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[Death of the Territories] The Dunvegan Dynasty (MACW)

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[B][U]Sunday, Week 2, December 1983[/U][/B] I made an offer to extend Terry Funk's stay in MACW, though he may start to cost too much soon since he only wants to work Short Term deals. [CODE] [B]The TV Ratings Race[/B] [Monday] GCW In Your House U.S. Syndication Big I 3.04 [Tuesday] AWA Battering Ram ESPN 3.60 [Wednesday] World Championship Wrestling ESPN 3.15 [Thursday] [Friday] AWA All-Star Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small II 6.40 Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling U.S. Syndication Medium II 4.30 WCCW: The Edge TV Local - Mid South 0.49 [Saturday] George Championship Wrestling TBS 10.20 [Sunday] WWF Championship Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small I 6.32 World Class Wrestling TV Local - Mid South 0.70 [/CODE]
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[SIZE="3"][B]World Championship Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 3, December 1983 Held in the Varsity Gymnasium in Boone, North Carolina [FONT="Courier New"] [SIZE="3"][B][U]PRE-SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]Rick Rude defeated King Kong Bundy in 4:40 by pinfall with a Rude Awakening.[/B] *The colour commentary gave the match a boost. [I]Rating: D+[/I] [B]Jack Brisco defeated Doug Dunvegan in 4:35 by submission after blatantly cheating.[/B] *The announcing job done by Jim Crockett Jr. was pretty weak. *The announcing quality wasn't up to the same standard as the match. *Doug Dunvegan is improving in Performance skills. [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B]CHAMPION PROMO[/B] *Ric Flair cuts a promo hyping up his glorius reign as champion in the promotion. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A[/I] [SIZE="3"][B][U]MAIN SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]BRISCO'S NEXT VICTIM[/B] *Backstage, we see Mike Rotundo dancing to disco music when Jerry Brisco runs in screaming "You! It was you!" *With that, Brisco tackles Rotundo and starts beating him mercilessly *After finishing with Rotundo, Brisco takes the record from the record player and breaks it over his knee before he runs out [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: C[/I] [B][MATCH 1] Junkyard Dog v Dory Funk Jr.[/B] *This was Dory Funk Jr.'s first match in quite a while, and so there was some thought that he might be suffering from ring rust, which Junkyard Dog looked to take full advantage of *JYD took control early in the match, hammering Funk into a corner and ramming his head into the turnbuckle repeatedly *After getting beaten on for several minutes, Funk came to life and took JYD right to the mat *Funk worked over JYD's legs and gained the advantage *JYD tried to come back, but Funk took his legs out from under him and wrestled him back to the mat *[I]Dory Funk Jr. defeated Junkyard Dog in 11:27 by submission with a Funk Spinning Toe Hold.[/I] *Dory Funk Jr. has now switched to a Grizzled Veteran gimmick. [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B]LAWLER: INJURED?[/B] *A video plays showing Jerry Lawler, with tears in his eyes, discussing his "terrible injury" *Lawler says he has a terrible Baker's Cyst on his leg and that he is in constant pain; Lawler then adds that he also has the world's worst hang nail on his right big toe, and that his doctor told him that if it gets too infected, he would have to have his leg amputated *Lawler claims that his doctor says he may only have to stay on the bench for a couple of days, and then apologizes for not being able to give the fans their dream rematch of Lawler versus Flair *Lawler says he has arranged for a suitable replacement for himself in the main event, a man deserving of a shot at the World Heavyweight Title: Tully Blanchard! *Backstage, Sputnik Monroe puts his fist through the monitor he was watching the video on [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: C+[/I] [B]NEW MATCH: BLANCHARD V FLAIR[/B] *As a result of Jerry Lawler's injury announcement, the new main event will see Tully Blanchard take on Ric Flair for the World Heavyweight Title [I]Length: 1 Minute Rating: A[/I] [B][MATCH 2] Steve Keirn v "Playboy" Buddy Rose[/B] *Steve Keirn and Playboy Buddy Rose started things off slowly, locking up and trying to out-maneuver each other *Rose took advantage early, whipping Keirn into the ropes and hitting a clothesline, following up with a knee drop *Rose controlled much of the match, but Keirn eventually reversed an Irish whip and clotheslined Rose out of the ring *Keirn took it to the outside, ramming Rose into each of the ring posts *Upon returning to the ring, Rose countered a piledriver attempt with a vicious low blow; he then put him in the Figure-Four and used the ropes for added leverage to bring it home *[I]Playboy Buddy Rose defeated Steve Keirn in 9:57 by submission after blatantly cheating.[/I] [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B]TULLY PLANS TO WIN[/B] *Tully Blanchard cuts a promo in which he thanks Jerry Lawler for giving him the chance to take on Ric Flair *Blanchard goes on to say that he plans to win the World Heavyweight Championship and turn the tables on MACW's control of the NWA once and for all [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B][MATCH 3] "Dirty" Dick Slater v "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes[/B] *Dick Slater jumped Dusty Rhodes before the opening bell, taking him down and stomping him into the mat *Rhodes eventually recovered and hit a series of stiff elbows to knock Slater into the corner *Rhodes slowly worked Slater over and kept control of the match *Slater tried cheating to take over, using a low blow and even trying to use the ropes for leverage while going for the pin, but Rhodes persevered *Rhodes worked Slater over some more and took him to the mat with a relentless offensive *[I]Dusty Rhodes defeated Dick Slater in 15:46 by submission with a Weaver Lock.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B-[/I] [B]FLAIR RESPONDS TO LAWLER[/B] *Ric Flair has the mic, and he blasts Jerry Lawler, calling him a coward and telling him that he should let go of the past *Flair is sick of Lawler dodging him and demands that he grow a set and accept that CWA is dead *Flair then turns his attention to Tully Blanchard, saying he doesn't have what it takes to be World Heavyweight Champion *Flair says he will send Blanchard back to SWCW with his tail between his legs, and tells him to come back when he's a bit more seasoned *The performance of Ric Flair was fantastic. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B[/I] [B]MAIN EVENT HYPE[/B] *At the podium, Bob Caudle hyped the upcoming main event that would see SWCW's Tully Blanchard taking on World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: B[/I] [B][MATCH 4: MAIN EVENT] NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT Tully Blanchard v "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair (c)[/B] *Tully Blanchard was here to prove that he was more than ready to defeat Ric Flair to become World Heavyweight Champion *Flair took the fight to Blanchard, wrestling him down to the mat and showing everyone why he is the World Heavyweight Champion *Blanchard managed to get some offense in by startling Flair with a European uppercut and then taking him down with a lariat *Blanchard took control of the match, working over Flair's midsection with punches and kicks *Blanchard went for a vertical suplex, but Flair reversed it and immediately went for the Figure-Four *Blanchard escaped the hold and rolled out of the ring; Flair kept after him, and the two brawled on the outside *Blanchard attempted to hit the Slingshot Suplex on Flair on the guard rail, but Flair countered and tossed him into the ring steps *Flair sent Blanchard back into the ring and went to the top turnbuckle, but Blanchard saw it coming and threw Flair down to the mat *Blanchard kicked and stomped Flair, working over his midsection again *Flair came to life and assaulted Blanchard, taking out his legs, hitting a knee breaker, and then working over his legs before moving in for the kill *[I]Ric Flair defeated Tully Blanchard in 22:12 by submission with a Figure-Four. Ric Flair makes defence number 8 of his NWA World Heavyweight title.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: A*[/I] [SIZE="3"][B]FINAL RATING: B[/B][/SIZE] [/FONT]
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[SIZE="3"][B]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] Wednesday, Week 3, December 1983 Held in the JMU Convocation Center in Harrisonburg, Virginia [FONT="Courier New"] [SIZE="3"][B][U]PRE-SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]Aspect of the Eagle defeated The Bass Brothers in 4:47 when Wahoo McDaniel defeated Don Bass by submission with an Indian Deathlock.[/B] *Wahoo McDaniel looked excellent out there. [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B]Mr. Wrestling II defeated Paul Jones in 4:59 by submission with a Sleeperhold.[/B] [I]Rating: C-[/I] [B]THE HOLLYWOOD BLONDES PROMO[/B] *The Hollywood Blondes cut a promo hyping themselves. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: D-[/I] [SIZE="3"][B][U]MAIN SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]PLAYBOY BUDDY ROSE FALLS VICTIM[/B] *Playboy Buddy Rose is flirting with a woman backstage when Jerry Brisco shoves the woman out of the way and lays into Rose *Brisco shoves Rose into the wall, slams his head into the wall several times, then lays him out with a chair [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: C+[/I] [B][MATCH 1] Mike Rotundo v Jerry "The King" Lawler[/B] *Mike Rotundo locked up with Jerry Lawler, but was shaken by a brutal offensive *Rotundo took control for a short time, taking Lawler down and hitting a knee drop; happy with himself, Rotundo did a short disco dance *Lawler raised an eyebrow, then laughed at Rotundo and gave him a wicked lariat before finishing him off *[I]Jerry Lawler defeated Mike Rotundo in 8:04 by pinfall with a Piledriver.[/I] *Jerry Lawler was slowed by injury somewhat. *Mike Rotundo and Jerry Lawler have pretty good chemistry, and it lifted the match. *Mike Rotundo is improving in Rumble skills. [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B]MR. MONROE ARRIVES[/B] *As the match ends, Sputnik Monroe marches down to the ring *Mr. Monroe tells Jerry Lawler that if he does not start playing by his rules, he will make his life very difficult *Mr. Monroe then says he has booked the rematch for next week on World Championship Wrestling [I]Length: 3 Minutes Rating: C-[/I] [B]LAWLER'S CYST FLARES UP[/B] *Jerry Lawler has a mic and approaches Sputnik Monroe, getting ready to say that he will take out Ric Flair once and for all *As Lawler moves forward, he keels over, grabbing his leg, shouting that his cyst is flaring up *Medics come to ringside to tend to Lawler as Mr. Monroe looks on angrily, a vein in his head looking ready to pop [I]Length: 3 Minutes Rating: B-[/I] [B]DUNVEGAN HAS HAD ENOUGH[/B] *Doug Dunvegan comes out and cuts a promo against Harley Race *Dunvegan says he is tired of Race plotting against himself, Greg Valentine, Gene Kiniski, and Ric Flair *Dunvegan says he plans to defeat Race here tonight and put an end to his revenge plans *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B][MATCH 2] Doug Dunvegan v Harley Race[/B] *Harley Race was arrogant to start things off, shoving Doug Dunvegan off each time he would get near *Dunvegan ducks into Race's zone of control and hammered him with several punches to the gut before levelling him with a European uppercut *Race finally started taking Dunvegan seriously, and hammered him into the corner *Race kicked Dunvegan and stomped him into the corner; Dunvegan turned things around by tackling Race and hammering him with punches *Dunvegan went to the top turnbuckle, but this proved to be a mistake as Bobby Heenan shoved him off, allowing Race to take control *[I]Harley Race defeated Doug Dunvegan in 11:10 by pinfall when Bobby Heenan interfered.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B+[/I] [B]MAIN EVENT HYPE[/B] *Bob Caudle, at the podium, hypes the main event match between Terry Funk and Paul Orndorff for the Southeast Television Title *Funk and Orndorff have had many matches with Orndorff barely holding on to the championship [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: B[/I] [B][MATCH 3: MAIN EVENT] SOUTHEAST TELEVISION TITLE BOUT Terry Funk v Paul Orndorff (c)[/B] *This match started much like all the others, with Terry Funk taking the fight straight to Paul Orndorff *Orndorff once again took control with a low blow and then started ramming Funk's head into the turnbuckles *Orndorff got several near-falls, but Funk fought hard and took Orndorff down, hammering into him *Orndorff rolled out of the ring and tried to walk out of the match, but Funk went after him and dragged him back to the ring by his hair *Orndorff grabbed a chair from ringside and tried to use it, but Funk took it away from him and tossed it out of the ring *Orndorff went to take one of the turnbuckle pads off, but Funk pulled him away and decked him with a roundhouse right *Funk completely blitzed Orndorff at that point, taking control of the match as the crowd popped for him; he received a standing ovation as he finally finished off Orndorff *[I]Terry Funk defeated Paul Orndorff in 15:26 by pinfall with a Texas Piledriver. Terry Funk wins the Southeast Television title.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. *Paul Orndorff is improving in Performance skills. [I]Rating: B+[/I] [SIZE="3"][B]FINAL RATING: B[/B][/SIZE] [/FONT]
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[B][U]Thursday, Week 3, December 1983[/U][/B] Dick Slater was late to yet another show, which marks his third strike at Discipline Level 2. This behavior is unacceptable to say the least. After I deal with his part in one of the major storylines on World Championship Wrestling, he will be getting suspended for a month. The chances of Cowboy Bob Orton's or Dick Slater's contracts getting renewed are very slim at this point. In other news, contract negotiations with Terry Funk are not going well . . . I very well could be losing three talented workers in the near future if I am unable to come to terms with T. Funk. [B][U]Friday, Week 3, December 1983[/U][/B] Contract negotiations with Terry Funk are even worse now, as he is demanding even more money than Ricky Steamboat and Greg Valentine, and I imagine Jim Crockett Jr. will be putting a stop to this in short order. We will see. [B]MACW in Your Town![/B] Friday, Week 3, December 1983 Standard weekly house show fare here. This week we are in Puerto Rico where Greg Valentine and Doug Dunvegan will challenge Steamboat & Youngblood for the NWA World Tag Team Titles while Invader III (WWC) challenges Ric Flair for the NWA World Heavyweight Title. During the event, Invader III cut an awesome promo in which he hyped himself and the upcoming championship bout. (A* Rating for the Hype angle involving Invader III and {Ric Flair}) In addition, after their match, Ric Flair had a phenomenal interview himself with Gene Okerlund. (A* Rating for the Hype angle involving Ric Flair and Gene Okerlund)
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What do we know about Jerry Briscoe ? Disco music drive him nuts, good looking males drive him nuts... I think he needs a doctor hehe Damn Lawler ! He's such a great heel :D I hope you can keep Terry Funk as he just won the belt from Orndoff. It would be a shame too to lose Slater and Orton, they're great wrestlers. Your roster is deep though, you could probably fill the holes easily.
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[B][U]Saturday, Week 3, December 1983[/U][/B] Negotiations with Terry Funk finally broke down today. He continued to reject higher and higher offers, and Jim Crockett Jr. finally stepped in and forbid me from offering any more. As such, he will be leaving when his contract expires. This is a sad day for me, as I highly value T. Funk as a wrestler, but I suppose there is nothing I can really do about it at this point. [B][U]Sunday, Week 3, December 1983[/U][/B] In short order, Stu Schwartz, Masanobu Fuchi, and Terry Funk will be leaving MACW. Cowboy Bob Orton and Dick Slater are both well on their way to getting fired. [CODE] [B]The TV Ratings Race[/B] [Monday] GCW In Your House U.S. Syndication Big I 3.03 [Tuesday] AWA Battering Ram ESPN 3.83 [Wednesday] World Championship Wrestling ESPN 3.30 [Thursday] [Friday] AWA All-Star Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small II 6.53 Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling U.S. Syndication Medium II 2.57 WCCW: The Edge TV Local - Mid South 0.49 [Saturday] George Championship Wrestling TBS 12.42 [Sunday] WWF Championship Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small I 6.59 World Class Wrestling TV Local - Mid South 0.71 [/CODE]
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[SIZE="3"][B]World Championship Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 4, December 1983 Held in the Carmichael Auditorium in Chapel Hill, North Carolina [FONT="Courier New"] [SIZE="3"][B][U]PRE-SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]The Comrades defeated The Hollywood Blondes in 4:46 when Chris Markoff defeated Eric Embry by submission with a Bear Hug.[/B] *Ivan Koloff and Comrade Dink are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *Ivan Koloff looked good out there. *Ken Timbs is improving in Flying skills. *Ken Timbs is improving in Performance skills. [I]Rating: C[/I] [B]Bill Watts defeated Steve Wright in 4:50 by pinfall with an Oklahoma Stampede.[/B] *Bill Watts was really off his game tonight. *The colour commentary gave the match a boost. *Steve Wright is improving in Rumble skills. [I]Rating: D+[/I] [B]CHAMPION PROMO[/B] *Ric Flair cuts a promo hyping up his glorius reign as champion in the promotion. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A[/I] [SIZE="3"][B][U]MAIN SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]LAWLER SPEAKS[/B] *Jerry Lawler limps to the ring to boos from the crowd *Lawler is practically in tears as he says he is in too much pain to entertain the fans of North Carolina tonight *Sputnik Monroe comes out, furious, and Lawler says he knows what might make him feel better: if Mr. Monroe stopped antagonizing him [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B-[/I] [B]THE CHALLENGE[/B] *Before Sputnik Monroe says anything, Jerry Lawler says he has a proposal *If Mr. Monroe wants to unify the CWA Southern Heavyweight Title with the NWA World Heavyweight Title so badly, he should do it himself *With that, Lawler challenges Mr. Monroe to get in the ring and challenge for the CWA Southern Heavyweight Title at Superbrawl! [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: C-[/I] [B]THE RESPONSE[/B] *Sputnik Monroe still looks pretty mad, but then tells Jerry Lawler that if he wants to get beat up so bad, his wish is granted; Mr. Monroe accepts Lawler's challenge! [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: C-[/I] [B]MAIN EVENT: FUNK V FLAIR[/B] *Bob Caudle and Tony Schiavone announce that as a replacement for the planned match between Jerry Lawler and Ric Flair, Southeast Television Champion Terry Funk will be challenging Flair for the NWA World Heavyweight Title instead [I]Length: 1 Minute Rating: B+[/I] [B][MATCH 1] UNITED STATES HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT Dory Funk Jr. v Greg "The Hammer" Valentine (c)[/B] *The match started off cleanly enough with Dory Funk Jr. locking up with Greg Valentine and taking him to the mat *D. Funk schooled Valentine on the mat as they put on a wrestling clinic *Valentine eventually turned things around, beating D. Funk into a corner, and that is when D. Funk decided to start playing dirty *Valentine seemed pretty immune to D. Funk's dirty tricks, stopping two low blows and kicking out when D. Funk tried using the ropes for leverage during a pinfall attempt *D. Funk got frustrated, but then Harley Race and Dick Slater came down to the ring *Race nodded to D. Funk, who then tossed Valentine out of the ring through the ropes and then started arguing with referee Tommy Young *Race kicked and stomped Valentine and then tossed him into the ring post; Slater then slammed Valentine with a chair before giving him a piledriver on the concrete floor *Slater tossed Valentine back into the ring, and D. Funk immediately went on the attack, quickly busting Valentine open and putting him in a submission hold that would end the match *[I]Dory Funk Jr. defeated Greg Valentine in 11:58 by submission after interference from Dick Slater. During the match we also had Harley Race run in and attack Valentine. Dory Funk Jr. wins the United States Heavyweight title.[/I] [I]Rating: B-[/I] [B]HIGHLIGHTING THE DESTRUCTION[/B] *A video plays highlighting all of Jerry Brisco's recent reign of terror; included are his attacks on Rick Rude, Mark Youngblood, Steve Wright, Mike Rotundo, and Playboy Buddy Rose [I]Length: 3 Minutes Rating: B[/I] [B]JUNKYARD DOG IS NEXT![/B] *Junkyard Dog is watching the Jerry Brisco video on a monitor backstage and makes a comment about Brisco being as crazy as a rabid dog *The camera pans over to show that Brisco heard every word; he screams as he rushes Junkyard Dog and rams his head into the monitor *Brisco has a wild look in his eyes as he says "Crazy? Crazy! Hahaha!" and then starts barking at JYD [I]Length: 4 Minutes Rating: C[/I] [B][MATCH 2] NWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE BOUT Asesinos de Infierno v Steamboat & Youngblood (c)[/B] *The Assassin and Ricky Steamboat started the match, and Steamboat was in full control *El Satanico and Jay Youngblood were tagged in, and Satanico isolated Youngblood in his team's corner *Satanico and Assassin double-teamed Youngblood for several moments, but he eventually countered an Irish whip with a double jumping clothesline and made a hot tag to Steamboat *Steamboat cleaned house took control of the match, easily disposing of Assassin and Satanico *[I]Steamboat & Youngblood defeated Asesinos de Infierno in 7:58 when Ricky Steamboat defeated El Satanico by pinfall with a Flying Bodypress. Steamboat & Youngblood make defence number 16 of their NWA World Tag Team titles.[/I] *Ricky Steamboat came out of the match looking good. *El Satanico is improving in Performance skills. [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B]DUNVEGAN CHALLENGES SLATER[/B] *Doug Dunvegan comes down to the ring and angrily calls out Dick Slater *Dunvegan says he has had enough with Harley Race and Dick Slater and says he plans to send Slater to hang out with his friend Cowboy Bob Orton *Dunvegan challenges Slater to come face him here and now [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: B[/I] [B]SLATER ACCEPTS[/B] *Dick Slater comes down to the ring, a confident look on his face *Slater tells Dunvegan that it is high time he avenge Cowboy Bob Orton *Slater accepts Dunvegan's challenge and faces off with him in the ring *Doug Dunvegan is developing better performance skills. [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: B[/I] [B][MATCH 3] Doug Dunvegan v "Dirty" Dick Slater[/B] *Doug Dunvegan and Dick Slater are beating each other even before the opening bell *The match is even for several moments, and then we cut to the back where we see that Harley Race has been locked in the locker room! *Dunvegan corners Slater and hammers him, but Slater comes back with a nasty lariat to turn the tide of the match *Greg Valentine and Gene Kiniski come down to the ring and give Slater a menacing look, making him paranoid and causing him to not pay attention to Dunvegan, who ends up getting a near-fall with an inside cradle *Slater kicks Dunvegan in the head and takes him down with a vertical suplex *Kiniski gets on the ring apron, prompting referee Stu Schwartz to yell at him; Valentine takes advantage of the distraction and lays out Slater with a flying lariat *Dunvegan goes for the pin, but Slater still manages to kick out; Dunvegan takes control of the match at that point, and Slater pulls out dirty tricks of his own, hitting a low blow on Dunvegan *Valentine distracts the referee now as Kiniski enters the ring with a chair, lays out Slater, and pulls Dunvegan over him *After the referee is back on the job, Dunvegan gets the win *[I]Doug Dunvegan defeated Dick Slater in 13:50 by pinfall following interference from Gene Kiniski. During the match we also had Greg Valentine run in and attack Slater.[/I] *Doug Dunvegan seemed off his game tonight. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B[/I] [B]DUNVEGAN, VALENTINE, AND KINISKI TAKE OUT SLATER[/B] *After the match is over, Gene Kiniski tosses three chairs into the ring *Doug Dunvegan throws referee Stu Schwartz out of the ring, and the three proceed to maul Dick Slater with the chairs *Greg Valentine finishes the job by tossing Slater to the outside and giving him a Hotshot on the guard rail followed by a piledriver on the concrete floor *Medics take Slater out on a stretcher as the fans cheer Dunvegan, Valentine, and Kiniski *The performance of Greg Valentine looked good. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: C+[/I] [B]MAIN EVENT HYPE[/B] *At the podium, Bob Caudle hyped the upcoming main event where Southeast Television Champion Terry Funk will be taking on World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B][MATCH 4: MAIN EVENT] NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT Terry Funk v "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair (c)[/B] *Terry Funk and Ric Flair shakes hands before locking up *Flair takes T. Funk to the mat early and works on his legs *T. Funk eventually trips up Flair and knocks him into the corner where he proceeds to beat on him *The match spills out of the ring, where T. Funk rams Flair into the ring posts *After a warning from referee Tommy Young, T. Funk tosses Flair back into the ring *T. Funk slips up and is caught in a small package by Flair for a near-fall *T. Funk and Flair brawl for several moments before T. Funk takes control of the match again with a lariat *Flair comes back by reversing a vertical suplex and working over T. Funk's legs some more *After doing plenty of damage to T. Funk's legs, Flair hits a knee breaker and moves in for the kill *[I]Ric Flair defeated Terry Funk in 17:40 by submission with a Figure-Four. Ric Flair makes defence number 10 of his NWA World Heavyweight title.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B+[/I] [SIZE="3"][B]FINAL RATING: B[/B][/SIZE] [/FONT]
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[B][U]Tuesday, Week 4, December 1983[/U][/B] Dick Slater is really trying my patience. He was already set to be disciplined for his last late arrival, and now he has made matters worse by being late yet again! He is now suspended for a month, with the story being an injury at the hands of myself, Greg Valentine, and Gene Kiniski. In other news, I put out buyout offers to SECW and SWCW once again. [B][U]Wednesday, Week 4, December 1983[/U][/B] Both buyout offers were rejected.
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[SIZE="3"][B]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] Wednesday, Week 4, December 1983 Held in Cameron Hall in Lexington, Virginia [FONT="Courier New"] [SIZE="3"][B][U]PRE-SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]Roop & Hunter defeated The Kelly Twins in 4:41 when Bob Roop defeated Mike Kelly by pinfall with an Inverted Shoulderbreaker.[/B] *Bob Roop and Paul Jones are a good pairing, they play off each other well. [I]Rating: D+[/I] [B]Gene Anderson defeated Steve Wright in 4:38 by pinfall with a Cross Armbreaker.[/B] *Steve Wright and Gene Anderson just don't click at all, and it showed in their performances. *The colour commentary gave the match a boost. *This match brought the crowd's mood down. *Gene Anderson is improving in Technical skills. [I]Rating: E+[/I] [B]JERRY LAWLER PROMO[/B] *Jerry Lawler cuts a promo hyping up his skills. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: C+[/I] [SIZE="3"][B][U]MAIN SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B][MATCH 1] SOUTHEAST TELEVISION TITLE BOUT Paul Christy v Terry Funk (c)[/B] *This match started out with Terry Funk in full control, beating Paul Christy into a corner relentlessly *Miss Bunny Love tried to turn things around for her man, but her timing with Christy was off and she ended up getting knocked off the ring apron, allowing Funk to get him in an inside cradle for a near-fall *Christy got some offense in after a low blow, but it did not last long as a furious Funk came back and smashed Christy's head into each of the four turnbuckles *Paul Orndorff came down to ringside and gave Bunny a bodyslam, prompting referee Pee Wee Anderson to admonish him and then check on her *Orndorff took this opportunity to lay out Christy and Funk both with a double lariat, followed by a piledriver for Funk *Orndorff quickly pulled Christy on top of Funk and left the ring as the referee came back; amazingly, Funk still kicked out! *Christy shook off the previous attack and put Funk in the Figure-Four to finish him off *[I]Paul Christy defeated Terry Funk in 13:01 by submission after interference from Paul Orndorff. Paul Christy wins the Southeast Television title.[/I] *Paul Christy and Miss Bunny Love have absolutely zero chemistry together. *Terry Funk came out of the match looking good. [I]Rating: C[/I] [B]ORNDORFF ASSAULTS FUNK[/B] *After the bell, Orndorff throws Paul Chirsty out of the ring, then grabs a chair and starts beating on Terry Funk with it *Orndorff busts Funk open, but continues the assault, culminating with a piledriver on the chair *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B[/I] [B][MATCH 2] Jay Youngblood v Jerry "The King" Lawler[/B] *The match started off clean enough, with plenty of back and forth action between Jay Youngblood and Jerry Lawler *Youngblood went after Lawler's supposed bad leg, but Lawler laughed as the injury was exposed as a ruse *Lawler hit a European uppercut and took control of the match, beating on Youngblood and working over his neck *Youngblood tried to make a comeback, getting a near-fall after a springboard cross-body, but Lawler stayed with it and refused to let himself get pinned *Lawler hammered Youngblood, but Youngblood shrugged it off and came back with a vicious offensive of his own *Lawler turned things around with a mule kick followed by the Piledriver *[I]Jerry Lawler defeated Jay Youngblood in 15:09 by pinfall with a handful of tights.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B[/I] [B]FLAIR SPEAKS[/B] *Ric Flair came out with a mic and lashed out at Jerry Lawler, calling him a liar and a coward *Flair then addressed his opponent for tonight, saying he had respect for Steve Keirn, who was infinitely more suitable to be World Heavyweight Champion than Lawler *Ric Flair came across well. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A[/I] [B]MAIN EVENT HYPE[/B] *Bob Caudle, at the podium, hypes the main event match between Steve Keirn and Ric Flair for the World Heavyweight Title [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: B-[/I] [B][MATCH 3: MAIN EVENT] NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT Steve Keirn v "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair (c)[/B] *Steve Keirn and Ric Flair shook hands before locking up *Keirn took Flair to the mat early, but Flair got away from him and hit a knee breaker to turn things in his favor *Flair was in control of the match from that point, working over Keirn's legs *Keirn got a near-fall with a small package the first time Flair went for the Figure-Four *Keirn gained some momentum by dumping Flair off the top turnbuckle during an attempt at a high risk move *Keirn laid into Flair with kicks and stomps, but Flair rolled out of the ring to collect himself *Keirn tried to nail Flair when Flair came back into the ring, but Flair slipped behind him and hit a belly-to-back suplex before going after the legs again *[I]Ric Flair defeated Steve Keirn in 11:36 by submission with a Figure-Four. Ric Flair makes defence number 11 of his NWA World Heavyweight title.[/I] *Ric Flair looked good out there. *This match lifted the crowd. *Steve Keirn is improving in Rumble skills. [I]Rating: B+[/I] [SIZE="3"][B]FINAL RATING: B-[/B][/SIZE] [/FONT] [QUOTE=Anubis]I have no idea why this came out as a B-. The segments that counted toward the final rating were C, B, B, A, and B+. So given the weight of the last few segments, I have no clue whatsoever how the final rating dropped so low. This is so aggravating![/QUOTE]
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[B][U]Friday, Week 4, December 1983[/U][/B] Well, it appears that Cowboy Bob Orton's contract expires in a couple weeks. Guess who will not be getting an offer for a renewed contract? Dick Slater is probably next, as his contract expires in about two months. That, of course, is assuming he does not get fired at some point before then. With the end of the year drawing near, I will also be doing some house cleaning. I will be assessing the abilities and usefulness of every person on the roster, and those who are not capable of keeping up in my opinion will be getting released. In other news, it is time for another world tour, and we will once again be airing the tour shows on pay-per-view. [B]WCCW News[/B] Blackout (Jim Garvin and Chris Adams) defeated Kerry & Mike Von Erich (Kerry Von Erich and Mike Von Erich) for the WCCW American Tag Team titles [B]MACW in Your Town![/B] Friday, Week 4, December 1983 The next world tour on pay-per-view has begin! This week we are in the Northern region of Mexico where Asesinos de Infierno will challenge Steamboat & Youngblood for the NWA World Tag Team Titles while Fishman (CMLL) challenges Ric Flair for the NWA World Heavyweight Title.
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[B][U]Saturday, Week 4, December 1983[/U][/B] [B]WCCW News[/B] Buddy Jack Roberts defeated King Kong Bundy for the WCCW American Heavyweight title [B][U]Sunday, Week 4, December 1983[/U][/B] [CODE] [B]The TV Ratings Race[/B] [Monday] GCW In Your House U.S. Syndication Big I 3.81 [Tuesday] AWA Battering Ram ESPN 3.98 [Wednesday] World Championship Wrestling ESPN 3.20 [Thursday] [Friday] AWA All-Star Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small II 6.56 Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling U.S. Syndication Medium II 2.63 WCCW: The Edge TV Local - Mid South 0.54 [Saturday] George Championship Wrestling TBS 12.14 [Sunday] WWF Championship Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small I 6.21 World Class Wrestling TV Local - Mid South 0.71 [/CODE]
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December 1983 End of Month Report Money is good for us going into 1984. SECW and SWCW, however, are still in big tourble, and JPUK has filed for bankruptcy. [CODE] PPV Revenue: $ 661,864 Ticket Sales: $1,624,439 Sponsors: $ 172,112 Merchandise: $ 360,800 Workers: -$ 562,039 Show Costs: -$ 333,200 Marketing: -$ 25,000 Merchandise: -$ 216,920 Production: -$ 88,000 Misc.: -$ 772,006 ======================== Performance: $ 822,050 Cash: $2,740,957 [/CODE]
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1983 End of Year Report [B]Wrestler Of The Year:[/B] Tully Blanchard [B]Young Wrestler Of The Year:[/B] El Brazo [B]Veteran Wrestler Of The Year:[/B] Nick Bockwinkel [B]Female Wrestler Of The Year:[/B] Dump Matsumoto [B]Promotion Of The Year:[/B] AJPW [B]Match Of The Year:[/B] Ric Flair d. Harley Race @ Clash of the Champions II, MACW [B]Show Of The Year:[/B] MACW in Your Town! (Saturday, Week 2, December 1983), MACW [B]Rookie Of The Year:[/B] Doug Dunvegan [CODE] [B] Top 100 Wrestlers of 1983 by Pro Wrestling Hits Magazine[/B] 1.Tully Blanchard 2.Doug Dunvegan 3.Larry Zbyszko 4.Nick Bockwinkel 5.Don Muraco 6.Greg Valentine 7.Terry Funk 8.Jumbo Tsuruta 9.Buddy Roberts 10.The Original Kendo Nagasaki 11.Ricky Steamboat 12.Giant Baba 13.Johnny Saint 14.Stan Hansen 15.Kerry Von Erich 16.David Von Erich 17.El Solitario 18.Kevin Von Erich 19.Dr. Wagner 20.Umanosuke Ueda 21.Bret Hart 22.Steve Keirn 23.Buddy Rose 24.Tommy Rich 25.Roddy Piper 26.Dusty Rhodes 27.Superstar Billy Graham 28.Jake Roberts 29.Genichiro Tenryu 30.Ted DiBiase 31.Jack Brisco 32.Jimmy Golden 33.Randy Rose 34.The Masked Superstar 35.Gino Hernandez 36.Norvell Austin 37.Jos Leduc 38.Ric Flair 39.Tiger Mask 40.Dennis Condrey 41.Mighty Inuoe 42.Villano I 43.Ole Anderson 44.Matt Borne 45.Rip Oliver 46.Dynamite Kid 47.Vic Faulkner 48.Greg Gagne 49.Chris Adams 50.El Brazo 51.Paul Orndorff 52.Mr. Wrestling II 53.Ben McCoy 54.El Signo 55.Rick Martel 56.Jim Brunzell 57.Ed Wiskowski 58.Carlos Colon 59.Mr. Saito 60.Perro Aguayo 61.Adrian Adonis 62.Ivan Koloff 63.El Matemático 64.Ken Patera 65.Ultraman 66.Manny Fernandez 67.Paul Jones 68.The Junkyard Dog 69.El Halcón 70.Jerry Stubbs 71.Steve O 72.Leo Burke 73.Dos Caras 74.Akira Maeda 75.Yoshiaki Fujiwara 76.Osamu Kido 77.Marty Jones 78.Angel Blanco 79.Rick Hunter 80.Pedro Morales 81.Seiji Sakaguchi 82.El Supremo 83.El Faraón 84.Ronnie Garvin 85.Jerry Lawler 86.Bob Roop 87.Solar 88.Enrique Vera 89.Gerry Morrow 90.Dump Matsumoto 91.Tatsumi Fujinami 92.Bruno Sammartino 93.Gran Apache 94.Akio Sato 95.Kevin Sullivan 96.Tony Salazar 97.Tony St. Clair 98.The Great Kabuki 99.The Spoiler 100.The Iron Sheik [/CODE] [QUOTE=Anubis]I determined the "Rookie Of The Year" myself from the top ranked wrestler who debuted in 1983.[/QUOTE]
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[B][U]January 1984 News:[/U][/B] JPUK Go Out Of Business POWW Open UWF Open Lady Maxine Enters Wrestling Marty Jannetty Enters Wrestling Barry Darsow Enters Wrestling Hillbilly Jim Enters Wrestling Nikita Koloff Enters Wrestling Dr. Jerry Graham Retires From Wrestling [B][U]Monday, Week 1, January 1984[/U][/B] Today I started tying up the losse ends. I issued summons for the workers I plan to release and once again put out offers to buy out SECW and SWCW. We shall see how it goes. Aside from that, I am planning on taking our World Championship Wrestling television tapings on the road.
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[SIZE="3"][B]World Championship Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 1, January 1984 Held in the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach, Florida [FONT="Courier New"] [SIZE="3"][B][U]PRE-SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]Asesinos de Infierno defeated The Hollywood Blondes in 5:05 when The Assassin defeated Ken Timbs by pinfall with a Running Powerslam.[/B] *The colour commentary gave the match a boost. *The Assassin came out of the match looking good. [I]Rating: C[/I] [B]Gene Anderson defeated Mark Youngblood in 4:45 by pinfall with a Cross Armbreaker.[/B] *The colour commentary gave the match a boost. *Mark Youngblood is improving in Technical skills. [I]Rating: D[/I] [B]CHAMPION PROMO[/B] *Ric Flair cuts a promo hyping up his glorius reign as champion in the promotion. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A[/I] [SIZE="3"][B][U]MAIN SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B][MATCH 1] Terry Funk v Jay Youngblood[/B] *The match looked to be nice and clean *Jay Youngblood was able to match Terry Funk blow for blow for several minutes before losing ground *Funk pounded Youngblood, but was unable to put him away, and the tide turned with a springboard cross-body by Youngblood *Funk turned things around again with a desperation shoulder lift into a flapjack, but was distracted by the arrival of Paul Orndorff *Orndorff knocked out referee Pee Wee Anderson, stopping Funk from getting the pin; this caused a brawl between the two men *Orndorff hit Funk with a chair several times, then rolled him back into the ring and roused the referee; by the time Youngblood got up, he had missed everything Orndorff had done and proceeded to finish the match *[I]Jay Youngblood defeated Terry Funk in 14:53 by pinfall following interference from Paul Orndorff.[/I] [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B]TERRY FUNK'S SUPERBRAWL CHALLENGE[/B] *A furious Terry Funk grabs a mic and says MACW isn't big enough for the both of them *He then challenges Paul Orndorff to a Last Man Standing Match, loser leaves town! [I]Length: 5 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B]ORNDORFF IS CONFIDENT[/B] *Paul Orndorff is all smiles as he accepts Terry Funk's challenge *Orndorff vows to rid MACW of Funk once and for all [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: B[/I] [B]MR. WRESTLING II CONFRONTS JERRY BRISCO[/B] *Mr. Wrestling II finds Jerry Brisco backstage and demands to know why he has been attacking people *Brisco seems out of it and is ignoring him, so he just walks away *Brisco looks up, sees him, and shouts "Ahhh! Where's your face?!" as he clobbers Mr. Wrestling II with a chair and leaves him down and out [I]Length: 3 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B][MATCH 2] Steve Keirn v Junkyard Dog[/B] *Steve Keirn was at a disadvantage at first as Junkyard Dog pounded him down to the mat and over into the corner *JYD was in full control from the opening bell, destroying Keirn *Keirn was able to hold out, however, and eventually reversed an Irish whip in order to hit a drop toe hold and turn things around *JYD was not finished, though, and still came back to punish Keirn some more *Near the end, JYD just seemed to run out of gas, and Keirn took advantage of that to take control of the match, wearing down JYD's back and legs *[I]Steve Keirn defeated Junkyard Dog in 9:20 by submission with a Boston Crab.[/I] [I]Rating: C[/I] [B]LAWLER BLASTS MR. MONROE[/B] *Jerry Lawler comes out and taunts Sputnik Monroe, calling him a washed out old man *Lawler claims he will defeat Mr. Monroe easily and finally get him off his back *Lawler then thanks Mr. Monroe for giving him Wahoo McDaniel to warm up on, and says that even though he has not heard of any great accomplishments by McDaniel, he is certain he will provide a nice enough workout [I]Length: 5 Minutes Rating: B[/I] [B][MATCH 3] CWA SOUTHERN HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT Wahoo McDaniel v Jerry "The King" Lawler (c)[/B] *Jerry Lawler did not come into this match seriously, which Wahoo McDaniel showed him to be a mistake by hammering him early *Lawler managed to weasel away from Wahoo, slipping out of the ring to ponder his next move *Lawler returned to the ring after taking a small rest, and quickly hit a drop toe hold into the turnbuckle on Wahoo *Lawler started working over Wahoo's leg, catching it in the ropes and stomping it much like Ric Flair does *Lawler was proud of himself and taunted Wahoo and the fans, only to suffer a near-fall when Wahoo pulled him into an inside cradle *Lawler escaped to the outside again to formulate a new strategy *Wahoo went after Lawler, who rolled back into the ring and then stomped the following Wahoo *Wahoo countered the Piledriver with a backdrop, and Lawler was beside himself *Wahoo tried to take Lawler down, but fell victim to a low blow; Lawler took that opportunity to take Wahoo down with an inside cradle to finish him off while he was stunned *[I]Jerry Lawler defeated Wahoo McDaniel in 17:32 by pinfall with a handful of tights. Jerry Lawler makes defence number 4 of his CWA Southern Heavyweight title.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B+[/I] [B]VALENTINE AND DUNVEGAN ARE READY[/B] *Greg Valentine and Doug Dunvegan cut a promo on Harley Race and his partner Paul Orndorff *Valentine says he will put a stop to Race's revenge schemes here and now *Dunvegan follows up by saying that the two of them are ready for anything Race has to offer *This segment lifted the crowd. *Doug Dunvegan is developing better performance skills. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A[/I] [B]MAIN EVENT HYPE[/B] *At the podium, Bob Caudle hyped the upcoming main event where Harley Race would be teaming with Paul Orndorff against Greg Valentine and Doug Dunvegan [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B][MATCH 4: MAIN EVENT] Harley Race and Paul Orndorff v Greg "The Hammer" Valentine and Doug Dunvegan[/B] *Harley Race and Greg Valentine started things off; Race slapped Valentine, who spit in Race's face *The two got into a heated brawl from that point on, with Race getting a slight advantage *Race and Paul Orndorff double-teamed Valentine, and Race used every dirty trick in the book while trying to put Valentine away *Terry Funk came to ringside, distracting Orndorff; Race got several near-falls while using the ropes or grabbing the tights, but Doug Dunvegan was able to prevent any pinfalls from occuring *Race took Valentine down with a low blow, and referee Tommy Young stopped Dunvegan from entering the ring; Race went to tag Orndorff, but Orndorff was busy arguing with Funk *Race finally got Orndorff's attention and tagged him in, but Valentine had already tagged out to Dunvegan *Dunvegan laid out Orndorff with several clotheslines and then knocked him out of the ring with a European uppercut *Funk got the attention of Valentine and Dunvegan and had some words with them; Funk seemed to suggest something Valentine and Dunvegan were hesitant about *Orndorff tagged Race back in, and once Dunvegan entered the ring, Race was up to his old tricks, hitting several low blows and trying to get pins by using the ropes and pulling the tights *Dunvegan finally hit a backdrop on Race and tagged out to a frustrated Valentine; Funk nodded to Valentine and Dunvegan, who both nodded *Dunvegan distracted the referee at that point, and Funk entered the ring and blasted both Orndorff with a chair; Valentine followed up with a piledriver on the chair on Race before Funk left with the chair *Bob Caudle and Tony Schiavone laughed at Race and Orndorff getting tastes of their own medicine as Valentine finished Race off with a handful of tights of his own *[I]Greg Valentine and Doug Dunvegan defeated Harley Race and Paul Orndorff in 17:12 when Greg Valentine defeated Harley Race by pinfall with a handful of tights. During the match we also had Terry Funk run in and attack Orndorff.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: A*[/I] [SIZE="3"][B]FINAL RATING: B+[/B][/SIZE] [/FONT] [QUOTE=Anubis]Interesting piece of information for everyone reading . . . You all know how you must put on a show two or more grades higher than your popularity in order for your popularity to go up, right? Well, did anyone else know that this rule [i]applies only to the region you hold the show in[/i]? Yeah, me neither, until I saw my popularity in the Mid Atlantic go up after my last weekly pay-per-view despite the show scoring a rating [i]lower[/i] than my popularity there.[/QUOTE]
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[B][U]Tuesday, Week 1, January 1984[/U][/B] Well, the verdicts are in: say goodbye to Rick Rude, Junkyard Dog, and Mark Youngblood. MACW wishes all three workers the best in future endeavors, but sadly, they were simply not MACW material. While they were going to be the only ones getting fired due to the impending departures of Terry Funk, Cowboy Bob Orton, and Dick Slater, the next piece of news I received may very well mean more pink slips in the very near future: SWCW accepted the offer to buy them out! It did cost $1,000,000, but I am certain that the money is well-spent. SECW is still holding out, though . . . Any which way, I have sent out offers to Tully Blanchard, Gino Hernandez, Adrian Adonis, and Hector Guerrero, so I will need to make room for them on the roster. [B][U]Wednesday, Week 1, January 1984[/U][/B] Isao Yoshiwara Grabs Hold Of UWF Roy Shire Grabs Hold Of POWW
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[SIZE="3"][B]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] Wednesday, Week 1, January 1984 Held in the Charlotte Coliseum in Charlotte, North Carolina [FONT="Courier New"] [SIZE="3"][B][U]PRE-SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]Playboy Buddy Rose defeated Mike Rotundo in 5:14 by submission with a Sleeperhold.[/B] *Playboy Buddy Rose is improving in Technical skills. [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B]Doug Dunvegan defeated Gene Anderson in 4:44 by pinfall with an Iron Fist.[/B] *Doug Dunvegan and Gene Anderson don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. *Doug Dunvegan is improving in Rumble skills. [I]Rating: C-[/I] [B]STEVE WRIGHT PROMO[/B] *Steve Wright cuts a promo hyping up his skills. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: D[/I] [SIZE="3"][B][U]MAIN SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B][MATCH 1] SOUTHEAST TELEVISION TITLE BOUT Steve Keirn v Paul Christy (c)[/B] *Steve Keirn went into the match wary of Miss Bunny Love's presence at ringside, but still managed to get an early advantage over Paul Christy *Christy fought his way out of Keirn's assault and hammered him into the corner before taking him to the mat and slowing down the match *Keirn fought hard to take control of the match once again, taking Christy down and schooling him *Miss Bunny Love tried to interfere, but her timing was off and she got knocked off the ring apron again *Keirn took advantage of the communication failures between Christy and Bunny to take control and move in for the kill *Keirn started working over Christy's legs, and Christy never managed to get back into the match *[I]Steve Keirn defeated Paul Christy in 7:48 by submission with a Boston Crab. Steve Keirn wins the Southeast Television title.[/I] *Paul Christy and Miss Bunny Love have absolutely zero chemistry together. [I]Rating: C-[/I] [B]OKERLUND INTERVIEWS THE NEW TV CHAMPION[/B] *Gene Okerlund interviewed the new Southeast Television Champion, Steve Keirn *Keirn said that he planned to end the drama revolving around the championship *Keirn would be a fighting champion and would take on any and all comers, but that he was not planning on losing the strap anytime soon *Steve Keirn is learning to show more charisma. *Steve Keirn is developing better performance skills. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: C-[/I] [B]ORNDORFF LEADS BRISCO TO FUNK[/B] *Paul Orndorff is shown backstage putting various objects and foodstuffs on the floor as he heads toward the locker room *The camera cuts over to show Jerry Brisco intently following Orndorff's trail without a second thought *Orndorff grins as he leads his trail to Terry Funk's locker room and then hides; Brisco sees the trail end and gets that wild look in his eyes *Brisco charges into the locker room, pulls out a fork, and assaults Funk, gouging him on the forehead and then biting him *Brisco laughs maniacally as he runs out of the locker room; Orndorff then comes in, laughs at Funk, and spits on him before hitting him with a chair *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B-[/I] [B][MATCH 2] Mr. Wrestling II v Harley Race[/B] *Mr. Wrestling II carefully locked up with Harley Race, taking him down to the mat quickly to neitralize his offensive *Mr. Wrestling II schooled Race on the mat, but Race quickly recovered and knocked Mr. Wrestling II into the corner where he gave him a series of punches to the stomach *Mr. Wrestling II managed to stay in the fight by taking Race back to the mat, but Race fought back and hammered Mr. Wrestling II *Race took control of the match with an Irish whip followed by a nasty lariat *Race's veteran skills took over from there as he proceeded to pick Mr. Wrestling II apart slowly and methodically *Mr. Wrestling II tried to turn things around several times, but Race countered his every attempt and then finished him off *[I]Harley Race defeated Mr. Wrestling II in 9:53 by pinfall with a Piledriver.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B[/I] [B]FLAIR ADDRESSES THE HOMETOWN CROWD[/B] *Ric Flair said it was good to be home performing his first match of 1984 in his hometown of Charlotte *Flair worked the crowd and cut a promo against his opponent for tonight, Paul Orndorff *Flair said that while the championship was not on the line tonight, he would be wrestling as if it were, so Orndorff had better be prepared *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A*[/I] [B][MATCH 3: MAIN EVENT] Paul Orndorff v "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair[/B] *Paul Orndorff attacked Ric Flair before the bell *Flair came back with a European uppercut followed by an Irish whip and a knee lift *Flair went right for Orndorff's legs, working them over *Orndorff managed to get away from Flair and hit a lariat to turn the match in his favor *Orndorff started working Flair's legs over and put him in his own move, the Figure-Four *Flair reached the ropes, forcing the break; Orndorff stomped Flair repeatedly *Flair managed to turn the match around with a backdrop, but lost ground again when thrown from the top turnbuckle *Orndorff controlled the match a little longer, but then Flair hit a desperation knee breaker to turn the tide of the match *Flair kept after Orndorff's legs and moved in for the kill *[I]Ric Flair defeated Paul Orndorff in 17:52 by submission with a Figure-Four.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: A[/I] [SIZE="3"][B]FINAL RATING: B-[/B][/SIZE] [/FONT]
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[B][U]Thursday, Week 1, January 1984[/U][/B] UWA Rise To Cult Size [B]MACW in Your Town![/B] Friday, Week 1, January 1984 The world tour on pay-per-view continues! This week we are in the West Central region of Mexico where Asesinos de Infierno will challenge Steamboat & Youngblood for the NWA World Tag Team Titles while Fishman (CMLL) challenges Ric Flair for the NWA World Heavyweight Title.
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[B][U]Sunday, Week 1, January 1984[/U][/B] Joe Blanchard Becomes Booker Of POWW I successfully signed Southwest Junior Heavyweight Champion Hector Guerrero as well as Southwest Tag Team Champion and Southwest Heavyweight Champion Adrian Adonis today. With any luck, Tully Blanchard and Gino Hernandez will be signing soon as well. [CODE] [B]The TV Ratings Race[/B] [Monday] GCW In Your House U.S. Syndication Big I 3.92 [Tuesday] AWA Battering Ram ESPN 3.97 [Wednesday] World Championship Wrestling ESPN 3.36 [Thursday] [Friday] AWA All-Star Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small II 6.79 Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling U.S. Syndication Medium II 2.65 WCCW: The Edge TV Local - Mid South 0.53 [Saturday] George Championship Wrestling TBS 12.15 [Sunday] WWF Championship Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small I 6.71 World Class Wrestling TV Local - Mid South 0.79 [/CODE]
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[SIZE="3"][B]World Championship Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 2, January 1984 Held in the Memorial Gym in El Paso, Texas [FONT="Courier New"] [SIZE="3"][B][U]PRE-SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]Hector Guerrero defeated Steve Wright in 4:57 by pinfall with a Butterfly Suplex. Hector Guerrero wins the Southwest Junior Heavyweight title.[/B] *Hector Guerrero looked good out there. [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B]Jay Youngblood defeated Bill Watts in 5:01 by pinfall with a Rolling Reverse Cradle.[/B] *The announcing job done by Jim Crockett Jr. was pretty weak. *The announcing quality wasn't up to the same standard as the match. [I]Rating: C[/I] [B]CHAMPION PROMO[/B] *Ric Flair cuts a promo hyping up his glorius reign as champion in the promotion. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A[/I] [SIZE="3"][B][U]MAIN SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]BRISCO TARGETS WAHOO![/B] *Wahoo McDaniel is entering the arena in his full shaman regalia when Jerry Brisco runs by dressed up like a cowboy and smashes him over the head with a cowbell *Brisco hits Wahoo several more times, decimating both Wahoo and the cowbell *Brisco runs away laughing doing a stereotypical Indian dance *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B-[/I] [B][MATCH 1] SOUTHWEST HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT Ricky Steamboat v Adrian Adonis[/B] *Adrian Adonis gestures to shake Ricky Steamboat's hand prior to the opening bell, but when Steamboat goes to take it, Adonis pulls away and slicks back his hair with a sneer *Steamboat immediately goes after Adonis with a series of chops to the delight of the crowd *Adonis shrugs off Steamboat's initial offensive and lays him out with a lariat before pulling off his leather jacket, putting it over Steamboat's head, and punching him repeatedly until referee Tommy Young stops him *Adonis shoves the referee away and starts kicking and stomping Steamboat, who has to roll out of the ring to collect his thoughts *Adonis taunts Steamboat, who climbs to the top turnbuckle and hits a flying cross-body press for a near-fall *Adonis is beside himself with rage as he shoves Steamboat into a corner and gives him a series of punches in the stomach *Steamboat reverses the offensive and hits a series of chops before taking Adonis to the mat *The two counter each other multiple times, with Steamboat finally getting the upper-hand *Steamboat whips Adonis into the corner and goes for an avalanche, but Adonis pulls the referee in the way *As Steamboat checks on the referee, Adonis pulls out a chain and nails Steamboat with it, knocking him clean out *Adonis revives the referee and puts Steamboat in a Camel Clutch to finish him off *[I]Adrian Adonis defeated Ricky Steamboat in 18:07 by submission after blatantly cheating. Adrian Adonis wins the Southwest Heavyweight title.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: A[/I] [B]ROOP & HUNTER V THE COMRADES: FINAL CHALLENGE[/B] *Paul Jones comes out with Bob Roop and Rick Hunter and say they want to finish things with The Comrades once and for all; Jones issues a challenge for his team for a pair of matches *The first match would be between himself and Comrade Dink, with the winner deciding the type of match the two teams would face each other in *The second match would be determined by either Jones or Dink, and the losers would have to split up *Bob Roop is learning to show more charisma. *Bob Roop is developing better performance skills. [I]Length: 3 Minutes Rating: D+[/I] [B]THE COMRADES ACCEPT[/B] *Comrade Dink comes out with Ivan Koloff and Chris Markoff, and they agree that their feud needs to come to a final resolution once and for all *Dink accepts the challenge laid down by Paul Jones and Roop & Hunter, saying that he and his team will show Soviet superiority over America once and for all *Ivan Koloff is developing better performance skills. *Chris Markoff is developing better performance skills. *Paul Jones is learning to show more charisma. *Paul Jones is developing better performance skills. *Bob Roop is learning to show more charisma. *Bob Roop is developing better performance skills. [I]Length: 3 Minutes Rating: C-[/I] [B][MATCH 2] UNITED STATES HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT Doug Dunvegan v Dory Funk Jr. (c)[/B] *Doug Dunvegan starts off strong against Dory Funk Jr., keeping the fight up and heavy *Dunvegan hammers Funk into the corner and hits a series of punches to the stomach *Funk eventually catches Dunvegan and takes him to the mat, where he promptly takes him to school *Funk takes control of the match for several moments, working over Dunvegan's legs and back *Dunvegan manages to escape and hit a European uppercut to stagger Funk, but it is not enough to turn the tide of the match *Funk continues wearing Dunvegan down until Dunvegan finally hits a knee breaker on Funk and then hammers him with a lariat *Dunvegan grounds Funk and pounds him at that point, but then the crowd erupts in boos as the returning Cowboy Bob Orton comes to ringside *Orton gets Dunvegan's attention, and the two argue; Funk pulls referee Tommy Young down, and Orton hits Dunvegan with a chair *Dunvegan is down, and Funk moves in for the kill as a grinning Orton walks away *[I]Dory Funk Jr. defeated Doug Dunvegan in 14:41 by submission after interference from Cowboy Bob Orton. Dory Funk Jr. makes defence number 1 of his United States Heavyweight title.[/I] *Dory Funk Jr. seemed off his game tonight. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B[/I] [B]ANNOUNCED: ORTON V DUNVEGAN[/B] *Bob Caudle and Tony Schiavone announce that they just received word that due to the actions of Cowboy Bob Orton, he will be facing Doug Dunvegan at Superbrawl [I]Length: 1 Minute Rating: C+[/I] [B][MATCH 3] "Playboy" Buddy Rose v "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes[/B] *Playboy Buddy Rose tried to outright brawl with Dusty Rhodes, but found himself overwhelmed *Rose tried using dirty tricks to get ahead of Rhodes, but Rhodes manages to counter the attempts *Rose turned things around by taking Rhodes's legs out from under him and grounding him with forearms to the back *Rose's time in control did not last long as Rhodes recovered and took control once again; Rose would not get much of an offensive in from that point *[I]Dusty Rhodes defeated Playboy Buddy Rose in 12:47 by submission with a Figure-Four.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B[/I] [B]FLAIR AND MR. MONROE, READY TO RUMBLE[/B] *Ric Flair was backstage with Sputnik Monroe, who came dressed for a fight tonight *Mr. Monroe said that this was just a prelude to Superbrawl, and that he intended to show Jerry Lawler who was boss *Flair added that he respected Race as an athlete, but that his best years were behind him and that there would be no eighth reign as World Heavyweight Champion for him *The performance of Ric Flair was fantastic. *Sputnik Monroe looked dreadful in this segment. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B]MAIN EVENT HYPE[/B] *At the podium, Bob Caudle hyped the upcoming main event where Harley Race would be teaming with Jerry Lawler against Ric Flair and Sputnik Monroe [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: B-[/I] [B][MATCH 4: MAIN EVENT] Harley Race and Jerry "The King" Lawler v "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair and Sputnik Monroe[/B] *Harley Race and Ric Flair started things off, much to the crowd's delight *After some good back and forth action between the two, Jerry Lawler and Sputnik Monroe were tagged in *Mr. Monroe laid into Lawler instantly, pounding him into the mat; Lawler rolled to the outside and looked almost terrified *Mr. Monroe chased Lawler, but was taken out by a clothesline from Race *Race and Lawler double-teamed Monroe at this point as Bobby Heenan kept Flair busy *Flair took Heenan over with a vertical suplex on the floor, then went after Race and Lawler *Race and Lawler double-teamed Flair now until Monroe got back into the action and started to clean house *Monroe was stopped in his tracks by Race, who pummeled him mercilessly *Monroe made a hot tag to Flair, who then cleaned house himself *Monroe brawled with Lawler on the floor as Race anf Flair continued the fight in the ring *Referee Tommy Young was trying to control the action and get Lawler and Monroe to stop fighting, and thus did not see Heenan enter the ring and hit Flair with a chair *By the time Monroe saw what was happening, Race had already finished Flair off *[I]Harley Race and Jerry Lawler defeated Ric Flair and Sputnik Monroe in 14:35 when Harley Race defeated Ric Flair by pinfall when Bobby Heenan interfered.[/I] *Sputnik Monroe was visibly tiring toward the end. *Ric Flair came out of the match looking good. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B[/I] [SIZE="3"][B]FINAL RATING: B[/B][/SIZE] [/FONT]
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After some busy days, I had time today to sit back and enjoy your last few shows. A pleasant reading :) I love the whole Lawler story, it's golden. The Brisco behavior is interesting, specially when someone like Orndorff takes advantage of it, I can't wait for some sort of explanations about it. Superbrawl card is shaping up to be really good. I just hope your buyrate won't go down the toilet 'cause of the orther PPV you run worldwide. The games usually drops the buyrate a lot at Cult size with more than a PPV in a month, probably calling for overexposure.
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[B][U]Tuesday, Week 2, January 1984[/U][/B] To my surprise, Gino Hernandez rejected my offer, citing that he would rather focus on his HCW career. Okay . . . ? Apparently, he rejected offers from GCW and WCCW as well. Yes, laughable indeed. Such a waste is a true shame. [B][U]Wednesday, Week 2, January 1984[/U][/B] In another shocked, Tully Blanchard rejected my offer, citing that MACW was not a big enough promotion. Is he on drugs . . . ? MACW is currently the biggest promotion in the world. I have no idea where he wants to work. This is a huge setback for both MACW and Blanchard, as it looks we will not have his talent anytime soon and he will not be working anytime soon.
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