds the viewers that, in this match, the championships can change hands on a countout or disqualification, seemingly leaving Lawler with no outs [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: B+[/I][/FONT] [QUOTE][CENTER] [SIZE="3"][B][MAIN EVENT][/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa5/TrueAnubis1980/Championships/CWASouthernHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa5/TrueAnubis1980/Championships/NWAWorldHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa5/TrueAnubis1980/JerryLawler.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa5/TrueAnubis1980/VS.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa5/TrueAnubis1980/RicFlair.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER][/QUOTE] [size=3]CWA SOUTHERN HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT Title Unification Match where Championships may change hands by Countout or Disqualification:[/size] [B]Jerry "The King" Lawler (c) v "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair (c)[/B] Harley Race took Gene Okerlund's spot at the podium here in order to scout the competition. The match started out somewhat slow, with Jerry Lawler refusing to lock up with Ric Flair. Flair eventually tried to force the issue and got knocked back by a European uppercut by Lawler. Lawler backed Flair into the corner at that point and gave him a stiff series of punches to the stomach as the Memphis fans cheered him on. Lawler laughed at Flair and gave him a chop, but this only fueled Flair's rage, and he came out of the corner with a series of chops of his own. Flair then took Lawler down with a knee breaker and started working Lawler's legs over. Flair caught Lawler's leg on the bottom rope and slammed it several times, and Lawler eventually rolled out to the floor. Flair gave chase, and Lawler ran him all the way around the ring before rolling back inside. Flair followed Lawler into the ring, but Lawler rolled back out of the ring. Flair refused to give chase this time, instead opting to reach over the rope and grab Lawler by the hair. Lawler was dragged up the ring steps, and Flair gave him a vertical suplex back into the ring. Flair went to the top rope at that point and tried for a flying kneedrop, but Lawler rolled out of the way. Lawler got back up and started stomping Flair into the mat. Flair eventually grabbed Lawler by the legs and brought him down, though, climbing on top of him and hammering him with a series of stiff punches. Lawler managed to fight Flair off after several minutes, but plenty of damage had been done. As Lawler got up, Flair took his leg out from under him from behind by clipping his ankle. Flair went for the Figure-Four, but Lawler kicked him off. Flair came off the ropes, and Lawler gave him a low blow, earning a warning from referee Tommy Young. Lawler laughed it off and covered Flair, pulling his shoulder up at two. Lawler pulled Flair to his feet, but Flair got some revenge by giving Lawler a mule kick between the legs, which also got him booed by the fans in Memphis. Flair went for the pin, but only got a two-count. Flair hit a knee drop to Lawler's head and covered him again for another near-fall. Flair now pulled Lawler up and gave him another knee breaker. Flair looks around, goes "Woooooo!" and gives the signal for the Figure-Four as he gets booed out of the building. Ric Flair executes the Figure-Four on Jerry Lawler! Lawler struggles to fight the pain. Lawler's shoulders are on the mat, referee Tommy Young counts: one, two, shoulder up. Lawlers tries and fails to turn the hold over. Lawler reaches for the ropes, but does not reach them. Lawler's shoulders are on the mat, referee Tommy Young counts: one, two, shoulder up. Referee Tommy Young asks Lawler if he gives up; Lawler shakes his head. Lawler reaches the ropes after 2 minutes in the hold. Lawler rolls to the outside of the ring as Harley Race makes his way to ringside. The referee is distracted with trying to get Lawler back into the ring as Race grabs a chair, enters the ring, and lays out Flair. Race rolls out of the ring and grins. Lawler gets back into the ring, and the referee has no idea why Flair is down. The referee starts counting Flair out anyway, but Lawler stops him by pulling Flair up and whipping him into the corner. Race is aggravated by Lawler's not taking the win and grabs the chair again. Lawler pushes the referee aside and stomps Flair into the corner, and Race enters the ring. Lawler sees Race coming, though, and knowing what he is planning, stuns him with a running punch to the stomach, causing Race to drop the chair. Lawler then gives Race a DDT on the chair to the delight of the crowd. Lawler rolls Race out of the ring and tosses the chair, and Flair nails him from behind with a forearm from the second turnbuckle. Flair goes for the pin, but Lawler kicks out at one. Flair tries to give Lawler a vertical suplex, but Lawler reverses it. Lawler then gives Flair a flying fist drop, and the crowd erupts. Jerry Lawler executes the Piledriver on Ric Flair! Lawler looks around for a moment, seeing that he may well have Flair beat. Lawler puts on a big act of being out of breath, bending over. Lawler then stumbles backward over Flair, acting as if he is passed out, and covers Flair while making sure his own shoulders are on the mat as well. Referee Tommy Young sees Flair's shoulders on the mat as well as Lawler's and makes the count: one . . . two . . . three! The crowd erupts in cheers as it is announced that the match is a draw by way of a double pinfall! Lawler rolls away, gets to his knees, and grins as the fans cheer him on. We cut to the back where Sputnik Monroe, who was watching the match on a monitor, roars in anger and tosses the monitor against the wall, shattering it. Lawler has out-smarted him yet again! [B]Jerry Lawler drew with Ric Flair in 22:49 by way of a double pinfall. During the match we also saw Harley Race run in and attack Flair, and do the same to Lawler. Jerry Lawler makes defence number 3 of his CWA Southern Heavyweight title. Ric Flair makes defence number 6 of his NWA World Heavyweight title. Rating: A[/B] *Jerry Lawler was slowed by injury somewhat. *This match lifted the crowd. [SIZE="3"][B]FINAL RATING: B+[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE=Anubis]I decided that, in order to improve the quality of the diary, I would write up pay-per-view main events the same as I would a supershow. I am lucky I was able to put such effort into it, though, given my being upset with the unfair treatment I have been getting around here with trolls voting my diary's rating down. If Arlie Rahn does not take my suggestion, I may have to register a dozen or two alts and vote my diary's rating up to where it should be, though I hope I am not forced to take such extreme measures. An alternative, of course, would be if well-wishers who see my plight would be willing to vote my diary's rating up for me, not just out of fairness for the diary itself, but also to send a message to the trolls that their actions will not be tolerated. For those of you who decide to help out, I give you my thanks.[/QUOTE]
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Damn you Lawler, damn you ! A great show and I can't wait to see the faces comebacks as I think most of the heels got the upper hands tonight. It's probably not going to happen soon, but the AWA unification bout would have been a good way to set-up a unification with the NWA title. Wahoo vs Flair, that's golden as we saw in a touring show recently.
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[QUOTE=MrOnu;243941]Damn you Lawler, damn you ! A great show and I can't wait to see the faces comebacks as I think most of the heels got the upper hands tonight. It's probably not going to happen soon, but the AWA unification bout would have been a good way to set-up a unification with the NWA title. Wahoo vs Flair, that's golden as we saw in a touring show recently.[/QUOTE] Thanks! I am really loving the feud between Lawler and Flair, and I'm really glad they didn't have bad chemistry otherwise I would've had to end it here. As for the AWA, yeah, I'm not sure if that'll ever happen since they are very profitable and doing very well. The whole AWA thing was because I felt kinda silly having one of the AWA belts; since I made a working agreement with them and Wahoo McDaniel is already on my roster, I decided to "fake it". On another note, I would like to thank anyone who has helped vote the diary's rating up to combat those who would try to bring me down. I know mine isn't the best, not trying to be anyway, so I know I don't deserve five stars. I do consider three stars to be a fair rating, though, at least for now. So once again, thank you!
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[B][U]Friday, Week 2, December 1983[/U][/B] The only news here is that I have decided for certain that I will not be renewing Masanobu Fuchi's contract. I had been toying with the idea despite originally planning to let his contract expire, but there simply is no room on the roster for him. [B]GCW News[/B] Ronnie Garvin defeated Les Thornton for the National Television title
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[SIZE="3"][B]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] Friday, Week 2, December 1983 LIVE from Riley Park in Sumter, South Carolina [FONT="Courier New"] [SIZE="3"][B][U]PRE-SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]Asesinos de Infierno defeated The Kelly Twins in 5:08 when The Assassin defeated Mike Kelly by pinfall with a Running Powerslam.[/B] *The performance of The Assassin stood out as being good. *Mike Kelly is improving in Performance skills. [I]Rating: C[/I] [B]Doug Dunvegan defeated Paul Jones in 4:37 by pinfall with an Iron Fist.[/B] *The announcing job done by Jim Crockett Jr. was pretty weak. *The announcing quality wasn't up to the same standard as the match. [I]Rating: C[/I] [B]THE COMRADES PROMO[/B] *The Comrades cut a promo hyping themselves. *Comrade Dink helped Koloff during this segment. *Ivan Koloff and Comrade Dink are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *Comrade Dink helped Markoff during this segment. *Chris Markoff is developing better performance skills. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: C+[/I] [SIZE="3"][B][U]MAIN SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B][MATCH 1] Mark Youngblood v Jerry "The King" Lawler[/B] *Jerry Lawler barely took this match seriously until Mark Youngblood got an advantage part of the way into the match *Once he was motivated, Lawler made short work of M. Youngblood and made an example out of him *[I]Jerry Lawler defeated Mark Youngblood in 5:40 by pinfall with a Piledriver.[/I] *Jerry Lawler was slowed by injury somewhat. [I]Rating: C[/I] [B]MR. MONROE LAYS DOWN THE LAW[/B] *Sputnik Monroe comes out to the podium and talks about how he is sick and tired of Jerry Lawler playing dirty in order to prevent a title unification match *Mr. Monroe says that he has booked yet another rematch between Lawler and Ric Flair, for World Championship Wrestling *This match would see championships able to change hands on countout or disqualification, with the winner being decided by the NWA Board of Directors in the event of a draw [I]Length: 4 Minutes Rating: B-[/I] [B]LAWLER TAUNTS FLAIR AND MONROE[/B] *Jerry Lawler comes out and makes fun of Mr. Monroe, belittling him for resorting to abusing his authority in order to force a title unification match *Lawler says that once he beats Ric Flair, the NWA World Heavyweight Title will instead be absorbed by the CWA Southern Heavyweight Title [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: C[/I] [B][MATCH 2] SOUTHEAST TELEVISION TITLE BOUT Terry Funk v Paul Orndorff (c)[/B] *Paul Orndorff at first refused to get into the ring with Terry Funk *T. Funk gave chase, attacking Orndorff at ringside and ramming him into the ring post; referee Stu Schwartz allowed them to fight on the outside *T. Funk took advantage of the referee's leniancy and beat Orndorff all over ringside, even throwing him through a table *The referee warned T. Funk, and Orndorff used the distraction to hit a low blow *Orndorff took control of the match for a few moments, tossing T. Funk back into the ring and stomping him into a corner *T. Funk fought back hard and backed Orndorff into a corner, beating him senseless *Despite the offensive, T. Funk could not get enough of an advantage to win the match; Orndorff fought tooth and nail and even used dirty tactics to stay in the match *The brawl eventually spilled to the outside of the ring once again, where the two men took turns ramming each other into the ring posts; the match would not again return to the ring, as they exhausted all their available time *[I]Terry Funk drew with Paul Orndorff in 20:00 when the time limit expired. Paul Orndorff makes defence number 5 of his Southeast Television title.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. *Paul Orndorff is improving in Performance skills. [I]Rating: B+[/I] [B]THE FIGHT CONTINUES[/B] *Even after the bell, Terry Funk and Paul Orndorff continue fighting, eventually spilling into the crowd *After several minutes of chaos, George Scott, Sputnik Monroe, all the referees, and several other backstage workers had to come out to restrain T. Funk and Orndorff *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B]MAIN EVENT HYPE[/B] *Bob Caudle, at the podium, hypes the main event match between Larry Zbyszko and Greg Valentine for the United States Heavyweight Title [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: B[/I] [B][MATCH 3: MAIN EVENT] UNITED STATES HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT "The New Living Legend" Larry Zbyszko v Greg "The Hammer" Valentine (c)[/B] *Greg Valentine was looking for revenge here for Larry Zbyszko helping Harley Race and Dick Slater *Zbyszko was able to maneuver around Valentine at first and take him to the mat; Valentine stood his ground, however, and came back with a vengeance *A mat-based brawl broke out, and Valentine took control of the match *Zbyszko managed to turn things around again by wrestling Valentine down with holds, but Valentine refused to give up *Valentine caught Zbyszko with a vicious European uppercut to turn the match in his favor; from there, he pounded Zbyszko down in the corner and then eventually hit a vertical suplex to stun him *[I]Greg Valentine defeated Larry Zbyszko in 9:32 by pinfall with a Hammer Elbow Drop. Greg Valentine makes defence number 8 of his United States Heavyweight title.[/I] *The performance of Greg Valentine stood out as being good. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B+[/I] [SIZE="3"][B]FINAL RATING: B-[/B][/SIZE] [/FONT]
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Just thought I'd drop a note to comment on a few things. First of all, not bashing your diary or anything but I really didn't care for the format you used in the beginning. On the other hand I like the format that you now use. It makes it easier to follow and easier to envision the shows as just that, shows. Keep plugging I always enjoy a diary based on the DOTT mod(by far my favorite as attested to by my own take on the time period.) Now, I know you and I have had a go at each other a time or two in the past and probably will never see eye to eye on many things, but I'm going to say this and hope that you take it as it is intended. As helpful advice. I know it pisses you off when you feel that others rate your diary down as a reaction to you or your beliefs. I'd love to sit here and say that is not the case but that would be useless, as we both know the truth. The fact is that the bigger deal you make of it, the more it will continue to happen. Some people may have rated your diary low because they didn't like it or some part about it. Myself, I only rate diaries that I like. If I don't care for one then I leave it alone. I don't read it and leave it unrated. They don't mean anything anyway. The more important thing is that you are writing it because you enjoy it. The view total is more important to most people. That tells you if people are reading. There are plenty of diaries that have a 3 star rating on here that are viewed by 80-100 people a day. Some have surpassed 5000 views or more. G-Primes has a 3(why I don't know?) and he just went over 10000 views. That's just one example. I sat on here unsigned in about 2-3 weeks ago and watched someone. Go from diary to diary and and mark them with 1 star ratings. I followed them from diary to diary and watched them do this. I'm talking about Nevermore's, Wildfire's, infinitywpi's, Wallbanger's, etc, etc 8-10 total. I started to sign on and call them out. But I got up, took a deep breath and let it go. Crap like that will eat you up inside if you dwell on it. Sometimes you just have to let stuff go. I know you say it's easy for you to say "Let it go." I understand your sentiments. But that is my advice to you. Just let it go. Enjoy writing your diary. If people like it great, if not then who needs them anyway.
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[QUOTE=theoutlaw321;245438]Just thought I'd drop a note to comment on a few things. First of all, not bashing your diary or anything but I really didn't care for the format you used in the beginning.[/QUOTE] Yeah, that was probably the major thing holding the diary back at first. SO yeah, I changed it to something that would attract more viewers while still not eating up hours per show. [QUOTE=theoutlaw321;245438]I sat on here unsigned in about 2-3 weeks ago and watched someone. Go from diary to diary and and mark them with 1 star ratings. I followed them from diary to diary and watched them do this. I'm talking about Nevermore's, Wildfire's, infinitywpi's, Wallbanger's, etc, etc 8-10 total. I started to sign on and call them out. But I got up, took a deep breath and let it go. Crap like that will eat you up inside if you dwell on it. Sometimes you just have to let stuff go. I know you say it's easy for you to say "Let it go." I understand your sentiments. But that is my advice to you. Just let it go. Enjoy writing your diary. If people like it great, if not then who needs them anyway.[/QUOTE] Well I have been trying to keep the peace lately. Been keeping mostly to myself and just contributing and writing my diary. Doing the best I can, just sometimes I snap from stress. I am glad that things are going smoothly now, though, so that should help. Thanks for the feedback. :)
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[B]MACW in Your Town![/B] Saturday, Week 2, December 1983 Standard weekly house show fare here. This week we are in the South East region where Roop & Hunter will challenge Steamboat & Youngblood for the NWA World Tag Team Titles while Dusty Rhodes challenges Ric Flair for the NWA World Heavyweight Title. During the pre-show, Ric Flair cut a great promo with which to set the mood. (A* Rating for the Hype angle involving Ric Flair) During the event, Dusty Rhodes cut an awesome promo in which he hyped himself and the upcoming championship bout. (A* Rating for the Hype angle involving Dusty Rhodes and {Ric Flair}) In addition, after their nearly perfect match, Ric Flair had a phenomenal interview himself with Gene Okerlund. (A* Rating for the Hype angle involving Ric Flair and Gene Okerlund) [QUOTE=Anubis]Yes, I know the format is recycled. What can I say? These shows are basically really big house shows, part of the sort of touring I do. While championships can change hands, for the most part, these events are purely about good wrestling, nothing more. Interesting side note, however: according to the User stats, this was my "Best Show Booked" thus far![/QUOTE]
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