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SOTBPW...Wrestling with a twist

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[CENTER][B]Friday Week 1 February 2007 [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Green"]SOTBPW Lucha Libra[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from Auditorio Del Estado (South Eastern Region) Attendance: 2,000 (Sold Out) Tricolor Jr. Vs. Reaper Dante [QUOTE]Tricolor Jr. came out to the Mexican National Anthem and the crowd couldn’t help but to love that. He even had on a red and green mask. Reaper Dante was announced and soda was immediately being tossed at the curtain. He was a good sport about it though and came out hissing at the fans. For someone who can’t get any sort of heat at all he sure does try hard. The match itself was about as bland as you would expect from an opening bout. Missed elbow drop from Dante followed by a string of decent mat wrestling by Tricolor Jr. Dante would get the momentum late however and not look back from there.[/QUOTE] Reaper Dante defeated Tricolor Jr. in 9:38 by pinfall. [COLOR="Red"]Notes: E These two didn’t click so it didn’t help their match. Although I feel like if they had just normal chemistry they would’ve put on about a D- match, which is better than a lot of my mid card talent. The fans continue to hate Reaper Dante but I refuse to give up on him, he really has a lot of talent.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]After the match the camera flashes to the backstage area where Torque has been badly beaten and is laying battered on the concrete floor. There’s no sign of who the attacker was. Notes: D Torque is a tough competitor and I’m sure he’s still going to fight for the title later tonight, however who attacked him? It couldn’t have been Champagne Lover[/QUOTE] Pirrato Vs Hugo Garrido [QUOTE]Pirrato came out with a patch over his eye and a knife in his mouth. He stole the candy bar of some small child in the front row and the kid began to cry, what a mean person. Hugo came out fired up looking to revenge the attack from Pirrato last week. These to put on a decent match nothing special. Hugo moved around the ring a little more agile than usual. Pirrato looked like a completely different person wrestling as if his way of life depended on it or something.[/QUOTE] Pirrato defeated Hugo Garrido in 8:40 by pinfall with a Pirrato Plunge. [COLOR="red"]Notes: E+ While not the best match, it’s an improvement I think. And Pirrato seems to only be getting better.[/COLOR] Campeónes de Parejas SOTBPW Title Match: [QUOTE]Ataque De Noche was introduced first and the fans were on their feet trying to get a glimpse of the cool mask Mexican Ghoul was wearing. Azul and Joven came out next looking to make their mark on SOTBPW, this time in the tag division. While Azul and Joven used their speed and agility to control most of the match. The strength and experience of their opponents were to much though and soon the match was over.[/QUOTE] Ataque De Noche defeated El Diamante Azul and León Joven in 9:38 when Del Muerto defeated León Joven by pinfall. Ataque De Noche make defence number 2 of their Campeónes de Parejas SOTBPW titles. [COLOR="red"]Notes: E+ Again not the rating I was hoping for, but I may have found a new tag team.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]After the match the camera goes backstage where Pirrato has that note again and looks to be counting paces as he walks.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: E+ What an odd person.[/COLOR] Blood Raven Vs. Tempest Appleby [QUOTE]This was a non title match but it didn’t stop Blood Raven from coming out fired up. As he makes his entrance to the ring and stops about half way there. He looks at the crowd and spits what looks like blood from his mouth. The match was a fast paced one with Blood Raven getting the upper hand first. He through Appleby off the ropes then landed a stiff dropkick. Appleby battled back however hitting a nice second rope Moonsault followed by a frog splash, but only getting a two count. The match kept the fans on the edge of their seats, throughout most of it, Blood Raven is up top now waiting for Appleby to stand up. Cross Body Block by Raven, but Appleby rolls through it! 1...2...3!![/QUOTE] Tempest Appleby defeated Blood Raven in 14:10 by pinfall [COLOR="red"]Notes: D- Tempest Appleby just upset the lightweight champion. And while it wasn’t a title match you can’t help but think that he should be getting one real soon.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Mario Heroic makes is way to the ring next for his match. He takes a different approach this time however. While dancing down to the ring he no longer tries to kiss every girl in the front row, instead he just makes out with Jennifer Heat once he reaches the ring 10 minutes later.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: B- I guess you slap him enough and even Mario Heroic gets the hint.[/COLOR] Charron Vs Mario Heroic [QUOTE]This wasn’t the match I was expecting at all. Charron is really overrated and Mario did everything he could to expose that and make himself look overly great. Mario hit an impressive Shooting Star Press early on but only got a 2 count from it. Charron did have some brief moments of greatness however with Jennifer Heat up on the apron Charron whipped Heroic into her knocking her off the apron then landed an impressive Spinning Wheel Kick on Heroic Jennifer Heat got her revenge however when Charron went up top to perform a high risk move. With the ref’s back turned Jennifer pushed Charron off the top rope setting him up for the Hero Attack.[/QUOTE] Mario Heroic defeated Charron in 15:51 by pinfall with a Hero Attack. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D+ This hasn’t been the show I was expecting at all. And is shaping up to really be one of the worst.[/COLOR] Campeón de Mundo SOTBPW Title Match: Champagne Lover Vs Torque [QUOTE]Both these men are coming off of impressive victories and are looking to continue that streak. Torque makes his way to the ring and you can’t help but think that he’s not 100 percent after the brutal attack from earlier. Champagne Lover came out to a huge pop and as he made his way to the ring he was bombarded with panties and bras. He then gave his rose to a girl in the front row who looked to be maybe 12 and made her the happiest little girl in the country. The match was a great one, and I had no idea Champagne Lover could brawl as well as he can. He actually stood toe to toe with Torque and traded blow for blow with him. Eventually Torque’s sheer strength was to much for Champagne however and he hit the mat before being stomped by the boot of Torque. Torque continued his assault on the champion tossing him to the outside like a rag doll then using the guardrail and ring apron as weapons. Champagne Lover finally fought back blocking the attempt of Torque to smashed his head in the steal steps and instead putting Torque’s head into the steps. Back inside now Champagne Lover is on the top rope where he lands a hard Flying Lariat Champagne Lover now looks to be in complete control and is looking to end it. He’s on the top rope… but here comes Mario Heroic. Heroic and Champagne Lover are trading blows, the ref has called for the bell. Torque now is on his feet…and he helps in the assault of Champagne Lover. The two are beating the champion senseless. Torque seems pleased with himself and shakes hands with Mario Heroic before walking backstage to a chorus of boos.[/QUOTE] Champagne Lover defeated Torque in 19:01 when Torque was disqualified when Mario Heroic ran in and attacked Champagne Lover. Champagne Lover makes defence number 4 of his Campeón de Mundo SOTBPW title. [COLOR="red"]Notes: C Finally a decent match but to little to late I suspect. Champagne Lover gets the win but at what price?[/COLOR] Mario Heroic grabs the mic now. [QUOTE]Mario: “You don’t get it do you? You never get, you always were a slow learner. At Batalla De Las Mascaras I had you beat. But no you took the easy way out. How was I to know you would cry after being touched by a woman! How the hell can you even call yourself a champion look at you! You don’t look so tough now do you champ! I want a rematch and this time I want it to be no DQ so you can’t take the cheap way out with my title!” Mario Heroic throws the mic at the head of the unconscious Champagne Lover and walks off stage as the camera fades out.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: B- Another great angle by Mario Heroic, but was he at Batalla De Las Mascaras? Everyone saw him about to lose the match until Jennifer Heat got involved. It’s going to be interesting to see how Champagne Lover handles this.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Final Notes: C- Some how we managed a decent grade. Overall it should have helped our popularity but we really need a C+ or above.[/COLOR] Stats: Attendance: 2,000 TV Ratings: .46 Grade: C-[/B][/CENTER] [B]derek_b[/B] is the winner of this weeks pick em this week and his prize... A replica Mexican Ghoul mask..it's in the mail buddy :rolleyes: Thanks to [B]Peter Hilton[/B] for the link. It really would be a great mod, and I'll see what I can do about incorporating it into this diary. [B]shipshirt [/B]good luck with your Cverse game if it goes as good as your MAW game then yu should have nothing to worry about. On another side not I looked up the Luna twins and the reason I missed them before when I was looking for talent is because their basics is at a D- and my block is for a D or above so they werent in my search :( Thanks to everyone for reading, and all the feedback!
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[CENTER][B]Saturday Week 1 February 2007[/B][/CENTER] I have to admit it feels great being back in the US. Jorge flew me first class and even gave me a company credit card to put my expenses on. On the flight over I called Shawn and told him I was coming up to talk business with him. He told me he would meet me today at noon at some Chinese Restaurant in downtown Tempe. I had to admit anything other than Mexican food sounded great and when I walked in and smelled the sweet aroma I knew he made a great choice. Shawn was already seated when I got there we said our hellos then got straight into business. Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"Shawn first I would like to thank you for giving me such a great opportunity at SOTBPW. I really don’t know what I would be doing with my life if it wasn’t for you. If there is anything I can do to repay you let me know."[/COLOR] Shawn: [COLOR="Green"]"I will don’t worry, now I’m sure you didn’t fly all this way to tell me thank you. So why don’t you tell me what’s really on your mind."[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]Ok. Actually Jorge sent me up here to talk to you he says you guys have some amazing talent in CZCW and he would like to work out some type of working agreement with you so we can trade workers between the two promotions. It would be a great way to give both the companies exposure in another country."[/COLOR] Shawn: [COLOR="Green"]"Indeed it would. However, why did Jorge send you, why not come talk to Cliff himself, or even send Pablo?"[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"Well I guess Jorge has some type of grudge against Cliff I’m not sure, he just said he didn’t like the guy. And to be honest I’m not sure why he sent me either, he made it sound like it was Pablo’s idea.”[/COLOR] Shawn: [COLOR="Green"]“Sounds like you’ve really made an impression down there. Your there one week and they trust you to come up and talk to one of the most manipulative people in the world?”[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“What do you mean?”[/COLOR] Shawn: [COLOR="Green"]“See Cliff has been involved in wrestling his whole life. He was one of those people who loved the sport but never had the natural ability to do anything with it. He bounced around from promotion to promotion often taking the secrets of his last job and passing them on to his new one. This made a lot of people angry and eventually got Cliff black balled from the business. He had a passion for wrestling however and couldn’t stay out long. And in the early 1990’s got with a small group of business partners and formed CZCW. The critics aid it wouldn’t last a year but Cliff used every secret he stole from every other promotion and has been able to keep the company in the green now for quite some time. He’s a dirty player, but a smart one none the less.”[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“Wow I had no idea. No wonder Jorge doesn’t like him.”[/COLOR] Shawn: [COLOR="Green"]“Yeah he’s not the only one believe me. Anyway after lunch I’ll have a talk with Cliff and try to set up a meeting for you. We have a show coming up this Friday. I’ll get you tickets and try to set up your meeting with Cliff after the show.”[/COLOR] After that our food arrived and we talked some more about how his school was going and some of the guys I knew from there. After lunch I called Jorge and told him about the meeting next week, but I couldn’t help but wonder if he should really be trusting this Cliff Anderson guy.
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PABLO RODRIGUEZ VS AXXIS JR. Both these guys are great workers and decent faces so I think maybe a draw as both guys find heels to work against them. [B]MAGIK[/B] VS EL DEMONICO Magik needs some wins if he's to go against Dark Magik at the nect big event EL DIAMANTE AZUL VS [B]ENRIQUE MERINO[/B] Enrique seems to be getting left behind by his tag partner so a win here will keep him in good standing. [B]JUNIOR YOUTH, MASKED REBEL, AND CYCLONE[/B] VS DEL MUERTO, MEXICAN GHOUL, AND TORQUE They won't lose the title on TV but Adding Torque to the mix makes a great Trio there. MIGUEL MARQUEZ VS [B]MEXICAN BEAST[/B] No Reason I always just liked Mexican Beast [B]TRICOLOR JR[/B] VS LOS FURY Tricolor took his loss to Reaper so he has to make it up here.
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Pablo Rodriguez Vs [b]axxis Jr.[/b] Magik Vs [b]el Demonico[/b] [b]el Diamante Azul[/b] Vs Enrique Merino Junior Youth, Masked Rebel, And Cyclone Vs [b]del Muerto, Mexican Ghoul, And Torque[/b] [b]miguel Marquez [/b]vs Mexican Beast [b]tricolor Jr[/b] Vs Los Fury
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[B]Pablo Rodriguez[/B] Vs axxis Jr. [B]Magik[/B] Vs el Demonico [B]el Diamante Azul[/B] Vs Enrique Merino [B]Junior Youth, Masked Rebel, And Cyclone * [/B]Vs del Muerto, Mexican Ghoul, And Torque [I]* By DQ[/I] miguel Marquez vs [B]Mexican Beast[/B] tricolor Jr Vs [B]Los Fury[/B]
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[CENTER][B]Friday Week 2 February 2007[/B][/CENTER] The Snake Pit was a legendary place in the U.S. that held some of the biggest wrestling events in history. Of course that was over 30 years ago when wrestling was just a fraction of what it is now. Companies like SWF and TCW don’t even think about using those places anymore. I walked in for the monthly CZCW show expecting to crowd to be in an absolute frenzy. I guess that’s another huge difference between American and Mexican wrestling. Sure the fans there were screaming and in good spirits, but it was nothing like at SOTBPW even though we only got about 2,000 fans you wouldn’t know it by watching on TV. You would think we had at least 10,000 with how fired up everyone in the audience was. Still I took my seat next to some fat woman with a mustard stain on her shirt that read “I pinned Donnie J” and thought about how unlikely that was. As the night started the fans got more and more vocal, still nowhere near as loud as a good Mexican crowd though. Watching the matches I began to understand why Jorge wanted to do business with these guys, they were very much the same style as SOTBPW and I began to envision how we would use some of them in out stories. [CENTER][B]Results for CZCW: Masked Cougar defeated Jeremiah Moose Snap Dragon defeated Marc Speed, Remmy Skye, and Citizen X Fox Mask defeated Frankie Perez Ultimate Phoenix defeated Matt Sparrow Shawn Gonzalez defeated Plague Donnie J defeated James Prudence to retain the Coastal Zone Championship Title.[/B][/CENTER] Overall I was very impressed with the night went down and saw some really impressive wrestling as a whole. As the crowd thinned out I sat patiently waiting for Shawn or another member of the staff to come let me know about the meeting. As soon as the last person left Shawn appeared at my side and told me to follow him up to Cliff’s office. The upstairs of The Snake Pit looked really similar to our office. Shawn Placed me in a conference room where I waited for about 10 minutes before he and Cliff Anderson walked in the door. When I saw cliff I rose from my chair and extended my hand. Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“Mr. Anderson thank you for taking time out of your schedule to see me, I’m sure you’re a very busy man.[/COLOR] Cliff examined me for a second, kind of sizing me up then he shook my hand and flashed a huge smile. Cliff: [COLOR="Green"]“The pleasure is all mine, Shawn here tells me you have some type of business proposal to offer me.”[/COLOR] I nodded, I couldn’t help but like the guy. He had a southern accent and the same type of business approach as me. All that was missing really has a 10 gallon hat and a pair of boot spurs, both of which I expected were in the other room somewhere. Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“Yes sir, I am one of the writers for South Of The Boarder Pro Wrestling based out of Mexico. We run a vary similar style company as you run here.”[/COLOR] Cliff: [COLOR="Green"]“Mexico huh? You don’t look Mexican to me son, what are yu doing working for them and not for me?”[/COLOR] I was taken back by this question, did he just offer me a job? And if he did, did I want to take it? Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“No sir I’m not Mexican. I just have a love for wrestling and the guys down at STBPW were kind enough to give me a start. But as I was saying before he have a very similar product down in Mexico and Mr. Ibanez wanted to work out a business deal with you.”[/COLOR] Cliff leaned back in his chair. I could tell he must have sat through a hundred of these types of meetings, and I wondered if he was baiting me for something. Cliff: [COLOR="Green"]“Ibanez… that name sounds very familiar… Wait a minute you don’t mean Jorge Ibanez do you? He inventor of Snockey?” [/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“Um Snockey? I have no idea but yes his first name is Jorge."[/COLOR] Cliff: [COLOR="Green"]“Come on son, surely you’ve heard of Snockey before? It’s a cross between Hockey and Snooker, it was very popular about 15 years ago.”[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“Well that would’ve made me only about 5 then, but it sounds like a blast. Anyway back to the business deal. Mr. Ibanez wants to have a sort of working agreement with you where we can trade wrestlers back and forth between the companies in a way to gain international stardom for both companies.”[/COLOR] Cliff: [COLOR="Green"]“So, what your saying is Jorge wants to steal my talent from me but doesn’t have the balls to do it directly?”[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“No not at all. In fact id it would make you feel better we can even draw up a clause in the contract that says we can’t sign away each others talent.”[/COLOR] Cliff began to nod slowly and I felt like I nearly had him on board. Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“Plus I’m sure most of your guys are pretty popular in the U.S. why would that risk that popularity to become a nobody in Mexico?”[/COLOR] Cliff: [COLOR="Green"]“Very true… Alright I’ll tell you wait you go back to Jorge and tell him we have a deal, but only because I like Snockey.”[/COLOR] He flashed that huge smile again and as we shook hands I realized I was actually sweating, I always wondered who was going to cross the other person first.
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[CENTER][B]Friday Week 2 February 2007 [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Green"]SOTBPW Lucha Libre[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live From Auditorio De Estado (South Eastern) Attendance: 2,000 (Sold Out) The show opens with Jorge Ibanez standing in the middle of the ring. [QUOTE]Jorge: [COLOR="green"]“Welcome everyone to another great episode of Lucha Libre. Tonight I am here to make a special announcement. Because of the recentstreak he has been on, and because of the huge upset last week on Lucha Libra I’ve decided that the first match scheduled for Revenge is going to be for the Campeon De Menor SOTBPW Title. The champion Blood Raven, will defend against the man who beat him last week Tempest Appleby.”[/COLOR] The crowd roars with excitement when suddenly the lights go out and Blood Raven’s music plays. Raven: [COLOR="Red"]“Last week was a fluke. You’re a fool for making this match Jorge. All you have done is anger me and put the life of poor Tempest Appleby in grave danger.”[/COLOR] The fans boo and Tempest Appleby appears behind Blood Raven. Tempest: [COLOR="Blue"]“You think you scare me? I beat you once and it wasn’t a fluke. And at Revenge when I beat you again and win that title around your waist I’ll be sure to do a special little dance just for you.”[/COLOR] Tempest begins to dance and looks like a fool, but the fans seem to love it. Raven watches for a moment then spits blood all over Tempest who looks completely over come by shock.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Red"]Notes: D+ Well it looks like we have our first match for Revenge and it should be a great one.[/COLOR] Tricolor Jr. Vs. Los Fury [QUOTE]Do you ever wonder why Los Fury wrestlers with the gas mask on? I do, and more importantly I wonder why he’s allowed to wrestler with it on, I mean it has to pose some type of advantage right? It defiantly seemed to be the differences maker in this match when Fury spit that green mist at Tricolor and he immediately fell to the ground choking.[/QUOTE] Los Fury defeated Tricolor Jr. in 9:47 by pinfall. [COLOR="red"]Notes: E+ While Tricolor goes through the growing pains of being a new young talent, Los Fury continues to use underhanded tactics to win.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]The camera goes backstage now where Dark Magik has his cauldron and other things set up. Except Dark Magik is nowhere to be found. A quick pan around the area a second time reveals Dark Magik laying next to the cauldron in a pool of his own blood.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: E Dark Magik is being rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment. Who in the world would go to this extent to injure someone.[/COLOR] Mexican Beast Vs Miguel Marquez [QUOTE]Mexican Beast is one of those heels that the fans cheer for because they love his mask. That seems to be the difference maker in Mexican wrestling is the mask you wear. You could beat up a 90 year old blind woman but as long as you had a cool mask on when you did it the fans would love you. Meanwhile Miguel had no mask at all making him a very bland face in the eyes of the locals. Lucky for him he had above average ring skills to make up for it. These two put on a great old school brawl that the fans loved to see. In the end it was Mexican Beast who emerged victorious after the most viscous back breaker I have ever seen.[/QUOTE] Mexican Beast defeated Miguel Marquez in 10:01 by pinfall with a Beast Breaker. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D Not a bad match these two both have solid brawling skills which brings a nice change of pace to the Lucha scene.[/COLOR] Campeónes de Trios SOTBPW Title Match: Junior Youth, Masked Rebel, and Cyclone Vs Del Muerto, Mexican Ghoul, and Torque [QUOTE]This is the first ever triple tag match I’ve seen in SOTBPW and was an interesting match. Junior Youth looks like a completely different wrestler when he’s in a tag match and moved with an unbelievable quickness. The usual superior tag team of Del Muerto and Mexican Ghoul was still a great assest in this match, but was matched by their opponents this time and wasn’t as effective because of it. This was a great match of speed versus strength where Cyclone would land a Springboard Moonsault Torque would fire back with a Northern Lights Powerbomb. The speed of Youth, Rebel, and Cyclone seemed to be the difference in this one when Masked Rebel landed a 2nd Rope Spinning DDT.[/QUOTE] Junior Youth, Masked Rebel and Cyclone defeated Del Muerto, Mexican Ghoul and Torque in 12:12 when Masked Rebel defeated Mexican Ghoul by pinfall. Cyclone and Los Heartbreakers make defence number 1 of their Campeónes de Trios SOTBPW titles. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D- All I could think about during this match was how much money I was losing.[/COLOR] El Diamante Azul Vs Enrique Merino [QUOTE]Merino made his entrance emerging on some type of platform that rose from underneath the ramp. He then made his slow accent to the ring with what looked liked dry blood on his shirt.To say that Azul looked terrified would be an understatement I really think he had no idea what he was getting himself into when he agreed to this match. Merino looked sharp the entire match landing a series of blows to the head of Azul then finishing it off with a Hanging Backbreaker. Azul did show some signs of life however and battled back after being bounced off the ropes. He managed to jump over his opponent then land a second rope Moonsault on the unexpecting Merino. A top rope Headbutt would miss its target however and once Merino took control again he never looked back.[/QUOTE] Enrique Merino defeated El Diamante Azul in 9:31 by pinfall with a Virus Infection. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D Merino shows signs of stardom on certain days and on others looks like a complete jobber. Today he looked good.[/COLOR] Magik Vs El Demonico [QUOTE]Magik made his way to the ring to a huge pop and I couldn’t help but wonder as he made his way to the ring if he was the person who attacked Dark Magik. All those thoughts were forgotten though when El Demonico was introduced. El Demonico made his way to the ring as flames burned from the ground. The match was a surprisingly good one. Magik looked better than he had in weeks which made you wonder if he was actually done worrying about Dark Magik and the end of the world nonsense. Demonico looked like he could possibly cause the end of the world whenever he felt the urge and at one time lifted Magik off the ground by his neck then showed his athleticism by drop kicking him out of mid air. As the two battled on you got the feeling something bad was going to happen. Dark Magik was going to make his way out of the back and wreck havoc on Magik, but it never happened. Instead the man who appeared from the smoke on Sunday ran out of the back and Magik looked completely petrified. Demonico used this time to gain the advantage and of course the submission as he twisted Magik like a pretzel and tried to pop his head clean off his shoulders.[/QUOTE] El Demonico defeated Magik in 11:36 by submission with an Eternal Agony. [COLOR="red"]Notes: C- An impressive victory for El Demonico[/COLOR] [QUOTE]The man who rose from the smoke immediately hit the ring and laid El Demonico to waste. He then began his assault on the already wounded Magik. This was my first time ever seeing the man and he looked nothing like a man at all he looked like…a Machine…a machine that had gone completely insane and was on the verge of hospitalizing Magik.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: D- What is this thing that came from the feud of Magik and Dark Magik and what does he want?[/COLOR] Pablo Rodriguez Vs Axxis Jr. [QUOTE]This was a battle of two of my bigger faces in SOTBPW. To say I expected nothing but an unbelievable match would be an understatement. Axxis was introduced first and played the crowd magnificently as he made his way to the ring. The people here absolutely adored him and you could tell he was feeding off of it. Pablo Rodriquez the Preacher himself made his way to the ring next. As always when he reached the ring he quickly dropped his robe and picked up the cross around his neck and said a quick prayer. When the bell rang the two met in the middle of the ring to shake hands, then the match was underway. Pablo went for a belly to belly suplex but Axxis countered it and turned it into a belly to back. Pablo was quickly on his feet and went for a DDT only to be countered again. Axxis then decided to do what he did best and take the fight to the air. He went for a top rope leg drop but Pablo quickly moved out of the way and applied an arm bar to try and soften his opponent up. The intensity soon picked up and the two were in the middle of a heated brawl as if they hated each other. Pablo went up top to try and end it with a Frog Splash but Axxis got his knees up at the last second and Pablo was in a world of pain. The end of the match came when Axxis went for the Gravity Axxisault, but the Preacher moved at the last possible second, then picked his opponent up and ended it with the Sinner’s Salvation.[/QUOTE] Pablo Rodriguez defeated Axxis Jr. in 22:35 by pinfall with a Sinner's Salvation. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D+ I don’t know what to say at all. I expected this to be my first B rated match of the year. As it turns out though these two don’t click, which leads me to believe no one in SOTBPW clicks. To say I’m getting frustrated with be using the term loosely.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]After the match Pablo went to help Axxis up when he was attacked from behind by Tijuana Vampire. Pablo tried to fend him off but he was to exhausted from the match. Axxis made his way to his feet to try and help his friend but was soon met by Enrique Merino and he soon was over powered. The show ended with The Vampire again taking a bite out of the neck of The Preacher and Merino delivering the Virus Infection to Axxis.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: C What a way to end a show, Axxis and Pablo may be in for a world of hurt.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Final Notes: D I still get over that main event, looks like it’s back to the drawing board for me.[/COLOR] Stats: Attendance: 2,000 TV Ratings: .43 Grade: D [/B][/CENTER]
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[B]CHAMPAGNE LOVER[/B] VS MEXICAN BEAST Lover for the win and holding on to the title to go into battle with Mario Heroic LOS SICKNESS (TIJUANA VAMPIRE AND ENRIQUE MERINO) VS [B]AXXIS JR. AND PABLO RODRIGUEZ[/B] Nice to see Axxis ally with Rodriguez and this could make a very interesting fued. The win will probably be a DQ finish. MEXICAN GHOUL VS [B]CYCLONE[/B] Cyclone takes the win for his team and only because Mexican Ghoul isn't high enough up the card to defeat him one on one. [B]MAGIK[/B] VS DARK MAGIK Magik gets a win further cementing the breakdown of Dark Magiks power and causing him to call on even bigger things for their match at the next PPV. TEMPEST APPLEBY, TRICOLOR JR., AND HUGO GARRIDO VS [B]BLOOD RAVEN, PIRRATO, AND LOS FURY[/B] The three new comers aren't going to take this one but it's nice to see more three ways. I still hope PIrrato finds his treasure. [B]DEL MUERTO[/B] VS MASKED REBEL And a win for the heels makingit even heading toward the PPV
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[B]CHAMPAGNE LOVER[/B] VS MEXICAN BEAST Lover-Boy ain't dropping the title just yet, and when he does it wont be to Mexican Beast LOS SICKNESS (TIJUANA VAMPIRE AND ENRIQUE MERINO) VS [B]AXXIS JR. AND PABLO RODRIGUEZ[/B] The faces will win to keep them strong, but via DQ to keep the feud going with Los Sickness, who probably aren't worried about wins and losses and more into drinking their opponents blood. [B] MEXICAN GHOUL [/B]VS CYCLONE [B]When in doubt go with the man with the cool mask [/B] [B][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][COLOR="DimGray"][COLOR="Gray"]MAGIK VS DARK MAGIK[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/B] It ends up as a draw, as the mystery man (I've worked out who he is, the clues are in the match report) leaves them both laying. TEMPEST APPLEBY, TRICOLOR JR., AND HUGO GARRIDO VS [B]BLOOD RAVEN, PIRRATO, AND LOS FURY[/B] Simply because they have more experience, Appleby is breaking out as a singles star but he'll be dragged down by having to tag with Appleby and Tricolour Jr, whilst the rudos will resort to some under-handed tactics to win. DEL MUERTO VS [B]MASKED REBEL[/B] This could be a pretty even contest, but I fancy Rebel to pull out the win.
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[CENTER][B]FRIDAY WEEK 3 February 2007 [COLOR="Green"][SIZE="6"]SOTBPW Lucha Libra[/SIZE][/COLOR] Live from Live from Auditorio Del Estado (South East Mexico) Attendance: 2,000 (Sold Out) [QUOTE]The show opens with Pirrato counting off paces and then stopping right in front of the merchandise stand (Where you can but your very own SOTBPW t-shirt for 9.95) Pirrato: [COLOR="Red"]“Argh this is it, this is what I’ve been looking for. Me buried treasure. But how do I get to it?”[/COLOR] Hugo Garrido comes around the corner as Pirrato is on all fours pounding on the ground. Hugo: [COLOR="Green"]“What are you doing you freak? Get up before one of the fans see you?”[/COLOR] Startled Pirrato jumps to his feet. Pirrato: [COLOR="Red"]“Tis my treasure, and you can’t have any. I’ll fight you to my death?”[/COLOR] Hugo: [COLOR="Blue"]“Treasure? Look you fool there is no buried treasure here, you’ll be lucky to even find a peso in the damn cash register now get out of here your scaring the children.”[/COLOR] Hugo walks away shaking his head and looking disgusted.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Red"]Notes: E It looks like SOTBPW has struck pay dirt and is sitting on top of a buried treasure, or at least Pirrato thinks so.[/COLOR] Del Muerto Vs. Masked Rebel [QUOTE]Del Muerto is looking to revenge the lose of last weeks triple tag match. Masked Rebel is happy to just be able to wear a mask. Have you seen him without it on? He guy looks 12 with a face full of acne it’s bad. Anyway the match was decent. I never realized how good Del Muerto is with Technical wrestling. Turns out he use to wrestle in college. Masked Rebel on the other hand is just a natural athlete and used his speed and agility to his advantage dodging Del Muerto and striking him with more high risk moves.[/QUOTE] Masked Rebel defeated Del Muerto in 13:04 by pinfall. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D- Not a horrible match to start off the evening. [/COLOR] Tempest Appleby, Tricolor Jr. and Hugo Garrido Vs. Blood Raven, Pirrato and Los Fury [QUOTE]This match was filled with hatred. Tempest Appleby has become a bit of a locker room leader in the past few weeks and showed his leadership skills here tonight. Pirrato was still upset at Hugo for mocking him and his “buried treasure” While Tricolor Jr. was still wondering what the hell it was that Los Fury choked him out with last week. Like I said a lot of hatred in the ring tonight, which you would think would translate into a decent 3 on 3 match right…wrong.[/QUOTE] Tempest Appleby, Tricolor Jr. and Hugo Garrido defeated Blood Raven, Pirrato and Los Fury in 12:27 when Tempest Appleby defeated Pirrato by submission. [COLOR="red"]Notes: E This match was a little to long for Hugo and Pirrato who were both gasping when it was over, and it had nothing to do with the poison gases of Los Fury.[/COLOR] Dark Magik Vs. Magik [QUOTE]Dark Magik is still convinced that the attack last week was by Magik and he’s looking to get his revenge. Magik meanwhile is upset that Dark Magik unleashed whatever evil into the world and feels that he now has to face the consequences of his actions, The two didn’t even wait for the bell to ring before they started slugging it out. Magik tossed his nemesis off the ropes then hit an impressive Hurricanrana. Dark Magik battled by however with some crisp wrestling of his own. A hard DDT by Dark Magik left Magik out and Dark quickly climbed the turnbuckles. He leapt off looking to land a Flying Leg Drop but Magik moved and Dark found nothing but hard mat. The match then went to the outside where the two battled back and fourth nearly to a count out by Magik tossed his opponent back into the ring at 9. He then climbed the top turn buckle and stalked his opponent until he got to his feet where Magik nailed a Shooting Star Press and scored the victory.[/QUOTE] Magik defeated Dark Magik in 11:41 by pinfall [COLOR="red"]Notes: D- Again not the best match but a small step in the right direction for a feud that looked like it was dying.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]After the match that Machine came running to the ring once again and began to attack both Magik and Dark Magik. Magik did what he could to fight the thing off but a right hand to the mask revealed that it really was metal and Magik nearly broke his hand. Dark Magik meanwhile tried to pled with the Machine, be he was met with a thunderous Powerbomb and both men lay in heaps in the middle of the ring.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: E- Alright so if I’m following this right Magik and Dark Magik “created” this “machine” after Dark Magik tapped into some type of force using the dark, and light staffs. And then when Magik broke the staff this thing was unleashed.[/COLOR] Mexican Ghoul Vs Cyclone [QUOTE]Mexican Ghoul was looking to fair better than his tag partner did earlier in singles competition. One thing he had going for him that his partner did not was his super cool mask that everyone loved to see. Cyclone on the other hand didn’t have a mask at all which really seemed like a slap in the face to me in terms of Mexican tradition and I was shocked he was received as a face. The match itself was about as eventful and the match their respective partners had. Both men had a decent amount of offense that contrasted each other fairly well. While Mexican Ghoul looked to over power his opponent, Cyclone just tried to play keep away then land a drop kick and a huge off the top rope move to immobilize his opponent. A Flying Plancha was to much for Mexican Ghoul to handle late in the match and Cyclone over came great odds.[/QUOTE] Cyclone defeated Mexican Ghoul in 9:55 by pinfall. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D It looks like Mexican Ghoul and Del Muerto should just stick with tag team action[/COLOR]. Los Sickness (Tijuana Vampire and Enrique Merino) Vs Axxis Jr. and Pablo Rodriguez. [QUOTE]Another match filled with hatred. Tijuana Vampire has recently taken a liking to the neck of Pablo Rodriguez (that’s an odd sentence) and Merino made it a point not to let Axxis get involved last week. Axxis and Pablo were introduced first and knelt in the corner of the ring to say a quick prayer as two of the more stranger wrestlers in SOTBPW came out. The match was a fast paced one that got out of hand on more than one occasion. The ref threatened to stop the contest at least a dozen times when all four men where in the ring and refused to leave it. Pablo took control of the match about half way through relying on his superior aerial attack to gain momentum. Los Sickness however wouldn’t be denied and battled back and all four men ended up brawling outside of the ring. They seemed to forget that this was an actual match and in actual matches your not allowed to fight outside because the ref hit the count of 10 and all four men were half way up the ramp. They battled back and fourth however oblivious to the fact that the match was over and Axxis and Pablo seemed to have the upper hand. That is until Merino got a hold of a chair and nearly decapitated both Axxis and Pablo. They then dragged both competitors back to ring side and stuffed them in the casket that Tijuana Vampire came in.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: D Not what I had envisioned at all for 4 of my top stars. And again it’s 1 step forward three steps back.[/COLOR] After the match Tijuana Vampire grabbed the mic. [QUOTE]Vampire: [COLOR="red"]“Preacher man, you better get real comfortable in that box. You see you have enraged many of the creatures of the night with your gospel babbling bull****. And now they want blood. And I must say I like the test of your blood. At Revenge you will face me in a casket match. And after I drain all the blood from your precious body you will get a chance to see if this God you speak so highly of is real.” [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: D+ Well The Vampire makes it sound like Pablo has no choice but to face him in a casket match, so I guess I’ll have to book the match.[/COLOR] Campeón de Mundo SOTBPW Title Match: Champagne Lover Vs Mexican Beast [QUOTE]Mexican Beast is introduced first and is met with a few cheers, I’m assuming it’s for his ridiculous looking mask that makes him look like he just got mauled by a bear. Champagne Lover makes his way to the ring next and the arena rattles with screams and cheers. Champagne Lover could probably run for El Presidente and be elected just by his massive overness. As he dances down to the ring he scans the crowd and when he finds, what seems to me as the youngest girl in the front row, he hands her a rose and watches her turn red as he enter the ring. This match was… well it was awkward. You know Murphy’s Law. “Everything bad that can happen, will happen” Well I think he wrote that law for this specific match, hell maybe even this entire card. These are two of my more over stars and yet they blew a lot of easy spots. Mexican Beast was suppose to hit a cross body block off the top rope that Champagne was going to roll through to get a 2 count. Instead Mexican didn’t get enough distance when he jumped and hit Champagne more in the knees making it impossible for him to roll through it and almost impossible for him to kick out of. Luckily he was about to do so after a very looong 2 count by our more experienced referee. There were about a dozen more blown spots Champagne trying to quickly scale the turnbuckle but losing his footing and nearly killing himself as he fell to the outside. I guess that’s the price you pay sometimes though in front of live crowds, some times your just off. And tonight these two were just off.[/QUOTE] Champagne Lover defeated Mexican Beast in 15:08 by pinfall with a Lover Stunner. Champagne Lover makes defence number 5 of his Campeón de Mundo SOTBPW title. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D These two have no chemistry what so ever in the ring. Huh now who would’ve guessed that after watching that match?[/COLOR] After the match Champagne grabbed the mic. [QUOTE]Champagne: [COLOR="blue"]“Mario Heroic I’m getting sick of you my friend. First you insult my acting skills. Let me tell you something amigo not only did you not come close to getting the part, you weren’t even good enough to have a character that died in the first episode. And now… now you want to insult me again by saying you almost had me beat in our last match? You want a rematch, fine I’ll give you one at Revenge, but on my terms. See Jennifer and I dated for a very long time before she decided to throw it all away for a no talent bum like you. And I happen to know a thing or two about her. For instance she has this hairy mole on her lower back it’s really disgusting. And pinkie toe on her left foot, it’s bigger than all of her other toes, talk about a freak.”[/COLOR] The fans cheer and begin to chant “Jen’s a freak.” Champagne: [COLOR="blue"]“More importantly I also happen to know that she has this Phobia of ladders, she won’t go near them. What does this have to do with our match you ask? Simple, I want a fair 1 on 1 match so in order to keep it fair it’s going to be a ladder match!”[/COLOR] The fans go absolutely nuts. Champagne: [COLOR="Blue"]“That’s right see your little girlfriend will come no where near the ring for that match, meaning that I’ll have no problem showing what a second rate wrestler you really are.”[/COLOR] The fans cheer as Champagne drops the mic and poses with the belt as the show goes of the air.[/QUOTE] Notes: C+ Maybe my next sure will just be Champagne Lover cutting promos and Mario Heroic making an entrance to the ring. [COLOR="Red"]Final Notes: D And I can hear the networks calling, along with the unemployment office.[/COLOR] Stats: Attendance: 2,000 TV Ratings: .44 Grade: D [/B][/CENTER] O.O.C. Alright Tiger let's hear your guess on who this "mystary" man is. I'm pretty confident that I made it pretty obvious =) But if you guess right you win free tickets to SOTBPW Revenge. Any suggestions and or feedback is greatly appreciated. We obviously have yet to find our nitch.
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[CENTER][B]Monday Week 4 2007[/B][/CENTER] It actually felt good to be back in Mexico. Jorge said he wanted to meet with me as soon as I arrived back in the Mexico City airport. I made my way across town to the office, and hoped that the deal I had struck with CZCW was what Jorge had wanted. As I entered the office Torque was the first one to greet me. He gave me a firm hand shake and told me that everyone was waiting for me in the conference room. As I entered the conference room I was surprised that even Jorge was in there waiting on me. I immediately began to get nervous as I pulled up a chair. Jorge: [COLOR="Green"]“Welcome back Clayton.”[/COLOR] I nodded and took a small drink of water trying to get rid of the giant lump that had suddenly formed in my throat. Jorge: [COLOR="green"]“Let’s get down to business then shall we. I just got off the phone with Cliff Anderson and our legal department is drawing up the paperwork to begin a working agreement with them that will allow us to openly trade our wrestlers. Word of this has yet to spread to the media or the locker room and to be honest I’m a little concerned with how it’s going to be treated. To my knowledge this is the first time in history any two companies have openly traded talent like this and it could scare the guys in the back into thinking we are looking to replace them.”[/COLOR] I couldn’t help but think how I would love to replace half of them with some of the talent I saw on Friday night but I decided that was a comment that would be better kept to myself. Jorge: [COLOR="green"]“It is important that the guys in the back understand the huge significances of this event. It is a way to not only catapult SOTBPW to new levels, but many of their careers as well. I am counting on all of you to make the boys in the back realize this so that when the cross promoting does occur the incoming wrestlers will be treated with open arms and not as the competition. Moving on to my next subject now, Gatekeeper have you had any luck securing us a PPV deal?”[/COLOR] Gatekeeper drew a long breath and seemed to be looking for the right answer before he spoke. Gatekeeper: [COLOR="Red"]“No sir, Ii have talked to every provider in Mexico and over a dozen other ones world wide they all say the same thing. We are still to small to be taken seriously.”[/COLOR] Jorge: [COLOR="Green"]“It’s as I expected. I fear that our product is growing stale and soon the fans that we have will either turn away from us, or worse from wrestling all together. The time is now people, we need to put our heads together and begin to think of something that will bring fresh new faces to our arena. Something that will secure us a PPV deal, and seal our spot as the number one promotion on Mexico.”[/COLOR] I actually had several ideas about how we could do this, but I decided to wait until the start of the new month to make my feelings felt.
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EL DEMONICO VS [B]AXXIS JR.[/B] Demonico can't hold a candle to the skill that is Axxis Jr. [B]MARIO HEROIC[/B] VS MAGIK Heroic builds more momentum going into the next big event HUGO GARRIDO VS [B]TORQUE[/B] Torque takes a win for his three man group (finally) CHARRON VS [B]LOS FURY[/B] Job CHarron to every one he's got no talent and he's an egomaniac [B]TRICOLOR JR.[/B] VS DIAMANTE AZUL Takes a win to gain momentum before facing his advesary Los Fury again CIRCUS OF DEATH (REAPER CICERO AND REAPER DANTE) VS [B]LOS HEART BREAKERS (JUNIOR YOUTH AND MASKED REBEL)[/B] I kow you've got a thing for forcing the fans to like the Reapers but the truth is their jobbers and Los Heart Breakers is going places.
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EL DEMONICO VS [B]AXXIS JR.[/B] [I]Axxis Jr is one of your top workers and should be lined up for an eventual[/I] [I]crack at the world title [/I] [B]MARIO HEROIC[/B] VS MAGIK [I]Needs the win to keep him looking strong, going into his title match with[/I] [I]Champagne Lover[/I] HUGO GARRIDO VS [B]TORQUE[/B] [I]Because he'll be the Torque of the Town [/I] CHARRON VS [B]LOS FURY[/B] [I]Charron is over-rated dross[/I] [B]TRICOLOR JR.[/B] VS DIAMANTE AZUL CIRCUS OF DEATH (REAPER CICERO AND REAPER DANTE) VS [B]LOS HEART BREAKERS (JUNIOR YOUTH AND MASKED REBEL)[/B] [I]As Apu said the Heart-Breakers seem to be getting more over than the Circus of Death, so you should keep their momentum rolling[/I] ___________________________________________________________ The mystery guy- given that you are setting up a working agreement with CZCW- Insane Machine.
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[CENTER][B]Friday week 4 February 2007 [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Green"]SOTBPW Lucha Libre[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from Palacio De Lucha (Northern Mexico) Attendance: 890 Circus of Death (Reaper Cicero and Reaper Dante) Vs Los Heart Breakers (Junior Youth, and Masked Rebel) [QUOTE]Reaper Dante is still despised by the fans, but he actually has decent talent and I refuse to give up on him regardless of how long it takes. Los Heart Breakers meanwhile are adored by the fans mainly for the boyish good looks of Junior Youth if you ask me. The match itself was what you would expect from an opening match. It was fast paced and had some nice aerial attacks. The Circus of Death have a good gimmick going for them if they can get some fan support, not today though.[/QUOTE] Los Heartbreakers defeated Circus Of Death in 7:41 when Masked Rebel defeated Reaper Cicero by pinfall. [COLOR="red"]Notes: E Los Heart Breakers are heading into the monthly show with tremendous momentum.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]A video is shown next of a dark and damp…castle? Inside we see Tijuana Vampire carving a wooden casket with the name Pablo stenciled into the side and flames burning underneath it.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: D+ As Tijuana Vampire prepares for his battle against The Preacher you have to wonder what is going through Pablo’s head right now.[/COLOR] Tricolor Jr. Vs El Diamante Azul [QUOTE]This is a match pitting to decent face performers against each other. Tricolor Jr. Is still fairly new here in SOTBPW and El Diamante Azul is still looking to come into his own. The two of them are both great flyers however and that makes for a decent match. The thing that seems to be bringing them both down right now is their lack of a character. I mean they are just a couple of guys in 5 dollar masks they still need to really come into their own before they stand out in my mind.[/QUOTE] Tricolor Jr. defeated El Diamante Azul in 9:35 by pinfall. [COLOR="red"]Notes: E Typically I would complain about an E grade this far into the show, it’s sad how far I’ve fallen[/COLOR] Charron Vs Los Fury [QUOTE]We are about an hour into the show at this point and the crowd is starting to get restless. But wait… a green fog emerges from the backstage area and sirens are ringing over the PA could it be? Yes dawn your gas masks ladies and gentleman (only 9.95 at all available merchandise counters.) here comes Los Fury. As he makes his way to the ring looking like something out of a 1950 sci-fi movie I can’t help but notice that yes a few fans are actually buying his product…SCORE! Charron well he’s another story. He’s actually listed as a main event star but he has no real talent at all at least I can’t find any if it’s there. Lucky for me the fans don’t really care. They enjoy seeing all the new ways the Gas Man can torture his opponents. And then just as Charron starts to make a come back he gets GASED![/QUOTE] Los Fury defeated Charron in 12:47 by pinfall. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D- The sad thing is I’m happy that I was able to pull this grade, Charron really isn’t that good at all.[/COLOR] Hugo Garrido Vs Torque [QUOTE]Hugo is another newer talent who I caught a lot of flap about for picking up. But as it turns out he’s slowly coming into his own. Granted he’s not going to do any crazy 750 flips or Moonsaults off of a cage. But what wrestling fan doesn’t enjoy a good brawl every once in awhile? And that’s exactly what this match was a brawl. Torque who is getting up their in age would want nothing more in life than to get one more run at the title. He realizes though to do that he has to prove to everyone he is worthy of it. And tonight that meant beating the hell out of Hugo Garrido. Hugo held his own through out most of the fight. But when Torque tossed him into mid air and sent his back crashing down across his knee Hugo had no choice but to call it a night.[/QUOTE] Torque defeated Hugo Garrido in 11:58 by pinfall with a Sheer Force. [COLOR="red"]Notes: E+ So here’s a surprise, these two didn’t click in the ring SURPRISE! Well I believe that makes about one match a night where people just don’t click.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]The next match features Mario Heroic and you know what that means…10 minute intro where he dances down to the ring and makes out with Jennifer Heat![/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: C+ What can I say the fans hate him, and that means instant money.[/COLOR] Mario Heroic Vs Magik [QUOTE]As the big monthly show creeps towards us these two men have a lot to look forward to. Mario Heroic is going to be facing the champion Champagne Lover in a ladder match. Meanwhile it has just been confirmed that Magik will also be in action against the thing that has been dubbed The Machine and Dark Magik in what should be a very interesting 3way dance. This match how ever was something entirely different. But men needed a huge win here to help build their momentum going into Revenge. As the two went back and fourth and deciding factor came when Magik was knocked to the outside. Jennifer Heat did her part to ensure Magik stayed down until Mario was ready for him to get up. As Mario made his way around to that side of the ring, someone grabbed his foot. Suddenly from under the ring The Machine appeared and delivered a thrust kick to the chin that knocked Mario Heroic out cold. Jennifer Heat shrieked and ran off to the back which left only Magik who was still on his back on the outside after the kicking Jennifer Heat was giving him. The Machine quickly scooped up both Mario Heroic and Magik and placed them on the American announce table. He then climbed the top rope and…DIVING HEADBUTT THROUGH THE TABLE! That metal mask of The Machine looks like it just broke the nose of Magik who’s gold mask is now a crimson color.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: D Not the grade I was hoping for with these two in the ring. But Revenge is looking like it’s shaping up nicely.[/COLOR] El Demonico Vs Axxis Jr. [QUOTE]El Demonico made his way to the ring as a path of fire marked the way. He was greeted by a chorus of boos as the fans waited eagerly for the announcement of Axxis. And when his music hit the place erupted. Axxis is one of the few people I have on my roster who just clicks with the fans. They absolutely love this guy and he seems to really feed off of it. The match itself was actually a good one. With no one person really having the advantage for most of it. As El Demonico went for a sunset flip Axxis countered it by falling on his opponent and getting a two count. This match looked like it was going to have no end until Enrique Merino ran down to the ring. With the referee distracted Moreno tossed Demon a pair of brass knuckles. Demon swung hard at Axxis…but he missed! Axxis has him in an arm bar in the middle of the ring. He tapped!!![/QUOTE] Axxis Jr. defeated El Demonico in 22:53 by submission. [COLOR="red"]Notes: C What an upset win by Axxis Moreno looked to be in complete shock as the ref called for the bell. And slowly walked backwards to the dressing room as he and Axxis stared each other down and the show went off the air.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Final Notes: D+ I guess it could’ve been a lot worse. The main event really saved us. So we go into Revenge looking to hopefully turn things around for the company.[/COLOR] Stats: Attendance: 890 TV Ratings: .43 Grade: D+[/B][/CENTER] Yes Tiger you my friend are correct..kinda. The "mystery man" is Insane Machine, however he was on the roster before I started my talks with CZCW. But I'm feeling generous so you still get your free tickets :)
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