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NYCW: Winds Of Change

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I dunno. Can you put on a decent fake stererotypical irish accent and finish sentences with 'To be sure' or "Where's me lucky charms', talk complete balls for hours on such subjects like passing ettiquette (ie.. ass or crotch when you pass someone sitting) and then still leave on good terms with the girls. Its a skill that not everyone has... If you can do it then your welcome to join us next-time
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[FONT="Georgia"][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/NYCW%20Diary/NYCW_small.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]NYCW: Limited Edition Saturday 12th April 2007 Weston Gymnasium in front of 198 People Availble LIVE on the Internet from NYCW.com[/B] [B]Pre Show Ratings:[/B] [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]D-[/COLOR][/B] The show starts with a pan around of the audience. It cuts close and shows Land Mass sitting in the crowd watching the show. He raises a plastic replica of the Tri State Championship and points it at the camera. [B]Rating:[/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]E-[/B][/COLOR]
[B]Singles Match:[/B] [CENTER][I]Sammy The Shark [B][COLOR="Blue"]VS[/COLOR][/B] The New York Doll[/I][/CENTER] Sammy The Shark drew with The New York Doll in 7:59 when the referee lost control and stopped the match yet again. [B]Winner:[/B] [I]Draw[/I] [B]Rating: [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR][/B]
[B]Meanwhile Backstage...[/B] Coyote Dynamite is backstage with Fern Hathaway: [B]Fern:[/B] [I]"There you are. I have been looking for you"[/I] [B]Coyete:[/B] [I]"Sorry. Still bummed about losing the belts, and im sure Wiley is blaming me"[/I] [B]Fern:[/B] [I]"I doubt it. Anyway, i have managed to get you your rematch tonight. So when you win that Wiley is going to buy you a beer"[/I] [B]Coyete:[/B] [I]"Thanks Fern. Dont know what i would do without you"[/I] Fern walks over and gives Coyete a hug. At the moment, Wiley comes through the door [B]Wiley:[/B] [I]"Oh Jeez you two, get a room. Fern. Can you leave so i can go over some things with my team mate"[/I] Awkard much.. [B]Rating: [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR][/B]
[B]Singles Match:[/B] [CENTER][I]Brandon Smith [B][COLOR="Blue"]VS[/COLOR][/B] Jesus Chavez[/I][/CENTER] Jesus Chavez defeated Brandon Smith in 10:15 by pinfall with The 187 Neckbreaker. [B]Rating: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D[/COLOR][/B] Brandon Smith is heading out the ring. Hector Galindo and Rudy Velasquez run in and attack, beating Smith down into the mat. [B]Rating: [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR][/B] After the beatdown Hector Galindo, Rudy Velasquez and Jesus Chavez head back to the ring: [B]Hector:[/B] [I]"Ya know. We come ta NYCW n we ar instrument in Grandmasta Phunks retirement."[/I] [B]Jesus:[/B] [I]"Then we take the Tag Team gold"[/I] [B]Rudy:[/B] [I]"And now we beat ya new debut who net boyz say was da next big thing"[/I] [B]Hector:[/B] [I]"We The Latino Kings an we ar here ta stay" * [/I] [I]* Its beginning to sound more Jamaican than latino :)[/I] [B]Rating: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D-[/COLOR][/B]
[B]NYCW Tag Team Championship:[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/NYCW%20Diary/originalbelt09.jpg[/IMG] [I]The Latino Kings [B][COLOR="Blue"]VS[/COLOR][/B] Wiley Coyete[/I][/CENTER] Latino Kings defeated Wiley Coyote in 8:53 when Rudy Velasquez defeated Wiley Steinway by pinfall with a Street Cutter. Latino Kings make defence number 1 of their NYCW Tag Team titles. [B]Winner:[/B] [I]The Latino Kings[/I] [B]Rating: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D[/COLOR][/B] Wiley Steinway & Coyote Dynamite are in each others faces... again [B]Wiley:[/B] [I]"Im sick of carrying you. For the last few months all you have done is wallow and mope around"[/I] [B]Coyete:[/B] [I]"Oh your kidding right. If you payed more attention to our matches and not to a certain young lady here at NYCW"[/I] [B]Wiley:[/B] [I]"Says the guy who was caught with her earlier tonight"[/I] [B]Coyete:[/B] [I]"So what....I....like her"[/I] [B]Wiley:[/B] [I]"You are so not good enough for her. And next month im going to prove it to her when i hand you your arse.. in a first blood match"[/I] [B]Rating: [COLOR="darkorange"]D-[/COLOR][/B]
[B]NYCW Empire Championship Match:[/B] [CENTER] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/NYCW%20Diary/originalbelt05.jpg[/IMG] [I]American Machine [B][COLOR="Blue"]VS[/COLOR][/B] Black Hat Bailey [COLOR="blue"][B]VS[/B][/COLOR] Whistler[/I][/CENTER] American Machine defeated Whistler and Black Hat Bailey in 12:01 when American Machine defeated Whistler by submission. American Machine wins the NYCW Empire title. [B]Rating: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D[/COLOR][/B] Having picked up the victory, American Machine grabs the title and celebrates in the ring. [B]Rating: [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]Final Show Rating: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/NYCW%20Diary/internet-1.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]NYCW Limited Edition Report[/B] [I]New York City Wrestling held Limited Edition last night in The Weston Gymnasium, and drew 198 fans. The feedback has been very positive, it was a good show apparently. On our message boards, forum member 'EdRock' said 'I posted weeks ago that this would happen'.[/I] [/FONT]
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[FONT="Georgia"][B]NYCW Offices Last week of April 2007[/B] Things had begun to settle down after Grandmaster Phunks departure and the consistantly good ratings that the shows were getting. The Stomper had upgraded Adams office from a tiny little store room to one with an actual window. And it was those same windows that The Latino Kings were looking out of when Adam got to his office. [B]Hector:[/B] [I]"Hello good fellow. Hope you dont mind us waiting in your office like this"[/I] [B]Adam:[/B] [I]"No.. Its fine Galin, or should i say Hector"[/I] [B]Hector/Galin:[/B] [I]"Galin outside of shows please. I cant abide that character"[/I] [B]Adam:[/B] [I]"But the fans love you."[/I] [B]Hector/Galin:[/B] [I]"Indeed. And that is what Charles, Victor & I came to see you about."[/I] [B]Rudy/Victor:[/B] [I]"We would like to thank you for signing us to New York City Wrestling and giving us a decent push"[/I] [B]Jesus/Charles:[/B] [I]"Those rednecks at DaVE wont be content until we bleed out all over there ring"[/I] [B]Hector/Galin:[/B] [I]"And to show are appriciation, we have brought over a bottle of fine scotch with the intention of having a drink with you"[/I] And drink indeed they did.[/FONT]
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[FONT="Georgia"][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/NYCW%20Diary/NYCW_small.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]NYCW 2: The Sequel Saturday 12th May 2007 Weston Gymnasium in front of 179 People Availble LIVE on the Internet from NYCW.com[/B] [B]Pre Show Ratings: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D[/COLOR] & [COLOR="darkorange"]D+[/COLOR][/B] Wiley Steinway is getting ready for an interview: [B]Wiley:[/B] [I]"How has it come to this. We were 4 time tag team champs and yet some how Coyete is threatened by the presence of Fern. Well i guess we will see after tonight just where the pieces fall"[/I] [B]Rating: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D-[/COLOR][/B]
[B]Singles Match:[/B] [B][CENTER][I]Sammy The Shark VS The New York Doll[/I][/CENTER][/B] The New York Doll finally breaks the deadlock even though Jesus Chavez interfered and tried to put him down on the mat. Call it extra motivation. He defeated Sammy The Shark in 7:53 by pinfall with a handful of tights. [B]Winner:[/B] [I]The New York Doll[/I] [B]Rating: [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR][/B] The New York Doll helps Sammy The Shark off the mat and they both look threateningly at Jesus Chavez. Sammy then turns and lays out New York Doll before proceeding to beat him down with Chavez's help. [B]Rating: [COLOR="Red"]F+[/COLOR][/B]
[B]First Blood Match:[/B] [I][B][CENTER]Coyete Dynamite VS Wiley Steinway[/CENTER][/B][/I] Wiley Steinway had the upper hand throughout most of the match. However Ferns cries to stop things, halted Wiley from bringing a chair down on Coyote's head. Coyete capitalised on this pause by grabbing the chair off Wiley and busting Wiley open for the win. [B]Winner:[/B] [I]Coyete Dynamite[/I] [B]Rating: [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR][/B] Coyote Dynamite is beating down Wiley Steinway in the ring. Fern Hathaway comes in and tries to reason with Coyote Dynamite to get him to stop. He simply attacks her too, laying her out in one quick violent attack. The crowd gasps in shock. [B]Rating: [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR][/B]
[B]Meanwhile...[/B] Land Mass comes out to the ring after a quick sponsor break. [B]Mass:[/B] [I]"You know. For months now Steve Flash has thought that I had stolen his Tri State Championship from him. How wrong he was. I do however know who did... Why doesn't he come out here"[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/NYCW%20Diary/MeanJeanCattley.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Some of the crowd cheer when they see Jean Cattley head ringside with the Tri State belt. [B]Cattley:[/B] [I]"Hows that for a plot twist. Steve Flash.. If you want your belt back, then you need to get out here now and face me"[/I] [B]Mass:[/B] [I]"With friends like Jean Cattley, Nothing can stand in my way."[/I] [B]Rating: [COLOR="red"]E[/COLOR][/B] Steve Flash charges out to the ring and gets straight in Cattleys face while they rush a referee down to the ring [B]Rating: [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR][/B] [B]NYCW Tri State Championship:[/B] [CENTER][B][I][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/NYCW%20Diary/originalbelt06.jpg[/IMG] Jean Cattley VS Steve Flash[/I][/B][/CENTER] Steve Flash defeated Jean Cattley in 8:17 by pinfall with a Flash Bang. Steve Flash makes defence number 1 of his NYCW Tri-State Regional title. [B]Rating: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D[/COLOR][/B]
[B]NYCW Empire Championship[/B][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/NYCW%20Diary/originalbelt05.jpg[/IMG] [B][I]American Machine VS Whistler[/I][/B][/CENTER] American Machine defeated Whistler in 12:49 by submission. American Machine makes defence number 1 of his NYCW Empire title. [B]Rating: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]Final Show Rating: [COLOR="darkorange"]D-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/NYCW%20Diary/internet-1.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]NYCW 2: The Sequel[/B] New York City Wrestling held their show last night in The Weston Gymnasium, and drew 179 fans. The feedback has been mainly positive, the company has won many friends[/FONT]
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[FONT="Georgia"][B]NYCW Offices First week of June 2007[/B] It was contract renewal month at NYCW and there were a lot of unhappy people milling around. With the influx of new wrestlers over the last few shows, the old guard were fearful of there positions. With good reason... [B]Stomper:[/B] [I]"What the hell.. Your canning him"[/I] [B]Adam:[/B] [I]"Yeah. We knew he wasn't going to be sticking with us, and i am not going to be pushing him to the fans when he is dropping us"[/I] [B]Stomper:[/B] [I]"Dont you think that NYCW owes him some respect"[/I] [B]Adam:[/B] [I]"Former head booker or not, Black Hat Bailey got his final wage packet tonight. Im also canning a few others"[/I] [B]Stomper:[/B] [I]"Who"[/I] [B]Adam:[/B] [I]"Rock Dourpour, for starters"[/I] [B]Stomper:[/B] [I]"Our announcer?"[/I] [B]Adam:[/B] [I]"If you can call him that. The last few months he has been annoucing at CGC when he should have been with us. Im not changing our show date just for him so he was fired earlier this morning"[/I] [B]Stomper:[/B] [I]"And who else"[/I] [B]Adam:[/B] [I]"Theres some people that i just cant see any use for. Rodger Dodger, Lee Wright, & The Masked Mauler. They make way for some new guys that i want to bring in"[/I] [B]Stomper:[/B] [I]"Like who"[/I] [B]Adam:[/B] [I]"I met this guy.. He is huge. Goes by the name Ox. Think he is just what we need"[/I][/FONT]
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Thanks for the comment. Im hoping the next entry will be up lunchtime tomorrow (uk time) If anyone wants to comment on the storylines going on, feel free. Im kinda used to writing for weekly shows so im not sure if i have enough or if they pace well
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[CENTER][FONT="Georgia"][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/NYCW%20Diary/NYCW_small.jpg[/img][/CENTER] [B]NYCW: [I]Just Cause[/I] Sunday 13th June 2007 Weston Gymnasium in front of 190 People Availble LIVE on the Internet from NYCW.com.[/B] [B]Rating for the Pre-Show: [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR][/B]
[B]Tag Team Championship:[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/NYCW%20Diary/NYCWTagTeam2-1.jpg[/IMG] [I]Davis Wayne Newton & Kashmir Singh [B]VS[/B] The Latino Kings (c)[/I] Latino Kings defeated Kashmir Singh and Davis Wayne Newton in 10:57 when Rudy Velasquez defeated Davis Wayne Newton by pinfall with a Street Cutter. Latino Kings make defence number 2 of their NYCW Tag Team titles. [/CENTER] [B]Winner:[/B] [I]The Latino Kings[/I] [B]Rating: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D[/COLOR][/B]
[B]A quick break later...[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/NYCW%20Diary/CoyoteDynamite.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Unfamilar music starts and Coyete Dynamite heads to the ring with a mike in his hand: [B]Coyete:[/B] [I]"You might have seen on the t'internet what i did to Wiley Steinway & Fern Hathaway, and you know what. It made me realise something. Those two were holding me back. And as such, i have found my own manager. Kirsten.. Come on down..."[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/NYCW%20Diary/KristenPearce.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Kirsten Pearce wiggles her way to the ring and stands next to Coyete: [B]Kirsten:[/B] [I]"My client is destined for bigger things than tagging with a nobody and his floosey friend. And as such, my client is dropping his tag gimmick name. Everybody, meet Don Richards, singles superstar"[/I] [B]Rating: [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR][/B]
[B]Meanwhile backstage..[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/NYCW%20Diary/WileySteinway.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/NYCW%20Diary/FernHathaway.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Wiley Steinway has been watching the proceedings on the TV that was conveinently there. Fern Hathaway comes in to check on him: [B]Wiley:[/B] [I]"Hey Fern.. Can you believe that. Don Richards... Like the last few years didn't even happen"[/I] [B]Fern:[/B] [I]"Forget him.. He has chosen his path. Now its your turn. Do we aim to get you into singles matches or find you a new tag partner"[/I] [B]Wiley:[/B] [I]"Im happy with the partner i have now"[/I] [B]Fern:[/B] [I]"Are you flirting with me?"[/I] [B]Wiley:[/B] [I]"Maybe.. Look, i know im twice your age but im wondering if you want to get dinner sometime... with me"[/I] [B]Fern:[/B] [I]"Like a date you mean"[/I] [B]Wiley:[/B] [I]"Well..... yes"[/I] [B]Fern:[/B] [I]"Sure.. I think that would be nice"[/I] [B]Rating: [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR][/B]
[B]Singles Match:[/B] [I][CENTER]Brandon Smith [B]VS[/B] Don Richards[/CENTER][/I] [CENTER]Don Richards defeated Brandon Smith in 9:17 by count out.[/CENTER] [B]Winner:[/B] [I]Don Richards[/I] [B]Rating: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D+[/COLOR][/B]
[B]Tri-State Championship:[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/NYCW%20Diary/NYCWTri-StateRegional.jpg[/IMG] [I]Rick Sanders [B]VS[/B] Steve Flash (c)[/CENTER][/I] [CENTER]Steve Flash defeated Rick Sanders in 8:31 by pinfall despite Sanders using a foreign object. During the match we also had Land Mass run in and attack Steve Flash. Steve Flash makes defence number 2 of his NYCW Tri-State Regional title. [/CENTER] [B]Winner:[/B] [I]Steve Flash[/I] [B]Rating: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]C-[/COLOR][/B] The match is over and Land Mass starts beating down Steve Flash. Cattley charges down and joins in screaming abuse about the Tri State Championship being his. Before we know it a second person charges ringside that nobody has seen before: [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/NYCW%20Diary/OxKreviazuk.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The man plows straight into Land Mass taking his off his feet, before grabbing Cattley and throwing him out the ring. He then helps Flash up and raises his hand in victory. [B]Rating: [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR][/B]
Another quick break later... [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/NYCW%20Diary/AmericanMachine.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] American Machine is ringside: [B]Machine: [/B][I]"I just want it to be known that i intend to be NYCW's greatest champion, so im hoping that im going to be able to defend this belt every show and prove my claim"[/I] [B]Rating: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D-[/COLOR][/B]
[B]NYCW Empire Championship:[/B][CENTER] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/NYCW%20Diary/NYCWEmpire.jpg[/IMG] [I]American Machine (c) [B]VS[/B] Sammy The Shark[/I] American Machine defeated Sammy The Shark in 8:42 by pinfall. American Machine makes defence number 2 of his NYCW Empire title. [/CENTER] [B]Winner:[/B] [I]American Machine[/I] [B]Rating: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D[/COLOR][/B] Having picked up the victory, American Machine celebrates in the ring. [B]Rating: [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR][/B] [B][CENTER][SIZE="5"]Final Show Rating: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/NYCW%20Diary/internet-1.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]NYCW Show Report:[/B] [I]New York City Wrestling held Just Cause last night in The Weston Gymnasium, and drew 190 fans. The feedback has been very positive, it was a good show apparently. On our message boards, 'Clarity' posted 'Has anyone got a confirmed source for this story?'[/I] [/FONT]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/NYCW%20Diary/internet-1.png[/IMG] [FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="5"]NYCW 6-Month Review[/SIZE][/CENTER]
American Machine - NYCW Empire Champion
4 wins, 2 losses and consistantly putting on matches between D & C. Captured the vacant NYCW Empire Championship in a triple threat against Black Hat Bailey & The Whistler. Mat Skills have increased as well as Respect
Brandon Smith
With only 3 matches under his belt its hard to comment on this newcomer to NYCW. But with his initial matches starting at D, things look bright for this rookie
Davis Wayne Newton
Not much to say about Newton with only two matches under his belt. However with both of them being almost C grades, look for Newton being used as a yard stick for other workers
Don Richards
Formally known as Coyete Dynamite, Don Richards shrugged off his comic image when he turned on his tag team partner and now hopes to obtain singles glory - something that has always alluded him. Consistantly putting on D rated matches. Getting better in Hardcore & Charisma.
Hector Galindo - NYCW Tag Champ
Debuted in style but beating down Black Hat Bailey & then attacking Empire Champion Grandmaster Phunk. Since then have captured the Tag belts with Rudy Velasquez. Another consistant D performer. A quick learner having improved in Hardcore, Aerial, Safety, Consistancy & Respect in just 6 months
Honest Frank
An example of a guy that cant be found a place for, and as such sits on the sidelines. Unless a place is found soon, Frank could soon be the next to leave NYCW
Jean Cattley
Cattley has only had one match at NYCW which he lost to Steve Flash. However if he performs here as well as he does at MAW then he could become a valued addition to the roster.
Jesus Chavez
Chavez was brought in alongside Hector & Rudy, but whilst they went on to tag team glory, Chavez has seen little action. He is however undefeated so far at NYCW.
Kashmir Singh
Kashmir Singh is VERY new to NYCW with only one match under his belt. However internet fans proclaim big things for Singh.
Land Mass
Land Mass has only had 2 matches but was featured in a feud with Tri-State Champion Steve Flash. For a guy of his size, he has surprisingly improved in Aerial, and his Mat skills have also improved. However his size and age seem to be slowing him down.
Rick Sanders
Another guy with not much to do in NYCW, however rumours of a feud with Steve Flash circulate on the internet.
Rudy Velasquez - NYCW Tag Champ
Arrived with the rest of The Latino Kings months ago and captured the Tag belts just months after arriving. However he isn't improving as fast as his partner Hector.
Sammy The Shark
Originally stuck in a deadlocked series of matches with The New York Doll, Sammy is now looking to the future. However his average match rating is an E so improvement is needed else he follows former partner Rodger Dodger out the door.
Steve Flash - NYCW Empire Champion
Undefeated in NYCW so far with matches rated between D & C-. Recently feuded with Land Mass for the Tri State Championship.
The New York Doll
Consistant E ratings means that he could soon be in for the chop. However he is slowly improving in Flashiness & Mat Skills.
Currently stuck in a losing streak. Its only a matter of time before his release.
Wiley Steinway
Consistant D performer currently in a feud with his former tag team partner. Improving in Basics, Safety, & Respect. Considered more valuable to NYCW than former partner Don Richards
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Roster changes are going very smoothly and your can only get better in the future. American Machine has been a very reliable champion so far, good pick there. I feel some strange dating angles with Wiley and Fern incoming. ;)
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