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Can't Decided a Winner

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I'm at my Lockdown PPV in my TNA game and the Main Event is Joe's Monsters (Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle, Abyss, Rhino and Senshi) vs Christian's Coalition (Christian Cage, AJ Styles, Scott Steiner, Giant Bernard and Tomko) I can't decide who wins it. Last month at Destination X, Samoa Joe pinned Christian Cage to win the TNA World Title. Christian's Coalition then started making things difficult on Joe which lead to this match The person who gets the pinfall/submission in the match also becomes #1 Contender for Joe's title, if Joe gets the pin/submission then he picks his next opponent. I'm really lost at this point and don't know who to have win, but I also don't want to leave it to complete chance. Suggestions?
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I'd have Rhino win it, with the match ending like this: Everyone is incapacitated except for Samoa Joe, Christian Cage, and a slowly recovering Rhino. Samoa Joe nails Christian with a Muscle Buster and is set to pin him when Rhino delivers the GORE GORE GORE on Joe and then pins Christian himself. This would allow you to either turn Rhino heel or have him play up the "I saw an opportunity and I took it" angle. Or both.
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Just when Christian is about to get the Unprettier, Styles breaks it up, Clash, AJ wins. This starts a feud with Joe/Styles (=money). During which, Cage is all pissed off about the stolen win (Styles/Cage=money). Cage screws AJ out of the title at PPV. Feud goes to 3 way (Joe v Styles v Cage = LOTS OF MONEY) Joe wins 3 way, Styles turns face, Styles feuds with Cage to next PPV. Joe feuds with Steiner (who beat Rhyno for #1). Angle KILLS Tomko and Bernard. Cage beats Styles. Joe beats Steiner. Cage feuds with Joe. Rhyno goes over Tomko and Bernard. Steiner and Styles feud. During this time, turn Angle, have him feud with Abyss and Senshi. PPV 3: Joe and Cage draw, because Angle kills all. Styles takes out Steiner. Angle beats Senshi. Rhino and Abyss beat Tomko and Bernard. Joe, Angle and Cage feud. Styles, Rhino and Abyss kill people. PPV 4: Cage wins, with Tomko interfering. Cornette strips title. 6 man feud until PPV5. PPV 5: Six Sides of Elimination Chamber. Angle wins by nefarious means. Angle feuds with someone until PPV 6. There, i did 6 months for ya. But, that's just off the top of my head.
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