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Soccer Smocker.............


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Before I dropped my laptop and broke the CD drive I possible played FM07 more than TEW. I got Southend to the Prem and we actually did quite well. Got relegated, but finished 18th and had a real shot at it. Not bad when we had a capacity of 12,000 and only about a million to build on a poor squad.
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[QUOTE=TCP1;213083]I honestly cannot see how anyone can call Football tedious or random. My God. Look at Rugby, guys passing a ball backwards to go forwards. No real skill there. As for American Rugby Football (Official name) how people who like that 4 hour monstrosity can call Football tedious is beyond me. If you get the right game then football is the most exciting sport to watch, bar none! I saw the Superbowl a year years ago. Lasted God-knows how many hours and it felt like it was never going to end. Basketball - Two teams of black guys run up and down a tiny indoor court and throw a ball into a bin on a stick. Oh, and no touching allowed! Bull****! Baseball - Watched Arsenal vs Everton in a Sportszone in Baltimore and got hammered on giant budweisers. Ended up buying tickets for Baltimroe Orioles vs Toronto Blue Jays, apparently the two teams with the best offensive line-ups in the division. 9 innings and the ball was hit a total of 4 times. Ended up sober, cold and hung-over in the space of one game. Having waited until the 13th inning, Toronto scored 4 rund in one inning and we just got up and left in disgust! Ice Hockey and Lacrosse are both awesome fun to watch, nothing bad about them in my eyes.[/QUOTE] Basketball can be extremely physical. Besides, it takes skill to stop a player from scoring without knocking his teeth out. And why don't you refer to hockey as a bunch of white guys ice skating? Plus the ice they play on isn't much bigger than that "tiny indoor court".
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My personal opinion on the games I've watched... Most boring, American Baseball, Cricket, Soccor (to me). The only time I actually could get into soccor was when watching that one really famous guy (can't remember his name) that I believe was the first to hit the ball backwards over his head... and it was only highlights. Baseball is a boring game to watch, fun game to play, and easiest game to call for radio. Football is very exciting, almost as much as basketball. There is alot of stuff going on at one time, and it's not clear exactly what's going to happen.. Basketballs downfall-It can move to fast for someone like me to keep up with it. Sometimes it gets a bit confusing, and very hard to keep your eye on what you should at times, and can miss some really exciting stuff in a split second. It's also probably the most demanding game to play, far as physical. Whoever say's your not allowed to touch the other team is wrong. Your allowed to do quite a bit of things in basketball, and it's perfectly legal. For example, setting up a blockout (guy goes to the hoop, and on the way their team mates happen to be right in the way of the guy trying to block him). You can't touch the guy that's shooting the ball is the main rule about not touching. I mean think about it if you could. Guy goes up to dunk the ball, he's about 3.5 feet off the ground, and three people clip his feet and he comes down hard on the floor, head first..... At least the ground football is played on is ussually alot less hard, although they do stuff like that, but it's still illegal in football to "clip" someone.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;213732]The only time I actually could get into soccor was when watching that one really famous guy (can't remember his name) that I believe was the first to hit the ball backwards over his head... and it was only highlights.[/QUOTE] One famous guy?! Pele? Maradona? Beckham? Ronaldo? Ronaldinho? Zidane? Georgie Best? Saying ONE really famous guy seems a bit vague... And first hit the ball backwards over his head?! Do you have any idea how easy that is to do? These highlights weren't from the fifties were they, when people didn't showboat?! If it really was the first time someone kicked the ball over their head I'd imagine you mean Pele as he was one of the first huge names that there is television coverage of, yet somehow I get the feeling you mean Beckham... which makes me sad...
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[QUOTE=ahw26;213416]hmm not really a big fan of AFL especially since there isnt really anything above club level, theres international rules but thats only played against Ireland is a hybrid of AFL and Gaelic(sp?) football. Plus it doesn't have the same level of physicality as Rugby League or even Union for that matter, and there also tends to be alot of stoppages.[/QUOTE] Ditto, can't get into AFL... lack of international competition, and it just seems a bit of an odd game with referee's bouncing the ball etc. A lot of stoppages for marks as well etc.
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[QUOTE=lovestruck420;213473]exactly at a closer distance. Balls lose speed rapidly, if a baseball pitcher can keep a ball going near 90 to 95 mph all the way thats quite an accomplishment in itself.[/QUOTE] Mostly due to them being banged into the pitch, if they're bowled as beamers they still track through very fast. I think the overall time is about .4 to .5 of a second in cricket to play a shot against good quick bowlers.
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[QUOTE=sirniles2000;213484]I'm glad someone around here gets it. I personally dont mind soccer or Rugby. But I love the American Sports. You've already pointed out the skill to play baseball. Basketball is an extremely challenging sport. TCP1, stop generalizing that black guys are the only ones who play basketball. There are white americans, europeans, canadians, and even asians who currently play in the NBA. Some of the are big stars. Not to mention that I dont see how a person's race has anything to do with the game. It's all about skill. It takes a lot of skill and precision to put a big round ball in a hole that small(sometimes from 25 feet away) on a consistent basis. It takes a lot of skill to make a pass to a teammate when the court is tiny compared to a soccer field. And while some people might not like all the stoppage in play during American Football, I absolutely love it. Why? Because the game becomes more strategic that way. It pretty much becomes a chess match between the two coaches, trying to counter each other. It's a thinking man's game, and I like that. [B]I also noticed that someone critisized all the protective gear american sports use. Why is that a bad thing? I don't know about you guys, but I personally dont want to see any get hurt while playing a GAME. [/B] [B] And tristram, I think the specific offensive and defensive units in American Football is a GREAT thing. Fact is, most players in ANY sport aren't great at EVERY SINGLE ASPECT of the game. So in american football, we let players play what their best at. Why have a guy who is great in one aspect of the game and bad at another out there playing the whole time, when you can have guys doing what they do best at all times? [/B] Think of it from a wrestling standpoint. If you were booking a show on TEW, you would look at all of your guys and play to their strengths. You wouldn't put the Big Show in a ladder match or ironman match, because it wouldn't work well for him. In american football, we just take guys and play to their strengths. I'm not putting down soccer or Rugby. I just dont think either one is a good or engaging as American Football.[/QUOTE] Firstly, because we want raw contact. Which you get in league and union without a great deal of protection. You shouldn't need helmets for gods sakes, our games prohibit head high tackles. As far as the specific players, I just can't buy that. Especially for the field goal kicker, and the punter. That's ludicrous. All they do is swing their leg through like a ballerina. That has to be the cushiest job in the world. Also, if a defensive player smashes an offensive player, what comeback has the offensive player got? Over here recently we had a test match between Australia and New Zealand, Willie Mason a born Kiwi playing for Australia swore during the traditional haka, so when Mason got the ball he was pounded in a monster tackle by David Kidwell. What made the game so great was watching Kidwell demand the ball and ask the opposition to belt him, or use his skill to evade them. It's like in your game, you can give, but you can't take, or vice versa. In our games, you accept the responsibility for your actions. There's no softly softly you can only kick positions, you have a piece of leather, and skill to survive the war of attrition. There's no better theatre than that, and besides, they don't need a break after every move to reassess and plan the next move, it's off the cuff and intense.
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[QUOTE=sirniles2000;213506]I think we can all agree that all of our sports have very talented people playing. I guess no sport is for everyone. I notice you said you would rather watch ice hockey than rugby, but I find ice hockey BORING. I think Rugby(and Soccer) is much better than hockey. But like I said, no sport is for everyone. [B]I know one thing we can all agree on: Wrestling rocks!!![/B][/QUOTE] Amen to that!
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;213737]One famous guy?! Pele? Maradona? Beckham? Ronaldo? Ronaldinho? Zidane? Georgie Best? Saying ONE really famous guy seems a bit vague... And first hit the ball backwards over his head?! Do you have any idea how easy that is to do? These highlights weren't from the fifties were they, when people didn't showboat?! If it really was the first time someone kicked the ball over their head I'd imagine you mean Pele as he was one of the first huge names that there is television coverage of, yet somehow I get the feeling you mean Beckham... which makes me sad...[/QUOTE] Pele!!! Thats the one!!
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[QUOTE=sirniles2000;213484]Basketball is an extremely challenging sport. TCP1, stop generalizing that black guys are the only ones who play basketball. There are white americans, europeans, canadians, and even asians who currently play in the NBA. Some of the are big stars. Not to mention that I dont see how a person's race has anything to do with the game. It's all about skill. It takes a lot of skill and precision to put a big round ball in a hole that small(sometimes from 25 feet away) on a consistent basis. It takes a lot of skill to make a pass to a teammate when the court is tiny compared to a soccer field. And while some people might not like all the stoppage in play during American Football, I absolutely love it. Why? Because the game becomes more strategic that way. It pretty much becomes a chess match between the two coaches, trying to counter each other. It's a thinking man's game, and I like that. I also noticed that someone critisized all the protective gear american sports use. Why is that a bad thing? I don't know about you guys, but I personally dont want to see any get hurt while playing a GAME. And tristram, I think the specific offensive and defensive units in American Football is a GREAT thing. Fact is, most players in ANY sport aren't great at EVERY SINGLE ASPECT of the game. So in american football, we let players play what their best at. Why have a guy who is great in one aspect of the game and bad at another out there playing the whole time, when you can have guys doing what they do best at all times? Think of it from a wrestling standpoint. If you were booking a show on TEW, you would look at all of your guys and play to their strengths. You wouldn't put the Big Show in a ladder match or ironman match, because it wouldn't work well for him. In american football, we just take guys and play to their strengths. I'm not putting down soccer or Rugby. I just dont think either one is a good or engaging as American Football.[/QUOTE] OK... The 'Black' comment. You're all right, it has nothing to do with how good a game is, just a flipant remark. What I should've said is: [B]Basketball [/B]- Bunch of black guys trying to throw a ball through a bin on sticks. [B]American R. Football[/B] - Bunch of roided-up fratboys playing half a game that stops every 20 seconds. [B]Baseball [/B]- Bunch of fat white and hispanics swinging at a ball and generally not moving a whole hell of a lot. [B]Hockey [/B]- Bunch of toothless Canadians hitting each other with sticks. [B]Golf[/B] - Bunch of white guys chasing a black guy around a feild, with clubs. Hopefully that's cleared everything up! [QUOTE=CapCee]Basketball can be extremely physical. Besides, it takes skill to stop a player from scoring without knocking his teeth out. And why don't you refer to hockey as a bunch of white guys ice skating? Plus the ice they play on isn't much bigger than that "tiny indoor court".[/QUOTE] I'm not saying you should knock someones teeth out, just it would be an interesting sport if you did. [QUOTE=Djthefunkchris]Pele!!! Thats the one!![/QUOTE] That makes me sad in pants. Such a well-known person. AND, Don West keeps saying his name whenever AJ Styles fights! Shame on you! [QUOTE]Originally Posted by [B]KevBone [/B] Oh geez. In my eyes, soccer is the lamest of the lame. Words simply cannot describe how lame soccer is.[/QUOTE] Twat!
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[QUOTE=TCP1;213936]OK... [B]Basketball [/B]- Bunch of black guys trying to throw a ball through a bin on sticks. [B]American R. Football[/B] - Bunch of roided-up fratboys playing half a game that stops every 20 seconds. [B]Baseball [/B]- Bunch of fat white and hispanics swinging at a ball and generally not moving a whole hell of a lot. [B]Hockey [/B]- Bunch of toothless Canadians hitting each other with sticks. [B]Golf[/B] - Bunch of white guys chasing a black guy around a feild, with clubs. Hopefully that's cleared everything up! [/QUOTE] the golf comment is funny and all, but all of these are generalizations about something that you don't seem too familiar with. you are quick to call a guy who simply said soccer/football is lame a vaginal reference, yet here you are doing just about the same thing with the american sports. it kinda defeats the purpose a "debate". it also makes all of your previous comments seem worthless in my eyes, i can't speak for other people. also, these may only be jokes.....in which case it is humorous, but the problem with joking online is there is voice afflections (is that right?) to put together wether a comment is a sarcastic joke. i feel as though the quoted comment was a sarcastic joke, so maybe my opening paragraph is completely off base, but if it's not, then that's how i feel. anyway, i don't really care, because those comments are funny. and baseball is about as worthless a sport as can be. maybe it's because the texas rangers are my home team and they've only won ONE playoff game EVER! i do find it very boring, even in the playoffs. i realize it's pretty popular here in the states, but i cannot figure out why at all. the game seems to lack drama just about all of the time. granted, there are a few storylines and intense moments here and there. i think it just translates very poorly on television. it's one of those "had to be there" sports. american football is great. i have no arguement other than that. yes there are a lot of clock stoppages, but you can't blame the game for that. that rests on the heads of the television stations for advertising, not on football. the clock runs until there is a time out, a score, or a kick off is fielded. with the television adds, they do indeed stop the clock, but it's not the NFL's fault, so that is a weak arguement towards the sport itself. if the euro channels that play soccer/football decided they wanted to put in adverts in the middle of your games, then are you going to say soccer sucks because of the stoppages? probably not, because it's your sport of choice. i suppose you could blame the NFL ceo, marketing teams and the like for signing off on the commercials to happen, but it's better than not being able to air their product. basketball is a sport i never cared for until about five years ago, due to a roommate who loved the mavericks and the fact that dallas stopped sucking and got pretty good. i can see the side that doesn't like it, and i see the side that does. a friend once said to me, "give both teams a hundred points and two minutes to play....." sometimes it seems that way. ps. not trying to flame you tcp1, just making sure that was a joke is all.
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[QUOTE=thug saint oga;214011]the golf comment is funny and all, but all of these are generalizations about something that you don't seem too familiar with. you are quick to call a guy who simply said soccer/football is lame a vaginal reference, yet here you are doing just about the same thing with the american sports. it kinda defeats the purpose a "debate". it also makes all of your previous comments seem worthless in my eyes, i can't speak for other people. also, these may only be jokes.....in which case it is humorous, but the problem with joking online is there is voice afflections (is that right?) to put together wether a comment is a sarcastic joke. i feel as though the quoted comment was a sarcastic joke, so maybe my opening paragraph is completely off base, but if it's not, then that's how i feel. anyway, i don't really care, because those comments are funny. and baseball is about as worthless a sport as can be. maybe it's because the texas rangers are my home team and they've only won ONE playoff game EVER! i do find it very boring, even in the playoffs. i realize it's pretty popular here in the states, but i cannot figure out why at all. the game seems to lack drama just about all of the time. granted, there are a few storylines and intense moments here and there. i think it just translates very poorly on television. it's one of those "had to be there" sports. american football is great. i have no arguement other than that. yes there are a lot of clock stoppages, but you can't blame the game for that. that rests on the heads of the television stations for advertising, not on football. the clock runs until there is a time out, a score, or a kick off is fielded. with the television adds, they do indeed stop the clock, but it's not the NFL's fault, so that is a weak arguement towards the sport itself. if the euro channels that play soccer/football decided they wanted to put in adverts in the middle of your games, then are you going to say soccer sucks because of the stoppages? probably not, because it's your sport of choice. i suppose you could blame the NFL ceo, marketing teams and the like for signing off on the commercials to happen, but it's better than not being able to air their product. basketball is a sport i never cared for until about five years ago, due to a roommate who loved the mavericks and the fact that dallas stopped sucking and got pretty good. i can see the side that doesn't like it, and i see the side that does. a friend once said to me, "give both teams a hundred points and two minutes to play....." sometimes it seems that way. [B]ps. not trying to flame you tcp1, just making sure that was a joke is all[/B].[/QUOTE] Love you too. :D Almost everything I say on here is sarcasm. I actually enjoyed the NBA Playoff final and was very impressed with Obi Wan Chenoble! All in jest, this is the Dogg Pound after all. Woof Woof!
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[QUOTE=panix04;213905]*coughs* Anson Carter :D[/QUOTE] I am the biggest Michigan State fan alive, so can I hug you for saying Anson Carter? But I can name like 30 white basketball players for every black hockey player you give me. Ok, so maybe 5 or 10, not 30.
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[QUOTE=TCP1;213936]OK... The 'Black' comment. You're all right, it has nothing to do with how good a game is, just a flipant remark. What I should've said is: [B]Basketball [/B]- Bunch of black guys trying to throw a ball through a bin on sticks. [B]American R. Football[/B] - Bunch of roided-up fratboys playing half a game that stops every 20 seconds. [B]Baseball [/B]- Bunch of fat white and hispanics swinging at a ball and generally not moving a whole hell of a lot. [B]Hockey [/B]- Bunch of toothless Canadians hitting each other with sticks. [B]Golf[/B] - Bunch of white guys chasing a black guy around a feild, with clubs.[/QUOTE] Now that is funny!!! Sorry if I overreacted to your comments earlier. Like I said to someone else earlier, I live in Alabama, and those things(race and nationality) are still a big deal here. There are so many ignorant people here who don't like others because of their race or nationality, so I'm a bit touchy on the subject. Seeing that you were being sarcastic, I have to admit it was funny as hell.
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Guest The Aussie
[QUOTE=panix04;214486]to be honest i don't know many people who don't fall under the catagory caucasian, Devon is full of white old people! the only one on here i actually know of is Remianen and he's an absolute legend![/QUOTE] You'd be suprised how few people I know are Caucasian
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[QUOTE=panix04;214486]to be honest i don't know many people who don't fall under the catagory caucasian, Devon is full of white old people! the only one on here i actually know of is Remianen and he's an absolute legend![/QUOTE] Forgive my delayed brain, but Remianen is the only what you know of here? Old white person? Or someone who isn't Caucasian?
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