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SOTBPW...Wrestling with a twist

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[QUOTE=xfactor9600;222693]Also I may have missed it... but Pirrato seems to be lacking something essential... a parrot. Perhaps a talking parrot to really firm up his gimmick and assist during interviews.[/QUOTE] Dude that's great make PIrrato a manager that's actually a parrot with great Mic and Charisma.
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[CENTER][B]Friday Week 3 March 2007 [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Green"]SOTBPW Lucha Libre[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from Auditorio Del Estado (South Eastern Region) Attendance: 2,000 (Sold Out) [QUOTE]The show opens with Pirrato continuing to dig his hole. He’s about 4 feet down when he stops and asks Lucia to get him a drink. The camera pans over to Lucia and she is wearing a very “revealing” pirate outfit. Lucia: [COLOR="Green"]“Here you go captain. Maybe when you’re done there you can find my buried treasure.”[/COLOR] Pirrato: “Argh no time for games now lass we almost there.”[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Red"]Notes: D+ Hmm is it just me or does Lucia not look like the victim anymore?[/COLOR] Campeón de Menor SOTBPW Title Match: Blood Raven vs. El Diamante Azul [QUOTE]Blood Raven is introduced and comes out looking tough with the title around his waste. As he stands on the ring apron he looks back at the crowd then spits blood before entering the ring. The match was a decent one for being the opener. Azul hit a few small technical moves. A suplex here, a DDT there. Then he went to the air trying to impress the fans with Moonsaults and Hurricanranas. In the end though Blood Raven was the better wrestler and ended it with a 450 splash.[/QUOTE] Blood Raven defeated El Diamante Azul in 8:56 by pinfall. Blood Raven makes defence number 5 of his Campeón de Menor SOTBPW title. [COLOR="Red"]Notes: E Again not the best but not the worst either, let’s just hope we can build on it.[/COLOR] Tempest Appleby Vs Junior Youth [QUOTE]Tempest hit the ring next as he danced to the tune of…well I don’t really know what it was the tune to but he really seemed to enjoy himself. When the match started the fans had a hard time deciding who they wanted to cheer for. Junior Youth would hit a move and they would cheer. Tempest would counter and they would cheer, there was no real bad guy. Tempest however was the better wrestler as he scored a pinfall hit a flying body press.[/QUOTE] Tempest Appleby defeated Junior Youth in 12:54 by pinfall. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D- Well the grade did go up, just not as much as I would’ve liked.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]After the match Blood Raven hit the ring and him and Tempest traded blows back and fourth. No one person got a clear advantage and eventually officials separated the two.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: D Looks like there is no love lose between these two.[/COLOR] The Machine Vs Dark Magik, and Magik [QUOTE]The team that no one thought possible came out first and started to argue with one another almost immediately. Then The Machine was introduced and the sound of metal on metal across the PA system silenced their argument. The match started with Magik and The Machine in the ring first and the two traded blows back and fourth. Magik got the early advantage then Dark Magik tagged himself in. This caused an argument between the two and The Machine capitalized by slamming Magik then drop kicking Dark Magik to the canvas. Magik and Dark Magik eventually got back on track and were really taking it to The Machine. With the Machine down Magik looked to end it and climbed to the top rope to finish him off. But his own partner slammed a steel chair into his back and Magik hit the mat in pain. Dark Magik then helped The Machine to his feet and watched on as he delivered the metallic headbutt and scored the victory.[/QUOTE] The Machine defeated Dark Magik and Magik in 15:14 when The Machine defeated Magik by pinfall [COLOR="red"]Notes: D- Dark Magik seems to be doing everything he can to befriend The Machine.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]After the match Dark Magik continued to assault Magik as The Machine picked up the chair. Dark Magik was telling him to break Magik’s skull with it, but in the end The Machine ended up using it on Dark Magik instead leaving both his opponents leveled.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: E Looks like his plan backfired once again.[/COLOR] Mexican Beast, Torque and Los Fury Vs. Hugo Garrido, Miguel Marquez and Charron [QUOTE]This match was a good old fashioned slugfest that I thought may get the crowds attention a bit. I was wrong. No one cared about this match and those who did pay attention only did so, so they could boo the athletes. Out of the six Torque looked the best and received the least amount of verbal abuse. But overall this match went on way to long.[/QUOTE] Mexican Beast, Torque and Los Fury defeated Hugo Garrido, Miguel Marquez and Charron in 11:45 when Torque defeated Hugo Garrido by pinfall with a Sheer Force. [COLOR="red"]Notes: E+ Yep not was I was going for at all.[/COLOR] Axxis Jr. Vs Cyclone [QUOTE]Axxis Jr. seems to be the center of attention for a lot of people as of late since he was named the number one contender. This week it was Cyclone who wanted to see if he had what it took to defeat him. It was clear from the beginning who the bigger fan favorite was as Axxis came out to a thunderous ovation. Cyclone on the other hand…did not. The match was a decent one though that truly show cased the talents of Axxis. He fought hard throughout the match up and never quit. It’s clear that Mario Heroic should truly be worried about losing his title in just over a week if he isn’t careful.[/QUOTE] Axxis Jr. defeated Cyclone in 16:07 by pinfall with a Gravity Axxisault. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D Not the match I was hoping for but better than the other ones tonight.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]After the match Axxis picked up a mic. Axxis: [COLOR="Blue"]“Champagne Lover, I have a lot of respect for you I do. You helped elevate this company to all new heights, and I admire that. But you had no right sticking your nose in the business of me and Mario Heroic. You had your chance at the title and you chose to throw it away for some girl who left you like a stray dog. But that’s ok I’m not judging you. But know this, at Domainacion don’t get in my way, because if I have to…I will hurt you!”[/COLOR] Axxis throws the mic down and leaves the ring.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Red"]Notes: C+ Axxis sounds serious about Domainacion[/COLOR] [QUOTE]A prerecorded clip is shown next of Jennifer Heat in the hospital. The door opens and in walks…Champagne Lover. Champagne: [COLOR="Blue"]“Hey Jen, how ya feeling?”[/COLOR] Jennifer: [COLOR="Green"]“Champagne…I was just thinking about you, I never got a chance to thank you for coming to my aid at Revenge.”[/COLOR] The two share a long pause and just stare into each others eyes. Champagne: [COLOR="blue"]“Ya, look about Mario…”[/COLOR] Jennifer grabs his hand. Jennifer: [COLOR="green"]“I know, I’m sorry it’s just…”[/COLOR] There’s a knock on the door and a doctor walks in. Doctor: [COLOR="Red"]“Just wanted to see if you were feeling ok, see if maybe your visitor would like to taste today’s meal.”[/COLOR] Suddenly the doctor knocks Champagne out with the food tray and begins stomping on him. He rips off his coat to reveal a very pissed off Mario Heroic.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: C+ And just like that tensions are brewing…and are Champagne and Jennifer making up?[/COLOR] Pablo Rodriquez Vs Enrique Merino [QUOTE]Pablo makes his way to the ring when he reached the ring. He quickly dropped his robe and picked up the cross around his neck and said a quick prayer. The match started almost immediately with stiff right hands by Pablo then tossing Enrique off the ropes and hitting him with a head scissors. These two both showed great athletic ability and leapt off the top rope every time they had the chance to. The match went to the outside where Enrique began a viscous assault of illegal moves followed by slamming the Preacher through the announce table. Back in the ring though Pablo fought back and refused to quit. He landed a serious of high risk moves on The Virus then called for The Sinners Salvation, but just as he was about to deliver it a red smoke filled the ring and Plague struck The Preacher with some type of foreign object before vanishing into thin air. [/QUOTE] Enrique Merino defeated Pablo Rodriguez in 17:50 by pinfall [COLOR="red"]Notes: C- Where did Plague come from? And what will this lose do to the spirit of the Preacher?[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Final Notes: D Well again not what I was hoping for, but I kind of saw it coming once my first three matches only pulled E’s. Still I really do feel like everyone is improving and it may take some time, but we’ll get there.[/COLOR] Stats: Attendance: 2,000 TV Ratings:.45 Grade: D [/B][/CENTER] O.O.C. Thanks guys for all the comments and cool ideas. I'm glad some of these characters are starting to take form in your eyes hopefully I can work on having the rest of them do the same. We had a tie this week on the pick em your prizes...A chance to fight against the Machine :eek: Just kidding but we will send you a 5x7 autographed picture of him...that is assuming he doesn't lay out the camera man again.
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Is this one being continued ? Admittedly the match rating sweren't great, which I can admit constant D's can be a bit demoralizing. But this was good fun and I think people were really starting to get into some of the feuds here such as the one between Magik-Dark Magik and Insane Machine
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