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When worlds collide, and now sports....

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Ah, okay. This is officially my first run into the realm of dynasties. So, I beg of you, please, be kind and lenient. First, the idea. I run a mod that is my own concoction. I have merged both the C-Verse and the real world Mods. It took a lot of tweaking (and I still don't think I am done). To do so, entirely, I created a new database, and imported/created everything else. There is are no shows. There are no events. The rosters are blank, and the promotions have no owners. There are family relations, but no friendships, love affairs, or anything like that. It is a clean slate. Second, the diary. I am going to do things a little different. I am starting as unemployed, and you will hear the exploits of an "arm chair booker" trying to get heard. I will post the results of shows, and important game events. If you are interested, please, leave feedback. If you like it, why? If you don't, why? And, if you don't, what can I do to make it better? With that being said, let's get on with the show....
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"]Mandatory Backstory[/SIZE][/CENTER] So, there are many theories on the creation of the universe. There are just as many theories on the progression of the universe. One theory is that a wise and just and powerful being named God created the universe in 7 days. Another theory is that, to God, one day equals a thousand earth years. Yet another theory that has developed, is that, "for every action, there is an equal and an opposite reaction". There was also a theory made into a television show, that basically said that for every second there is an infinite amount of actions that can be taken. And, for every action taken, it creates a different universe. One where you ate that last piece of cake. Or one where Ghandi decided to binge, instead of fast. This is just one of those theories. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- And it came to pass, in the year of 2007, that God looked at the multitude of universes and deities. One which he saw, he liked. This creation, though, was not one of his own. It was created by the God Ryland. And it was good. So, in the Celestial Coffee Nook, God invited Ryland for tea. God-[COLOR="DarkOrange"]"So, Ryland, I love what you did with the place."[/COLOR] God was known for his sense of humour. Ryland-[COLOR="Red"]"Thank you. Yours isn't bad, either. So, what can I do for you?" [/COLOR] Ryland was known to get to the point. God-[COLOR="DarkOrange"]"I was thinking, since both are so well, what do you think of shaking the two together, and seeing what comes of it?"[/COLOR] God always liked to see where the chips fell. Hence, free will. Ryland-[COLOR="Red"]"I don't see why not. That could be fun. That Hulk Hogan character has always been interesting to me."[/COLOR] God-[COLOR="DarkOrange"]"Good to hear. And that Sam Strong fellow you have, well, I would get his autograph, but that would not be becoming to someone of our stature."[/COLOR] And, so the deal was done. When the bells tolled at the strike of midnight (Celestial Standard Time, of course) there was a rip in the fabric of the universe. Two worlds collided. The result was fantastic. Although, there was an unforseen glitch. It seems that Ryland and God were wrestling fans. And, with the concentration of preserving the sanctity of what they loved, both awesome powers cancelled each other out, and the outcome was that the wrestling world was erased. All things to do with wrestling came to a random pattern, that, eventually, shook everything to it's core. Contracts were nulled, television shows were erased. Pay Per Views were eradicated. People still knew who the wrestlers were, they just couldn't remember why. The owners of some of the promotions were still millionaires, and still had the passion, they just couldn't remember what they were doing. Well, on Monday, Week 1, January, 2007, the world was so. And this is that story.....
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[SIZE="5"][CENTER]State of the World[/CENTER][/SIZE] Well, for reference, this is now a big world. I am not going to name all the promotions, or people, or the like, but I am going to give you a quick overview on the world situation. Promotions: 80 Workers: 3740 Locations: 928 Match Types: 213 Gimmicks: 475 Worker Relations: 72 New Promotions: 30 Angles: 1914 (Have to edit this, still) Storylines: 220 Titles: 222 Injuries: 63 TV Networks: 290 Other TV Shows: 131 Events: 128 (I wanted to delete them all, but it was too much work) PPV Carriers: 101 Dojos: 33 New Workers: 102 Teams/Promotion Pacts/Stables/TV Shows/TV Show Slots/PPV Agreements: 0 This may be a little boring for a bit, but, hopefully my storytelling will spice it up until the main things happen.
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"]And so it began....[/SIZE] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v120/Payne666/BradMcLeod.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Hi, my name is Brad McLeod. I woke up today, just like any other, with working on my mind. What do I do? I am a Psychologist. I get paid pretty well, enough to get by, and I like what I do. But, this isn't really my story. What I wanted to talk about was how I felt today. It was almost normal, but, it was like I forgot something. Something big. Oh well. Mustn't have been that important. After an average day, I like to sit and watch TV to unwind. I will even admit it, I am a wrestling fan. It all started when....I was....wait. There was this event....Dusty Rhodes was there....uh. Hell, I'm getting old. I can't remember. My brother is a wrestler, though. His name is Payne. He's pretty good, although he isn't well known. He wrestles around here, mainly for....uh....Bloody Hell. I can't remember who he works for. Anyway, I live in Ontario, Canada. It's pretty nice up here, except for the winter. And, this being January.....uh. Hell, I can barely remember the date. I am getting old! A quick look at the calender tells me it's Monday, Week 1, January 2007. Hmm, that seems odd. Oh well, just an off day. That happens when you use your brain a lot. It seems to want to shut down some days. Oh well. I watch "Hunted" and head off to bed. OOC:First day and all, nothing happens. Next: Tomorrow.
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"]As the days go by Tuesday, Week 1, January 2007[/SIZE][/CENTER] Apparently I am not the only one affected by Pro-Wrestling Amnesia. There seems to be a world-wide phenomenon going on. I hastily grab my pen and paper, and start writing accounts down. Hey, this is how Freud got famous. I log to my favourite Wrestling Web site: Total Extreme Wrestling.com, but that is no help, either. It appears to be down. Hmm. An interesting development. Oh well, wait until tomorrow. Besides, Celebrity Shark Attack is on. I want to check that out. [CENTER][SIZE="5"]Wednesday, Week 1, January 2007[/SIZE][/CENTER] Another day, another weird wrestling experience. I called my brother, and he couldn't remeber where he worked, either. He was going to call a few friends, but he couldn't remember who he knew in the business. It was a weird time. I was finally able to log on to TEW.com today, and I found out about a whole bunch of buy outs. [QUOTE] [B]From [url]www.Total[/url] Extreme Wrestling.com [COLOR="Yellow"]Jeff Jarrett takes over WWE[/COLOR][/B] WWE got a new owner yesterday, as Jeff Jarrett siezed the reigns of power.He is understood to have big plans for the company, and is excited to implement major changes. [LIST] [*]Also, Eisaku Hoshino is the new owner of BHOTWG [*]Jinsei Shinzaki bought NJPW [*]Richard Eisen Takes over SWF [*]The Great Sasuke takes over NOAH [*]Antonio Inoki in power of PGHW [*]Fumihiro Ota seized the reigns of ROH [*]Professer Nero took control of CGC [*]Kaneie Komine took over AJPW [*]Phil Vibert takes control of DAVE [*]Anne Stardust bought CMLL [*]The Highland Warrior now owns OLLIE [*]Sadaharu Jimbo Takes over 5SSW [*]Takashi Okamura is the new owner of Zero-1 Max [*]Troy Winner is in control of CZW [*]And, GCG is bought by Masakazu Kusama [*]Don Callis takes over WZW [*]Koji Kojima Grabs Hold of WMF [*]Shoichi Ichiyama takes over WLW [/LIST][/QUOTE] What a day. What was real funny is that there were 53 world wide emails asking for the booker position. Hmm. Maybe I might try my hand at a few of these. OOC: 53 companies got bought. If anyone wants to know about one, let me know.
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"]Thursday, Week 1, January 2007[/SIZE][/CENTER] In another interesting aspect of this wrestling apocalypse, my brother realized that all the workers in the world are now out of a job. That could be a good thing. No one is working, therefore, no one is off limits. Some lunatic down the street was saying something about an "act of the Gods" or something like that. Freak. Anyway, yesterday was another eventful day in the Nu-Wrestling Primordial Stew. Apparently, thousands of contracts were being offered by every wrestling company in the world. Makes sense, really. They need wrestlers. With my brother being one of them, it would be interesting to see where the chips fall. I am off to watch "The Office" then going to bed. [CENTER][SIZE="5"]Friday, Week 1, January 2007[/SIZE][/CENTER] Well, things are getting better and better. My brother got a deal with CGC, a pretty decent company out west. I wish him all the luck. A ton of wrestlers got signed, as well. [LIST] [*]WWE signed 11 [*]GCG signed 1 [*]DAVE signed 4. Including CM Punk, Christopher Daniels, Marc DuBois and Randy Bumfhole [*]AJPW only got 3 [*]ROH got 5, including Low Ki, American Elemental and Mitch Naess [/LIST] [QUOTE] From TEW.com Rip Chord turned down EWE, apparently with the excuse that they weren't big enough. Even with the current debacle, some people still know their worth. He did, however, sign very quickly with the WWE. An offer from Dave was rejected as well. Elemental turned down Osaka Pro, and WLW, in favour of BHOTWG. Pat Deacon turned down at least 4 requests, including CZW and ROH in favour of a WWE contract.[/QUOTE]
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A question before I go on. Should I just sit back and watch right now? Or, should I jump in? Which fed. I am not forwarding anymore until I answer this question. Should I try for CGC, and book the hell out of my brother (Nepotism in wrestling? NOOOOOO!) Or try the WWE? Or, how about the MWF? A local organization, backyard, even, and try to rule the world? YOU DECIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Well first I'd just like to say that if the booking is right this could be my favorite diary (next to the one of writing of course =) I say start small go with MWF, but if you do that instead of just watching make sure you keep all of us posted on who goes where. A few questions I have who (if anyone) has picked up people like Jericho, HHH, etc. Plus has anyone shown my boy Cal Sanders some love =(
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OOC: I have made my decision. [CENTER][SIZE="5"]Saturday, Week 1, January 2007[/SIZE][/CENTER] So, I went down to the MWF headquarters, and who do I see? Victoria Stone is in charge. Wow. After an autograph and photo-op, I tell her I am applying for the Booker Position. After the way I just acted, and the fact that I was drooling over her, I didn't get the job. Although, I did hear her snickering to some other guy as I was leaving. What is a "mark", anyway? Anyway, TEW.com is down again, so I don't know much of what is going on. Although I have a list of events that are going to go down very soon. [LIST] [*]CGC Times of Trouble on Tuesday, Week 2, 2007 [*]WWE Royal Rumble on Sun. W4, 07 [*]DAVE Feel the Burn on Tues, W2, '07 [*]TCW Youth Gone Wild on Wed, W2, '07. Although, they don't have a roster, or an owner. [*]SWF The Price, on Sun. W3, '07 [*]ROH Xtreme Overdose on Fri. W3, '07 [*]Tod Gordon grabbed hold of ECW [/LIST] Yes, ECW is it's own promotion again. OOC: Another question. This one involving format. Should I just do highlights for the week? Or is this everyday thing good for you? Also, I don't know if I am going to do actual conversations with people. I don't think I have that many personalities running around in my head.
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So you brought back ECW...did you bring back WCW? I think to start out until things slow down you may want to stick with daily just cause weekly will make your post a mile long. But once things slwo down and people have their roster weekly should be more than enough. What do you mean you don't have that many personalities in your head? I thought a prereq to doing a diary was to have at least 10 differant personalities =)... great job man
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"]Sunday, Week 1, January 2007 Grabbing Life by the Book[/SIZE][/CENTER] Well, looking at the state of things, it appears the world will survive, after all. A lot of Booker jobs were taken, and life is rather interesting. [LIST] [*]Shawn Gonzalez becomes Head Booker of 1 Pro Wrestling [*]Bryan Holmes is now booking 21CW [*]Alex Shane has the booking duties in APW [*]Eric Eisen is booking CMLL [*]Nemesis becomes Head Booker of DAVE (I ain't making this up) [*]Jushin Thunder Lyger is now Head Booker of NOAH [*]Tommy Cornell is booking at SWF [*]Brad Matheson is Head Booker of WWE [/LIST] A lot of the big names are still waiting in the wings. People like Paul Leveque, Chris Jericho, Michael Hickenbottom, Mark Calloway, Glenn Jacobs, BLZ Bubb, Bruce the Giant, Mick Foley. Peter Michaels took a job announcing with the WWE, though. Rip Chord is a Road Agent with WWE. Sam Keith is Enhancement Talent at DSW.
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[QUOTE=mad5226;204445]So you brought back ECW...did you bring back WCW? What do you mean you don't have that many personalities in your head? I thought a prereq to doing a diary was to have at least 10 differant personalities =)... great job man[/QUOTE] 1) No, I hated WCW. 2) That's why I waited so long to try this diary thing. I have been playing these since Extreme Warfare Deluxe, and I just can't do the diary.
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"]Monday, Week 2, January 2007 The Stars come to Life[/SIZE][/CENTER] No sooner said then done, a lot of major signings went on yesterday. [LIST] [*]Optimus becomes Head Booker of BHOTWG [*]SWF signed Mark Calloway, Bruce the Giant, Tana the Mighty, [*]IWA:MS got Colt Cabana, Homicide [*]CW, under the leadership of owner Sam Strong, got Pit Bull Brown to book, and signed Joel Gertner, Mick Muscles and The Predator [*]CGC signed Marcos Flores as Head Booker, with the talents of Emma Bitch, Elmo Benson, and Eddie Chandler [*]WWE made one signing, that of Shawn Michaels [/LIST] I am still running around, trying to find out what happened on December 31th, 2006. All I hear, though, is that freak at the end of the block. [CENTER][SIZE="5"]Tuesday, Week 2, January 2007 Size Means Everything. Roster size, that is[/SIZE][/CENTER] Yet another large batch of dotted lines were scribbled upon. John Cena crossed his t's with the WWE, bringing the biggest fed in the world to a grand total of 5 active wrestlers. Rick Law signed with UCW, and Agent 69 signed with the MWF. Shane Helms got a good deal out of DAVE, while Jim Ross is going to Mexico to call CMLL (BWAHAHAHAHAHA!). So far, it looks like SWF is trying to be the breakout promotion. I can't wait until the TV season starts. No one has bothered to put on a show yet, but that will change tonight, as CGC is getting ready to break the new ground. Let's hope my brother gets a good showing. OOC: For the record, I have no idea what I am doing. I have no place for this to go. I am doing this all by ear. What I do know is, after sometime, I will start up my own fed, then go from there. When? I have no clue.
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"]Wednesday, Week 2, January 2007[/SIZE][/CENTER] 27 more Booking positions became available today, when Diamond Dallas Page took over Wrestling Factory Stars, and Ted DiBiase bought USPW. Adding to that, Bobby Heenan got a hold of TNA, and The Rock got a hold of TCW. Cliff Anderson bought out SOTBPW, and Hulk Hogan now owns Nu Wrestling Evolution. Linda McMahon bought NWA: Quebec, while Vince McMahon bought IWA: Puerto Rico. Jeez, rich people!!! Interestingly enough, Steve Corino took over JAPW, while the Harts are at it, with Bruce buying MAW, and Bret buying FIP. What is with the families going after different feds? What ever happened to Family Unity? THE HORROR!!!! Amy Dumas signed with NJPW, while Ron Killings and AJ Styles signed with DAVE. Angry Gilmore became worker #6 to sign with Jeff Jarrett and the WWE. Speaking of Jarretts, Jerry just became the owner of FWA. ANother weird day.
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"]Thursday, Week 2, January 2007 What's the Opposite of Exodus?[/SIZE][/CENTER] It finally happened, and you knew it was going to. A MAJOR rush of signings happened today. WWE even got involved in some of the action. [LIST] [*]WWE signed Mark Johnson, Jason Azaria, Floyd Goldworthy, Jack Bruce, Joe Sexy and Jesse Ventura [*]ROH signed Jonny Storm, Carl Batch, Nova and Don West [*]CGC signed Sean Morely, Adrian Garcia, Francis Long, Teddy Hart, Cherry Bomb, and The Natural [*]1PW went on a spree, signing Jekkel, Melanie Florence, Steve Smith, DJ Reason, The Reason (Tag Team there, I know it), Adam Matravers, and Frank Cullen, to name a few [/LIST] Still no events happening yet. I don't know what happened to CGC's plan, but it fell through. Although, I was reading through my 'net "dirt sheets" and Pro Wrestling Analyst Foolinc did come up with a viable solution: [QUOTE]From TEW.com [B]Foolinc[/B], our resident Pro Wrestling Analyst had the following to say on the current state of affairs. "The problem is, with the current chaos that has ensued in the Professional Wrestling Business, the world has become quite confused. With wrestlers going to promotions half a world away, people are wondering why they loved these workers in the first place. No one can remember what happened just one month ago, and, as a result, the interest in North America has dropped considerably. On a scale of 1 to 10, I would give it an E."[/QUOTE] I didn't know what he meant, either. [CENTER][SIZE="5"]Friday, Week 2, January 2007 Total NonStop Signings[/SIZE][/CENTER] Well, when you hit, you hit hard and....well, wait 2 weeks. TNA is now off and running, making a major impact in the roster department. TNA just signed Sammy Bach, Sonny Siaki, Marcus Bagwell, Archie Judge, Ric Young, Sam Sparrow, Scott Hudson and Raven Nightfall. My personal favourite manager, James Mitchell, just made a deal with the....Rock, as he signed with TCW. WWE made one more signing, taking Paul Levesque into it's fold. Although they decided to call him Triple H. Come on, really, who would name their kid Triple? Going to TEW.com, I found out that some guy named Koryusai Kitoaji seems to be pretty important. He turned down no less than 6 offers before signing with NJPW. In a move that is close to home, a former classmate of mine, Robyn Hunter, turned down the near-by MWF, and NCW, before signing with NOTBPW. Wow. In another interesting turn, Christopher Daniels has become the Head Booker for ECW. If I could remember who he was, I might be astounded by that. But I don't. So I'm not.
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