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[QUOTE=tristram;212898] You guys have really, really got to watch a good game of NRL Rugby LEAGUE. Not the stuff in England where they couldn't tackle to save themselves, but the gladitorial contests down here in the NRL. I was a Union man myself, before I really got into a League sort of community, and man, it's hard yakka. That game is the bomb. Honestly, I know rugby union has come into the States, but please, for the love of god do yourselves a favour and watch Rugby League - physical, fast, skillful, it has everything.[/QUOTE] Hate to agree with him since he's a Kiwi an all :p but what he said is true nothing beats a good game of Rugby League, especially a State of Origin game, there is not a more physical, skillful or intense version of Rugby League than State of Origin. New South Wales v Queensland is what its all about. Its a bit of a shame that the best form of the game is at State level rather than International level but its still great none the less.
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[QUOTE=ahw26;213382]Hate to agree with him since he's a Kiwi an all :p but what he said is true nothing beats a good game of Rugby League, especially a State of Origin game, there is not a more physical, skillful or intense version of Rugby League than State of Origin. New South Wales v Queensland is what its all about. Its a bit of a shame that the best form of the game is at State level rather than International level but its still great none the less.[/QUOTE] Origin is absolutely awesome, and I think through the advent of the Tri Nations the international game is rising up to a credible level now. New Zealand is capable in Tri Nations of giving Australia a good consistent run, which hasn't been the case for some time. People, if you get a chance, follow this man and watch State of Origin between New South Wales and Queensland - brutal skill!
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hmm not really a big fan of AFL especially since there isnt really anything above club level, theres international rules but thats only played against Ireland is a hybrid of AFL and Gaelic(sp?) football. Plus it doesn't have the same level of physicality as Rugby League or even Union for that matter, and there also tends to be alot of stoppages.
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While I am one of the few in America who actually like soccer, I'm going to have to stick with American sports. You say that baseball is not a good game, and while some games are slow and without much action, you have to appriciate the show that the pitcher is putting on then. For those of you that say it takes no skill, I challenge you to grab a bat and a helmet and stand 60 feet away from a man throwing a hardball 95 miles an hour directly at you. You don't know if the ball is going to go straight, if it is going to come at you and then suddenly curve over the plate, or if it's going to hit you right between the eyes.
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[QUOTE=SHaynes23;213467]While I am one of the few in America who actually like soccer, I'm going to have to stick with American sports. You say that baseball is not a good game, and while some games are slow and without much action, you have to appriciate the show that the pitcher is putting on then. For those of you that say it takes no skill, I challenge you to grab a bat and a helmet and stand 60 feet away from a man throwing a hardball 95 miles an hour directly at you. You don't know if the ball is going to go straight, if it is going to come at you and then suddenly curve over the plate, or if it's going to hit you right between the eyes.[/QUOTE] Cricket balls are thrown from a closer distance and at a faster pace! :)
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[QUOTE=lovestruck420;213473]exactly at a closer distance. Balls lose speed rapidly, if a baseball pitcher can keep a ball going near 90 to 95 mph all the way thats quite an accomplishment in itself.[/QUOTE] I believe the discussion was about holding a bat, not throwing a ball! :)
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[QUOTE=SHaynes23;213467]While I am one of the few in America who actually like soccer, I'm going to have to stick with American sports. You say that baseball is not a good game, and while some games are slow and without much action, you have to appriciate the show that the pitcher is putting on then. For those of you that say it takes no skill, I challenge you to grab a bat and a helmet and stand 60 feet away from a man throwing a hardball 95 miles an hour directly at you. You don't know if the ball is going to go straight, if it is going to come at you and then suddenly curve over the plate, or if it's going to hit you right between the eyes.[/QUOTE] I'm glad someone around here gets it. I personally dont mind soccer or Rugby. But I love the American Sports. You've already pointed out the skill to play baseball. Basketball is an extremely challenging sport. TCP1, stop generalizing that black guys are the only ones who play basketball. There are white americans, europeans, canadians, and even asians who currently play in the NBA. Some of the are big stars. Not to mention that I dont see how a person's race has anything to do with the game. It's all about skill. It takes a lot of skill and precision to put a big round ball in a hole that small(sometimes from 25 feet away) on a consistent basis. It takes a lot of skill to make a pass to a teammate when the court is tiny compared to a soccer field. And while some people might not like all the stoppage in play during American Football, I absolutely love it. Why? Because the game becomes more strategic that way. It pretty much becomes a chess match between the two coaches, trying to counter each other. It's a thinking man's game, and I like that. I also noticed that someone critisized all the protective gear american sports use. Why is that a bad thing? I don't know about you guys, but I personally dont want to see any get hurt while playing a GAME. And tristram, I think the specific offensive and defensive units in American Football is a GREAT thing. Fact is, most players in ANY sport aren't great at EVERY SINGLE ASPECT of the game. So in american football, we let players play what their best at. Why have a guy who is great in one aspect of the game and bad at another out there playing the whole time, when you can have guys doing what they do best at all times? Think of it from a wrestling standpoint. If you were booking a show on TEW, you would look at all of your guys and play to their strengths. You wouldn't put the Big Show in a ladder match or ironman match, because it wouldn't work well for him. In american football, we just take guys and play to their strengths. I'm not putting down soccer or Rugby. I just dont think either one is a good or engaging as American Football.
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it may well take a lot of skill to put a basketball through a hoop, but i think it takes a lot of willpower to watch others doing it! I just find it so boring, there's no real tactical edge to it, its just run score 2 points, then your opponet does the same and occasionally theres an interception and that settles the game, of course if there isnt an iterception or two and the scores are tied there is tactical drama invloving getting the last play etc. But i still find it boring - atleast the cheerleaders are hot!
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its not the stoppage's to work out plays in american football that annoy me, its all the advert breaks! I used to watch the NFL highlights show on a sunday evening and it was great, just two hours of american football! I do really like the tactical side of NFL its one of the reasons i tend to buy Madden every year.
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You all are forgetting another reason that American football is so great......Coaching Rants. You have guys like Jim Mora and Mike Ditka going absolutly crazy on the unsuspecting media. "Mr. Mora, what are your teams chances of making the playoffs?" "PLAYOFFS?!?!?!" And then college basketball may be the greatest sport around in America, especially around this time of year. The passion that the kids play the game with is what makes it so good. For most of them they are not going to play in the NBA, so this is their last chance at glory. It is all out, or they are done for their career. They don't worry about the money, because they get none, they play for the love of the game, and it makes it that much better than the NBA. They have some pretty good coaching rants too, mostly provided by the basketball God known as Bob Knight.
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I think this is pretty much a nationality debate. Brits generally find soccer and rugby more interesting, yanks American Football, Baseball and Basketball. I tend to agree with Panix about basketbll, because while I loved playing it, I went to the Garden last year to see the Knicks and a few of the people in front of me (who were also Brits) were asleep by the third quarter. I honestly believe football is the best sport in the world. It's short enough to not get boring, the stoppages are far shorter, it is a lot more tactical than people realise, very difficult to play at a top level, and was even harder in the old days. My dad has a scar on his head from when he headed a ball. That's it. No collision or anything, just headed a ball and it busted him open. There are also many reasons why football is better, but some of them are indescribable. It's just... I dunno... it just has that vibe. But probably the same vibe for us that americans have for "their sports". As for TCPs black comment about basketball, he's got a point. While there are several different races in the NBA, the majority is quite easily african american, and the big names also happen to african american (Allan Iverson, Kobe Bryant, Shaq, LeBron James, Michael Jordan etc [yes I realise that is a broad list but I'm just mentioning the big names that everyone has probably heard of, regardless of country]) I'm a fan of American Football and stay up for quite a few matches when i can, and always for Superbowl. However, the stoppages are a bit irritating after a while and while I understand why you have different teams for different needs, I prefer the rugby style where everyone is on the pitch at once. That takes a lot of talent to be able to do more than simply defend or attack. However, as previously said, I'm biased because I'm English and have been brought up on English sports, although I do like American sports. Just not as much. Which seems to be the pattern developing here. EDIT: If it's coaching rants you want, I think football's pretty good at that too. Step forward Gordon Strachan, Neil Warnock, Jose Mourinho and especially ol' big 'ed himself, the legend that was Mr Brian Clough.
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[QUOTE=panix04;213490]its not the stoppage's to work out plays in american football that annoy me, its all the advert breaks! I used to watch the NFL highlights show on a sunday evening and it was great, just two hours of american football! I do really like the tactical side of NFL its one of the reasons i tend to buy Madden every year.[/QUOTE] I understand what you mean now, and I would agree. That drives me crazy as well about american football. I also agree with you that basketball doesn't have much of a tactical edge on the surface. But the truth is, you would probably be surprised with how much strategy and tatical play actually goes on during a basketball game(just as I would probably be surprised with how much goes on in a rugby or soccer game). It's just that it is hard to notice, and the game is designed that way. If you aren't a fan of the game, it would look exactly like you described it. But look a little deeper, and basketball actually has a lot of depth to it.
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i agree that English people are going to be bias towards our own sports, having said that i'd rather watch Ice Hockey then Rugby! To be honest i like most sports apart from Baseball, 'cos i have never really sussed the rules out, but after having read Scooter, its made me want to give baseball a fair crack of the whip!
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[QUOTE=sirniles2000;213495]I understand what you mean now, and I would agree. That drives me crazy as well about american football. I also agree with you that basketball doesn't have much of a tactical edge on the surface. But the truth is, you would probably be surprised with how much strategy and tatical play actually goes on during a basketball game(just as I would probably be surprised with how much goes on in a rugby or soccer game). It's just that it is hard to notice, and the game is designed that way. If you aren't a fan of the game, it would look exactly like you described it. But look a little deeper, and basketball actually has a lot of depth to it.[/QUOTE] perhaps your right, but i don't exactly watch NFL week in week out, but when i do see it i enjoy the way a game plays out. And the teams have to work for every score that they get. Theoritcally the fact that basketball is end to end with constant action should make it the best thing since sliced bread, but i just cant get into it.
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;213494]I think this is pretty much a nationality debate. Brits generally find soccer and rugby more interesting, yanks American Football, Baseball and Basketball. I tend to agree with Panix about basketbll, because while I loved playing it, I went to the Garden last year to see the Knicks and a few of the people in front of me (who were also Brits) were asleep by the third quarter. I honestly believe football is the best sport in the world. It's short enough to not get boring, the stoppages are far shorter, it is a lot more tactical than people realise, very difficult to play at a top level, and was even harder in the old days. My dad has a scar on his head from when he headed a ball. That's it. No collision or anything, just headed a ball and it busted him open. There are also many reasons why football is better, but some of them are indescribable. It's just... I dunno... it just has that vibe. But probably the same vibe for us that americans have for "their sports". As for TCPs black comment about basketball, he's got a point. While there are several different races in the NBA, the majority is quite easily african american, and the big names also happen to african american (Allan Iverson, Kobe Bryant, Shaq, LeBron James, Michael Jordan etc [yes I realise that is a broad list but I'm just mentioning the big names that everyone has probably heard of, regardless of country]) I'm a fan of American Football and stay up for quite a few matches when i can, and always for Superbowl. However, the stoppages are a bit irritating after a while and while I understand why you have different teams for different needs, I prefer the rugby style where everyone is on the pitch at once. That takes a lot of talent to be able to do more than simply defend or attack. However, as previously said, I'm biased because I'm English and have been brought up on English sports, although I do like American sports. Just not as much. Which seems to be the pattern developing here. EDIT: If it's coaching rants you want, I think football's pretty good at that too. Step forward Gordon Strachan, Neil Warnock, Jose Mourinho and especially ol' big 'ed himself, the legend that was Mr Brian Clough.[/QUOTE] Keefmoon, it is defitnately a national debate. Truth is, I don't think one sport is better than the other. I think it all has to do with what you grew up watching. You mentioned that you fell asleep at a knicks game because you were bored. To me, that is almost unthinkable. Basketball is just so exciting to me(not as exciting as american football, but still very good). On the other hand, I have NEVER been able to watch a whole game of Soccer or Rugby. I actually like both games, but I cant watch a whole game. I just get bored. I guess it's just human nature to love what you know. I know I love American football more than any other sport in the world. I realize TCP1 is right about black players in the NBA. The guys most people know are black. I wasn't arguing that. I just didn't understand how the race or nationality of the players had anything to do with whether it was a good game or not(to be fair, I probably overreacted. I live in Alabama, and to a lot of people here, race and Nationality differences are a big thing. They aren't to me, so I due tend to overreact when it comes to that issue).
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[QUOTE=panix04;213497]perhaps your right, but i don't exactly watch NFL week in week out, but when i do see it i enjoy the way a game plays out. And the teams have to work for every score that they get. Theoritcally the fact that basketball is end to end with constant action should make it the best thing since sliced bread, but i just cant get into it.[/QUOTE] I think we can all agree that all of our sports have very talented people playing. I guess no sport is for everyone. I notice you said you would rather watch ice hockey than rugby, but I find ice hockey BORING. I think Rugby(and Soccer) is much better than hockey. But like I said, no sport is for everyone. I know one thing we can all agree on: Wrestling rocks!!!
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[QUOTE=sirniles2000;213504]Keefmoon, it is defitnately a national debate. Truth is, I don't think one sport is better than the other. I think it all has to do with what you grew up watching. You mentioned that you fell asleep at a knicks game because you were bored. To me, that is almost unthinkable. Basketball is just so exciting to me(not as exciting as american football, but still very good). On the other hand, I have NEVER been able to watch a whole game of Soccer or Rugby. I actually like both games, but I cant watch a whole game. I just get bored. I guess it's just human nature to love what you know. I know I love American football more than any other sport in the world. I realize TCP1 is right about black players in the NBA. The guys most people know are black. I wasn't arguing that. I just didn't understand how the race or nationality of the players had anything to do with whether it was a good game or not(to be fair, I probably overreacted. I live in Alabama, and to a lot of people here, race and Nationality differences are a big thing. They aren't to me, so I due tend to overreact when it comes to that issue).[/QUOTE] I didn't fall asleep, the people in front did. And to be honest I can understand why. When you are used to seeing games like football or rugby when it's actually a big deal when someone scores because it doesn't happen that often, basketball does seem a bit boring. A lot of the time it's just one team running to the end, scoring, other team run down the end, score, first team run back etc etc, which can be a bit dull at times because the novelty of seeing a basket wears off after the first quarter. And as they were British (I know this because I spoke to them) I assume they weren't Knicks fans, or whoever the Knicks happened to be playing at the time.
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[QUOTE=panix04;213486]it may well take a lot of skill to put a basketball through a hoop, but i think it takes a lot of willpower to watch others doing it! I just find it so boring, there's no real tactical edge to it, its just run score 2 points, then your opponet does the same and occasionally theres an interception and that settles the game, of course if there isnt an iterception or two and the scores are tied there is tactical drama invloving getting the last play etc. But i still find it boring - atleast the cheerleaders are hot![/QUOTE] That could only be said by someone that doesn’t understand the game of basketball and is breaking it down to its most basic level. It’s not your fault though you are just un-interested in the game and don’t take the time to see exactly what’s going on beyond the running and scoring 2 points. The same can be said for most Americans and football (soccer for confused Americans), all we see is guys running around and occasionally taking a shot on goal; because most in this country aren’t interested in the sport and take no time to really determine what’s going on. [QUOTE=keefmoon;213494] As for TCPs black comment about basketball, he's got a point. While there are several different races in the NBA, the majority is quite easily african american, and the big names also happen to african american (Allan Iverson, Kobe Bryant, Shaq, LeBron James, Michael Jordan etc [yes I realise that is a broad list but I'm just mentioning the big names that everyone has probably heard of, regardless of country]) [/QUOTE] That’s all true, but I really have to ask what does the race of the people playing the sport matter? Unless the person was trying to say you don’t like the sport because it’s played mostly by black people; but then that would be quite sad.
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[QUOTE=Imarevenant;213530]That’s all true, but I really have to ask what does the race of the people playing the sport matter? Unless the person was trying to say you don’t like the sport because it’s played mostly by black people; but then that would be quite sad.[/QUOTE] I wasn't saying whether it mattered or not, hell, I didn't even bring it up to start with, just saying that it is true that the NBA is mainly made up by african americans. Race honestly has absolutely 100% no bearing on anything I do, say or feel.
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I don't think TCP was insuating he had a problem with the race of the people playing the sport. I kinda just took it as him being flippant. In my defence i have given basketball a lot more chances then i have baseball, i have never really taken the effort to get into baseball. But i have watched a fair bit of b-ball, i have even seen the plymouth raiders play a couple of times. But i just don't like it! Im sure its not because its a flawed sport or anything. I just ain't buying what they are selling!
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