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Soccer Smocker.............


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I have for about 2 yrs now, tried to find interest in soccer. Yet for two yrs now I find myself turning off and finding something else(which once included the golf channel....) I am very fond of most mainstream sports, Baseball,Basketball,Football,even Hockey on occasion. But can't for the life of me get into soccer. It all seems way too random even though the announcers speak of great playmaking and skill......... So this thread is to try and make me understand soccer and the people who love it a bit more. You can throw rugby into the mix too since it basically looks like soccer with people who never got the idea of no hands............
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I can get into soccer/futbol when it involves the US National Team. Otherwise, I have difficulty with all the fake injuries and the like. The guys are very talented and athletic and I can respect that, I can't respect all the sissified unsportsmanlike dives and that crap. Maybe if I grew up playing it, I might appreciate it more.
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I played a bit of soccer as a kid, it's a fun game to play. To watch though, it's a bit tedious and slow for my liking. Then again, so are most of the American sports. Time outs? What the f***? You guys have really, really got to watch a good game of NRL Rugby LEAGUE. Not the stuff in England where they couldn't tackle to save themselves, but the gladitorial contests down here in the NRL. I was a Union man myself, before I really got into a League sort of community, and man, it's hard yakka. That game is the bomb. Honestly, I know rugby union has come into the States, but please, for the love of god do yourselves a favour and watch Rugby League - physical, fast, skillful, it has everything.
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Soccer is a sport that you do something else while you watch, you sit on the computer, you read a book, play with your child, make love, whatever you want to do because you can tell when something is going to happen, the announcers voices pump up and the crowd noise bumps up just a little bit. If you do something else while you watch you'll be able to watch it and not miss a single (important) thing.
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I cant get into rugby League, i miss the rucking too much! As for soccer (or football to give it its proper name) well i will run through a bit of the terminology for you and hopefully help you grasp it better. Firstly i will start with formations. Basically speaking there are 4 positions in football, Goal, Defence, Midfield an attack. These are sub divided into 'sides' [B]Positions and there commonly used names[/B] defence: a left sided defender (or left back/full back) a right sided defender (or right back/full back) Central defenders (centre halfs/centre backs) Midfiled: a left sided midfielder (left mid/ left winger) a right sided midfielder (right mid/ right winger) Cntral midfileders (Centre mid) Attackers: Attackers genrally play centrally, they are also known as centre forwards or Strikers. [B]Formations[/B] So having grasped positions i will move onto formations. Formations consist of the 10 outfield players and are represented numericaly with the 1st number representing the amount of defenders playing, the second midfielders and the thired strikers: EG. the most common formation is a 4-4-2, in this formation there are 4 defenders, 4 midfielders and two strikers. here are a list of the formations you will come across most frequently: 4-4-2 4-5-1 3-5-2 4-3-1-2 (one of the players will play in between the midfield and the strikers) I going to assume you grasp the basic's of passing the ball to your team mates and atempting to score goals so i will put a few bits of terminology down to help you grasp things better: Onion bag = the net behind the goals back peg/back stick = the goal post furthest from you. through ball = a ball played past the last defender for a striker to run on to Offside = a key rule in football, when the ball is played, if an attacking player is goalside of the last defending player and is deemed to be inteferring with play he is offside. Marking = sticking close to a man who is not in possesion of the ball and trying to prevent him gaining possesion. Jockying = as a defender, this is the art of showing keeping close to man in possesion and waiting for him to make a mistake before tackling him. Showboating = showing off - performing backheel's or kick up's - if you want to see an example of this type Cristiano Ronaldo into youtube. Channels = this is the wide part of the pitch - where the left and right midfielders play. sticks = goalposts stiffs = reserve team players If theres anything else you need help with just ask.
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I honestly cannot see how anyone can call Football tedious or random. My God. Look at Rugby, guys passing a ball backwards to go forwards. No real skill there. As for American Rugby Football (Official name) how people who like that 4 hour monstrosity can call Football tedious is beyond me. If you get the right game then football is the most exciting sport to watch, bar none! I saw the Superbowl a year years ago. Lasted God-knows how many hours and it felt like it was never going to end. Basketball - Two teams of black guys run up and down a tiny indoor court and throw a ball into a bin on a stick. Oh, and no touching allowed! Bull****! Baseball - Watched Arsenal vs Everton in a Sportszone in Baltimore and got hammered on giant budweisers. Ended up buying tickets for Baltimroe Orioles vs Toronto Blue Jays, apparently the two teams with the best offensive line-ups in the division. 9 innings and the ball was hit a total of 4 times. Ended up sober, cold and hung-over in the space of one game. Having waited until the 13th inning, Toronto scored 4 rund in one inning and we just got up and left in disgust! Ice Hockey and Lacrosse are both awesome fun to watch, nothing bad about them in my eyes.
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i love watching ice hockey, i was even tempted to sign up to that NASN channell just to be able to watch it (cant convince the missus though) I'm a Rangers fan, but i want to start watching some of the English stuff, unfortunatly Cardiff are my nearest team!
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I recently started watching Football (I'm American, but I'll still call it footy because they use their feet and that's the proper term, I'll only call it soccer to my friends who would get confused) in the past couple years. Just a bit by bit, then by the time the World Cup came, I loved the WC... funnest event by far. Superbowl? Doesn't compare. It's just pure awesome, I want to attend a game in England sometime.... and I bought an England National Shirt during the World Cup. B) It's so fun to watch, amazed at the physical condition of these people, and I get irritated by American fans saying they are faking the injuries when someone has a hard tackle... they are running at full speed diving into their chins... most of us scream if we hit our chin on a step. Just the non-stop action is exciting, even if it is a 0-0 game.
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Alot of diving his hard to tell. Running with a ball at your feet makes it hard to keep your balance when you get even the slightest nudge, it's a lot different to running with a ball in your hands. However, that's not to say diving isn't a problem, because it is.
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When a guy is supposedly hurt enough to get STRETCHERED off the field can return to the game 30 seconds later because some dude squirted WATER on him OR sprayed an area on his body with cold spray, that's FAKING AN INJURY. That's my biggest problem with futbol.
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soccer/football isn't so bad. i usually watch the world cup and i enjoy it, but it's nothing i could never become a regular spectator of. i can't believe how much running they do. i don't think it's the lack of scoring that i find troubling with the sport, it's more the lack of scoring chances. hell, you can go twenty minutes without either team being able to get a legitimate shot on goal. a good soccer/football game is a thrilling thing to watch, but it seems somewhat rare. now, again, i don't watch it a whole lot, i may watch some english premier games here and there with one of my friends who lives for soccer and pays a ton to get the soccer packages. i do love playing the fifa games on xbox or playstation.....never tried winning eleven, but that's supposed to be better than fifa. i think playing fifa games with the guy i mentioned before is probably why i don't hate soccer like most americans. but again, american football is the greatest ever....go cowboys!!!
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don't wanna open the can of worms that is the "fifa vs pro" debate, but i have always been a fifarian, but i think from about Fifa05 the series came away from its arcade routes and tried to match PES as a simulation, since then i have really gone off Fifa and PES has been growing on me. Then i get an X-box 360 and i find that the X-box version of PES is arse and the newest Fifa installment is actually pretty good. Just my opinion though, i will happily admit i prefer a slightly more arcade feel to a footie game.
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[QUOTE=panix04;213128]don't wanna open the can of worms that is the "fifa vs pro" debate, but i have always been a fifarian, but i think from about Fifa05 the series came away from its arcade routes and tried to match PES as a simulation, since then i have really gone off Fifa and PES has been growing on me. Then i get an X-box 360 and i find that the X-box version of PES is arse and the newest Fifa installment is actually pretty good. Just my opinion though, i will happily admit i prefer a slightly more arcade feel to a footie game.[/QUOTE] You're wrong. PES on XBox 360 is very good, although, not being able to save goals is a real pain! Fifa has sucked pretty much forever!
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im not wrong, i just look for something different in a football game then you! Like the ability to pass a ball, when you actually press the button - rather than 30 seconds later, its like playing in bullet time! It gets even worse when you add lag to the mix on x-box live as well! Plus the lack of licenses iritates me, which is now compounded by the lack of an editor. I want to like PES on 360, really i do (mainly 'cos its the only footie game i own) but i just cant get into it!
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[QUOTE=panix04;213134]im not wrong, i just look for something different in a football game then you! Like the ability to pass a ball, when you actually press the button - rather than 30 seconds later, its like playing in bullet time! It gets even worse when you add lag to the mix on x-box live as well! Plus the lack of licenses iritates me, which is now compounded by the lack of an editor. I want to like PES on 360, really i do (mainly 'cos its the only footie game i own) but i just cant get into it![/QUOTE] Blasphemy! The Queen's guards are on their way to your house now where you shall be sentenced to death. No-one speaks badly of PES. No-one. Seriously, it is a matter of taste as to which you prefer, but I prefer PES as it has better gameplay, and I can look beyond the lack of a licence. FIFA has improved over time (although I miss the good old days where the "shoot" button was actually the "score" button!) but I'd still have PES anyday.
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its rare to find a pro-ite (the official term) that would actually give Fifa the time of day! I dont think either game has it sussed completely and i realise that PES represents the ebbs and flows of a real game better, but i do find it un-responsive at times and i hate to have to play as East London instead of West Ham!
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[QUOTE=panix04;213139]its rare to find a pro-ite (the official term) that would actually give Fifa the time of day! I dont think either game has it sussed completely and i realise that PES represents the ebbs and flows of a real game better, but i do find it un-responsive at times and i hate to have to play as East London instead of West Ham![/QUOTE] Yeah, the lack of licenses is annoying! As for the button response, I think it works perfectly as it is not just button-mashing madness. As for Fifa, the fact you can still get to the byline and cross and score every time is too much of a clincher for me. PLUS, the black players in Fifa are always purpley in colour, which irritates me!
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i own both Fifa07 and PES6 for the pc.. neither are perfect and both have their pluses.. I personally prefer PES6 and the lack of licenses doesnt bother me... plus you can download a patch (i use Evolution Patch 1.3) that transfers everything and makes it a lot better visually.. all in all - Fifa is good, but Evo is better..
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[QUOTE=TCP1;213083]I honestly cannot see how anyone can call Football tedious or random. [B]My God. Look at Rugby, guys passing a ball backwards to go forwards. No real skill there[/B]. As for American Rugby Football (Official name) how people who like that 4 hour monstrosity can call Football tedious is beyond me. If you get the right game then football is the most exciting sport to watch, bar none! I saw the Superbowl a year years ago. Lasted God-knows how many hours and it felt like it was never going to end. Basketball - Two teams of black guys run up and down a tiny indoor court and throw a ball into a bin on a stick. Oh, and no touching allowed! Bull****! Baseball - Watched Arsenal vs Everton in a Sportszone in Baltimore and got hammered on giant budweisers. Ended up buying tickets for Baltimroe Orioles vs Toronto Blue Jays, apparently the two teams with the best offensive line-ups in the division. 9 innings and the ball was hit a total of 4 times. Ended up sober, cold and hung-over in the space of one game. Having waited until the 13th inning, Toronto scored 4 rund in one inning and we just got up and left in disgust! Ice Hockey and Lacrosse are both awesome fun to watch, nothing bad about them in my eyes.[/QUOTE] I disagree. It's damn physical and absorbing, no forward passes, although you can bring that skill of soccer in with a good kicking game. Although, Rugby UNION is still nothing compared to Rugby LEAGUE. I think someone hear said it best that they have no problem with the low football scores, just that you can go 20 minutes without anything of interest happening. It's so true. It needs to be freed up a bit more. With League, every minute there's either a massive hit, a great offload under pressure, a testing kick, a line break, a try, something! It's always going.
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By the way, I reckon these lads show how bored they are with the game - they start flogging each other... TEAM-MATES! [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKHtoYbiVPU"]Soccer's greatest ever moment[/URL] Also, the American sports lovers, I know I'm going to get flamed here because I'm in the very vast minority.. but I can't stand most of those sports. So many time outs. So much protective equipment. Heck, in some of them you have specific defensive and offensive teams. I don't get that. You're either good enough to defend and attack, or you're really only half a top player. One of the games there has a guy who comes on specifically to swing his leg through for field goal attempts. HOW EASY IS THAT?
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