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I remember watching Dutts first few matches in TN a and thinking wow this kid is going to the top of the X-division for sure. But lately he's just another high flier. The difference between Dutt and AJ is whereas in 10 yrs if AJ can't fly he still has alot of technical and ground skills. Dutt on the other hand will be in the unemployment line or at burger king. As far as pros and cons for lashley..... Pros= he's on ECW which I can't bare to watch. Cons= They force feed him to us on Raw endlessly..........
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[QUOTE=lovestruck420;206041]I remember watching Dutts first few matches in TN a and thinking wow this kid is going to the top of the X-division for sure. But lately he's just another high flier. The difference between Dutt and AJ is whereas in 10 yrs if AJ can't fly he still has alot of technical and ground skills. Dutt on the other hand will be in the unemployment line or at burger king. Unless of course he really is as popular in India as they say, which would make him essential for any attempts by TNA to expand thier business into that area.
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Bobby lashley is guy imo that just doesn't have it. He is very atheletic, and has a great physical presence about him, but that's about all the good things I can say about him. The guy has negative charisma, can't talk on the mic, his voice doesn't fit his body, and his matches aren't that good. Someone earlier said that he would have been a better fit in the 80's, and I completely agree. But I just don't think he has what it takes to be a main-eventer in today's business. The fact that he holds one of the company's championships shows me just how lacking the wwf is in big time star power.(We all know Lashley would barely be a mid carder in the late 90's wwf) AJ styles is a very good all around worker, and he seems like a guy that should be a main eventer, but for whatever reason, isn't. It seems to me like he might end up being TNA's version of chris jericho, who was a guy that was over, could wrestle, and just had star written all over him. And yet even though he had all of those things, jericho could never reach full time main event status. AJ styles may very well end up in the same position.
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QUOTE=lovestruck420;206041] Unless of course he really is as popular in India as they say, which would make him essential for any attempts by TNA to expand thier business into that area.[/QUOTE] Honestly forgot about Dutt's popularity in India, and that may well be why he's not already been released. I'd be surprised if he actually ever rises above being jobber to the X-Division stars.
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Lashley: Great look, great physique When he gets on the microphone he reminds me of the Waterboy where the opposition coach becomes either a pooch or a baby. I mean, when he went... "NO!" it sounded like it was coming from Millhouse. It was very forgettable. There's no reason why a Bobby Heenan type manager couldn't be put at his side. I don't know why the role of the speaking manager in that sense, aside from Alhandro Whatevermynameis, is becoming less and less. I loved the Heenan Family and the likes of that, you create more storyline possibilities too with good managers. Haven't seen anything of Sonjay Dutt AJ Styles, seen glimpses of him, the man can seriously wrestle. He's made to look great though I think by the WCW policy of no big high spots in pro wrestling matches. So the vast majority see their lower weight characters trying to brawl and not being entirely effective with it, then they see this bloke in comparison and the stars all go in his favour comparatively. It'd have been interesting to see him during the true WCW days comparatively against Rey, Juventud, Billy Kidman, La Parka, Ciclope, Silver King, Hector Garza, Ultimo Dragon, Jushin Liger (I know he was a bit earlier), Eddy Guerrero and the like. In my opinion, great not necessarily spot wrestling, nor necessarily lucha libre wrestling is largely limited in the USA these days because the WWE don't want you to believe it's possible, and TNA just isn't viable enough to make you believe it is. I think there's far greater possibilities for Christopher Daniels to become a mainstream star should either want to go to the WWE due to his superior entertainment skills which would make a slightly modified wrestling style to suit WWE protocol still be believable and something the fans will want to latch onto.
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Guest The Aussie
[QUOTE]it'd have been interesting to see him during the true WCW days comparatively against Rey, Juventud, Billy Kidman, La Parka, Ciclope, Silver King, Hector Garza, Ultimo Dragon, Jushin Liger (I know he was a bit earlier), Eddy Guerrero and the like. [/QUOTE] Sorry Aj Styles debuted on in early 2001, not long before WCW closed. Styles wouldn't have taken on any of those guys.
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[B][U]Lashey:[/U][/B] Pro: Great midcard talent. Looks are good. easy to cheer for Con: keep away from the mic. too small to be taken seriously against the big guns. [B][U]Dutt:[/U][/B] Pro: don't really have one Con: Just another x-divsion high flyer/spot monkey mid card who gets lost in the group as a whole. [B][U]Styles[/U][/B] Pro: great in the ring, can make anyone look good con: Don't really have one yet. (continue fighting with rhino and I may find one) As we currently know them, Styles could go to the WWE but Vince would ruin him. Daniels would be a better fit, because he is better on the mat and he has an instant storyline around his character "the fallen angel" (which i think TNA is trying to tie into now). **Starts taka michinoku vs. daniels match for something to watch before work**
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Yeah, I think Daniels is a much more interesting character. I like AJ, I like his skills, but I just don't think he is "Big" enough to be main even material.. Definately could be like the Hardy's though, especially if he goes to WWE. Daniels has alot of charisma, without doing anything wrestling wise. I think he would be able to pull off a Main Eventer for any company, if they play him right. Lashley, well, when he did that "NO!!" to you know who....... The only thing that saved him was that dang Face he made... He looked genuinely CRAZY, although I think they meant him to look MAD. Either way, that saved it... although my joke right afterward made everyone laugh that was over to watch... I said "Nooooo!...." Like a girl whining. Which really, a girl could have done that better.. I did notice something though. He's petrified to speak. Got what is called "mic fear", which can be overcome. He just has to keep doing it "in front of the camera and on a live stage" till he get's comfortable. He gets over that I believe his skill will increase up to 50%, which would make him around 55% in TEW, lol. Could get better then that though. You get him alone, I'm sure he can talk to you comfortably, and without hesitation... put a Mic in his face, even at the local karaoke (spelling?) bar, and his voice will sound shaky.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Hate to resurrect an old topic, but figured it was better than clustering up the dog pound any further. I was just interested in peoples thoughts on Edge. To me, he seems like the one person at the top of the WWE who I really want to see up there. The only bit of Raw I saw was his promo on MITB (which I thought was very good- the whole Kennedy name repeating thing being "riveting" made me laugh). I think that he made a really credible world champion and one of the best all rounders in the US right now. However, he is really, really hated by many people. While I'm sure much of it comes down to his affair with his friends (Matt Hardy) girlfriend (Lita), but guys like Batista, Triple H, JBL etc are also known to be, how do I say this, not the nicest of people, but still get fans (don't get me wrong, Ilove JBLs commentary, but he is a d*ck). So what is it about Edge? In my opinion, the guy should be numero uno in the E. However, many don't agree. I'd love to hear opinions from both sides because it is something that has confused me for a while now.
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I think Edge is fantastic and, to be honest, sleeping with Lita is the best thing he could've done for his career. It catapulted him into the Main Event in one easy bound, gave him a whole new facet to his personality and transformed a nearly-man into the hottest thing on WWE TV. Edge has always had the skills in the ring. I remember seeing his in-ring debut at SummerSlam '98, where he was busting out headscissors and dives that a man his size simply didn't do back then. He now has added charisma, and is a home-grown star who's finally found the persona to propel him ever upwards. He's still pretty young, with several years to go in which he'll only grow more and more over with the fans. As a con... Well, he's apparently a bit of an ass, and he seems quite injury prone as well. Granted, the MLK Day and Redksin arguments were hilarious, but how many times now has Edge been injured when he's been on the cusp of something special?
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I enjoy edge's work and believe he should stay near the top for a while. As for the whole edge/lita/matt hardy thing it made people dislike him even more, which as a heel he is suppost to do. if you have to stab someone in the back to get to the to top I say do it. To bad Lita is gone I thought the edge/lita pairing was great
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I think its a misconception that Edge "needed" to sleep with Lita or that it was good for his career. He was getting a main event push and went over Kurt Angle clean on SD before his injury. When he came back, he was already being pushed as a tweener willing to win the world title by any means necessary and it looked like th WWE was setting up an extended feud with HBK. Really, when the **** hit the fan, all it did was turn Edge full-on heel with smarky fans and the E took advantage of the story by sticking Edge in a midcard feud with Matt Hardy for a few months. And, honestly, if you take away the real-life heat, it wasn't that great a program. I actually think Edge is a talented guy. The Rated R character is a pretty standard issue heel however. And Lita brings nothing to the table. If the Hardy thing doesn't happen, you probably could've stuck him with any diva and created the same character and got the same results. As a worker, his best work is when he's being carried by a better worker. But that's not a negative. Several big name stars made a rather nice career out of being carried by superior workers. In short, I like Edge. Not an "all time great" but definitely the kind of guy that can be pushed as a main eventer and I think he'll be near the top of the WWE for the next 2-3 years.
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Edge is on the downward spiral of his career. He did an excellent job in getting Cena over, but a large part of his heat came from the Matt/Lita situation. I think Edge will be used to make Orton a top teir face, and then slowly fade back down the card, at least until they need him to put someone else over. He has become a heel version of what Tito Santana was in the 80s, and here I quote the Macho Man "Stepping Stone Santana"
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To hell with my career, I'll sleep with Lita anyway! Please... I'll do anything.... It's a shame Edge couldn't get in on Steph McMahon before Triple H. Trips would be at the top anyway, and if Edge was the one doing the boss' daughter then I think he would be at the very top, and doing a good job of it too.
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I personally think Edge is gold. The guy has great charisma, is very good in the ring, can wrestle pretty much any style of match(except for maybe a purely technical match), and is the best heel I have seen since Triple H circa 1999-2000. The guy is the complete package, and is my favorite wrestler currently wrestling. I honestly think that this is one time where Vince should take a page from the NWA/WCW. What I mean is, Vince usually has the mega babyface hold the title for long periods of time and beat all comers(with the exception of Triple H earlier in the decade). Instead of doing that with Cena, I would like to see Vince take the NWA approach(what they did with Flair), and have Edge hold on to the title for a long period of time, barely holding on to the title time after time). Doing this might even help John Cena, as he could develop more of the "edge"(no pun intended) he used to have that fans loved as he gets screwed by edge out of the title over and over. To sum up, Edge is the man, and I honestly believe he should be a part of the main event at wrestlemania.
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I think Edge is one of the hottest jewels on the WWE roster. He is a very charismatic character, and an outstanding wrestler who's willing to take a good bump to sell a good story. I think if anything he's on the upward spiral. So many great memories with Edge, I mean Edge and Christian was gold, so were all the TLC matches. Great wrestler.
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[B]Edge[/B] [quote=keefmoon]However, he is really, really hated by many people.[/quote] I'm one of 'em! :D [quote=mystic]if you have to stab someone in the back to get to the to top I say do it.[/quote] I suppose that all depends on the type of person you are. I for one would NEVER betray a friend like that, and believe me when I say i've had the opportunities. [quote=sirniles2000]I would like to see Vince take the NWA approach(what they did with Flair), and have Edge hold on to the title for a long period of time[/quote] Oh god I hope not! :eek: My thoughts: Edge is a better than average wrestler but he's certainly no Angle, Hart or Benoit. I'm perturbed by people thinking he's very charismatic and that he does good promo's because I personally think they're laughable. During the period when he wasn't getting the title shot he "rightfully deserved" (:rolleyes:), every promo consisted of him gripping his hair and gritting his teeth. In my eyes, Edge is nothing more than an upper midcarder (due to his wrestling ability alone) who's there to help others maintain or boost their position on the card. -------------------------------- [B]Cena[/B] He's stuck in a rut and that's why the fans have turned on him, and all this saluting/marine crap certainly doesn't help either. I was a Cena fan right up until his return after the 'nightclub stabbing' incident, after that it was all downhill. He should definitely have a heel turn and go back to his rapper gimmick. For those who knock Cena for his wrestling ability (i'll admit i'm one of them), don't forget that wrestling ability doesn't always make you a champion - see Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior.
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I like John Cena in many respects, I think he has the look to be a regular of the main event. I thought though he needs to create better finishers for himself to create more belief in him being a man who can beat his opponent as often as he does. 'Taker, I'm happy with Edge's charisma. I think his promos are good, but moreso I like his ability backstage in terms of some of the things he hs done with Edge and Christian that were pure comedy gold. I rate him, very very highly as I did Christian.
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I agree, the Edge, Christan, Angle and Foley stuff was hilarious. Remember the conquisterhardys? :D however out of the two i think Christian had the better mic skills (he is captain charisma after all) but Edge was the better in the ring. To be honest i have to question, without Edge in the main event, who else are you going to put there?
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seriosly though, after surveying the WWE's current roster and considering they need 3 sets of main event wrestlers, surely, even for someone as anti-edge as yourself, you have to admit that he should probably be up there. Just to help emphasize what im saying look at this list of the 'Es main eventers: HHH Shawn Michaels John Cena Umaga Batista Undertaker Bobby Lashley Rey Mysterio Booker T Just looking at that worryingly small list. And then looking at Edge, you have to think, crikey he's better then Batista, Umaga, Lashley, Booker T and probably (sorry kids) Cena! There are obviosly up-and-comers who we can add to that list sometime soon, im thinking Kennedy, CM Punk etc. But as it stands i think Edge should definatly be in the main event, although that has more to do with the shocking state of the WWE's roster more than anything.
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[QUOTE=panix04;217982]seriosly though, after surveying the WWE's current roster and considering they need 3 sets of main event wrestlers, surely, even for someone as anti-edge as yourself, you have to admit that he should probably be up there. Just to help emphasize what im saying look at this list of the 'Es main eventers: HHH Shawn Michaels John Cena Umaga Batista Undertaker Bobby Lashley Rey Mysterio Booker T Just looking at that worryingly small list. And then looking at Edge, you have to think, crikey he's better then Batista, Umaga, Lashley, Booker T and probably (sorry kids) Cena! There are obviosly up-and-comers who we can add to that list sometime soon, im thinking Kennedy, CM Punk etc. But as it stands i think Edge should definatly be in the main event, although that has more to do with the shocking state of the WWE's roster more than anything.[/QUOTE] I don't consider Umaga or Lashley Main Eventers (Besides the huge popularity they will surely get from wrestlemania though). I really do think Edge and Orton should/will be Main Eventers though. Kennedy and Punk need another year, maybe two more for Punk (or else they will kill him I believe, too much too soon almost already, although I'm hoping for sooner, I just like him, don't want it to be too big a rush into it). Also, I think Matt Hardy can be, possible. But hey... I doubt any of them are in the near future.. I've heard some rumors. POSSIBLE SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I heard that not only Austin (Might be for his movie though), but The Rock as well are coming back after Wrestlemania. Someone told me they seen it on the bottum of AM RAW. Anyways, they are supposed to feud with each other, which is why I doubt what I've heard.
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